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Worked with Kerry between 2005 nd 2007

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We use the present perfect with for and since to talk about actions or situations which started in the past and continue into the present (дії почалися в минулому часі і все ще продовжуються в теперішньому часі):

I've known Rachel since 2008. (= I still know her.)

Robert has lived here for five years. (= He still lives here.)


If the action is finished, we must use the past simple:

Shakespeare lived in London most of his life. (= he is dead so the action is finished)

I worked with Kerry between 2005 and 2007. (= this period is finished)

Compare with the present perfect.

I’ve lived in London for five years. (= I still live in London)

I’ve worked with Kerry for ages. (= I still work with Kerry)

for / since

• We use for with a period of time (the length of the time the action has taken):

for  +  twenty minutes / three months / thirty years / most of my life / a long time / ages

Dan’s worked in the company for seventeen years.   I’ve been ill for a few days.

• We use since with a point in time (when the action started):

since +  2005 / Monday / last winter / her birthday / yesterday / I was a child

I’ve been in this class since last September.  We’ve had this car since 2006.

Questions with
 How long ... ?

• We can use for and since to answer the question How long ... ?:

'How long have you had this watch?'  'Since my birthday.'

'How long have you worked here?'  'For five years.'

• We can also use for and questions with How long ... ? in the past simple to refer to actions or situations which happened in the past and are now finished (дії почалися в минулому часі і закінчилися в минулому часі):

'How long were they married?' 'They were married for twenty years'. (= they're not married now →   past simple)

'How long have they been married?' They've been married for twenty years'. (= they're still married →   present perfect)

Time expressions for the recent past

• We can use the present perfect with the following time expressions which refer to the recent past:   lately, recently, in the last few days:

I haven't seen her recently.

Have you seen any interesting films lately?

I have read 200 pages of this novel in the last few days.

• We can also use phrases like all day, all week, all my life with the present perfect to describe unfinished actions:

I have lived in this town all my life.  My friend has been ill all week.

• We use the past simple with other time expressions which refer to the recent past: not long ago, a minute ago:

I visited Barcelona not long ago.

I saw them just a minute ago.

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