Поможем написать учебную работу
Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

Предоплата всего

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Предоплата всего
81.2 Англ.-92
№ 4048
Технологический институт
Федерального государственного образовательного
учреждения высшего профессионального образования
«Южный федеральный университет»
(2006-2007 г.г.)
кафедра иностранных языков
Guided Grammar
Учебно-методическое пособие
по формированию компетенции в грамматике
(английский язык)
Таганрог 2007
ББК 81.2Англ.-92
Составители: О.Г. Мельник, О.С. Тарасенко,
Л.В. Буренко, Л.К. Сальная
Guided Grammar: Учебно-методическое пособие. Таганрог: Изд-во Технологического института ЮФУ, 2007. 180 с.
Под общей редакцией Г. А. Краснощековой
Пособие по грамматике английского языка предназначено для самостоятельной подготовки студентов базового уровня, а также для использования на занятиях. Левый разворот книги содержит правила на русском языке, так как студентам со слабой подготовкой трудно воспринимать теоретический материал на иностранном языке. Правый разворот содержит упражнения.
Цель учебнометодического пособия формирование и совершенствование грамматической компетенции студентов базового уровня неязыкового вуза.
И. И. Данилова, канд. пед. наук, доцент кафедры лингвистического образования ТРТУ.
Г.С. Плотникова, канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков ТГПИ.
Настоящее издание предназначено для студентов неязыковых вузов базового уровня и может быть использовано как для аудиторных занятий, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.
Одной из самых актуальных проблем современной методики обучения иностранным языкам является ориентация всего учебного процесса на активную самостоятельную работу студентов, создание условий для их самовыражения и саморазвития.
Самостоятельная работа является неотъемлемым, обязательным звеном процесса обучения, предусматривающим прежде всего индивидуальную работу студентов под руководством преподавателя.
Данное пособие состоит из четырнадцати уроков, четырёх разделов Stop and check, в которых даны упражнения, обобщающие материал нескольких предыдущих уроков. В заключительной части пособия находятся ключи к упражнениям, таблица неправильных глаголов, список глаголов с предлогами и некоторые таблицы в качестве вспомогательного материала. Разделы Stop and Check также снабжены ключами. Предложенная авторами структура пособия: теоретический материал в виде правилинструкций и таблиц находится на левой странице, а на правой странице представлены упражнения для закрепления, призвана помочь студентам усвоить и активизировать необходимый грамматический материал. Теоретические сведения, а также задания к упражнениям даны на русском языке. Комплекс заданий, направленных на усвоение необходимых грамматических явлений, содержит как подстановочные упражнения, так и упражнения, предполагающие объединение, реконструкцию слов и фраз и многое другое и призван активизировать мыслительную деятельность обучающихся.
В разделе Additional Exercises представлены задания четырех уровней сложности для дополнительной работы над грамматическим материалом. Задания уровней А и В позволяют дополнительно тренировать употребление грамматических структур и полностью совпадают с теоретическим материалом учебного пособия, задания С контрольные, по сложности соотносятся с уровнем Pre-Intermediate. Задания уровня D знакомят студентов с частными случаями и исключениями из правил, что требует дополнительной самостоятельной работы с грамматическими справочниками. Количество ответов в большинстве заданий кратно восьми, это позволяет подсчитать количество баллов за задание по 8-балльной системе и оценить успешность усвоения темы.
По мнению авторов, это пособие может быть особенно полезным студентам с низким уровнем обученности, которые сталкиваются с трудностями при изучении грамматики на английском языке.
Авторы надеются, что данное пособие будет полезным и эффективным помощником в работе как преподавателей, так и студентов.
Unit 1 Word order……………………………………………………...5
Unit 2 Present Tenses…………………………………………………15
Unit 3 Past Tenses…………………………………………….…........16
Unit 4 Quantity. ………………………………………………………22
Articles………………………………………....................................... .24
Unit 5 Verb+to/ Verb+ing. ……………………………………………28
Future forms…………………………………………………………….32
Unit 6 Degrees of comparison…………………………………………34
Unit 7 Present Perfect and Past Simple………………………………..38
Unit 8 Modal Verbs……………………………………………………42
Unit 9 Time and Conditional Clauses………………………………….44
Unit10 Infinitives…...………………………………………………….46
Unit11 Passives……...………………………………………………... 48
Unit 12 Second Conditional...………………………………………… 52
Unit 13 Present Perfect Continuous...………………………………… 54
Unit 14 Past Perfect. Reported Speech...……………………………... 56
Answer Keys………………………………............................................. 61
Stop and Check 1……………………………………………………….. 73
Stop and Check 2………………………………………………………...75
Stop and Check 3………………………………………………………...77
Stop and Check 4………………………………………………………...80
Answer Keys…….……………………………………………………….83
Appendix 1. Irregular verbs…………..………………………………….88
Appendix 2. Word+Preposition………………………………………….90
Appendix 3 Tables……………………………………………………….92
Additional exercises………………………..………………………......101
Повествовательные предложения содержат сообщения о событиях, фактах, действиях, чувствах и т. п. Повествовательное предложение может быть утвердительным или отрицательным. В английском языке существует твёрдый порядок слов, т. е. каждый член предложения имеет своё определённое место в предложении. Для английского повествовательного предложения характерен следующий порядок слов (прямой порядок слов):
подлежащее |
сказуемое |
дополнение |
обстоятельство |
The man |
sent |
a telegram |
yesterday. |
Человек |
послал |
телеграмму |
вчера. |
Дополнение обычно всегда стоит после сказуемого. Определение может стоять перед любым членом предложения, выраженным существительным.
опреде -ление |
подле -жащее |
сказуемое |
определение |
дополнение |
обстоятельст - во |
The old |
man |
sent |
a long |
telegram |
yesterday. |
Пожилой |
человек |
отправил |
длинную |
телеграмму |
вчера. |
Когда в предложении несколько обстоятельств, то они располагаются в следующем порядке: обстоятельство образа действия, обстоятельство места, обстоятельство времени.
подлежа-щее |
сказуемое |
дополнение |
обстоятельства |
образа действия |
места |
времени |
I |
met |
him |
by chance |
in the shop |
yesterday. |
Я |
встретил |
его |
случайно |
в магазине |
вчера. |
Обстоятельство времени иногда может стоять в начале предложения: On Monday Im going to Paris.
Некоторые обстоятельства времени (напр. always, never, also, often) стоят перед основным глаголом в середине предложения: Tom always goes to work by car.
Если глагол выражен одним словом (goes, feel, cooked) обстоятельство времени стоит перед глаголом: Lucy hardly ever watches television and rarely reads newspapers. Jim never phones me. I always have to phone him.
Однако обстоятельства времени стоят после am/is/are/was/were.
E.g. Why are you always late? You are never on time.
Если сказуемое состоит из двух или более слов, то обстоятельства времени стоят после первого глагола: I can never remember his name. Ann doesnt usually smoke.
1.1. Составьте предложения, поставив данные слова в правильном порядке.
E.g. Madrid George from comes George comes from Madrid.
1. from John New York is.
9. fell so were we we tired all asleep.
10. at of please your the write page name top the.
1.2. Перепишите предложения, вставляя слова, данные в скобках.
E.g. Ann doesnt drink tea. (often) Ann doesnt often drinks tea.
1. I dont have to work on Sundays. (usually)
2. You watch television in the evenings. (always)
3. Martin is learning French. He is learning Italian. (also)
4. That hotel is very expensive. (probably)
5. I can remember his name. (never)
6. Steve gets angry and shouts. (hardly ever/ rarely)
7. We meet on Sundays. (sometimes)
8. If you see her (ever), say a big hello to her.
9. You should come to the lecture on time. (always)
10. I am sorry, but they have left. (already)
1.3. Исправьте порядок слов в данных ниже предложениях.
Вопросительные предложения
Обратный порядок слов (инверсия) это такой порядок слов, при котором сказуемое или его часть стоит перед подлежащим и употребляется при построении вопросительного предложения. В английском языке есть 4 типа вопросительных предложений:
1) общие вопросы; 2) специальные вопросы; 3) альтернативные вопросы; 4) разделительные вопросы.
Общий вопрос относится ко всему предложению и предполагает ответ Yes или No.
Схема вопроса:
Вспомогательный глагол + Подлежащее + Смысловой глагол: Does he smoke? - Yes, he does/No, he doesnt.
Специальный вопрос начинается с вопросительного слова what, when, where, which, how, who, when, why, whose (см. Приложения: таб. 1)
Схема вопроса:
Вопросительное слово + Вспомогательный глагол + Подлежащее + Смысловой глагол: Why are you laughing?
Слова what, which , whose могут употребляться с существительными: What sort of music do you like? Which coat is yours? Whose book is this?
Слово Which обычно употребляется когда выбор ограничен: Which newspaper do you read?
Слово How может употребляться с прилагательными и наречиями: How big is his new car? How many brothers have you got?
Альтернативный вопрос предполагает выбор между двумя возможностями, он состоит как бы из двух общих вопросов, соединенных союзом or: Is it a book or is it a notebook?
Можно упростить вопрос, сократив его вторую часть: Is it a book or a notebook?
Разделительный вопрос задается тогда, когда мы хотим получить подтверждение слушающего.
Схема предложения:
Предложение + Краткий вопрос общего типа.
В кратком вопросе повторяется вспомогательный, модальный глагол или глагол-связка предложения: He is reading, isnt he?
Если глагол в предложении стоит в утвердительной форме, в кратком вопросе глагол стоит в отрицательной форме, если глагол в предложении стоит в отрицательной форме, то глагол в кратком вопросе стоит в утвердительной форме: He is there, isnt he? He isnt there, is he?
1.4. Завершите вопросы, вставляя вопросительные слова what/which/who. E.g. What is that man's name?
1. … way shall we go? This way or the other way?
2. You can have tea or coffee. ... do you want?
3. “I can't find my umbrella.” “… colour is it?”
4. … is your favourite sport?
5. This is a very nice house … room is yours?
6. … is more expensive, meat or fish?
7. … is older, Ann or George?
8. … is your telephone number?
9. … kind of TV programmes do you like watching?
10. “She's got three cars.” “... car does she use most?”
11. “… nationality are you?” “I'm Brazilian.”
1.5. Задайте вопросы с вопросительными словами What /How .
E.g. Are his eyes blue? Green? Brown? - What colour are his eyes?
11.Do you like horror films? Science fiction films? Thrillers? Comedies?
1.6. Составьте разделительные вопросы.
E.g. You usually start your work at nine oclock, dont you?
1. You usually start your work at nine oclock, |
a. is it? |
2. Nick cant speak any foreign languages, |
b. will he? |
3. Hes got a camera, |
c. arent there? |
4. They never argue with me, |
d. can he? |
5. Sues lazy, |
e. hasnt he? |
6. Helen didnt come to the party, |
f. had he? |
7. You can always trust me, |
g. do they? |
8. Tom wont mind if I use his phone, |
h. did she? |
9. There are a lot of people here, |
i. dont you? |
10. This isnt very interesting, |
j. cant you? |
11. Hed never met her before, |
k. were you? |
12. You werent listening, |
l. isnt she? |
Present Simple
Present Simple (настоящее простое время) используется для выражения:
1. привычки
E.g. I get up at 7 oclock.
2. общеизвестного факта
E.g. Vegetarians dont it meat.
3. факта, верного в течение долгого времени
E.g. She works in a bank.
Формы настоящего простого времени.
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
I You ask every day We They |
I Do you ask every day? we they |
I You do not ask every day We (dont) They |
He She asks every day It |
he Does she ask every day? it |
He She does not ask every day It (doesnt) |
Утвердительная форма образуется с помощью инфинитива без частицы to для всех лиц и чисел, кроме третьего лица единственного числа: I live near hear.
Вопросительная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола do: Where do I live?
Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола do и отрицательной частицы not: I dont live near here.
В третьем лице единственного числа к инфинитиву и к вспомогательному глаголу добавляется окончание - s (-es): He speaks. Does he speak? He doesnt speak.
Окончание читается как [s] после глухих согласных: works, asks
как [z] после звонких согласных и гласных: sounds, reads, tries
как [iz] после s, ss, sh, ch, tch, x: dresses, watches.
Возможные указатели времени обстоятельства времени, такие как: always, usually, often, seldom, sometimes, every day и т.д.
Систему времен английского глагола можно найти в Приложении3. Таб.2
2.1. Закончите предложения, вставляя один из данных в таблице глаголов.
cause(s) last(s) close(s) drink(s) live(s) leave(s) open(s) cure(s) speak(s) take(s) place bring(s) |
1) Ann ... German very well. 2) I never ... coffee. 3) The swimming pool … at 9 o'clock and … at 18.30 every day. 4) Bad driving … many accidents. 5) My parents … in a very small flat. 6) The Olympic Games … every four years.7) My father and I … home at eight oclock. 8) Time …all things. 9) Each season of the year … three months and … changes in the year.
2.2. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в настоящем простом времени.
5. It … (take) me an hour to get to work. How long … (it/take) you?
6. I … (play) the piano but I … (not/play) very well.
7. I don't understand this sentence. What … (this word/mean)?
8. The next bus … (leave) at exactly two oclock.
9. … (you/ever/sleep) past noon?
2.3. Используйте данные в таблице глаголы, чтобы завершить предложения. Иногда необходимо использовать отрицательную форму.
believe eat flow go grow make rise tell translate |
2.4. Задайте Лизе вопросы. Обратите внимание на образец.
E.g. You know that Liz plays tennis. You want to know how often. Ask her. How often do you play tennis?
1. You know that Liz reads newspaper. You want to know which one.
2. Perhaps Liz's sister plays tennis too. You want to know. Ask Liz.
3. You know that Liz gets up early. You want to know what time.
4. You know that Liz's brother works. You want to know what he does.
5. You know that Liz goes to the cinema a lot. You want to know how often. Ask her.
6. You don't know where Liz's mother lives. Ask Liz.
7. Perhaps Liz studies languages. You want to know. Ask her.
2. действия, происходящего в настоящее время, но, возможно не в момент разговора: Shes studying maths at university.
3. мероприятия, запланированного на будущее: Im meeting Miss Bond at ten oclock tomorrow.
Формы настоящего продолженного времени.
Утвердительная форма |
Вопросительная форма |
Отрицательная форма |
I am reading now |
Am I reading now? |
I am not reading now |
He She is reading now It |
he Is she reading now? it |
He She is not reading now It (isnt) |
You We are reading now They |
you Are we reading now? they |
You We are not reading now They (arent) |
Утвердительная форма образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в настоящем времени и причастия первого (Participle I) основного глагола: I am speaking. You are speaking. He is speaking.
При образовании вопросительной формы вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим: Is he speaking?
При образовании отрицательной формы между вспомогательным и основным глаголом ставится отрицание not: He is not (isnt) speaking.
Правописание окончания:
1) Большинство глаголов добавляют окончание непосредственно к основе: reading, standing.
2) Если глагол оканчивается на - е, то эта буква опускается при добавлении окончания: coming.
3) Если глагол состоит из одного закрытого слога с краткой гласной и заканчивающегося на согласную, то конечный согласный при добавлении окончания удваивается: planning, spinning.
4) В односложных словах с гласным i в корне, i меняется на y: die - dying, lie - lying.
Возможные указатели времени обстоятельства времени, такие как: now, at present, at the moment и т.д.
(см. Приложение3. Таб.2)
2.5. Используйте глаголы, данные в таблице, в правильной форме, чтобы закончить предложения.
come get happen look make start stay try work |
1) “You ... hard today.” “Yes, I have a lot to do.” 2) I … for Christine. Do you know where she is? 3) It … dark. Shall I turn on the light?
4) They haven't got anywhere to live at the moment. They … with friends until they find somewhere.5) “Are you ready, Ann?” “Yes, I …”
6) Have you got an umbrella? It … to rain. 7) You …a lot of noise. Could you be quieter? I … to concentrate. 8) Why are all these people here? What …?
2. 6. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в правильной форме.
4. … to the radio or can I turn it off? (anybody/listen)
5. How is your English? … better? (it/get)
6. Do you know that man? Why … at you? (he/smile)
2. 7. Употребите глаголы в правильной форме. Иногда необходима отрицательная форма (I'm not doing etc.).
4. Catherine phoned me last night. She's on holiday in France. She … (have) a great time and doesn't want to come back.
5. I want to lose weight, so this week I … (eat) lunch.
6. Angela has just started evening classes. She … (learn) German.
7. I think Paul and Ann have had an argument. They … (speak) to each other.
2.8. Закончите предложения, употребив глаголы, данные в таблице в настоящем продолженном времени. Необязательно использовать все глаголы и, напротив, один и тот же глагол можно использовать несколько раз.
get change rise fall increase |
1) The population of the world ... very fast. 2) Ken is still ill but he … better slowly. 3) The world … . Things never stay the same. 4) The cost of living … . Every year things are more expensive. 5) The economic situation is already very bad and it … worse.
Present Simple and Present Continuous
1. Present Simple передает постоянные действия, а Present Continuous временные:
E.g. Do you wear a uniform at work?
Why are you wearing that funny hat?
E.g. I live in London.
I am staying with my friends until I find a flat.
2. Present Simple говорит о том, что происходит вообще, а Present Continuous передает ситуации, происходящие в данный момент:
E.g. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.
The water is boiling. Can you turn it off?
What do you do? (Whats your job?)
What are you doing? (at the moment)
3. Present Continuous используется только с глаголами, обозначающими действие. Есть ряд глаголов, которые действия не обозначают:
like love hate want need prefer know be realize suppose mean understand believe recognize remember belong contain consist depend seem |
Present Continuous также обычно не употребляется с глаголами, обозначающими чувства:
see hear smell taste feel |
Два глагола нужно запомнить особенно:
Think употребляется в Continuous если он обозначает размышления: What are you thinking about?
и не употребляется, если имеется в виду мнение человека: What do you think of that man?
Have не употребляется в Continuous, если он используется в своем основном значении «иметь, обладать»: We have a lovely house.
Have может употребляться в Continuous в составе устойчивых выражений, таких как have dinner, have a shower, и т.д.: We are having a great time. We are having dinner.
2.9. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму (настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное), а наречия на правильное место в предложении.
1. I … (not/like) getting up in the morning. 2. My brother and I … (get) up quite early to come to school on time. 3. Our father … (sometimes/drive) us, but on other days we … (get) the school by bus. 4. We almost ... (never/get) to the bus stop on time and the bus … (always/wait) when we turn the corner. 5. The bus driver … (tell) us to hurry up and we … (jump on) the bus. 6. We … (not/go) to school next Monday because it's a holiday. 7. Instead all the people from my class … (meet) in the mountains for a picnic. 8. I … (make) a chocolate cake, my friend Joanna … (bring) a salad and the others ... (bring) meat, bread and soft drinks. 9. Joanna … (ring) me up every evening and asks, “What we … (have) to do for homework?” 10. She … (not/listen) when the teacher … (give) us our homework. 11. When Joanna ... (ring) me up, she … (always/say) “What you … (do)?” 12. And I … (answer) “I … (talk) to you, silly!”
2.10. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму (настоящее простое или настоящее продолженное).
1. Vegetarians are people who (don't eat / are not eating) meat.
2. Some people still think the sun (goes / is going) round the earth.
3. What (happens / is happening) in golf if you lose the ball?
4. Look! (She wears / She's wearing) the same shoes as me.
5. “What (are you looking / do you look) at?” “A strange bird.”
6. We (usually stay / 're usually staying) with Peggy when we go to Chicago.
7. What (do you do / are you doing) with my coat?
8. Nobody (gets / is getting) up early for fun.
2.11. Сопоставьте вопросы и ответы.
1. What do you do? 2. What are you doing? 3. Where do you work? 4. Where are you working? 5. Does your son play the violin? 6. Is your son playing the violin? 7. What language does she speak? 8. What language is she speaking? 9. Who's drinking champagne? 10. Who drinks champagne? |
a. Actually, that's the radio. b. French, she's from Belgium. c. I want to get this car started. d. I'm an architect. e. I'm in Cardiff this week. f. In a big insurance company. g. It sounds like Russian. h. Me. Сan I have some more? i. Me. When I can afford it. j. No. The piano. |
Past Simple
Past Simple (прошедшее простое время) используется для обозначения:
1. действия в прошлом:
The police stopped me on my way home last night.
2. последовательных действий в прошлом:
He came home and switched on TV.
3. повторяющихся действий в прошлом: He went out every day.
Формы простого прошедшего времени:
Утвердительная форма + |
I, You, He, She, It visited/went yesterday We, They |
Вопросительная формa ? |
I, you Did he, she, it visit/go yesterday ? we, they |
Отрицательная форма - |
I, You He, She ,It did not visit/go yesterday We, They (didnt) |
Past Simple образуется при помощи окончания, которое добавляется к основе правильных глаголов, и второй формы неправильных глаголов. Отрицательная и вопросительная формы образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола did и начальной формы основного глагола.
Будьте внимательны!
1. Когда сказуемое выражено прошедшей формой глагола to be was/were, то этот глагол самостоятельно образует вопросительные и отрицательные формы предложения:
+ |
I was tired because I worked much. |
? |
Why were you tired? |
- |
He wasnt there last week. |
2. Когда сказуемое выражено глаголом do, вопросительные и отрицательные предложения образуются по общим правилам: What did you do at the weekend? They didnt do any exercises yesterday.
Возможные указатели времени обстоятельства времени, такие как: yesterday, last week, 2 years ago, in 1973 и т.д.
