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ПУПР английского языка 4 курс 7 семестр 2 кредита 300 вопросов 1

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«ПУПР английского языка»

4 курс 7 семестр

2 кредита 300 вопросов

1.  Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “total”

А) целый

Б) продажа

В) средство

Г) маршрут

Д) черта

2. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “railroad”

А) железная дорога

Б) продажа

В) расписание

Г) стоимость

Д) автобус

3. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “percentage”

А) процент

Б) транспорт

В) доступный

Г) курсировать

Д) управлять

4. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “schedule”

А) расписание

Б) стремиться

В) дорога

Г) перевозить

Д) играть роль

5. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “entertainment”

А) развлечение

Б) график

В) удовольствие

Г) заменять

Д) черта

6. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “available”

А) доступный

Б) очевидный

В) несомненный

Г) успешный

Д) суммарный

7. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to transfer”

А) перемещать

Б) планировать

В) курсировать

Г) заменять

Д) совладать

8. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “apparent”

А) очевидный

Б) внутренний

В) дешевый

Г) дорогой

Д) ненужный

9. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “primarily”

А) главным образом

Б) железная дорога

В) стоимость проезда

Г) процентное отношение

Д) иметь в виду

10. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “freight”

А) фрахт

Б) движение

В) продажа

Г) развлечения

Д) сквозь

11. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “traffic”

А) транспорт

Б) успешный

В) наслаждение

Г) планирование

Д) стоимость

12. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “ to ply”

А) курсировать

Б) страдать

В) средство

Г) плата за проезд

Д) распространять

13. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to suffer”

А) страдать

Б) несомненный

В) доступный

Г) управление

Д) паром

14. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to handle”

А) управлять

Б) перевозить

В) воспользоваться чем-либо

Г) совладать

Д) замещать

15. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to aim at”

А) стремиться

Б) управлять

В) перевозить

Г) совладать

Д) замещать

16. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to play a part”

А) играть роль

Б) писать письмо

В) кушать яблоко

Г) играть в очередь

Д) смотреть расписание

17. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “successful”

А) успешный

Б) невезучий

В) приятный

Г) страшный

Д) чистый

18. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to take advantage of smth”

А) воспользоваться чем-либо

Б) получить удовольствие от чего-либо

В) разочароваться в чем-либо

Г) пострадать от чего-либо

Д) использовать что-то

19. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to cope with”

А) справляться с чем-либо

Б) курсировать где-то

В) копить что-то

Г) распоряжаться чем-либо

Д) заменять что-то

20. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “pleasure”

А) удовольствие

Б) процент

В) расписание

Г) паром

Д) маршрут

21. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “Abbreviation”

А) аббревиатура

Б) макулатура

В) режиссура

Г) магистратура

Д) атрибутика 

22. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “carrier”

А) перевозчик

Б) контролер

В) кассир

Г) бухгалтер

Д) носильщик

23. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “airline”

А) авиакомпания

Б) авиакасса

В) аэропорт

Г) путешествие

Д) воздуховод

24. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “scheduled airlines”

А) регулярные рейсы

Б) нерегулярные рейсы

В) специальные тарифы

Г) чартерные авиалинии

Д) коллективный тур

25. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “nonscheduled airlines”

А) нерегулярные рейсы

Б) регулярные рейсы

В) специальные тарифы

Г) чартерные авиалинии

Д) коллективный тур

26. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “inclusive tour”

А) коллективный тур

Б) нерегулярные рейсы

В) регулярные рейсы

Г) специальные тарифы

Д) чартерные авиалинии

27. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “charter airlines”

А) чартерные авиалинии

Б) коллективный тур

В) специальные тарифы

Г) нерегулярные рейсы

Д) регулярные рейсы

28. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “charter inclusive tour”

А) чартерный коллективный тур

Б) чартерная авиалиния

В) коллективный тур

Г) специальный тур

Д) регулярный рейс

29. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “seating capacity”

А) количество посадочных мест

Б) количество лежачих мест

В) количество курящих мест

Г) количество занятых мест

Д) количество пустующих мест

30. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “demand”

А) спрос

Б) выброс

В) запас

Г) расход

Д) подход

31. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “special fares”

А) специальные тарифы

Б) специальные замечания

В) специальные предложения

Г) специальные упражнения

Д) специальные документы

32. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “package tour”

А) поездка по туристической путевке

Б) поездка за город

В) поездка за чей-либо счет

Г) поездка на море

Д) поездка в заповедник

33. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “day coach”

А) сидячий вагон

Б) спальный вагон

В) купейный вагон

Г) плацкартный вагон

Д) вагон-ресторан

34. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to travel half fare”

А) ездить за полстоимости

Б) ездить за полную стоимость

В) ездить бесплатно

Г) ездить по талонам

Д) ездить в сопровождении

35. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “information office”

А) справочное бюро

Б) информационный офис

В) офис регистрации

Г) бюро находок

Д) бюро знакомств

36. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to change trains”

А) делать пересадку

Б) делать укладку

В) делать зарядку

Г) делать все наоборот

Д) делать назло 

37. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “fast train”

А) скорый поезд

Б) медленный поезд

В) почтовый поезд

Г) пассажирский поезд

Д) товарный поезд

38. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to look up trains”

А) смотреть расписание поездов

Б) заботиться о расписании поездов

В) пробиваться сквозь поезда

Г) идти по расписанию поездов

Д) получить расписание поездов

39. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “slow train”

А) поезд малой скорости

Б) скорый поезд

В) почтовый поезд

Г) пассажирский поезд

Д) товарный поезд

40. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “compartment car”

А) купейный вагон

Б) сидячий вагон

В) вагон-ресторан

Г) плацкартный вагон

Д) спальный вагон

41. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “car with reserved seats”

А) плацкартный вагон

Б) купейный вагон

В) сидячий вагон

Г) спальный вагон

Д) вагон-ресторан

42. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “dining car”

