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Noted Ion microprobe nlyses of the Upper Freeport col Indicted tht Vws below the limits of detection few ppm in the vitrinite nd theinertinite

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Asphalts, bitumen and some crude oils have long been known to
contain extraordinary amounts of vanadium In the ash/ Goldschmidt  (195 4)
reports values of 50-75 percent V
2O3.    A Venezuelan asphaltite having more than 1000 ppm V in the ash was examined in the SEM. The only
inorganic phase observed was, a myriad of small (~5 µm)  randomly oriented
crystals (Figure 43) containing major vanadium, with minor Iron and
An X-ray powder pattern of the LT ash  (2-5 weight percent)
indicated that the vanadium-bearing phase was montroseite. Two
Venezuelan coals   (one with 260 ppm V in the ash)  were also examined, but
no vanadium-bearing minerals were noted.

Ion microprobe analyses of the Upper Freeport coal Indicated that V
was below the limits of detection  (a few ppm)  in the vitrinite and the
inertinite.    About 4 0 ppm was found in kaollnite.    Values of 14 0 and 250
ppm V were detected in two analyses of illites.    
An average of 200 ppm V
in the illites would probably be sufficient to account for all the
vanadium in this particular sample.

Yttrium: The mean value for yttrium in U.S.  coals is 10 ppm
(Swanson et al., 1976).

Geochemically Y is closely related to the Rare-Earth elements,
particularly the heavier Rare-Earths,  Gd     Lu, with which Y forms the
phosphate mineral xenotime.

Brown and Swaine  (1964)  noted that there was poor correlation
between phosphorus and yttrium and the rare-earths.
This is not

surprising in view of the relatively high abundance of Apatites in
Australian coals   (Kemezys and Taylor,  1964). Also,  see the comments on
the significance of correlation coefficients in Section 3.214.

Bodganov (1965) found Y to behave as if it were associated with the
organic matter. Zubovic et al. (1960)  found Y to have an intermediate
Miller and Given  (1978)  found Y to be concentrated in the
lighter Sp.  G.  fractions of the North Dakota lignite.    
Because of this,
they attribute a high degree of organic association to this element.

Goldschmidt and Peters   (1933)  and Ratynskiy and Glushnev (1967)
both suggested that yttrium  (and the rare-earths)  has both organic and
inorganic associations In coal.

In the sink-float testing of the Waynesburg coal and LT ash, Y
follows the rare earths and is concentrated in the lighter Sp. G.

There is a good correlation  (r = 8.4) between Y and Yb in the
various coal splits,  although Yb seems to be preferentially enriched in
all the sink 1.7 fractions.

Xenotime was observed in at least 25 percent of the coal sample
studied  (Table 8).    
In the Waynesburg coal there was a sufficient number
of xenotime particles to account for all the yttrium in the ash (Table

Clearly,  substantial amounts of Y in many coals occur in the
abundant xenotime particles.    The sink-float data is consistent

with finely dispersed minerals in an organic matrix which is the usual
Occurrence of xenotime. For further discussion of possible alternative
modes of occurrence,  see the section, on the rare earths.

Zinc:    The mean value for zinc in U.S.  coals is 39 ppm  (Swanson et
.al. ,   1976) .

Bethell   (1962)  reviewed the literature on zinc and concluded that
amounts up to about 50 ppm can be associated with the "coal substance,"
while higher concentrations are attributable to sphalerite. Presumably,
cleat sphalerite is implied here.

The occurrence of sphalerite  (ZnS)  in.cleats and fractures in coal
has been discussed by numerous authors   (see for example:    Sprunk and
O'Donnell,   1942;  Gallagher,   1940;  Kemezys and Taylor,  1964; Hatch et al. ,
.197 6 A and B) ..    Here as elsewhere in this study,  the primary concern is
not with the mode of occurrence of the elements in cleats but with their
occurrence in the lfcoal substance."

