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1. What is the view on the appearance of mankind on the Earth? The Bible. Being. 1, 26. "So God created man in his image…". So nowadays, some people believe that God created us. But other think that we appeared from apes. Charles Darwin and many anthropologists after him built a fairly coherent theory of human origins, and Friedrich Engels scientifically proved that only the work turned ape into a man. But in this chain (monkey - Australopithecus - Pithecanthropus - Homo erectus - Neanderthal - Cromanyon), there is a significant gap: Neanderthal man did not like the structure of the skull and other bones in the Cromanyon man, who, in fact, a contemporary man.

2. What historical period a man appeared on the territory of KZ? The 1st man in Kz appeared 1mln.y.ago, in the south of Kz, near Karatau mountains, in Paleolit Epoch. The main difference human from animal was ability to make tools. In this period archeologists found petroglyphs, cave paintings. Man manufactured the knives, saws, spears, drills, hammers, chisels. Increase in the number of tools made ​​of bones - fish hooks, harpoons, needles with ears. The 1st stone tool was rubilo and chopper, chopping. Also was appeared the religious views. People protected from animals and began to settle in caves. Caves were the 1st habitation for men.

3=4  What are the main periods of The Stone Age? Archeologists divided The Stone Age(2.5mln.y.ago-II millennium BC) on 3 main periods:

  1.  Paleolit-2.mln.y.ago. It divides on:

1) Early-2.5mln-140mill.BC

2) Middle-140-40mill.BC

3) Late-40-12mill.BC

    II Mezolit-12-5mill.BC

   III Neolit-5-3mill.BC


Humans used only stone tools, not able to make pottery - pottery. produced as toolsmade ​​of bone, leather and wood. They engaged in hunting and gathering. Fishing was just beginning to appear, agriculture and cattle breeding were not known. The beginning of the Paleolithi-the appearance on earth of ancient ape-like humans, Homo habilis. At the end of the Paleolithic evolution completes the advent of the modern type of human (Homo sapiens) At the end of the Paleolithic humans began to create the most ancient works of art, and there were signs of the existence of religious. The climate is getting sometimes warmer, sometimes colder.

 Mezolit. In mezolit people had to change their habitation because of animal’s migration. Men invented bows and arrows and making mikrolits, strengthened tribal community. Humans began to domesticate wild animals and cultivate plants. Dogs were domesticated.


1) Creation primitive weaving loom

2) Appearance ceramic tableware with decorations. Therefore mezolit is sometimes called “Epoch clay pots”.

3) Achievement the highest level in manufacturing of stone.

4) Transition from assuming household to productive.

Created new tools, as hummers with handle, mattocks, and millstones. There are more the 500 camps, the most famous camp is Sekseul in Kyzylorda region (descried bones of cows and sheep). People believed in afterlife, we knew it from tombs.


Men began to use copper. In this period people first used the tools from metal. Dissolution matriarchy and began the era patriarchy. Cattle breeding separated from agriculture. On the camp Shebir(Mangystau) were found copper and stone tools.

5.What changes took place during the period of primitive society? Achievement the highest level in manufacturing of stone in Neolit. The 1st stone tool was rubilo and chopper, chopping in Paleolit. in Paleolit period Man manufactured the knives, saws, spears, drills, hammers, chisels. Mezolit-men invented bows and arrows and making mikrolits. Eneolit-Creation primitive weaving loom. Created new tools, as hummers with handle, mattocks, and millstones. Men began to use copper in Eneolit. Mezolit-Humans began to domesticate wild animals.

6. What periods is the history of mankind divided into?

The Stone Age(2.5mln.y.ago-II millennium BC) on 3 main periods:

  1.  Paleolit-2.mln.y.ago. It divides on:

1) Early-2.5mln-140mill.BC

2) Middle-140-40mill.BC

3) Late-40-12mill.BC

    II Mezolit-12-5mill.BC

   III Neolit-5-3mill.BC


7. Bronze age(2800-900 years BC) 3 periods: 1)early bronze, ”fedorovskaya”(18-16 centuries BC); 2)middle “alakulskaya”(15-13), 3)late, “begazi-dandibai”(12-8)The main tribe-andronov tribe, who used Indo-Iranian language; occupied mainly central KZ. In the epoch of B.-destruction of clan relationships and forming of tribal unions. Tsar-the governor; also tribal leaders, priests and commanders. In the B. epoch-formation of ownership inequality. Type of household-mixed; 1st division of labor: separation of cattle-breeding from agriculture.  New forms of cattle-breeding:: pasturing and stabling; bred horses, sheep, camels. Mattock farming.  Metallurgy: the technique of getting bronze(by mixing copper with tin)

Bronze age(2800-900 years BC) 3 periods: 1)early bronze, ”fedorovskaya”(18-16 centuries BC); 2)middle “alakulskaya”(15-13), 3)late, “begazi-dandibai”(12-8). Iron Age(VIII cen.BC-VIctn.): Early(VIII-IIIctn BC). Late(IIIcen.BC-VIcen)

The most ancient period-time from appearance of man in KZ to appearance of states in KZ(VIII-VIIcenBC). The ancient period-appearance of state formation(Saks,Uysuns,Huns,Kangly) their prosperity,crisis and decline(VIIIcenBC-VcenAD). Medieval period(VcenBC-30-s XVIIIcen). 

Period of New time(30-s XVIIIcen-Febr.1917(colonial period)). Modern history-1)since the overthrow of the tsar in Oct.Revolution n’ the establishment of Soviet Power(1917-1920) n’ before the collapse of The USSR.   2)the proclamation of Independence on 16Dec.1991 to contemporary years;the formation n’ the development of KZ. 

8. Andronov culture. It is one of the hugest culture in Bronze Age on the territory of Eurasia. The name “Andronov culture” was given from the 1st discovery near Andronov village (near Achinsk town, South Sibiria). The monuments of Andronov culture were found from Ural to Enisey, from taiga to Pamir.  Archeologists say that andronov people were European. AcademicianV.P.Alekseev described them and said that they looked like Caucasians. The basic place for habitation was The Central KZ. There are more than 30 settlements, 150 tombs. Housing were half dug-out, covered with branches, skins. They also use housing like urta. The main culture of Andronov tribes were pasturing, stable cattle breeding, agriculture played assisting role. Andronovcy used the stone mattocks, copper and bronze sickles. There are huge quantities of petroglyphs of Bronze Age in Tamgaly cave.    

9. History - one of the oldest sciences. It is nearly 2,500 years. Its founder is the ancient Greek historian Herodotus (V century. BC). In the ancient Greek word "historia"was meant - the story of the past, about unrecognized. 

The first rudiments of historical knowledge found in the oral tradition, epics, myths. HISTORY - is:

1. development of nature and society;

2. complex of social sciences studying the past of mankind in all its concreteness and variety.

All events that stay in memory of generations, form the contents of a historical chronicle. This is necessary to recreate the past.

12. Stages of primitive community.

Man appeared due to evolutional process of development. Scientist called the 1st human as “homo habilis”, lived 1mln.y.ago, his bones were found in 1974y. Kenia. Then there was Petekantrop-1mln.y.ago-found in1891-island Yava. The next was Sinantrop, 200-500 thous.y.ago-China.   Petekantrop and Sinantrop were called “hono erectus”. Neandertalec,100-35thous.y.ago-Germany. After there was “homo sapiens”-“cromanyon”, 35-40thous.y.ago-in France.

13) Paleolithic and Mesolithic Ages in the territory of Kazakhstan. Paleolithic (2,5 mln-12 thousand years BC)-the most ancient period in the history of humankind; the formation of the man happens; stone tools; using fire; most significant stages of P. are situated in the South of KZ(Karatau mount-s, Zhambyl area, the largest-Batpak) Paleolithic is divided into lower, middle(mustye) and upper. For P. period assuming forms of household(hunting, fishing, gathering) are characteristic. The form of the society-from primitive herd to human society. Mesolithic(12-5 thousands of years BC)About 20 stages in KZ;main features: invention of bow and arrow, microlits; 10 th. y. ago-beginning of agriculture, domestication of animals, cultivation of plants; 8 th. y. ago-favorable climate; making clothes; emergence of animals and plants of modern type. People were already experienced hunters, fishermen and collectors

14)Neolithic and Eneolithic in the territory of KZ. Neolithic(5-3 th. years BC) More than 500 stages:Saksaul in Kyzylorda region, Karakuduk, Karaungur; Ust-Narym, Botay. New tools: mattock, wooden plow, needles and other inventions for weaving, in North-Eastern Pribalkhashye-tools from jasper and quartzite. The form of household: producing(“Neolithic revolution”), forming of primitive cattle-breeding, pottery, mining, domestication of horse; matriarchy. Eneolithic(3-2,8 th.y.BC)-the main specialty-mastering of metal(copper, gold, lead); rudimentary religious ideas(animism, totemism, magic). Division of labor, patriarchy(as a result of developing of metallurgy and cattle-breeding)

15)Bronze age. Development of economic and public life. Bronze age(2800-900 years BC) 3 periods: 1)early bronze, ”fedorovskaya”(18-16 centuries BC); 2)middle “alakulskaya”(15-13), 3)late, “begazi-dandibai”(12-8)The main tribe-andronov tribe, who used Indo-Iranian language; occupied mainly central KZ. In the epoch of B.-destruction of clan relationships and forming of tribal unions. Tsar-the governor; also tribal leaders, priests and commanders. In the B. epoch-formation of ownership inequality. Type of household-mixed; 1st division of labor: separation of cattle-breeding from agriculture.  New forms of cattle-breeding:: pasturing and stabling; bred horses, sheep, camels. Mattock farming.  Metallurgy: the technique of getting bronze(by mixing copper with tin)

16)Andronov and Begazi-Dandibai archeological cultures. Cult of the dead(belief in life after death). Types of burials: cremation(early bronze), and burring in squirming position with the head to the West). Cult of Fire-the God Agni; they sacrificed a goat to him. Yama-the God of death(was painted with a string in his hands); Mitra-the Sun God, Veretragna-the God of thunder; the Bull-the symbol of fertility and power. Amulets-fangs of wild animals. The ceremony of holding the first furrow(as the guarantee of good harvest) The sacred place in the andronovs’ house was the hearth. For And. And BD cultures petrogliphs are characteristic features; they are rock paintings. Most often pictures-wild bull or camel.  

17)Sakies’ tribal unions in the territory of KZ. Saks(7-1 cen-s BC) The epoch of iron.Saks were one of the first tribal unions on the territory of KZ. There were saks paradaraya, tigrakhauda, haumavarga, massagets, arimasps, appasiaks, argippeys. Saks were deserved opponents of powerful Persian states. Saks played an important role in the world policy of that time; were active participants of historic events. In the epoch of saks cattle-breeding strengthens its positions. The social structure of saka society was on the edge of destruction of primitive system and creation of military democracy. The state was governed by the Tsar. 3 groups: commanders, priests and “peasants”(cattle-breeders and farmers). Women were in honorable position; scripts tell that the governors were often women in saka society. Ex: Tomiris, who ruled in the 6th cen-ry and won Persian king Kir. Saka tribes were also a barrier for Alexander Makedonsky on his way to the East.

18)Public structure of Saks. Saks(7-1 cen-s BC) . The social structure of saka society was on the edge of destruction of primitive system and creation of military democracy. The head of all tribal unions-the Tsar; the link between heaven and earth(from the community of warriors). 3 social groups: warriors, priests, peasants. The equality of men and women(tsarinas Zarina and Tomiris). The majority of Saka society consisted of cattle-breeders and farmers. All important questions and decisions were discussed on the public meeting. Saks experienced nomadic cattle-breeding, they moved from place to place, lead the nomadic way of life, their portable dwellings were called “yurt”.

19)War and military art of Saks. The social structure of saka society was on the edge of destruction of primitive system and creation of military democracy. The achieved a great success in military affair. They had a war with Persians. Kir, Persian king, was defeated in 530 by Saka tsarina Tomiris. In 519-518-the campaign of Dariy1 against Saks. The pasture man Shirak became especially famous, as he lead the Persians to waterless desert. Persians managed to capture part of the territories and Saks had to pay contribution and supplied their warriors; Persians’ and Saks’ united forces conquered Egypt and Greece 490-Marafon battle against Greece.The 4 cent-ry is famous for Alex-r Maked. Conquests; Saks stopped his invasion to the East, became the barrier to the East.

20)Scythian and Saka cultiure. The strong influence of Akhmenid Iran. Religion: deities: the Earth, the Sun, fire, war. Horse-symbol of Sun and fire; block-symbol of thunder. Belief in life after death. 2 concepts about the world: lower(underground), middle(earth) and upper(heaven). The model of space-in the headdress of Gold Man: the Sun is the Universe, horse-the earth, bird-heaven,goat-underground world, arrows-parts of the world. Famous monuments: kurgans with “moustache”, which served as the guideline. The largest-Tsar kurgans. Tasmola culture was widespread, its monuments were found in Pavlodar region. Burrials of Saka leaders: 8 cent.-Shiliktinskiy kurgan(the 3rd Gold Man); Issyk kurgan in Almaty;. Chirik-Rabat: the temple with the burials of aristocracy, warriors. Famous Saka philosopher-Anakharsis.

21)Early state unions of Usuns and Kanly. Usuns(3rd cent-ry BC-4th cent-ry CE) They occupied mainly the territory of Zhetysu and S. KZ region. Their capital-Kyzyl Angar. They replaced Saka tigrakhauda tribes in Zhetysu. The governor-gunmo(the great bek); tribal leaders-beks. There was ownership inequality among Usuns. The basis of the society-cattle-breeders and farmers. The state was divided into 3 parts. Cattle-breeding-the basis of household. (horses, sheep, goats, camels) Agriculture: they planted barley and millet. Metallurgy: produced gold, copper, bronze, led, iron. Made weapons, jewellery, mirrors, etc. Religion: worshiped supernatural powers; believed in life after death and put personal things in the graves. Kanly(3rd cent. BC-5th cent. CE)Settled in the S. of KZ. The leader-khan; 3 deputies. The state was divided into 5 parts. The power was passed by right of succession. Agriculture was widely developed, as the conditions were excellent. Religion: cult of ancestors; they made sacrifices. Arch. Monuments: kaunshinskaya, otrar-karatauskaya, zhetyasarskaya cultures. A lot of information about Kanly’s state can be found in Chinese scripts (Syma Tsyan).

22)Hun tribes in the territory of KZ. Huns(4th cent. BC-3rd cent. CE) Till 209 year BC were subjected to Khan dynasty. Military democracy; the leader-shanyuj;temniks(dukes); each ruled 10 th. tumens. 24 clans ruled by elders. 3 times a year-public meeting. Private ownership for dwellings, animals and land. Captives were used as slaves. Chzhi- Chzhi defeated Khan’ dynasty and united huns. 55 year BC-division of the state into N. and S. Huns(after several wars) 93-the 2nd wave; known as “The great migration of peoples”. In 437 Huns smashed up Burgundy. 4th century-Attila’s campaigns, which contributed to the fall of the Great Rome Empire. After his death tribal unions broke apart.

23)Historical conditions of formation and development of the international caravan trade. Great Silk Road. The great Silk road began functioning in the 2nd century BC. The old North road appeared by the initiative of the emperor U-di, who needed thoroughbred horses for his army. Some day in 138-126 years these horses were seen by the dignitary Chzhan Tsyan in Central Asia. He also told the emperor about the fact that there is no silk-producing handicraft in other countries and advised to export their silk, wine and sweet fruits abroad in exchange for good horses. In 121st year BC the first trade caravan with silk and bronze mirrors approached to the Fergana oasis through Tyan-Shan mountains. The trade was interrupted by the uprisings in 17-27, but very soon continued on the new South road. The GSR played an important part in the economic and cultural relations of the nations of Southwest Asia, Caucasus, Middle Asia and China. Silk was not the only material, which was exported; also: gold, silver, semiprecious stones, mirrors, wool, leather, carpets. The GSR continued functioning u to the 13th-14th cent-s, came to decline because of Mongol invasions.

24) Turkic and Western- Turkic khanates.The first and the brightest example of Nomad Empire is considered to be Turkic kaganate, which was founded in the year 552 and existed till 603. The founder-Bumyn. The basic of this state was not infrastructure on a certain territory, but strategically important meaning of the land. The dominant tribe, which settled here was “tele”, there were also karluks, uigurs, uisuns and many other nomadic tribes, which joined later. The type of household in this state-nomadic and semi-nomadic cattle-breeding. In the whole Turkic kaganate played a great part in the consolidation of Turkic tribes, it lead to the finishing period of class-society formation. Turkic kaganate was one of the greatest, most powerful empires in the world. This can be proved with the fact that Chinese states paid contribution to Turkic kaganate. The power of this state can be explained with the variety of tribes, which settled there, all the tribes were united with common aims(mainly capturing new lands and getting more power in the world arena). In 603 Turkic kaganate broke off into West-Turkic and East-Turkic. East-Turkic kaganate, or so-called “the state of 10 tribes”, followed the traditions of nomad state, the main type of household remained nomadic cattle-breeding.

25. Turgesh Khanate and its role in the fight of the people of South Kazakhstan and Central Asia against the Arab aggression. Turgesh Khanate had existed in 704-756. The founder of Turgesh dynasty was Ushlik Kagan. During his reign the capital city was Suyab. After his death Sulu Kagan took the place on the throne. He chose new capital city- Taraz. When he was a ruler, Turgesh Khanate resisted Arab’s invasion from the west, Chinese’s from the east and East Turkish Khanate’s. In order to save country’s independence, Sulu led the fight in 3 ways. In 748 Chinese troops invaded Zhetysu, captured and destroyed Suyab. In 751 there was great fight between turgeh-arabian army and Chinese near Atlaha city. Chinese troops were defeated. Atlaha battle had big historian meaning, because Chinese had left Zhetysu forever. Arab and Chinese invasions weakened Turgesh Khanate and it fell under the power of Karluk in 756.   

26. Karluk State had existed in 756-940. Firstly they lived from Dzungarian mountains to Syrdaria. The reason why they moved to Zhetysu was their defeat from Uyghur Khanate. In 756 Karluks used the decline of Turgeshes and took their power in Zhetysu. Administrative city was Suyab. Big influence on development of material and spiritual culture had Silk Way. In order to be save from Chinese, Karluks expanded their territory by capturing Kashgaria in 766-775. In 840 Karluks in union with Kirgiz defeated Uyghur Khanate. In the middle IX c. in order to spread Islam, Samanids started the war with Karluks and captured Ispidzhab and Taraz. Despite the religion power of Samanids, political power in these cities was in Karluk’s hands. Arab invasion and civil struggle weakened Karlul Khanate and it fell under the power of Turkic rulers of Kashgaria.

