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Exam questions for students


«General medicine» - 1 курс

«Stomatology» - 1 course

     By discipline «Basis of economic theory» for 2013-214 у

Almaty, 2013

Considered at the meeting  of module of «Economic in healthcare and Pharmacy»

Proceeding № ___ «___» ____________ 2013y

Head of Module:                                     Sadyrov G.A.

Block 1. General conditions of economic development.

  1.  Which definition most relevant to the subject of economics?
    1.  is the science of the dynamics of the material and spiritual needs of man
    2.  is the science of motivation of human behaviour
    3.  is the science of the production and distribution of manufactured goods criteria
    4.  is the science of the most general laws of social development, with limited resources+
    5.  is the science of how to manage financial resources
  2.  The term "political economy" was first used in the title of his work:
    1.  Adam Smith
    2.  Antoine de Mont Chrétien+
    3.  Aristotle
    4.  Karl Marx
    5.  Alfred Marshall
  3.  Which of the schools of economic theory was historically the first?
    1.  Marxism
    2.  Mercantilism +
    3.  Keynesianism
    4.  Classical economics
    5.  Monetarism
  4.  Economic theory, I believe that agricultural and other natural resources are source of wealth:
    1.  Physiocratics+
    2.  Mercantilism
    3.  Monetarism
    4.  Institutionalism
    5.  Marginalism
  5.  If economic generalizations based on facts, this method:
    1.  Monitoring
    2.  Scientific abstraction
    3.  Deduction
    4.  Induction+
    5.  Economic and mathematical modelling.
  6.  What are the economic laws?
    1.  scientific abstractions that identify important aspects of economic phenomena
    2.  the formal representation of economic phenomena
    3.  significant and stable relationships in industrial relations +
    4.  cause-and-effect relationships
    5.  legal laws governing economic relations.
  7.  What are the economic categories?
    1.  scientific abstractions that express one or another aspect of industrial relations+
    2.  a subjective evaluation of concepts
    3.  simplified approval
    4.  cause-and-effect relationships
    5.  the formal representation of economic phenomena
  8.  What characterizes the method of synthesis?
    1.  Modelling of Economic Processes
    2.  The rationale for special positions on the basis of common
    3.  the statement of the experiments
    4.  connection of the individual elements into one organic whole, the study of their interactions +
    5.  the study of the phenomenon into its component parts
  9.  Which of the following statements is correct?
    1.  Economic laws operate at the will of the people, the people set their
    2.  Economic laws are objective, but people need to learn them and use them in practice+
    3.  The economic laws operate on their own, independently of the will and desires of the people
    4.  In the same legal rules
    5.  The same laws of nature.
  10.  Economic theory studies:
    1.  The production and exchange of goods
    2.  The aggregate economic processes
    3.  +The use of scarce economic resources
    4.  Mechanism for implementing capital
    5.  The management of social processes.
  11.  Economic theory does not study:
    1.  The behaviour of the subsystems of the national economy
    2.  The functioning of the global economy
    3.  The operation of the national economic system in general
    4.  The behaviour of individual economic agents
    5.  Psychological behaviour of the subjects+
  12.  The emergence of economic theory related to:
  13.  With the development of capitalism and the market expansion +
  14.  The development of manufacture
  15.  The emergence of new forms of work
  16.  The appearance of Trans National Corporations (TNCs)
  17.  The emergence of money
  18.  Economy - is:
    1.  The relationship between the people about farming
    2.  The production activities of people
    3.  of public relations for the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of material goods and services +
    4.  The impact of the state of the productive forces
    5.  The impact on nature
  19.  The value of economic theory in the structure of economic knowledge that:
    1.  Expresses the relation between man and the natural environment
    2.  Identify the people's attitude to things
    3.  Shows the relationship of science
    4.  Expresses the relationship between the people in the process of production +
    5.  Provides a comprehensive view on the volume of production
  20.  Who encouraged the State to expand trade to accumulate gold?
  21.  mercantilists +
  22.  marginalists
  23.  physiocrats
  24.  classics
  25.  utopians
  26.  Mercantilism based on the fact that:
    1.  Brings a wealth of production of wealth
    2.  Brings a wealth of effective distribution of the products of labour
    3.  The need to encourage the manufacture, producing goods with the absolute advantages of
    4.  Trade is the exchange of equivalents
    5.  Wealth - is primarily gold+
  27.  Mercantilism has proposed a theory of the second stage:
    1.  Cash Balance
    2.  The balance of payments
    3.  The balance of the production
    4.  The balance of trade+
    5.  The financial balance
  28.  School, who saw the source of wealth, is not in trade, but in the sphere of material production:
    1.  Utopian direction
    2.  Marginality
    3.  classical+
    4.  Social direction
    5.  Historical
  29.  Author of "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations":
    1.  Marx
    2.  Paul Samuelson
    3.  Ricardo
    4.  A. Smith+
    5.  L. Walrus
  30.  In modern economic theory justifies Keynesian:
    1.  The removal of government control as a hindrance to development of society
    2.  The need for government regulation of the market economy in the aggregate demand+
    3.  The solution of all social and economic problems through free competition
    4.  The superiority of the market economic system of mixed economy
    5.  The full liberalization of the economy
  31.  That does not apply to the functions of economic theory:
    1.  the study and explanation of the processes and phenomena of economic life
    2.  of the essence of phenomena and processes
    3.  the development of principles and practices of good housekeeping
    4.  the development of scientific forecasts and prospects of social development
