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Glmorous movie strs run for elective office nd win

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Involvement of celebrities in politics and economy

In recent years, celebrities have attempted to play an increasingly important role in global politics and economy. Glamorous movie stars run for elective office and win.  Former politicians play fictional characters on television shows. Rock stars and actresses raise money for a variety of humanitarian causes. Musicians, athletes, and artists speak out on issues of  hunger, stem cell research, international development, and foreign policy

Celebrities got a whole lot of characteristics– energy, competitiveness, strength, ability to fight opposition and above all, the most important ones – money and popularity. Popularity and money are essential for a successful political career.

For movie stars joining the politics is less of charity and more of sort an expansion of opportunity. It is like opening up banking loans to the poor.

Celebrities have a greate abillity to connect people arround them. Celebrities can have a powerful impact on a person's life. From fashion trends to political views, the attractiveness of a celebrity's lifestyle can influence people's beliefs, interests and behaviors. This obsession with celebrity culture often starts at an early age. Many children and teens are infatuated with young, pop-culture icons. They think of celebrities as role models and may choose to imitate them.

Through the media, celebrities have the ability to affect people's interests in political parties or politicians. One of the most recent, high-profiled celebrity endorsements was Oprah Winfrey's endorsement of  Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election. Though it's unclear exactly how influential Winfrey's endorsement was on the race, a USA Today poll showed that 8 percent of the adults who participated in the poll were more likely to vote for Obama because of  Winfrey's backing. So we can made a conclusion that celebrities can change the way of  humans views only by a word.

Celebrities very often take part in different charity organisation. Thay buy a medicine and food for poor, open schooles in different countries and do a lot of other things to help people.

Therefore, we can conclude that celebrities have a big impact on the political andeconomic situation in the world. Main reason for this is the large amount of money and fame.

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