 27. Oguz State. Oguz State had existed in the end of IX- beginning of the XI cc. It was formed in the Syrdaria region. The capital city was Yangikent. Oguz State led long fight with Khazar Khanate for lands and trade routes in Black Sea region. In 965 there was held military union between Oguz Dzabgu and Kiev Tsar, which was against Khazar. The result of such union was complete defeat of Khazar Khanate. Russian sources states, that in 985 Vladimir Tsar in the union with Oguz were fighting against Volga Bulgaria. So, we can see that Oguz had good military relation with Russian State. In the beginning of XI c there was seen a decline of Oguz State, which was a consequence of struggle of Oguzs by the ruling power and increasing taxes. Seldzuks took advantage of it and captured Dzhent City. It completely fell under the power of Kypchac tribes.

28. Kimak Khanate. Kimak Khanate had existed in the end of IX- beginning of the XI cc. Kimak Khanate was formed on the territory of North and Central Kazakhstan after the liquidation of Uyghur Khanate. The capital city was Imakia. The ruler had the title kagan. His power was hereditary. Kipchak tribes were the most known and powerful tribes under the rule of Kimaks.  At the beginning of the XI century Kimaks and Kipchaks pushed Oguzes in a southerly direction, the Pechenegs in the west, the Karluk in the southeast and Ugrian in the north direction to the Siberian taiga. Internecine struggle weakened Kimak Khanate and it stopped its existence after frequent attacks of Karahanids

29. Kipchac Khanate. Since the end of VIII to the beginning of XI century Kipchaks were a part of the Kimak State. In the beginning of XI century after the fall of Kimak Khaganate, Kimaks territory fully was inserted into Kipchak Khanate. Since the XI to the beginning of the XIII century on the main territory of Kazakhstan except Zhetysu were dominated Kipchaks. The territory of Kipchak settlements in historical sources is called Dasht-i-Kipchak. East Dasht-i-Kipchak occupied the territory between the Volga and the Altai. At the beginning of the XI century on the way of Kipchaks to the southern regions of Russia and South Kazakhstan, Oguz State  was a barrier. But at the beginning of the XI century Oguz state experienced a decline, and Kipchaks  used it and Oghuz finally ousted from the banks of the Syr Darya and the Aral Sea. Kipchak Khans have fought the same way and with the Khorezm State. To enhance its impact on Kipchaks, Khorezmians spread  Islam between them. In the XII century Aral Sea region, Otrar and Sygnak  for years were  places where Kipchaks were fighting with Khorezm. Antagonism of Kipchaks and Khwarezmians finally stopped after winning their by Mongols in XIIIc.

30. State of Karakhanids. This state existed in 942-1212. It was created in Zhetysu and eastern Turkestan. The founder of the state was Satuq Bogra Khan. The capital city of the state was Balasagun. In 960, Musa Hagan in order to consolidate his power announced Islam the state religion. Thus, in Kazakhstan for the first time was announced Islam as the state religion in Qarakhanid state. In 999 Karakhanids as a result of successful campaigns captured the capital of the Samanids-Bukhara, and completely subdued the territory of Maveranahr. In the 30's of XII century from the east Kara-Khitai invaded Semirechye. In a battle near the city of Samarkand, they defeated the allied forces of the Seljuk and Karakhanids. So in the first half of the XII century power over the Karakhanids moved to Carakitaiys. At the beginning of the XIII century state of Khorezm increased in the west and in 1212 Khorezm Shah Muhammad finally conquered the western part of Karakhanids. At the beginning of the XIII century, escaped tribes from the Mongol  led by the Naiman Khan Kiichlug conquered the eastern part of the State Karakhanids.

31. State of Carakitaiy in Dzetisu. According to Chinese sources, the descendants of Carakitaiy lived in the Central Asia and were called Khitans. In 924, the Khitan tribes have created state Liao, which occupied the territory from the Pacific Ocean to the Altai. Moving westward Khitan tribes in Muslim sources were called Carakitaiy. In 1125 the Khitan tribes led by Eluy Dashi invaded Zhetysu and created there their own state. One of the reasons for invasion of the Kara-Khitai to Zhetysu is the decline of Karakhanids. In 1141 near the city of Samarkand Carakitaiy defeated the allied forces of the Seljuk and Karahanids. The rulers of Karahanid since 1141 were vassals of the Karakitai gurkhan. In the state of the Kara-Khitai head of state held the title gurkhan and heritage authorities had the right not only men but also women. Families living in border areas were obliged to defend the borders. In 1204 defeated by Genghis Khan, Naiman led by Kiichlug moved to Zhetysu. Here they are faced with Carakitaiy and in 1208 applied to them a defeat. In 1212, the Kara-Khitai State fell under the blows of Khorezm Shah and Naimans, led by Kiichlug Khan. The territory of the state became a possession of Naiman.

32. Medieval cities of Kazakhstan (VI-XII).

 Ispidzhab (Sairam) - "City on the White River" - mentioned in the sources from the VII century. Center of District. An important administrative center, as well as a hub for transit trade, and religion. In the XIII century was captured by the Mongols, but it did not hurt much.

 Otrar (Farab) - located near the confluence of Arys in the Syr Darya. Center of the Okrug Farab (Otrar oasis). Through it were many caravan routes. Town appeared in the first centuries AD, but the first mention in written sources was in IX century. In the VII-VIII centuries Otrar was economically and politically self-sufficient (Otrar coins). In the IX-X centuries Otrar was among the cities of Ispidzhab, which is associated with the subordination of it to Khaliphat, and then - Samanids, but the dependence was nominal. In XI-XII centuries Otrar grows and develops. But this development was interrupted by the Mongol conquest. 1218 - "Otrar catastrophe." 1219 - destruction of Otrar.

 Turkestan - the center of Turkestan oasis (ancient name was Iassy). In the VIII century was known as Shavgar District. The capital was the city of the same name then became the capital city Iassy, known from the XII century. Iassy from the beginning was located on the site of ancient settlement Kultobe from the territory of Turkestan. In the XIII century, Muhammad ibn Tekesh minted its own coins here. During the Mongol conquest, Turkestan's fate was unknown. One of the most important commercial, cultural and religious centers.

 Sauran - 35 km. north-east of Turkestan. The first mention was in the X century. Located on the site Karatobe before the XII century. In the XIII century was moved to a new location(approximately 3 km. to the west).

 Yangikent - capital of the country Oguz (New Guziya). One of the largest shopping centers. Existed prior to the XIII century.
Dzhendem - X-XIII century. The highest activity of the city. The beginning of the XIII century - the capital of Kipchak. During the Mongol invasion was captured.

Sygnak - mentioned since X century. In the XII century - the capital of Kipchak. 1220 - was destroyed by the Mongols.
Taraz - the first mention in the VI century. Was on the bank of the Talas. In the VII century - Taraz - one of the largest cities on the Silk Road. IX-XI century - the rise and development of the city. X-XI century - the capital of one of the principalities of Karakhanids. In the XIII century was destroyed by order of Harunshah, but was rebuilt.

33. Science and culture of the X-XII cc. Al Farabi. Al Farabi- philosopher, mathematician, music theorist. One of the leading representatives of the medieval Eastern philosophy. Al-Farabi - the author of comments on the works of Aristotle (hence his nickname of honor "second Aristotle") and Plato. His writings have influenced Ibn Sina, Ibn Baggio, Ibn Tufail, Ibn Rushd, as well as philosophy and science of medieval Western Europe. He was born in Otrar. He visited Tashkent, Buhara, Samarkand, where he had been learning and working. To continue education philosopher went to Baghdad and began to explore various fields of science and languages. He studied medicine, logic, and Greek. Baghdad was a Mecca for intellectuals of that time. Soon Farabi became a famous scholar. In 941 year Farabi moved to Damascus, where he spent the remainder part of his life, engaged in scientific work. Farabi made ​​significant contributions to musicology.

34. Science and culture of the X-XII cc. Usuf Balasaguni. He lived in the XI century in the state Karakhanids. He was a turk writer. Yusuf was born in the capital city of Karakhanids - Balasagun. Education Yusuf Balasaguni received in acknowledged cultural centers of that time - Farab, Kashgar, Bukhara. In the perfect possession of Arab and Persian, he worked on the philosophical and scientific works on various branches of knowledge. Educated, with wise life experiences, he came to Kashgar, and here for eighteen months of hard work had written a great poetic work. At age 50 he completed his poem "Kutadgu Bilig", introduced it to the ruler of Kashgar, and was awarded the "Hass Hadzhibey". "Qutatqu Bilig" - the first work written in the language of the ancient Turks and fully preserved. Many of the Turkic-speaking peoples can be rightly regarded as a product of the source or the first masterpiece of its written literature. He died in 1085 at the age of 66 years. He was buried in a mausoleum in the city of Kashgar

35. Science and culture of the X-XII cc. Makhmud Kashgari. Turkic scholar. He was born in the reign of the dynasty Karakhanids and came from the highest circles of the nobility Carahanid. His father ran the town Balasagun. Kashgari has worked mainly in Baghdad and is known for created "Assembly of Turkic dialects" -Glossary of various Turkic languages. Mahmud Kashgari's famous book "Divan lugat at-Turk" is a Turkic encyclopedia in the full sense of this word. In it was collected and summarized extensive historical-cultural, ethnographic and linguistic material. It is a monument of Turkish culture, depicting ethical values ​​and norms of behavior, a particular world view of Turkic peoples in the XI century, absorbed all the previous legacy of their ancestors. In the book, along with the ancient Zoroastrian-Shamanistic view, embodied elements of a new ideology - Islam and its branches such as Sufism. Here he introduced the main Turkic folklore genres - ritual and lyrical songs, fragments of the heroic epic, historical traditions and legends (about the campaign of Alexander of Macedon in the area of ​​Turks chigiley), more than 400 proverbs, and oral sayings.

36. Science and culture of the X-XII cc. Akhmed Yassawi. Yassawi was born to Sheykh Ibrahim. At age seven, when he was orphaned by the loss of his father, Yassawi was raised by another spiritual father, Arslan Baba. By age seven, Ahmad Yasawi had already advanced through a series of high spiritual stages and then, under the direction of Arslan Baba, the young Ahmad reached a high level of maturity and slowly began to win fame from every quarter. His father Shaikh Ibrahim had already been renowned in that region for performing countless feats and many legends were told of him. Consequently, it was recognized that, with respect to his lineage as well, this quiet and unassuming young boy, who always listened to his elder sister, held a spiritually important position. A mausoleum was later built on the site of his grave by Tamerlane the Great in the city (today called Türkistan). The Yasaviyya Tariqah which he founded continued to be influential for several centuries afterwards, with the Yasavi Sayyid Ata Sheikhs holding a  the shamanistic elements compared to other Sufi Orders. The first Kazakh-Turkish university, Ahmet Yesevi University, and liceum, Hoca Ahmed Yesevi Lisesi, were named in his honor. Naqshbandi Sufi Idries Shah mentions Ahmed Yasavi's lineage in his "The Book of the Book". Yasavi Sufis are also present in Kashmir. They came to Kashmir from Turkistan via Silk Route with Hazrat Amir-e-Kabir Mir Syed Ali Hamdani. A historical background of the Yasavi order can be found in the book SILSLAY YASAVI, written by Peerzada Mohammad Shafi Yasavi, eldest member of the Yasavi family in Kashmir. The book is written in Urdu.

37.Economy of the Turkic states.

In the early Middle Ages, some cities appeared in the field regular hibernation. The growing number of cities, the development of settled culture in the territory of Kazakhstan is observed in X-XII centuries. During this period, most major cities in territory of Kazakhstan and were Ispidzhab Otrar. According to M. Kashgari  in the VI c. Ispidzhab city was called Sairam. In Central and Eastern Kazakhstan growing number of cities and the development of sedentary culture is observed in the X-XI cc. Only in Zhetysu found over one hundred medieval towns. Increase in city areas by forming and growth of rabad (outer part of the city) is observed in X-XII centuries. At the same time an increasing number of urban residents at the expense of settling nomads. In medieval Kazakhstan expansion and strengthening of relations between the city and nomadic world contributed primarily interested in mutual trade. Period of development of the relationship between the two worlds in the medieval Kazakhstan were X-XII centuries. In the Middle Ages the establishment of economic and diplomatic relations between East and West contributed to the Great Silk Road. Expansion of trade through the Silk Road in the VI. contributed to the establishment of trade and diplomatic relations between the Turkic khanate and the Byzantine Empire. The main trading centers in southern Kazakhstan were Taraz and Ispidzhab. Trade, economic relations and cultural links of states and cities along the Silk Road were suspended in XIII-XIVcc.by the Mongol invasion

38.Cultural heritage of the Turks.

The Turks had known with the process of melting metal in the V., While still dependent on Zhuzhansk Khanate, they paid tribute to him with iron.Located along the Great Silk Road, the Turks in the VI-IX centuries. built along the caravan routes "sardob" - domical structure over the well.With the coming of the Turks in territory of Kazakhstan there are stone sculptures "balbals", which installed on the graves of people. In VI-IX centuries. Turks were built monuments in the style of "dyn" - stone structures in the form of yurts, again on the graves of people. These Turkic monuments in the style of "dyn" and "balbals" refer to the pre-Islamic period.Ancient Turks had an independent writing and used runic letter. Old Turkic runic alphabet, consisting of 35 letters, was established on the basis of tribal tamgas. Sources said that ambassadors of the West Turkic khanate brought to Byzantium a letter written by the Scythian letter.The largest monument of the ancient Turkic literature the letters "Kultegin" and "Tonyukuk" created during the Turkic khanate. Monuments of Ancient Literature "Kultegin" and "Tonyukuk" are historical poems and written in runic letter. Along with the Turkic letter in VI-IX century on the territory of Kazakhstan was used Sogdian letter. By the literature of Turkic peoples VIII - IX century refers book  "Korkyt-Ata." In the XIII century  famous Persian historian Rashid al-Din was written version of the ancient poem "Oguzname."In the early Middle Turkic tribes worshiped a female god Tengri and Umai, which is considered the patroness of the hearth and children. During this period, the Turkic tribes worshiped a “Kok bori  (wolf). One of the first scientific papers written in Turkic language, is the work of the XI century "Qutatqu Bilik" Yusuf Balasaguni. This book reflects the socio-political life, customs, traditions and beliefs of the Turkic peoples in the XI. For the creation of works of "Kutadgu Bilik" Hagan Yusuf Balasaguni awarded the title of "the vizier."History, ethnography, folklore, language of the Turkic peoples of the Middle Ages is reflected in the book Mahmud Kashgari "Diuani lugat at-Turk." A scientist A.N. Kononov wrote that the establishment of his book, Mahmud Kashgari set purpose - to glorify to the world Turkic language and prove that turkic language is not below the Arabic language.

39.Formation of Mongol Empire.

The founder of the Mongol Empire, Genghis Khan was born in 1155 at birth he was named Temujin. At the Congress of the Mongolian nobility in 1206 Temujin was proclaimed supreme ruler - Genghis Khan.According to "The Secret History of the Mongols," Mongolian tribes at the beginning of the XIII century were in a peaceful and good neighborly relations with Kerayit. Established in 1206 the Mongol Empire led by Genghis Khan was based on the principles of military and administrative aimags. All of Mongolia, its army and the population was divided into three aimag. The army consisted of the Left, center and right wing, which consisted of three military and administrative aimag. The Basic Law of the Mongolian State "Yasa" consisted of two parts, the first part were the words of edification of Genghis Khan. According to the "Yasa" the highest body of the Mongolian state was kurultai, who met once a year. Mongolian state ruled mainly by nomads, from the urban population Genghis Khan took only needed "special people." Great kurultai of the Mongols elect Khan decides to difficult political issues. After the conquest and the accession of the population of agricultural, settled regions, the nature of the empire began to change. It is increasingly losing the nomadic nature. Nevertheless, principles based on democratic solutions to the questions continue to operate

40.Ghenghis Khan’s aggressive policy in Kazakhstan.

Naiman Khan Kuchluk forbade citizens of Zhetysu implementation of Muslim rites. The persecution of Muslims, ban the Naiman khan performance Muslim rites led to Zhetysu interfaith confrontation. By using the tense situation caused by religious confrontations, the Mongols invaded in 1218 in Zhetysu. Wanting to attract people to his side Zhetysu, Mongolians have published a decree by which forbidden to rob the local population. The oppression of the Naiman, many of the city surrendered to the Mongols Zhetysu without a fight, including Balasagun. The reason for the invasion of the Mongols in the territory of Kazakhstan and Medium Asia was the death and devastation in Otrar in 1218 trade caravan sent by Genghis Khan.In 1219, 150 thousand army of Genghis Khan invaded the territory of South Kazakhstan, the  population of Otrar six months kept the defense, led by the governor of Cair Khan. This was “Otrar catastrophe”.Mongols were completely destroyed three South-Kazakhstan cities: Otrar Sygnak, Ashnas. All Syr -Darya cities were completely under the control of the Mongols as a result of military companies 1219-1220

41.Kazakhstan as a part of the Golden Horde.

The Mongol conquests in the XIII century have covered. vast territory of Eurasia. The conquest of Eastern Europe, led by Batu Khan. As a result, the European campaigns of Batu, which lasted from 1236 to 1242, established the Golden Horde, whose territory extended from the Altai Mountains to the Danube. Batu founded the Golden Horde state in the written sources called Ulus Juchi. In the lower reaches of the Volga located the capital of the Horde, the city of Sarai-Batu. This was the first major state created on the spot Jochi Ulus. During the reign of Khan's Golden Horde Berke becomes independent of the Mongol Empire. To strengthen links with Muslim countries ,Berke Khan spread Islam. Especially by Uzbek Khan (1312-1342) and Zhanibek Khan (1342-1357) the power of the khans intensified,stopped convening kurultays, centralized power. From 1357 to 1380 - the era of "Great Troubles" in the Golden Horde for the Khan's throne was replaced by two dozen of the khans. The decline of the Golden Horde as a result of internecine strife gain observed in the second half of XIV century. Taking advantage of the defeat of Mamaia on the Kulikov field, the power of the Golden Horde in 1380, seized Khan Tohtamysh. The Golden Horde was a multinational state.

42.Genghis Khan’s aggressive policy in Kazakhstan.

After the conquest of the territory of Kazakhstan, Genghis Khan divided it into uluses among his sons:Juchi,Ugedei,Chagatai,Tului. Genghis Khan the conquered lands divided between the sons of the Four uluses In the ulus of Juchi included territory from the Irtysh to Eastern Europe. Jochi died in 1227, and ulus inherited by his son - Batu.In the Chagatai ulus included the territory of the South and South-eastern Kazakhstan and Central Asia with its center in Almaly. In the mid-fourteenth century the state was divided into Chagataid's state Moghulistan and Maverannahr.Tarbagatai territory and the upper reaches of the Irtysh River entered the ulus of Ugadei. In 1251 Ugadei ulus was eliminated.


