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tht is redy to become mother lredy in 18 nd someone nd in 30 considers ~ erly.html

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                                                                Young mothers

There is a big problem among teenagers . To be mother ? Who - that is ready to become mother already in 18 , and someone and in 30 considers – early. But the most important, you have to understand, the birth of the child is a serious step, the child not a toy, this is the person to whom are necessary your care, love and attention. If our mothers gave birth in 18 – 20 years, and it was considered as norm, and now the birth of the child 18, 17 and furthermore in 16 years it is considered a rash and silly act. Often young mothers become not because really want it, namely by nonsense. Some, even it is possible to tell the majority of girls at the beginning of pregnancy do abortion or after a sort leave the kids in orphanages, shelters or in general on streets. Young mothers who married it is still normal, and without the husband it is very difficult, and it isn't beautiful. But some consider that it is destiny. But each person master of his own live. Pregnancy fact it yet proof   of  "maturity". One girls  are capable to grow up the child and others aren't present. The majority of young mothers is  not married girls. But young mothers not always become voluntarily: someone by nonsense who - that on love, and someone deceived, and some victims of violence. And it is very difficult to solve it. All this happens at teenage age. At this age they are trustful and unstable. The period of  teenage  age influences the future.

One solution of this problem it certainly education. Education of a family, parents, especially mothers. If parents find slightly more time for the children, are interested in them, share thoughts, are secretive and certainly supervise, this problem and not to be. If the care of parents is good, there are no problems. If parents don't find enough time, children feel loneliness, quickly fall in love, and especially at early age happen trustful. And it is a problem arises from loneliness, trustfulness and nonsense. At this age parents have to be vigilant. But this just one solution for this  “young mothers” problem.

Another solution to this  problem of  “young mothers” is environment. Even at good education if environment bad it always wins against that. The girls must  to choose good and reliable friends.  Always  to be self-confident and attentive.

In conclusion I want say each  girl must  be self-confident and attentive,because  it’s very important.                                                                        

                                                        Done by: Saltanat Kushekbayeva , 210 group

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