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Делового иностранного языка МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ УКАЗАНИЯ По выполнению контрольной рабо

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Сервиса и экономики

Кафедра «Делового иностранного языка»


По выполнению контрольной  работ по дисциплине

«Иностранный язык»

для студентов специальности  060400, 060500, 061100, 060800, 061500, 060808, 351400



Методические указания по выполнению контрольной работ по дисциплине «Иностранный язык (английский № 1, № 2, № 3, № 4)» для студентов специальности 060400, 060500, 061100, 060800, 061500, 060808, 351400– СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУСЭ, 2006. -  с.

Составители: д. п. н., проф. И. А. Бисько

Асс. М.И. Соколова

                        Асс. Рождественская Н.Г.

Издательский Центр «Сервис»

Санкт-Петербургская государственный университет сервиса и экономики

2006 г.

Методические указания к контрольной работе по дисциплине иностранный язык «Английский»

Письменная контрольная работа по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» (английский), выполняемая студентами заочной формы обучения, предусмотрена учебным планом СПбГУСЭ.  Данная дисциплина  призвана обеспечить современный   квалификационный уровень специалиста, способного владеть иностранным языком для общения на бытовую тематику, делового  общения и извлечения информации профессионального  назначения и  зарубежных  печатных источников. Целью выполнения контрольных заданий является самостоятельное приобретение и углубление знаний студентами в  области  иностранного языка, их знакомство с основными элементами лексико-грамматической моделью английского  языка. Кроме того, контрольная работа является одним из  видов контроля кафедры качества знаний студентов, изучающих данную дисциплину.

Требования к оформлению и сроки  выполнения контрольных работ

Контрольная работа должна иметь титульный лист, нумерацию страниц, список использованной литературы, в конце работы дату  ее выполнения и личную подпись студента.

Контрольная работа  должна быть написана  четким, понятным  почерком, без исправлений.

На  страницах работы следует оставить поля (3 см) для замечаний проверяющего преподавателя.

Контрольная работа № l

Задание №1

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глагол в одном из следующий времен: Present

Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple.

Jason is not coming with us this evening.

What does this sign mean?

We usually meet at the sports centre every Monday afternoon.

I promise, I will come to you place next Sunday.

John and Mary are playing chess at the moment.

Задание №2

Исправьте грамматические ошибки в предложениях:

Steve is fishing tomorrow.

I visit my grandparents every week.

3. Will you clean the carpet, please.

Peter is looking for a new house these days.

Do you believe this information?

Задание №3

Составьте предложения из следующих групп слов:

Are you going to attend the conference on marketing?

He often does not ask his secretary for a coffee.

He is making an appointment the phone now.

He is leaving for Brussels on business.

Nobody wants to work extra hours.

Задание № 4

Выберите правильную форму глагола:

Mary met her husband while she worked/ was working/used to work in
the States.

Last month the company cancelled/ was canceling/ used to cancel three
major orders.

The government provided/were providing/ used to provide much more
help for disabled people than they do now.

Задание № 5

Переведите на английский язык:

Вчера он был очень занят. Он пошел в банк поменять деньги. Когда он выходил из банка, у него зазвонил мобильный телефон. Звонил клиент, Чтобы пригласить на бизнес-ланч. Он поблагодарил клиента и принял приглашение.

Yesterday he was very busy. He went to the bank to exchange money. When he was leaving the bank, his telephone rang. A client called to ask him for a business-lunch. He thanked the client and accepted the invitation.

Задание № 6

Переведите на русский язык:

Франция не такая большая как Канада.

Их машина в два раза дороже нашей.

Отель Парк не такой дорогой как Плаза.

Отель Кинг Джордж самый недорогой из всех.

Сейчас намного больше людей открывают своё дело.

Позвони мне, если тебе понадобится дальнейшая информация.

Этот документ даже более ценный, чем этот.

Эти партнеры самые ненадежные из всех, которые у меня были.