3.1. Дополните предложения одним из данных в таблице глаголов, поставив его в Past Simple.
buy catch cost drink fall hurt sell spend teach throw win write |
E.g. Mozart wrote more than 600 pieces of music.
3.2. Один из ваших друзей вернулся из отпуска. Расспросите его об этом подробнее. Свои вопросы запишите.
E.g. (where/go?) Where did you go?
1. (go alone?) |
5. (how/travel?) |
2. (food/good?) |
6. (the weather/fine?) |
3. (how long/stay there?) |
7. (what/do in the evenings?) |
4. (stay / at a hotel?) |
8. (meet anybody interesting?) |
3.3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в правильную форму в Past Simple, отрицательную или утвердительную.
E.g. It was warm, so I took off my coat. (take)The film wasn't very good. I didnt enjoy it very much. (enjoy)
9. I was in a hurry, so I … time to phone you. (have). 10. It was hard work to carry the bags. They … very heavy. (be).
3.4. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в правильном времени (Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple).
1. I (be) in a hurry now. My friends (wait) for me. 2. You (be) at the theatre yesterday. You (like) the opera? Oh yes, I (enjoy) it greatly. 3. What you (do) in your spare time? Have you got any hobbies? 4. Mary usually (phone) me on Sundays but she (not/phone) last Sunday. 5. What (be) the matter with her? She (be) so excited. I (not/know). 6. Whats the noise? What (happen)? 7. It (be) usually dry here at this time of the year. It (not/rain) much. 8. When I first (tell) Tom the news, he (not/believe) me. He thought it (be) a joke.
Past Continuous
Past Continuous (прошедшее продолженное время) используется для выражения:
1. действия, происходившего в определенный момент в прошлом, который обозначен либо обстоятельством времени, либо другим действием в прошлом. При этом ни начало, ни конец действия неизвестны:
What were you doing at ten oclock yesterday? I was writing a letter when you came.
2. длительного действия, протекавшего в определенный период времени в прошлом (from six to seven, the whole day yesterday и т.д.): It was raining the whole day yesterday.
3. одновременных действий, протекавших в прошлом в один и тот же момент: The children were playing in the garden while their mother was cooking dinner.
Формы прошедшего продолженного времени:
Утвердительная форма + |
I He, She, It was reading when he came |
You We were reading when he came They |
Вопросительная форма ? |
I Was he, she, it reading when he came ? |
you Were we reading when he came ? they |
Отрицательная форма - |
I (wasnt) He, She, It was not reading when he came |
You We were reading when he came They (werent) |
Past Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола was/were и причастия настоящего времени (Participle I) основного глагола. В вопросительных предложениях вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. В отрицательных предложениях перед основным глаголом ставится частица not.
Возможные указатели времени at 7 oclock, at that moment, then и т.д. Придаточные предложения с Past Continuous обычно вводятся союзом while ( в то время как), а так же when (когда).
3.5. Анна и Питер вчера сдавали экзамен. Анна сдала успешно, а Питер нет. Что же делал Питер вчера, пока (while) Анна готовилась к экзамену? Составьте предложения в Past Continuous.
E.g. Ann/ work/ in the library/ Pete/ listen/ to/ the records While Ann was working at the library, Pete was listening to the records.
1. Ann/ revise for an exam/ Pete/ walk along the streets.
2. She/ read a textbook/ Pete/play/ computer games.
3. Ann/ learn the terms/ Pete and his friends/ play football.
4. Ann/ gather information for a report/ Pete and his girl friend/ sit in a café.
5. She/ do sums/ he/ sleep.
3.6. Мистер Браун вернулся вчера рано. Составьте предложения в Past Continuous о том, что делала его семья в тот момент, когда он вернулся.
When father came home yesterday…
E.g. Robert/not sit at home/take the dog for a walk. Robert wasnt sitting at home. He was taking the dog for a walk.
1. Jane/ not watch a film on TV/ clear up the mess.
2. The twins/ not listen to music/ do the washing up.
3. His wife/ not cook a meal/ read magazines.
4. Granny/ not talk to her friend/ have a shower.
5. Amy/ not put on make-up/ try on a new dress.
3.7. Закончите предложения в Past Continuous.
1. Tom burnt his hand while he …
2. The doorbell rang while I…
3. We saw an accident while we …
4. Mary fell asleep while she …
5. The television was on but nobody …
3.8. Задайте вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.
E.g. Mr. Smith is speaking on the phone in his office now. Where is Mr. Smith speaking on the phone now?
1. Everyone was having a good time when suddenly forty uninvited guests arrived.
2. These paintings belong to somebody.
3. She is writing an essay at the moment.
4. We have our English classes three times a week.
5. I went to the shop to buy some coffee.
6. Yuet Tung came to the USA from Hong Kong.
7. She likes cooking.
8. James can speak four languages.
Past Simple and Past Continuous
1. Past Simple описывает факты: Mozart was an Austrian composer.
2. Past Continuous описывает действие в развитии, которое может быть прервано: I was walking home when I met Dave.
3. Past Continuous описывает сцену, а Past Simple действие: When I woke up in the morning the sun was shining, the birds were singing.
4. Past Continuous спрашивает о том. что было раньше, а Past Simple о том, что произошло после: I was walking home when I saw Dave. So I stopped and we had a chat.
5. Past Simple описывает постоянные ситуации, а Past Continuous временные: My head was aching, so I went home. When I was a child I played the violin.
Формы прошедшего простого и
прошедшего продолженного времени:
Past Simple |
Past Continuous |
Утвердительная форма |
I You He She visited/went yesterday It We They |
I He She was reading when he came It |
You We were reading when he came They |
Вопросительная форма |
I you he Did she visit/go yesterday? it we they |
I he Was she reading when he came? it |
you Were we reading when he came? they |
Отрицательная форма |
I You He She did not visit/go yesterday It (didnt) We They |
I He She was not reading when he came It (wasnt) |
We You were not reading when I came They (werent) |
3.9. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму (Past Simple, Past Continuous).
Last night a friend of mine … (1.celebrate) his birthday. When I … (2. arrive), I … (3. see) that his flat … (4. be) full of guests. I … (5. enter) the sitting room. Some boys and girls … (6. dance). Several guests … (7. sing) a merry song and the host … (8. play) the piano. A group of girls … (9. listen) to music and other people … (10. watch) television. The guests … (11. enjoy) the feast when I left. I had a very good time last night.
3.10. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму (Past Simple, Past Continuous).
1. … you … (go) shopping last Saturday? Yes, I … and I (buy) all the things you told me to buy. 2. Jane … (do) shopping while I … (do) the room. 3. … you … (play) football yesterday? No, we … not. It … (rain). 4. We … (play) football when a thunderstorm … (begin).
5. When I … (take) the dog out yesterday evening, I … (meet) an old friend of mine. He … (hurry) to his sports club.
6. When … your brother (come) home last Thursday? He … (not come) on Thursday. He … (stay) in the country.
7. When my brother … (come) home at 7 oclock last Thursday he … (fall) down and (break) his leg.
8. … you (visit) your grandma last week? No, I … not. I … (prepare)for my exam.
9. We … (stay) with our grandma when her American guests … (arrive).
3.11. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы в правильную форму (Past Simple, Past Continuous).
E.g. Jane was waiting (wait) for me when I arrived (arrive).
8. I ... (walk) along the street when suddenly I … (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody … (follow) me. I was frightened and I … (start) to run.
9. When I was young, I ... (want) to be a bus driver.
Much and many
Much (много) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях: How much money have you got? There isnt much milk left.
Many (много) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях: How many people were at the party? I didnt take many photos on holiday.
A Lot/ lots of
A Lot/ lots of (много) употребляется как с неисчисляемыми, так и с исчисляемыми существительными в повествовательных предложениях:
Theres a lot of bread on the table.
Some and any
(некоторое количество)
some |
any |
1. в утвердительных предложениях: E.g. Id like some sugar. |
1. в утвердительных предложениях в значении «любой, не важно какой»: E.g. You may take any book you like. |
2. в вопросительных предложениях, если они выражают просьбу или предложение: E.g. Can I have some cake? Would you like some tea? |
2. в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях: E.g. Is there any sugar in this tea? I didnt buy any apples. |
A few and a little
A few (несколько, достаточно) употребляется с исчисляемыми существительными: There are a few oranges left.
A little (немного, достаточно) употребляется с неисчисляемыми существительными: Can you give me a little help?
4.1. Вставьте much, many, few or little.
4.2. Вставьте little / a little / few / a few.
6. 'Would you like … milk in your coffee?' 'Yes, please'
7. This is a very boring place to live. There's … to do.
8. 'Have you ever been to Paris?' 'Yes, I've been there … times.'
4.3. Дополните предложения some or any.
1. We didn't buy ... flowers.
2. This evening I'm going out with … friends of mine.
3. 'Have you seen ... good films recently?' 'No, I haven't been to the cinema for ages.'4. I didn't have … money, so I had to borrow …
5. Can I have … milk in my coffee, please?
6. I was too tired to do … work.
7. You can cash these traveller's cheques at ... bank.
8. Can you give me ... information about places of interest in the town?
9. With the special tourist train ticket, you can travel on … train you like.
10. If there are … words you don't understand, use a dictionary.
4.4. Complete the sentences with some- or any- + -body/-thing/-where.
7. Sally was upset about … and refused to talk to … .
8. This machine is very easy to use. … can learn to use it in a short time.
9. There was hardly … on the beach. It was almost deserted.
10. 'Do you live … near Jim?' 'No, he lives in another part of town.'
Articles Артикли
Артикль это часть речи, которая уточняет значение существительного, но собственного значения не имеет и на русский язык не переводится. Существует три артикля: определенный, неопределенный и нулевой.
Неопределенный артикль имеет форму a перед существительными, начинающимися с согласной: a plate, и форму an перед существительными, начинающимися с гласной: an apple. Неопределенный артикль употребляется только с исчисляемыми существительными в единственном числе. Он представляет предмет как один из класса ему подобных: This is a pen. Неопределенный артикль употребляется если предмет упоминается в разговоре или повествовании впервые с существительными, не имеющими определения, или имеющими определения описательного характера: Yesterday I met a beautiful girl in the club.
Неопределенный артикль используется:
1. С названиями профессий: I am a student.
2. С выражениями количества: a few, a little, a dozen, a pair, a lot of.
3. В восклицательных предложениях с исчисляемыми существительными: What a lovely day! What a shame!
Определенный артикль произносится как [ði:] перед словом, начинающимся с гласной, и как [ðe] перед словом, начинающимся с согласной. Определенный артикль употребляется перед любым нарицательным существительным в единственном или множественном числе, если оно уже известно слушающему: She has a house. The house is nice.
Определенный артикль используется:
1. Если предмет единственный в своём роде: The sun, the moon, the Queen, the President.
2. Перед прилагательными в превосходной степени и количественными числительными: He is the richest man in the world. She lives on the third floor.
Нулевой артикль употребляется перед неисчисляемыми существительными, обозначающими вещество или абстрактное понятие: There is milk in the cup. She looked at her child with kindness and love.
Нулевой артикль используется:
1. Перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе, о которых слушателю неизвестно: There were boys and girls in the classroom.
2. В восклицательных предложениях с неисчисляемыми существительными:
What nasty weather!
3. Для обозначения времени принятия пищи: I always have coffee for breakfast.
4. Способ передвижения: by car, by bus, on foot.
5. В ряде устойчивых сочетаний:
at home, in/to bed, at/to work, at/to school, at/to university, in/to hospital, at peace, at war, at table, by chance, by heart, by mistake, by means of, on time
4.5. Закончите предложения, вставляя артикли a, an, the где необходимо.
1. Could you turn on __ television, please?
2. It's __ best film I have seen for ages.
3. Could I borrow __ piece of paper to make notes on?
4. Is that __new carpet you were telling me about?
5. We're going to __ Kenya at Christmas.
6. Would you like to see __ photos I took on holiday?
7. They tell me that __ honesty is the best policy.
8. She said that __ carrots were her favourite vegetable.
9. Sometimes I wish __ telephone had never been invented.
10. Look at __ sea. Isn't it beautiful?
4.6. Закончите предложения, вставляя артикли a, an, the где необходимо.
1. __ tennis is my favourite sport. I play once or twice __ week if I can, but Im not __ very good player.
2. I wont be home for __ dinner this evening. Im meeting some friends after __ work and were going to __ cinema.
3. There was __ accident as I was going __ home last night.
4. A: Whats __ name of __ hotel where youre staying? B: __ Imperial. Its in __ Queen Street in __ city centre. Its near __ station.
5. Ive got two brothers. __ older one is training to be __ pilot with __ British Airways. __ younger one is still at __ school. When he leaves __ school, he hopes to go to __ university to study __ Law.
4.7. Найдите шесть ошибок употребления артиклей (a/an or the) и исправьте их.
1. Sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
2. That's the car I mentioned before.
3. Put those plates in a washing-up bowl, will you.
4. He's most arrogant man I have ever met.
5. I'd like a glass of wine and a few olives, please.
6. The weather has been marvelous recently.
7. Money has been the cause of a lot of our problems.
8. Australia was everything I imagined it would be.
9. Would you mind if I took car to work today?
10. We're thinking of going to cinema tonight.
11. Are you going to take dog for a walk?
12. Let's go for a drive in country.
С именами собственными может употребляться либо нулевой, либо определенный артикль в зависимости от значения существительного.
определенный артикль |
нулевой артикль |
1. Названия океанов, морей, озер, рек, проливов и кораблей: the Pacific Ocean, the Baltic Sea, The English Channel, the Volga, the Ontario, the Titanic. |
С названиями заливов: Hudson Bay. Со словом «озеро» Lake Ontario |
2. Названия горных цепей, групп островов, пустынь: The Urals, the British Isles, the Sahara. |
С названиями островов, горных вершин: Cuba, Elbrus. |
3. Названия городских учреждений (театров, музеев, гостиниц, банков): the Hermitage, the Savoy, the Bolshoi Theatre. |
С названиями аэропортов, вокзалов, улиц, парков, площадей: Oxford Street, Central Park, Trafalgar Square, London Airport, Victoria Station. |
4. Названия государственных учреждений и организаций: the Supreme Court |
С названиями авиалиний, компаний: Fiat Sony Kodak British Airways IBM |
5. Названия англоязычных газет: the Times |
Названия англоязычных журналов: I bought Cosmopolitan yesterday. |
6. С составными названиями стран и географическими названиями во множественном числе: the United states of America, the Philippines, the Great Lakes. |
С названиями городов, континентов, стран, штатов, регионов: Paris, Australia, France, Texas, Tuscany. |
7. В словосочетаниях с предлогом of: the University of London. |
Словосочетания с названием города: London University London Zoo |
8. C именами людей во множественном числе: the Johnsons. |
С именами людей, титулами, рангами, словами, обозначающими семейные отношения и общественное положение: John. Doctor Brown, Miss Smith, Aunt Polly, Captain White, professor Higgins. |
4.8. Вставьте определенный артикль (the)где необходимо.
1. I was ill, so I went to see … doctor. 2. ... President is the most powerful person in … United States. 3. … President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963. 4. Do you know … Wilsons? They're a very nice couple. 5. Do you know Professor … Brown's phone number?
4.9. В некоторых предложениях ошибочно пропущен определенный артикль (the). Исправьте предложение, если это необходимо, если предложение правильное, напишите right.
1 Everest was first climbed in 1953. 2. Milan is in north of Italy. 3. Africa is much larger than Europe. 4. Last year 1 visited Mexico and United States.
5. South of England is warmer than north. 6. Portugal is in western Europe. 7. France and Britain are separated by Channel. 8. Jim has travelled a lot in Middle East. 9. Chicago is on Lake Michigan. 10. The highest mountain in Africa is Kilimanjaro (5,895 metres)…
4.10. Проверьте, хорошо ли вы знаете географию.
1.Where is Argentina?...2. Which is the longest river in Africa?. 3. Which country is Stockholm the capital? 4. Which country is Washington the capital? 5. What is the name of the mountain range in the west of North America? 6. What is the name of the sea between Africa and Europe?. 7. Which is the smallest continent in the world? 8. What is the name of the ocean between America and Asia?.9. What is the name of the ocean between Africa and Australia? 10. Which river flows through London?
4.11. Выберите правильную форму.
Речь идет о связях сказуемого в предложении. Как в русском, так и в английском предложении в качестве прямого дополнения после сказуемого обычно выступает имя существительное или местоимение.
Напр. I saw her yesterday. Я видел её вчера.
Эту же функцию в русском предложении может выполнять инфинитив (начальная форма глагола). Напр.: Она попросила перезвонить позже.
В английском языке большинство глаголов тоже требуют после себя инфинитива в качестве прямого дополнения. Следует отметить, что в английском языке инфинитив, как правило, употребляется с частицей to: E.g. I want to buy a new car.
She promised to come in time.
Конструкция verb + to…(infinitive) встречается в том случае, когда глагол, выполняющий функцию прямого дополнения, стоит после следующих глаголов:
choose |
promise |
help |
want |
decide |
manage |
hope |
agree |
forget |
need |
try |
refuse |
E.g. I agreed to lend him money.
We decided not to go out because of the weather.
Инфинитив также употребляется после выражений be going и be able:
E.g. He is going to be a doctor.
Без частицы to инфинитив употребляется:
- после модальных глаголов can/could, may/might, must, should;
- после вспомогательных глаголов will/would, do/dont, does/doesnt:
E.g. She can dance well.
Однако есть ряд глаголов, после которых в качестве прямого дополнения употребляется ing форма:
like |
enjoy |
stop |
dislike |
hate |
mind |
love |
finish |
suggest |
E.g. Would you mind closing the window?
После глаголов begin start continue может употребляться как герундий, так и инфинитив, напр.:
Ann began to sing her favourite song.
Ann began singing in her early years.
5.1. Заполните пропуски инфинитивом данных ниже глаголов с частицей to или без.
be open leave eat hear buy have help take get see go |
1. “What time do you want … the house?” “At about 8.”
2. Ive saved enough money. Now I can … that house.
3. Im too tired to walk home. Ill … a taxi.
4. It was a nice day, so we decided … for a walk.
5. I wonder where Sue is. She promised not … late.
6. Could you …the door, please?
7. There was a lot of traffic, but we managed … to the airport in time.
8. Im not good at writing an essay, so she agreed … me with it.
9. I was feeling ill yesterday. I couldnt … anything.
10. They insisted that we should … dinner with them.
11. I hope … from you soon. Best wishes, Peter.
12. He is very busy, so I dont think he will be able … us next week.
5.2. Раскройте скобки и поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.
1. I enjoy … (visit) other countries.
2. What have you decided … (do)?
3. Im trying …(work). Please stop … (talk).
4. Have you finished … (clean) the kitchen?
5. The weather was nice, so I suggested … (have) a walk.
6. Im tired. I want … (go) to bed immediately.
7. Dont forget … (send) me a postcard when youre on holiday.
8. Do you really enjoy … (read) books?
9. I dont mind … (travel) by train but I hate … (fly).
10. We invited Jane to the party but she didnt want … (come).
11. Chris loves … (act). He hopes … (be) famous one day.
12. You must stop … (work) long hours. Its bad for you.
13. They were very angry and refused … (speak) to me.
14. Why did you start … (cry)?
15. Will you … (buy) some more vegetables?
16. I cant … (see) you on Saturday. I promised … (take) my children to the circus.
17. I began … (learn) English when I was seven.
II Некоторые случаи употребления ing формы.
Только ing форма употребляется после:
1) фразовых глаголов, таких как: go on, keep on, give up, put off, etc.,
E.g. We cant go on living like this! Мы не можем продолжать жить так!
E.g. We all looked forward to going to the South. Мы все с нетерпением ждали поездки на юг.
3) прилагательных с фиксированным предлогом: be afraid of, be fond of, be interested in, be worth of, feel like, etc.,
E.g. I am afraid of speaking to him. Я боюсь разговаривать с ним.
4) после предлогов after, before, besides, on, without, instead of,
E.g. Besides learning French Ann is fond of ancient literature. Помимо изучения французского языка, Анна увлекается античной литературой.
III Like doing / would like to do.
Like doing и love doing указывает на то, что мы любим делать вообще.
E.g. I love dancing. Я люблю танцевать.
Jack likes fishing.- Джек любит рыбачить.
Would like to do/ would love to do указывает на то, что мы предпочитаем делать в данный момент или в какой-либо конкретный момент.
E.g. Id love to have my own business. Мне бы хотелось иметь своё собственное дело.
Id like all the people in the world to be happy. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы все люди в мире были счастливы.
IV Go swimming/go fishing
Конструкция go ing употребляется для выражения различных видов деятельности (особенно видов спорта): go swimming, go sailing, go skiing, go jogging, go shopping, go sightseeing, etc.,
E.g. Id like to go skiing. Я бы хотел покататься на лыжах.
When did you last go shopping? Когда ты последний раз делала покупки?
5.3. Закончите предложения так, чтобы они были синонимичны данным в скобках, используя - ing формы:
E.g. (Why is it useful to have a car?) What are the advantages of having a car?
1. (Helen has a good memory for names.) Helen is good at _____
2. (We didnt eat at home. We went to a restaurant instead.) Instead of ____
3. (Tom thinks that working is better than doing nothing.) Tom prefers working to ____
4. (They got married. They didnt tell any of their friends.) They got married without _____
5. (Our team played well but we lost the game.) Our team lost the game in spite of ____
6. (Carol wants to leave school soon.) Carol is looking forward to ____
7. (Do you want to play tennis tomorrow?) How about ____?
