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Topics- 1 If you were n employer which kind of worker would you prefer to hire- n inexperienced worker t lower slry or n experienced worker t higher slry Is it more importnt to be ble to work w.html

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Speak on the following topics:

1) If you were an employer, which kind of worker would you prefer to hire: an inexperienced worker at a lower salary or an experienced worker at a higher salary? Is it more important to be able to work with a group of people as a team or to work independently? If you were an interviewer, what questions would you ask an employee?  

2) People work because they need money to live. Do you agree or disagree that the most important aspect of a job is the money a person earns? What other reasons for which people work? In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea?   


3) Speak about your relations with your parents. Say: how much time you and your parents spend together; what are the reasons for conflicts in your family; what home rules you have; what things are really important for your parents; what you would like to change in your relations.  


4) Speak about today’s Ukrainian youth. How would you describe today’s average representative of Ukrainian youth? What are the biggest problems of Ukrainian youth? Are the young people of Ukraine politically and socially active? Do old people understand today’s youth? What youth organisations do you know? What are their activities connected with?   

5) Scientists have determined that a number of human activities are contributing to global warming. Talk about your attitude towards this issue. Include the following: the cause of global warming; the ways to cope with the problem; other environmental problems; your personal contribution to solving ecological problems.

6) You are going to make a report at the local conference devoted to the questions of environmental protection. Talk about: the environmental problems in the place where you live; suggest what should be done to solve these problems; imagine what can happen if these problems are not solved.

7) People have different ways of escaping the stress and difficulties of modern life. Some read; some do sports; others work in their gardens. What ways of reducing stress do you think are the best?


8) English has become an international language. Talk about the importance of learning a foreign language. Use the questions to help you. What do you consider to be the most important aspects of learning English? What are the best ways to learn and practice it? Say if you’d like to learn a few foreign languages and why.

9) Imagine that you are going to participate in an exchange programme. You are asked to describe yourself. What would you say?

What kind of character do you have? How do you get along with other people? What are your strengths and weaknesses?

10) Talk about friendship in your life. Include the following: How do you choose friends? Describe the appearance and character of your friend. Is it important to be a friend to others?

11) Most people agree that eating junk food is not good for our health, yet almost everyone eats these things anyway. Do you eat junk food? Why? Which are your favourites? What other eating habits have a negative effect on the people’s health?

12) Speak about the way of life you consider to be healthy. Include the information: healthy food; the role of sport and games; positive attitude towards life and other people; what you do to lead the healthy way of life.

13) “Life is short, art is long,” the saying goes. What role does art play in our life? What does art mean for you? Do you appreciate some forms of art over others? Do you like modern art?  What is your favourite piece of art and artist?

14) Speak about your attitude to the theatre: how often do you go to the theatre; what do you like and dislike about the theatre; do you prefer watching a play at the theatre or a film at the cinema? Why do you think the theatre is important; do you think people will always be interested in the theatre?

15) Prove that travelling broadens the mind. Include the information: why people travel; things they learn while travelling; people they meet; impressions they get. What is your idea of a ‘dream holiday’? When and where would you go? What would you like to do on a ‘dream holiday’? What is your dream based on? Have you seen it in a film, read about it, etc.?

16) Talk about the most popular hobbies young people have today. Include the information: what a hobby is; why people take up hobbies; what the most popular hobbies are.


17) Describe the society you would like to live in. What’s going on with modern society? A good and bad citizen.


18) Describe state system of Ukraine: when was the formation of an independent Ukrainian state declared; who is the head of the state; what are the main branches of state power; what body is responsible for making laws; what is the highest court in Ukraine?

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