Задание № 7

Раскройте скобки, поставив прилагательные в нужную степень


Не is a far more intelligent person than the previous personal manager.

The more we go into the matter, the much complex it becomes.

The local wages are a bit higher then they used to be two previous years.

His last business trip was the most successful of all.

Reliable quality is as essential for customers as low prices.

Задание № 8

Переведите предложения на английский язык.

This problem is much more important than the one that we discussed yesterday.

Nowadays the sales volume is decreasing rapidly, so our company is trying to find new and more perspective outlets.

While the sales manager was waiting for a phone call, clients confirmed the order by the fax.

Задание № 9

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к тексту.


The great advantage of globalization is that it increases competition. Companies and firms have to order their affairs carefully so that they compete in a global market. But that is outweighed by a large number of disadvantages.

The first one is that it hurts the local government's ability to deal with issues like welfare benefits, wages and taxes mainly because the corporation is able to say to the British Government or to the French Government or to the American Government, "Look unless you lower your taxes on us, we'll be moving off to South East Asia or Latin America", and so on. And so it takes out of the hands of the government the ability to control their own welfare system and provide a decent infrastructure for their people. Now this is not so bad as long as there is some negotiation between governments and companies. But more and more in recent years, companies have started to rule the roost. There is an opinion that the corporation is the most important institution in our lives. They can now dictate to governments and some kind of give-and-take between governments and corporations is of great importance.

Another problem is one of unemployment in the Western world. As companies want to improve their profitability, they are going to be looking for the low-cost, low-wage centres. And we're just about to see a major change in the global economy, bесаusе of the addition of China and India to the global labour market. There are great advantages in this but there are a lot of problems as well because China and India are going to provide a skilled population. Also, they are going to provide fairly good infrastructures for the companies that are going to go out there. So we are going to see a flight of capital from the West which is going to be sudden and dramatic. If this is too sudden and is not managed properly we could find very severe employment problems in the Western world.

Nowadays more and more companies are struggling to become global. But being a global company means not only the improvement but also problems. Fortune Garments, one of Hong Kong's oldest trading groups, which makes high quality clothing, has become global: it has over 3000 suppliers in 17 countries and employs stuff from all over the world in its head office and factories. It is expanding rapidly in foreign markets with sales over $ US 1.8 bn.

Fast delivery, innovative design, and reliable quality are essential for success in the fashion business. Fortune Garments' Chairman, Michael Chau, is proud that his company can usually accept a major order and deliver the goods to a customer within four weeks. However, globalization has brought problems in the company's overseas plants, and this is having a bad effect on its share price. As the result the company can become the target of a takeover if it doesn't sort out its problems soon.

Задания к тексту:

1. Найти русские эквиваленты к английским словам и выражениям:

1. negotiation - h

а.   перевешивать 

2. addition - k

b.   серьезный 

3. decent – j

с.   довольно 

4. issue – o

d.   дело 

5. dramatic – т 

e.   дешевый 

6. institution п

f.   низкооплачиваемый 

7. properly – p

g. поглощение 

8. provide – l

h. переговоры 

9. severe – b

i.   главным образом 

10. affair – d

j.   подходящий, приличный 

11 . to outweigh – a

k. вступление, дополнение 

12. fairly - c

1.   предоставлять, обеспечивать 

13. mainly – i

т. впечатляющий 

14. low wage – f

п. учреждение 

15. low cost - i

о. проблема, вопрос 

16. take over g

р. правильно, как следует 

2. Найдите предложения, содержание которых не противоречит
информации, изложенной в тексте:

Globalisation increases the power of governments.

Globalisation increases competition among companies.

Globalisation could lead to employment problems in the West.

Globalisation prevents governments from controlling their welfare

It takes Fortune Garments more than a month to accept an order
and to deliver the goods to the customer.

3. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке в соответствии с текстом:

Companies are searching for new markets to reduce their expenses.3

Having become global clothing company is facing new problems.5

Competition in a global market makes companies order their
affairs more carefully. 1

In some countries, international companies influence
Governments' actions. 2

New markets are going to be found in the East.4


Задание №1

Составьте предложения из следующих групп слов, употребляя глагол в

одном из времен: Past Indefinite, Present Perfect.

  1.  Calvin Klein / be / a leading fashion designer/ since the mid-1970s
  2.  in the past/ he/ take/ a passive approach/ to the counterfeit problem
  3.  how many letters/ the agency/ receive/ today?
  4.  McDonald's/ launch/ a new promotional campaign/ two weeks ago

Задание №2

Откройте скобки. Поставьте глаголы в Past Simple или в Present Perfect.

I'm worried about the sales of the range of fragrances we (launch) two years ago. In the fist year, sales (increase) steadily. However, since the beginning of this year, sales (fall) by almost 10%.

The reason for this is clear. Several films in SE Asia copy our designs and are now flooding the French market with them. This (become) a serious problem.

Last month, I (organise) a team of investigators. Up to now, they (find) many counterfeit goods, which the police (seize) and impounded. Yesterday, I (contact) several firms who (inform) me that they (have) similar problems. They all (lose) sales because of counterfeiting.

Задание №3

Переведите предложения на английский язык, употребляя времена Past

Simple, Present Perfect.

  1.  У компании Проктер и Гэмбл в этом году появились серьезные
    иностранные конкуренты.
  2.  Фармацевт по имени Джон Пембертон изобрел напиток Кока-Кола.
  3.  Цены упали в прошлом месяце, но сейчас они снова поднялись.
  4.  Билл потерял работу. Теперь он безработный.

Задание №4

Раскройте скобки, уцотребляя глаголы в страдательном залоге времен Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Indefinite.

  1.  Millions of cars (to export) from Japan every year.
  2.  The new strategic plan (to develop) a year ago.
  3.  The details (to discuss) at the meeting that will place at the end of the month.
  4.  The production of oil (to increase) by 10% next year.

5. Large companies (to organize) into several large departments, sometimes even divisions.

Задание № 5

Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на использование страдательного залога.

  1.  The book is very popular because very important problems have been
    touched upon.

His books will be referred to by all those who work at this problem.

The date was agreed upon by all the participants of the negotiation.

The project is much spoken about.

I'm sure he'll be listened to with great attention.

Задание №6

Переведите глаголы в скобках на английский язык, употребляя их в

требующемся времени в страдательном залоге.

  1.  Very important questions (затрагивать) in this article.
  2.  No positive agreement (приходить к, достигать) yet.
  3.  Company targets (определять) every year.
  4.  The companies in Europe traded exceptionally well during the year
    and new products (
  5.  All relevant information about the meeting (представлять, снабжать)
    in advance.

Задание №7

Переведите предложения. Определите исчисляемые и

неисчисляемые существительные.

  1.  Gold is more expensive then silver.
  2.  Passengers learnt that their luggage was lost.
  3.  The news is really exciting.
  4.  I need an assistant to carry out experiments.

Задание №8 Выберите правильный вариант.

  1.  Could you help me carry my luggage\ luggages.
  2.  What are\ is the latest news?
  3.  We need information\ informations from you.

You've  bought a nice, car,   Your money   is/are   well

  1.  They booked accommodations\ accommodation in advance.

Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к тексту. Outdoor advertising

The world of outdoor advertising billboards, transport and «street furniture» (things like bus shelters and public toilets) -is worth about $18 billion a year, just 6% of all the world spending on advertising. But it is one of the fastest growing segments, having doubled its market share in recent years.

Outdoor advertising's appeal is growing as TV and print are losing theirs. The soaring costs of TV are prompting clients to consider alternatives. Dennis Sullivan, boss of Portland Group, a media buyer, calls outdoor advertising the last true mass-market medium. It is also cheap. In Britain, a 30-second prime-time TV slot costs over $100 000. Placing an ad on a bus shelter for two weeks works out at about $150.