Ak Horde - the first major public education on the basis of local ethnic after mongolic period in Kazakhstan created in XIII-in the  beginning   of XV cc.Founder – Orda Edzhen (1226-1280). Officially, the first Khan of White Horde elected Sasy-Boke (1309-1315).When the ruler was his son Erzene (1315-1320) in White Horde was the growth of cities, trade, crafts.Khan Erzen, defining the boundaries of principalities, appointed his deputies - oglanov. Mubarak Khan Khoja (1320-1344) managed to break White Horde with a nominal dependence on the Golden Horde. Elevation at White Horde occurs Urus Khan (1361-1375),finally White Horde separated from the Golden Horde. In 1375 against the   White Horde began hiking protege of Tamerlane Tokhtamysh (son of Tuka Timur, the 13th son Jochi Khan). As a result of fierce battles, Urus Khan was killed, and power in the   White Horde  passed to Tohtamysh.As a result of aggressive wars and internal strife Timur in the late XIV - early XV centuries., White Horde significantly weakened. In 20-ies. XIV century.   White Horde split into two parts: the Khanate Abulhair and the Nogai Horde.

44.Timur and his conquests.

Emir Timur, from Turkicized Mongolian tribe- Barlas, moved during the feudal strife, and in 1370 seized power in Maverannahr (area between the Amu Darya and Syr Darya), ruled in Central Asia in 1370-1405 years. In the north and west conquering Timur's plans prevented the state Golden Horde. Before the Golden Horde break, Amir Timur decided to conquer the Ak Orda. In 70-80 years. XIV century. Amir Timur made ​​numerous forays into the Ak Orda and Moghulistan. In 1380, the White Horde and Moghulistan set up a political alliance directed against the Emir Timur. In order to established a political union and contact people Ak Orda and Mogulistan great importance was the joint struggle against the state of Timur. State of Ak Orda and Moghulistan weakened as a result of the raids Emir Timur.In 1380, the power of the Golden Horde captures the descendant of Juchi- Tohtamysh, under his authority and is the Ak Orda. Combining Gold and White Horde ruled Tokhtamysh threatened the power of Emir Timur. In 1389, 1391 and 1395 years of Emir Timur makes ruinous campaigns against the Golden Horde. The Golden Horde was finally defeated by the last campaign Emir Timur in 1395. The long and bitter struggle between the Emir Timur Khan and Tokhtamysh promoted the decline of the Golden Horde and the liberation of the Russian lands.Because of the military campaigns of the late Emir Timur in XIV-XV centuries on the territory of Kazakhstan's population has decreased, it is in economic decline. Timur died in 1405 in the city Otrar.

45.Nogai Horde.

Nogai Horde was created in the beg.of XVc.,the territory was between the Volga and the Ural.The founder of the Nogai Horde was Nogai Edyge. At the beginning of the Nogai Horde Edyge stand apart from the Horde, with his son Edyge Hyp al-din became an independent state, separated from the Golden Horde. Edyge, who had no right to the title of Khan, was for many years the factor ruler of the Golden Horde. In the 90s of the XIV century Edyge waged war with Tohtamysh Khan for domination of the Golden Horde, and in order to expand the boundaries Nogai Horde. Edyge for 15 years was the ruler of the Horde (1396-1411 gg.). Under his rule, ownership of the Nogai Horde expanded to the West Siberian Plain. According to written sources, the leg in the middle of XV century, reached the middle reaches of the Syr Darya. captured the city. At the beginning of the XVII century the Nogai Horde was dependent on the Crimean Khanate and Turkish sultans. At the end of the XVIII century after the fall of the Crimean Khanate became the imperial government to pursue the Nogai. The survivors moved to Turkey. the Northern Caucasus, on the ground in Kazakhstan. Later, some of the tribes that were part of Nogai Horde, joined the Junior Juz Kazakhs. Basis of the population Nogai Horde was mangyt’s tribes. This political union was not created on an ethnic basis, but as a political entity.

46.History of Mogolistan.

Mogolistan created in XIV. The territory was the south-eastern Kazakhstan and East Turkestan and the north-eastern part of Central Asia. The founder of the state Mogolistan is the head of the feudal nobility of the tribe Dulat Puladchi emir. Not being Genghisides and not having the right to the throne, he was enthroned he established the state, a representative of the dynasty chagataidov Togluk Timur. The first Khan Mogulistan Togluk Timur (1347-1362) to strengthen the power and the state held a number of administrative, political and economic reform, islam was used as an instrument of power. . In 1361 Togluk Timur conquered the entire Mawannahr. When the ruler was Timur’s son Togluk Iliyas-Hodge (1362-1380) in Mogulistan begins a period of feudal fragmentation. Khan Mogulistan Kyzyr Hodja (1380-1399) was forced to acknowledge himself a vassal of Timur. In the first half of the XV century. increased fragmentation, and Timurids continued to claim the Seven Rivers and Kashgar. In the internecine struggle was won by the son of Uais Khan - Esen Boke (1433-1462). In the late 50s. XV century to migrate to Seven Rivers of East Dasht-i-Kipchak led by the sultans Kerey and Zhanibek. Esen-Boke Khan gave them land in the valley-Chu and Talas, where they formed the Kazakh Khanate.In the second half of the XV and early XVI centuries. subsequent rulers tried to strengthen the position of Mogulistan, but constant war for possession weakened state.

47.Khanate of Abulhair.(State of Nomadic Uzbeks)

Khanate of Abulhair created in 1428,the territory was  from the Urals in the west to the east of Lake Balkhash.. In 1428 from the break the Ak Orda power at the main territory of Kazakhstan moves to the Khan Abulkhair dynasty from Shaibani. Capital of khanate - Sygnak. The main population of the state consisted of the tribes of the Kipchaks. Abulhair Khanate existed in 1428-1468 years and in the historical sources state called "Uzbek ulus", "Shaibani ulus." In 1456-1457 years. under Sygnak Abulkhair Khan was defeated by the Oirat, which was one of the reasons for its weakening and increase the growing discontent among the population. The defeat of the Oirat Abulhair also served as one of the causes of the migration of the Kazakh population, led by the sultans and Zhanibek Kerei in Moghulistan. The descendants of Khan Barack  Zhanibek and Kerei sultans were hereditary rulers and ruled in the Syr Darya and the foothills of the Karatau lands. In 1468 Abulkhair Khan marched on Moghulistan to punish the sultans and Zhanibek Kerei. However, during the campaign Abulkhair Khan died. With the formation of the Kazakh Khanate power Abulhair descendants stopped in East Dasht-i Kipchak.

48.Formation of the Kazakh Khanate and the Kazakh nation.

The consensus is that the Kazakh people or Kazakh nation was formed in the mid- fifteenth century when Janibek and Kerei, sons of Barak Khan of the White Horde of the Mongol empire, broke away from Abu'l Khayr , khan of the Uzbeks. Janibek and Kirai sought to capitalize on the power created by Abu'l Khayr's defeat by the Oirats (Mongols), and they moved with their supporters to western Zhety-Su—the land between the Chu and Talas rivers.Here their supporters increased in number, and they established own independent khanate. The territory of the Kazakh khanate continued to expand, so that by the middle of the sixteenth century it included most of the environs of Lake Balkhash and the lands immediately above and below the Syr Darya River, north to the Turgai River, and west to the lands just northwest of the Aral Sea. The Kazakh khanate was a political confederation composed primarily of Turkish-speaking nomadic tribes of Uzbek-TurkicThe term Kazakh came into use by the residents of the area possibly as early as the end of the fifteenth century and certainly by the mid-sixteenth century.The official first khan was Zhanibek.

49 Kazakh Khanate in the 16th century

     The whole executive power in the hands of Khan. Hahn was elected by class of maslikhat torus(төре) - the descendants of Genghis Khan, and performed his duties. In the XV-XV1 century. Kazakh khans had broad powers arising from the functions they performed. Khan, a commander in chief, could declare war, conclude peace, to dispose of the whole territory of the khanate, appoint the heads of the rulers and subordinates ulus cities. There was a council biy Khan.

     Kazakh Khanate in the 20's and 30's. XVI century. After the death of Kasim Kazakh Khanate was divided into several domains. Territories in the middle reaches of the Syr Darya owned Togym Khan, grandson of Kasim. In 1538, Khan Togym with all the offspring were killed, and his place was elected a son of Kasim - Khak-Nazar (1538-1580)                                                                                                                                                            The struggle for the Seven Rivers (against the Oirat and Moguls) for the northern lands - with Nogais, Bashkirs, Tatars (they were a part of the khanate, refusing to accept Russian citizenship). 1555-1558gg .- troops-Haqq Nazar was kept at a constant voltage of the rulers of Tashkent. The development of ranching and (zemeledelcheskogo???) farm trade. In the north-east-Haqq Nazar forces opposed Kalmaks. Creation of a military bloc against Kuchuk Khan. Increased contacts with Russia.

      Territorial changes: the limits of the Khanate changed not only in terms of military and diplomatic abilities, victories and defeats, but most of the foreign circumstances. Managed to take control of land from the Syr Darya, the Aral Sea to the Emba and to the left bank of the Yaik, taking under its power of Nogai ulus.                 Kazakh Khanate in the late XVI century. After the death of Hak-Nazar, power passed to Tauekel.

        Achievements: Tauekel broke the Kalmyks, who invaded the territory of the eastern and south-eastern Kazakhstan. 1586-1594 years. - Asserted its power to fight apponentami (plumes). The struggle for access to shopping centers in Central Asia. Successful completion of the long struggle for the city Syrdarya. Concludes the military alliance with Moscow against the Uzbek Khan. Diplomatic relations with Russia.

Territorial changes: the capture of cities Kazakhs Syrdarya, Tashkent, Bukhara, Samarkand and Fergana, for a short time.

50 Kazakh Khanate in the 17th century

      Kazakh Khanate at Yesim Khan. Achievements: A peace treaty with Bukhara. (Vnutrepoliticheskaya??) power not stable. Kazakh Khanate was divided into more parts, reinforced by feudal strife. The Kazakh people was divided into three tribal associations - zhuzy. Gradually each of the 3 zhuzes appeared independent khans. Complicated by the external situation.

     Territorial changes: Syrdarya and Tashkent city were assigned to the Kazakh Khanate. The composition of the Kazakh Khanate became Turkestan with its cities. Reform of the XVII century. Tauekel`s successor - Yesim had to endure even more severe political struggle, the outcome of which was a radical reform of the political system of the Kazakh state. Its essence was that the primacy of private elite - the torus(tore) replaced by the rule of the elite open - biy and elders. There was a kind of revolution biyskaya, restrict the political rights of chenghisides estate and established broad rights for communities and their leaders.

      In the XVII century. has been defined and constant capital of the Kazakh Khanate - Turkestan, where Khan was in the winter. The struggle of Kazakhs from Dzhungarian invasion. After the death of Yesim khan Kazakh khanate began feuds that lasted several years. In the end Khan's son was proclaimed Yessim Zhangir Khan (1628-1652). The whole history of his reign is connected with the fight against Junggar aggression.

51 Jeti zhargy

    Jeti Zhargy - this body of law of the Kazakh Khanate under Khan Tauke. Changes in political structure called the urgent need for treatment and legal basis for the organization of Kazakh society. This work was done all the XVII century and Khan Tauke has been translated into the code of laws "Zhety Zhargy" (Seven set). Developed was this set with the participation of famous biy Tole (Senior Horde) Kazybek Bi (average Horde) and Aiteke (Junior Horde) in the early XVII century

    Jeti Zhargy included the following major sections:

* The Land Law (Jer dauy), which negotiated the settlement of disputes about pastures and watering points.

* Family-marriage law, which establishes the order of marriage and divorce, the rights and obligations of spouses, the property rights of family members.

* Military Law, which regulates the administration of military service, the formation of divisions and election officers.

* The position of the trial, negotiated order of the trial.

* Criminal Law, which establishes penalties for various types of crimes except murder.

* Law of Cune(куне), establishes penalties for murder and grievous bodily harm.

* Law of widows (Zhesir dauy), which regulates property and personal rights of widows and orphans, as well as commitment to the community and his family of the deceased.

52 Djungarian state

The end of the XVI and XVII century the first half of a special place in the history of Western Mongolia. The events of that time, prepared and led to the formation of the Djungarian state. Formed in the 17th century. Main occupation-nomadic herding. Huntayshi-title of the supreme ruler, was based on noyans and zhaysans.

 The strategic goal of Jungar rulers in the first quarter of the 18th century, the subordination of expanses of Kazakhstan. Dzungar invasions disrupted the traditional ways of migrations, which intensified the internal strife of the Kazakh Khanate. 1643 orbulakskaya buttle. Adopt of Jungars-fire weapon with a wick. Interfered with organizing resistance to the Dzhungars division of three  zhuzes. Active part in the fight against Dzhungars took batyrs Raimbek and Kabanbai. 1716 address to the Gagarin with a request for help. 1718 Battle of the River Ayaguz.- defeat. 1729-Anrakay buttle.1750 battle in place Ayak, resulting in a non-aggression pact signed between the Kazakhs and Dzhungars

53 Fight of Kazakhs against the Djungarian invasion

   At the beginning of the XVIII century  international relations in Central Asia intensified the aggressive actions of Jungar Khanate. The most significant impact on international relations in Central Asia during this period exerted Jungar-Kazakh rivalry.

The greatest danger for the Kazakhs in the first half of the XVIII century  hung from the Jungar Khanate. The main purpose of the invasions of the rulers of the territory Jungar Kazakh Khanate was subordinate to the Kazakh steppes of his power, in the capture of nomads and pastures. In an advantageous position with respect to the Kazakh militia, Jungars set that they have guns. For the war with the Kazakhs Dzhungars buy weapons and guns at Russian gunsmiths.

    In the late XVII - early XVIII centuries Tauke Khan sent a major country's efforts to repel the raids of the Oirat, restored the state and preserve the territorial integrity of the Kazakh Khanate. In the summer of 1710 with the aim of creating a single militia against Jungars, in Karakum district, the first kurultai of  three Kazakh zhuzes held. By the decision of a single militia kurultai Kazakhs against Jungars Bogenbai headed warrior.

    After the death of Tauke Khan, because of the separation of three zhuzs internal situation in the Kazakh Khanate became tense and contradictory. Using the uncoordinated actions of the Kazakhs and their military superiority, Jungar troops in 1711-1717  occupied part of Zhetysu. In 1718, near a three-day battle Aiaguz with Dzhungars due to the fact that the Kazakh sultans acted separately, the Kazakh militia defeated.

   1723 - 1727's. entered into the history of the Kazakh people as the "Year of the Great Disaster," in this period, especially the affected areas Zhetysu. The main reason for the tragedy of 1723-1727 years. is the absence of Kazakh society, political unity. In 1724-25 he. Dzhungars were captured in the city of Turkestan and Tashkent.

    The aggressive policy of Junggar Khanate was a real threat not only for the Kazakhs, but also for Russia. In defending their economic interests, Russia in 1742 demanded that the rulers of the aggression Jungar. On the diplomatic protests of Russia in 1742 of non-interference in the affairs of Kazakhs Jungars Galdan-Tseren not only did not react, but also demanded the destruction of the Russian fortresses in the Upper Irtysh.

In the 40 years of the XVIII century. Russia to protect its economic interests of Jungars erected new fortresses and outposts in the Upper Irtysh. Kazakhs do not interfere with their construction, suggesting that the fortress will be a mainstay in the fight against Dzhungars, and they played an important role in protecting the Kazakhs during the Junggar aggression in the first half of the XVIII century. The main force combating Junggar aggression remained the liberation struggle of the people.

  The real threat of enslavement Dzhungars Kazakh lands were eliminated with the death in 1745 the governor-Galdan Tseren. After the death of Galdan-Tseren in 1745 begins to fight for the throne among the heirs, which led to a decline in the Djungarian state. Weakened the military power and Dzungaria Ablai, relying mainly on people's warriors. China used weakening of  Dzungaria . In 1756-1758 years. Dzungaria was finally defeated the Manchu-Qing troops (China) and ceased to exist as a state in 1761 was converted into the Qing imperial governorship – Sincyan`.

54 The accession of Kazakhstan to Russia.

   In the late XVI - early XVII century after the establishment of economic and political relations with the countries of Central Asia, Kazakhstan is increasing interest in Russia.

  In order to ensure trade and development of land east of the Urals Russia since the end of the XVI century started the construction of fortified settlements on the border with Kazakhstan. Forts and castles were strongholds for colonizing Russia's advance in the north-eastern lands of Kazakhstan. In the first quarter of XVIII century. situation was aggravated not only Kazakhs Jungar aggression and attack from the north of the Siberian Cossacks.

    Expansion of economic ties between Russia and Central Asian countries in XVII-XVIII centuries. helped strengthen its military and colonizing policy of Kazakhstan. In the XVIII century. Russian government considers Kazakhstan as a "key to the gates" of Asia. For political and military penetration into the interior of the Kazakh lands in Russia's 1716-1720 military is building a fortress on the Upper Irtysh.

    Letter of acceptance Junior Juz of the Russian Empire was signed February 19, 1731by Anna Ioannovna. To sign the instrument of Russian citizenship in Kazakhstan were sent to the Russian embassy, headed by A. Tevkelev. A considerable part of the sultans, and the elders of the biy Junior Juz opposed the adoption of Russian citizenship. But in October, 1731g. much of the elders, led by Abulkhair adopted Russian citizenship. The beginning of the accession of Kazakhstan to Russia refers to 1731.

55 Joining of the Junior and the Middle zhuzes

  Joining the Senior and Middle zhuzes to Russia was delayed for many years. Legally joining Senior zhuz held June 10, 1734, in accordance with the decree of the empress. However, the remoteness of the past Russia has complicated their practical entry into the Russian Empire. As a result, the beginning of XIX century, much of Senior zhuz fell under the rule of the Kokand ruler Alim Khan.                                                                                                             In 1818, Elder Horde again requested the adoption of Russian citizenship. In May 1824, Emperor Alexander I signed a letter of acceptance into citizenship 14 sultans Senior zhuz, wandering in the Seven Rivers. In 1830, took the oath of the population of several districts of the Middle Horde. Then for 15 years in the Russian citizenship to take almost all other Senior zhuz.                                                                                                                                         It should be noted that joining Russia was the only one at the moment out of this situation, because the risk of loss of statehood was very great. Naturally, the Russian Empire, wanting to protect their new ownership, has taken several steps to ensure the safety of the annexed territories. In addition, Russia was necessary to ensure the security of caravan trade routes leading to western China and Central Asia.

