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Red nd trnslte the text From the point of view of method of construction buildings my be divided into the following groups- 1

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1. Read and translate the text.

From the point of view of method of construction buildings may be divided into the following groups:

1. Bearing wall construction;

2. Skeleton frame construction.

Bearing wall construction has been the method of structural design employed from the earliest days. By this method the loaded floor and roof beams rest upon the exterior and interior walls, which in turn transmit the loads to the foundation. It is evident that the walls must be of sufficient thickness to carry the loads as well as their own weight; consequently, as the height of building increased the required thickness of the walls and the weights brought upon the foundations became excessive and uneconomical.

Skeleton frame construction has been made possible by the development of structural steel and later of reinforced concrete. According to this method the loaded  floor and roof beams rest upon girders running between the columns. The columns are placed along the building line and are known as exterior or wall columns; they also occur at required intervals within the body of the building, in which case they are called  interior columns.  A framework is thereby formed, the walls being carried upon the wall girders at each storey level. The walls are consequently mere enclosures bearing no weight and are of the same thickness on all stories. The columns transmit the loads to the foundations.

2. Learn the key words and expressions:

point of view – точка зрения

bearing wall construction – конструкция с несущей стеной

skeleton frame construction – каркасная конструкция

to rest on (upon) – опираться на

to transmit – передавать

it’s evident – очевидно

consequently – следовательно

excessive – чрезмерный

according  to – согласно ч-л.

to occur [            ] – иметь место; случаться; встречаться

sufficient [                  ] – достаточный

3. Answer the following questions:

1. Into what groups may buildings be divided from the point of view of method of construction? 2. Is bearing wall construction an о1d method of structural design? 3. Do the loaded floor and roof beams rest upon the exterior and interior walls by this method? 4. Are those loads in turn transmitted to the foundation? 5. Why must the walls be of sufficient thickness? б. What happened as the height of buildings increased? 7. Are structural steel and reinforced concrete used in skeleton frame construction? 8. Upon what do the 1оаdеd floor and roof beams rest according to this method? 9. Can you explain the difference between exterior and interior columns? 10. How do you explain the fact that the walls are of the same thickness on stories in skeleton frame соnstruction?

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