    5.  development of the constitutional foundations of society+
  32.  Which of the following does not apply to economic goals?
    1.  Economic growth
    2.  Full-time
    3.  Political stability+
    4.  Cost-effectiveness
    5.  Increasing the well-being of people
  33.  Characteristic features of the neoclassical school:
    1.  commitment to paternalism
    2.  the effectiveness of fiscal policy
    3.  to state intervention in the economy
    4.  the active role of the state in the formation of market relations
    5.  all socio-economic challenges must be free competition+
  34.  Economic laws expresses:
    1.  moral and ethical communication
    2.  a subjective psychological ties
    3.  the socio-political context
    4.  legal and legal ties
    5.  cause-and-effect relationships+
  35.  Economic theory is suitable for the study:
    1.  only the capitalist economic system
    2.  all economic systems+
    3.  only post-socialist states
    4.  developing and developed countries, except for socialism
    5.  mixed economies
  36.  First the ideas of liberalism, minimal government intervention in the economy, there have been developed:
    1.  John Keynes
    2.  by Karl Marx
    3.  A. Smith +
    4.  W. Petty
    5.  A. Marshall
  37.  The economic model is:
    1.  an instrument of economic policy
    2.  the aggregate economic processes
    3.  an explanation of how the economy +
    4.  quantitative level of economic development
    5.  the law of the economy
  38.  In every economic system, the fundamental problem of "what, how and for whom to produce" solves the micro and macro level. Which of the issues solved, micro level?
    1.  how to achieve full employment
    2.  what and how much to produce +
    3.  how to get rid of inflation
    4.  how to cope with unemployment
    5.  how to stimulate economic growth
  39.  Production as an economic category means:
    1.  one of the aspects of social life
    2.  the interaction of the factors of production in order to meet people's needs+
    3.  the place where the person works
    4.  use of human machines, mechanisms in the creation of a useful product
    5.  the range of tools and objects of labour
  40.  Limited resources mean that:
  41.  can not be with them at the same time and complete satisfaction of all the existing needs +
  42.  in the society they are in an amount which is sufficient to produce the required goods
  43.  lack of resources only on the production of commodities
  44.  lack of resources only for the production of basic necessities
  45.  lack of resources due to their depletion and possible renewal
  46.  Economic theory identifies the following key factors of production:
    1.  labour, capital, information, technology
    2.  the real and personal
    3.  natural resources, labour, capital
    4.  land, capital, labour and entrepreneurship+
    5.  the natural, human, material and financial
  47.  The definition of "work":
    1.  multilateral human activities
    2.  production of a number of organizations products
    3.  the result of purposeful activity on the production of goods and services+
    4.  the result of contract work related to specific commitments
    5.  the result of human interaction with the environment
  48.  Tools to create tangible and intangible benefits are:
    1.  knowledge and experience of the staff
    2.  the physical and moral qualities of wage labour
    3.  production resources +
    4.  financial resources and the diversity of ownership
    5.  income consumers of tangible and intangible benefits
  49.  Modern economic theory as capital recognizes:
    1.  the means of production
    2.  money, securities, finance
    3.  the energy, skills
    4.  the time
    5.  anything that can generate income+
  50.  What kind of relationship expresses the economic category of "property"?
  51.  ratio between people on the appropriation of funds and results of production+
  52.  the relationship between people based on class
  53.  the system powers
  54.  relations on the bundle of property rights exchange
  55.  the ownership and use of land
  56.  The right of useful properties benefit for themselves - is:
    1.  The right of ownership
    2.  the right to use+
    3.  the right to control
    4.  the right to the income
    5.  the right of the sovereign
  57.  How would you describe the ownership?
    1.  the right to transfer wealth inherited
    2.  the right thing to extract from its beneficial properties
    3.  the right to determine the fate of things
    4.  the right of exclusive physical control over the good+
    5.  The right to security
  58.  In the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the Constitution, the following forms of liability own:
  59.  private and public+
  60.  State and collective
  61.  individual and mixed
  62.  Co-operative and collaborative
  63.  private and mixed
  64.  Privatization is:
    1.  change of ownership
    2.  nationalization
    3.  withdrawal of the state features full economic management
    4.  transition to a diversity of ownership +
    5.  the transition to private ownership
  65.  Factors of production - is:
    1.  the production of potential resources
    2.  use of production resources
    3.  production resources used+
    4.  the production of future resources
    5.  all available resources
  66.  One of the authors of the theory of property rights:
  67.  G. Keynes
  68.  M. Friedman
  69.  Marx
  70.  Ronald Coase +
  71.  Hicks.
  72.   Entrepreneurship is:
  73.  any business
  74.  can not be separated from ownership
  75.  the unpredictable activity
  76.  the type of activity, which effectively combine labour, land and capital+
  77.  the type of activity associated with the risk
  78.   What characterizes commodity economy?
  79.  the natural form of the product
  80.  a direct relationship of production and consumption
  81.  universal labour
  82.  division of labour and economic openness +
  83.  closed economy
  84.   In commodity production, public recognition of work product gets:
    1.  demand
    2.  in determining its value
    3.  in setting prices
    4.  in the exchange +
    5.  the production of this product.
  85.   Price - is:
    1.  a monetary expression of the value of goods +
    2.  the utility of things
    3.  the sum of the cost of production of the product
    4.  labour embodied in goods
    5.  a quantitative proportion in which the goods are equal to each other.