8. (I phoned Sarah. Then I went out.) I phoned Sarah before ____
9. (I had the same job for ten years and I felt I needed a change.) I felt I needed a change after ____
5.4. Закончите предложения одним из данных ниже глаголов в правильной форме.
escape go interrupt solve cause see spend come help |
E.g. Do you feel like going out this evening?
1. It took us a long time but we finally succeeded in ____ the problem.
2. Where are you thinking of ____ your holiday this year?
3. Forgive me for ____ you but may I ask you something?
4. The driver of the other car accused me of ____ the accident.
5. The guards werent able to prevent the prisoner from ____.
6. I wanted to cook the meal myself but Dave insisted on ____ me.
7. Mrs. Bond thanked Sue for ____ to see her.
8. The film isnt very interesting. Its not worth ____ it.
5.5. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в правильную форму (to+ infinitive… или -ing form).
1. I like your house. Do you like ____ (live) here?
2. What would you like ____(do) this evening?
3. Id love ____ (help) you but its impossible.
4. I travel a lot. I love ____ (travel).
5. My brother is a teacher but he doesnt like ___ (teach) very much.
6. This ring is very beautiful. Id hate ____ (lose) it.
Способы выражения будущего времени
Future Simple образуется при помощи вспомогательного модального глагола will для всех лиц и чисел и инфинитива основного глагола без частицы to. В вопросах вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not, в разговорной речи употребляется сокращенная форма wont.
Примечание: считается невежливым на просьбы отвечать I wont. В этом случае говорят Im afraid I cant.
Утвердительная форма + |
I You He (She, It) will read tomorrow We They |
Вопросительная форма ? |
I you he (she, it) Will we read tomorrow? they |
Отрицательная форма - |
I You He (She, It) will not read tomorrow We (wont) They |
Future Simple употребляется :
1. Для выражения будущего решения или намерения принятого в момент разговора: Ill give you my phone number.
2. Для выражения предложения, просьбы, обещания: Ill give you a lift.
3. После глаголов, выражающих мнение человека:
think, expect, wonder, to be sure: I wonder what will happen?
Оборот going to образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be+going+to+инфинитива основного глагола. В вопросительных предложениях вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим.
Оборот используется для выражения будущих решений, намерений или планов, принятых до разговора: Shes going to have a birthday party.
Примечание: Present Continuous также может быть использован в этом случае, особенно с глаголами go и come: Shes coming on Friday.
2. Когда, исходя из ситуации, мы можем предположить или предсказать то, что произойдет в будущем: Look at these clouds! Its going to rain.
5.6. Закончите предложения одним из данных ниже словосочетаний. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.
go skiing go shopping go swimming go sailing go riding go sightseeing |
E.g. Barry lives by the sea and hes got a boat, so he often goes sailing.
1. Theres plenty of snow in the mountains so well be able to ____ .
2. It was a very hot day, so we ____in the river.
3. Margaret has two horses. She often ____ .
4. The shops are shut now. Its too late to ____.
5. If you are interested in historical places we can ____ .
5.7. Закончите предложения, используя will ('11) или going to.
1. A: Why are you turning on the television? B: ___ the news. (I/watch)
3. A: I've got a headache. B: Have you? Wait there and ____ an aspirin for you. (I/get)
4. A: Why are you filling that bucket with water? B: ____ the car. (I/wash)
5. A: I've decided to repaint this room. B: Oh, have you? What colour ____ it? (you/paint)
6. A: Where are you going? Are you going shopping? B: Yes, ____ something for dinner. (I/buy)
7. A: I don't know how to use this camera. B: It's quite easy ____ you. (I/show)
8. A: What would you like to eat? B: _____ a sandwich, please. (I/have)
9. A: Did you post that letter for me? B: Oh, I'm sorry. I completely forgot. ____ it now. (I/do)
10. A: The ceiling in this room doesn't look very safe, does it?
B: No, it looks as if ____ down. (it/fall)
11. A: Has George decided what to do when he leaves school?
B: Oh, yes. Everything is planned. ____ a holiday for a few weeks and then ____ a computer programming course. (he/have, he/do)
Степени сравнения прилагательных
Прилагательные имеют три степени сравнения: положительную, сравнительную и превосходную.
1. Прилагательные, состоящие из одного слога, образуют степени сравнения суффиксальным способом, сравнительная степень образуется при помощи суффикса er , а превосходная при помощи суффикса est и определенного артикля: cold colder the coldest.
2. Прилагательные, состоящие из двух и более слогов, образуют степени сравнения при помощи слов more и the most:
interesting more interesting the most interesting.
3. Двусложные прилагательные, имеющие окончания -y, -er, -ow, -le, тоже присоединяют суффиксы:
easy easier the easiest; clever cleverer the cleverest
narrow narrower the narrowest; simple simpler the simplest.
Положительн. (positive) |
Сравнительн. (comparative) |
Превосходн. (superlative) |
A |
- |
-er |
-est |
Односложн. прилагат. |
low nice hot |
lower nicer hotter |
lowest nicest hottest |
Двусложн. прилагат. на:1) -y |
pretty |
prettier |
prettiest |
2) -ow |
narrow |
narrower |
narrowest |
3) -le |
simple |
simpler |
simplest |
4) -er |
clever |
cleverer |
cleverest |
B |
- |
more … |
most … |
Многослож. прилагат. |
useful terrible |
more useful more terrible |
most useful most terrible |
Исключения |
good bad little much/many |
better worse less more |
best worst least most |
Правила правописания:
1. -y меняется на i после согласной и не меняется после гласной:: wealthy wealthier wealthiest.
2. -e опускается: large larger largest.
3. Согласная удваивается в односложных прилагательных после краткого гласного: big bigger the biggest.
6.1. Закончите предложения сравнительной степенью противоположного по значению прилагательного.
E.g. Its too noisy here. Can we go somewhere quieter?
1. This coffee is very weak. I like it a bit ____
2. The hotel was surprisingly big. I expected it to be ____.
3. The hotel was surprisingly cheap. I expected it to be ____.
4. The weather is too cold in this country. Id like to live somewhere ____.
5. My job is a bit boring sometimes. Id like to do something ____.
6. I was surprised how easy it was to use the computer. I thought it would be __.
7. Dont worry. The situation isnt so bad. It could be ____.
8. You were a bit depressed yesterday but you look ____ today.
9. I was surprised we got here so quickly. I expected the journey to take ____.
6.2. Закончите предложения сравнительной степенью одного из прилагательных, данных в таблице.
big crowded early easy high important interested peaceful reliable thin serious simple |
E.g. I felt tired last night, so I went to bed earlier than usual.
1. Id like to have a ____ car. The one I have got keeps breaking down.
2. Unfortunately her illness was ____ than we thought at first.
3. You look ____. Have you lost weight?
4. I want a ____flat. We dont have enough space here.
5. He doesnt study very hard. Hes ____ in having a good time.
6. Health and happiness are ____ than money.
7. The instructions were very complicated. They could have been ____.
8. There were a lot of people in the bus. It was ____ than usually.
9. I like living in the countryside. Its ____ than living in a town.
10. Youll find your way around the town ____ if you have a good map.
11. In some parts of the country, prices are ____ than in others.
6.3. Дополните предложения сравнительной или превосходной степенью прилагательных, данных в скобках.
1. The United States is very large but Canada is ____ . (large)
2. Whats ____ river in the world? (long)
3. He was a bit depressed yesterday but he looks ____ today. (happy)
4. It was an awful day ____ of my life. (bad)
5. What is ____ sport in your country? (popular)
6. Everest is ____ mountain in the world. It is ____ than other mountains. (high). 7. We had a great holiday. It was one of the ____ holidays weve ever had. (enjoyable) 8. I prefer this chair to the other one. Its ____. (comfortable)
9. Whats ____ way of getting from here to the station? (quick)
4. Прилагательные old и far образуют степени сравнения двумя способами.
old older the oldest (старый и старший, о возрасте):
E.g. He is older than his brother.
old elder the eldest
E.g. My elder brother is a doctor.
Оба варианта elder или older возможны когда речь идет о членах одной семьи. Однако, нельзя сказать “somebody is elder…”
E.g. My brother is older than me.
far farther the farthest (о расстоянии):
E.g. His house is farther from school than mine.
far - further the furthest ( в значении «дальнейший»): further education дальнейшее образование; further improvement дальнейшее улучшение, etc.:
E.g. Further in his speech the President mentioned some economical questions.
5.Следующие вспомогательные слова могут участвовать в сравнении:
than (чем) в сравнительной степени:
E.g. He is younger than Tom.
much в сравнительной степени в значении гораздо, намного:
E.g. Shes much nicer than her sister.
as…as (такой … как) для сравнения равных объектов:
E.g. Jim is as tall as Peter.
not as/ so…as (не такой …как) для сравнения неравных объектов:
E.g. He is not as tall as his father.
E.g. The more expensive the hotel is, the better the service is. Чем дороже гостиница, тем лучше сервис.
The more I thought about the plan, the less I liked it.- Чем больше я думал о плане, тем меньше он мне нравился.
6.4. Сделайте каждую пару предложений синонимичными, вставив в каждое второе предложение пропущенное слово в нужной степени сравнения.
1. My father is the hardest-working person I know. No one I know works as … as my father.
2. I've never met such an intelligent person. She is ... person I've ever met.
3. We don't have as much money as they do. They have a lot … money than we do.
4. Simon is much older than I am. I am not as … as Simon.
5. I can't play tennis as well as she can. She plays tennis … than I can.
6.5. Закончите предложения, выбрав правильный вариант. (Иногда оба варианта возможны).
1. Tom looks older / elder than he really is.
2. My older /elder brother is a pilot.
3. Im surprised Diane is only 25. I thought she was older /elder.
4. Anns younger sister is still at school. Her older /elder sister is a nurse.
5. Martin is older /elder than his brother.
6.6. Перефразируйте предложения, используя конструкцию as …as…
E.g. Im quite tall but you are taller. Im not as tall as you.
1. My salary is high but yours is higher. My salary isnt …
2. You know a bit about cars but I know more. You dont …
3. Its still cold but it was colder yesterday. It isnt …
4. I still feel a bit tired but I felt a lot more tired yesterday. I dont …
5. Theyve live here for quite a long time but weve lived here longer. They havent …
6.7. Закончите предложения с помощью than …или as….
E.g. I cant reach as high as you. You are taller than me.
1. He doesnt know much. You know more … .
2. I dont work particularly hard. Most people work as hard … .
3. We were very surprised. Nobody was more surprised … .
4. Shes not a very good player. Im a better player … .
5. Theyve been very lucky. I wish we were as lucky … .
6.8. Исправьте ошибки.
E.g. Which is more far from London New York or Moscow?
Which is further from London - New York or Moscow?
1. Switzerland is the more mountainous country in Europe.
2. Melbourne isnt as big than Sydney.
3. Thai food is more tasty Ive eaten.
4. My French is even the more bad than my Spanish.
5. The Atacama Desert is more dry than the Sahara.
Present Perfect (настоящее завершенное) образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have и прошедшего причастия (Participle II) основного глагола. В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. В отрицательной форме частица not ставится после вспомогательного глагола.
Утвердительная форма + |
I (We) , You have just seen/visited They |
He (She) has just seen/visited It |
Вопросительная форма ? |
I (We) Have You, They just seen/visited ? |
Has he,she, it just seen/visited ? |
Отрицательная форма - |
I ,We, You have not just seen/visited They (havent) |
He (She) has not just seen/visited It (hasnt) |
Present Perfect употребляется:
1. для выражения действия в прошлом с результатом в настоящем: Where is your key? Ive lost it. (сейчас у меня его нет).
2. для сообщения о недавнем происшествии: Oh, Ive cut my finger.
Следующие наречия часто сопровождают такое употребление:
just только что: Ive just had lunch.
already уже (употребляется только в повествовательных предложениях, обычно ставится между вспомогательным и смысловым глаголами): Ive already posted the letter.
yet еще, уже (употребляется в вопросительных и отрицательных предложениях): I havent seen him yet. Have you had dinner yet?
3. Когда мы говорим о периоде времени, продолжающемся от прошлого до настоящего, обычно имеется в виду жизненный опыт человека:
Have you ever been to China?
Следующие наречия часто сопровождают такое употребление:
ever, never, recently, lately, so far, for two years, since breakfast.
4. Когда период времени еще не закончился к моменту говорения:
Ive had four cups of coffee today.
Примечание: обратите внимание на разницу между выражениями have been и have gone: Jim has gone to Spain.(он сейчас там)
Jim has been to Spain. (побывал и вернулся).
7.1. Вы пишите письмо своему другу. Используя время Present Perfect, сообщите о том, что произошло с вами и с другими людьми.
Dear Chris,
Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.
2. My father / start / a new job … .
7.2. Напишите о том, что произошло, поставив глаголы, данные в таблице, в Present Perfect.
arrive break go up grow improve lose |
6. Last week the bus fare was 80 pence. Now it is 90.The bus fare … .
7.3. Составьте предложения со словами just, already или yet. Обратите внимание на образец.
E.g. After lunch you go to see a friend at her house. She says “Would you like something to eat?” You say “No, thank you. Ive just had lunch.“ (have lunch)
7.4. Закончите предложения словами been или gone.
1. Jim is on holiday. He's ... to Italy.
2. Hello! I've just … to the shops. I've bought lots of things.
3. Alice isn't here at the moment. She's … to the shop to get a newspaper.
4. Tom has … out. He'll be back in about an hour.
5. “Are you going to the bank?” “No, I've already … to the bank.”
Present Perfect and Past Simple
Past Simple |
Preset Perfect |
Утвердительная форма |
I You He, She, It visited/went yester We,They day |
I, You We, They have just visited/seen |
He She have just visited/seen It |
Вопросительная форма |
I, you he Did she visit/go yesterday? it we,they |
I, you Have we just visited/seen? they |
he Has she just visited/seen? it |
Отрицательная форма |
I, You He She did not visit/go yesterday It (didnt) We, They |
I, We have not just visited/seen You, They (havent) |
He, She has not just visited/seen It (hasnt) |
Present Perfect на русский язык переводится глаголом совершенного вида прошедшего времени. Но и Past Simple, прошедшее простое время, в иных случаях переводится точно также. Возникает вопрос: когда употреблять Past Simple (прошедшее простое), а когда Present Perfect?
Past Simple называет действие, произошедшее в определенный момент в прошлом: He got married when he was 22 (in 1979).
Обозначает действие, которое завершилось и произошел разрыв с настоящим: I lived in Paris for a year. (больше я там не живу). Ian Fleming wrote 14 novels. (он уже умер и больше не пишет).
Используется с вопросами When? What time?
Present Perfect обозначает действие, произошедшее в неопределенный момент в прошлом: Shes been to China.
Действие, продолжающееся по настоящий момент: Shes lived in London for 20 years (и до сих пор там живет). She's written 20 novels (и еще будет писать).
Употребление Present Perfect часто сопровождается следующими выражениями: ever, never, just, already, yet, since, for.
I have been worked here since 1995. / since I left school.
I have never been to America. Have you ever been to America?
Используется с вопросом How long?
7.5. Составьте предложения в Present Perfect или Past simple, используя слова в скобках.
E.g. (it/not/ rain/ this week) It hasnt rained this week.
1. (the weather/ be/ cold/ recently) |
5. (Ann/ earn/ a lot of money/ this year) |
2. (it/ cold/ last week) |
6. (she/ not/ earn/ so much/ last year) |
3. (I/ not/ read/ a newspaper yesterday) |
7. (you/ have/ a holiday recently?) |
4. (I/ not/ read/ a newspaper today) |
7.6. Раскройте скобки, поставив глаголы, данные в скобках в правильное время, Present Perfect или Past Simple.
E.g. I dont know where Amy is. Have you seen (you/see) her?
1. When I … (get) home last night, I … (be) very tired and I …(go) straight to bed. 2. Your car looks very clean. … (you/ wash) it? 3. George … (not/ be) very well last week. 4. Mr Clark … (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up. 5. Molly lives in Dublin. She … (live) there all her life. 6. “… (you/ go) to the cinema last night?” “Yes, but it … (be) a mistake. The film … (be) awful. 7. My grandfather … (die) 30 years ago. I … (never/ meet) him. 8. I dont know Carols husband. I … (never/ meet/ him). 9. A: Is your father at home? B: No, Im afraid he … (go) out. A: When exactly … (he/ go) out? B: About ten minutes ago. 10. A: Where do you live? B: In Boston. A: How long … (you/ live) there? B: Five years. A: Where … (you/ live) before that? B: In Chicago. A: And how long … (you/ live) in Chicago? B: Two years.
7.7. Выберите правильную временную форму.
E.g. Everything is going well. We didnt have / havent had any problems so far.
1. Margaret didnt go / hasnt gone to work yesterday. She wasnt feeling well. 2. Look! That man over there wears / is wearing the same sweater as you. 3. Your son is much taller than when I last saw him. He grew / has grown a lot. 4. I still dont know what to do. I didnt decide / havent decided yet. 5. I wonder why Jim is / is being so nice to me today. He isnt usually like that. 6. Jane had a book open in front of her but she didnt read / wasnt reading it. 7. I wasnt very busy. I didnt have / wasnt having much to do. 8. Tim wasnt happy in his new job at first but he begins / is beginning to enjoy it now. 9. After leaving school, Jack found / has found it difficult to get a new job. 10. When Sue heard the news, she wasnt / hasnt been very pleased. 11. Where are you coming / do you come from? Are you American? 12. “Ann has gone out.” “Oh, has she? What time did she go / has she gone?”
Unit 8. Modal verbs
Модальные глаголы используются для того, чтобы показать отношение говорящего к действию или состоянию, выраженному инфинитивом. Эта группа имеет ряд отличий от остальных глаголов:
- модальные глаголы не имеют неличных форм;
- не образуют аналитические временные формы;
- не имеют окончание s в 3-ем лице ед. числа;
- присоединяют инфинитив без частицы to;
- образуют отрицательную и вопросительную формы без вспомогательных глаголов;
- имеют сокращенную отрицательную форму.
- большинство модальных глаголов относятся к настоящему или будущему, только can имеет форму прошедшего времени - could.
Should выражает:
1. Совет или пожелание, чтобы лицо-подлежащее предложения выполнило действие, обозначенное инфинитивом: You should be more polite to him.
Shouldnt выражает совет так не поступать: You shouldnt go there.
2. Предположение что действие происходит; ожидание, что действие совершится в будущем: The shop should be open now. He should come any minute.
Must выражает:
1. Острую необходимость того, что лицо-подлежащее предложения должно, обязано совершить действие, выраженное инфинитивом. Обычно эта необходимость исходит от самого человека, «изнутри»: I must hurry.
Осторожно! В сочетании со 2-м лицом такое предложение будет звучать как приказ: You must help me. Лучше сказать: Could you help me?
Однако, you must может выражать настоятельную рекомендацию: You must see the Monet exhibition. Its wonderful.
Mustnt означает запрет: You mustnt do it.
Have to выражает сильную необходимость «извне» - по закону, правилу или чьему-то приказу: I have to come to university at 8.30. You have to have a driving license if you want to drive a car.
Dont have to выражает отсутствие такой необходимости (не нужно, не обязательно): You dont have to do the washing-up. Ive got a dishwasher.
8.1. Исправьте ошибки.
8.2. Закончите предложения модальными глаголами must или have to (в правильной форме). В некоторых предложениях оба модальных глагола возможны.
E.g. Its later than I thought. I must/have to go now.
8.3. Закончите предложения с помощью don't / doesn't / didn't have to и одним из глаголов, данных в таблице.
do get up go go pay shave wait work |
E.g. I'm not working tomorrow, so I don't have to get up early.
1. The car park is free you … to park your car there.
7. A man was slightly injured in the accident but he … to hospital.
8.4. Закончите предложения с помощью mustn't, don't/doesn't have to.
1. I don't want anyone to know. You ... tell anyone.
2. He ... wear a suit to work but he usually does.
3. I can stay in bed tomorrow morning because I … go to work.
4. Whatever you do, you … touch that switch. It's very dangerous.
5. There's a lift in the building, so we … сlimb the stairs.
6. You … forget what I told you. It's very important.
7. Sue … get up early. She gets up early because she wants to.
8. Don't make so much noise. We … wake the baby.
9. I … eat too much. I'm supposed to be on a diet.
10. You … be a good player to enjoy a game of tennis.
Unit 9. First Conditional
Сложноподчиненные предложения
с придаточными времени и условия.
Придаточные предложения времени отвечают на вопросы when? когда?, since when? с каких пор?, how long? как долго?. Они соединяются с главным предложением союзами when (когда) , as soon as (как только), while (в то время как), after (после того как), before (до того как), till (пока) , until (до тех пор пока не):
E.g. When the cat is away, the mice will play.
В придаточных предложениях времени глагол в будущем времени не употребляется: Future Simple заменяется на Present Simple:
E.g. As soon as I come back, Ill call you.
Условные предложения
Условное придаточное предложение является частью сложноподчиненного предложения, где главное выражает следствие условия, заключенного в придаточном. Условные предложения могут выражать реальное и нереальное условие, а главное предложение, соответственно, может выражать реальное и нереальное следствие.
Придаточные предложения условия соединяются с главным предложением союзами if (если), in case (в случае), unless (если …не) и некоторыми другими.
E.g. He wont go there unless he is invited.
Сложноподчиненные предложения первого типа (реальное условие) выражают вероятный и возможный результат в будущем:
E.g. You'll get wet if you dont take an umbrella.