Adding to its attraction has been a revolution in the quality of outdoor displays. Famous architects such as Britain's Sir Norman Foster are designing arty bus shelters and kiosks with backlit displays. Backlighting, introduced in Europe by Decaux and More, and plastic poster skins have vastly improved colour and contrast.

Movement is possible too. Smirnoff used new multi-image printing to make a spider, seen through a vodka bottle, appear to crawl up a man's back. And Disney advertised its «101 Dalmatians» video on bus shelters with the sound of puppies barking.

This sort of innovation has attracted a new class of advertiser. Recent data from Concord, a poster buyer, shows that in Britain, alcohol and tobacco have been replaced by entertainment, clothing and financial services as the big outdoor advertisers, like car makers, are using it in new ways. BMV ran a "teasers' campaign in Britain exclusively on bus shelters.

Particularly attractive to the new advertisers is street furniture, he fastest growing segment of the outdoor market. It accounts for some 20% in Europe and about 5% in America.

From The Economist

Задания к тексту

1) Найдите соответствующие объяснения английских слов и дайте их русские эквиваленты.

1. teaser advertisement 2.prime-time 3.innovation 4.display 5.to work out

a. the time when most people are watching television, the cost of
advertising is at its most expensive

b. an advertisement that is used to get the public interested by giving
very little information about the product

c. to calculate an amount

d. new idea, method of invention

e. an attractive arrangements of objects for people to look at or buy in
the shop

2) Найдите в тексте эквиваленты для следующих выражений:

a. рекламные щиты и плакаты

b. затраты на рекламу

c. размещение рекламы

d. быстро растущие сегменты рынка

e. побуждать клиентов рассматривать альтернативу

f. проводить рекламу с интригующим сюжетом
привлечь рекламодателей

g. увеличить долю рынка в два раза
h. подсчитать затраты

3) Переведите следующие предложения из текста на русский язык, определите в каждом из них видовременную форму глагола-сказуемого.

a. Outdoor advertising's appeal is growing as TV and print are losing

b. In Britain, a 30-second prime-time TV slot costs over $100,000.

c. Disney advertised its "101 Dalmatians" video on bus shelters with the
sound of puppies barking.

d. This sort of innovation has attracted a new class of advertisers.

Контрольная работа № 3.

Задание 1. Put the sentences into Passive and translate them.

Einstein (to award) with the Nobel Prize.

Several writers (to include) into the panel of judges.

The presentation (to broadcast) across Europe 2 days ago.

The presenation of the new brand (to be ready) tomorrow by 7 o’clock.

The new progect (to show) to our sponsors in several weeks.

Задание 2. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

A new project is developed recently.

The design is chosen now.

Our boss is being talking on the phone now.

The model of a new car is being built.

The new product will have already been bought.

Задание 3. Make up sentences.

market research / carry / this week / we

much / commercial / for / paid / money / was / new / the

are / presenations / his / interesting / very

people / to / see / being / came / many / tested / cars

interest / the / money / money / paid / is / we

Задание 4. Choose the right verb-form

Ususally the new leaflets are sent / are being sent / will have been sent by mail.

A new commercial was been / has been / is being created recently

Now advertising is placed / has placed / will be placed on hoardings.

Come! Free samples of the new product are given / are being given / will be being given on streets, we can take them.

Our designer’s new idea was been / is being / hasn’t been explained yet.

Задание 5. Translate into English.

Модель новой машины была показана на выставке в Москве. Она привлекла внимание клиентов, и нам удалось заключить несколько крупных контрактов. Мы планируем расширить производство и экспортировать новый продукт в Финляндию. Мы надеемся получить большие прибыли.