А) вагон-ресторан

Б) плацкартный вагон

В) спальный вагон

Г) сидячий вагон

Д) купейный вагон

43. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “sleeper”

А) спальный вагон

Б) плацкартный вагон

В) вагон-ресторан

Г) купейный вагон

Д) сидячий вагон

44. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “boarding card”

А) посадочный талон

Б) кредитная карта

В) бонусная карта

Г) призовая карта

Д) маршрутная карта

45. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “air hostess”

А) стюардесса

Б) проводница

В) матрос

Г) водитель

Д) официантка

46. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “non-stop flight”

А) беспосадочный полет

Б) пересадка

В) дозаправочный полет

Г) полет в один конец

Д) кругосветный полет

47. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “altitude”

А) высота

Б) широта

В) долгота

Г) длинна

Д) середина

48. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to take off”

А) взлетать

Б) приземляться

В) падать

Г) разбегаться

Д) выплывать

49. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “scales”

А) весы

Б) шкала

В) градусник

Г) градация

Д) линейка

50. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “row”

А) ряд

Б) место

В) весы

Г) маршрут

Д) дорога

51. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to be airsick”

А) страдать воздушной болезнью

Б) страдать морской болезнью

В) страдать клаустрофобией

Г) страдать от безделья

Д) страдать от молчания 

52. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to move”

А) двигаться

Б) лежать

В) прыгать

Г) спать

Д) бежать

53. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to delay”

А) откладывать

Б) подписывать

В) докладывать

Г) отпускать

Д) опрокидывать

54. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to announce”

А) объявлять

Б) говорить

В) кричать

Г) молчать

Д) откладывать

55. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “hand luggage”

А) ручной багаж

Б) маникюрный набор

В) чемодан

Г) рюкзак

Д) талон

56. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “cabin”

А) каюта

Б) комната

В) кухня

Г) подвал

Д) балкон

57. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “liner”

А) пассажирский пароход

Б) военный корабль

В) воздушный корабль

Г) почтовый вагон

Д) подводная лодка

58. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “gangway”

А) вход с трапа

Б) лоджия

В) ступень трапа

Г) порог

Д) потолок трапа

59. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to set a sail”

А) отплывать

Б) приплывать

В) плавать

Г) тонуть 

Д) терпеть крушение

60. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “rough sea”

А) бурное море

Б) спокойное море

В) доброе море

Г) безразличное море

Д) холодное море

61. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to call at a port”

А) зайти в порт

Б) забежать в порт

В) выйти из порта

Г) заснуть в порту

Д) остаться в порту

62. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to be seasick”

А) страдать морской болезнью

Б) страдать воздушной болезнью

В) страдать от сердечного приступа

Г) страдать от одиночества

Д) страдать от  тумана

63. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to go ashore”

А) сходить на берег

Б) не выходить из каюты

В) получать скидку

Г) прогуляться по палубе

Д) отправляться в плавание

64. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to get a discount”

А) получать скидку

Б) получить письмо

В) получить по заслугам

Г) получить приглашение

Д) получить деньги

65. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “state-room”

А) каюта-люкс

Б) салон

В) государственная комната

Г) квартира

Д) прогулочная палуба

66. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to keep to one’s cabin”

А) не выходить из каюты

Б) выходить из каюты

В) закрыть каюту

Г) открыть каюту

Д) жить в каюте

67. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “promenade deck”

А) прогулочная палуба

Б) посадочный талон

В) миграционная карта

Г) удостоверение личности

Д) таможенный контроль

68. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “life belt”

А) спасательный пояс

Б) жизненный круг

В) ремень безопасности

Г) туманный пояс

Д) кожаный ремень

69. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “on board a ship”

А) на борту корабля

Б) на борту самолета

В) в автомобиле

Г) на борту яхты

Д) на телеге

70. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “steward”

А) стюард

Б) капитан

В) пассажир

Г) бортпроводник

Д) таможенник 

71. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “calm sea”

А) спокойное море

Б) бурное море

В) теплое море

Г) холодное море

Д) глубокое море

72. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “to reserve a passage”

А) заказывать билет на пароход

Б) заказывать билет на самолет

В) заказывать билет поезд

Г) заказывать билет в театр

Д) заказывать билет  в цирк

73. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “lounge”

А) салон

Б) кафе

В) лагуна

Г) спальня

Д) кухня

74. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “deck”

А) палуба

Б) каюта

В) трюм

Г) док

Д) порт

75. Give the Russian equivalent for the following word “brochure”

А) брошюра

Б) книга

В) журнал

Г) сказка

Д) история

76. Choose correct variant of following sentence: Предъявите ваш посадочный талон.

А) Show your boarding card.

Б) Show your   ticket.

В) Step this way.

Г) Can you show us your passport?

Д) Show your credit card.

77. Choose correct variant of following sentence: Возьмите свой багаж.

А) Pick up your baggage.

Б) You have to check your baggage.

В) Put your baggage on the scale.

Г) Don't pick up your baggage.

Д) You have a great deal of baggage.

78. Choose correct variant of following sentence: Идите на таможенный контроль.

А) Walk through customs control.

Б) Go customs control.

В) You have to check this.

Г) Can you go to customs control?

Д) You have to pay the duty.

79. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Kак доехать до аэропорта?

А) How do I get to the airport?

Б) How am I go to the airport?

В) How go to the airport?

Г) Where is the airport?

Д) How to get to airport?

80. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Я хотел бы подтвердить бронирование.

А) I'd like to confirm my reservation

Б) I'd like to change my reservation

В) I want to cancel my reservation

Г) I like to delay my reservation
Д) I'd like a later reservation

81. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Где камера хранения?

А) Where is the baggage room?

Б) Where baggage room?

В) Can I take my baggage?

Г) Where is my baggage?

Д) Where is a trolley?

82. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Вы не могли вы отвезти меня на вокзал?

А) Could you take me to the railway station?

Б) Could you carry me to the railway station?

В) Can I get  to the railway station?