В условных предложениях первого типа в главном предложении используется Future Simple (простое будущее время) со вспомогательным глаголом will, а в придаточном предложении используется Present Simple (простое настоящее время). Если придаточное стоит в начале предложения, то после него ставится запятая. Если главное стоит в начале предложения, то запятая после него не ставится:
E.g. If I work hard, Ill pass my exam.
Ill pass my exam if I work hard.
9.1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Future Simple. Все предложения относятся к будущему.
E.g. Dont go away until mother comes back. (come)
1. Give her the note as soon as she … (come). 2. I wont speak to Mary if I … her today (see). 3. Peter … (introduce) us to his friend as soon as we meet them. 4. Well take some urgent steps before the situation … (become) hopeless. 5. I …(ask) him about it when I see him. 6. Shell come to the party if she … time (have). 7. He … (go) fishing tomorrow if the weather … fine (be). 8. Teds father … (not lend) him any money until he … (learn) not to waste it. 9. She … (return) the book to you when she … (read) it. 10. If he … (not come) we … (start) without him. 11. If she … (not be) well, we … (not go) swimming. 12. If you … (miss) the 10.30 train, there is another at 10.35. 13. Come on! Hurry up! Ann … (be) annoyed if we … (be) late. 14. … (I / see) you before you …(start)? 15. … (you / be) lonely without me while I … (be) away?
9.2. Составьте предложения, используя приведенные фразы.
E.g. If you dont take a taxi, youll miss the train.
1. get up very early |
a. not be able to buy a car |
2. eat the whole cake |
b. we / go swimming |
3. take this medicine |
c. see the sunrise |
4. doesnt save his money |
d. his father / get furious |
5. forgets his promises |
e. have problems with the police |
6. dont work hard now |
f. work in the City |
7. drinks any more bear |
g. not pass your exam in a week |
8. moves to London |
h. not catch a cold |
9. not rain today |
i. definitely fall ill |
9.3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple, Present Continuous или Future Simple.
1. It … (be) cold in autumn. It often … (rain). A cold wind often … (blow). 2. The weather … (be) fine today. It … (be) warm, the sun … (shine) brightly. A soft wind … (blow). Small white clouds … (sail) in the sky. 3. Dont go out: it … (rain) heavily. 4. Take your raincoat with you. Im afraid it … (rain) in the evening and you … (get) wet through if … (not put on) your raincoat. 5. Every spring birds … (come) to our garden and … (sing) in the trees. 6. Listen! Somebody … (sing) in the next room. … (you/hear) her? 7. It … (usually/ not snow) at this time of the year. 8. What … (be) the weather like now? … (it/snow)? No, it … . 9. … (we/go) out of town to ski on Sunday? Yes, we … if it … (snow) this week and if there … (be) a lot of snow everywhere.
Оборот used to произносится как [ju:stə] и используется для выражения привычки, существовавшей в прошлом: He used to play football every Saturday, but now he doesnt. А также для выражения состояния в прошлом: They used to be happy together, but now they fight all the time.
Used to не изменяется по лицам и числам.
I He We They |
used to didnt use to |
smoke like cooking |
Вопросительные предложения образуются, как и у обычных глаголов, при помощи вспомогательного did: What did you use to do? Этот же вспомогательный глагол используется в кратких ответах: Did you use to smoke a lot? Yes, I did./ No, I didnt.
1. Оборот обычно не используется в вопросительной форме. Вопрос чаще задают в Past Simple, а отвечают, используя оборот used to: Did you go dancing when you were young? Of course, we did. We used to go dancing every weekend.
2. С оборотом часто используется слово never.
3. Не путайте с глаголом use [ju:z]: I use a knife to cut an apple.
4. Для оборота used to нет соответствий в настоящем времени.
5. Для действий, произошедших только однократно в прошлом, используется Past Simple: Last night I drank champagne.
Функции инфинитива
1. Инфинитив может использоваться в предложении в качестве обстоятельства цели (отвечает на вопрос Why? Зачем? Для чего?): I am learning English to get a good job.
2. Инфинитив используется в качестве подлежащего после некоторых прилагательных:
Im |
pleased/ surprised |
to see you |
Its |
hard / important |
to learn Chinese |
3. Инфинитив в качестве дополнения используется после вопросительных слов: Can you tell me how to get to the station? I dont know who to speak to. Show me what to do.
4. Инфинитив в качестве определения используется после неопределенных местоимений: I have nothing to give you. Have you got anything else to say? There was nobody there to show him how to do it. (см.Приложение3.Таб.4,5)
10.1. Дополните предложения, используя оборот used to... + подходящий глагол.
E.g. Tom gave up smoking last year. He used to smoke 40 cigarettes a day.
10.2. Переделайте предложения по образцу.
E.g. It's difficult to understand him. He is difficult to understand.
1. It's quite easy to use this machine. This machine is … .
2. It was very difficult to open the window. The window … .
3. It's impossible to translate some words. Some words … .
4. It's not safe to stand on that chair. That chair … .
5. It's expensive to maintain a car. A … .
10.3. Дополните предложения, используя прилагательное в скобках.
E.g. I couldn't answer the question, (difficult) It was a difficult question to answer.
1. Everybody makes that mistake, (easy). It's an … .
2. I like living in this place, (nice). It's a … .
3. We enjoyed watching the game, (good). It was … .
10.4. Дополните предложения приведенными словами.
sorry/hear glad/hear delighted/get surprised/see |
E.g. We were delighted to get your letter last week.
10.5. Дополните предложения подходящим по смыслу глаголом.
E.g. The President has a team of bodyguards to protect him.
Unit 11. Passives
Страдательный залог
Образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в соответствующем лице и числе и причастия прошедшего времени (третьей формы) основного глагола. (см.Приложение3.Таб.9)
Правила использования времен в страдательном залоге такие же, как и для действительного залога.
Глагол в действительном залоге сообщает то, что делает подлежащее.
Глагол в страдательном залоге сообщает о том, что происходит с подлежащим.
Страдательный залог используется тогда, когда деятель неизвестен или не важен: The soup was finished in silence.
Когда деятель все же называется, существительное вводится при помощи предлога by: This house was built by my grandfather.
Для того, чтобы перевести предложение из действительного залога в страдательный, мы меняем местами подлежащее и дополнение, а также форму глагола: Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. - Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
Если в предложении имеется два дополнения человек и предмет, то при переводе в страдательный залог именно человек, а не предмет становится подлежащим: She gave me a book for my birthday. - I was given a book for my birthday.
В английском языке страдательный залог употребляется гораздо чаще, чем в русском, так как эту форму образуют все переходные глаголы. В русском же языке перевести в страдательный залог можно только предложения с прямым дополнением. Например, эти предложения нельзя перевести на русский буквально: Peter was looked at. He was shown the way.
На русский язык английские предложения в страдательном залоге можно перевести при помощи:
1) неопределенно-личных предложений: Дома строят из камня.
2) глаголов с частицей ся: Дома строятся.
3) быть + краткая форма страдательного причастия: Дом был построен.
11.1. Дополните предложения недостающей формой глагола в действительном или страдательном залоге.
Active |
Passive |
E.g.: Doctors have given new hearts to seven people. |
Seven people have been given new hearts. |
1. Today Americas tobacco industry makes over $4.2 billion a year. |
Today over $4.2 billion ____ by Americas tobacco industry. |
2. Where __ they __ good wines? |
Where are good wines produced? |
3. The Swedes invented chewing gum. |
Chewing gum ___ by the Swedes. |
4. What____ they ____ these shoes of? |
What were these shoes made of? |
5. Have we eaten all the sandwiches? |
____ all the sandwiches ____ ? |
6. He ________ her purse from the bag. |
Her purse hasnt been stolen from the bag. |
7. We wont listen to his speech. |
His speech _____________ . |
8. They _________ at the little boy. |
The little boy will be laughed at. |
9. The teacher should explain difficult rules. |
Difficult rules ____________.by the teacher. |
10. ____we ____ or ____ this door to open it? |
Should this door be pulled or pushed to open it? |
11.2. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в правильную форму действительного или страдательного залога.
E.g. My car was stolen (steal) last night.
Joseph Ford, the politician who (a)_______(kidnap) last week as he was driving to his office, (b)_______(release) unharmed. He (c)______ (examine) by a doctor last night, and (d)_______(say) to be in good health. Mr Ford (e) ______ (find) walking along a small country lane early yesterday evening. A farmer (f)_______(see) him, recognized who it was, and (g)_______(contact) the police. When his wife (h)_______ (tell) the news, she said, 'I am delighted and relieved that my husband (i) ______(find).' Acting on information received, the police made several arrests, and a man (j) _______(question) in connection with the kidnapping.
11.3. Дополните предложения одним из данных в таблице глаголов в правильной форме.
cause damage hold include invite make overtake show translate write |
E.g. Many accidents are caused by dangerous driving.
1. Cheese … from milk. 2. The roof of the building ... in a storm a few days ago. 3. There's no need to leave a tip. Service … in the bill. 4. You … to the wedding. Why didn't you go? 5. A cinema is a place where films … . 6. In the United States, elections for President … every four years. 7. Originally the book … in Spanish and a few years ago it … into English. 8. We were driving along quite fast but we … by lots of other cars.
11.4. Составьте вопросы в страдательном залоге. Некоторые из них относятся к настоящему времени, а некоторые к прошедшему.
1. when /invent / the telephone? |
4. when / discover / Australia? |
2. how / make / glass? |
5. what / use for / silver? |
3. when / invent / television? |
11.5. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках в Present Simple или Past Simple, действительного или страдательного залога.
6. The boat … (sink) quickly but fortunately everybody … (rescue).
7. Ron's parents … (die) when he was very young. He and his sister … (bring) up by their grandparents.
8. I was born in London but I … (grow) up in the north of England.
9. While I was on holiday, my camera … (steal) from my hotel room.
11.6. Передайте следующие предложения в страдательном залоге.
E.g. The farmer is building a new barn. A new barn is being built by the farmer.
1. Someone is helping her with the housework. 2. You must put out your cigarettes. 3. My friend sent me an invitation. 4. They speak Italian in Italy. 5. They didnt choose him as the best actor of the year. 6. You can improve your health with more exercise. 7. The secretary has given Mrs Jones some letters. 8. Where will they build a new library? 9. Why did they laugh at him? 10. If they send for you do not refuse to come. 11. Nobody accused him of stealing the money.
11.7. Передайте следующие предложения в действительном залоге. Введите любые подходящие подлежащие, где необходимо.
E.g. The doctor was sent for. They sent for the doctor.
1. Coca Cola is still made in Dallas, Texas. 2. Who are these notes written by?
3. Walkman cassette players were developed by the Japanese. 4. The business was bought by a man called Asa Candler. 5. Twenty Concords have been made at a cost of $55 million. 6. No Beetles have been made in Europe since 1974.
7. Many people will be given new hearts. 8. Can this rule be explained again?
9. Were they shocked by Miss de Beaumonts generosity? 10. Smoking shouldnt be allowed in hospitals. 11. He has been brought up to be polite.
11.8. Составьте вопросы к выделенным словам в страдательном залоге.
E.g. Columbus discovered America. Who was America discovered by?
1. We keep money in a safe. 2. They speak English all over the world. 3. They have taken his aunt to hospital. 4. The boys damaged the television. 5. Da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa. 6. He invited thirty people to his party. 7. They grow bananas in Africa. 8. They will advertise the product on television. 9. You should water this plant daily. 10. They laughed at him because he was scruffy. 11. The students are writing a test now.
11.9. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в правильной форме действительного или страдательного залога.
1. The new theatre … (open) in that city last month.
2. Three people … (kill) in the car accident yesterday.
3. A cure for cancer …(not / find) yet.
4. The article … (translate) into Russian now, it …(publish) as soon as they…(return) it.
5. Our office … (decorate) for the celebration and looks cheerful.
6. Sometimes mistakes … (make). It is inevitable.
7. If you … (offer) a cheap camera, dont buy it, it … (not / work).
8. Ann … (attack) last night when she … (walk) home.
9. British coins … (make) in the Royal Mint.
10. Under safety regulations women … (not / allow) to work underground.
11. The movie … (show) already four times in the cinema.
12. “Is your car still for sale?” “ No, I … (sell) it”.
13. “Is the house at the end of the street still for sale?” “No, it … (sell)”.
14. Its a serious problem. I dont know how it … (can / solve).
15. A new bridge … (build) across the river. Work started last year and the bridge … (open) next year.
Unit 12. Second Conditional
Условные предложения
Условное придаточное предложение является частью сложноподчиненного предложения, где главное выражает следствие условия, заключенного в придаточном. Условные предложения могут выражать реальное и нереальное условие, а главное предложение, соответственно, может выражать реальное и нереальное следствие.
Придаточные предложения условия соединяются с главным предложением союзами if (если), in case (в случае), unless (если …не) и некоторыми другими: He wont go there unless he is invited. He wouldnt cough if he didnt smoke.
Условные предложения первого типа.
If the weather is fine tomorrow, we will go swimming.
Сложноподчиненные предложения первого типа (реальное условие) выражают вероятный и возможный результат в будущем: You'll get wet if you dont take an umbrella.
В условных предложениях первого типа в главном предложении используется Future Simple (простое будущее время) со вспомогательным глаголом will + инфинитив без частицы to, а в придаточном предложении используется Present Simple (простое настоящее время). Если придаточное стоит в начале предложения, то после него ставится запятая. Если главное стоит в начале предложения, то запятая после него не ставится: If I work hard, Ill pass my exam. Ill pass my exam if I work hard.
Условные предложения второго типа.
If I were you, I wouldnt be so rude.
Условные предложения второго типа выражают маловероятное или нереальное условие в настоящем или будущем: If I were prime Minister, Id increase taxes for rich people.
Условные предложения второго типа образуются при помощи использования простого прошедшего времени (Past Simple) в придаточной части и вспомогательного глагола would в главной части предложения: If I had more money, I would built a house.
Вместо глагола was в придаточном предложении обычно используется were: If I were you, Id go to bed.
Правила пунктуации такие же, как и для условных предложений первого типа.
12.1. Поставьте глагол в правильную форму.
E.g. They would be rather offended if I didnt go to see them. (not/go)
If you took more exercise, you would feel better. (feel)
12.2. Используйте информацию в скобках, чтобы задать своему другу вопрос What would you do if...?
E.g. (Maybe one day your friend will win a lot of money.)
What would you do if you won a lot of money?
1. (Your friend's car has never been stolen but perhaps one day it will be.) 2. (Perhaps one day your friend will lose his/her passport.) 3. (There has never been a fire in the building.) 4. (Perhaps he/she will be late for his/her wedding ceremony.) 5. (Perhaps one day he /she will be invited to a TV program.)
12.3. Ответьте на вопросы, следуя образцу.
E.g. A: Shall we catch the 10.30 train? B: No. (arrive / too early) ...
If we caught the 10.30 train, wed arrive too early.
1. A: Is Ken going to take the exam?
B: No. (fail) If he ...
2. A: Why don't we stay at a hotel?
B: No. (cost too much money) If …
3. A: Is Sally going to apply for the job?
B: No. (not / get it) If ...
4. A: Let's tell them the truth.
B: No. (not / believe us) If …
5. A: Why don't we invite Bill to the party?
B: No. (have to invite his friends too) If …
12.4. Дополните предложения.
1. If you took more exercise, ... |
4.Would you go to the party if … |
2. If I didn't go to work tomorrow, … |
5. If you bought some new clothes, … |
3. I'd feel very angry if … |
Unit 13. Present Perfect Continuous
Образуется при помощи глагола to be в форме Present Perfect и Participle I основного глагола: have been doing.
Утвердительная форма + |
I (We/You/They) have been reading since morning |
He (She/It) has been reading since morning |
Вопросительная форма ? |
Have I (We/You/They) been reading since morning? |
Has he(she) been reading since morning? |
Отрицательная форма - |
I (We/You/They) have not been reading since morning |
He (She/It) has not been reading since morning |
1. Обозначает действие, начавшееся в прошлом, продолжавшееся по настоящий момент и все еще идущего. Обычно сопровождается предлогами: since, обозначающим отправную точку: I have been learning English since last summer и for, обозначающим период времени: I have been teaching for 10 years. В этом случае глагол в Present Perfect Continuous переводится на русский язык настоящим временем.
2. Обозначает действие в развитии, которое недавно или только что закончилось: The ground is wet. It has been raining. В этом случае глагол в Present Perfect Continuous переводится на русский язык глаголом в прошедшем времени несовершенного вида.
Present Perfect Simple and Continuous
1. Мы часто используем длительное время c вопросом How long?: How long have you been learning English?
Простое время часто используется с вопросами How much? How many?: How many pages have you read?
2. Используя длительное время, мы интересуемся самой деятельностью: My hands are very dirty. Ive been repairing the car.
Используя простое время, мы интересуемся результатом: The car is OK again now. Ive repaired it.
3. C глаголами live and work можно употреблять любое время: Tom has lived in London for a long time. Tom has been living in London for a long time.
4. Помните, что ряд глаголов не употребляется в длительных временах!
like love hate want need prefer know realize suppose mean understand believe recognize be remember belong contain consist depend seem find see hear smell taste feel have (принадлежность) |
13.1. К каждой ситуации напишите по два предложения (Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous) .
E.g. Tom started reading a book two hours ago. He is still reading it and now he is on page 53. (read / for two hours) ...(read / 53 pages so far) ...
Tom has been reading for two hours. Tom has read 53 pages so far.
1. Linda is from Australia. She is travelling round Europe at the moment. She began her tour three months ago. (travel / for three months) … (visit / six countries so far) … 2. Jimmy is a tennis player. He began playing tennis when he was ten years old. This year he is the national champion again - for the fourth time. (win / the national championship four times) … (play / tennis since he was ten) … . 3. When they left college, Mary and Sue started making films together. They still make films. (make / ten films since they left college) … (make / films since they left college)
13. 2. Для каждой ситуации задайте вопросы, используя слова в скобках (Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous) .
E.g. You have a friend who is learning Arabic. You ask: (how long/ learn / Arabic?).... How long have you been learning Arabic?
1. You have just arrived to meet a friend. She is waiting for you. You ask: (how long/wait?)
2. You see somebody fishing by the river. You ask: (how many fish / catch?)
3. Some friends of yours are having a party next week. You ask: (how many people / invite?)
4. A friend of yours is a teacher. You ask: (how long/ teach?)
5. You meet somebody who is a writer. You ask: (how many books / write?) (how long / write / books?)
6. A friend of yours is saving money to go on holiday. You ask: (how long/ save?) (how much money / save?)
13.3. Поставьте глагол в правильное время (Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous).
7. “Sorry I'm late.” “That's all right. I … (not/wait) long.” 8. “Is it still raining?” “No, it … (stop).” 9. I … (lose) my address book. … (you/see) it anywhere? 10. I … (read) the book you lent me but I … (not/finish) it yet. 11. I … (read) the book you lent me, so you can have it back now.
Unit 14. Past Perfect
Прошедшее завершенное
Образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола had и основного глагола в форме прошедшего причастия. В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим. В отрицательной форме частица not ставится после вспомогательного глагола.
Утвердительная форма + |
I (You/ We/They) had visited/seen by 5 oclock yesterday He (She/It) |
Вопросительная формa ? |
I (you/we/they) Had she (he/it) visited/seen by 5 oclock yesterday? |
Отрицательная форма - |
I (You/ We/They) had not visited/seen by 5 oclock yesterday He (She/It) |
Past Perfect (прошедшее завершенное) употребляется:
1. Для выражения прошедшего действия, которое уже совершилось до определенного момента в прошлом. Этот момент может быть указан обстоятельством времени: by 5 oclock к 5 часам, by that time к тому времени, by the end of the year к концу года и др., а также перед предлогом before и после предлога after: She had left by the 1st of June. After she had cried, she felt easier. He was nervous because he had never flown before.
2. Для выражения прошедшего действия, которое уже завершилось до другого, более позднего прошедшего действия, выраженного глаголом в Past Simple: When Sarah arrived at the party, Paul had already gone home.
Глаголы движения и чувственного восприятия обычно не употребляются в Past Perfect: When he heard the song, he recognized it at once.
When he came home, he found his mother in an evening dress.
14.1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Perfect.
1. By two o'clock the teacher (to examine) all the students. 2. On my way to school I (to remember) that I (to leave) my report at home. 3. All my friends (to be) glad to hear that I (to pass) all the examinations successfully. 4. Poor Oliver (to lie) unconscious on the spot where Sikes (to leave) him. 5. He (to open) his eyes, (to look) around and (to try) to remember what (to happen) to him. 6. All the passengers (to see) at once that the old man (to travel) a great deal in his life. 7. By the time we (to come) to see him, he (to return) home. 8. During the holidays my friend (to visit) the village where he (to live) in his childhood. 9. When they (to enter) the hall, the performance already (to begin). 10. When I came home, my mother (to tell) me that she (to receive) a letter from grandfather.
14.2. Поставьте глаголы, выделенные курсивом в нужное прошедшее время: Past Simple, Past Perfect или Past Continuous .