Gluskoter et al.   (1977)  and Kuhn et al.   (1978)   found zinc to have a
generally inorganic association.    
Zubovic et al. (1960)  found zinc to
have the lowest organic affinity of the elements studied. Horton and
Aubrey (1950) attributed an intermediate association to zinc. Ratynskiy and Glushnev  (1967)  found zinc to have a very low organic affinity.
minor increase in zinc content of the lightest fractions of the coal and
ash were attributed to concentrations of zinc by constituents of the
exain group.    
Nicholls   (1968)  believes En to be associated with the
inorganic fraction,  probably as a sulfide. Both Leutwein and Rosier

(1956)  and Bogdanov  (1965)  have cited zinc as being associated with the
"organic substance." Miller and Given  (1978)  found the zinc in their
North Dakota lignite (1 ppm level)  to be in the acid  (HC1)-soluble
fraction-    They suggest that the zinc was held as ion-exchangeable
complexes or as chelate complexes.

In the sink-float study of the Waynesburg coal,  zinc.displayed a
relative enrichment in the higher Sp. G.  fractions of all three size
splits.    Recalculating these data to a whole coal basis shows zinc to be
enriched in the lighter fractions   (Table 15).    This behavior is
attributed to the rafting effect of the macerals In which the micron-size
sphalerite particles are enmeshed.    Zinc was enriched in the sink
fraction in the Waynesburg LT ash sink float experiment.

The highest value for zinc was found in the sulfide-rich Nova
Scotia coal  (540 ppm in the ash).

In the quantitative determination of trace elements in the
Waynesburg ash  (Table 9),  all of the zinc In the ash was accounted for by
the sphalerite particles.    Sphalerite had the second highest frequency of
occurrence of the accessory sulfides,  occurring in almost half of the
samples studied  (Table 8).    Zinc was detected in only a few other
minerals;  all were sulfides   (a trace of zinc was noted in a carbonate
from a Florida peat).    Two of these sulfides had major calcium  (in the
Denver lignite and in the coal from mainland China).    Zinc was detected
in only a few pyrite particles and generally at very low concentrations.
One cluster of pyrite grains In the Upper Freeport coal appeared to have

percent levels of zinc.    IMP analysis of Waynesburg coal pyrites
indicated zinc to be generally less than 100 ppm.

The ability of zinc to enter the pyrite structure appears to be
limited.    In a study of trace elements in pyrites from Czechoslovakian
coals,  Cambel and Jarkovsky  (1967)  found zinc to be generally below 10
ppm,  although in one coal province,  the pyrite had an average of 110 ppm

It seems that the bulk of the zinc in most coals occurs in
sphalerite.    Small amounts occur in other sulfides including pyrite.
Some zinc in low rank coals   (low zinc concentrations?) may be organically

Zirconium: The mean value for zirconium in U.S.  coals is 30 ppm
(Swanson et al., 1976).

Zirconium exhibited strong Inorganic tendencies in all the samples
of Gluskoter et al.   (1977)  and Kuhn et al.   (1978).    Bogdanov (1965) found
Zr to be associated with inorganics, but Leutwein and Rosier  (1956) and
Otte  (1953)  found Zr to be associated with the "organic substance."

In the Waynesburg coal,  Zr was concentrated in the lighter
fractions and was strongly depleted in the heaviest fraction (perhaps due
to dilution by pyrite).    In the LT ash there was a slight enrichment of
Zr in the two lighter Sp. G. splits.

The occurrence of zircon In coal is well established  (see Appendix
II).    Hoehne  (1957)  conducted a detailed petrographic study of zircons

in coal. It was shown  (Table 9)  that there were sufficient zircons in a
Waynesburg coal lithotype to account for all the Zr in the ash. In this
report the coal with the highest Zr content  (Brazil:    2400 ppm in the
ash.), had numerous zircons in the clayr in the organic material,  and in
the detritus   (Figure 44).

From the SEM-EDX study there is textural evidence,  such as crystals
in inertinite pores, that suggests that some zircons in coal are

Butler  (1953)  found a positive correlation between Zr values and
ash. He suggested that the association was due to detrital zircons.
However he noted high  (0.1 percent)  concentrations of Zr in the ash of
clarains.    He interpreted this as indicating that Zr is not entirely of
detrital origin.    No suggestion was offered as to the mode of occurrence
of the non-detrital zirconium.

Miller and Given  (197 8)  found Zr to be concentrated In the lighter
Sp.  G.  
fractions of a North Dakota lignite. They suggest that an organic
complex of Zr could exist in lignite.    
A mineralogical  (SEM)  study of the
North Dakota lignite would be highly desirable, because zircons were
detected in only one of the four lignites studied.

