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Вариант 2 I Спишите предложения поставив сказуемые в пассивном залоге

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Вариант №2

I. Спишите предложения, поставив сказуемые в пассивном залоге. Используйте предлог by, где это необходимо

1. I have decided that the company would pay my monthly salary into my account in the bank.

My monthly salary would be paid by the company into my account in the bank.

2. Before developing a new product our firm will set up a team of experienced  marketing specialists.

A team of experienced marketing specialist will be set up by our  firm.

3. All the Ministers will see the President off at the airport.

Will be seen off the airport by all the ministers.

4. The shop owners believe that business environment has improved the trade.

The trade has been improved by the business environment went.

5. Renault produced more than 400,000 cars last year.

More than 400,000 cars were produced by renault last year.

6. Last year the company went bankrupt and made all employees redundant.

All employees were made redundant by the company last year.

II. Спишите предложения и подчеркните сказуемые, содержащие модальные глаголы с перфектным инфинитивом. Переведите предложения

1. He spent three weeks on the work that should have taken only a day or two.

Он потратил три недели на работу, которая должна была занять день или два.

2. Mike isn’t home yet. He must have been held up at work.

Майка еще нет дома. Должно быть, его задержали на работе.

3. Nobody knows when the documents disappeared. They might have been stolen.

Никто не знает когда документы исчезли, возможно их украли.

4. He can’t have forgotten about the meeting. He talked to me about it only this morning.

Он не мог забыть о встрече. Он говорил со мной только этим  утром.

5. I don’t know why they are so late. They could have got lost.

III Спишите предложения, подчеркните причастия, укажите их форму и функцию (см. модель). Переведите предложения

  1.  Having decided to offer me the job, the sales manager asked me for a reference.

Решив предложить мне работу, менеджер по продажам попросил у меня рекомендации.

(having decided – перфектный инфинитив)

2. The consultants, being  (деепричастный оборот) outsiders, are usually less able to judge how well a candidate will fit into the organization.

Консультанты,  будучи не специалистами, обычно менее способны судить насколько хорошо кандидат подходит организации.

3. The information obtained during the market research will be used in decision-making.

(obtained – не перфектное причастие)

Информация полученная во время исследования рынка будет использована при принятии решения.

4. Offering a salary the applicants couldn’t reject, the personnel manager convinced them to accept the job.

(оffering – деепричастный оборот)

Предлагая зарплату кандидатам, от которой они не могли отказаться, руководитель отдела кадров убедил их принять работу.

5. Having failed in every career he had attempted Van Gogh turned to art.

(having  failed – перфектное причастие)

Не добившись успеха в тех деятельностях, которые он пробовал, Ван Гок обратился к искусству.

6. Changes in consumers demand have influenced goods quantity and quality demanded.

Изменение в спросе потребителей повлияло на количество товаров и требуемое качество.

IV. Из данных групп предложений, содержащих придаточные предложения условия, спишите лишь те, в которых действие могло бы относиться к прошедшему времени. Подчеркните сказуемые и переведите предложения.

1. а) If more users were connected to computer networks, e-commerce would develop more rapidly.

b) If more users had been connected to computer networks, e-commerce would have developed more rapidly.

Если бы больше пользователей имели доступ к компьютерным сетям, то электронная коммерция.

2. a) The company would have achieved a higher sales level, if the retail price had been decreased.

Компания добилась бы более высокого уровня продаж, если бы розничная цена была снижена.

b) The company would achieve a higher sales level, if the retail price was decreased.

3. a) Unless experienced managers were hired, such a big corporation would not run business so successfully.

b) Unless experienced managers had been hired, such a big corporation would not have run business so successfully.

Если бы на работу не приняли  таких успешных менеджеров, такая большая корпорация не добилась бы таких успехов в бизнесе.

4. a) If governments had reduced restrictions and tariffs, it would have promoted the expansion of world trade.