Г) Could you wait for me at the railway station?

Д) Could you tell me where is railway station?

83. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Есть расписание на летний сезон?

А) Is there a schedule for summer season?

Б) Is there  schedule  on summer season?

В) There is a schedule for summer season.

Г) Have  a schedule for summer season?

Д) Are there a schedule for summer season?

84. Choose correct answer to the following question: What part does transportation play in the tourism industry?

А) Transportation is an essential feature of tourism.

Б) Transportation is  unimportant part of tourism.

В) Transportation is not an essential feature of tourism.

Г) Transportation is a basic form of tourism.

Д) Transportation is a kind of room service.

85.  Choose correct answer to the following question: What is the Swedish board?

А) The guests come up to the Swedish board, take the snack-plates without waiting the waiters.

Б) The guests come up to the Swedish board and make orders without paying money .

В) The guests come up to the Swedish board to make reservations to the rooms.

Г) Swedish board is a kind of meal that is ordered apart.

Д) Swedish board is a transport service in the airport.

86. Choose correct answer to the following question: What does silver service mean?

А) A service where the food prepared in the kitchen is put on to silver plates.

Б) A service where a customer collects a tray from the service counter.

В) A service where the dishes served by a waiter from a trolley.

Г) A lover of good food.

Д) A catering service to a guest's room in a hotel.

87. Choose correct answer to the following question: What is McDonalds?

А) McDonalds is a joint Russian-Canadian restaurant.

Б) McDonalds is a joint Russian-Kazakhstan restaurant.

В) McDonalds is a kind of roll.

Г) McDonalds is a joint Russian-Canadian company.

Д) McDonalds is a dish.

88. Choose correct answer to the following question: What is the guerdon service?

А) The guerdon service is when the waiter has to cook specialty dishes at the table.

Б) The service where a customer collects a tray from the service counter.

В) The service where the dishes served by a waiter from a trolley.

Г) The catering service to a guest's room in a hotel.

Д) The lover of good food.

89. Choose correct answer to the following question: What type of service is called self-service?

А) A service where a customer collects a tray from the service counter.

Б) A service where the food prepared in the kitchen is put on to silver plates.

В) A catering service to a guest's room in a hotel.

Г) A service where the dishes served by a waiter from a trolley.

Д) A lover of good food.

90. Choose correct answer to the following question: Where does the chef work?

А) The chef works in a restaurant.

Б) The chef works at travel agency.

В) The chef works at check in desk.

Г) The chef works in a bank.

Д) The chef doesn't work.

91. Choose correct answer to the following question: What is the chef special?

А) It is a special dish .

Б) It is a kind of service.

В) It is a duty of chef.

Г) It is a type of hotel.

Д) It is a room service.

92. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Какое у вас фирменное блюдо?

А) What is your chefs speciality?

Б) What is your firm dish?

В) What is your main meal?

Г) What does your dish contain?

Д) Do you enjoy your meal?

93. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Кто заказывал салат?

А) Who ordered the salad?

Б) Who offered the salad?

В) Who did order salad?

Г) Who does order salad?

Д) Who did you order?

94. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Можно воды со льдом?

А) Could I have some iced water?

Б) Could  I drink iced water?

В) Could I   have coffee?

Г) Could I take iced water?

Д) Could 1 enjoy iced water?

95. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Я сейчас принесу ваше кофе.

А) I'll right back with your coffee

Б) I brought your coffee

В) Enjoy your coffee

Г) Could you bring coffee?

Д) I bring coffee

96. Choose correct variants of following sentence: В этом ресторане подают дорогие фирменные блюда и вина.

А) Chefs expensive speciality   and wine are served in this restaurant.

Б) Chefs expensive speciality  and wine serve in this restaurant.

В) Firm expensive meal   and wine are served in this restaurant.

Г) Chefs expensive specialities   and wine served in this restaurant.

Д) Chefs expensive meal   and wine are serving in this restaurant

97. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Это блюдо едят руками и без хлеба.

А) This dish   is eaten by hands and without bread.

Б) You eat this dish with hands and no bread.

В) This dish eat by hands and without a bread.

Г) This dish eats by hands and with bread.

Д) This dish eaten by hands and without bread.

98. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Банкеты организует и проводит отдел общественного питания ресторана.

А) Banquets are arranged and held by catering department of restaurant.

Б) Banquets arranged and hold by catering department of restaurant.

В) Banquets are arrange and hold by catering department of restaurant.

Г) Catering department of restaurant arrange and hold banquetes.

Д) Banquets  arrange and held  with catering department of restaurant.

99. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Помощники на кухне еще не почистили овощи для салата.

А) Kitchen helpers haven't peeled the vegetables for salad yet.

Б) Helper of kitchen didn't peel the vegetables for salad yet.

В) Kitchen helpers hasn't peeled the vegetables for salad yet.

Г) Kitchen helpers doesn't peel the vegetables for salad yet.

Д) Kitchen helpers don't peeled the vegetables for salad yet.

100. Choose correct variants of following sentence: Можно нам оставить чаевые на столе?

А) Can we leave tip on the table?

Б) Must we leave tip on the table?

В) Should we leave tip on the table?

Г) May we leave tip on the table?

Д) Are we leave tip on the table?

101. Fill in the blank with the proper personal pronoun: I’ve written to……. .

А) her

Б) some

В) myself

Г) our

Д) a lot of
102. Fill in the blank with the proper personal pronoun: Can you see ….. ?

А) it

Б) one

В) each other

Г) what

Д) any
103. Fill in the blank with the proper personal pronoun: They are waiting for ….. .

А) us

Б) yourself

В) one another

Г) whom

Д) some
104. Fill in the blank with the proper personal pronoun:  …… met Sally yesterday afternoon.

А) we

Б) my

В) no

Г) our

Д) your
105. Fill in the blank with the proper personal pronoun: How far is …… from Paris to Madrid?

А) it

Б) itself

В) anybody

Г) something

Д) many
106. Fill in the blank with the proper personal pronoun: ……’m going to the cinema.