Another possible mode of occurrence of Zr in coal would be in
isomorphic substitution in clays   (Degenhardt, 1957).

The data for Zr clearly point to a predominant Inorganic
association. Probably the bulk of the Zr In most high rank coals occurs
as zircon. The mode of occurrence of Zr in lignites should be
investigated further.


Figure 44,    SEM photomicrograph of a "zircon"    crystal.    Note the pyrite
framboid to the lower left.

Other Elements (polonium, astatine, francium, radium, actinium,
protoactlnium): Few comments could foe found concerning the occurrence in
coal of these rare,  radioactive elements.

Anderson and Taylor (1956) found 0.5 - 3*3 x 10-7 ppm Ra in several British coals.    Lloyd and Cunningham  (1913)  found an average of 2 x 10 6ppm Ra in the ash of Alabama coals. Similar values were found in studies cited by Anderson and Taylor  (195 6)  and by Bethell  (1962). Sherbina found radium to exhibit a strong tendency to be absorbed by clays
and sulfates   (especially barite)  and by some organic matter. White has reported radioactive Ra-bearing barite from Dakota lignites.

Gentry et al. (1976)  has suggested that some of the radio halos in  coalified wood from the Colorado Plateau may be due to 210Po accumulation in Pb-Se inclusions.

McBride et al.   (1978)  and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(1979)  have estimated the annual airborne radioactive materials released
from model coal fired power plants.    Values for various isotopes of Po,
Ra, Ac,  Rn,  and Pa are given.

No other comments were found concerning the occurrence of astatine,
francium,  actinium or protoactinium in coal.

Trans-Uranium elements:    Bethell (1962, p.  415)  says that "nothing
appears to be known of the occurrence of… the trans uranic elements in

3.23 Concluding Remarks

It is evident that most trace elements appear to have an inorganic
association in most high-rank coals. It should not be inferred from this
observation that organic complexing of trace elements In coal Is of minor
importance. Indeed, the author believes that many of the trace elements
that appear as authigenic phases in coal may have passed through a phase
involving organic complexing, either In the living plant or with the
decaying organic matter.

It is freely acknowledged that in anyone coal, the mode of
occurrence of a single trace element or even most of the trace elements
may be different than the forms that have been suggested. Nevertheless,
it is only by offering suggestions to use as a standard that we are able
to evaluate the significance of the differences.

It is hoped that these suggestions will stimulate thought which
will ultimately lead to decisive experiments designed to test their

3.3    Mode of Occurrence -
Geochemical and Technological Considerations

The major thrust of the current study has been to provide a broad
foundation of basic Information dealing with  (1)  the distribution of
accessory minerals In coal;   (2)  the relationships between the accessory
minerals and trace elements;  and  (3)  the likely modes of occurrence of
trace elements in coal.

Time constraints precluded pursuing any of the interesting applied
or practical aspects of these problems. Several of these aspects are
briefly treated In the following Sections. They are offered here as
suggested areas for future research, research that would require the
existence of a data base,  such as the one generated by this study.

3.31    Geochemical Considerations

Just as a detailed study of the detrital components of a
sedimentary rock can shed light on the type of rocks supplying the
detritus, so, too, can a detailed study of the authigenic minerals in
coal shed light on the geochemical history of the coal basin.

Intergrowths of authigenic minerals can provide clues as to the
conditions prevailing at the time of their formation.    For example, an
intergrowth of sphalerite and crandallite was observed in the Upper
Freeport coal.    Sphalerite is stable in acidic,  reducing conditions
(Garrels and Christ,  1965}.    Crandallite can form by Intense lateritic
alteration  (Altschuler,  1973) .    Thiis,  despite the probable reducing
conditions,  the groundwater was not stagnant.

The absence of minerals may be just as revealing as their presence.
Cecil et al   (1979 A) have speculated on the role of pH (as indicated by the occurrence,  or absence,  of CaCO
3)  in controlling the trace elements, pyrite content,  and total ash in the Upper Freeport coal.