Block 2. Market and the mechanism of its regulation.

  1.  Markets are perfect and monopolistic competition have in common:
    1.  operates in the market of many buyers and sellers+
    2.  to sell similar goods
    3.  sell differentiated products
    4.  have the highest level of technology
    5.  the demand curve for its product
  2.  The market economy is:
  3.  a system of chaos and anarchy
  4.  a relatively simple mechanism operating by balancing supply and demand
  5.  a complex mechanism of coordination, acting through a system of prices and markets+
  6.  is not flexible multi-structured with complex refractory mechanism of regulation of the
  7.  approval decisions of consumers, producers and owners of factors of production
  8.  In a market economy, the product is distributed among consumers:
  9.  based on objective independent of the reasons consumers
  10.  based on the desire and ability of consumers to purchase the product+
  11.  based on the desires of consumers to buy the product
  12.  based on the ability of consumers to purchase the product
  13.  on the basis of the income of consumers
  14.  Market - is:
  15.  the accumulation of acts of sale
  16.  the interaction of supply and demand
  17.  the relationship between sellers and buyers
  18.  the economic form of exchange when the product exists as a commodity+
  19.  exchange of natural products
  20.  The key actors of the market economy are:
  21.  The owners of the factors of production
  22.  industrial, commercial and lending capitalists
  23.  employees, capitalists, landowners
  24.  trade unions, business associations, public institutions
  25.  households, business, government+
  26.  Which of the following is not an element of the structure of the market mechanism?
    1.  Planning+
    2.  Demand
    3.  Offer
    4.  Competition
    5.  Price
  27.  Which of these characteristics are contrary to the concept of "competitive market"?
  28.  a large number of sellers
  29.  a large number of buyers
  30.  the few buyers, creating a demand for products+
  31.  relatively easy entry into the market of producers
  32.  the diffusion of economic power
  33.  Choose the wrong answer. The concept of "perfect competition" suggests that:
  34.  All buyers and sellers have complete information about the price
  35.  A significant number of firms operating in industries producing standardized goods
  36.  there are many buyers who purchase this product at the current price
  37.  the absence of barriers to entry
  38.  insurmountable barriers to entry+
  39.  What are the conditions of the market?
    1.  the social division of labour
    2.  the economic isolation of market actors due to the diversity of ownership
    3.  the need to exit the national economy on world economy
    4.  development of on-farm consumption
    5.  the social division of labour, the economic isolation of the subjects of the market+
  40.  In a set of attributes of the perfect (free) competition does not include:
    1.  a large number of participants and the freedom of access to the market
    2.  the existence of a complete business information
    3.  monopoly pricing+
    4.  absolute mobility of all kinds of resources
    5.  the absolute homogeneity of products
  41.  What is the problem the market can not solve?
    1.  the efficient allocation of resources
    2.  the development of existing scientific and technological achievements
    3.  the deficit-free economy
    4.  ensuring social protection+
    5.  the compound interest of buyers and sellers
  42.  Indicate the specific situation in the market with monopsony:
    1.  One of many buyers seller
    2.  one buyer confronts many sellers+
    3.  a large number of buyers confronts multiple vendors
    4.  a small number of fairly large merchants opposed weight relative smallholder customers
    5.  one seller and one buyer
  43.  Specify the specific situation on the market in oligopoly:
    1.  one seller against a variety of customers
    2.  a single buyer confronts many seller
    3.  large number of buyers confronts many sellers
    4.  a small number of large sellers opposes weight relative to small customers+
    5.  one seller and one buyer
  44.  Indicate the specific situation in the market oligopsony:
    1.  One of many buyers seller
    2.  a single buyer confronts many sellers
    3.  a limited number of customers confronts many sellers+
    4.  a small number of fairly large merchants opposed weight relative smallholder customers
    5.  one seller and one buyer
  45.  Indicate the main feature of the market:
    1.  gradual replacement of the strong weak
    2.  elimination of monopoly in some sectors
    3.  the efficient allocation of resources+
    4.  social protection
    5.  support for small business
  46.  Which is not characteristic of pure monopoly?
    1.  the seller - the only manufacturer industry - synonymous with one firm
    2.  implemented product is unique, there are no close substitutes
    3.  the relative ease of entry into the market+
    4.  control over prices, shipments to the market
    5.  the insurmountable barriers to entry
  47.  Competitive market mechanism is not peculiar to the following condition:
    1.  freedom of economic entities
    2.  free pricing
    3.  the subject of a monopoly position in the market+
    4.  competition producers
    5.  the minimum state involvement in the economy
  48.  The presence of a gas station in rural areas leads to:
    1.  Monopsony
    2.  Monopoly+
    3.  Oligopoly
    4.  Oligopsony
    5.  The duopoly
  49.  Which of the following does not apply to unfair competition:
    1.  technical espionage
    2.  unauthorized use of a trademark
    3.  improve the quality of competing products+
    4.  Copy of external design product of another company
    5.  bribing employees of a competitor
  50.  Which of the following does not apply to the means of non-price competition:
    1.  improve the quality of competing products
    2.  advertising
    3.  price leadership+
    4.  the organization of exhibitions
    5.  fairs
  51.  The need for government regulation of the economy in a market economy caused by:
    1.  the interests of the state apparatus
    2.  the economic goals of monopoly capital
    3.  the inability of the market to solve some of society's vital for economic-cal and social problems+
    4.  in the first place the needs of the military-industrial complex
    5.  the need to suppress the exploitation of employees own the means of production
  52.  Competitive market mechanism is not the way:
    1.  coordination of decisions of consumers, producers and owners of factors production
