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ГЛАГОЛЬ Предлагаем Вам заполнить тест для определения Вашего уровня владения английским языком в соо

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Предлагаем Вам заполнить тест для определения Вашего уровня владения английским языком в соответствии с международной системой уровней. Тест построен по принципу: от простого к сложному. Если Вы испытываете трудности при заполнении  некоторых частей, то не заполняйте их. На выполнение  теста Вам дается 30 минут. Если у Вас есть какие-либо вопросы, задайте их перед тем, как приступить к ее выполнению. Желаем Вам удачи!

ENTRANCE TEST  (Beginner - Intermediate)

Choose the right variant:

1.  I get up at 8 o'clock _____ morning.

  1.  in the          b) the                c)  in            d) at the

2.  What time is it?

  1.  A quarter past ten   b) Ten minus a quarter    c) Ten and a quarter  d)   Fifteen after ten o'clock

3.  Where are you going _____ Friday?

  1.  at          b)  in          c)    on           d)  the

4.  ____ come to my party next Saturday?

  1.  Do you    b) Do you can          c) Can you go    d) Can you

5. Do you like Oxford? Yes, ____

  1.  I does.    b) so do I.           c) I like.    d)   I do.

6.  How many people _____ in your family?

  1.  is it     b)   is     c)   are they        d) are there

7.  How much _____ where you live?

  1.  do houses cost       b) does houses cost      c) does cost houses      d) do cost houses

8.  What ____ in London last weekend?

  1.  did you do         b) you did    c) you were doing    d) did you

9.  Is your English improving?

  1.  I hope.      b) Hoping.    c) I hope so.    d)  I hope it.

10. What time ____ to bed during the week?

  1.  you are going   b) do you go   c) do you going   d) are you go

11. I'm afraid I haven't got ____

  1.  some scissors.   b) scissor.   c) a scissors.    d)  any scissors.

12. My mother never ____ out in the evenings.

  1.  goes      b) is going    c) go    d)  gong

13. Oxford isn't ____ Bath.

  1.  so beautiful that     b) as beautiful as    c) so beautiful than   d) as beautiful than

14. Last Tuesday I ____ to the Passport Office.

  1.  must go    b) must gone     c)  had to go    d)  had go

15. This book is mine and that book is ____

  1.  yours.      b)  you're.   c)  your's.    d) your.

16. She came to Britain ____

  1.  at four days.   b)   four days ago.   c) since four days.   d) before four days.

17. ____ car is the red Ford?

  1.  Whose    b) Of who    c) To whom   d) who's

18.  I'm going to Sainsbury's ____ some food.

  1.  buy    b) for to buy    c) to buy    d) for buy

19. Oxford is the most attractive city ____

  1.  I've seen   b) that I saw already   c) that I see   d) I've never seen

20. He was mowing the lawn when I ____ him yesterday.

  1.  was seeing   b) saw    c) had seen   d) have seen

21. What were you doing at 7:30 on Wednesday evening? I ____ TV.

  1.  watching   b) was watching    c) watched   d) was watched

22. I live in Oxford now. I ____ to France for a long time.

  1.  don't come    b) didn't come     c) haven't been     d) don't been

23. ____ Oxford?

  1.  How much time you are living in        b)   Since when you live in

c) How long have you been living in        d)  How long time are you living in

24. I'm sorry. I haven't done my report ____

  1.  already      b) up to the now    c) until the present     d)  yet

25. Would you mind ____ me that pencil?

  1.  pass    b) that you should pass    c) to pass to   d) passing

26. I don't understand. What language ____

  1.  speak you?   b) you are speaking?   c) you speak?   d) are you speaking?

27. My friend doesn't speak Chinese. I don't ____

  1.  also     b) either       c) neither       d)    too

28. That's the house ____

  1.  in the which Mr Brown lives.      b) in which Mr Brown lives in.

c) Mr Brown lives in.                        d) Mr Brown lives in that.

29. If ____

  1.  you came to my office, I would to pay you.     b) you shall come to my office, I'll pay you.

c) you come to my office, I'll pay you.                   d) you come to my office, I'd pay you.

30. She asked me how big ____

  1.  is your house.    b)   my house was.    c) was my house.   d) is my house.

31. I wish ____ Russian.

  1.  I'll be able to speak    b) I could speak   c) I can speak   d) I would speak

32. We're having the party at ____

  1.  Deborah's.   b) the house of Deborah.    c) house of Deborah.   d) the Deborah's house.

33. My friend let ____ his bike yesterday.

  1.  me borrow    b) me to borrow   c) me borrowing    d) to borrow

34. ____ what would you spend it on?

  1.  If you had a lot of money                    b) When you had a lot of money

c) If you would have a lot of money         c) If you shall have a lot of money

35. I'm ____ the film on Wednesday.

а)  look forward seeing      b) looking forward to see    

c) looking forward seeing  d) looking forward to seeing

36. I'm not ____ grammar.

а) interested in learning     b) interesting in learning   c) interesting to learning     d) interested to learn

37. The film was very good. It's ____

  1.  worthwhile to see     b) worth to see     c) worthwhile see    d) worth seeing

38. I have difficulty ____ English.

  1.  to write     b) about writing      c) to writing     d) writing

39. When I lived in France, I ____ a lot of wine.

  1.  was use to drinking     b) was used to drink    c) used to drinking    d) used to drink

40. What will you do when ____ studying?

  1.  you're finishing     b) you're going to finish     c) you've finished     d) you'll have finished

41. If he hadn't known the boss, he ____ the job.

  1.  wouldn't get     b)  wouldn't have got    c) hadn't got     d) wouldn't had got

42. I need to go to ____ toilet.

  1.  the     b) some     c) -     d) a

43. It's now 9 o'clock and the train ____ arrive at 8:15.

  1.  must        b) is going to     c) was due to     d) had to

44. We regret ____ that the course has been cancelled.

  1.  to tell      b) to have said     c) telling     d) to say

45. I ____ smoking last year, but I didn't.

  1.  ought to have given up      b) oughted to give up    c) ought to give up    d) ought given up

46. The Chancellor ____ the new wing yesterday, but it still isn't finished.

  1.  was to have opened   b) has to have opened    c) had to open   d) had to have opened

47. I'd rather ____ English than Swedish.

  1.  you learnt     b)  you should learn     c)   you learn    d)  that you might lezen

48. No sooner ____ in through the door than the phone rang.

  1.  I was walking     b) had I walked     c)  I had walked    d)  was I walking

49. It's time ____ some work.

  1.  she were to do    b) she did    c) she would do    d) for to do

50. I'd sooner ____ a car than a motorbike.

  1.  he should buy    b) he bought    c) that he buy    d)  him to buy

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