Если бы правительство сократило ограничения и тарифы, это бы поспособствовало развитию мировой торговли.

b) If governments reduced restrictions and tariffs, it would promote the expansion of world trade.

5. a) If the enterprise applied innovations more effectively, its profits would rise.

b) If the enterprise had applied innovations more effectively, its profits would have risen.

Если бы предприятие применяло инновации более эффективно, его прибыль возросла бы.

V. Из трех слов выберите одно, соответствующее определению, которое дано выше. Подчеркните его

1. a document giving permission to sell something

a) license b) contract  c) agreement

2. a person associated with another person,  often in business

a) employer b) partner c) founder

3. to give money temporarily on the condition that it will be returned

a) lend    b) borrow  c) pay

4. reduction in the original price of a product

a) turnover b)discount  c) profit

5. request from the customers for something

a) complaint  b) order c) invoice

6. a person who starts his own business

a) accountant  b) entrepreneur  c) shopkeeper

7. a charge paid to a person or a bank for the money borrowed

a) loan  b) rent  c)interest

8. working extra hours

a) in shifts  b) in time  c) overtime

9. people who buy goods or services

a) users  b) customers  c) suppliers

10. a company or a person  who is  competing against you

a) partner   b) franchiser  c) rival  

VI.  Выберите подходящие по смыслу слова и вставьте в пропуски. Подчеркните их

What is Marketing?

А market can be defined as all the potential customers sharing, а particular need or want. Marketing is the process of developing, pricing, distributing and promoting the goods or services that satisfy such needs. Marketing therefore combines market research, new product development, distribution, advertising, promotion, product improvement, and so on. According to this definition, marketing begins and ends with the customer. Truly successful marketing understands the customer so well that the product or service satisfies а need so perfectly that the customer is desperate to buy it. The product almost sells itself. Of course this will only happen if the product or service is better than those of competitors.

Companies are always looking for marketing opportunities - possibilities of filling unsatisfied needs. Marketing opportunities are generally isolated by market segmentation dividing а market into submarkets or segments according to customers' requirements or buying habits. Once а target market has been identified, a company has to decide what goods or services to offer always remembering the existence of competitors.

Marketers do not only identify consumer needs; they can anticipate them by developing new products. They will then have to design marketing strategies and plan marketing programmers. Once the basic offer, for example а product concept, has been established, the company has to think about the marketing mix - the set of all the various elements of а marketing program, their integration, and the amount of effort that а company can expend on them in order to influence the target market. The best-known classification of these elements is the 4 P's: Product, Price, Promotion and Place.

Aspects to be considered in marketing а product include its quality, its features, style, brand name, size, packaging, services and guarantee, while price includes consideration of things like the basic list price, discounts, the length of the payment period, and possible credit terms. Place in а marketing mix includes such factors as distribution channels, coverage of the market, locations of points of sales. Promotion groups together advertising, publicity, sales promotion and personal selling.

Спишите и переведите словосочетания:

1. to develop a product                                     разработать продукт                  

2. to satisfy the needs для удовлетворения потребностей

3. to offer goods and services  предложить товары и услуги

4. to anticipate the consumer needs              предвидеть потребительские нужды

5. to influence the target market влиять на целевом рынке

6. to consider credit terms  рассмотреть условия кредитования

1. Несостоятельность (банкротство) юридического лица
2. Экономическая деятельность Часть 1 1.
3. социальнобиологические причины возраст род занятий вредные привычки условия жизни; 2 акушерскогинекол
4. профилактического и стоматологического факультетов
5. Разум- конец эволюции
6. Средства достижения выразительности в интерьере
7. них зонах- землеробські общини-лісисті рівнини пн
8. управленческих и правовых дисциплин ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЕ СРЕДСТВА УПРАВЛЕНИЯ Рабочая программа
9. распространение искаженных иди заведомо ложных сведений для достижения определенных целей
10. Вариант 3