56 Participation of Kazakhs in the peasant war led by Pugachev(1733-75)

The first joint performance of the Kazakh and Russian people against autocracy is the active participation of Kazakhs in the Peasants' War of 1773-1775. The main reason for the participation of Kazakhs in the peasant war of 1773-1775 is the land issue. In 1742 Khan Nuraly pressure of the people demanded the government to lift restrictions on cattle grazing along the Ural River, but the Russian government refused to meet this requirement. In the second half of XVIII century  from the colonial policy of Russia to a greater extent Kazakhs suffered Junior Juz. Junior Juz Kazakhs discontent aroused predatory actions Yaik Cossacks army. In 1756, the tsarist government, protecting the interests of the Cossack troops, forbade the Kazakhs to roam on the right side of the Urals.

     During the Peasants' War under the leadership of Pugachev known biy Dautbay Kazakhs urged to actively support the insurgents. Kazak troops in the peasant war of 1773-1775 united by tribal lines. One of the leaders of insurgent groups in the peasant war led by Pugachev was a Kazakh warrior Datyli. Supporting the rebellion led by Pugachev, the Kazakh troops were the main strike force in the capture of the Kulaginsk fortress. During the Peasants' War of 1773-1775. Nuraly Khan, adhering to the dual position, sought to use the rebellion to return the selected lands. Supporting the rebellion led by Pugachev, steppe aristocracy was designed to weaken tsarism in Kazakhstan. In 1771 part of the Volga Kalmyks trying to migrate through Kazakhstan to their homeland - in Dzungaria, but were defeated Kazakhs.

57 Revolt of S.Datov in the Junior Zhuze(1783-1797)

   Junior Juz Kazakhs revolt under the leadership of raw Datuly occurred in the 1783-1797 years. One of the causes of the uprising the Kazakhs Junior Juz 1783-1797 gg. under the leadership of raw Datuly lay in the excesses of the Cossacks. The main driving force for the revolt led by Kazakh crude Datuly were poor, sharua.           The uprising, led by raw Datuly participated Kazakhs who have seen the cause of all their troubles in the preservation of personal power Nuraly Khan. The deepening of the agrarian crisis in the second half of XVIII century  weakened the positions of the khan's environment and strengthened the opposition against the heirs of Khan Abulhair. During the uprising 1783-1797  Orenburg governor Baron Igelstrom proposed new system of junior zhuz. Under the Igelstrom`s plan all power in the Junior Zhuz concentrated in the hands of the Border of the court. During the uprising inconsistency S. Datuly revealed that he was in opposition to the Khan's group supported the proposed Igelstrom`s reform . The Russian government refused to Igelstrom`s reform in the Junior Joseph because of the growth antimonarchic sentiment in Russia.

In 1797, the administration of Orenburg in the hope to win the S. Datuly not included in the council representative of the Khan Khan family Nuraly. The main result of the uprising, led by raw batir should be considered the government's decision of March 11, 1801, which permitted the Kazakhs to roam on the right side of the Urals.

The uprising led by cheese Datuly was the largest anti-colonial performance on the southeastern outskirts of the Russian Empire at the end of XVJII.

58 Culture of Kazakhstan in the 18 century

Poets - witness the tragic events of the first third of the XVIII century in his works reflected the effects of the Oirat aggression.

An important source in the study period are works of the poet Ablai XVIII century tatikary. Ablai, Bogenbai and other illustrious figures in the XVIII are central to the works of the poet Tatikary. Political history of the Kazakh state XVIII century  recreates the poetic heritage Bukhar-zhyrau.One of the best versions of the poem "Kozy Korpesh - Bayan Sulu" belongs to akyn 18 century -Zhanak.

The result of the expedition, GF Miller in the second half of XVIII century. was the work of "Siberian history," which contains valuable information about the Kazakhs of the Middle Horde

59 The charter of the Siberian Kirghizes

In order to ensure the safety of caravans passing through the Kazakh steppe, the Russian government in 1803 allowed the merchants to have militias. In the first half of XIX century in trade with Central Asia, from all the cities controlled by Russia was not equal to. There is a gradual adaptation to the needs of the economy of Kazakhstan the Russian economy.

Reinforcing the political fragmentation of the Middle Horde, the government appointed in 1815 second Khan's Bukei.

The situation after the death of Khan Bukei  in 1817 and Wali Khan in 1819, the tsarist government was used to eliminate Khan's power in the Middle Juze. After the death of Khan Bukei and Khan Wali Khans new in the Middle Zhuz not approved.

Under the leadership of the Siberian Governor-General Speransky in 1822 was designed by the "Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz." The elimination of traditional Kazakh political system, change judicial administration in the north-east of Kazakhstan, was the main purpose "of the Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz" 1822

According to the "Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz" 1822 Middle Juze  was eliminated Institute Khan's power. Horde territory became part of the West-Siberian General-Governorship with the center in Omsk. Average Horde was divided into administrative units: village, parish, district, and was "Field of Siberian Kirgiz."

According to the "Charter of the Siberian Kirghiz" in 1822:

- Senior management of the district passed the sultan, who was elected only by the sultans;

- Passed by inheritance township authority of the Sultan;

- After nine years of service (3 terms) for a knighthood could count on senior sultan;

- All the sultans not elected to retain their positions hereditary title, but without the right to intervene in management;

- Court cases were divided into three categories - criminal, lawsuits, complaints to management;

- Criminal cases were dealt with under the laws of the Russian Empire;

- Caravan trade between Russia and Kazakhstan are not taxed;

- In the Kazakh steppe prohibits the sale of wine

60 Arcticles of Orenburg Kirghizes 1824

"The Charter of Orenburg Kyrgyzs» designed by PK Essen, after consideration of the Asian Committee was adopted in 1824

According to the "Charter of Orenburg Kyrgyzs" in 1824 in the Junior Juze was eliminated Khan's authority.

Administrative and political reforms met with resistance of Kazakh society, and for a long time in the opposition led by the Sultan Karatay .

Khan's authority in the Inner (Bukeyev) horde continued until 1845.

61.Rebellion Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov.

Mahambet Utemisov & Isatay Taimanov/In the national liberation struggle of the Kazakh people occupies an important place uprising led by Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov (1836-1838). Rebellion has an anti-colonial and feudal character. The reasons for the uprising were: land crisis, the tax burden, the arbitrariness of  tsarist officials, harassment, Jahangir Khan and his relatives. The reason for the uprising was the appointment in 1833, of Karaul Hodja Babazhanov as a ruler of Kazakh tribes, wandering in the Caspian Sea. The driving forces of rebellion: the Kazakh ball, representatives of elders, biy, whose rights were violated by the khan and the tsarist government.

The objectives of the uprising:

1. Limitation the power of Zhangir Khan.

2. Advancement of the ball.

3. Change the colonial policy of the tsarist government.

Periods of rebellion:

1. 1833-1836 years. - Formation of the main prerequisites of the uprising;

2. Beginning and  the end of 1837 - a period of rebellion, clashes with punitive troops and the king with helper Khans;

3. December 1837. July 1838 .- weakening forces and their defeat.

July 12, 1838 in an area near the river Akbulak  main rebel group, about 500 people, was destroyed, Issatay Taimanov was killed. Fighting the insurgents began to decline. Punishers staged a massacre of the participants in the uprising, they were punished with sticks, confiscated property, banished into permanent exile, sent to forced labor. Thus ended the rebellion led by Isatai Taimanov and Makhambet Utemisov, which lasted from 1836 to 1838.

62. Kenesary Kasymov

The causes and course of the uprising.

On the 20th of the XIX century, some Senior Zhuz ,southern regions of Middle and Junior zhuzes

were under the rule of Kokand and Khiva Beks. In an effort to consolidate its rule,

Kokand rulers collected taxes from the Kazakhs, what caused discontent.

In 20-30s of the XIX century the Khiva Khanate in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya erected several fortresses.Khiva campaigns violate the peaceful life of Kazakh villages and looting caravans negatively

impact on the economy. This led to protests.

Dissatisfaction increased the seizure of land and also to create new orders in the districts of

Charter in 1822, resulting in worsened conditions for farming and ranching.

All this has led to an uprising led by 1837-47.It was head by  Kenesary Kasim-uly. The main purpose uprising  of Kenesary Kasim-uly preserve autonomy but not incorporated into Tsarist Russia and the termination regions of Kazakhstan Kazakh land colonization by building fortresses.

Rebellion Kenesary Kasim-uly seized nearly all of Kazakhstan. Actively participated in the revolt

Kazakhs of all three zhuzes. This is the only uprising in the history of liberation movements in the late XVIII and in XIX century  which swept all the major areas of Kazakh tribes.

In September 1841 representatives of the three Kazakh zhuzes elected Kenesary Kasymov as a Khan.

Kazakh Khanate was restored. In August 1841 the rebels laid siege to the fortress Sozak,

Zhanakorgan, Ak-Mosque Zhulek, where they were struck by large forces Kokand.

Contributed to the defeat of the revolt as a political and intrageneric divisions

Kazakhs, the lack of support next feudal groups.

The reasons for the defeat of the uprising Kenesary Kasimov were:

    1)intrageneric divisions of the Kazakhs;

    2)lack of support for some of the feudal groups. Sultans and Bies have received many benefits from the imperial government of the Russian Empire, were not interested in creating a centralized feudal state;

    3)crushed by zhuzs, Kazakh clans supported the uprising mainly within its limits;

    4)Kenesary arbitrariness and violence with tough not support him auls were not in the traditions of the Kazakhs;

   5) Kenesary not able to unite together the struggle against tsarist Russia, Bukhara and Kokand lords.

The largest national liberation uprising of Kazakh people in the XIX century. Aiming

restoration of the feudal state of Khan, and this time ended in defeat,

leaving an indelible mark in the memory of the peoples of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

The historical significance of the uprising is great:

1. It was the largest uprising against colonial oppression, swept all three Horde;

2. it was part of the liberation struggle in Russia in the first half of the XIX


3. shows the dependence of the internal contradictions of the Kazakh society from a policy of tsarism.


63. Administrative-territorial reforms in Kazakhstan in the second half of the 19 century

In 1867 was held "Provisional Regulations on Administration in Semirechensk and Syrdarya regions" and in 1868, "Provisional Regulations on the management of the steppe regions of Orenburg and West-Siberian General-Governorship." According to the reform  the territory of Kazakhstan was divided into three general-governorship: Turkestan, Orenburg and West Siberia.

To the Orenburg general governorship belonged Ural and Turgay area.

West- Siberian General  Governorship was divided into Akmolinsk and Semipalatinsk region.

Turkestan general  governorship  made the territory of the Syrdarya and Semirechensk areas.

Each area was divided into counties. Counties were divided into volost,each of which consisted of one to 2 thousand households. Volost divided into administrative villages of 100 to 200 households. In order to finally destroy the "generic top" instead of the traditional names auls been assigned numbering.

In the West of Kazakhstan were still 2 administrative entity not included in listed higher general governorship  . They are  Bokeevskaya Horde joined to the Astrakhan province and Mangyshlak, part of the Transcaucasian governorship, and then passed as a county to the Transcaspian region.

Administrative reforms of 1886 and 1891.

In 1886 was adopted "Regulations on the management of Turkestan area." In 1891 was adopted "Regulations on the management of Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Semirechye, Ural and Turgay regions."

In Turkestan was established three areas: the Syrdarya, Ferghana, Samarkand. Control center region - Tashkent.

Akmola, Semipalatinsk, and Semirechye area were subject to the Steppe Governor-Generalship. Control center region - Omsk. Determined the number of counties(uezds) by region: Ferghana - 5, Samarkand - 4, SyrDarya - 5, Akmola - 4, Turgay - 4.

The most serious consequence of land reform was the declaring  the territory of Kazakhstan as the property of the Russian Empire.

64. Revolt in the Urals(1868),Turgay(1869) and in Mangyshlak areas(1870)

Administrative Reform 1867-1868 violate the established order of the division of pasture, limited the power of local authorities ,have introduced new tax legislation. In December 1868 an uprising broke out in Turgay and Ural regions.It begun spontaneously. The reason was exit organized by the travel commissions in the steppe to implement the "Regulations" 1867-1868. It lasted until October 1869.By the spring of 1869 formed rebel militias ,they  offered armed resistance to the king's orders.

The uprising was anti-colonial and was directed against: 1) Administrative Reform 1867-1868., Which has strengthened the colonial dependence of the Kazakh steppe, 2) Declaring the whole territory of  Kazakhstan as the property of the Russian Empire and its use on a territorial basis. Introduction of new rules for land use, 3) construction of new fortresses and removal of fertile land of the Kazakhs, 4) raising taxes and imposing new duties, 5) Transitionof  the feudal groups to the management service, strengthening of administrative pressure on their subordinates.

The rebels of the Ural and Turgay regions required: 1) To save the people from taxes, 2) Cancel the sale of land, 3) Save the freedom of migrations, and 4) Eliminate the principle of appointment of district chiefs.

The revolt was suppressed. The participants of the rebels were poor Kazakhs, a ball, which carried all the burdens of colonization. It participated in virtually all sectors of society, led by tribal rulers. But the Sultans, Bies and elders showed inconsistencies and failed to meet expectations of the rebels. After the uprising  all participants were punished.

65.Development of industry and trade in the second half of the 19 century.

The development of industry and trade.

In the second half of XIX century the development of industry in Kazakhstan has been closely linked with the interests of Russian industrial capital. Kazakhstan was a source of raw materials and markets for products of capitalist industry in Russia. The main field of application was extraction and processing of minerals, which are distinguished by rich subsoil region, as well as the processing industry of agricultural raw materials and trade. Mining industry, mainly concentrated in  Akmola  and Semipalatinsk regions.

Along with the use of agricultural raw materials, Russian industrialists were interested in developing of the mineral resources of Kazakhstan - gold, coal and oil.

In East Kazakhstan in Ridder and Zyryan deposits and  in central Kazakhstan were developing mining industry. Spassky, Uspensky, Atbasar, Ridder, Karaganda and Ekibastuz industrial centers have been bought by foreign capitalists. The greatest extent  became the Orenburg-Tashkent railroad.

At the end of the century there are large companies with many employees in the 300-400 – Uspenskiy mine, Karaganda coal basin, Ekibastuz (Ekibastuz), Ridder.

One of the largest fairs - opened in 1848 in the area of  Taldy- Koyandy is Koyanlinskaya Fair, also called Botov assembled merchants from China,Central Asia, Russian cities.

Industry in Kazakhstan in the late XIX century developed much more slowly than the capitalist industry in Central Russia.

66.History of Kazakhstan in the studies of 18-20 centuries.(Levshin)

A major total of the study of Kazakhstan by the Russian scientists came out of the book by Levshin, "Description of the Kirghiz-Cossacks, or the Kirghiz steppes and Kaisak hordes" in three parts.

Investigation of Levshin, the famous traveler and explorer of the XIX century, is perhaps the first comprehensive description of a science of nature, wildlife, history and ethnography of the peoples of the Kazakh steppes and their inhabitants (not in vain Levshin called by Herodotus of the Kazakh people .) Discussed in detail the question of relationships with the Kazakh and Russian, shows the historical circumstances that led to the occurrence of Kazakh territory to  the Russian Empire.

His famous book –“Description  of Kirghiz-Cossacks steppes and hordes”.

In it he described the location and nature of the Kazakh steppes, the history of the Kazakh people from ancient times to the end of XVIII century,said many of the original information about its lifestyle, economy, life and culture.

Levshin made a huge contribution to the history of Kazakhstan.

67.History of Kazakhstan in the studies of 18-20 centuries(Radloff).

The role of the V.V Radlov (1837-1918) in the study of Turkic peoples is very significant.

In 1862 archaeological work in Kazakhstan held V.V.Radlov, whose name is associated with  first conducted on a scientific basis excavations of Bronze Age burials. Radloff proposed classification and periodization of the ancient monuments of northeastern Kazakhstan and Siberia. Cultural history of these areas he shared  to the following periods: Copper and Bronze Age, Iron Age, the oldest, the newest Iron Age and early Middle Ages. To Radlov belong  the honor of the discovery and excavation of mounds with permafrost in the Altai, including burial Berel. Works of this scientist were a big step forward in the development of archeology in Kazakhstan.

He owned a Kazakh language, collected works of folk literature and published his work "Samples of folk literature of Turkic tribes".

68.History of Kazakhstan in the studies of 18-20 centuries(Shcherbina  F.A).

One of the major sources for the history of Kazakhstan  in late XIX - early XX centuries  is edition of "Materials for the Kyrgyz land, developed and assembled an expedition to the study of the steppe regions."

Budgeting Kazakh farms held by the Expedition for the exploration of the steppe regions of Kazakhstan under the leadership of F.A .Shcherbin.

Sherbin is known for his great contribution to the budget statistics.  Was developed a detailed program  of budget survey, which was refined and perfected in practice.

From 1896 to 1903 Sherbin on the orders of Emperor Nicholas II was sent to Kazakhstan to lead an expedition to survey farms  of the land of the Kazakhs and the identification of colonization fund. F.A.Shcherbin led an expedition to the study of 12 districts in Aksyutinskoy, Semipalatinsk and Turgay regions in Kazakhstan.

Given the characteristics of the Kazakh way of life, Sherbin created an independent sample of monographic description ,where the special characteristics were villages and community-aul group, recorded land, which were used by the Kazakhs, and possible migrations.

Separately collected information about the natural and historical terrain, the dominant species of vegetation, landscape, carried out soil analysis.

69.Kazakhstan science in the 19 century.Ch Valikhanov.

In the 19th century in Kazakhstan began to arrive, scientists, geographers ,travelers,historians. In the XIX century contribution to the science of Kazakhstan made a prominent Russian and Kazakh scientists: PP Semenov-Tyan-Shan, N. Rychkov, P. Melioransky, WWRadloff, VV Bartold A. Diwan, S. C. Ualikhanov, A. Kunanbaev, N. Altynsarin and others.

Great influence on the development of science had Russia.

Chocan Valikhanov (1835-1865 gg.) educator, scientist and researcher. He was the first Kazakh scientist and educator. He was a member of the Russian Geographical Society.He studied at Omsk Cadet Corpus. During these years, Chocan communicated  with the best Russian scientists, travelers and political exiles. Valikhanov  defended the interests of ordinary people. Way of further progress  of his country Valikhanov seen in the transition to settled life, agriculture. The young scientist called his people to a friendship with the great Russian people.Valikhanov tried to shield young people from the Kazakh influence of Islam.

A new stage of scientific activity  of Chocan Valikhanov was confidential trip to Kashgar in 1858, where he wrote his famous work "On the state of Altyshar”.