Задание 6. Текст «Advertising»

Advertisers tend to think big and this is why they’re always coming in for criticism. Their critics seem to resent them because they have a flair for self-promotion and because they have much money to throw around. Why don’t they stop advertising and reduce the price of their goods? After all, it’s the consumer who pays...

The poor old consumer! He’d have to pay a great deal more if advertising didn’t create mass markets for products. It’s precisely because of the advertising that consumer goods are so cheap. But we get the wrong idea if we think that the only purpose of advertising is to sell goods. Another equally important function is to inform. A great deal of knowledge we have about household goods derives largely from the advertisements we read. Advertisements introduce us to new products or remind us of the existing ones.

Lots of people pretend they never read advertisements, but this claim may be seriously doubted. It’s hardly possible not to read advertisements these days. And what fun they often are, too! Just think what a railway station or a newspaper would be without advertisements. Would you enjoy gazing at a blank wall or reading railway bye-laws while waiting for a train? Would you like to read only closely-printed columns of news in your daily paper? A cheerful, witty advertisement makes such a difference to a drab wall or a newspaper full of the daily ration of calamities.

We must not forget, either, that advertisement makes a positive contribution to our pockets. Newspapers, commercial radio and television companies could not subsist without this source of revenue. The fact that we pay so little for our daily paper, or can enjoy so many broadcast programmes is due entirely to the money spent by advertisers. Just think what a newspaper would cost if we had to pay its full price!

Задания к тексту:

Выберите выражения, не противоречащие тексту:

Advertising is an insiduous form of brainwashing.

Advertising makes railway stations brighter.

One of the main functions of advertising is to inform.

Iit’s the consumer who pays for advertising

Advertising is the main source of revenue for mass-media

Advertising cheapens the quality of life: most advertisings are in a poor taste.

Advertising creates demand for the things we don’t need.

Advertising shockingly interrupts our favourite TV programmes.

Advertising creates mass markets – therefore goods are cheap.

Some claim they never read advertisements: doubtful.

Найдите русские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

Hoarding     потребитель

Revenue     мелодия из рекламы

Blank     ужас, неприятность

Consumer     убеждать

Closely printed   рекламный щит

Calamity     бесплатный образец

Jingle     телевизионная реклама

Eye-catching   доход

Free samples    привлекающий внимание

Commercial   напечатанный рядом

Convince    пустой, голый

3. Переведите письменно абзацы 3 и 4

Контрольная работа № 4.

Задание 1. Put the verb into the correct form.

If we  (to sign) this contract two years ago, we (to break) into the global market.

If our sponsors (to give) us the money we need, we (can) open the shop in two months.

I don’t know if he (to be going to) work in America.

We (to be sure to) get into a prison if we (to pay) taxes.

I’d better (to take a credit) in a banl than (to ask) my friends to lend me money.

Задание 2. Correct the mistakes if there are any.

If he would be free, he would call us.

The secretary said that if we waited for several minutes, Mr Jones would be happy to see us.

If Tarrance hadn’t been so smart, he would never can become the President of this company.

If we took a taxi, we wouldn’t have missed the train. And now we have to change our tickets and pay extra money.

If I had been you, I wouldn’t deal with drugs.

Задание 3. Make up sentences.

Stepanie / didn’t work hard / would / prosperous / she / become / a / business lady / never.

if / partners / first / want / you / to succeed / should / you / find

we / much / will / if / the prices / profit / rise / on / oil / this month / get

industry / is / profitable / among / ones / profitable / accomodation / the most

product / has been produced / recently / new / a

Задание 4. Translate into English.

Я предлагаю взять кредит в банке и рискнуть. Надо провести исследование рынка и начать новый проект. С одной стороны, нужно быть осторожными, но, с другой стороны, если мы не рискнем, мы потеряем прибыль и не сможем открыть новые магазины. Если бы бизнесмены не рисковали, они бы никогда не смогли получать такой доход.