I travel all over the country in my job and whenever I take the train to Scotland, I remember the story about the man whose wife (1) have just a baby. He work (2) in London at the time but he live (3) in Newcastle, which is in the north-east of England, not far from the Scottish border. As soon as he hear (4) the news, he rush (5) to King's Cross Station. He bought his ticket and then, just before he jump (6) on the first train north, he ring (7) his wife to say he would soon be with her. He be (8) so excited at the news that he tell (9) the woman who sit (10) in the same compartment. She ask (11) him if he lived in Edinburgh, as that was where the train go (12), and was surprised to hear that he lived in Newcastle. 'But this train doesn't stop at Newcastle,' she rеply (13). 'It goes straight to Edinburgh.' When the man hear (14) this, he run (15) to the front of the train to speak to the driver. After telling him his story, he beg (16) him to stop the train at Newcastle. He even offer (17) him money, but the driver still refuse (18). However, he agree (19) to slow the train down to 15 m.p.h. so that the man could jump off. An hour later, as the train approach (20) Newcastle Station, the ticket-collector hold (21) the man out of the window and he begin (22) running in mid-air. When they reach (23) the station, the ticket-collector gently drop (24) the man onto the platform and he run (25) very fast along it. The guard, at the back of the train, see (26) a man running along the platform. He put out (27) his hand and pull (28) the man onto the train. 'Lucky I see (29) you,' say (30) the guard. 'You almost miss (31) the train.'
Reported Speech
Косвенная речь
При переводе прямой речи в косвенную в английском языке необходимо соблюдать следующие правила:
1. меняются по смыслу личные, указательные и притяжательные местоимения: She said: “I dont know where my key is” She said she didnt know where her key was.
2. применяется правило согласования времен, то есть все времена «сдвигаются» на один план назад:
Present Simple Past Simple: writes - wrote
Present Continuous Past Continuous: is writing - was writing
Present Perfect Past Perfect: has written had written
Past simple Past Perfect: wrote - had written
will would: will write would write; can could
3. изменяются обстоятельства времени:
Direct Speech |
Indirect Speech |
Direct Speech |
Indirect Speech |
today |
that day |
here |
there |
yesterday |
the day before |
now |
then |
tomorrow |
the next day |
last year |
the year before |
…ago |
…before |
next … |
the following … |
this |
that |
4. Утвердительные предложения при переводе в косвенную речь вводятся словами said/told + that + замена времени + местоимение по смыслу + наречие: She said:” I saw this film” She said that she had seen that film.
5. Специальные вопросы вводятся словом asked + прямой порядок слов: She asked: “When do you go there?” She asked when I went there.
6. Общие вопросы вводятся словом asked + if +прямой порядок слов: She asked: “Have you seen this film?” She asked if I had seen that film.
7. глагол, стоящий в повелительном наклонении в прямой речи, переводится в косвенную речь с помощью инфинитива:
She asked: “Open the door” She asked to open the door.
She said: “ Dont open the door, please” She asked not to open the door.
Не путайте глаголы say and tell!
Tell употребляется, если указан адресат сообщения (кому?):
E.g. He told me that he loved Mary.
Say непосредственно передает сообщение (что?):
E.g. She said that they were happy together.
14.3. Прочтите диалог между доктором и молодой пациенткой и дополните историю болезни, написанную доктором.
Doctor: Well, what seems to be the trouble?
Laura: I feel fine, but my parents are worried about me. They think I'm acting strangely.
Doctor: Are you sleeping well at night?
Laura: I sleep well, but I wake up very early.
Doctor: And what about meals? Are you eating normally?
Laura: No. I haven't eaten a full meal for a week. I never feel hungry.
Doctor: And has anything happened to upset you? A problem at school or perhaps at home?
Laura: It's not really a problem. But there's a new student at school and ... well, doctor, he's the most wonderful person I've ever met. He's kind, intelligent and so good-looking. I can't think about anything else. His name's Steve and he's got a motorcycle ...
Doctor: Well, young lady, I don't think there's really very much the matter with you.
Case notes
The patient said she (1)………, but that her parents (2)………. She said they (3)………. When I asked about her sleeping patterns, she said she (4)………, but (5)………. Her eating patterns are also irregular. She said (6)……… a full meal for a week and that she never (7)………. When I asked if something was worrying her, she said there (8)……… at school. My diagnosis is that the patient is in love.
14.4. Прочтите отрывок из письма Лауры к её подруге Сьюзен и закончите диалог.
I couldnt believe it. He came up to me as I was getting on the school bus. He asked me if I was doing anything next weekend. I said I had to go out to lunch with my parents on Sunday, but that apart from that I didnt have any special plans. Then he asked if Id seen the new Harrison Ford film. I said I hadnt, but that my brother had told me that he had really enjoyed it. He asked if I wanted to go and see it with him on Saturday night. And I said that sounded great. He asked what time I wanted to go to the movie and I said I thought 6.00 session was usually less crowded, so he suggested we meet at the cinema at about 5.45 and that we could have a pizza afterwards. I havent decided what to wear yet, but Nicky says I can borrow her new top.
steve: Hi, how are you?
laura: Oh, hi. Fine.
steve: Listen. I was wondering ... Are you doing anything next weekend?
laura: Well (1) … but apart from that (2) … .
steve: Have you seen the new Harrison Ford film?
laura: No, (3) …, but my brother (4) … .
steve: Yes, everyone says it's brilliant. Would you like to go and see it on Saturday night?
laura: That (5) … .
steve: What time do you want to go? At six or at eight?
laura: (6) … the six o'clock session (7) … .
steve: OK. Shall we meet at the cinema at about 5.45? Perhaps we could go for a pizza after the film.
14.5. Лаура пришла домой поздно после встречи со Стивом и её мама рассердилась. Прочтите их разговор и дополните запись в дневнике Лауры.
Mother: What's his name?
Laura: Steve.
Mother: Steve what? What's his surname?
Laura: I don't know.
Mother: Well how did you get to know him?
Laura: He goes to school.
Mother: What year is he in at school?
Laura: Err... I'm not sure. He's a bit older than me.
Mother: How much older is he?
Laura: A couple of years. I think he's about sixteen or seventeen.
Mother: I see. So he's a lot older than you. And where did you go?
Laura: I told you. We went to see a movie.
Mother: What time did the movie finish?
Laura: At about eight o'clock.
Mother: And what did you do after that?
Laura: We went to have a pizza.
Mother: How long were you in the restaurant? It doesn't take four hours to eat a pizza!
Laura: It took quite a long time to get home.
Mother: And how did you get home?
Laura: On Steve's motorcycle, but it broke down on the way.
Mother: On Steve's motorcycle! Listen my girl - that's the last time you go out with this Steve. Just think yourself lucky your father hasn't heard about this!
Dear Diary!
Mum is really angry with me. She says Im not allowed to go out with Steve ever again and all because I got home a bit late. The next morning she wouldnt stop asking me questions. Honestly it was just like a police interrogation! She asked me what (1)……… , and how (2)………. When I said he went to school, she wanted to know (3)………. I didnt want her to find out that hes eighteen, so I just said he was a bit older. But she wasnt happy with that, she wanted to know (4)………. And then we started on what happened that night. She questioned me about where (5)………, what time (6)……… and what (7)……… after the movie. When I said we went to have a pizza, she asked (8)………. And of course she wanted to know how (9)………. When I told her Steve had a motorcycle, she nearly had a fit.
1. John is from New York.
2. My brother works in a bank.
3. We lived in Rostov last year.
4. I usually go swimming at the weekend.
5. We all go to a restaurant on Sunday.
6. Martin is learning French at the moment.
7. Everybody enjoyed the party very much.
8. Sarah gave me a lift after the party.
9. We were tired so we all fell asleep.
10. Please, write your name at the top of the page.
1. I dont usually have to work on Sundays.
2. You always watch television in the evening.
3. He is also learning Italian.
4. That hotel is probably very expensive.
5. I can never remember his name.
6. Steve hardly ever gets angry and rarely shouts.
7. We sometimes meet on Sundays.
8. If you ever see her, say a big hello to her.
9. You should always come to the lecture on time.
10. I am sorry, but they have already left.
1. He is often angry with his naughty children.
2. The unemployed gathered in Central Square yesterday.
3. This love story started romantically in America long ago.
4. I also know a little Spanish.
5. Everybody enjoyed the party very much.
6. I met a friend of mine on my way home.
7. She doesnt usually wear jeans.
8. She gave me a present on my birthday.
1.Which 2.Which 3.What 4.What 5.Which 6.Which 7.Who 8.What 9.What 10.Which 11.What
1. What time did you get up?
2. How old are you?
3. What colour is the door?
4. What size are these shoes?
5. How far is it from Paris to Moscow?/ How many miles is it from Paris to Moscow?
6. How big is your room?
7. What kind of music do you like?/ What sort of music do you like?
8. How far can you run? / How many kilometers can you run?
9. What day is it today?
10. How heavy is this box?
11. What kind of films do you like? / What sort of films do you like?
2.d 3.e 4.g 5.l 6.h 7.j 8.b 9.c 10.a 11.f 12.k
1.speaks 2.drink 3.opens, closes 4.causes 5.live 6.take place 7.leave 8.cures 9.lasts, brings
1. doesnt drink
2. do the banks close
3. does Martin come
4. do you do
5. takes, does it take
6. play, dont play
7. does the word mean
8. leaves
9. do you ever sleep
1. doesnt go 2. doesnt grow 3. rises 4. make 5. dont eat
6. doesnt believe 7. translates 8. doesnt tell 9. flows
1. Which newspaper do you read?
2. Does your sister play tennis?
3. What time do you get up?
4. What does your brother do?
5. How often do you go to the cinema?
6. Where does your mother live?
7. Do you study any foreign languages?
1. are working 2. am looking 3. is getting 4. are staying
5. am coming 6. is starting 7. are making 8. is happening
1. Is Colin working 2. are you looking 3. is she studying
4. Is anybody listening 5. Is it getting 6. is he smiling
1. Im going 2. isnt raining 3. m not enjoying 4. is having
5. m not eating 6. s learning 7. arent speaking
1. is rising 2. is getting 3. is changing 4. is rising; is increasing 5. is getting
1. dont like 2. get 3. sometimes drives; get 4. never get; always waits 5. tells; jump on 6. arent going 7. are meeting
8. am making; is bringing; are bringing 9. rings, do we have
10. doesnt listen, gives 11. rings; always says; are you doing
12. answer; m talking
1. dont eat 2. goes 3. happens 4. shes wearing 5. are you looking 6. usually stay 7. are you doing 8. gets
1. d 2.c 3.f 4.e 5.j 6.a 7.b 8.g 9.h 10.i
1. taught 2. sold 3. drank 4. won 5. fell; hurt 6.threw; caught
7. spent; bought, cost
1. Did you go alone? 2. Was the food good? 3. How long did you stay there? 4. Did you stay at a hotel? 5. How did you travel? 6. Was the weather fine? 7. What did you do in the evening? 8. Did you meet anybody interesting?
1. didnt disturb 2. went 3. didnt sleep 4. didnt eat 5. wasnt
6. laughed 7. flew 8. didnt cost 9. didnt have 10. were
1. am; are waiting 2. were; did you like; enjoyed 3. do you do
4. phones; didnt phone 5. is; is; dont know 6. is happening
7. is; doesnt rain 8. told; didnt believe; thought; was
1. While Ann was revising for her exam, Pete was walking along the street.
2. While she was reading a textbook, Pete was playing computer games.
3. While Ann was learning terms, Pete and his friends were playing football.
4. While Ann was gathering information for her report, he and his girlfriend were sitting in a café.
5. While she was doing sums, he was sleeping.
1. Jane wasnt watching a film on TV. She was clearing up the mess.
2. The twins were not listening to music. They were doing the washing up.
3. His wife wasnt cooking a meal. She was reading magazines.
4. Granny wasnt talking to her friend. She was having a shower.
5. Amy wasnt putting on make up. She was trying on a new dress.
This exercise is self-done.
1. When was everyone having a good time?
2. Who do these paintings belong to?
3. What is she writing at the moment?
4. How often do we have English classes?
5. Why did you go to the shop?
6. Where did Yet Tung come from?
7. What does she like?
8. How many languages can James speak?
1. celebrated 2. arrived 3. saw 4. was 5. entered 6. were dancing 7. were singing
8. was playing 9. was listening 10. were watching 11. were enjoying
1. Did…go; did; bought 2. was doing; was doing 3. Did…play; did; was raining;
4. were playing; began 5. was taking; met; was hurrying 6. did…come; didnt come; stayed 7. came; fell; broke 8. Did…visit; did; was preparing 9. were staying; arrived
1. were you doing 2. Did you go 3. was wearing 4. were you driving; happened
5. took; wasnt looking 6. didnt know 7. saw; was trying 8.was walking; heard; was following; started 9. wanted
1. few 2. little 3. many 4. much 5. many 6. few 7. little
1. little 2. a little 3. a few 4. few 5. little 6. A little 7. little 8. a few
1. any 2. some 3. any 4. any ... some 5. some 6. any 7. any 8. some 9. any 10. any (some is also possible)
1. anything 2. somebody/someone 3. anybody/anyone 4. anything 5. something
6. somebody/someone ... anybody/anyone 7. something ... anybody/anyone 8. Anybody/Anyone 9. anybody/anyone 10. anywhere
1. the 2. the 3. a 4. the 5. - 6. the 7. - 8. - 9. the 10. the
1. Tennis … twice a week … a very good player
2. for dinner …after work … to the cinema
3. an accident …going home
4. the name of the hotel … The Imperial in Queen Street in the city centre …near the station
5. The older one … a pilot …British Airways … The younger one … at school … leaves school … to university … to study Law
1. The sun
3. in the washing-up bowl…
4. the most arrogant
9. the car…
10. the cinema
12. in the country
1. the
2. The ... the
4. the
5. -
1. right
2. the north
3. right
4. the United States
5. The south ... the north
6. right
7. the Channel
8. the Middle East
9. right
10. right
1. In South America
2. The Nile
3. Sweden
4. The United States
5. The Rockies
6. The Mediterranean
7. Australia
8. The Pacific
9. The Indian Ocean
10. The Thames
2. Hyde Park
3. St Jamess Park
4. The Grand Hotel … Baker Street
5. Garwick Airport
6. Liverpool University
7. Harrisons
8. The Ship Inn
9. The Statue of Liberty…New York Harbour
10. The Science Museum
1. to leave 2. buy 3. take 4. to go 5. to be 6. open 7. to get
8. to help 9. eat 10. have 11. to hear 12. to see
1. visiting 2. to do 3. to work; talking 4. cleaning 5. having 6. to go 7. to send
8. reading 9. travelling; flying 10. to come 11. acting; to be 12. working 13. to speak 14. crying / to cry 15. buy 16. see; to take 17. learning
5. 3
1. remembering names
2. eating at home, we went to a restaurant
3. doing nothing
4. telling any of their friends
5. playing well
6. leaving school soon
7. playing tennis tomorrow
8. going out
9. having the same job for ten years
1. solving 2. spending 3. interrupting 4. causing 5. escaping 6. helping
7. coming
1. living 2. to do 3. to help 4. travelling 5. teaching 6. to lose
1. go skiing 2. went swimming 3. goes riding 4. go shopping 5. go sightseeing
1. Im going to watch 2. Ill lend 3. Ill get 4. Im going to wash
5. are you going to paint 6. Im going to buy 7.Ill show 8. Ill have
9. Ill do 10. it is going to fall 11.He is going to have/ hes going to do
1. stronger 2. smaller 3. more expensive 4. hotter 5.more interesting
6. more difficult 7. better 8. happier 9. longer
1. more reliable 2. more serious 3. thinner 4. bigger 5. more interested
6. more important 7. simpler 8. more crowded 9. more peaceful 10. easier 11. higher than
1. larger 2. the longest 3. happier 4. the worst 5. the most popular
6. the highest …higher 7. most enjoyable 8. more comfortable 9. the quickest
1. as hard as my father
2. the most intelligent person
3. a lot more money
4. I am not as old as
5. better than I can
1. older 2. older /elder 3. older 4. older / elder 5. older
1. as high as yours.
2. You dont know as much about cars as me. or … as I do.
3. It isnt as cold today as it was yesterday.
4. I dont feel as tired as I felt yesterday.
5. They havent lived here as long as us. or …as we have.
1. than him / than he does
2. as me / as I do
3. than us / than we were
4. than her / than she is
5. as them / as they have been
1. more mountainous - most mountainous
2. as big than - as big as
3. more tasty - the tastiest
4. more bad - worse
5. more dry - drier
1. Ive bought a new car.
2. My father has started a new job.
3. I have given up smoking.
4. Charles and Sarah have gone to Brazil.
5. Suzanne has had a baby.
1. He has lost his key. |
4. He has grown a beard. |
2. She has broken her leg. |
5. The letter(It) has arrived. |
3. Her English has improved. |
6. The bus fare has gone up. |
1. … he has just gone out.
2. I havent finished yet.
3. I have already done it.
4. Have you found a job yet?
5. … she has just come back.
1. gone 2. been 3. gone 4. gone 5. been
1. The weather has been cold recently.
2. It was cold last week.
3. I didnt read a newspaper yesterday.
4. I havent read a newspaper today.
5. Ann has earned a lot of money this year.
6. She didnt earn so much last year.
7. Have you had a holiday recently?
1. got …was …went
2. Have you washed it?
3. wasnt
4. worked
5. has lived
6. Did you go … was … was
7. died … never met
8. have never met him
9. Im afraid he has gone out. When exactly did he go out?
10. How long have you lived there? Where did you live before that? And how long did you live in Chicago?
1. didnt go |
5. is |
9. found |
2. is wearing |
6. wasnt reading |
10. wasnt |
3. has grown |
7. didnt have |
11. do you come |
4. havent decided |
8. is beginning |
12. did she go |
1. I can sing.
2. I would like to travel more.
3. He should work harder.
4. Could you tell me the time.
5. I had to work last Saturday and Sunday.
1. had to 2. have to 3. must/have to 4. had to 5. must/have to 6. have to
7. had to 8. has to 9. have to 10. had to 11. has had to
1. dont have to pay 2. didnt have to wait 3. doesnt have to work 4. dont have to go 5. doesnt have to shave 6. dont have to do 7. didnt have to go
1. mustnt 2. doesnt have to 3. dont have to 4. mustnt 5. dont have to
6. mustnt 7. doesnt have to 8. mustnt 9. mustnt 10. dont have to
1. comes |
6. has |
11. isnt; wont go |
2. see |
7. will go; is |
12. miss |
3. will introduce |
8. wont lend; learns |
13. will be; are |
4. becomes |
9. will return; reads |
14. Will I see; start |
5. will ask |
10. doesnt come; will start |
15. Will you be; am |
1. If you (I, we, they) get up very early, (c) you (I, we, they) will see the sunrise.
2. If you (I, we, they) eat the whole cake, (i) you (I, we, they) will definitely fall ill.
3. If you (I, we, they)take this medicine, (h) you (I, we, they) wont catch a cold.
4. If he doesnt save his money, (a) he wont be able to buy a car.
5. If he forgets his promises, (d) his father will be furious.
6. If you dont work hard now, (g) you wont pass your exam in a week.
7. If he (she) drinks any more beer, (e) he (she) will have problems with the police.
8. If he (she) moves to London, (f) he (she) will work in the City.
9. If it doesnt rain today, (b) we will go swimming.
1. is; rains; blows |
6. is singing; Do you hear… |
2. is; is; is shining; is blowing; are sailing |
7. doesnt usually snow |
3. is raining |
8. is; Is it snowing; isnt |
4. will rain; will get; dont put on |
9. Are we going; are; snows; is |
5. come; sing |
1. used to have/ used to ride
2. used to live
3. used to like/ used to love/ used to eat
4. used to be
5. used to take
6. used to be
7. did you use to go
1. This machine is quite easy to use.
2. The window was very difficult to open.
3. Some words are impossible to translate.
4. The chair isnt safe to stand on.
5. A car is expensive to maintain.
1. Its an easy mistake to make.
2. Its a nice place to live in.
3. It was a good game to watch.
1. am/was glad to hear
2. were surprised to see
3. am/was sorry to hear
1. to read
2. to walk
3. to drink
4. to put/to carry
5. to discuss/to consider/to talk about
6. to buy/to get
7. to talk/to speak
8. to wear/to put on
9. to celebrate
1. are made 2. do … produce 3. was invented 4. did … make 5. Have …been eaten 6. hasnt stolen 7. wont be listened to 8. will laugh 9. should be explained 10. Should …pull…push
a. was kidnapped |
f. saw |
b. is released |
g. contacted |
c. was examined |
h. was told |
d. was said |
i. has been found |
e. was found |
j. was questioned |
1. is made |
5. are shown |
2. was damaged |
6. are held |
3. is included |
7. was written; was translated |
4. were invited |
8. were overtaken |
1. When was the telephone invented? |
4. When was Australia discovered? |
2. How is glass made? |
5. What is silver used for? |
3. When was television invented? |
1. are employed |
6. sank; was rescued |
2. covers |
7. died; were brought up |
3. is covered |
8. grew |
4. are locked |
9. was stolen |
5. was posted; arrived |
10. disappeared |
1. She is being helped with the housework.
2. Your cigarettes must be put out.
3. I was sent an invitation by my friend.
4. Italian is spoken in Italy.
5. He wasnt chosen as the best actor of the year.
6. Your health can be improved with more exercises.
7. Mrs Jones has been given some letters by the secretary.
8. Where will a new library be built?
9. Why was he laughed at?
10. If you are sent for do not refuse to come.
11. He wasnt accused of stealing the money.
1. They still make Coca Cola in Dallas, Texas.
2. Who writes these notes?
3. The Japanese developed walkman cassette players.
4. A man called Asa Candler bought the business.
5. They have made twenty Concords at a cost of $55 million.
6. They have made no Beetles in Europe since 1974 / They havent made any Beatles in Europe since 1974.
7. Doctors will give new hearts to many people.
8. Can you explain this rule again?
9. Did Miss de Beaumonts generosity shock them?
10. They shouldnt allow smoking in hospitals.
11. Parents have brought him up to be polite.
1. Where is the money kept?
2. What language is spoken all over the world?
3. Who has been taken to hospital?
4. What was damaged by the boys?
5. Who was the Mona Lisa painted by?
6. How many people were invited to his party?
7. Where are bananas grown?
8. Where will the product be advertised?
9. How often should this plant be watered?
10. Why was he laughed at?
11. What is being written now?
1. was opened 2. were killed 3. has not been found 4. is being translated / will be published / return 5. has been decorated 6. are made 7. are offered / will not work
8. was attacked / was walking 9. are made 10. are not allowed 11. has already been showed 12. have sold 13. has been sold 14. can be solved 15. is being built / will be opened
1. would take |
6. would be |
2. refused |
7. didnt come |
3. wouldnt get |
8. borrowed |
4. closed down |
9. walked |
5. pressed |
10. would understand |
1. What would you do if your car was/were stolen?
2. What would you do if you lost your passport?
3. What would you do if there was/were a fire in the building?
4. What would you do if you were late for your wedding ceremony?
5. What would do if you were invited to a TV program?
1. If he took examination, he would fail.
2. If we stayed at a hotel, it would cost too much money.
3. If she applied for the job, she wouldnt get it.
4. If we told them the truth, they wouldnt believe us.
5. If we invited Bill to the party, we would have to invite his friends too.
1. Linda has been travelling for three months.
She has visited six countries so far.