Due to the socio-economic backwardness of Kazakhstan Chocan Valikhanov could not fully understand the program of Russian revolutionary democrats and rise to the recognition of the idea of a peasant revolution.

The scientific heritage  of Ch.Valikhanov covers a wide range of problems in Kazakhstan and other nations in dealing with each of them, and manifested his powerful scientific talent.

70.Development of education in Kazakhstan.Altynsarin I.

Very much in the development of education in Kazakhstan did Ibrahim Altynsarin (1841 -1889), a prominent Kazakh educator.

As an inspector of Turgay schools Altysarin a lot of work put into organizing the educational activities. He was cared that the school gave the children a strong knowledge of Russian language, and genuinely enjoyed first successes in this regard.

Altynsarin first time in Kazakhstan opened Irgiz women's college . The girls studied general subjects and doing needlework.

Altynsarin required the creation of agricultural schools where Kazakh youth trained to various trades.

Drafted by  Altynsarin "Kirghiz Reader" at that time was a popular compendium of scientific knowledge. It carried the idea of the need to move the Kazakhs to agriculture and a sedentary lifestyle, the benefits of scientific and technical knowledge. In the poem "Come on, children learn," commented on the importance of science for the people.Until the end of his life  Altynsarin defended the interests of working people. He hated the feudal know, the colonial administration.

Altynsarin largely promoted among the Kazakh people the Russian language and secular education.

He fervently believed that the time will come, and his nation will live free and happy life.

71.Poet and educator Abai.

Abay (Ibrahim) Qunanbayuli  (August 10, 1845 - July 6, 1904) was born in Semipalatinsk Oblast.He was a great Kazakh poet, composer and philosopher,father of modern Kazakh written literature. He was also a cultural reformer toward European and Russian cultures on the basis of enlightened Islam. Abay's main contribution to Kazakh culture and folklore lies in his poetry, which expresses great nationalism and grew out of Kazakh folk culture. He ridiculed Islamic dogma and the outmoded customs of the ancestral aul (village) and protested the servile position of women.

Among Abay's students was  a historian, philosopher, and poet Shakarim Qudayberdiuli.

Abay also translated into Kazakh the works of Russian and European authors. Abay's major work is “The Book of Words(Kara Sozder)”. It is a philosophic treatise and collection of poems where he encourages his fellow Kazakhs to embrace education, literacy.

He also participated in the governing of the country and played a certain role in trying to solve complicated problems justly. Abay was against the feudal-tribal strife and discord.

Role of Abay  in the history of Kazakh people is extremely high. Abai – is a classic of Kazakh literature, the founder of the Kazakh language. He enriched the Kazakh literature by  excellent translations of Russian classics, contributed to the growth of spiritual culture of the Kazakh people.

72.Joining of Zhuzes to the Russian Empire.

At the beginning of the XVIII century the Kazakh Khanate was a politically fragmented country. Kazakh tribes were grouped into three - zhuzys: Senior, Midlle and Junior. From the east serious danger  was Dzhungar Khanate. From the south Kazakh Khanate Khiva and Bukhara were threatened. Heavy political situation within the khanate and the ongoing internal conflict, greatly weakened the Kazakh Khanate.

In 1730, Khan of  Junior Juz Abulkhair appealed to the Russian government to the military alliance. It was rejected and instead invited to the protection of Russia. February 19, 1731 Empress Anna Ivanovna signed the charter of voluntarily enters  of Junior Juz to the Russian Empire. In 1740, Middle Horde came under the patronage.

Joining  of the Senior and Middle zhuzes to Russia was delayed for many years.

It should be noted that joining  to the Russia was the only one  right decision at that moment  , because the risk of loss the state was very great.

To ensure that the Russian presence in kazakh lands were erected  fortresses. At the same time, the Russian Empire eliminated the khan's power in the Kazakh zhuzhs,instead, introduced in 1822, the “charter of the Siberian Kirghiz”.

73)Kazakhstan history: The 19th century In the first half of the 19th century the influence of Russia’s economy on the backward economy of Kazakhstan grew stronger: an increasing number of Kazakhs settled down and took up crop farming.As the output of agriculture produce rose, Kazakhstan’s trade and economic ties expanded. In the late 19th century capitalism penetrated into agricultural sector, intensifying the process of stratification in the auls (Kazakh villages).The Russian Empire introduced a system of administration and built military garrisons and barracks in its effort to establish a presence in Central Asia in the so-called "Great Game" between it and the British Empire. The first Russian outpost, Orsk, was built in 1735. Russia enforced the Russian language in all schools and governmental organizations. Russian efforts to impose its system aroused the resentment by the Kazakh people, and by the 1860s, most Kazakhs resisted Russia's annexation largely because of the influence it wrought upon the traditional nomadic lifestyle and livestock-based economy, and the associated hunger that was rapidly wiping out some Kazakh tribes. The Kazakh national movement, which began in the late 19th century, sought to preserve the native language and identity by resisting the attempts of the Russian Empire to assimilate and stifle them.The competition for land and water that ensued between the Kazakhs and the newcomers caused great resentment against colonial rule during the final years of Tsarist Russia, with the most serious uprising, the Central Asian Revolt, occurring in 1916. The Kazakhs attacked Russian and Cossack settlers and military garrisons. The revolt resulted in a series of clashes and in brutal massacres committed by both sides. Both sides resisted the communist government until late 1919

74.Folk art in 19 century

«XIX century we have inherited the concept that only sedentary peoples have created a progressive civilization, and in Central Asia, as if reigned or barbarism or wildness" - wrote LNGumilev. The ancestor of this direction in the literature was the poet Shortanbai Kanayuly (1818-1881). In his works, "Zar Zaman," he calls the era trouble period following the accession of Kazakh history of Kazakhstan to Russia. Shortanbai criticizes a new social group in Kazakh society, baystvo, resulting from the steppes of commodity-money relations.

In tune with the poetry and the works Shortanbaya Dulat Babatayuly (1802-1874). In his moralistic poem "Osiet-Name", he sings of past life of the Kazakh people. The modern era of his time, he calls a general moral degradation. Dulat condemns the actions of the Kazakh khans of XVIII century. Who have allowed Russian to Kazakh land, draws the future of the Kazakhs in the gloomy form. In the XIX century in the Kazakh literature were well represented themes and plots of the best examples of classic literature of the East. At the end of the XIX century "Kiss" and "Hick", "epics" have been circulated very widely. In this direction, worked fruitfully Akylbek Ibn Saba (author of 60 Kissy), Shady torus Zhangir, Mashhur Zhusup Kopeyev etc.
Music of Kazakhstan of the XIX century - the golden fund of spiritual culture of the Kazakh people. This is the true legacy of the best that has been created by nomads for millennia.At this time lived and created outstanding composers, singers and kyuishi. Ingenious kyuishi-composer, classic of Kazakh instrumental music in the second half of the 19th century, Kurmangazy Sagyrbajuly. Of his works have survived and reached our days 60 kyuis. Motives of the unwavering will people to freedom, homeland, boundless steppes hears in Kurmangazy kûe "Sary-ARKA". His first kyui, Kurmangazy devoted "kishkentai 1836-1838 rebellion leader. Isatai Tajmanuly.Kyuishi-composer of the second half of the 19th century, the founder of the lyrical direction of dombra music Dauletkerej Šygajuly.On the formation of the views of the kereâ influenced the composer Daulet-1836-1838 rebellion.Composer, poet and publicist second half of the 19th century, author of the texts and music 70 songs-Zhayau Musa. He composed the music for the poem Altynsarin "personal" balalar ", okylyk". On the formation of ideology poet-publicist Zhayau Musa influenced exiles Decembrists and the Petrashevsky Circle.Author of the songs "Balhadiša", "Manmanger", "Kulager" is a great composer Ahan SERE Koramsauly. Kyuishi-composer, kobyzist the second half of the 19th century Ykylas Dukenuly revived the tradition of kobyz music Korkuta.Kazakh themes all his significant works dedicated to the artist N. Hludov.

75. Changes in KZ in early 20 century

The development of capitalism in agriculture in Kazakhstan harmful impact on the Kazakh nomadic herding. June 6, 1904 the tsarist government promulgated the Law "On the voluntary relocation of rural inhabitants and petty bourgeois landowners." Resettlement Administration conducted a seizure of land from the Kazakhs, thus adding emigrant fund. However, a major wave of immigrants rushed to the Kazakh lands during the Russian revolution of 1905-1907. As a result of colonial agrarian policy of tsarism in the 1853-1905 years. Kazakhs have been selected 4 million acres in 1906-1907. As a result of mass migration of peasants from the central provinces of Russia, the area selected by the Kazakh land has reached 17 million acres. Presentation of Kazakh ball in the Revolution of 1905-1907 was an expression of protest against the seizure of land mass. January 9, 1905 in Kazakhstan started the revolutionary activities of such famous figures as Frunze and Kuibyshev VA. One of the first Marxist groups in Kazakhstan was established in 1902 in the city of Orenburg.
One of the organizers of the anti-government rally in Karkaralinsk in 1905 was M. Dulatov. In October 1905, was a mass political strike in the main administrative and political center of the Western Kazakhstan to Orenburg. Royal "Manifesto" of October 17, 1905 Kazakh national-democratic intellectuals criticized.
During the First Russian Revolution (1905-1907 gg.) Largest internationalist action of the workers in Kazakhstan was a strike at Uspensky mine. Action of the workers at the mine strike committee headed - "Russian-Kyrgyz alliance against capital."
This strike was the largest action of the workers against foreign capitalists. The main demands of the strikers at the Assumption mine were the socio-economic in nature. in nature. Requirements of the largest international actions of the workers in 1905-1907. Assumption on the mine had been partially met. In order to extensive use natural resources of Kazakhstan tsarism in the late XIX - early XX centuries. began the construction of railway lines. Establishment of lines contributed to the involvement of Kazakhstan in the new all-Russian economic system.

76.Culture in 19 century.

At the beginning of the century XlX vast majority of the Kazakh population lived in yurts. Special Master (uyshy) made remarkable examples of the yurt, characterized as a bright beauty, and richness and conformity of all parts. Often, they were sent to various ethnographic exhibition (St. Petersburg, Moscow, Paris). The Russian government has gained a large number of tents for the army (especially during the First World War). The appearance of wintering was  in the XIX century. "Kystau" - the winter home of the Kazakhs of XIX century. - A variety of structures, depending on climate and natural - historical conditions, as well as the degree of economic well-being of the owner. In mountainous areas, it was built of stone, tree, in the steppe part - of turf and stone, in the northern - most often made of wood, in the south - from sun-dried bricks. The windows were made in the ceiling or on the opposite wall to the door, the door came out into the yard. Kystau usually consists of two rooms (korzhun yi). Close to the dwelling are attached farm buildings. The concept  kystau is also the surrounding area strictly protected from damage by cattle in summer. The clothes of the Kazakhs of XIX centuryis observed the influence of the changed conditions of social life, a strong influence of Tatar culture. If in the beginning of the century still were preferred the Central Asian fabric production of silk! velvet, satin, and especially the fool (polushelk), then at the end of the century are more enter cloth Russian factory. Many forms of archaic dress of the Kazakhs - saptama (boots with long tops), saukele (bride's headdress), ayyr kalpak (peaked caps males) gradually out of use. Surroundings the Kazakh steppe a network of military fortifications, usury and capitalist exploitation, the defeat of several major revolts - all these events gave rise to the Kazakh poetry pessimistic direction, known as - Zar Zaman. Prominent representatives of this direction were Shortanbai Kanayuly, Murat Monkeuly, Dulat Babatayuly, Abubakir Kerdery. In the XIX century. in Kazakh literature were well represented themes and subjects of the best examples of classic literature of the East. Significant progress in education reform has occurred after the 60s. XIX century. In the 70's. XIX century in Akmola and Semipalatinsk regions operated dozens of elementary schools, high school opened, there were libraries, etc. Same thing is seen in all other regions of Kazakhstan. Important landmark in this process may assume opening a girls 'school in the regional centers, teachers' seminaries, mobile aul schools. Since the middle of the XIX century, resulting in strengthening of Islam most common form of training in Kazakhstan were aul Muslim schools.

77.The Immigration policy.

The completion gains of Kazakhstan has coincided with the bourgeois reforms in Russia in the mid XIX century. The abolition of serfdom did not allow the agrarian question. Peasant disturbances continued. In these circumstances, the Government has taken several measures to divert farmers from the revolutionary movement. One of them - the activation the immigration policy. Relocation peasants in the eastern borderlands, not only permitted the land hunger in the central provinces of Russia, but also to create in their face support the government in the new location. Therefore, the tsarist government in the mid 60s of XIX century. transferred from the military Cossack colonization to mass. Have been developed "Provisional Regulations on peasant migrations in the Seven Rivers," in effect until 1883. According to "Provisional Regulations" settlers defined a number of benefits: vesting the land of 30 acres per head (male), exemption from taxes and duties of all kinds for 15 years, granting a loan of up to 100 rubles. In 1883, due to the transfer Semirechensk area in the Steppe general governorship the local administration has developed a "ground-rules of the sedentary population area device." In 1886, we developed "Regulations on the management of the Turkestan general-governorship." Special Provision "On the voluntary resettlement of rural inhabitants and petty bourgeois on state lands and on the order of identity as persons aforesaid estates, settled in the old days" of July 13, 1889 permitted the migration with the prior permission of the Ministers of Interior and state Property. Since the mid 90-ies of XIX century. began an intensive migration to Siberia and Kazakhstan. To identify of surplus land and placing it in the "emigrant fund"organized a special expedition, led by the famous explorer of Kazakhstan F. Shcherbina. In 1896-1902 years. 12 districts have been studied Turgay, Akmola, Semipalatinsk regions. On the basis of materials collected half of all land in the Kazakh population was withdrawn. As a result of the immigration policy of tsarism main fertile lands were transferred to the Russian peasants, and the Kazakhs herded into arid, unsuitable land.

78.Revolution 1905-1906

The reason for the revolutionary actions of the Russian Empire were the events of "Bloody Sunday" January 9, 1905 in St. Petersburg, news of which reached Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan was growing revolutionary movement among the workers, it more actively extended to residents of the Kazakh village and emigrant villages. In May 1905 workers' strikes took place in Vernyi, Kustanai.
In the summer of 1905 protests of the Kazakh population became more organized and politically motivated. During the events of that period with a loud voice announced himself as the mouthpiece the interests of the Kazakh people intelligentsia, undisputed leader of which became Alikhan Bukeikhanov. He took an active part in the movement Karkaralinsk the summer of 1905, during which the Koyandinskoy Fair brought together representatives of the Kazakh population in different districts and took a petition to the king, known as Karkaralinsk. It contained demands an immediate solution of vital issues and above all the agrarian problem associated with the withdrawal of the Kazakh lands, as well as the Russification of spiritual culture. October 18-19, have been mass political strikes in Orenburg, October 25, a political demonstration in Omsk, 16-28 November postal strike telegraftsyh officials in Semipalatinsk. In December 1905, disturbances took place in several cities and towns, in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Pavlodar, and others. Requirements of participants in the revolutionary movement became more political, along with the slogans of higher wages, better working conditions and there were calls for the overthrow of the autocracy, changes in the existing system. In February 1906, in Semipalatinsk, a congress of the Kazakhs, who put forward the demand for cessation of resettlement land, the recognition of land owned by the Kazakh population, religious freedom and equality of languages, the development of education pa native language.
July 3, 1906 took a major strike of the workers in Semipalatinsk, the number of participants reached 500. At this time, rise an agrarian peasant movement against the colonial policy.Participation of the population of Kazakhstan in the revolutionary movement of 1905-1907 was a great school, gaining experience in the struggle for national liberation and social emancipation.


The aggravation of the agrarian problem in central Russia the tsarist government attempted to solve by colonizing their suburbs relocation of peasants. Stolypin paid Special attention margins of the empire, including Kazakhstan - favorable for arable farming region. Therefore, one of the most important tools of destruction of the peasant community was the policy of mass resettlement of peasants in the Urals and Kazakhstan. The migrants were freed for a long time from taxes received in the property area lands. All this process, ie, the colonization of land, accompanied by a run in the Kazakh population, under the guise of "surplus" the best fertile land in a number of habitable and cultivated. Only in 1906 - 1912 years, was seized more than 17 million acres of land. Total to 1917 the Kazakhs - cattle were seized 40 million dozens. Agrarian reform was intended for at least 20 years. However, voltage maintained in the village. Many farmers, mostly poor and middle peasants, went bankrupt growing stream of "inverse" immigrants, and returning to their homeland, they had not received any court or the ground. In addition, farmers did not consider the reform of the fair, because it did not affect landlordism.

80. Duma

The revolutionary events in Russia have lasted about two and a half years. Manifesto of October 17, 1905 established State Duma. I Gov. Duma on the structure of the Cadet-liberal force from April 27 to July 8, 1906, from Kazakhstan into it had been elected 9 members. The structure of 1 and 2 of the Duma deputies were elected, and from Kazakh fields, including the release of Pavlodar prison Bokeyhan A., S. Kozhagululy, B. Karatay. They have called for a new agrarian reform, the revision of the immigration policy. At the meeting of two of the Duma May 16, 1907 B. Karatay gave a report on the impact of migration on the economy of the Kazakhs. When the presiding judge interrupted the deputy, made ​​his famous statement Karatay that Kazakhs support any Russian opposition movement, advocating for confiscation "of privately owned land to meet the peasants' land hunger." However, the proposals of the Kazakh deputies went unanswered. Moreover, the new electoral law of June 3, 1907 the peoples of Central Asia and Siberia in general were denied seats in the Duma. After this, the new repression against the leaders of the liberation movement of Kazakhs. In 1908 he was arrested again Bokeyhan A., and in July 1909 - A Baitursynov.
Special urgency in the Duma got agrarian question, which has led to its dissolution. State Duma II began its work February 20 1907., As in the first, central to her work has won the agrarian question. Compositionally, it was again the Cadet-liberal. From Kazakhstan, it had 13 members. In Akmola region was elected AD Vinogradov. In the Semipalatinsk region - NY Konshin. The nomadic population of Akmola region, was elected mullah S. Kosshygulov, seek preservation of Muslim educational system, from Semirechye - M. Tynyshpaev. Ural Kazakhs chose a cadet Birimzhanova. The decline of the revolutionary movement has allowed the king of June 3, 1907 to dissolve the Doom II. This meant the defeat of the revolution.