    2.  the coordination and synchronization of these solutions
    3.  the method of price control policy+
    4.  discretions
    5.  free pricing
  53.  Which of these symptoms indicates a lack of competition in the industry?
    1.  the level of profit below the normal level for the economy
    2.  the inability of firms of the industry to expand production
    3.  inability to other entrepreneurs to "enter" in this industry+
    4.  lower industry wages than the average in the economy
    5.  free "entrance" everyone in the industry
  54.  The concept of "competitive market" is contrary to:
    1.  the dispersal of economic power
    2.  a large number of sellers
    3.  a large number of buyers
    4.  relatively easy entry of manufacturers in this market
    5.  the presence of a few customers, creating a demand for the product+
  55.  What type of classification of market structureis oligopolistic market-films?
    1.  the economic purpose of the object of market relations
    2.  the geographical location
    3.  the degree of restriction of competition+
    4.  by industry
    5.  the nature of sales
  56.  What of the title is not compatible with the definition of perfect competition market:
    1.  perfect competition
    2.  free pricing
    3.  freedom of entry and exit to the market
    4.  monopoly+
    5.  freedom of entry to the market
  57.  On what legal act based antitrust laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan?
  58.  The Law "On Natural Monopolies"+
  59.  The program antitrust RK
  60.  The program of activity of enterprises
  61.  The Sherman Act
  62.  monopoly power
  63.  The market as an economic category - is:
    1.  a set of relations in the movement of goods and money+
    2.  Market Square
    3.  the form of commodity exchange
    4.  Meeting the buyer and seller
    5.  Exchange
  64.  A lot of small companies producing diverse products, compliant with:
    1.  Monopoly
    2.  The perfect competition
    3.  Oligopoly
    4.  Of pure competition
    5.  Monopolistic competition+
  65.  The law of demand is manifested in:
    1.  Direct dependence of demand on the price of goods
    2.  The dependence of the inverse of the price of goods in demand+
    3.  Depending on the income of the consumer demand
    4.  Depending on the demand of non-price factors
    5.  The dependence of the price on the demand
  66.  Expresses the law of supply:
    1.  the dependence of the cost of supply of resources
    2.  the inverse relationship between price and quantity of goods sold
    3.  the relationship between the interchangeable and complementary products
    4.  measure the elasticity of each product
    5.  a direct relationship between price and quantity of goods sold+
  67.  Economic demand for goods means:
    1.  a subjective consumer desire, supported by objective possibilities (the monetary means) the buyer+
    2.  a form of expression needs
    3.  the dream consumer to buy the product
    4.  consumer desire to buy the product
    5.  the number of goods that can and intend to sell the sellers
  68.  Choose two factors that influence the demand:
    1.  consumer tastes, the price of gasoline
    2.  the prices of resources, consumer tastes
    3.  income consumers, the price of bread
    4.  consumer tastes, consumer income+
    5.  the prices of resources, income consumers
  69.  Choose two factors that influence the supply:
    1.  improving the technology, consumer income
    2.  consumer tastes, prices of resources
    3.  resource prices, consumer income
    4.  consumer income, consumer tastes
    5.  the improvement of the technology, the price of resources+
  70.  Price demand is elastic if:
    1.  Ed <1
    2.  Ed> 1+
    3.  Ed <1 and Ed> 1
    4.  Ed = 1
    5.  Ed = 0
  71.  If the demand for the goods and the supply of it remains unchanged, it will:
    1.  to increase the equilibrium price and higher sales+
    2.  to increase the equilibrium price and a decrease in sales
    3.  a decrease in equilibrium price and a decrease in sales
    4.  a decrease in the equilibrium price and higher sales
    5.  not change
  72.  In the country there is a shortage of goods, prices rise. What are indirect measures of public policy is preferable?
    1.  freeze prices, introduce penalties for improvement
    2.  to introduce budget subsidies of some prices for the purpose of reducing
    3.  to encourage investment in new production capacity+
    4.  free prices
    5.  increase taxes
  73.  If demand decreases, the demand curve shifts:
  74.  down and left+
  75.  by rotating clockwise
  76.  up and right
  77.  against rotation clockwise
  78.  the position of the demand curve does not change
  79.  Changing any factor does not cause a shift of the demand curve?
    1.  tastes and preferences of consumers
    2.  changes in consumer income
    3.  the price of goods+
    4.  the number and age of consumers
    5.  changes in the price of substitutes for this product
  80.  Improving the technology of production of goods shifts:
    1.  the demand curve to the right
    2.  the demand curve to the left
    3.  the supply curve to the right+
    4.  the supply curve to the left
    5.  the supply and demand curves do not change position
  81.  Goods and services market is in equilibrium if:
    1.  a reduction in production costs
    2.  price equal to the cost-plus
    3.  the level of technology changes gradually
    4.  supply volume equal to the volume of demand+
    5.  if the State has established an upper limit on the price
  82.  If the market price is below equilibrium, then:
    1.  there is an excess of goods
    2.  there is a shortage of goods+
    3.  forming a buyer's market
    4.  drops the price of resources
    5.  is stimulating the development of production of a commodity
  83.  From the point of view of the individual entrepreneur competition - is:
    1.  The process of firms a competitive struggle for the limited purchasing power population+
    2.  the interdependence of enterprises
    3.  the consolidation of the market entities defined economic freedom
    4.  freedom of movement of capital
    5.  the dispersal of economic power
  84.  Which category of goods falling demand with an increase in consumer income?
    1.  Luxury
    2.  low quality goods+
    3.  goods with a unit elasticity of demand
    4.  essential goods
    5.  goods inelastic demand
  85.  Average costs - is:
    1.  the cost per unit of output
    2.  the sum of the variable costs per unit of output
    3.  the total cost per unit of output+
    4.  the fixed costs per unit of output
    5.  the sum of the fixed and variable costs