2. Jimmy has won the national championship four times.
He has been playing since he was ten.
3. Mary and Sue have made ten films since they left college.
They have been making films since they left college.
1. How long have you been waiting?
2. How many fish have you caught?
3. How many people have you invited?
4. How long have you been teaching?
5. How many books have you written? How long have you been writing books?
6. How long have you been saving? How much money have you saved?
1. Have you been playing |
6. has appeared |
2. has broken |
7. have not been waiting |
3. Have you been working |
8. has stopped |
4. Have you ever worked |
9. have lost; Have you seen |
5. has she gone |
10. have been reading; have not finished |
11. have read |
1. had examined
2. remembered, had left
3. were, had passed
4. lied, had left
5. opened, looked, tried, had happened
6. saw, had travelled
7. came, had returned
8. visited, had lived
9. entered, had begun
10. told, had received
1. had had
2. was working
3. lived
4. heard
5. rushed
6. jumped
7. had rung
8. was
9. told
10. was sitting
11. asked
12. was going
13. replied
14. heard
15. ran
16. begged
17. offered
18. refused
19. agreed
20. was approaching
21. held
22. began
23. reached
24. dropped
25. was running
26. saw
27. put out
28. pulled
29. had seen
30. said
31. had missed
1. felt fine |
5. she woke up very early |
2. were worried about her |
6. hadnt eaten |
3. thought she was acting strangely |
7. felt |
4. slept well |
8. was a new student |
1. I have to go out to lunch with my parents on Sunday
2. I dont have any special plans
3. I havent
4. told me that he really enjoyed it
5. sound great
6. I think
7. is usually less crowded
1. his name was
2. old he was
3. what year he was in at school
4. how much older he was
5. we had gone
6. the movie had finished
7. we had done
8. how long we had been in the restaurant
9. I had got home
Stop and Check 1
Units 1-4
Порядок слов в утвердительном предложении.
1. plays\ piano\ she\ the\ nicely
2. small\ Ann\ a\brown\ has\ table\ got
3. gave\ he\ me\ ring\ gold\ a
4. I \ at\ every\ six\ oclock\ day\ swimming\ go
5. by taxi\ to work\ usually\ comes\ he
6. room\ Mary\ a\ is\ now\ cleaning
7. playing\ the\ in\ children\ at\ moment\ are\ garden\ the
8. When\ home\ came\ I\ children\ TV\ watching\ the\were.
16 |
II. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам. Например:
They went to Italy last year.
Where did they go last year?
1. It costs ten pounds.
2. Mrs Brown wants to see Sally.
3. We are going to leave at 6 p.m.
4. They are Mr. Smiths children.
5. Margaret was in Australia last year.
16 |
III. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
Sally(1) ... (live) in Madrid. She (2) … (move) there when she was 25 years old. After she(3) … (leave) university in 1988 she decided to leave England and go to work abroad. One day while she (4) … ( read) a newspaper, she saw a job advertised for a teacher in Madrid. She decided to get a job. At the moment she (5) … (work) at a primary school. She (6) … (teach) a lot of students. Today Sally (7) … (teach) her favourite class. She always(8) … (enjoy) her lessons.
16 |
Have\ have got.
IV. Ответьте на вопросы о семье и о себе. Дайте краткие ответы. Например: Do you have a camera? Yes, I do.
1. Does your sister\ brother have a CD player?
2. Has your father got a car?
3. Do you have a good English accent?
4. Have your grandparents got a garden?
V. Напишите 3 формы неправильных глаголов.
Например: be- was\were-been.
1 |
heard |
2 |
leave |
3 |
caught |
4 |
bring |
5 |
bought |
6 |
broke |
7 |
feel |
8 |
fallen |
9 |
begun |
10 |
put |
10 |
VI. Закончите предложения, вставив предлог, где необходимо.
1. My parents like listening … the Beatles.
2. What are you looking … ? I lost my key.
3. I am waiting … a postwoman.
4. Are you good … tennis?
5. My children are afraid … dogs.
6. What are you doing … this Sunday?
7. My sister is coming … 19 December.
8. Are you going to the disco … Saturday?
8 |
VII. Вставьте артикли, где необходимо.
(1)… Australia is (2)… very interesting country. (3)… Australians are very friendly people. Some of (4)… strangest animals in (5)… world live there. In (6)… great Victorian Desert you can find (7)… kangaroos and (8)… Koala bears. (9)… most famous city in Australia is (10)… Sydney.
20 |
Выражение количества.
VIII. В каждом предложении ошибка. Найдите и исправьте её.
1. I never eat many bread with soup.
2. Sorry. We have got a little potatoes in our fridge.
3. Pete does not have many money.
4. There is not much biscuits in the box.
5. I did not buy some coffee, because I thought we had some.
6. Would you like any tea in your coffee.
7. Bob always likes any sugar.
8. Close your eyes I have got anything for you.
9. Anybody left a book in the classroom yesterday.
10. John lives anywhere near London.
20 |
Stop and Check 2
Units 5 - 8
Глагольные структуры (образцы).
I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму: инфинитив (to+глагол- to go) или герундий (глагол + ing going).
I have a penfriend in Canada. I really like (1)… (meet) new people so I started (2)… (write) letters four yeas ago. At the moment I am trying (3)… (organize) a trip to Canada. I want (4)… (meet) my friend, Alan. I hope(5)… (go) sightseeing and I am looking forward to (6)… (stay) with Alan and his family.
12 |
II.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму и ответьте на вопросы о себе.
1. When are you going (1)… (buy) a computer?
2. What do you like (2) … (watch) on TV in the evening?
3. What would you like (3) … (drink), coffee or tea?
4. When did you begin (4)… (learn) English?
5. When did you stop (5) … (smoke)?
6. When are you thinking of (6)… (move) to London?
12 |
Будущее время.
III. Вставьте will или be going to.
I (1)… to spend my holiday in Crete because there is a lot to see. My best friend (2)… come with me and I think my cousin (3)… come too if I ask her. We (4)… stay in Hania for two weeks. Then we (5)… go somewhere else. I hope we (6)… find a hotel easily. We (7)… swim every day so I (8)… take a lot of suntan oil with me. I think we (9)… need it. I am sure it (10)… be the best holiday in my life.
20 |
Степени сравнения прилагательных.
IV. а) Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень прилагательных.
1. safe |
2. funny |
3. wet |
4. expensive |
5. bad |
b)Выберите правильную форму степени прилагательных.
1. Bob is …good/ better/ the best student in our group.
2. Their house is… the biggest /bigger/ big than ours.
3. The older she gets, … beautiful/ the most beautiful/ the more beautiful she becomes.
4. Paul is as … taller/ the taller /tall as James.
5. A diamond ring is ... expensive /more expensive/ the most expensive of all.
5 |
V. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
My best friend is Alison. We (1) ... (know) each other since we (2) …(be) five years old. We (3) … (always help) each other, but we (4) … (also enjoy) good times together and we (5) ... (spend) many hours laughing together. We (6) … (live) next door to each other before Alison (7) ... (move) to London. I (8) … (visit) her many times since then. She (9) … (just buy) a new house but I (10) … (not see) it yet.
20 |
VI. Закончите диалог, поставьте глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
John: I do not know where to go on holiday this year. Have you got any ideas?
Mary: (1) ... ( you\ ever \ be) to Spain? I (2) ... (go) to Madrid and Barcelona last year and I really (3) … (enjoy) myself.
John: I (4) ... (spend) two years in Spain. But I (5) … (never/visit) South America.
10 |
Модальные глаголы.
VII. Вставьте should ( совет) или have to ( должен, обязан).
1.Your hair is too long. I think you … get it cut.
2. I am going to bed. I … be up early tomorrow.
3. I … tell my parents where I am, then they do not worry.
4. I like your boyfriend. You … invite him round.
5. If you need some help with your homework you ... go to the library.
6. You … visit San Francisco because it is the most beautiful city in America.
7. You … get a work permit if you want to work in America.
8. When you go to America you … hire a car because it is the easiest way to travel.
Stop and Check 3
Units 9-12
I. Закончите предложения, поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму: Present Simple или Future Simple.
1. If the dog … (keep) barking, the neighbors … (complain).
2. The boss … (be angry), if you … (arrive) late for work again.
3. If you …(study) hard, you …(pass) your exams.
4. If the weather … (be) bad on Saturday, we … (stay) at home.
5. When the TV program …(end), Pete … (do) his homework.
6. As soon as I …(earn) a lot of money, I…(buy) a new car.
7. When we … (receive) a telegram from him we … (not worry).
8. While Ann … (be) in Paris she ... (visit) her friends.
16 |
II. Составьте предложения, соотнесите строчку в колонке А со строчкой в колонке B.
1. If there are no buses |
a. we`ll make a snowman |
2. If you go on diet |
b. you`ll understand everything |
3. If it snows |
c. she`ll have to take a taxi |
4. If you listen carefully |
d. you`ll lose weight |
4 |
Условные предложения II группы (Second Conditionals).
III. Закончите предложения, поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму: Past Simple(were, lived) или Future-in- the Past (would go).
1. If she … (study) more, she ... (be) a better student.
2. If I … (live) in France, I … (speak) French well.
3. I … (buy) that bag, if it … (be) cheaper.
4. If I … (be) you I … (go) to bed earlier.
5. If I … (be) taller I … (join) the basketball team.
10 |
IV. Перепишите следующие предложения, используя Second Conditional.
Например: I`m not rich. I do not live in a big house.
If I were rich, I would live in a big house.
1. I do not have enough money. I do not buy a new car.
2. Ann does not tell Sam the truth. He is not angry with her.
3. I do not have a plane. I do not travel all over the world.
4. Tom spends a lot of money. He is poor.
5. My uncle smokes so much. He is ill.
10 |
Глагольные структуры (Verb Patterns).
V. Закончите предложения, поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму: инфинитив (to go) или герундий (going).
1. I enjoy … (visit) places I have never been to before.
2. If you do not stop … (smoke), you`ll make yourself ill.
3. I`d like … (go) to India next year.
4. We hoped … (finish) the project by the end of the month.
5. My parents made me … (study) hard during my exams.
6. Let`s go…(swim) this Sunday.
7. The dentist told me … (be) careful when I brush my teeth.
14 |
VI. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. My mum always makes me to go / going/ go to the dentist.
2. Alison wants go/ going/ to go to Paris.
3. Albert likes to watch/ watching/ watch TV before going to bed.
4. My parents do not let me to come/ coming/come home late.
5. Tom used ride/ riding/ to ride a bicycle when he was a boy.
5 |
Страдательный залог (Passive Voice).
VII.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму.
1. The beautiful house … (build) by an Italian architect 5 year ago.
2. The doctor … (just examine) Pavel.
3. Alpha Romeo cars … (make) in Italy.
4. A swimming pool … (build) in our town next year.
5. The letter … (type) at the moment.
6. My sister … (work) as a teacher for 25 years.
12 |
VIII. Выберите правильную форму глагола (Active or Passive Voice).
1. James Cameron was directed / directed Titanic.
2. The announcement will make / will be made tomorrow.
3. Marie Curie discovered / was discovered radium.
4. The picture has just been stolen / stole from Art Gallery.
5. France and Britain developed / was developed Concorde, the world`s fastest plane, in 1960.
5 |
IX. Перепишите следующий отрывок в страдательном залоге.
1. Some people saw a UFO in the sky above London last night.
2. They reported it to the police.
3. The army sent a helicopter to look at it more closely.
4. The UFO shot the helicopter down and killed the pilots in it.
5. The people have already given photographs.
6. The experts are looking at the photographs now.
12 |
Might = will + perhaps.
X. Напишите предложения с might вместо will + perhaps.
Например: Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. It might rain tomorrow.
1. Perhaps we`ll go to Italy next year.
2. Perhaps Ann and Pete will buy a new computer soon.
3. Put the car keys somewhere safe. Perhaps you`ll lose them.
4. Do not buy this book. Perhaps your son won`t like it.
5. Don`t wait for me. Perhaps I`ll be late.
10 |
Stop and Check 4
Units 13-14
Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous.
I. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. Sorry. I`ve broken/ `ve been breaking your glasses.
2. I`m so hot because I`ve run/ `ve been running.
3. Ann is so tired because she has been shopping/ has shopped all day.
4. I have been reading/ have read 2 books this week.
5. I have known/ have been knowing Tom for 10 years.
6. Somebody has been stealing/ has stolen my wallet.
7. Tom is ill. He hasn`t been/ hasn`t been being to school since Tuesday.
8. Oh, no! I`ve been losing/ have lost my car keys.
9. I have written/ have been writing 3 letters today.
10. My uncle has had/ has been having Toyota for 2 years.
10 |
II. Закончите вопросы, поставив глаголы в скобках в Present Perfect Simple or Continuous.
1. You can speak Chinese. How long … (learn) it?
2. Sorry. Im late. How long … (wait) for me?
3. I heard youve had a new car. How long … (have) it?
4. The streets are wet. How long … (rain)?
5. You are so tired. How long … (work) in the garden?
10 |
III. Закончите предложения, поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильную форму: Present Simple, Past Simple or Present Perfect.
Monica Cox. Tennis Player.
Monica 1) ... (be) a tennis player. She 2) … (win) many competitions in her life. Monica 3) ... (start) playing tennis with her father when she was 3 years old. Two years ago she 4) … (go) to America to a famous tennis school in California. Monica and her father 5) … (travel) to many countries. Last month they 6) … (go) to a tennis competition to Australia. Monica 7) … (play) very well, but she 8) … (not win). She 9) … (not play) at Wimbledon Championship yet, but she 10) … (hope) to do so one day.
20 |
Косвенная речь. Reported Speech.
VI. Поставьте данные предложения в косвенную речь.
1. ”Have you seen this film?” Jane asked Helen.
2. Tom asked, “Where is Jill going?”
3. Sally said, “ I will buy a new skirt”.
4. Tom said, “Jerry has been my best friend since my childhood”.
5. The teacher said to us, “Be quiet”.
6. “Do not worry if I am late”, Jeff said.
7. ”I am going away tomorrow, mother”, he said.
8. He said to her, “ Do you like pizza?”
9. ”Where is the nearest bus stop”, asked the old man.
10. ”I have been to London twice”, said Roger.
20 |
Прошедшее совершённое(предпрошедшее)
Past Perfect
V. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильной форме: Past Perfect или Past Simple.
1. Ann … (cook) lunch before the children came home.
2. Tom had driven for an hour when he … (reach) the village.
3. When we got to the theatre the play … (already, start).
4. My mother … (clean) the room by 3 oclock.
5. I was hungry because I … (not have) any breakfast.
6. When Tom … (phone), Ann had left.
7. When mother arrived home her children … (fight).
8. John had eaten all the cakes by the time the other children … (come).
9. Helen … (learn) French before she became a teacher.
10. Laura … (type) 5 letters by 11 oclock.
20 |
Past Simple or Past Perfect.
VI. Закончите рассказ, вставив нужную по смыслу форму глагола.
After Jim and Terry 1) … (finish) their breakfast, they 2) ... (take) their bags and 3)… (go) to the river to fish. They 4) … (go) there before and 5) … (catch) some big fish.
By 5 oclock they 6) … (not catch) any fish, so they decided to go home. When they 7) … (come) home, they 8) … (tell) their mother that they 9) … (catch) the biggest fish, but it 10) … (run away).
20 |
Stop and Check (Keys). Ответы к заданиям.
Stop and Check 1 (units 1-4).
I.1. She plays the piano nicely.
2. Ann has got a small brown table.
3. He gave me a gold ring.
4. Every day at six oclock I go swimming.
5. He usually comes to work by taxi.
6. Mary is cleaning a room now.
7. The children are playing in the garden at the moment.
8. When I came home the children were watching TV.
II.1.How much does it cost?
2. Who wants to see Sally?
3. When are we going to leave?
4. Whose children are they?
5. Where was Margaret last year?
6. Where do Janet and Paul live?
7. Who was watching TV when I came home?
8. Where did our teacher study?
III.1. lives 2. moved 3. left 4. was reading
5. is working 6. is teaching 7. is teaching 8. enjoys.
IV. 1. Yes, she/ he does./ No, she/ he doesnt.
2. Yes, he has./ No, he hasnt
3. Yes, I do./ No, I dont.
4. Yes, they have./No. they havent.
1. hear |
heard |
heard |
2. leave |
left |
left |
3. catch |
caught |
caught |
4. bring |
brought |
brought |
5. buy |
bought |
bought |
6. break |
broke |
broken |
7. feel |
felt |
felt |
8. fall |
fell |
fallen |
9. begin |
began |
begun |
10. put |
put |
put |
VI. 1) to, 2) for, 3) for, 4) at, 5) of, 6) -, 7) on, 8) on.
VII. 1) -, 2) a, 3) -, 4) the, 5) the, 6) the, 7) -, 8) -, 9)the, 10) -.
VIII. 1) much, 2) a few, 3) much (так как отрицательное предложение), 4) many, 5) any, 6) some, 7) some, 8) something, 9) somebody/someone, 10) somewhere.
Stop and Check 2. (Units 5-8).
I. 1) meeting 2) writing/to write 3) to organize 4) to meet 5) to go 6) staying.
II.1) to buy 2) watching 3) to drink 4) learning/to learn 5) smoking 6) moving.
III.1) am going to 2) will 3) will 4) are going 5) will 6) will 7) are going to 8) am going to 9) will 10) will.
IV. a)
1. safe-safer-the safest;
2. funny-funnier-the funniest;
3. wet-wetter-the wettest;
4. expensive-more expensive-the most expensive;
5. bad-worse-the worst.
b) 1) the best 2) bigger 3) more beautiful 4) tall 5) the most expensive.
V.1) have known 2) were 3) helped 4) enjoyed 5) spent 6) lived 7) moved 8) have visited 9) has just bought 10) havent seen.
VI.1) Have you ever been in Spain?
2) Went… 3) enjoyed 4) spent 5) have never visited.
VII.1) should 2) have to 3) have to 4) should 5) should 6) should 7) have to 8) should.
Stop and Check 3.
(Units 9-12)
I. 1) Keeps, will complain. 2) will be angry, arrive 3) study, will pass 4) is, will stay 5) ends, will do 6) earn, will buy 7) receive, wont worry 8) is, will visit.
II. 1c; 2d; 3a;4b.
III. 1) studied, would be 2) lived, would speak 3) would buy, were 4) were, would go 5) were, would join.
IV. 1) If I had a lot of money, Id buy a new car.
2) If Ann told Ann the truth she wouldnt be angry with her.
3) If I had a plain, Id travel all over the world.
4) If Tom didnt spend a lot of money he wouldnt be poor.
5) If my uncle didnt smoke so much, he wouldnt be ill.
V. 1) visiting 2) smoking 3) to go 4) to finish 5) study 6) to swim 7) to be.
VI. 1) go 2) to go 3) watching 4) come 5) to ride.
VII. 1) was built 2) has just examined 3) are made 4) will be built 5) is being typed 6) has worked.
VIII. 1) directed 2) will be made 3) discovered 4) has just been stolen 5) developed.
IX. 1) was seen 2) was reported 3) was sent 4) was shot, were killed 5) have been given. 6) are being looked.
X. 1) We might go… 2) Ann and Pete might buy… 3) You might lose…
4) Your son might not like … 5) I might be…
Stop and Check 4.
(Units 13-14)
1) Have you been learning.
2) Have you been waiting/have you waited.
3) Have you had it.
4) Has it been raining/has it rained.
5) Have you been working.
III. 1) is 2) has won 3) started 4) went 5) have traveled 6) went
7) played 8) didnt win 9) hasnt played 10) hopes.
IV. 1) Jane asked Helen if she had seen that film.
2) Tom asked where Jill was going.
3) Sally said (that) she would buy a new skirt.
4) Tom said (that) Jerry had been his best friend since his childhood.
5) The teacher asked us to be quiet.
6) Jeff asked not to worry if he was late.
7) He told his mother that he was going away the next day.
8) He asked her if she liked pizza.