А) I

Б) Your

В) Him

Г) Few

Д) Our
107. Fill in the blank with the proper personal pronoun: Have you seen ……?

А) him

Б) yourself

В) what

Г) each other

Д) none
108. Fill in the blank with the proper personal pronoun: …..  gave the books to the boy.

А) He

Б) Our

В) Few

Г) What

Д) Some
109. Fill in the blank with the proper personal pronoun:  …. worked hard at history.

А) She

Б) Your

В) Which

Г) Themselves

Д) Each other
110. Fill in the blank with the proper personal pronoun: The teacher is helping …… to translate the article.

А) them

Б) herself

В) nobody

Г) our

Д) how
111. Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: … pencil is on the table.

А) My

Б) You

В) Me

Г) Each other

Д) Myself

112. Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: He gave me ….. address.

А) his

Б) itself

В) one another

Г) that

Д) which

113. Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: Where is …. red box?

А) her

Б) she

В) everybody

Г) some

Д) any

114. Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: …… elder brother lives in Astana.

А) His

Б) Some

В) None

Г) That

Д) Where

115. Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: This book is …. .

А) mine

Б) myself

В) each

Г) all

Д) both

116. Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: I have broken … hand.

А) my

Б) oneself

В) anybody

Г) these

Д) many

117. Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: She has lost …. patience

А) her

Б) he

В) them

Г) all

Д) everything

118. Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: That girl in the corner is ….  sister

А) their

Б) somebody

В) anything

Г) both

Д) yourself

119. Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: I haven’t got a dictionary. Can you give me …..?