Block 3. Patterns of functioning

  1.  Gross national product (GNP) - is:
    1.  the total market value of all final goods and services produced in the country or abroad in the operation of national companies in this country+
    2.  all the personal incomes of the country
    3.  the aggregate market value of all the goods and services in all sectors of the economy, regardless of the nationality of companies
    4.  the total amount of goods produced in the country
    5.  the cost of domestically produced goods and services
  2.  Wages are included in the calculation:
    1.  GNP cost flow method
    2.  net exports
    3.  the method of value added
    4.  by the method of GNP revenue stream+
    5.  subsidies of state enterprises
  3.  If people do not spend all their income on consumption and put the unspent amount in the bank, we can say that:
    1.  save, but do not invest+
    2.  invest, but do not save
    3.  do not save, do not invest too
    4.  and save and invest
    5.  invest part of the savings
  4.  Nominal GDP is measured:
    1.  in export prices
    2.  in the current market+
    3.  in constant prices of basic
    4.  in the prices of the previous period
    5.  in world prices
  5.  Following one after the other ups and downs in economic activity for several years - is:
    1.  the economic cycle+
    2.  seasonal fluctuations of the economy
    3.  the lag of GNP
    4.  crisis
    5.  inflation
  6.  A long period of decline in production, employment and price level is-set names:
    1.  Decline
    2.  Depression+
    3.  The economic cycle
    4.  The rise
    5.  Recovery
  7.  Most fully disclose the nature of the industrial cycle selection of successive phases:
    1.  crisis, depression, recovery, recovery+
    2.  expansion, contraction
    3.  the recession and the rise
    4.  the top, the bottom, the recovery
    5.  decline, rise, fall, and the point of maximum peak
  8.  In a market economy, especially the crisis manifested:
    1.  Increase in loans
    2.  lowering the lending rate
    3.  In the overproduction of goods, a credit crunch, increased loan interest+
    4.  an increase in the release of goods
    5.  lowering of commodity demand
  9.  Economic growth, which characterizes the potential of the economy is measured by:
    1.  real GNP (ND)
    2.  GDP (ND) per capita
    3.  the growth rate of real GNP (ND)+
    4.  the growth rate of GDP (ND) per capita
    5.  the rate of growth in natural resources, both in the economy
  10.  The unemployed do not include:
    1.  unemployment in the production of goods and services of the labour force
    2.  attempted to find a job during the previous four weeks poll
    3.  registered at the Employment
    4.  was dismissed from work for various reasons, including voluntarily left her
    5.  are not employed and not looking for work+
  11.  What parameters characterize unemployment in the country?
    1.  the level of youth unemployment
    2.  changes in the economic structure
    3.  the average duration of unemployment
    4.  the number of employees
    5.  unemployment rate and the average duration of unemployment+
  12.  What is seen as a positive sign of unemployment:
    1.  the loss of qualification
    2.  improving labour discipline employees+
    3.  under-utilization of the economic potential
    4.  undermining the mental health of the nation
    5.  reducing the standard of living of the family, of the population
  13.  What is seen as a negative point of unemployment:
    1.  improving labour discipline employees
    2.  labour pool as a prerequisite expansion
    3.  reduction of the family, the population+
    4.  tames union requests for higher pay
    5.  increase the incentive to entrepreneurship
  14.  Unemployment caused by the uneven development of industries and regions, referred to unemployment:
    1.  Friction
    2.  Structural+
    3.  Institutional
    4.  Cyclic
    5.  Voluntary
  15.  Unemployment caused by the decline of production in times of crisis and depression, relate to unemployment:
    1.  Friction
    2.  Structural
    3.  Institutional
    4.  Cyclic+
    5.  Voluntary
  16.  The unemployed in accordance with the law "On Employment of the Republic of Kazakhstan" pertain:
    1.  economically active population
    2.  the active population
    3.  citizens of working age who do not have work and ready to work+
    4.  yourself looking for a job
    5.  able-bodied people with no means of livelihood and registered at the labour exchange
  17.  Inflation appears:
    1.  to increase the market price of gold in paper
    2.  the increase in prices of goods
    3.  in the fall of the national currency
    4.  to reduce the demand of the population
    5.  to increase the market price of gold in paper money, in the growth of prices of goods+
  18.  What characterizes repressed inflation:
    1.  the increase in the price
    2.  the increase in wages
    3.  a chronic shortage of goods and services+
    4.  increase in wages and prices
    5.  the excess supply of goods
  19.  If there is a steady increase in the average price level, it's this:
    1.  expected inflation
    2.  repressed inflation
    3.  the galloping inflation
    4.  open inflation+
    5.  demand inflation
  20.  If prices increase up to 10% per year, noted:
    1.  Hyperinflation
    2.  the galloping inflation
    3.  stagflation
    4.  or moderate inflation creeping+
    5.  deflation
  21.  Deflation - is:
    1.  increasing the rate of inflation
    2.  the persistence of prices
    3.  increase in the rate of inflation
    4.  reducing the GDP deflator
    5.  a drop in average price level in the economy+
  22.  Which of the following is not related to inflation, and increasing expenses of production:
    1.  Increase in interest rates
    2.  an increase in the cost of unit production costs
    3.  catch-up growth of wages
    4.  the growth of employment and production+
    5.  an increase in production costs
