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Sndwich course which combines lternte fulltime work nd fulltime study

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net: 2015-07-05

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Kaluga Branch of the MSTU named after N. Bauman.

July was really a hard month for you since you were sitting for your entrance examinations. You were lucky - you have passed the exams and become students of the Kaluga Branch of the MST'U. As you are freshmen so far, you should learn some facts about the higher school at which you will study.

The Kaluga Branch was founded in 1959. It has 4 departments: Instrument Building, Machine Building, Machine Designing and Part-time (Evening) Department.

So, you can choose between full-time and part-time courses. In 1989 a new form of education was introduced - the so-called "sandwich course" which combines alternate full-time work and full-time study.

The students of Kaluga Branch are trained in 9 specialities. For example, the Instrument Building Department includes such specialities as computers, the designing of radio devices and a new addition - solid state physics.

You can study the specialities of welding and metal cutting tools at the Machine Building Department and the specialities of turbine building of hydraulic machines - at the Machine Design Department.

Each department is headed by the dean who you should find in the Dean's office. Each department has a number of specified chairs. The academic year is divided into two terms and you’ll have to take examinations twice a year, in addition you will have vacations in winter and in summer.

The first- and second-year students study many subjects both sciences, such as drawing, chemistry, physics, strength of materials and humanities, such as history, the Russian and foreign languages.

While studying at the University you will also have your practical training in laboratories and workshops and at the plants. You’ll begin to master your speciality in your third year. The undergraduates work at their diploma projects, they defend them and obtain diplomas of engineers. This is in order to work at the plants or research institutes of our country. If you make good progress and take an interest in scientific work, then you may go on to read for a post-graduate course which lasts for three years. Then you may become a Candidate of engineering Science Degree (if you defend your thesis) or an Engineer-Researcher.  

So, work hard and you’ll be a success!

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