81.  The First World war

The First World War, which began in the summer of 1914 immediately shows the backwardness of tsarist Russia in the economic and technical terms. Failures at the front required new resources, human and material. The labor shortage has created a crisis in many sectors of the economy. Heavily damaged during the war and the economy of Kazakhstan. Taxes increased by 3-4 times, in some cases 15 times. Introduced a special military tax Dispite direct and indirect taxes, collected various "contributions" against which the Kazakhs going to cattle and tents. The Kazakhs were free to supply meat, bread, cattle and tents the troops, following the front through the territory of Kazakhstan. Kazakh economy has suffered enormous damage in the millions rubles. In 1915 there was a question about the direct participation of Kazakhs in the war. The Kazakh intelligentsia through the newspaper "Cossack." proposed use as a fighting force of the Kazakhs in cavalry units. At the same time pursued two goals:
     First, should have been saved from seizure under the resettlement land of the Kazakhs serving in the army;
     Second, participation in hostilities could prepare skilled, seasoned and well-trained military personnel in case of the formation of an independent army Kazahstana.25 June 1916 published a decree by which all non-Russian male population aged 18-43 years should have been "requisitioned "for work on the creation of defensive structures in the area of
​​the army and to the rear of work. In all, according to preliminary calculations, should be mobilized 390 thousand people. The decree set the Kazakh steppe in an extremely precarious position. Mobilization was carried out during the harvesting and preparation of livestock for ferrying to the winter pastures, senozagotovki. Call for all able-bodied male population undermined the economic base of the Kazakh economy, already shaken the permanent withdrawal of lands for the settlers. In fact, the rest of the Kazakhs were doomed to die of starvation in winter 1916-1917 gg.

82.  Revolt 1916

Revolt in 1916 in Kazakhstan, as a complex phenomenon and, to some extent contradictory, is one of the brightest pages in the chronicle of the liberation movement of the Kazakh people. It happened in the midst of the imperialist world war, in a powerful upsurge of the working and peasant movement in Russia. Appeal to the rear of the Kazakhs gave rise to the top of a powerful Kazakhs revolt and other Central Asian peoples against Russian colonialism. Movement developed spontaneously and at different times in different areas. The end of July - early August 1916 disturbances began to grow in the Kazakh revolt, gradually swept almost the whole of Kazakhstan. One of the largest districts was Zhetisu, where in July, began an armed struggle against the colonialists. By October 1916 uprising was crushed. In Torgai Uyezd formed a major rebel group, which was headed by Amangeldy Imanov. Punitive detachments could not put down the rebellion. Thus, the tsarist government could not put down the rebellion of the Kazakhs but socio-economic status of the Kazakh village during revolt has deteriorated sharply. Many farms were pillaged punitive, part of the rebels were forced to migrate to China and Mongolia. In general, over the years, the number of Kazakhs in the Russian Empire was reduced by more than 600 thousand people.

83.February revolt

In February 1917, Russia was accomplished the bourgeois-democratic revolution, the fall of the monarchy. Kazakhs welcomed the overthrow of the autocracy, seeing it as meeting the objectives of the national liberation movement in 1916. The leaders of national liberation movements believed that with the establishment of democracy, freedom and equality, it is time to create national autonomy.
In March and April 1917 were created everywhere the Soviets of Workers 'and Soldiers' Deputies. In some cities (Uralsk, Faithful, Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Aulie-Ata) appeared Kyrgyz (Kazakh) national committees. Along with the bodies of the Council to act of the Provisional Government. In Kazakhstan, as well as throughout the country that has a dual power. The new government has taken steps to revise the imperial national policies. March 20, 1917 were canceled restrictions on the rights of Russian citizens by religion or nationality. This decision was aimed at establishing national consensus. The Provisional Government has decided to return home requisitioned workers tylovikov. The February Revolution of 1917, stated its commitment to universal values
​​- freedom, equality. But it is not decided until the end of the national question of the right of nations to self-determination, not liquidated the institutions of colonial rule.A huge impact on the growth of political consciousness tylovikov provided their contact with the Russian workers, soldiers.
In July 1917, Vernyi former "confiscated the workers' union laborers have created, designed to raise the class consciousness of the poor. In Sergiopole (Ayaguz) 800 men and Kazakhs tylovikov united in the "Russian-Muslim soldier organization," organized by the Union in Petropavlovsk young carriers. Tyloviki have the support of opposition to the Provisional Government.

84.First all kazakhstan Congress was in July 28, 1917 in Orenburg. It was attended by 6 regions – Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Turgai, Ural, Semirechye, Fergana and also Bukeyev Horde. The Chairman of the Congress was Dosmukhamedov H. At the Congress of the 14 issues were discussed. There are: form of Government; autonomy in Kazakh fields; the land issue; people's militia; zemstvo; education; Court of Justice; religion; women's issue; preparation of the constituent Assembly of deputies of the Kazakh areas; All-Russian Muslim Congress "Shchura-e-Islami"; Kazakh political party; on the situation in the Semirečenekoi area; the premise of the Kazakhs in the federalist Congress throughout Russia as well as in the Commission. On all issues have been taken the constructive resolution of the national democratic content. Particular attention was drawn to the following problem: on the form of Government, the autonomy of the Kazakh areas, the agrarian question, the proceedings, the question of women's rights, on the preparations for the elections to the constituent Assembly, a Kazakh political party. The first Vsekazahskij the Congress announced the creation of the Kazakh political party "alash", was founded draft programe, consisting of 10 sections. "This was not a nationalist and patriotic organization, which sought the gradual transformation of Kazakh society and adapt it to present-day realities".

85. Formation of the party “Alash”

Alash (1917-1920) was a constitutional democratic party in the Alash Autonomy.

Chairman - Alikhan Bokeikhanov.

Alash Orda is the autonomous Kazakh government established by the liberal-nationalist Alash party in December 1917. Alash was the mythical ancestor of the Kazakhs, and Alash Orda (Horde of Alash) long served as their traditional battle cry. His name was adopted by the Kazakh nationalist journal, Alash, that was published by secularist Kazakh intellectuals for twenty-two issues, from November 26, 1916, to May 25, 1917. Alash Orda then was taken as the name of a political party founded in March 1917 by a group of moderate, upper-class Kazakh nationalists. Among others, they included Ali Khan Bukeykhanov, Ahmed Baytursun, Mir Yakub Dulatov, Oldes Omerov, Magzhan Zhumabayev, H. Dosmohammedov, Mohammedzhan Tynyshbayev, and Abdul Hamid Zhuzhdybayev. Initially, the party's program resembled that of the Russian Constitutional-Democrats (Kadets), but with a strong admixture of Russian Menshevik (Social Democrat) and Socialist-Revolutionary (SR) ideas. Despite later Soviet charges, it was relatively progressive on social issues and demanded the creation of an autonomous Kazakh region. This program was propagated in the newspaper Qazaq (Kazakh ), published in Orenburg. The paper had a circulation of about eight thousand until it was closed by the Communists in March 1918.

86. Education and activities of the Alash Horde

After March 1917, Alash Orda's leaders dominated Kazakh politics. They convened a Second All-Kirgiz (Kazakh) Congress in Orenburg from December 18 through December 26, 1917. On December 23, this congress proclaimed the autonomy of the Kazakh steppes under two Alash Orda governments. One, centered at the village of Zhambeitu and encompassing the western region, was headed by Dosmohammedov. The second, headed by Ali Khan Bukeykhanov, governed the eastern region from Semipalatinsk. Both began as strongly anti-Communist and supported the anti-Soviet forces that were rallying around the Russian Constituent Assembly (Komuch): the Orenburg Cossacks and the Bashkirs of Zeki Velidi Togan. In time, however, the harsh minority policies of Siberia's White Russian leader, Admiral Alexander Vasilievich Kolchak, alienated the Kazakh leaders. Alash Orda's leaders then sought to achieve their goals by an alignment with Moscow. Accepting Mikhail Vasilievich Frunze's November 1919 promise of amnesty, most Kazakh leaders recognized Soviet power on December 10, 1919. After further negotiations, the Kirgiz Revolutionary Committee (Revkom) formally abolished Alash Orda's institutional network in March 1920. Many Alash leaders then joined the Communist Party and worked for Soviet Kazakhstan, only to perish during Stalin's purges of the 1930s. After 1990 the name "Alash" reappeared, but as the title of a small Kazakh pan-Turkic and Pan-Islamic party and its journal.

87. Establishment of the Soviet power in Kazakhstan

November 1917 - March 1918 is the period of the establishment of Soviet power in Kazakhstan.

Between the end of October 1917 to March 1918, the Soviet power was established mainly in the cities and other settlements of Kazakhstan.

The process of establishing authority of Councils in Kazakhstan was delayed for several reasons. In large parts of the province, especially in areas adjacent to railways and the major business centres where counterrevolution was unable to organize armed resistance to the revolution, Soviet power was established peacefully, i.e. without armed path. Where counter-revolution had a real opportunity for armed resistance (primarily in the areas of the Cossack armies), the Soviets won as a result of the defeat of a counterrevolutionary forces. The first took power on October 30, 1917, workers and soldiers of Perovsk (Kzyl-Orda). After winning an armed uprising in Tashkent, October 28, 1917, Bolsheviks led (the administrative center of Turkestan) Soviet power peacefully in Aulie-ATA (Džanbul), Černâevo (Chimkent), Kazalinsk, November 22, 1917, the transition of power to the Soviets experienced in Petropavlovsk, 27 December in Akmolinsk. In Uralsk, Orenburg, Vernyi with the Mensheviks and Socialist “military Government” have been established committed to training and deploying against the Soviets.

After the Ataman a. and 14 November, Dutov in Orenburg committed a coup and began open hostilities against the Volga and the Ural Krasnogvardejskiy units, the leaders of the Kazakh intelligentsia 5 – 13 December 1917, convened in Orenburg third Congress of the party "Alash", which had developed software installation; announced the establishment of autonomy Alash-Orda and the establishment of the Government headed by A.Bukejhanov. This Congress has scheduled a national armed force in the form of a militia of 25 thousand people. December 25, 1917, Soviet power was established in Kostanay. In Semirechye the struggle continued until the spring of 1918, the Soviet power was established March 3, 1918, in the right. The struggle for the establishment of power Tips on a vast territory of Kazakhstan lasted several months, among the Kazakhs were such prominent champions of power Boards, a. Džangil′din, a. Imanov, s. Seifullin and others.

88. Kazakhstan during the Civil War(1918-1920)

Reason: mutiny Chehoslavackiy Shell on May 25, 1918. During the Civil War, formed confrontation between the White and the Red Army, whose actions caused a blow to the population. Initially the formation of the Red Army happened voluntarily. In 1920 the Turkestan was proclaimed the first forcible recruitment into the army. Military units formed in Kazakhstan-Muslim. Formation of the Red Army was engaged in emergency of the kommisar of the Steppe region - Zhangildin.

On the territory of Kazakhstan was formed 4 fronts: Ural front(against kolchaks), Aktobe front, Semirechenskiy front(against Annenkov), Turkestan front(Middle Asian counterrevolution).  25th Chapaevskiy Division fought on the Ural front. 5th army under the command of Tukhachevskiy relieved the Northern and Eastern Kazakhstan. On the Semirechenskiy front, the major role in the struggle for Soviet power played Cherkasskiy Defense (June 1918-October 1919). In 1918 Zhangildin organized a military expedition to deliver weapons to Aktobe front. the Ural front was eliminated firstly (1919). The last was eliminated Semirechenskiy Front (March 1920).  In June 1920 in the Vernyi began antisoviet rebellion, which was soon suppressed.

89. Policy of “war communism” during the Civil War in Kazakhstan

In 1919, Lenin declared the policy of "war communism". The main focus of "war communism" was prodrazvertska (a tax on farmers). Prodrazverstka - revocation of peasants all surplus of agricultural products.

Social policy of "war communism" was based on the principle of "no work, no eat". In 1918 he was introduced to service for former exploitative classes, and in 1920, the universal service. Forced mobilization of labor carried out by labor armies, aimed at restoring transport construction works, etc.

Prerequisites for "war communism" were the nationalization of industry, the establishment of a central State apparatus, the introduction of food dictatorship, experiences of military-political pressure on the village.

The civil war ended with the victory of the Bolsheviks. Victims of the Red Army numbered 8 million. At the beginning of the Civil War, the Liberal Democratic intelligence was on the side of the White Army (opposed Soviet rule), at the end of the war, the Liberal-Democratic intelligence was transferred to the side of the Soviet authorities.

90. Nation-building in Kazakhstan(1920-30s)

The first railway construction in the Soviet period was built in 1920-1922, in the area of Petropavlovsk-Kokchetav. Then in 1926-1931, the line was continued through the station Resort “Borovoye” and Astana to Karaganda, its total length exceeded 700 km. In 1924, the railway line was established Kulunda-Pavlodar. For the development of the oil fields of Mezhdurechye in 1926, was built in narrow gauge road Guryev – Dossor (part of project Algemba, the road was supposed to go to Dallas via Aleksandrovo-Gai metallurgical region).

A landmark event was the completion in 1930, the construction of the great Turkestan-Siberian railway of 1444 km. It linked up with Siberia and Kazakhstan had contributed to economic development and the development of many desert lands.

In the 1930s were also built lines: from Karaganda to Balkhash(490 km), Shymkent-Lenger town, Elbow-protection (235 km). In 1935, was put into operation the bridge crossing the Volga below. In 1936, work began on laying the railway line from Uralsk to Ilecka. The work was completed in 1939. Kazakhstan became associated with the shortest path through Central Russia-Saratov – Uralsk Tambov.

91. NEP in Kazakhstan

NEP adopted in the spring of 1921. Basic direction of NEP was the  replacement of prodrazverstka to prodnalog ("big bang" tax). NEP in Kazakhstan began late because in 1921 famine began in Kazakhstan. Hunger and jute were caused by the dry climate and the removal of 80% of rural economic production. In Western Kazakhstan from hunger suffered 82% of the population.

In June 1921, Lenin signed a decree "On the natural meat tax", which released the peasants-nomads from meat tax.

June 1921- land-water reform had started. Objective of the reform: the return of land seized from the Kazakhs by tsarizm. In the land and water reform has been of great assistance to the Union "Kosči" ("Union of the poor"). In 1922 Zhangildin organized awareness expedition-"Red caravan". The expedition has gone from Orenburg to Semipalatinsk and leave a “Red yurts”, which became the Centre of education in the villages. In 1921 there was first Congress of young Communists of Kazakhstan in Orenburg. Leader is Gani Muratbayev. In 1922 NEP began.

The results of NEP: 1) the number of cattle to the 1928 reached 40.5 million heads. 2) Rudny Altai-the main center of non-ferrous metals industry of Kazakhstan. 3)3/4 population of AUL to 1928 became middle peasants. 4) in 1921 created massive public organization of trade unions (all working population). 5) in 1921 adopted Decree "on the Exchange, which increased sales and opened 200 fairs. 6) in 1924 prodnalog steel charge money. In 1925, Stalin came to power in the country, abolished the NEP and returned to a policy of war communism.

92. Socialist industrialization of Kazakhstan

The mobilization of resources by state planning expanded the country's industrial base.

Course on industrialization was taken in 1925 at the  XIV Congress of the Communist Party. Industrialization in Kazakhstan coincided in the first five-year plan (1928-1932). Industrialization in Kazakhstan was held by Goloshchekin (1925-1933).

Industrialization in Kazakhstan began with the study of natural resources. Academician Gubkin proved that the richest oil reserves are concentrated in the Urals and Emba. Academician Kurnakov proved that Central Kazakhstan is a metallogenic zone. In the expedition of academician Kurnakov worked K.Satpayev.

In 1942 Satpayev opened the richest Zhezkazgan deposit and was awarded the USSR State Prize. Goloshchekin put forward the idea of "Small October"- priority developed only industry of the raw materials.

Sadvakasov and Mynbayev were against the idea of "Small October". Sadvakasov wrote: "Kazakhstan was and remained a colony". Stalin called Goloschekin’s policy only correct policy.

From 1928 to 1932, peak iron output, necessary for further development of the industrial infrastructure rose from 3.3 million to 6.2 million tons per year. In real terms, the workers' standards of living tended to drop, rather than rise during the industrialization.

Based on these figures the Soviet government declared that Five Year Industrial Production Plan had been fulfilled by 93.7% in only four years, while parts devoted to heavy−industry part were fulfilled by 108%. Stalin in December 1932 declared the plan a success to the Central Committee, since increases in the output of coal and iron would fuel future development.

During the second five−year plan (1933–37), on the basis of the huge investment during the first plan, industry expanded extremely rapidly, and nearly reached the plan.

93. Stalinist collectivization in Kazakhstan

1928 witnessed the turning of the Soviet economic policies towards collectivization. This year also marked the end of the NEP, which had allowed peasants to sell their surpluses on the open market. Food demand intensified, especially in main grain producing regions, with new, forced approaches implemented. Upon joining kolkhozes (collective farms), peasants had to give up their private plots of land and property, and the kolkhoz produce was sold to the state for a low price set by the state itself. However, the natural progress of collectivization was slow, and the November 1929 Plenum of the Central Committee decided to implement accelerated, forced collectivization.Given the goals of the first Five Year Plan, the state sought increased political control of agriculture, hoping to feed the rapidly growing urban areas and to export grain, a source of foreign currency needed to import technologies necessary for heavy−industrialization.By 1936 about 90% of Soviet agriculture was collectivized. . Kulaks, prosperous peasants, were forcibly resettled to Kazakhstan, Siberia and the Russian Far North (a large portion of the kulaks served at forced labor camps). However, just about anyone opposing collectivization was deemed a "kulak". The policy of liquidation of kulaks as a class, formulated by Stalin at the end of 1929, meant some executions, and much greater deportation to special settlements and sometimes to forced labor camps.Despite the expectations, collectivization led to a catastrophic drop in farming productivity.

The number of people who died in the famines is estimated at 2 mln .Collectivization began with the forced buildup of Kazakhs. 1930-1932-"Years of jute". Collectivization was enforced forcefully. In 1932 Ryskulov wrote a letter to Stalin personally in which gave data from the report of the International  organization “Red Cross”, working in Kazakhstan in 1932. In 1932-1931 there were massive uprisings against the collectivization in Kazakhstan. In 1928 was accepted a Decree of confiscation and displacement of households of  bays.

94. The development of education in the 1920-30s

In the field of culture by the Soviet authorities was defined strategic objective: departure from the traditional way of life, atheism, education of the new elite, necessary for the new State and party apparatus. A central place in this process focused on education.

December 26, 1919, was signed by the Decree on the Elimination of illiteracy. In 1920-1921 in Kazakhstan worked 2412 posts on elimination of illiteracy, where 72232 students had been studied. Has been declared a massive hike to the AUL. "red yurts" Were created to work with women. Was Formed educational system, including primary, lower secondary, secondary. Opened a school for over-age boarding schools.