А) yours

Б) you

В) I

Г) them

Д) it

120. Fill in the blank with the proper possessive pronoun: They gave us … books

А) their

Б) our

В) himself

Г) one another

Д) he

121. Fill in the blank with the proper reflexive pronouns: Don’t hurt ……., Peter!

А) yourself

Б) him

В) me

Г) some

Д) each other

122. Fill in the blank with the proper reflexive pronouns: Don’t hurt ……, my friends!

А) yourselves

Б) one another

В) somebody

Г) everything

Д) nothing

123. Fill in the blank with the proper reflexive pronouns: He defended …… bravely.

А) himself

Б) her

В) my

Г) our

Д) any

124. Fill in the blank with the proper reflexive pronouns: She hates ….. .

А) herself

Б) mine

В) theirs

Г) them

Д) each other

125. Fill in the blank with the proper reflexive pronouns: He bought … a new coat.

А) himself

Б) mine

В) her

Г) our

Д) some

126. Fill in the blank with the proper reflexive pronouns: She spoke very little of ….. .

А) herself

Б) everything

В) nothing

Г) one another

Д) somebody

127. Fill in the blank with the proper reflexive pronouns: I’m not pleased with … .

А) myself

Б) that

В) those

Г) which

Д) where

128. Fill in the blank with the proper reflexive pronouns:  You said it …. .

А) yourself

Б) everybody

В) something

Г) nothing

Д) anything

129. Fill in the blank with the proper reflexive pronouns: They did so ……. .

А) themselves

Б) everybody

В) something

Г) anybody

Д) nothing

130. Fill in the blank with the proper reflexive pronouns: I taught ….. to play the guitar.

А) myself

Б) me

В) her

Г) somebody

Д) anything

131. Fill in the blank with the proper reciprocal pronoun: They have known ….. for two year.

А) each other

Б) somebody

В) anything

Г) everybody

Д) nothing

132. Fill in the blank with the proper reciprocal pronoun: They often see ….. .

А) one another

Б) somebody

В) everything

Г) anyone

Д) nobody

133. Fill in the blank with the proper reciprocal pronoun: They are good friends. They like … very much.

А) each other

Б) anyone

В) somebody

Г) nothing

Д) everything

134. Fill in the blank with the proper reciprocal pronoun: Mike and Sue phone … every evening.

А) each other

Б) everything

В) nothing

Г) somebody

Д) anyone

135. Fill in the blank with the proper reciprocal pronoun: My husband and I first met … on holiday.

А) each other

Б) somebody

В) anything

Г) everybody

Д) nothing

136. Fill in the blank with the proper reciprocal pronoun:  We lost ….. in the deep darkness.

А) one another

Б) everything

В) something

Г) nowhere

Д) somehow

137. Fill in the blank with the proper reciprocal pronoun: We didn’t expect that from … .

А) one another

Б) somehow

В) anywhere

Г) yourself

Д) themselves

138. Fill in the blank with the proper reciprocal pronoun: We can’t separate from … .

А) one another

Б) itself

В) something

Г) nowhere

Д) anybody

139. Fill in the blank with the proper reciprocal pronoun: They help to … .

А) each other

Б) herself

В) me

Г) nothing

Д) you

140. Fill in the blank with the proper reciprocal pronoun: They didn’t see … for a long period of time.

А) each other

Б) myself

В) herself

Г) something

Д) anywhere

141. Fill in the blank with the proper demonstrative pronoun:  He lives in … house.

А) that

Б) your

В) his

Г) mine

Д) what

142. Fill in the blank with the proper demonstrative pronoun:  … young man is my brother.

А) This

Б) Your

В) Her

Г) Some

Д) No

143. Fill in the blank with the proper demonstrative pronoun: … cigarettes are not so good.

А) These

Б) This

В) What

Г) Where

Д) Which

144. Fill in the blank with the proper demonstrative pronoun: Do you know … man?

А) that

Б) those

В) these

Г) how

Д) what

145. Fill in the blank with the proper demonstrative pronoun: I shall go to the south … summer.

А) this

Б) those

В) these

Г) which

Д) any

146. Fill in the blank with the proper demonstrative pronoun: … is my dictionary and … are yours.


Б) This/that

В) Some/any

Г) No/none

Д) All/both

147. Fill in the blank with the proper demonstrative pronoun: At … moment I heard a noise in the hall.

А) that

Б) those

В) these

Г) what

Д) how

148. Fill in the blank with the proper demonstrative pronoun: The price of tin is higher than … of copper.

А) that

Б) some

В) any

Г) either

Д) both

149. Fill in the blank with the proper demonstrative pronoun: … woman is my wife.

А) This

Б) Those

В) These

Г) Your

Д) Mine

150. Fill in the blank with the proper demonstrative pronoun: … flowers are given to me by a stranger.

А) These

Б) That

В) This

Г) Some

Д) No

151. Fill in the blank with the proper interrogative pronoun: … came here yesterday?

А) Who

Б) What

В) Which

Г) Where

Д) Whom

152. Fill in the blank with the proper interrogative pronoun: … is that boy?

А) Who

Б) Which

В) When

Г) Where

Д) How

153. Fill in the blank with the proper interrogative pronoun: … metal is heavier: copper or iron?

А) Which

Б) Where

В) When

Г) How

Д) Did

154. Fill in the blank with the proper interrogative pronoun: … has happened?

А) What

Б) Which

В) Where

Г) Some

Д) Any

155. Fill in the blank with the proper interrogative pronoun: … are you speaking of?

А) Who

Б) Where

В) All

Г) Either

Д) Neither

156. Fill in the blank with the proper interrogative pronoun: To … did you show the letter?

А) whom

Б) anything

В) none

Г) both

Д) either

157. Fill in the blank with the proper interrogative pronoun: With … did he come yesterday?

А) whom

Б) somebody

В) nothing

Г) you

Д) yourself

158. Fill in the blank with the proper interrogative pronoun: … has taken my pencil?

А) Who

Б) Which

В) What

Г) How

Д) Where

159. Fill in the blank with the proper interrogative pronoun: … student of your group works hardest of all?

А) Which

Б) How

В) Where

Г) When

Д) None

160. Fill in the blank with the proper interrogative pronoun: … do you prefer to learn: English or French?

А) Which

Б) Where

В) When

Г) How

Д) None

161. Fill in the blank with the proper relative pronoun: The man … is sitting next to the girl is my teacher.

А) who

Б) your

В) me

Г) our

Д) any

162. Fill in the blank with the proper relative pronoun: There is the man … we saw in the park yesterday.

А) whom

Б) what

В) which

Г) when

Д) where

163. Fill in the blank with the proper relative pronoun: That is not … I want.

А) what

Б) where

В) when

Г) any

Д) some

164. Fill in the blank with the proper relative pronoun: I said nothing, … made him still more angry.

А) which

Б) how

В) none

Г) either

Д) neither

165. Fill in the blank with the proper relative pronoun: We saw a mountain … top was covered with snow.

А) whose

Б) any

В) both

Г) all

Д) each

166. Fill in the blank with the proper relative pronoun: He came to see me off, … was very kind of him.

А) which

Б) when

В) how

Г) you

Д) mine

167. Fill in the blank with the proper relative pronoun: These are the words … you mispronounce.

А) which

Б) when

В) how

Г) any

Д) some

168. Fill in the blank with the proper relative pronoun: The man … has written this article is my friend.

А) who

Б) none

В) some

Г) each

Д) every

169. Fill in the blank with the proper relative pronoun: That is not …. I really mean.

А) what

Б) some

В) both

Г) all

Д) every

170. Fill in the blank with the proper relative pronoun:  This is not the letter … they refer to.

А) which

Б) none

В) my

Г) her

Д) theirs

171. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: He asked me … questions.

А) some

Б) your

В) our

Г) her

Д) something

172. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: He asked whether I had … books on computers.

А) any

Б) them

В) what

Г) each

Д) how

173. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: have you got … interesting books?

А) any

Б) you

В) him

Г) us

Д) its

174. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: Give me … water, please!

А) some

Б) everything

В) somebody

Г) nothing

Д) neither of

175. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: Why didn’t you buy … cheese?

А) some

Б) no

В) us

Г) their

Д) yours

176. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: … of my friends can speak two foreign languages.

А) Some

Б) What

В)  This

Г) One another

Д) Ourselves

177. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: Have you bought … sugar?

А) any

Б) my

В) our

Г) us

Д) her

178. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: I want … paper.

А) some

Б) she

В) they

Г) him

Д) mine

179. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: You may come at … time convenient to you.

А) any

Б) us

В) our

Г) them

Д) their

180. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: I want some matches. Have you got … ?

А) any

Б) my

В) me

Г) we

Д) you

181. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: … is knocking at the door.

А) Somebody

Б) Each other

В) Himself

Г) Yourself

Д) What

182. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: Give me … to read.

А) something

Б) somebody

В) someone

Г) anybody

Д) both

183. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: There isn’t … there.

А) anybody

Б) none

В) each

Г) every

Д) both

184. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: There isn’t … in the box.

А) anything

Б) what

В) where

Г) which

Д) each other

185. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: … has taken my book.

А) Somebody

Б) Both

В) Themselves

Г) Yourself

Д) One another

186. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: I have … tickets.

А) no

Б) my

В) her

Г) she

Д) its

187. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: I have … time to help you today.

А) no

Б) my

В) her

Г) she

Д) its

188. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: I didn’t find … mistakes in the work.

А) any

Б) her

В) his

Г) your

Д) mine

189. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: … steamer has left the port yet.

А) No

Б) My

В) Her

Г) His

Д) Theirs

190. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: You may play … you like.

А) anything

Б) themselves

В) each other

Г) one another

Д) yourselves

191.Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: Have you … work to do?

А) much

Б) both

В) all

Г) mine

Д) your

192.Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: I haven’t … French books.

А) many

Б) both

В) all

Г) mine

Д) your

193.Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: Do you spend … time on your home work?

А) much

Б) both

В) your

Г) all

Д) mine

194.Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: Has he … friends in Astana?

А) many

Б) your

В) both

Г) all

Д) mine

195.Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: I have very … time now.

А) little

Б) few

В) both

Г) all

Д) either

196.Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: There were very … people there.

