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Worked in the so clled Dtsheet view режим таблицы now we chnge to Design view режим конструктора

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Mail Merging

Create a number of customized letters for the clients of your company with the help of a table created in Access as a part of a database. To do this,

  1. Open Access 2010 and make sure that the interface is in English. If not, change the interface language in the same way as you do it for Word 2010. If you have changed the language, close Access and open it again.

While opening, give the name to your database in the line on the right, e.g.,

<your surname_ TableForMerge> and remember where it is saved.

  1. Create a table in Access 2010 with the following text fields.

NEVER enter anything in the first field which name is ID (код) by default (по умолчанию).

For example, you data may be as follows:

Enter around 10 records. Countries should include the UK and any others to your choice.

Save the table under the name CustomerList.

  1. Change the view. So far, you've worked in the so called Datasheet view (режим таблицы), now we change to Design view (режим конструктора). To do this, click the upper part of the View command on the Home tab.
  2. You will see the structure of your table. Highlight the PhoneNumber field. In the lower part – Properties (свойства) you will see the field Input Mask (маска ввода). Enter there the following combination: 00-000-000 and Enter.

Save the table.

  1. Return to Datasheet view by clicking the upper part of the View command. Now enter data in the PhoneNumber fields for each record. You will see how the input mask helps to avoid different ways of entering data and prevent you from making some mistakes.

  1. Save the table. Close the database. Open Access again. Don't open the table. It must be seen in the Navigation window on the left.
  2. On the ribbon find External Data / Export / Word Merge. This command launches the MS Word Mail Merge Wizard.
  3. Click Create a New Document in the Wizard window and Then Link Data to It – choose the option to create a fresh mail merge file in Word. The Wizard starts MS Word so you can create a new document.
  4. Write a FORMAL letter to your customers informing them about the beginning of a new promotion campaign and a very tempting discount for regular customers.

At the top of the letter use the space for address. To enter a unique address for each customer go to the ribbon, find Mailings / Write & Insert Fields / Address Block. Choose the appropriate format for your addresses.

To enter the salutation line, you can act in two ways. Try both.

  1. Type Dear , then click Insert Merge Field, choose Title, then do it again and choose LastName. Go on writing the letter.  After finishing, choose Mailings / Finish & Merge / Edit Individual Documents. Word displays the Merge to New Document dialog box.

Click All and then OK. Word creates a new letter for each record in the CustomerList table.

  1. Delete the line with greeting (salutation). Choose Mailings / Write & Insert Fields / Greeting Line. Choose the appropriate format. Create another set of letters.
  2. In your letter, find the word 'discount'. Put cursor there to set the percentage of the discount. You may add the symbol of percent %. (       % discount). On the ribbon choose Rules. The list of the rules opens, there you click If … then. In the dialog box that opens choose Country for field, equal for operator, UK for value. Enter two different numbers for the discounts. Click OK.
  3. Finish creating the letters in the same way as before. Check them. Save the results.

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