  23.  What theory proves the impossibility of simultaneous inflation and unemployment?
    1.  modern quantity theory of money
    2.  Keynesian theory and new teaching+
    3.  the theory of rational expectations
    4.  the theory of supply-side economics
    5.  Institutional
  24.  Phillips curve captures the relationship between inflation and:
    1.  The real interest rate
    2.  the supply of money
    3.  the rate of interest
    4.  the economic cycle
    5.  the level of unemployment and employment+
  25.  Creeping inflation:
    1.  reflects the expected rate of inflation, which adapt the basic market agents and segments+
    2.  may refer to a variety of inflation on the supply side
    3.  usually develops under the influence of aggregate demand
    4.  is characterized by unpredictable level, which can vary considerably
    5.  usually develops under the influence of aggregate supply
  26.  As a measure of the rate of inflation in the country is used:
    1.  purchasing power parity
    2.  the nominal exchange rate
    3.  The price index of foreign trade
    4.  the consumer price index and purchasing power+
    5.  the par value
  27.  Investment - is:
    1.  the portion of income not expended in the current period
    2.  investments in all types of production and non-production resources+
    3.  the purchase of real estate
    4.  durable goods, as well as currency and gold
    5.  the acquisition of securities
  28.  According to the Keynesian concept of consumer spending:
    1.  if the disposable income increases, consumer spending falls
    2.  consumer spending directly related to disposable income+
    3.  if the disposable income rises, the share of savings
    4.  a source of consumer spending is the personal income households
    5.  a source of consumer spending is the national income
  29.  John Maynard Keynes argued that consumer spending in the country depends primarily on:
    1.  the user's dwelling
    2.  The age of family members
    3.  the rate of growth of the money supply
    4.  the level of disposable income+
    5.  The standard of living in the country
  30.  Net investment - is:
    1.  the cost of non-production
    2.  the gross investment minus depreciation+
    3.  the population consumed money
    4.  gross investment minus taxes
    5.  gross investment plus transfer payments
  31.  Suffer most from inflation:
    1.  employees of commercial entities
    2.  people with fixed incomes+
    3.  those who have a property
    4.  Those who have cash savings
    5.  Those who have assets in securities
  32.  Net National Product is:
    1.  personal income plus indirect taxes
    2.  the investment minus depreciation
    3.  GNP minus depreciation+
    4.  GDP plus depreciation
    5.  personal income minus indirect taxes
  33.  Which of these variables are not used in determining the amount of national income:
    1.  wages and salaries
    2.  the corporate income
    3.  government transfer payments+
    4.  Rental Income
    5.  interest on capital
  34.  The factors of strong economic growth are:
    1.  used in the production technology+
    2.  the quantity and quality of labour
    3.  The quantity and quality of natural resources
    4.  the number and quality of the land
    5.  The amount of capital
  35.  What is understood by Western thought "full employment"?
    1.  universal full employment
    2.  absence of all unemployed
    3.  is compatible with the fight against "parasites"
    4.  the presence of 3-5% "natural unemployment"+
    5.  inclusion here is employment of retirees
  36.  Investing in different securities is:
    1.  real investment
    2.  private investment
    3.  financial investment+
    4.  direct investment
    5.  the net investment
  37.  In the period of runaway inflation% rate:
    1.  increases, because the falling price of money+
    2.  increases, because the employment rate falls
    3.  decreases, because the level of employment falls
    4.  decreases as falling price of money
    5.  increases, because the rising price of money
  38.  Most rapidly depreciate in periods of high inflation, the next element the portfolio assets of the population:
    1.  Real Estate
    2.  Interest
    3.  The supply of money+
    4.  Package of government bonds
    5.  The supply of luxury goods
  39.  Which of these variables are not used in determining the amount of national income:
    1.  wages and salaries
    2.  the corporate income
    3.  government transfer payments+
    4.  Rental Income
    5.  interest on capital
  40.  Disposable income is ...
    1.  the sum, which includes wages, rents and income in the form of% on capital
    2.  wages and salaries
    3.  transfer payments
    4.  government grants
    5.  personal income less personal tax and non-tax payments+
  41.  The factors of strong economic growth are:
    1.  used in the production technology+
    2.  the quantity and quality of labour
    3.  The quantity and quality of natural resources
    4.  the number and quality of the land
    5.  The amount of capital
  42.  Capital investments in land, real estate, machinery, equipment, are called:
    1.  portfolio investments
    2.  direct investment
    3.  the gross investment
    4.  real investments+
    5.  the net investment
  43.  If people do not spend all their income on consumption and put the unspent amount in the bank, we can say that:
    1.  save, but do not invest+
    2.  invest, but do not save
    3.  do not save, do not invest too
    4.  and save and invest
    5.  invest part of the savings
  44.  Nominal GDP is measured:
    1.  in export prices
    2.  in the current market+
    3.  in constant prices of basic
    4.  in the prices of the previous period
    5.  in world prices
  45.  Following one after the other ups and downs in economic activity for several years - is:
    1.  the economic cycle+
    2.  seasonal fluctuations of the economy
    3.  the lag of GNP
    4.  crisis
    5.  inflation