August 26, 1930, was accepted a resolution on establishing universal compulsory primary education. This was of great importance. were Created textbooks in Kazakh. The authors:Baitursynov, Aimautov, Seifullin. Originator first textbook of algebra in the Kazakh language was K.Satpayev, an important fact should be mentioned here as the translation of the Kazakh alphabet in 1928, with Arab Latin charts

The first Kazakhstani high school became the Kazakh State Pedagogical Institute, opened in 1928, which, in 1935, was named after Abai.

1929-zooveterinary Institute,1930-agricultural Institute,1931-Medical Institute,1934-Kazakh University-Kazgu,1935- was published "the history of Kazakhstan since ancient times" (Asfendiyarov) 20-30 years-the period of formation of science in Kazakhstan. A major centre for the study of history, ethnography, economy edge and Sciences became the “Society for study of Kazakhstan” (1920).

In 1926, the archaeologist Mason performed excavations at the site Taraz. Important work in the area of health was made by Sanitary and bacteriological Institute. Were Explored mineral deposits. So were made conditions for the creation of the Kazakhstan base of the USSR Academy of Sciences.

95. Science and culture of Kazakhstan of the 1920-30s

1935- was published "the history of Kazakhstan since ancient times" (Asfendiyarov) 20-30 years-the period of formation of science in Kazakhstan. A major centre for the study of history, ethnography, economy edge and Sciences became the “Society for study of Kazakhstan” (1920).

In 1926, the archaeologist Mason performed excavations at the site Taraz. Important work in the area of health was made by Sanitary and bacteriological Institute. Were Explored mineral deposits. So were made conditions for the creation of the Kazakhstan base of the USSR Academy of Sciences.“Primer and textbook on Kazakh language” was created by A.Baitursynov.

Music: Zataevich - composer-ethnographer, released 2 compilations: "1000 Kazakh songs" and "500 songs and kyuis”. He was awarded the title national artist of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Amre Kashaubayev – a singer, performed Kazakh songs in France and Germany.

Kulyash Baiseitova – national artist of USSR. In 1936 opened first decade of Kazakh art in Moscow.

Mayra Shamsutdinova – “Kazakh nightingale” .

Theatre: 1926-opened first national Kazakh theatre in Kzyl-Orda. Director- Zhumat Shanin.

1933-Uighur musical theatre in Alma-Ata.

1934-theatre of opera and ballet in Alma-Ata.

1936- State Philharmonic in Alma-Ata.

1937-Korean theatre in Kzyl-Orda.

1934- Kazakh State Orchestra named after Kurmangazy, under the guidance of Zhubanov.

1934- Studio of Documentary Films in Alma-Ata.

1938- shot the first feature film “Amangeldy” on Lenfilm.Literature: Isa Bayzakov-“Kuralay Sulu”; S.Seifullin-“ Thorny path, a difficult transition”. Collections of poetry: "La Marseillaise of young Kazakh people"; I.Zhansugurov-“Kulager”; Zh.Aimauytov-“Old Kozha”; M.Zhumabayev-collection of poetry “Sholpan”, also he translated works of Gete and Geine; A.Baitursynov-collection of poetry “Masa”; Dulatov-“Unhappy Zhamal”, “Kazakh, wake up”.

96. Political repressions of the 1920-30s

Soviet repression of the traditional elite, along with forced collectivization in late 1920s-1930s, brought mass hunger and led to unrest. Soviet rule, however, took hold, and a communist apparatus steadily worked to fully integrate Kazakhstan into the Soviet system. Kazakhstan experienced population inflows of thousands exiled from other parts of the Soviet Union during the 1930s and later became home for hundreds of thousands evacuated from the Second World War Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic World War II effort. Political repression continued after the end of the civil war. They have become endemic, with the beginning of the forced collectivization of agriculture and rapid industrialization in the late 1920 's early 1930-ies as well as strengthening the personal power of Stalin. Mass political repression is one of the most tragic pages in the history of Kazakhstan. On the territory of Kazakhstan were the largest camp structure GULAG – ALZHIR, STEPLAG, KARLAG. The Republic almost turned into one big prison. During the years of repression in Kazakhstan it was exiled camp more than 5 million people.

From 1921 to 1954  in Kazakhstan, 100000 people were convicted,  25000 of which were applied to the shooting. In the period from 1937 to 1938, as a result of the policy of Small October began massive repression in Kazakhstan. All "wrong" under various pretexts were removed from the Republic. Many were removed from their posts.In 1928, were repressed former leaders of Alash Orda-Dulatuli, Zhumabayev, Aimauytov. The situation in the Republic of emergency – everywhere looking for enemies. For 33 years from 1920 to 1953, about 110 thousand people has been subjected to political repression, about 18% of all Kazakhstan party organization was declared as enemies of the people. A favorite object of Stalin's repressions were local party figures – the so-called national-evaders have. On Stalin's system they were subjected to moral and physical destruction.

97) Political and social life in KZ in 1920-1930-ies. The most significant event-the decree about the formation of Kazakh autonomous soviet socialistic republic (26.08.1920). Later the meeting of soviets of KazASSR was held, where the controllers were elected and the declaration of the rights of workers was accepted. 1920-1924-the capital was Orenburg, 1920-1922 the borders of KazASSR were discussed; as a result-adjoining of Semipalatinsk and Akmola regions. 1921-decree about the order of use of K. and R. languages. 1922-formation of USSR. 1924-death of Lenin. 1925-29 the capital Kyzyl-Orda. 1922-1953-Stalin’s governing., was accompanied by numerous repressions, the strengthening of totalitarian system. 1937-38-mass repressions, creation of GULAG. Liquidation of illiteracy, education.

98) Stalinist policy of forced resettlement in KZ of Peoples from the Caucasus, the Volga region, Far East and other regions of the USSR. During almost 50 years KZ was being settled by political convicts, Motherland betrayers, other nations and so on (Dungans in 1916, Germans in 1941, Koreans in 1937, etc). Stalin tried to depart all the people, which he thought to be betrayers and dangerous for the USSR in one place in order to have proper control over them. Koreans and Germans were not allowed to take part in the war. In spite of the prohibition many Germans  took part and 9 of them got the name of the Hero of the USSR. Thus the policy of fighting of Stalin against people in fact turned KZ in the country of camps, prisons, GULAGs. Kazakh people helped the deported a lot. They had to combine the care of new-settled and the hardships after the World War 2.

99=101) Heroism of KZ in the Great Patriotic War.  Kazakhs took active part in the War, among them 500 Heroes of the USSR, 410 thousand Kazakhstani warriors were killed. 2 Kazakh girls were named the Heroes of the USSR (M. Mametova was machine gunner and A. Moldagulova was sniper). Kozhedub- pilot, H. of the USSR 3 times. Luganskiy, he knocked down 37 planes. A lot of people closed the embrasure with their chest. Some warriors approached their planes into the enemy tanks, made ram attacks. Thousands of Kazakhstani gave their lives in the battles. They showed great patriotism in the fields of battle.

100=101. Kz-as arsenal for front during WWII. During the WWII KZ was the front’s arsenal. About 1.2mln Kazakhs took direct part in military action against Germany. On the eve of and during the War, 102.00Poles from the western regions of the USSR, about 360.000 Germans from Volga regions, 100.000 Koreans from the Far East, Chechens, Ingush, Karachays, Balkaretses from Caucasus, Crimean Tatars, Meskhetian Turks were all deported to KZ.

102. The development of science and culture of Kz in WWII

Science. 1946, June- The creation of Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR. The president of academy was K.I.Satpaev. The group of scientists established laws of minerals in nature, made metallogenic  and  prediction maps.

In 1970 the group of scientists with header Aythozhin reached the greatest results in genetics and microbiology. 1958- was established institute of Philosophy and Law. 1961-Institute of Linguistics, Literature and Art. A.H.Margulanov investigated nations history and culture, who lived in Kz in Bronze Age.

Literature. The greatest work in Kz literature was the M.Auezovs The way of Abay. In 1949 Auezov was given State premium of the USSR. S.Mukanov tried to give a mark to historical way of nation in his trilogy  school of life. The national prose of Kz was awakened region by G.Musrepov. G.Mustafin-Shanyrak, Millionaire, his historical works were Karaganda, after the storm. During 1960-1980 appeared new famous name. A.Nurpeisov Blood and sweat, due to this he got the State premium. A.Alimzhanov and his work return of the teacher were given the International premium by named Dzh.Neru. Return of teacher was devote to Al-Farabi.

O.Suleymenovs land, bow man was about the 1st astronaut U.Gagarin. I.Esenberlin wrote the truth about  Kenesary Kasymov in his work Nomads.

103. Kazakhstan in the post-war period (1946-1953)

In the performance of the overall objectives for the country and further recovery of the national economy Kazakhstan takes a special place. Due to the fact that in Kazakhstan evacuees housed factories, construction of new and expanded existing businesses, industry of Kazakhstan during the war years greatly exceeded the prewar level. But the effects of the war were difficult for the economy of Kazakhstan. Decreased production of many industrial products, especially consumer goods. Greatly exacerbated the problem of labor resources. At factories and in agriculture, an acute shortage of manpower. This was due to several reasons. Most of the specialists who were evacuated to Kazakhstan during the war, they returned to their homes. Conducted preparation and retraining of workers, to make transfers manpower. Forced measure - labor mobilization of citizens to work in industry and construction, used in the war years, was replaced by an organized set. Due to the large part of the demobilization of the Armed Forces of the USSR for 1945 came in Kazakhstan retired 104 thousand officers and soldiers, and in January 1, 1947 - 188.2 thousand people. The industry has been restored 8 - hour working day, eliminated the massive overtime and weekend work. Workers and employees were provided paid leave. The working people of of Kazakhstan, having overcome all difficulties and in 1946 basically completed transition of the economy to peaceful. Program of post-war development has been defined by the "Law on the five-year plan the reconstruction and development of the economy of the USSR for 1946-1950", approved in March 1946, the first session of the Supreme Soviet. The Soviet people were given the task: "... to restore the affected areas of the country, to restore pre-war levels of industry and agriculture, and then go beyond this level to a considerable extent” The main objectives of the fourth “Five Year Plan”.

1. Development of heavy industry in the republic.

2. Construction of new railway lines.

3. Increase crop yields.

4. Raising the cultural level of material welfare.

As a result of a five-year plan, the country had launched production of rolled steel, cement, synthetic fibers, superphosphate, equipment for ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, mining and coal mining, production of press-forging and machining equipment, agricultural machines.The great development of iron and steel industry was - in a metallurgical plant in Temirtau were put in place three rolling mills, and two open-hearth furnaces at the Aktobe plant of ferroalloys - the third stage of the enterprise.

104.Scienttific and cultural life of the republic during the second half 1940-1950-ies

In the war years in the Kazakh SSR, as well as across the country, has been temporarily suspended the implementation of compulsory education in the village of seven years and ten years in the city, significantly reduced the coverage of children by the school. Despite serious financial difficulties the state allocated large allocations for schooling. If in 1946 for this purpose were released 85.6 million rubles, in 1950 - 146.5 million rubles. In addition, Kazakhstan and across the country, organized Sundays schools, establishment of a fund universal education, as well as funds to help orphans and needy children. In sparsely populated areas, a network of residential care facilities, in 1953 they had learned about 40 thousand children.Overall, by 1950 the country functioned from 3088 schools enroll students in 1 million 439 thousand. During this period, a measure of success achieved in the development and literature. In 1947 finished the second book of the novel - an epic of "Abai" M. Auezov, and in 1949 he was awarded the USSR State Prize. While there are such vivid works of Kazakh literature as "Syrdarya" S. Mukanov, "Millionaire" Mustafin and I. Shukhov novels, works of T. Zharokov and other writers. However, in the postwar years, has a new round of repressive policy toward intellectuals. In Leningrad and Moscow were fabricated so-called “Leningrad case” “Doctors case”, in Kazakhstan there was “Bekmakhanov case”. E. Bekmakhanov was a gifted historian.In the war years in a team of scientists, which included well-known historians A.P. Kuchkin, Pankratova, B.D. Greeks, Druzhinin, and others worked on the "History of the Kazakh SSR," which was published in 1943. In 1947, E. Bekmakhanov prepared a monograph "Kazakhstan in the 20-40s of XIX century." The views of the scientist were declared nationalist and politically harmful. December 4th, 1952 E. Bekmakhanov was sentenced to 25 years and only after the death of Stalin, in the spring of 1954, he returned to Kazakhstan. Political scientists have been accused Zhubanov, H. Jumaliev, B. Suleimenov, writer J. D. Dombrowski and other outstanding scientists and K. Satpayev, Auezov because of persecution, were forced to leave Kazakhstan to Moscow.

105.Development of virgin lands in Kazakhstan.

In 1954, February-March Plenum of the Party Central Committee adopted a resolution "On further increase in grain production in the country and the development of virgin and fallow lands" requires the plowing the Eurasian steppe. This was due to the fact that the USSR was rise the shortage of bread. In 1953, the USSR was harvested 31 million tons of grain, spent 32 million tonnes - this shows that the collective and state farms not handle with its principal function - providing food for society. In order to chose the system of self-preservation is much more than usual, an extensive model of the problem. Mitigate the food crisis is expected due to a sharp increase in grain production. In August 1954, in Kazakhstan, was plowed up 6.5 million hectares. By the beginning of 1955 area of cultivated land increased by 8.5 million hectares, was created 90 new farms. In the autumn of 1954 saw the creation of another 250 farms. Total years in virgin lands (1954-1960 gg.) was plowed up 25.5 million hectares. To provide new land manpower mobilization was carried out volunteers from the western areas of the country, which were given considerable benefits - free travel with the property, cash grants of up to 1 thousand rubles. Loan for the construction of up to 20 thousand rubles for 10 years, until two thousand rub. to purchase livestock, agricultural tax exemption from 2 to 5 years. Total for the development of virgin lands in the years 1954-59 has been allocated over 20 billion rubles. In 1955 had to adopt a special resolution of the CC CPSU : 47 steppe areas and 225 farms require to raise beef cattle. Began work on the expansion of irrigation and fodder. As a result, with great difficulty managed to raise the total number of cattle in the country in 1960 to 37.4 million head (in 1928 - 29.7 million head). However, population growth has led to certain difficulties in the provision of food, forcing the authorities in 1962 for the first time to go price increases for meat by 30% and oil - 25%. Planned increase in production of meat three times did not work. Plowing huge squares of virgin lands has led to a sharp reduction in Kazakhstan hayfields and pasture and start a long crisis of traditional agriculture sector of the republic. In general, the development of virgin lands in Kazakhstan has made a major producer of grain in the world and at the same time laid the cause of long-term crisis of agriculture in the country in subsequent years.

106 Functioning of Baikonur and Semipalatinsk

Cosmodrome "Baikonur" - the first and the world's largest space center, located on the territory of Kazakhstan. For test site was chosen desert  in Kazakhstan to the east of the Aral Sea, close to one of the largest rivers of Central Asia, the Syr Darya and the railway from Moscow to Tashkent.

Results for "Baikonur" for 50 years, was launched more than 1,500 satellites for various purposes and more than 100 ballistic missiles, tested 38 major types of missiles, more than 80 types of spacecraft and their modifications.

1991-1993: - crisis after the collapse of the Soviet Union

In 1994, the launch site to the city of Lenin (now Baikonur) leased to Russia.

The official birthdayof  spaceport is June 2, 1955

05/08/1965 Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR polygon  awarded the Order of Lenin.

12/20/1995 Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Leninsk city was renamed Baikonur city.

Semipalatinsk  The first test of nuclear weapons in the Soviet Union was held on 29 August 1949.

Beginning with the first nuclear explosion 08/29/1949, not less than 468 nuclear tests were behavioral in that range. Between 1949 and 1962. had 30 ground tests of the behavioral, 88 nuclear devices were tested in the air, among them the first thermonuclear device (12/08/1953) and the world's first hydrogen bomb (11/22/1955), 6 devices were tested at high altitude and in space. In addition to ground tests at the test site was carried out more than 340 underground tests: in vertical wells and horizontal tunnels.

   Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev site was closed August 29, 1991, leaving the contaminated zone at the landfill site and in nearby regions.

107 Economic and socio-political development of KZ in 1965-85

Economic reform in 1965.

The main directions of economic reforms of 1965 ("Kosygin`s reform ") are: the return to sector (ministerial) principle of management, translation companies to self-financing (self-governing, self-sufficiency, self-financing), a combination of state planning with local initiative ("counter plan").

Economy in 1970 - the first half of 1980.

   The economic development of the USSR in the 70s - the first half of the 80s was determined three five-year plan - 9th (1971-1975), 10th (1976-1980), 11 - th (1981-1985). It went in a sharp increase in centralized control, a center of social life, limiting the economic power of the republics and local Soviets.

The standard of living of the people.

  Since the mid 60's party-state leadership, headed by Leonid Brezhnev took the course mainly to increase the income of the population, which played a positive role in raising the living standards of people.

The main feature of the socio-economic development of the 1970's - the mid-1980s and has been a sharp drop in the overall growth rate. For 15 years the rate of growth of national income and industrial production fell by 2.5 times, agricultural production - by 3.5 times in real incomes - by 3 times. Growth rates have fallen to the level of economic stagnation (stasis), the economy went to pre-crisis frontier. XI Five Year Plan was not implemented on any indicator. In the history of the state five-year plan that was the first case of a general failure of the plan.

108 Education science and cultural life of KZ in 1965-85

The transition to general secondary education began in 70 years. Increased funding for higher and secondary education. In higher education, dominated pedagogical professions. In 80 years, it was announced that the full implementation of mandatory secondary education. 60-70 years, the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic was one of the major research centers in the USSR. Proceedings of the many scientists became known abroad.

Author of a work  Blood and sweat Nurpeisov in 60 years was presented to the State Award.

In the artistic literature a special place was occupied by the product of the struggle of the Kazakh people against the invasion of Djungarian

109. Kazakhstan during the period of adjustment policies.

The political situation in Kazakhstan in 1985-86g differed by relative stability, as economic situation in the country was somewhat better than in the whole Soviet Union. This was due to the large number of enterprises under the central government with a centralized, ie, better provision of food and consumer goods. The December 1986 event is already in late 1985 - early 1986. in Kazakhstan and Moscow began to sound critical of the government of the republic and in person against the First Secretary of the D. Kunaev, who at that time was about 75 years. Everyone understood the need to change the ruling elite, especially since talking about it and Muscovite rulers. However, it was expected that this will happen in a democratic way, so further developments were considered valid as a violation of the people of the power itself, the declared principles. December 15 in Alma-Ata, a member of the CPSU Central Committee arrived Razumovsky and first secretary of the Ulyanovsk Oblast Party Committee Mr. Kolbin. December 16 at the plenum of the Communist Party of Kazakhstan was announced recommending higher Party organs at post of Kolbin republican first secretary. Party leadership in Kazakhstan without discussion voted "yes" and thus in violation of party rules and statutes, the head of the republic, was elected a person, not only associated with Kazakhstan, and not knowing the local conditions, but even standing on the account of one of the cornfields of local party organizations and not having the Kazakhstan registration. This was seen as an affront to the Kazakh people and caused a spontaneous protest. Morning of 17 December on the square in front of the Central Committee began to meet young people requiring to explain why the election of Mr. Kolbin and ignoring the protests against Moscow's interests of the republic. 17 and 18 December against the peaceful demonstrators were thrown into the police forces and internal forces.