Trace elements appear to exhibit a wide variation of mobility in
the depositional basins.    As we have seen (Section 3.22), solutions
containing As and Hg have flowed through the fractures in the Upper
Freeport coal.    In the Waynesburg coal, Cr displayed some mobility
(Section 2.1211).    Comparison of the concentrations of Na, Mg, and K in
coal to their crustal abundances (Taylor, 1964) indicates that
significant proportions of these elements have been removed from the
depositional basin.    In contrast, elements such as Zr, Hf, Cs, Th and Li
appear to be chemically immobile.    Copper,  Zn,  Cd,  and Pb are no longer
in the form in which they entered the depositional basin.    But, the
mobility of these elements appears to be restricted to the confines of
the basin  (Section 2.182).

In this context, It would Indeed be interesting to know the trace
element budget of a modern peat swamp  (see for example,  Casagrande and
Erchull,  1977).    What are the chemical forms of the elements as they
enter  (or leave)  the basin?    It is likely that organic complexing plays a
larger role at this stage than during subsequent stages of the
coalifIcatlon process.

Organic complexing does not appear to have played an Important role
in the distribution of trace elements in the Waynesburg and Upper
Freeport coals.    The textural relationships of the accessory minerals, as
well as the trace element ratios, appear to be typical of detrital
sediments.    The apparent lack of organic complexing may be due to the
"swamping" of the organically complexed trace elements by the abundant

detrital matter. The Indiana coal, with no observable detritus, has a
relatively low La/Y ratio.    This, is, consistent with a high degree of
complexing of the small, highly charged Y ions by organic matter
(Zubovic,  1966B).

Much attention has been given to those elements that are relatively
enriched in coal compared to crustal abundances   (see for example,
Goldschmidt,  1935; Altschuler,  1978} .    This is under standable in view of
the potential environmental, economic, and technologic significance that
these concentrated elements may exert.    In contrast, almost no attention
has been given to those elements that are significantly depleted in coal.
This is somewhat surprising in view of the fact that from a geochemical
standpoint, the depletion processes should be just as revealing as the
enrichment processes.    Butler (1953)   suggested that K, whose simple
compounds are nearly all soluble, is readily removed by percolation from
decaying coal vegetation.

There have been relatively few attempts to use trace elements in
coal to correlate coal seams   (Butler, 1953; Alpern and Morel, 1968;
0'Gorman,  1971).    These studies have looked for relationships among
elements with diverse geochemical behaviors.    Among the elements
considered In these studies are those that have a tendency to form
organic complexes   (B, Ge,  Be),  those that form sulfide complexes  (Zn, Cu,
Pb),  those that form soluble compounds   (Na, Mg,  K
r Mn,  Ca),  and those
elements that appear to be chemically inert   (Zr,  Nb,  Ta,  Th,  Cs,  Sc).

It Is no wonder that these studies have not been successful.

This latter group of "inert" elements does not appear to take part
in any chemical reactions in the depositional basin.    Their ratios would,
therefore, be unaffected by changes in Eh, pH,  rate of detrital influx,
changes in the plant or bacterial communities,  availability of sulfide
ions, marine incursions,  etc.    It would seem that they offer the best
chances for success in using trace elements to correlate coal seams.

3.32    Technological Considerations

The main emphasis of this report has been on the attempt to
elucidate the modes of occurrence of trace elements in coal.    With the
type of information generated in this study, equipment and processes
could be designed to use our coal resources more efficiently.    A few
brief comments are in order on the possible practical applications of
these data.

Perhaps the most immediate use of these data would be in the realm
of coal cleaning procedures.    Knowledge of the mode of occurrence of the
elements and the form and maceral associations of the minerals should
enable engineers to design efficient cleaning techniques. Obviously,
attempts to remove physically the accessory sulfides and other finely
dispersed accessory phases by present means would be Ineffective, but
perhaps a combined physical and chemical cleaning procedure may be

Another area of immediate application involves, the corrosive
effects of trace elements such as CI and F and the fouling effects of
others such as Ti and P.    These problems have been discussed by Watt
(1968,  1969),  and by Grant and Weymouth  (1967).    Knowing the mode of
occurrence of potential feed coals should help to reduce or even to avoid
these costly problems.

In recent years there h^s been considerable concern about the
catalytic activity or poisoning effects that certain elements and
minerals may have during liquefaction reactions   (Coleman et al., 1978;
Filfoy et al.,  1977;  Gray,  1978;  Guln et al.,  1979; Mukherjee and
Chowdhury,  1976).    The factual data generated In studies such as this one
may soon foe utilized In assessing the role of accessory minerals in
liquefaction processes.