Block 4. Macroeconomic

  1.  Monetary aggregate M1 includes:
    1.  metal, paper cash, term deposits
    2.  metal, paper cash and check deposits+
    3.  metal, paper cash, all bank deposits
    4.  all of the money, "near money"
    5.  all bank deposits
  2.  M2 money supply includes:
    1.  metal, paper cash, all bank deposits
    2.  metal, paper cash and check deposits
    3.  metal, paper cash, term deposits+
    4.  all of the money, "near money"
    5.  all bank deposits
  3.  Which statement regarding the financial institutions are not true?
    1.  financial institutions are offering their services to make a profit
    2.  The Bank accepts deposits only for storage and only cash+
    3.  The bank loan is an additional means of money supply
    4.  the main function of all financial institutions - lending to borrowers
    5.  the central bank monetary policy
  4.  The increase in the quantity of money in circulation has a direct effect:
    1.  increasing the rate of circulation of money
    2.  an increase in non-cash payments
    3.  an increase in prices of products+
    4.  reducing the number of products
    5.  reducing the rate of circulation of money
  5.  Banks, representing a wide range of banking services, especially the opening of demand accounts and lending - is:
    1.  the central bank
    2.  commercial banks+
    3.  Mortgage Bank
    4.  National Bank
    5.  the savings bank
  6.  Stock Exchange - is:
    1.  market, which are bought and sold wholesale products
    2.  market, where deals are made on loans
    3.  market, where the hiring of labour
    4.  market, where bought and sold securities+
    5.  the market of scientific and technical developments
  7.  Who invest in the securities market activity?
    1.  Citizens
    2.  Organizations
    3.  brokers and dealers
    4.  State
    5.  commercial banks+
  8.  Monetary policy is conducted:
    1.  Government
    2.  all financial and credit institutions in the country
    3.  the central bank+
    4.  Ministry of Finance
    5.  only commercial banks
  9.  Banking income - is:
    1.  the difference between the interest rates on loans and deposits
    2.  is the difference between all the expenses and income of the bank+
    3.  Interest on bank loans
    4.  interest on bank deposits
    5.  interest on capital.
  10.  The basic principle of lending is:
    1.  the urgency of the
    2.  the repayment
    3.  material security+
    4.  payment
    5.  purpose
  11.  Form of credit that is used for the sale of goods on a deferred payment:
    1.  commercial credit+
    2.  bank loan
    3.  government loan
    4.  leasing
    5.  factoring
  12.  Non monetary form of credit, based on the lease with the transfer of material resources, gradually paying their value:
    1.  commercial credit
    2.  government loan
    3.  lcredit+
    4.  factoring
    5.  mortgage
  13.  Credit is due to the need to:
    1.  the ownership of the means of production
    2.  patterns of circulation in the reproduction process+
    3.  the specific allocation of productive resources
    4.  the value of the invested capital
    5.  industry features
  14.  The most important objective of bank credit in a market economy:
    1.  Development of consumption
    2.  promoting the exchange
    3.  extraction of borrowing+
    4.  preservation of capital
    5.  charity entrepreneur
  15.  What does the price of credit:
    1.  a fee for the use of money, the interest rate+
    2.  the value of the product – credit
    3.  bank interest
    4.  The sales percentage
    5.  interest rate
  16.  Government policy in the area of spending and taxation is called:
    1.  Fiscal policy+
    2.  credit policy
    3.  monetary policy
    4.  distributive policy
    5.  tax policy
  17.  The financial system - is:
    1.  a set of banks at all levels
    2.  the collection of financial and credit institutions
    3.  the aggregate of all the structural elements of related financial+
    4.  foreign exchange reserves of the country
    5.  the country's gold reserves
  18.  Main financial authority is:
    1.  State Bank
    2.  State Budget+
    3.  the tax system
    4.  Stock Exchange
    5.  national and commercial banks
  19.  Financial program of the state, reflecting all his financial resources (income) and their distribution (cost) is:
    1.  state finances
    2.  the financial system
    3.  State the national budget+
    4.  the credit system
    5.  fiscal policy
  20.  Direct taxes - is:
    1.  taxes on the sale of goods
    2.  taxes on resale
    3.  taxes on property
    4.  taxes on all income+
    5.  value added taxes
  21.  The state budget deficit is when:
    1.  government spending cut
    2.  the amount of government spending exceeds the income+
    3.  taxes are reduced
    4.  tax increase
    5.  public spending increase
  22.  What is the instrument of fiscal policy to stabilize the economy?
    1.  The rise in the rate of reserves
    2.  open market operations
    3.  change the interest rate
    4.  increase and decrease in government spending+
    5.  securities transactions
  23.  One of the real problems of public debt is that:
    1.  part of the national product goes out of the country, is exported
    2.  reduced income inequality
    3.  increasing the share of savings at all levels of disposable income+
    4.  savings rate does not change
    5.  may lead to the bankruptcy of the state
  24.  The ratio of changes in net national product change in government spending - is:
    1.  the investment multiplier
    2.  The tax multiplier
    3.  the bank multiplier
    4.  government multiplier+
    5.  the multiplier of government revenue