During the tragic events of 17-18 December, several people died, many were wounded and injured. Only in the capital of 264 people were expelled from universities, 758 people - from the Komsomol and 52 men - from the party. At the beginning of 1987 was accepted by the Central Committee, in which the incident was declared a manifestation of "Kazakh nationalism.

110. Economic and political reforms in Kazakhstan in 1985-1991. 

Stagnation in the economy, the slowdown of the economy in a indecisive reforms, 1986-1991 gg  led to a section of a single economic system and the Soviet Union in a crisis, out of which there has been until now. Economic Reforms 1986-1989,. In 1985, Kazakhstan's economy was in the pre-crisis state. The economy has established a system of support loss-making enterprises through cost-effective, performance evaluation is not dependent on the quantity and quality of products, and of gross domestic product, i.e. funds expended on its production, which led to the prosperity of the resource-cost technologies. It was planned to reorganize the system of economic management and engineering to develop, through which other industries to modernize and increase production rates. Has been increased import the latest Western technology, but it did not give the expected results.

The struggle to strengthen discipline in the production evolved into anti-alcohol campaign, which led to an increase in drug addiction, home brewing, substance abuse, reduced income to the state treasury. Since the beginning of 1987 started the decline in production. Since 1987, the state began to build a "planned-market" economy… Already in the 1988-1989 year has begun accelerating decline in living standards in Kazakhstan. Economic Reforms 1990-1991 In 1990, for the first time it was stated that part of the authorities to move to a regulated market economy. Blow to the welfare of the people and private monetary reform, implemented in early 1991 and led to the impoverishment of the population. Kazakhstan gained its sovereignty in 1990 led to the emergence of the Republican concept of transition. However, the collapse of the USSR, while maintaining economic ties and Russia's transition unilaterally in early 1992 to the price liberalization led to the destabilization of the financial-monetary system and rampant inflation. Kazakhstan became independent in terms of economic disaster.

111. Collapse of the Soviet Union. Proclamation of Kazakhstan as a sovereign and independent state

By the end of the 80s has become increasingly insistent highlight the problem of national independence. Historical development was adopted on 22 September 1989. "Law on Languages​​," where the official language was declared the Kazakh and Russian language - the language of interethnic communication.

Soviet republics began to prepare the reform of the Soviet Union in the Union of Sovereign States October 25, 1990 the Supreme Soviet of Kazakhstan adopted a "Declaration of State Sovereignty of Kazakh SSR." Before that, in 24 April 1990 in the republic was established the post of President of the Kazakh SSR, the Supreme Soviet he was elected N. A. Nazarbayev.

August 19 1991. in the country announced the formation of the State Emergency Committee, in fact it was a coup attempt. But the coup failed, the leaders of the Emergency Committee were arrested and handed over to the court. These events precipitated the Soviet collapse, tearing scheduled for August 20 signing of the agreement on its Novoogarevskogo reform. The failure of the coup led to the dissolution of the Communist Party. September 7 an extraordinary convention of the Communist Party of Kazakh-on that has decided to disband. December 1 1991- held nationwide elections for President of Khaz, they became N. A. Nazarbayev, who joined the December 10 post. December 10, it was decided to rename the Kazakh SSR in the ROK. In December 16 1991 was adopted by the Constitutional Law "On the State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan", this day was declared a day of independence.

In December 1991 was a complex process of creating the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). First, on December 8 in Minsk, Bulovezh Forest held a meeting of leaders of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine, which signed an agreement on the cancellation of the Treaty in 1922 on the formation of the USSR and the creation of the CIS. Then, in Ashgabat, 13 December, a meeting of leaders of Central Asian Republics and Kazakhstan, which supported the "Belovezh agreement."

112. First steps of independent Kazakhstan

On the way to true sovereignty Kazakhstan has faced several challenges: the economic crisis, social unrest, decline in living standards, unemployment, environmental problems, criminality. To overcome them, and know the proper place in human society, it was necessary to solve problems: economic restructuring, refocusing on its modern high technology industry, creating a socially oriented market by ensuring equality of opportunity, the privatization of property, price liberalization, sound investment policies, the formation of legal state and civil society institutions, the development of culture, education, and science.

December 16, 1991 was adopted by the Constitutional Law "On the State Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan." It Kazakhstan proclaimed independent, democratic and legal state. From that day Kazakhstan legally exists as a sovereign state.

President Nursultan Nazarbayev in his book, "Strategy formation and development of Kazakhstan" as an independent state" defined strategic goals and directions of formation of our independent state in the context of a new historical situation. The fundamental principles expressed in the book, then went into the Basic Law (Constitution), adopted on 27 January 1993. In these and other works by the country's leader has paid great attention to the implementation of social solidarity and harmony, which are the dominant political value for the young independent state.

On November 12, 1993, Kazakhstan has introduced its own currency - tenge. August 30, 1995 was adopted a new Constitution of independent Kazakhstan.

March 2, 1992 Kazakhstan was adopted  to  the UN. In 1992 the system was developed the national security. June 4, 1992 will forever remain in history and in memory of the people as the birthday of the state symbols of Kazakhstan.

113. Foreign policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

After gaining the sovereignty of the Republic was faced with the need to develop and conduct its own foreign policy.

Concept of Foreign Policy of Kazakhstan has been identified by the President of the republicN. A. Nazarbayev, in his paper "Strategy formation and development of Kazakhstan as a sovereign state," which appeared in print in May 1992. "The main goal of foreign policy - is said in it - the formation of a favorable external environment and support sustainable development based on political and economic reforms." By creating a national security system, i.e. foreign policy, Kazakhstan had to start from the characteristics of its geopolitical and economic situation. Kazakhstan is located in the heart of Euro-Asian continent and at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, crossed transport and communication lines between East and West.

The main part of the country's exports of raw materials (metals, oil, grain, wool). Taking into account its position, Kazakhstan in the international arena is pursuing a multi-policy. Its essence is to establish and develop mutually beneficial cooperation with all countries and abroad. The strategic objectives of foreign policy are this book of principles in the indestructibility of, the principles of independence, territorial integrity and inviolability of borders.

Kazakhstan at the moment has become a major player in international politics, which was caused by its good geographical position on the border of two continents, Europe and Asia, among the key players in international relations, the Russian Federation and China. The presence of large areas (9th largest in the world), huge reserves of minerals and other natural resources enables the country to raise its international political rating. On March 2, 1992 The Republic of Kazakhstan was adopted by the UN.Today in Kazakhstan  there are 15 UN agencies.

In January 1992 the Republic of Kazakhstan joined the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. This organization is primarily seen in Kazakhstan a partner in solving the Afghan issue.

Kazakhstan and the SCO.

Kazakhstan pays special attention to relations with neighboring states. Kazakhstan - one of five countries, who have launched the emergence of this organization.

Kazakhstan's foreign policy is primarily aimed at Russia, China, U.S., EU and Arab countries. These countries, with which official government of Kazakhstan has identified as strategic.

Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan with the European Union was established  on February 2, 1993. The relationship between the two entities are carried in many papers, the main ones are the "Path to Europe".

114. Economic development of the sovereign Kazakhstan

Assessing the outcomes of market reform in Kazakhstan's economy since independence, it is necessary first of all, note the gradual and phased transition to the formation of the Kazakh model of sustainable socio-economic development.

The first stage of market reforms can be roughly defined from 1992 to 1997. During this period there was a process of transition of Kazakhstan's society from the junction of the administrative-command system to market relations based on private ownership and competition.

The second phase of development of Kazakhstan's economy began in 1998 after the adoption of the Strategy "Kazakhstan-2030". With the adoption of this document began the creative process to achieve long-term goals and priorities, to build a steadily growing economy.

The above stages in the development of Kazakhstan as an independent state took place at different socio-economic trends.

In the first stage of socio-economic transformation of the economy was in a stage production of deep financial crisis that negatively affected all aspects of development and required for rapid and sometimes unpopular decisions in public.

In the second stage there is a trend of high rates of economic development and the process of transformation of social relations requires a deep study of the socio-economic policy of the Government to adopt the most effective solutions that will be well received in society.

The Republic of Kazakhstan is rich in mineral resources, vast arable land, skilled labor, a significant industrial potential. Today, Kazakhstan has a functioning market economy.

Kazakhstan exports raw materials produced by mining, fuel, steel and chemical industries.

By reserves of iron ore Kazakhstan occupies the eighth place in the world. The share of non-ferrous metals in the total industrial output exceeds 12%.Kazakhstan is a major producer of gold.

Agriculture is an important sector of the economy.Kazakhstan by grain production ranks third in the CIS.

Natural conditions in Kazakhstan, their diversity present a significant potential for livestock development. In Kazakhstan, traditionally engaged  sheep farming, horse breeding, camel breeding, breeding cattle.

115. Political development in the period of its sovereignty

Kazakhstan gained independence the state initiated a number of processes that continue to evolve and are still far from complete. They affect different aspects of the state and nation.

Political processes. Immediately after the announcement of December 16 1991 the state independence of Kazakhstan, began the process of forming a new political system, characterized by strong presidential authority, and based on the principles of democracy and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms.1992 was a year of active entry Kazakh in the international arena. March 3 republic became a member of the United Nations, and later joined other international organizations. At the same time developed and national symbols. June 4, 1992 was approved by the State Emblem and Flag of Kazakhstan, December 11 - its National Anthem.

Measures were taken to separate the functions of the legislative and executive power, started work on parliamentary reform and the transformation of local government. In January of 1993 Constitution was adopted in Kazakhstan. Continued reform of the political system, led to the adoption of the second Constitution in August 30, 1995 in which the supreme legislative power was transferred to a bicameral parliament consisting of the Senate (and two deputies from each region) and the Majilis (67 deputies). April 29, 1995 in the republic referendum was held, extend the term of President Nursultan Nazarbayev before December 1, 2000. In the 1997 important event took place in the life of Kazakhstan - moving the capital to Astana, which was dictated by a number of economic and political reasons that are of strategic importance.

The deterioration of macroeconomic indicators and the threat of a new round of crisis led to the fact that the President took an unprecedented step - has announced the immediate resignation from office and a new election. Past January 10, 1999 elections showed that the majority of the people of Kazakhstan support the current policy of the president and the policy of reform. For the first time in the history of Kazakhstan presidential elections were held on an alternative basis. Political reforms are incomplete and require further improvement of the structure of government, executive power, legislative reform, administrative and political division of the state.

116. Parties and public organizations of Kazakhstan 

The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan guarantees the rights of parties, movements, associations, except those whose activities are aimed at "changing the constitutional order, violation of the integrity of the republic, undermining national security, inciting social, racial, ethnic, religious, class and tribal enmity." State intervention in the affairs of political parties and public associations are not allowed. According to the latest edition of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On political parties" political party must have at least 50 000 members.

Public organization - nonprofit / non-governmental voluntary association of citizens based on common interests and goals. Sometimes used in the definition of "third sector" (the public) in addition to public and private sectors.

Current parties

Kazakhstan officially registered nine political parties:

  1.  The Democratic Party "Adilet"
  2.  Democratic Party of Kazakhstan "Ak Jol"
  3.  Kazakhstan Social and Democratic Party "Aul"
  4.  Communist People's Party of Kazakhstan
  5.  Communist Party of Kazakhstan (the activity is suspended)
  6.  People's Democratic Party "Nur Otan"
  7.  National Social-Democratic Party "Azat"
  8.  Party of Patriots of Kazakhstan
  9.  Party "Rukhaniyat"

117. Social policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan

The program’s objective:  To improve the health of Kazakhstan’s people and to provide sustainable social-demographic development for the country.

The program’s tasks:

To strengthen intersectoral and interdepartmental coordination on population health protection issues and maintain sanitation and epidemiological well-being

To develop and advance the common national healthcare system

To advance medical and pharmaceutical education

To develop the medical sciences and pharmaceutical activities..

Else Kazakhstan has such programs as: 

  1.  Kazakhstan’s state education development  program for 2011-2020
  2.  The housing and public utilities sector modernization program, till 2020
  3.  2020 Employment program
  4.  The housing construction program
  5.  The functioning and development of languages state program for 2011-2020
  6.  2020 Business Road Map Program
  7.  The provision of quality drinking water program

118. Education and cultural life in the Republic of Kazakhstan 

Education is universal and mandatory through to the secondary level and the adult literacy rate is 99.5%. Education consists of three main educational phases: primary education (forms 1–4), basic general education (forms 5–9) and senior level education (forms 10–11 or 12) divided into continued general education and professional education (primary education is preceded by one year of pre-school education). These three levels of education can be followed in one institution or in different ones (e.g. primary school, then secondary school). Recently, several secondary schools, specialized schools, magnet schoolsgymnasiumslyceums, linguistic and technical gymnasiums, have been founded. Secondary professional education is offered in special professional or technical schoolslyceums or colleges and vocational schools.

At present, there are universitiesacademies, and institutesconservatories, higher schools and higher colleges. There are three main levels: basic higher education that provides the fundamentals of the chosen field of study and leads to the award of the Bachelor's degree; specialized higher education after which students are awarded the Specialist's Diplom; and scientific-pedagogical higher education which leads to the Master's Degree

The Ministry of Education of Kazakhstan runs a highly successful Bolashak scholarship, which is annually awarded to about five thousand applicants of Kazakhstan citizens. The scholarship funds their education and all living expenses abroad as well as transportation expenses once in a year from home to a university and back home. The choice of an institution of higher education and research as well as any corporation that provides both undergraduate and postgraduate education has no restrictions, if an applicant complies with the eligibility requirements of an institution abroad. Awarded student can study at any educational institutions such as prestigious University of CambridgeHarvard UniversityUniversity of TorontoUniversity of OxfordMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyTechnical University MunichImperial College LondonUniversity of Tokyo and other universities. The terms of the program include mandatory return to Kazakhstan for at least five years of employment.

119. Kazakhstan in 2030. (President’s appeal to the Nation of Kazakhstan)

In 1997 was published a strategic program "Kazakhstan-2030". Strategic Programme "Kazakhstan-2030" - a document of great historical and political significance. It contained a detailed analysis of the republic at the moment, was disclosed to the "mission of Kazakhstan" and described such "priority long-term goals," as: 1) national security, 2) political stability and consolidation of society, and 3) economic growth based on developed market economy with high levels of foreign investment, and 4) health, education and welfare of the citizens of Kazakhstan, and 5) energy resources, 6) infrastructure, particularly transport and communications; 7) professional state, limited to basic functions.

President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev has defined eight internal strengths of Kazakh society, which serve as fertile ground for the implementation of the Strategy - 2030.

1. Independence of the state, its attributes and symbols;

2. The final break with the old political-economic system;

3. The presence of a new political and economic system;

4. Human resources - is a highly educated population with a high level of scientific and creative potential;

5. Rich natural resources of Kazakhstan;

6. The huge agricultural land fund;

7. Maintenance of political stability and social cohesion;

8. Tolerance and patience of Kazakhstan, their hospitality and friendliness that is celebrated by all foreigners.

120. Republic of Kazakhstan and International relations

The Republic of Kazakhstan, is a transcontinental country in Central Asia and Eastern Europe. Ranked as the ninth largest country in the world. It is neighbored clockwise from the north by RussiaChinaKyrgyzstanUzbekistanTurkmenistan, and also borders on a significant part of the Caspian Sea. The capital was moved in 1998 from Almaty (formerly Alma-Ata), Kazakhstan's largest city, to Astana.

Kazakhstan declared itself an independent country on December 16, 1991, the last Soviet republic to do so. Its communist-era leader, Nursultan Nazarbayev, became the country's new president. Since independence, Kazakhstan has pursued a balanced foreign policy and worked to develop itseconomy, especially its hydrocarbon industry. While the country's economic outlook is improving, President Nazarbayev maintains strict control over the country's politics. Nevertheless, Kazakhstan's international prestige is building. It is now considered to be the dominant state in Central Asia. The country is a member of many international organizations, including the United Nations, the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council, the Commonwealth of Independent States, and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. Kazakhstan is one of six post-Soviet states who have implemented an Individual Partnership Action Plan with NATO. In 2010, Kazakhstan chaired the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe. Kazakhstan has stable relationships with all of its neighbors. On December 1, 2007, it was revealed that Kazakhstan had been chosen to chair OSCE for the year 2010.

Since independence in 1991, Kazakhstan has pursued what is known as the "multivector foreign policy" (Kazakhкөпвекторлы сыртқы саясатmnogovektornaya vneshnyaya politika), seeking equally good relations with two large neighbors, Russia and China, and the United States and the West in general. The policy has yielded results in the oil and gas sector, where companies from the U.S., Russia, China, and Europe are present at all major fields, and in the multidimensional directions of oil export pipelines out of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan also enjoys strong, and rapidly developing, political and economic ties with Turkey. Kazakhstan formed a customs union with Russia and Belarus which will be transformed into a common economic space soon.

1. на тему
2. кОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА Дисциплина История Вариант 7 Выполнила Студ
3. Сейчас функции экспедиторского обслуживания потребителей особенно четко проявляются в таких передовых тех
4. Никольский храм в Зарайске
5. Краткий справочник по Таиланду
6. Применение и лечение
7. Практична психологія освітньокваліфікаційного рівня бакалавра спеціаліста та магістра у Львівському де
8. Основы внешнеэкономической деятельности
9. Взаимоотношение различных элементов экосистемы
10. .М. Адвокатура создана для того чтобы- все перечисленное B обеспечение каждого адвоката заработной п
11. Лабораторная работа Испытания на растяжение гладких цилиндрических пропорциональных образцов
12. Гражданское право (Контрольная)
13. 29 декабря 2013 г Покупатель ОАО Крайинвестбанк в лице Бритвина Сергея Петровича действующей на
14. государственное
15. Особенности электорального поведения в России
16. татарский разговорник Ключевые слова Автобус Автобус
17. Язычество 2
18. Тема 3 б Московское государство при иване IV Доклад 1 Денежная реформа Елены Глинской её предпосылки
19. Формирование временных представлений у детей младшего школьного возраста с выраженными нарушениями интеллекта
20. Реферат- СТАТИСТИКА