Задание 5. Текст «Modern life»

‘Avoid a rush-hour’ must be the slogan of large cities the world over. If it is, it’s a slogan no one takes at least notice of. Twice a day, with predictable regularity, the pot boils over. Whenever you look  it’s people, people, people. The trains which leave or arrive every few minutes are packed: an endless procession of human sardine tins. The streets are so crowded, there is hardly room to move on the pavement. The queues for buses reach staggering proportions. It takes ages for a bus to get to you because the traffic on the roads has virtually come to a standstill. Even when a bus does at least arrive, it’s so full, it can’t take any more passengers. The smallest unforeseen event can bring about conditions of utter chaos. A power-cut, for instance, an exceptionally heavy snowfall or a minor derailment must always make city-dwellers realize how precarious the balance is. The extraordinary thing is not that people put up with these conditions, but that they actually choose them in preference to anything else.

Large modern cities a too big to control. They impose their own living conditions on the people who inhabit them. City-dwellers are obliged by their environment to adopt a wholly unnatural way of life. They lose touch with the land and the rhythm of nature. It’s possible to live such an air conditioned existence in the large city that you are barely conscious of the seasons. A few flowers in a public park (if you have time to visit it) may remind you whether it’s spring or summer. A few leaves clinging to the pavement may remind you it is autumn. Beyond that, what is going on in nature seems totally irrelevant. Tall buildings blot out the sun, traffic fumes pollute the atmosphere. Even the distinction between day and night is lost. The flow of traffic goes on unceasingly and the noise never stops.

The funny thing about it is that you pay dearly for the ‘priviledge’ of living in a city. The demand for accommodation is so great that it’s often impossible for ordinary people to buy a house of their own. Exorbitant rents must be paid for tiny flats which even country hens would disdain to live in. Accommodation apart, the cost of living is very high. Just about everything you buy is likely to be more expensive than it would be in a country.

In addition to all this, city-dwellers live under constant threat. The crime rate in most cities is very high. Houses are burgled with alarming frequency. Cities breed crime and violence and are full of places you would be afraid to visit at night. If you think about it, they’re not really fit to live in at all. Can anyone really doubt that the country is what man was born for and where he truly belongs?

Задания к тексту:

Выберите выражения, не противоречащие тексту:

Unforeseen events bring chaos.

People lose touch with land and nature.

Modern man is too sophisticated for simple country pleasures.

It’s enough to visit countryside on weekend.

It’s impossible to have a house of your own, rents are high.

Noise, traffic, etc. are hardly noticeable: people can easily adapt.

Cities don’t fit to live in: man is born for country.

Services in big cities are always better: better schools, more amenities.

Cities impose their own conditions on people.

Cities give more chances of imployment, greater range of jobs, more opportunity to succeed in life.

Найдите русские эквиваленты следующих слов и выражений:

Traffic fumes    закрывать, заслонять

Accommodation    мириться, терпеть

The cost of living    непредвиденный

Exorbitant rents    выхлопные газы

Totally irrelevant    загрязнять

Unforeseen     отключение электроэнергии

To put up     жилье

To pollute     стоимость жизни

Power-cut     абсолютно не имеющий значения

To blot out    непомерная плата за жилье

3. Переведите письменно  абзацы 3 и 4.

1. сполучення речень СР характеризується ознаками; 1Співвідношення між частинами оформлення спец засобам
2. Формування основ наукового світогляду
3. Пути и направления формирования политической культуры
4. Религии народов Поволжья и Западного Приуралья
5. Лечебное дело Сестринское дело При использовании лекарственных форм в капсулах внутрь следу
6. тема открытого образования И
7. Реферат Курсовая работа содержит 36 страниц 1 рисунок 47 использованных источника
8. Документообіг Основні принципи організації і вимоги до документообігу
9. Тема- Диагностика профилактика и ликвидация паратуберкулеза Паратуберкулез или паратуберкулезный эн