  1.  What are the economic consequences this national debt?
    1.  reduction of production capacity of the national economy
    2.  reduction of the standard of living+
    3.  the redistribution of wealth
    4.  increase the total national expenditure
    5.  increasing the standard of living
  2.  The state budget deficit - it is always a phenomenon:
    1.  Adverse
    2.  Positive
    3.  Neutral
    4.  There are different estimates+
    5.  The only negative impact
  3.  Fiscal policy - is:
    1.  the system of regulation of government spending and taxes+
    2.  Since the Middle Ages known as a policy bank network
    3.  a permanent change of tax revenue
    4.  handling costs companies
    5.  is the regulation of transfer payments
  4.  Economic base and the instrument of fiscal policy:
    1.  Budget
    2.  Taxes+
    3.  The budget deficit
    4.  Public debt
    5.  foreign investment
  5.  The basis of the credit system:
    1.  cash deposits of individuals
    2.  The People's Bank
    3.  The National Bank+
    4.  cash deposits of legal entities
    5.  The national currency – tenge
  6.  Public debt - a product:
    1.  The budget deficit+
    2.  budget surplus
    3.  funds from the public
    4.  foreign direct investment
    5.  a loan from foreign countries
  7.  The most important reason for economic growth in developed countries is:
    1.  an increase in working time
    2.  technological changes in production+
    3.  an increase in capital employed
    4.  implementation of monetary and fiscal policies conducive to the Economic growth
    5.  increased workforce
  8.  Taxes, as the main instrument for increasing the state budget are fulfilled:
    1.  The fiscal function+
    2.  the distribution function
    3.  the control function
    4.  stimulating function
    5.  the deterrent function
  9.  State budget - is:
    1.  the income and expenditure
    2.  all sources of state revenue
    3.  all public expenditure
    4.  tax revenues
    5.  the balance of public spending and revenues
  10.  Under the discretionary fiscal policy is:
    1.  the conscious manipulation of government procurement
    2.  the conscious manipulation of tax rates
    3.  conscious manipulation of government procurement, tax rates and size of transfer payments+
    4.  conscious manipulation of transfer payments
    5.  the conscious manipulation of public spending
  11.  The basis for the world economy is:
    1.  the international division of labour
    2.  joint work
    3.  currency "basket"
    4.  political regulation
    5.  diplomatic ties
  12.  Give the definition of the international division of labour:
    1.  specialize in certain types of goods and services+
    2.  the redistribution of scarce resources in the world economy
    3.  movement in the world economy of skilled labour
    4.  establishment of national proportions and the world's labour force
    5.  economic integration of the world economy
  13.  The export of capital - is:
    1.  the organization of production efficiency
    2.  the export of capital to other countries for the effective deployment and use+
    3.  help the economies of other countries
    4.  expansion of international lending
    5.  concealing money in banks abroad
  14.  Exchange rate - is:
    1.  a set of relations that arise between the subjects of foreign exchange transactions
    2.  the national regulatory regime currency transactions
    3.  Payment document used in international payments
    4.  the theory of purchasing power parity
    5.  the price of one currency expressed in the currency of another country+
  15.  Protectionism was first recommended:
    1.  The Physiocrats
    2.  early mercantilists
    3.  maximalists
    4.  later mercantilists+
    5.  the neo-classical
  16.  The principle of absolute advantage was first formulated:
    1.  Marx
    2.  Keynes
    3.  Ricardo
    4.  A. Smith+
    5.  A. Marshall
  17.  For international monopolies are:
    1.  Transnational corporations (TNCs)
    2.  multinational corporations (MNCs)
    3.  international monopolist (MMC)
    4.  national corporations
    5.  TNCs MNCs MMC+
  18.  In modern conditions, the growth rate of trade in goods only below the growth rate of trade:
    1.  Gold
    2.  Capital
    3.  Labour
    4.  Land
    5.  Services+
  19.  What are the main source of the benefits of international trade:
  20.  the difference in the prices of goods in different countries+
  21.  lack of knowledge of prices of neighbouring countries
  22.  the principle of mercantilism, "buy cheap, sell high"
  23.  lowering the prices of goods
  24.  the difference of customs tariffs in different countries
  25.  Who in classical economic theory proved that international trade allows one to benefit from the worldwide division of labour:
    1.  W. Petty
    2.  Ricardo
    3.  Marx
    4.  Adam Smith+
    5.  John Maynard Keynes
  26.  Breton Woods system - a system:
    1.  Gold Standard
    2.  the gold standard
    3.  fixed-exchange-rate-related+
    4.  "floating" exchange rates
    5.  exchange rate

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3. Лабораторная работа 2
4. зеленого цвета повышение температуры тела до 388С ощущение тяжести в правой половине грудной клетки
5. ориентированных странах Европы например Испании Италии Греции
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7.  2013г Директор ГАОУ СПО ЛО ЛАПТ Ибраева В
8. Лекция 2 Структура морали
9. тема нормативного регулирования бухгалтерского учёта на предприятии
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