А) few

Б) neither

В) something

Г) nothing

Д) anybody

197.Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: Please, give me … water!

А) a little

Б) each other

В) both of

Г) everything

Д) nobody

198.Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: I have … books on this subject.

А) a few

Б) every

В) each

Г) his

Д) their

199.Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: Take … of the books. I don’t mind which.

А) either

Б) mine

В) his

Г) yours

Д) them

200. Fill in the blank with the proper indefinite pronoun: … of the statements is true.

А) Neither

Б) What

В) Yourself

Г) These

Д) Which

201. Complete the sentence using suitable adjective form: The hotel is …  than all the others in town.

А) cheaper

Б) cheap

В) cheapest

Г) the most cheap

Д) the cheapest

202. Find the right variant: ... you at school yesterday?—Yes, I...

А)Was / was.

Б)Was / were.

В)Were / were.

Г)Am / is.

Д) Were / was.

203. Choose the best alternative.' ... '     'No, she's out.'

А) Is your mother at home?

Б) Your mother is at home?

В) Is at home your mother?

Г) Are your mother at home?

Д) Does your mother at home?

204. Make a question using the passive voice: I don't understand the word. How…………….?

А) Нow is the word pronounced?

Б) How is being the word pronounced?

В) How does the word pronounce?

Г) How the word pronounces?

Д) How are the word pronouncing?

205. Which of the following adverbs has suffix - er in the comparative degree?

А) early

Б) sometimes

В) often

Г) usually

Д) seldom

206. Find the right variant: You needn't... Mike.

А) speak to

Б) say to

В) told

Г) spoke to

Д) said to

207. Choose the correct answer: On Saturday afternoon the most important……………take place: football, rugby, etc.

А) sporting events

Б) swimming competitions

В) singing competitions

Г) festivals

Д)   celebrations

208. Fill in a suitable word: The region of Great Lakes is the system of five ....

А) lakes

Б) canyons

В) seas

Г) rivers

Д) plains

209. Choose the right article, if it is necessary. Lion does it with………….pleasure.


Б) The

В) In

Г) At

Д) А

210. Find the right variant: If you come back at 10, I ... still be working:

А) shall

Б) am

В) was

Г) did

Д) were

211. Complete the sentence: The building ... last year.

А) Was built

Б) Are building

В) Built

Г) Were built

Д) Build

212. Choose the right variant. .You have to support your children ...?:

А) haven't  you

Б) did you

В)isn't  you

Г) have you

Д)  don't  you

213. Complete the sentence: People ... to drive more carefully.

А) Ought

Б) Must


Г) May

Д)  Would

214. Complete the sentence: Who are ... people over there?

А) those

Б) that

В) the

Г) this

Д) them

215.Choose the right number: There are English books on (2) shelve of my bookcase.

А) the second

Б) two

В) the first

Г) the fifth

Д) the third

216. Find the right variant: "14/10"

А) The fourteenth of October.

Б) The fourteen October.

В) The fourteenth October.

Г) The fourteen of October.

Д) The October and fourteen.

217. Choose the best alternative. Look...! There is a car coming.

А) at
Б) out
В) for

Г) through

Д) in

218. Choose the correct answer. He seemed rather bored throughout the play, or the plot was………dramatic to be taken seriously by a realistic person………him.

А) too / like

Б) just/ for

В) more / than

Г) very / as

Д) so / as

219. Choose the correct variant. "I'll come again next year," I've told them.:

А) I've told them I would come again next year.

Б) I've told them I come again next year.

В) I've told them I'll come again next year.

Г) I've told them I've come again next year.

Д) I've told them I'll be coming again next year.

220.Find the right variant: You can do it when you ... time.
А) will have

Б) has

В) don't have

Г) have
Д) had

221. Choose the right variant. People of Kazakhstan elect their president once in ...years:

А)  7

Б)  4

В)  3

Г) 10

Д) 15

222. Choose the correct word: Ivy League Universities are the oldest and they have the long established …. .

А) traditions

Б) teaching staff

В) buildings

Г) students

Д) examinations

223. What do you say in these situations? Use suitable adjective form and the words in brackets: You are talking to a friend about Mary. Mary is very patient. You tell your friend about her: (patient/' person/ meet).

А) She is the most patient person I've ever met

Б) She isn't patient person I've ever met

В) She is more patient person I've ever met

Г) She is the more patient person I've ever met

Д) She is most patient person I've ever met

224.Choose the right article: I thought I take a look at …………British Museum.

А) The

Б) That

В) This

Г) Any

Д)  An

225. Choose the right variant: She went to the cinema after she ... had dinner.

А) Had

Б) Will have

В) Have

Г) Has

Д) Was had

226. Choose the right answer in a possessive case: Where is your……….umbrella?

А) Father's

Б) Fathers's

В) Fathers

Г) Fathers'

Д) Father

227.Choose the best alternative. There ... a comfortable chair in the room.

А) is

Б) were

В) are

Г) be

Д) am

228. Find the right variant: …… two books on the table.:

А) There are

Б) There is

В) It are

Г) It is

Д) There was

229.Ask about glass in passive voice using the given words: How/ make?

А) How is the glass made?

Б) How had the glass made?

В) How were the glass made?

Г) How are the glass made?

Д) How was the glass made?