9) An old man asked where the nearest bus stop was.
10) Roger said (that) he had been to London twice.
V. 1) had cooked 2) reached 3) had started 4) had cleaned 5) hadnt had 6) phoned 7) arrived 8) had fought 9) had learnt 10) had typed;
VI. 1) had finished 2) took 3) went 4) went 5) caught 6) hadnt caught 7) came 8) told 9) had caught 10) had run away.
Appendix 1
Irregular verbs
Base form |
Past Simple |
Past Participle |
Translation |
be become begin blow break bring build burn buy can catch choose come cost cut do draw dream drink drive eat fall feel find fly forget get give go grow have hear hit hold hurt keep know lead learn leave lend lose make mean meet must pay put read ring rise run say see sell send show shut sing sink sit sleep speak spend stand steal swim take teach tear tell think throw understand wake wear win write |
was/were became began blew broke brought built burnt bought could caught chose came cost cut did drew dreamt drank drove ate fell felt found flew forgot got gave went grew had heard hit held hurt kept knew led learnt left lent lost made meant met had to paid put read rang rose ran said saw sold sent showed shut sang sank sat slept spoke spent stood stole swam took taught tore told thought threw understood woke wore won wrote |
been become begun blown broken brought built burnt bought been able caught chosen come cost cut done drawn dreamt drunk driven eaten fallen felt found flown forgotten got given gone grown had heard hit held hurt kept known led learnt left lent lost made meant met had to paid put read rung risen run said seen sold sent shown shut sung sunk sat slept spoken spent stood stolen swum taken taught torn told thought thrown understood woken worn won written |
быть, являться становиться начинать дуть ломать приносить строить жечь покупать мочь, уметь ловить, поймать выбирать приходить стоить резать делать рисовать мечтать, спать пить водить машину есть, кушать падать чувствовать находить летать забывать получать, становиться давать идти расти, вырастить иметь слышать ударять держать, проводить ранить, повредить держать, хранить знать вести учить, изучать оставлять, покидать давать взаймы терять делать значить, означать встречать должен платить класть, положить читать звонить вставать, подниматься бежать говорить видеть продавать посылать, отправлять показывать закрывать петь тонуть, погружаться сидеть спать говорить тратить, проводить стоять красть, воровать плавать брать, взять учить, преподавать рвать говорить, рассказывать думать, полагать бросать понимать просыпаться одевать, носить побеждать, выигрывать писать |
Appendix 2
Word + preposition
(break sth) by accident
according to (the weather forecast)
an advertisement for sth
afraid of (dogs)
at the age of (six)
(I don't) agree with (you).
(to) apply for (a job)
(to) argue with sb about sth
(to) arrive at (the station) = at a place
(to) arrive in (England) = in a country
(to) ask for sth
(to be) aware of (a problem)
(to) believe in (God)
(to) belong to sb
(to be) bored with sb/sth
(go) by bus, train, car
in the (19th) century
(Have you got) change for (a pound)?
(I'm) in charge.
on the coast
(I) come from (Scotland).
Compared with (other schools, this one is
(to) complain about (the food) in (good) condition
(to) deal with (a problem)
(She has a) degree in (English literature).
(to) depend on (the weather)
(to) develop into (a big business)
(to) die of (a heart attack)
(to be) different from/to sb/sth
(Your country is) different from/to (mine).
in the distance
(to) dream about sb/sth
(to be) fed up with sb/sth
(to) fight against sb/sth
(to) find out about sb/sth on a flight to (London)
(to live) on the (third) floor
(to) forget about sb/sth
(to be) full of (energy)
(to) get on (well) with sb
(to)-go out with sb = be boyfriend and
girlfriend (to be) good at sth
(to be) on holiday
(to be) at home (But (to) go home)
(to be) impressed by sb/sth
(to be) interested in sb/sth
(to have) an interview for a job
(to) invite sb to (a party) or for (dinner)
(to) laugh at sb/sth
(to) listen to sb/sth
(to) look after (sb who is ill)
(to) look at (a picture)
(to) look for (sth you have lost)
(to) look forward to (a holiday)
(to be) in love with sb
(We've got lamb) for (lunch/dinner).
(to be) married to sb (The room's) in a mess.
in the north/south
(to) operate on sb
(This machine's) out of order.
(to) pay (£500) for (a car)
(to) point (a gun) at sb/sth
(to) rely on sb/sth as a result
(to) sell sth for (£300)
(to) share sth with sb
(Your shirt is) similar to (mine).
(to) speak to sb about sth
(to) spend money on (clothes)
(to) steal sth from sb
a story about sb/sth
(to be) on strike for (more money)
(to) suffer from sth
(to) talk to sb about sth
on television
(to) think about (What are you thinking about?)
(to) think of (What do you think of Van Gogh?)
(to) throw (tomatoes) at sb a ticket for (a concert)
(to be) tired of sb/sth
(to get) in touch with sb
(to) wait for sb/sth
on the way (to school)
(to) work as (a teacher)
(to) work for (an organization)
(to) worry about sb/sth
to write (a letter) to sb
Prepositions of time
in |
in the morning/afternoon/evening; in January, etc.; in summer, etc.; in 1985; in the 1920s; in two weeks; in two weeks time; in your free time |
at |
at six oclock, etc.; at night; at midnight; at Christmas/Easter; at the weekend; at the moment |
on |
on Saturday, etc.; on Monday morning, etc.; on 18 January, etc. |
for |
for six days, etc.; for a long time; for a while; for ages. |
since |
since 18 July, etc; since Monday; since I was eight; since I arrived. |
during |
during the film/lesson/war/holidays/winter, etc. |
while |
while I was on holiday/ we were watching the film/ he was coming to school, etc. |
Appendix 3
Таблица 1. Вопросительные слова.
When ? |
Когда ? |
What? |
Что ? Какой ? |
What colour ? |
Какого цвета ? |
Where ? |
Где ? Куда ? |
Who? |
Кто ? |
Whom ? |
Кого ? Кому? |
Whose ? |
Чей ? |
Which ? |
Который ? |
Why ? |
Почему ? |
How ? |
Как ? |
How many ? |
Сколько ? (с исчисляемыми сущ ми) |
How much ? |
Сколько ? (с неисчисляемыми сущ ми) |
How long ? |
Как долго? |
Таблица 2. Видовременные формы английского глагола в активном залоге.
Present |
Past |
Future |
Every day, usually, every year, seldom … |
Yesterday, last time, last year, a week ago, when… |
Tomorrow, next time, next year, in a week… |
Simple |
I You We They |
play write plays writes |
I You We They He She |
played wrote |
I We You will (ll) play They will (ll) write He She |
He She |
Do |
I you we they |
play? write? |
Did |
I you we they he she |
play? write? |
I we Will you they he she |
play? write? |
Does |
he she |
I You do not play We (dont) write They
He does not play She (doesnt) write |
I You We did not play They (didnt) write He She |
I We You will not play They (wont) write He She |
At the moment, now |
At that time, yesterday, at 5 oclock, when he came |
Tomorrow, at this time, this time, next Monday |
Progressive (be + ing form) |
I |
am |
playing writing |
I He She |
was |
playing writing |
I We be playing He will (ll) She be writing You They |
You We They |
are |
We You They |
were |
He She |
is |
Am |
I |
playing? writing? |
Was |
I he she |
playing? writing? |
I we be playing? Will he she be writing? you they |
Are |
you we they |
Were |
we you they |
Is |
he she |
I am not You We are not playing They (arent) writing He is not She (isnt) |
I He was not She (wasnt) playing You writing We were not They (werent) |
I We He will not be playing She (wont) be writing You They |
Today, already, yet, this week (month, year), never, recently, since… |
By 5 oclock, by the end of…, when he came |
By this time, next Monday, as soon as, he came |
Prefect (have + V3) |
I You We They |
have |
played written |
I You We They He She |
had |
played written |
I We have played You will He have written She They |
He She |
has |
I Have we you they Has he she |
played? written? |
Had |
I we you they he she |
played? written? |
I we played? Will you have they written? he she |
I You have not We (havent) They played written He has not She (hasnt) |
I You We had not played They(hadnt) written He She |
I We have played You will not He (wont) She have played They |
Present |
Past |
Future |
Present |
Past |
Since then, for an hour, already, for a long time… How long...? Since when…? |
Since the time when, before… |
Perfect Progressive (have been + ing from) |
I You have We They been playing been writing He has She |
I You We had been playing/ writing They He She |
I we Have you they been playing? been writing? Has he she |
I you Had we been playing/ writing? they he she |
I You We have not They (havent) been playing been writing He has not She (hasnt) |
I You We had not been playing They (hadnt) been writing He She |
Таблица 3. Местоимения some, any и их производные.
+ |
- |
? |
some (некоторый, несколько) |
not any |
any |
somebody/someone (кто-то) |
not anybody/anyone nobody/no one |
anybody/anyone |
something (что-то) |
not anything nothing |
anything |
somewhere |
not anywhere nowhere |
anywhere |
Таблица 4. Verb Patterns(1).
Verb + -ing |
Verb +Infinitive |
Verb + -ing/ Verb +Infin. |
to V |
V |
like |
want |
can |
begin |
dislike |
decide |
could |
start |
love swimming |
forget to phone |
may come |
continue |
hate cooking |
promise to come |
might open |
enjoy |
need |
must |
finish |
help |
should |
stop |
hope |
will |
mind |
try |
would |
suggest |
agree |
do/dont |
refuse |
does/doesnt |
would like |
would love |
Таблица 5. Verb Patterns(2)
Verb +ing |
Verb + infinitive |
1) после составных глаголов, таких как: go on, keep on, give up, put off, etc.: Go on reading. He gave up smoking. |
1) в качестве обстоятельства цели (отвечает на вопрос Why? Зачем? Для чего?): I am learning English to get a good job. |
2) посkе любого глагола, имеющего предлог: depend on, look forward to, think of, etc.: Im looking forward to hearing from you. |
2) в качестве подлежащего после некоторых прилагательных: Its nice to see you. That book was difficult to read. |
3)после прилагательных с фиксированным предлогом: be afraid of, be fond of, be interested in, be worth of, feel like, etc.: This film is worth seeing. |
3) в качестве дополнения после вопросительных слов: Can you tell me how to get to the station? I dont know who to speak to. |
4) после предлогов after, before, besides, on, without, instead of, etc.: Before going abroad Nick visited his mother. |
4) в качестве определения после неопределенных местоимений: I have nothing to give you. Have you got anything else to say? |
Таблица 6. Степени сравнения прилагательных.
Положительн. (positive) |
Сравнительн. (comparative) |
Превосходн. (superlative) |
A |
- |
-er |
-est |
Односложн. прилагат. |
low nice hot |
lower nicer hotter |
lowest nicest hottest |
Двусложн. прилагат. на: 1) -y |
pretty |
prettier |
prettiest |
2) -ow |
narrow |
narrower |
narrowest |
3) -le |
simple |
simpler |
simplest |
4) -er |
clever |
cleverer |
cleverest |
B |
- |
more … |
most … |
Многослож. прилагат. |
useful terrible |
more useful more terrible |
most useful most terrible |
Исключения |
good bad little much/many |
better worse less more |
best worst least most |
Таблица 7. Модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты.
Модальные глаголы и их значение |
Эквиваленты модальных глаголов |
Present Simple |
Past Simple |
Future Simple |
can могу, умею |
be able to мочь, быть в состоянии |
can am is able to are |
could was able to were |
___ shall be able to will |
must должен, обязан, нужно, необходимо |
have to be to приходится, должен |
must have (has) to am (is, are) to |
___ had to was (were) to |
___ shall (will) have to ___ |
may могу, имею разрешение |
be allowed to иметь разрешение |
may am is allowed to are |
might was allowed to were |
___ shall (will) be allowed to |
Таблица 8. Функции модальных глаголов.
Функции |
Модальные глаголы |
Примеры |
Ability (способность, умение) |
can (в настоящем или будущем) could was/were able to (повторяющиеся действия в прошлом) was/were able to (удалось) couldnt wasnt/werent able to (повторяющиеся или одиночные действия в прошлом) |
Can you swim? No, I cant. I can run fast though. Умеешь ты плавать? Нет, не умею. Однако я умею быстро бегать. She could/was able to dance for hours when she was young. Она могла танцевать часами в молодости. He was able to win the race. Он смог выиграть гонки. I couldnt/wasnt able to find my key. - Я не смог найти свои ключи. He couldnt/wasnt able to ski when he was young. Он не умел кататься на лыжах в молодости. |
Possibility/ probability (вероятность) |
may (возможно) might ( возможно) could (возможно) must (вероятно; должно быть) cant (Это невозможно; Я так не думаю) can he be? (Разве это возможно?) |
He may be before noon. Он возможно вернётся до обеда. There might be some cheese in the fridge. В холодильнике возможно есть сыр. He could still be at home. Он возможно ещё дома. They look alike. They must be twins. Они очень похожи. Должно быть они близнецы. You have been sleeping all day. You cant be tired. Ты весь день спал. Ты не можешь быть уставшей. Can he still be at work? Разве он может быть ещё на работе? |
Permission (разрешение) |
can (неофициальное обращение) could (более вежливое обращение) may (официальное обращение) might (ещё более официально)
Can I borrow your pen? Можно мне взять твою ручку? Could I borrow your car? Разрешите мне взять вашу машину? May I use your phone? Разрешите воспользоваться вашим телефоном? Might I see your driving license, please? Вы позволите взглянуть на Ваши водительские права? |
Requests, offers, suggestions (просьбы, предложения) |
can (просьба) Could (вежливая просьба; предложение) Would you like (вежливое предложение) Shall I/we (предложение) will (предложение, просьба) |
Can you help me tidy my room? Ты мог бы мне помочь убрать мою комнату? Could I have a little more cake? Можно мне ещё немного торта? Would you like some more lemonade? Хотите ещё лимонада? Shall I post this letter for you? Хотите я отправлю Ваше письмо? Shall we buy him a present? Может быть мы купим ему подарок? Ill make you some coffee if you want. Я сделаю тебе кофе, если ты хочешь. Will you do me a favour? Вы не окажете мне любезность? |
Advice (совет) |
should had better |
You should go to the dentist. Тебе следует пойти к стоматологу. Youd better see your dentist. Тебе следует пойти к стоматологу. |
Obligation, necessity (обязанность, необходимость) |
must (должен, обязан) have to (должен, вынужден) Ive got to (необходимо) |
We must follow the school rules. Мы должны следовать школьным правилам. I must see a doctor. Мне нужно к врачу. I have to do my homework every day. Мне приходится делать домашнее задание каждый день. Ive got to leave early today. Мне нужно уйти рано сегодня. |
Absence of necessity/ prohibition (отсутствие необходимости, запрет) |
mustnt (запрет) cant (запрет) dont need/have to (нет необходимости в настоящем/ будущем) didnt need/have to (не было необходимости в прошлом) |
You mustnt park here. Здесь нельзя парковаться. (Это запрещено) You cant enter the club without a card. Вы не можете войти в этот клуб без карточки.(Не разрешается) You dont need/have to do it now. You can do it later. Тебе не нужно делать это сейчас. Ты можешь сделать это позже. He didnt need|have to go to work yesterday because it was Sunday/ Ему не нужно было идти вчера на работу, так как было воскресенье. |
Таблица 9. Видовременные формы английского глагола в пассивном залоге.
Passive |
Simple |
Progressive |
Perfect |
Perfect Progressive |
Present |
sometimes, every day, often, always, etc. am is asked are |
now, still, at the moment am is being asked are |
already, ever, just, never, yet have been asked has |
Вместо отсутствующих форм Perfect Progressive употребляются формы Perfect |
Past |
yesterday, two years ago, in 1995, etc. was asked were |
when he came, at that moment, etc. was being asked were |
by the time, already, etc. have been asked has |
Future |
tomorrow will be asked |
вместо отсутствующей формы Future Progressive употребляется Future Simple |
by the time in the future will have been asked |
Инфи- нитив |
be V3 |
be being V3 |
have been V3 |
Unit 1
II. Постройте специальные вопросы, используя предложенные вопросительные слова.
He is a student. (What)
We are going to Italy. (Where)
This is my book. (Whose)
I like comfortable furniture. (What kind of).
I go to Moscow twice a year. (How often)
He gets to the university by train. (How)
We are studying to get good education. (Why)
He is leaving tomorrow. (When)
III. Постройте вопросы из предложенных слов.
1. it, time, what, is
2. car, you, like, do, which
3. is, how, it, much
4. speaking, is, who
5. brother, is, How, your, old
6. students, are, many, in, how, there, the class
7. unwell, why, she, is
8. does, how, you, it, long, take, to, the university, to, get.
IV. Постройте общие вопросы к следующим предложениям.
1. Lisa is so lazy.
2. You are still working.
3. Sarah doesnt speak French.
4. He got up at 7.
5. Jim has gone to Spain.
6. Your parents have not come yet.
7. They enjoyed the film.
8. It was hard work.
V. Исправьте ошибки в следующих вопросах.
1. The film is exciting, doesnt it?
2. Where this vase was made?
3. Who did broke the window?
4. What car is yours? The white one.
5. When was you graduate from the university?
6. What you are looking for?
7. Do Mary lives in Kent?
8. You havent written the report, havent you?
Unit 2 A.
I. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные формы следующих предложений.
Например: He works hard. He doesnt work hard. Does he work hard?
1. My sister gets up at 7 oclock
They speak English well.
In the evening we gather in the living-room.
Usually I drink coffee.
You read newspapers in the evening
My uncle writes books.
We bake cakes at week-ends
Babies always sleep after dinner.
II. Раскройте скобки. Напишите предложения, употребив необходимую форму Present Simple.
1. I (read) books in the evening.
2. I (not read) books in the morning.
3. He (help) his mother every day.
4. We (not go) to the country in winter.
5. You (play) chess well?
6. She (speak) English fluently?
7. My mother (work) at school. She (not want) to change her occupation.
8. When you (get) up? Usually I (get) up at 7 and my brother (not get) up until 8.
III. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous.
1. Coffee (not grow) in France.
2. I (come) from Russia. Where you (come) from?
3. How often she (go) to the swimming pool? Twice a week.
4. What you (write)? Be quiet! I (write) a report.
5. We (not have) an English lesson now. We (have) it on Thursday.
6. What newspaper you (read)? It (be) an English newspaper.
7. You (want) to read it? Yes. But I (not know) English well enough.
8. Andrew (get) up early as he (live) far from the university. He (get) there by bus. He (not like) it and now he (think) of moving.
IV. Образуйте отрицательные и вопросительные формы следующих предложений.
1. She is having breakfast.
2. She is drinking tea.
3. He is cutting bread and sausage.
4. They are making sandwiches.
5. We are studying German.
6. You are working over the report.
7. I am cooking dinner.
8. It is getting dark.
V. Раскройте скобки. Напишите предложения, употребив необходимую форму Present Continuous.
1. I (not drink) coffee now. I (write) an English exercise.
2. Look! The baby (sleep).
3. Your friend (do) his homework now?
4. My father (not sleep) now, he (work) in the garden.
5. What your sister (do) now? She (watch) TV.
6. Where you (go)? I (meet) my friends.
7. The children (eat) soup now.
8. I (look) for Bill. He (have) dinner.
9. Look! Kate (dance). She (smile) and (wave) her hand at us.
10. She (not eat) sweets now. She (try) to get thinner? Yes, she …
11. I (study) well to get a red diploma.
12. Where are the children? They (play) in the yard.
13. Listen! Who (play) the piano in the next room?
14. What you (do)? We (listen) to music.
15. John (pack) his things. Where he (go)? He (go) to Liverpool.
16. Look at the sky: the clouds (move) slowly, the sun (appear) from behind the clouds, it (get) warmer.
VI. Исправьте ошибки. Все предложения в Present Continuous.
1. He going to see his friends.
2. What she is doing?
3. We not cooking now.
4. I is writing a letter to my aunt.
5. What is she write? She is write an article.
6. Ten students is sitting in the class.
7. Where they are going?
8. Do you leaving tomorrow?
Unit 2 B
I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или в Present Continuous.
1. What (happen)? You (not seem) very happy. I (write) an essay. I (think) over the plan.
2. Try this pizza! Oh, it (smell) fine and it (taste) fine. You (cook) well!
3. She (have) a nice room in the hotel. She (have) a bath? No, she (have) a shower, but she (like) it.
4. Your family (leave) Taganrog in summer? Yes, we always (go) to the country. We all (like) the countryside. Mother (stay) with us to the end of August, but father (return) much earlier.
5. You (see) the man in blue shirt? You (recognize) him?
6. I (not understand) this word. What it (mean)?
7. What you (do)? I (want) to cook something for dinner You (not eat) out today? No, we (stay) at home.
8. Stop crying. I (hate) complaints.
II. Перепишите предложения. Исправьте ошибки.
In summer John not goes to the swimming pool
Would you like a cigarette? No, thanks. I am not smoking.
Usually I work till 4, but this week I work till 5. I am wanting to earn some extra money.
Do he likes it? Yes, he do.
My mother is a nurse. She work in the hospital. But she doesnt work now. She is on holiday.
Do you listen to me?! I am hearing you, dont shout.
They speaks English well.
What language are you speaking well?