There has also been a great deal of concern about the fate of trace
elements upon combustion of coal  (Torrey,  1978).    If the modes of
occurrence of the elements are known, it would be a simple matter to
predict their behavior during the combustion process, whether it is in
coal-burning furnaces or in situ.

Mining of coal generates large quantities of waste that are
generally disposed of by creating huge waste piles, commonly referred to
as gob piles or culm banks.    Lapham et al. (1980)  have considered the
environmental effects created by the natural combustion of the waste
banks.    Wewerka et al.   (1978)  have studied the leaching of trace elements
from these banks.    Here, too,  a knowledge of the mode of    occurrence of

the trace elements in the raw coal should allow us to anticipate the
behavior of the elements during combustion or leaching of the waste
banks.    This may even lead to more intelligent ways of preventing or
avoiding the problems associated with the disposal of coal mine refuse.

Limited use has been made of the potentially vast trace element
resources in coal ash.    Approximately 10a million tons of coal ash will
soon be processed annually.    With the knowledge of the mode of occurrence
of elements such as Zn, U
r Gef it may be economically feasible to recover
them  (see for example,  Cobb et al., 1979).

4.    Summary and Conclusions

Those who know coal best caution most against making generalizations.    Nevertheless, generalizations serve a useful purpose as they provide a standard against which observations and hypotheses can be tested.    It Is with this In mind that the following generalized conclusions are offered.

This study has demonstrated that the SEM-EDX system is a superb tool with which to study the distribution of minerals in coal. The system is ideally suited for determining both the mineral-maceral (textural)  relationships and the distribution of those minerals that
contain the heavy elements   (Z >20).

Based on the textural relationships observed in the 79 samples studied,  there appear to be two distinct suites of syngenetic minerals: a detrital suite,  consisting of quartz,  Illite,  rutlle,  zircon, etc., occurring in bands; and an authigenic suite,  consisting of kaolinite, carbonates,  and sulfides,  that generally occur in pores of maceral or in vltrinite.

The accessory minerals In coal may foe Inconspicuous but they are
certainly not Insignificant.    This study has shown that many trace
elements in coal are associated entirely with micrometer-size accessory
minerals that are intimately dispersed throughout the organic matrix. As
a consequence of this distribution, many of the .micrometer-size accessory
minerals,,and the trace elements they contain,  are rafted into the
lighter Sp G. fractions during physical cleaning of the coal constituents for study or in Industrial processes. Sink-float data may, therefore,  not accurately portray the true chemical environment of most trace elements.    Obviously then, the sink-float data must be interpreted

with extreme caution when determining organic-inorganic affinities.

A consequence of this distribution and the eventual behavior of the
accessory minerals during cleaning of coal is that the lighter fractions,
ostensibly the cleanest coal, may contain substantial amounts of
potentially toxic  (Wood,  1974)  trace elements.    During the utilization of
the coal these elements may get into the environment despite efforts to
prevent that from occurring.

The abundance of authigenic accessory minerals observed in this
study suggests the existence of a period, during the formation of the coal,  in which many elements were quite mobile.    Other elements,  such as Zr,  Hf,  Cs,  and Th appear to be chemically immobile.    This immobility suggests that these latter elements may be particularly useful for correlation of coal seams.

The results obtained In this study indicate that organo-metallic
complexing of trace elements may not be of significance in most coals
above the rank of lignite.    Such complexing may have been significant at an early stage in the coalification process, perhaps coincident with the mobility of the metals.    However,  the effects of organo metallic complexing seem to have diminished with increasing rank of coal. The complexing also appears to be diluted by the Influx of detritus.

Characteristically there is great variability in the distribution
of accessory minerals, and trace elements within and between coal beds.
Nevertheless,  certain regional characteristics have begun to emerge
during the course of this study.    The high frequency of occurrence of
PbSe grains in coals of.the Appalachian Basin is the most obvious of
these regional differences.    In order to evaluate Intra- and inter basin differences, much more effort is needed in characterizing the accessory minerals.