230. Find the right variant: There is ... place like home!

А) No

Б) None

В) Not a

Г) Not

Д) Nothing

231. Choose the right variant. Who is the head of the state in Britain? :

А) Queen

Б) Prime Minister

В) Speaker

Г) Mayor

Д) Senator

232. Choose the right variant. The capital of the USA is ...:

А)  Washington

Б) Philadelphia

В) New York

Г) Boston

Д) London

233.  Fill in a suitable word: When the lunch bell …everything becomes so awful and pupils so noisy.

А) rings

Б) scrambles

В) mews

Г) rattles

Д) runs

234.Choose the correct article. He bought ...few books yesterday and I bought 2 ones:

А) -

Б) a

В) an

Г) any

Д) the

235. .Find the right variant: When I came to my friend's place , he ... watching TV:

А) Was

Б) Am

В) Is

Г) Are

Д) Were

236. Choose the right variant: Our tests ……..by our teacher yesterday.

А) Weren't checked up

Б) Aren't checked up

В) Isn't checked up

Г) Am not checked up

Д)  Wasn't checked up

237. Complete the sentence: It was so dark, we ... see nothing.

А) Could

Б) May

В) Might

Г) Must

Д) Can

238. Choose the correct answer: When Peter was a boy, he ... swim very well.

А) Couldn't

Б) Can’t

В) Wasn't able

Г) Wouldn't

Д)  Will not

239. Complete the sentence: ... students study French at the University.

  1.  Some

Б) Any

В) Anywhere

Г) Anybody

Д)  Nobody

240.Choose the right number: There are (14) schools in our town.
А) fourteen

Б) three

В) two

Г) five

Д) one

241.Choose the right variant: The house was constructed in the ... century.

А)  Nineteenth

Б) Nineties

В) Nineteen

Г) Ninety

Д) Nine

242. Choose the best alternative. The driver was drunk, so everyone blamed him ... the accident.

А) for

Б) on

В) an

Г) with

Д) at

243. Choose the right variant: I met my ... friend yesterday.

  1.   Best

Б) Gooder

В) Better

Г) The best

Д) Goodest

244.Choose the right variant: It's the ... job he's ever had to do.

  1.  Worst

Б) Worse

В) Badly

Г) As bad as

Д)  Bad

245. Choose the correct variant. "I'm not feeling very well," Sam says. :

А) Sam says he wasn't feeling very well.

Б) Sam says he haven't feeling very well.

В) Sam says he isn't feeling very well.

Г) Sam says he hasn't feeling very well.

Д) Sam says he hadn't feeling very well.

246. Choose the correct variant. Tourists ...come to Scotland enjoy visiting Loch Ness.:

  1.   who

Б) whom

В) when

Г) which

Д) where

247. Choose the right variant. What is the population of Kazakhstan? :

А) 16,000,000

Б) 50,000,000

В) 100,000,000

Г) 3,000,000

Д) 20,000,000

248. Choose the right variant of Possessive case in the Plural

  1.  Waiters' duties

Б) Tourist's ticket

В) Owners's candles

Г) Traveller's violin

Д) Newcomers's things

249.Choose the right answer. -Tourist: "How do I get to………. Oxford Street?"

-Londoner: "Walk to the end of…………Regent Street and you are in……………. Oxford Street."

А)  -\ -\ -

Б) The\ The\ For

В) -\ In\ The

Г) An\ A\ The

Д) -\ -\ Any

250. Choose the right variant: I asked him whether he……..to stay there long.

А) Was going

Б) Has gone

В) Were going

Г) Goes

Д) Is going

251. Choose the article, if it is necessary. We often go to the river in……summer.

  1.  -

Б) A

В) Any

Г) Some

Д) The

252. Choose the correct answer: She…..sixteen last year

  1.  Was

Б) Will be

В) Are

Г) Has been

Д) Is

253. Complete the sentence: Lena ... English lessons every day.

А)  Has

Б) Is having

В) Are having

Г) Having

Д) Have

254. Choose the correct answer: Choose the word that does not belong to colours:

  1.   clean

Б) red

В) blue

Г) black

Д) brown

255. Find the correct variant: Where do you take book?

  1.   At the library

Б) In the park

В) At the museum

Г) At the station

Д) At home

256. Choose the correct item: Every year the anniversary of W. Shakespeare is celebrated in ... А) Stratford-upon-Avon

Б) Manchester

В) Brooklyn

Г) Liverpool

Д) London

257. Complete the sentence using modal verb: When we went into the house, we…..smell burning.

A) could

Б) are able to

В) must

Г) can

Д) need

258. Fill in a suitable word: … are earned by attending lectures (or lab, classes) and by completing tasks and examinations.

  1.  credits

Б) payment

В) prices

Г) fees

Д) money

259. Complete the sentence using suitable adjective form: It was an awful day. It was ………..day of my life.

А) the worst

Б) bad

В) worse

Г) more bad

Д) the most bad

260.Choose the article, if it is necessary. At…….dinner everybody was silent.

  1.  -

Б) Any

В) An

Г) Some

Д) These

261. Choose the correct variant. In spite ...very generous to other people, he is strict with me.:

  1.   оf  being

Б) he has been

В) being

Г) have being

Д) for being

262.Write a passive sentence: They cancelled all flights because of fog.

  1.  All flights were cancelled because of fog.

Б) They are canceling all flights because of fog.

В) All flights was cancelled because of fog.

Г) All flights are being cancelled because of fog.

Д)  All flights are cancelled because of fog.

263. Write the sentence using modal verb: Perhaps she isn't working today.

А) She mightn't be working today.

Б) She can't be working today.

В) She isn't working today.

Г) She isn't need working today.

Д) She mustn't working today.

264. Choose the right variant: You ... help your mother about the house, it's your duty.

  1.  Must

Б) Can

В) Might

Г) Would

Д) May

265. Choose the right variant: Take……..bags into the kitchen.

  1.   these

Б) they

В) that

Г) this

Д) it

266. Choose the right variant of the year nineteen fifty-seven.
А) 1957

Б) 1975

В) 1955

Г) 1956

Д) 1959

267. Choose the right number: He lives on (7) floor.

А) the seventh

Б) seven

В) the fourth

Г) the sixth

Д) the fifth

268. Choose the right variant: She looks……..passengers.

  1.  after

Б) to

В) on

Г) in

Д) by

269. Choose the right variant: He doesn't do………..at his English.

  1.  Well

Б) Good

В) Best

Г) The best

Д) The better

270. Choose the correct answer. If someone……….into the store smile and say, 'May I help you?'


Б) would come

В) could come

Г) came

Д) will come

271. Choose the right form of the verb: If the North Sea ... in winter, you could walk from London to Oslo.

 А) froze

Б) was

В) is

Г) were

Д) are

272. Choose the right variant. Astana, the Capital of Kazakhstan is situated on the ...river:

А) Esil

Б) Syr-Darya

В) Thames

Г) Irtish

Д) Lena

273. What do you say in these situations? Use suitable adjective form and the words in brackets: You decided to give up your job. Now you think this was a bad mistake. You say to your friend: (bad/ mistake/ make)

  1.   It was the worst mistake I've ever made.

Б) It was the bad mistake I've ever made.