Furthermore,  this study has shown that the widespread distribution of most accessory minerals In coal indicates that their mere presence or
absence may not be sufficient criteria for characterization of a sample. Rather,  recognition of diagnostic mineral suites or quantitative determination of individual accessory minerals is necessary.

Despite the significant progress made in this study in under
standing the inorganic aspects of the geochemistry of coal, It is evident
that no single analytical tool can provide a complete solution to this
complex subject.    A unified approach,  combining the full capability of each of the analytical tools used In this study is necessary for this purpose.

Much effort in this country is currently being devoted to
generating chemical analyses of coals.    The data, particularly the concentrations of the trace elements, will undoubtedly be of increasing value as we become more dependent on coal for conversion processes and combustion.    But,  such analyses offer only a partial picture.    The full picture comes into focus only when we know the modes of occurrence of
these elements.    Perhaps,  the single most significant observation to come from this study Is that:  
it is as important to know how each element occurs in coal as to know how much of the element there is.

Certainly the modes of occurrence of many trace elements In coal can be variable and complex.    However,  the geochemical environments prevailing in the peat-forming swamps must have been very similar. This uniformity is evidenced by the fact that most of the mobile trace elements had similar modes of occurrences in most of the coal samples examined for this report.    A brief summary of the more probable modes of occurrences of trace elements in coal is presented in the following list.

Sfo - probably as an accessory sulfide in the organic matrix
As - solid solution in pyrite

Ba - in barite,  crandallltes,  and other Ba-bearing minerals
Be - organically associated

Bi - accessory sulfide, perhaps blsmuthinlte

B    - generally organic association,  some may be In illite

Br - organic association

Cd - in sphalerite

Cs - inorganic association - feldspars, micas,  or clays
CI - organically associated
Cr - clays

Co - associated with sulfides such as pyrite and linnaeite
Cu - chalcopyrlte

F    - unclear, probably several inorganic associations,  such as apatite,amphibole,  clays, mica
Ga - clays,  organic association, sulfides

Ge - organic association,  rarely In silicates, sphalerite

Au - native gold,  gold tellurides

Hf - in zircons

In - sulfides or carbonates

I    - organic association

Pb - coprecipitated with Ba,  galena, PfoSe

Ll - clays

Mn - in siderite

Hg - in solid solution with pyrite

Mo - unclear, probably with sulfides,  or organics

Ni - unclear, may be with sulfides,  organics,  or clays

Nb - in oxides

P    - in various phosphates,  some may foe organically associated
Pt - probably native Pt alloys
Rare earths - in RE phosphates
Re - sulfides or organics (?)
Rb - probafoly in illite

Sc - unclear,  clays, phosphates or may have organic association

Se - organically associated,  as PfoSe In Appalachian coals,  in pyrite

Ag - probably silver sulfides, but may be complex

Sr - carbonatesf phosphates,  organic association in low rank coals
Ta - in oxides
Te - unclear

Tl - in sulfides,  probafoly epigenetic pyrite
Th - in RE phosphates

Sn - inorganic,  tin oxides or sulfides

Ti - titanium oxides,  organic association, clays

W    - unclear, may foe organically associated

U    - organic association, zircon

V - in clays (illite)

Y - RE phosphates
Zn - sphalerite

Zr - zircon

This information on the modes of occurrence of trace elements In
coal will foe useful for predicting how the elements will behave during
the cleaning,  combustion,  conversion  (gasification,  liquefaction), and
leaching of.coal and coal by-products.    It may assist us In anticipating the contribution of these element to corrosion and fouling in coal-
foursing power plants.    Eventually these data may foe used In resource recovery technology.    Such knowledge should also aid us In reconstructing
the geochemical history of coal.    And should give us some Insights in other problem areas in the field of low-temperature Inorganic geochemistry.


Coal Petrographic Nomenclature Used in This Report

(Principally from ASTM, 1977)

Attrital coal - the ground mass or matrix of banded coal in which vitrain and commonly fusain bands as well are embedded or enclosed.

Banded coal - coal that is visibly heterogeneous In composition, being, composed of layers of vitrain and attrital coal, and,  commonly, fusain.

Boghead coal - nonbanded coal in which the exinite  (the waxy component)  is predominantly alginite.

Bone coal - impure coal that contains clay or other fine-grained detrital mineral matter.

Cannel coal - nonbanded coal in which the exinite is predominantly sporinite.

Carbominerite - association of coal with 20-60 volume percent of mineral matter.     (International Committee for Coal Petrology,   1971).

Cleat - the joint system of coal beds,  usually oriented normal or nearly normal to the bedding.

Coal - a brown to black combustible sedimentary rock  (in the geological sense) composed principally of consolidated and chemically altered plant remains.

Fusain - coal layers composed of chips and other fragments in which the original form of plant tissue structure is preserved;  commonly has fibrous texture with a very dull luster.

Lithotype - any of the banded constituents of coal: vitrain, fusain,  clarain,  durain or attrital coal,  or a specific mixture of two or more of these.

Mineral parting - discrete layer of mineral or mineral-dominated sediment interbedded with coal along which,  in mining, separation commonly occurs.    Layers of bone coal having indefinite boundaries usually are not considered to be partings because they do not form planes of physical weakness,    They may merge vertically or horizontally with layers that are bony or coaly shale and that do form planes of physical weakness.


Inertinite - a group of macerals composed of fusinite, semifusinite, micrinite, macrinite,  and sclerotinite.

Maceral — a microscopically distinguishable organic component of coal, but including any mineral matter not discernible under the optical microscope.

Macrinite - the maceral that is distinguished by a reflectance higher than that of associated vltrinite,  absence of recognizable plant cell structure,  and by a particle size 10pm and commonly about 1pm.

Resinite - a maceral derived from the resinous secretions and exudates of plant cells,  occurring of which are usually round,  oval,  or rod-like in cross section.

Sclerotinite - a maceral having reflectance between that of fusinite and associated vltrinite. and occurring as round or oval cellular bodies of varying size  (20 to 300 pm) or as interlaced tissues derived from fungal remains.

Semifusinite - the maceral that is intermediate in reflectance between fusinite and associated vltrinite,  that shows plant cell wall structure with cavities generally oval or elongated in cross section, but In some specimens less well defined than in fusinite,  often occurring as a transitional material between vltrinite and fusinite.

Sporinite - a maceral derived from the waxy coating  (exines) of spores and pollen.

Vltrinite - the maceral and maceral group composing all or almost all of the vitrain and like material occurring in attrital coal, as the component of reflectance intermediate between those of exinite and inertinite.






INAA Results of Sink-float samples from the Wayneshurg Coal

(Analyst: L.J. Schwarz)




>10 mesh 1.3-1.5

>10 mesh 1.5-1.7

>10 mesh >1.7

mesh 10-20 mesh  <1.3

10-20 mesh  1.3-1.5

Fe %                        

Na %                  

As ppm  3.7 27.4 703.0 0.7 3.4

Ba ppm  170 180 180 <500 150 130

Br ppm             

Co ppm  

Cr ppm                                  Cs ppm  1.6 <1.0 0.3 0.5

Hf ppm                             

Sb ppm              0.6 9.0 1.4 0.4

Se ppm                            

Ta ppm  .30 <0.30 0.29 <0.50 <0.20 0.13

Th ppm            

W   ppm              

Zn ppm  <7 <8 35 <30 6 9

Sc ppm             

La ppm

Ce ppm  10 13 19 <7 10 12

Sm ppm              1.6 0.3 1.0 1.2

Eu ppm

Tb ppm              

Yb ppm              

Lu ppm                       .13 <0.20 0.06 0.08



































































































































































INAA Results of Sink-float samples

from the Waynesburg 1*1 ash

(Analyst:    L.J. Schwarz)



1. 09 Гадельшина
2. Организация оплаты труда трактористов-машинистов в условиях СПК БЕЛЬ
3. а Иридодиагностика является относительно молодой областью медицины но имеет очень древние корни
4. Тема- Дифференциация и индивидуализация процесса обучения
5. Анатомоморфологические сведения о слепой кишке и червеобразном отростке
6. на тему- стационар на 24 места для коров
7. Всякое общество имеет определенные ресурсы необходимые для его жизнедеятельности
8. на тему- ldquo;Інфекційні захворювання які передаються через харчові продуктиrdquo; Інфекційні захво
9. Самарский муниципальный институт управления Кафедра Государственного и муниципального управления
10. Реклама, как разновидность коммуникативного текста