  1.   It was worse mistake I've ever made.

Г) It was worst mistake I've ever made.

Д) It was bad mistake I've ever made.

274. Choose the correct variant. We expected her ...on time. :

 А) coming

Б) to come.

В) on coming

Г) comes.

Д) come

275. Complete the sentence: This play ... by Shakespeare.

  1.   Was written.

Б) Are writing.

В) Has been written.

Г) Is writing.

Д) As being written.

276.  Choose the correct answer: I … got any sisters.

  1.   Haven't

Б) Hasn't

В) Am not

Г) Won't

Д) Didn't

277. Choose the best alternative. What... you doing at 5 o'clock yesterday?

А) were

Б) are

В) was

Г) aren't

Д) is

278.  Complete the sentence using modal verb: Sandra … drive but she hasn't got a car.

  1.   can

Б) could

В) might

Г) are able to

Д) was able to

279. Complete the sentence: In winter the days are ... than in autumn:

  1.   Shorter

Б) The shortest

В) The shorter

Г) Short

Д) Shortest

280. Which of the following adverbs has suffix - er in the comparative degree?
А) high

Б) bad

В) good

Г) student

Д) study

281. Find the correct answer: 'Can I help you?' ....

  1.   Yes, please.

Б) That's nothing.

В) I am not free.

Г) I haven't got any money.

Д) Not at all.

282. Choose the correct word: The British Isles consist of two main…: Great Britain and Ireland.

  1.   islands

Б) cities

В) rivers

Г) continents

Д) lands

283. Choose the right variant. The president of the USA lives and works in ...:

А) The White House

Б) The Lincoln Memorial

В) Kremlin

Г) The Houses of Parliament

Д) The Capitol

284. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position: A beautiful table (wooden/ round)

А) a beautiful round wooden table

Б) a beautiful table wooden round

В) a wooden round beautiful table

Г) a round beautiful wooden table

Д) a table beautiful wooden round

285. Complete the sentence using suitable adjective form: He's a very rich man. He's one….the world.

  1.   of the richest men in

Б) of the richer men in

В) of the richer man in

Г) of richer men in

Д) of the richest man in

286. Choose the right article: This is….lamp.

  1.   A

Б) An

В) That

Г) Any

Д) This

287. Find the right variant: …. two hours to get there.

А) It took me

Б) It me took

В) I take

Г) There took me

Д) Me took

288. Put the right verb in the passive voice:  A mystery is something that can't….. .

  1.   be explained

Б) explain

В) to be explained

Г) will be explained

Д) explains

289. Choose the right variant. Sam had to take his exam one more time, ...?:

А) didn't he

Б) hadn't them

В) did he

Г) had he

Д) hadn't he

290. Choose the right variant: ….were you speaking to?

А) Who

Б) Whose

В) Where

Г) What

Д) Which

291. Choose the right number: He remembered the words of (5) lesson very well.
А) the fifth

Б) eleven

В) six

Г) twenty

Д) twelve

292. Choose the right variant: He likes playing football…his sons…weekends.

А) with/at

Б) with/in

В) to/at

Г) for/in

Д) to/on

293. Choose the correct answer. She seems so offended by his remarks that she probably….him as long as she……… .

А) won't forgive / lives

Б) wouldn't forgive / was living

В) didn't forgive / lived

Г) doesn't forgive / will live.

Д) hasn't forgiven / has lived

294. Choose the correct answer. If the machine breaks down, we'll have to finish the job…. .

  1.   manually

Б) mechanically

В) wisely

Г) verbally

Д) spontaneously

295. Fill in a suitable word: Most parents choose to send their children to free….schools financed from public funds.

А) state

Б) public

В) religious

Г) municipal

Д) private

296. Choose the answer with the articles: ….other great rivers belongs to tropical Africa:….Niger in…north,…Congo in … west.

А) The\ The\ The\ The\ The

Б) -\ A\ -\ A\ A

В) A\ A\ A\ A\ A

Г) -\ -\ -\ -\ -

Д) A\ A -\ A\ -

297. Complete the sentence: He has just ... the first part of the poem.

А) Finished

Б) Finishes

В) Are finishing

Г) Is finishing

Д) To finish

298.  Choose the right variant: By the time we came back, the house ... by an American.

А) Had been bought

Б) Was bought

В) Will been bought

Г) Bought

Д) Is bought

299.  Choose the correct answer:  … he  … any lessons today?

А) Has/got

Б) Is/have

В) Did / had

Г) Do/have

Д) Will/got

300. Choose the correct answer: You have got a lot of work to do, ……?

А) Haven't you

Б) Hasn't you

В) Will you

Г) Do you

Д) Did you

1. 76 - Договор хранения
2. Контрольная работа 6 Вариант Номера задач
3. Тема сегодняшней игры животный мир Земли
4. Особливості фінансування бюджетних установ та організацій в Україні
5. Реферат по історії України
6. Лабораторна робота 2 Дослідження залежності електропровідності напівпровідників від температури і виз
7. Методи фінансової діяльності держави
8. Квинт Телеперм Теплоник Саргон и др
9. Ознайомитись із конструкцією приймача тонального вибіркового виклику; 2 Вивчити порядок і принцип роб
10. реферату- Доходи бюджету УкраїниРозділ- Державне регулювання Доходи бюджету України Загальна сума доході