III. Напишите, что из перечисленного ниже есть у Вас или Ваших друзей.
Например: I dont have a CD player. My friend has got a CD player.
leather jacket
IV. Раскройте скобки. Напишите следующие предложения в Present Continuous.
1. How is your granny? She (get) better.
2. I (read) a very interesting book at the moment.
3. Look! The sun (rise).
4. You (go) to bed? Goodnight, then.
5. Paul (work) this week? No, he (not work).
6. We (enjoy) this party. Its great!
7. My grandfather is retired. He (not work) now.
8. Excuse me. Anybody (sit) here?
V. Определите, правильно ли построены следующие предложения. Если предложения неверны, предложите правильный вариант.
Are you recognizing me?
I dont want coffee. I am liking tea these days.
What does this word mean?
Are you having pets?
5. Shes having bad memory. She doesnt even remember her phone number!
Are you listening to me? I am not hearing anything.
Who is this umbrella belonging to? I have no idea.
He never eats porridge. He doesnt like it.
VI. Постройте вопросы к выделенной части каждого предложения.
She comes from Egypt.
They like playing football at the weekend.
I like classic music.
He smokes 10 cigarettes a day.
Sandra is reading.
6. My mother is a teacher.
Unit 2 C
I. Choose the correct form of the verb.
1. Is Susan working / Does Susan work this week? -No, she's on holiday.
2. How often are you looking / do you look up the words in the dictionary?
3. How are you feeling / do you feel now? Better than before?
4. When I am coming / come home my parents are having / have dinner.
5. What are you doing / do you do? I am writing / write a composition.
6. What are you doing / do you do? I am a student.
7. Peter and Ann are coming / come to see us today.
8. Where are you going/do you go?
II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. Don't take an umbrella. It (not rain) any more.
2. I (not go) out this evening.
3. What are you busy with? - I (work over) the report in philosophy.
Why you (not use) the references? -I (look up) in them.
4. What time you (leave) tomorrow?
5. What you (do)? I (meet) my friends at the station.
6. Jan (not play) football on Saturday. He's hurt his leg.
7. Why you (learn) English? -I need it for my job.
Unit 2 D
I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, Present Simple or Present Continuous.
You (be) so friendly usually but today you (be) rude.
What time you (leave) tomorrow? We (leave) at 10.30.
What time the train (leave)? It (leave) at 10.30.
What you (do) tomorrow morning? I (meet) my bank manager.
You always (play) computer games. You should do it less.
Alex (get) married next month.
What time the film (start)?
Whats happened with Tom? He (be) so nervous these days.
II. Compose the sentences using linking words (and, so, but, because, however, although).
I (go) to the country. I (not like) it.
She never (eat) pasta. She (prefer) Chinese food.
She (be) tired. She (go) home.
I (study) at the university. I (not work) full-time.
I (enjoy) studying. I (not like) some teachers.
III. Insert the appropriate question word.
- Hello! a)_____are you getting on?
- Fine, thanks. b)_____is that girl?
- It's Tom's cousin, Mary. c)_____are you asking? Have you met her? - I saw her at the conference last week d)____does she come from?
- From Spain.
- e)_____does she do?
- She is a student. But she is going to leave.
- f) ____?
- She wants to work in a charity organization.
- g)_____organization? The Red Cross or the Salvation Army?
- I don't know.
- h) ____ ?
-For about a year.
- i)_____is she going to get there?
- She's got an invitation.
- j)_____is she leaving?
- In a month.
IV. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, Present Simple or Present Continuous.
It (smell) awful. I (not want) to try it.
You (look) so sad today. What you (think) about?
He (be) so nice today.
He never (think) about other people.
How you (feel) now?
The phone always (ring), while we (have) dinner.
What time Cathy (arrive) tomorrow? At 10.30. I (meet) her at the station.
What you (do) on Tuesday morning? I (see) my dentist.
V. Translate into English.
Она сегодня такая нервная. Это на неё не похоже.
Во вторник я играю в волейбол, в среду еду к тете, в четверг пытаюсь подготовиться к экзамену.
Твой английский становиться все лучше.
Тебе нравится эта пьеса? Да, я смотрю её с удовольствием.
Я хочу похудеть, и поэтому всю неделю не ужинаю.
Том такой странный. Он постоянно смеется.
Что ты ищешь?
Ты всегда теряешь кошелек!
Unit 3 A
I. Просмотрите таблицу неправильных глаголов (Headway …), выберите II форму следующих глаголов (некоторые глаголы правильные).
say arrive live read go meet write invent put look
II. Перепишите предложения в Past Simple
Например: I go to the theater. - I went to the theater yesterday.
1. How do you get there? I get there by train.
2. We go to the country every Sunday. We dont go there by car we go there on foot.
3. He helps his sister.
4. When we are in the forest we cook meals on a fire.
5. She meets her friends in the evening.
6. I dont get up at 7.
7. We spend our holidays in the mountains.
8. They pass the exam.
III. Раскроите скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple
1. I (have) my English lesson yesterday.
2. You (ring) me up an hour ago? What you (want)? I (want) to invite you to the party.
3. Queen Elizabeth (be) born in 1926. She (become) Queen of England in 1952.
4. Mother (cook) a very tasty dinner last Sunday.
5. We (not buy) a present for her yesterday.
IV. Перепишите предложения в Past Continuous.
Например: I am watching TV. I was watching TV.
1. I am writing an English exercise.
2. My little sister is sleeping.
3. My friends are not doing their homework.
4. They are playing volleyball.
5. What are you doing? I am having lunch.
6. Why isnt she eating? She is keeping to a diet.
7. I am listening to music.
8. We are working hard.
V. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. I (play) computer games yesterday.
2. I (play) computer games from 5 till 7 yesterday.
3. What Nick (do) when you came to his place?
4. What he (do) yesterday? He (read).
5. My brother (not play) tennis yesterday. He (play) tennis the whole day last Sunday.
6. When he (come) to my place, I (cook) dinner. Then we (eat) it and (drink) tea.
7. When we (be) in the country last summer, we (go) to the wood one day.
8. When I (come) home, my sister (sleep).
Unit 3 B
I. Pаскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous. Обратите внимание на сочетание Past Simple (однократное действие)/ Past Continuous (процесс) в сложноподчиненных предложениях.
Например: When I saw her, she was speaking.
1. When Nick (come) home, his brother (play) with the toys.
2. When I (walk) along the street, I suddenly (meet) my old friend.
3. He (think) about his plan, when he (fall) asleep.
4. Yesterday at one oclock I (have) lunch at the canteen.
5. My friends (come) up to me, when I (drink) coffee.
6. I (invite) them to the table and we (continue) lunch together.
7. You (be) busy, when I (go) out.
8. Why you (not tell) me? I (not want) to disturb you.
II. Перепишите предложения, употребляя предлоги времени in, at, on, где необходимо:
1. I began writing my composition __ nine oclock and finished __midnight.
2. __ summer we go to the Black Sea, __winter we usually go to the mountains.
3. My birthday is __ 6th of December .
4. __ last month we saw a very interesting play in the theatre.
5. We are going to Moscow __ Tuesday.
6. I never work ___ weekends.
7. __ tonight there is a new film on TV.
8. __ Christmas day we usually give presents to each other.
III. Перепишите предложения. Вставьте while, during, for
Помните: while +придаточное предложение; During + существительное; For + числительное.
! Исключения for ages, for a long time
1. Hello! I havent seen you___ ages.
2. I have been studying here___ 3 mouths.
3. Dont speak ___ the meal!
4. They had tins of food ___ 7 days.
5. ___ my vacations I saw all my friends.
6. ___ I was writing, my little sister interrupted me several times.
7. ___ the rating week students try to get credits in all subjects.
8. I am keeping to a diet ___ a long time.
IV. Перепишите предложения, вставьте предлоги:
1. I dont want to ask ___ anybodys help
2. She is afraid ___ sharks.
3. All my friends are interested ___ computers.
4. Look! My bag is similar ___ yours!
5. He is very good ___ Maths and Physics.
6. She works___ a very big company.
7. Can I speak ___ Mary, please.
8. I cant agree ___ you!
Unit 3 C
I. Choose the correct form of the verb.
E. g.: Yesterday we visited / visits / were visiting our relatives.
1. Yesterday at 5 oclock we drunk/ drank/ were drinking coffee.
2. When you phoned/ was phoning/ were phoning, I watched/ watching/ was watching a film.
3. Nick graduates/ graduated/ was graduating from the university in 1998.
4. While my mother cooked/ cooking/ was cooking, I did/ doing/ was doing the washing up.
5. Sally wrote/ writing/ was writing a letter for an hour yesterday.
II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form Past Simple or Past Continuous.
1. Last week while I (drive) home I (see) two boys. 2. They (look for) something and (cry). 3. I (stop) and (help) them to find the key they had lost. 4. They (be) happy and (thank) me.
Unit 3 D
I. Close - text. Fill in the gaps, using prepositions where necessary. Put the verbs in brackets using Past Simple or Past Continuous.
(1) ____ last month I (2) ___ (buy) a wonderful plant. It (3) ___ (have) beautiful leaves and very difficult name. (4) ____ I (5) ___(carry) it to the bus stop, I (6) ___ (meet) my friend. She (7) ___ (like) my new plant, too. I (8) ___ (get) on the bus and (9) ___ (hold) the plant in the stretched arms (10) ____ 20 minutes, because I (11) ___ (be) afraid to damage it. I (12) ___ (wait) (13) _____ the moment when I come home. When I (14) ___ (come) home, I (15) ___ (see) that my husband and my daughter (16) ___ (sit) on the floor and (17) ___ (discuss) something. When I (18) ___ (come) nearer I (19) ___ (see) a new ball.
(20) ____ that evening the whole family (21) ___ (be) happy. I (22) ___ (water) my plant regularly and it (23) ___ (grow) very well. But I (24) ___ (not see) how my daughter (25) ___ (play) with the ball. I (26) ___ (think) she (27) ___ (not like) it. But then something strange (28) ___ (happen). My plant (29) ___ (get) worse and worse. I (30) ___ (not understand) the reason. I (31) ___(try) to do my best and help. Nothing (32) ___ (change). I (33) ___(look) (34) ____ it closer and (35) ___ (see) some scotch around its stem. The stem (36) ___ (be) broken. I (37) ___ (ask) my family when they (38) ___ (play) football and (39) ___ (clear) out that (40) ____ weekend (41) _____ they (42) ___ (play), my daughter (43) ___ (kick) the ball and (44) ___ (get) into the plant.
They (45) ___ (put) some scotch around it and (46) _____ a week (47) ___ (look) (48) ___ the plant and (49) ___ (hope) that it would grow. But it (50) ___ (not grow) and that (51) ___(be) the end of my wonderful plant. My family (52) ___ (try) to calm me. They (53) ___ (say) that they (54) ___ (be) sorry about it, but my daughter (55) ___ (learn) how to kick the ball and I should have been happy about it.
Unit 4 A
I. Перепишите предложения, употребляя some или any.
1. There are ____ shops in the street.
2. Are there____ pictures in this book?
3. I have ____ flowers in the vase.
4. I see ____ children in the yard.
5. Are there____ new buildings in your street?
6. They didnt bring ____ books from the library.
7. Have you got ____ time to help me?
8. I havent got ____ money to waste.
II. Перепишите предложения употребляя many, much, a lot of.
1. How ____ relatives have you got? Oh, I have ____ relatives.
2. How ____ is it? It doesnt cost you ____ money. Its free of charge.
3. She doesnt have ____ mistakes in her test.
4. There were ____ friends at the party yesterday, but I didnt see____.
5. There was ____ soap in the box. Have we got ____ now?
6. How ____ sugar should I put? - 3 teaspoons. I like ____sugar in my coffee.
7. She gave children ____ bread and butter, because they didnt want ____ salad.
8. How ____ old houses are there in your street? I live in the centre of town, so there are ____ old houses.
III. Перепишите предложения употребляя артикли, где необходимо.
1. There is ____ tree in ____ garden. ____tree is very old.
2. We wrote____ dictation. ____dictation was long.
3. She is ____ doctor. Her children are ____students.
4. Im going to ____market.
5. Id like to swim in____ Baltic Sea.
6. How do you get there? - By____ train and my friends on ____foot.
7. I dont like Coke. My friends drink it 5 times____day.
Unit 4 B
I. Перепишите предложения, вставьте some, any, a lot of, much, many, a few, a little
1. Please dont put ____ pepper on the meat.
2. There were ____ plates on the table.
3. Did she write you ____ letters from the country? Yes, she wrote____.
4. He got satisfactory mark. Only____ of his answers were correct.
5. I have ____ time, so I cant go with you.
6. He didnt have ____ English books at home so he had to go to the library for more books.
7. I dont have ____ bags. Just ____ , perhaps one or two.
8. Do we have ____ chalk? Yes, we have ____ chalk here.
II. Перепишите предложения, вставляя производные some и any.
Is ____ here?
Stop talking! I cant hear____.
I put my dictionary ____ yesterday and now I cant find it____.
____ left a magazine in our classroom yesterday.
I didnt see ____ in the street when I went out.
I dont know ____ about it.
Is there ____you want to tell me?
____strange is going on. I cant understand____.
III. Перепишите предложения вставляя артикли, где необходимо.
“Is there (1) ___ post-office near (2) ___ house you live in?”
“Yes, there is. Go to (3) ___ corner of (4) ___ street along which (5) ___ trains run. Then turn to (6) ___ left and walk down (7) ___ street. Do not cross (8) ___ street. You will see, “Post-and- Telegraph Office”.
“Thank You very much. I must buy (9) ___ stamps, send (10) ___ telegram and ask whether they receive (11) ___ parcels there. I want to send (12) ___ parcel to (13) ___ old friend. It will be her birthday in (14) __ couple of days. Perhaps you can tell me where I can find (15) ___ shop to buy (16) ___ presents? “
“Yes, certainly. Theres (17) ___ very good shop not far from here. I am sure you will find (18) ___ nice present there.”
Unit 4 C
I. Insert some, any or their derivatives.
1. Has _____ seen my bag? Its under the table.
2. I want to eat_____. Im really very hungry.
3. Ive made _____tea and _____toasts.
4. Ill go and buy _____sugar, we dont have _____ sugar. Buy_____ cakes, too.
5. She didnt tell _____about her plans. She disappeared_____.
6. _____ happened last night.
II. Fill in the gaps using a lot of, a few, a little, much and many.
Oh, we dont need _____ minced beef for this pie, just _____.
I hate onion and dont cut _____ of it.
But I like _____ pepper in any meat dish.
There are cafés in the centre of the town. How _____?
Have you got _____ apples? No, just _____
There is _____ luggage in the airport.
I dont drink _____ milk.
III. Insert the articles where necessary.
Tom bought _____ car. _____car is rather old.
Did you find _____ sweater you were looking for?
_____ couple of days ago we went to ___café. _____café is situated in _____ centre of town.
Ken is _____ sailor. He spends most of his life at _____sea.
You should go to _____ doctor. You should go to _____ bed at least.
All tourists try to see _____ St. Pauls Cathedral and _____ Tower of London.
_____ police have arrested _____ most dangerous criminal of _____world.
Do you like _____ chocolate? No, _____ sweet is bad for me.
Unit 4 D
I. Insert the appropriate expressions of quantity or their derivatives.
She didnt take ____ money with her.
There is ____ at the door!
Has ____ seen my bag?
Have you got ____ in your eye?
Can I have ____ sugar, please?
If ____ has ____ questions, Ill be pleased to answer them.
Im sorry for ____ trouble Ive caused.
You can catch ____bus. They all go to the centre.
If ___ wants to leave early, they can.
Is ____ here to see me?
We didnt spend ____ money.
We must be quick, we have ____time.
I have ____ time, so I can go with you.
Shes lucky. She has ____ problems.
Things are not going so well for her. She has ____ problems.
He goes out ____. He likes going out.
II. Insert articles where necessary.
My brother is in ____ army.
How much are those potatoes? - ₤ 1.20 ____Kilo
I had ____ sandwich and ____ cup of____ tea. ____sandwich was nice, but ____ tea was terrible.
Have you got this T-shirt in ____ size S?
Your bag is ____ same color as mine.
There are millions of stars in ____ space.
London is ____ capital of ____ United Kingdom.
What would you like for ____lunch?
____ Sun is ____ star.
Where is Tom? He is in ____room 509.
She goes to ____ church every Sunday.
We went to ____ hospital to visit our friends.
Id like to go to ____ sea in summer.
All children go to ____school at ____ age of 6.
It can be dangerous to swim in ____ sea.
____crime is ____ problem in ____ big cities.
Did you like ____apple pie we had yesterday?
____vegetables are good for you.
____ young need more help from ____ government.
____ French are famous for their taste.
I can play ____ guitar. Id like to have ____ guitar.
____elephant is ____ biggest of all animals.
We called ____ doctor. We called____ Doctor Johnson as usually.
Sweden is in ____ northern Europe, Spain is in ____ south.
____ Cambridge University is one of ____ oldest universities in ____ world.
____ Sahara is ____ famous desert.
A lot of people are passengers of ____British Airways.
I dont like ____ food in McDonalds.
Unit 5A
I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужной форме.
I want (study) well and the university with red diploma.
I like (visit) places of interest, but I hate (lie) in the sun all the day long.
Dont forget (take) your books.
Stop (talk).
He enjoys (go) to parties, he likes (meet) people there.
She decided (look) for another job.
Did he agree (come)?
I like (try) exotic dish, so Id like (eat) something extraordinary.
II. Раскройте скобки, употребляя will или going to.
Have we got any chalk? - I (bring) some.
Im trying to save as much as possible. I (buy) a car.
Weve hired a tent and bought a lot of tins of food. We (climb) the mountains.
Who wants to help me with the washing-up? I (do) it.
My pen has broken. I (give) you mine.
The dishs looking so strange - I (try)!
We (get married) in June.
He is looking for a house in the country. He (move).
Unit 5 B
I. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в нужной форме
After graduation from the university, Id like (move) to another city.
I hope (find) a well-paid job there.
I like (work) in office and (solve) different problems.
I agree (work) a lot.
But I hate (work) under tension.
I want (earn) enough money to buy a house.
Id like (live) in the suburb.
I hope (make) it all true.
II. Раскройте скобки, употребляя will или going to.
Why have you bought such an amount of provision? I (have) a dinner party.
What you (cook)? - I (cook) pizza, a lot of salads and (bake) a cake.
I (come) and (help) you. When you (have) it? - I (have) it next Friday.
Who you (invite)? - All my friends (come).
Unit 5 C
I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1. I'd like (go out) tonight.
2. Do you want (play) tennis? No, I enjoy (dance) now.
3. It was too late, so we decided (take) a taxi home.
4. Don't forget (buy) some sugar.
5. When I'm tired, I like (listen) to music.
6. I'm still looking for a job but I hope (find) something soon.
7. I wish what dog stopped (bark). It's driving me mad.
8. Please stop (ask) me questions!
9. The speaker continued (talk) for 2 hours.
II. Insert the appropriate construction will or going to.
1. What you (do) on holidays? - I (sleep) all the day long and (go out) all night. - And if you don't pass the exams? - I (work) hard and (do) my best to pass them.
2. Why you (go) to the country? - Oh, my parents (paint) the house, I want to help them. - I (go) with you then.
3. Look at this journal! Isn't it fantastic! - You (buy) it? - No, I … .
III. Translate into Russian.
1. I'd like to have both monolingual and bilingual dictionaries, because I'm going to study English hard.
2. Some people think that being ambitious means being tough, hard working and single.
3. I'll give you a lift to the station and pick you up on your way back.
4. I'm going to have a month off and enjoy doing nothing.
5. Single people join dating agencies to find a mate usually at the age 30 when they've reached the top.
Unit 5 D
I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
Paul has given up (smoke).
I now regret (do) what I did.
John suggested (go) to the cinema.
She wouldnt dare (tell) him.
I tried (pass) the driving test but failed (do) it for 1st time.
Children are always warned (not touch) the switches.
I wouldnt recommend you (stay) at this hotel.
I dont allow anybody (smoke) in the house.
Its starting (rain).
10. He remembered (take) the wallet from the bag, but he didnt remember (put) it into the pocket.
11. She remembered (switch) off the iron but forgot (switch) off the stereo.
12. Can you help me (lay) down the table?
13. When I heard this story I couldnt help (laugh).
14. I feel that I need (work) harder if I want (make) a career.
15. His coat is dirty. It needs (clean).
16. I dont like my room. Try (move) the furniture around.
II. Write the correct form of will or going to with the verbs in the brackets.
John: Are you busy today, Pamela?
Pam: This afternoon I (1. get) my hair cut and (2. pack) my things.
John: When you (3. leave)?
Pam: I (4. fly) to Miami tomorrow. It (5. be) my first flight!
John: Oh! Id like to go there!
Pam: I (6. send) you a card.
John: Thanks, Pam. How you (7. get) to the airport?
Pam: I dont know yet. Perhaps I (8. get) a taxi.
John: Of course I (9. give) you a lift. See you tomorrow.
III. Translate into English.
1. Никто не хотел пробовать это блюдо.
2. Он - очень амбициозный человек. Ему 35 и он владеет сетью отелей.
3. Я не могу хорошо спланировать и организовать свою работу.
Progress Test 1-5 C
I.Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Present Continuous.
1. Such a nuisance! Every time we (go) to the country, the sky (be) grey, the sun (not shine), the weather (be) awful.
2. Hi! What you (do)? I (write) a report to the university newspaper.
3. How often you (do) it? I (do) it every month.
4. When she (come) home, her family (have) dinner.
5. When my father (come) home, my mother (make) supper.
6. I usually (meet) my friend, when he (run) in the morning.
7. When teacher (enter) the classroom, the students (stand) up.
8. When he (come)? He (come) tomorrow.
II. Постройте вопросы и отрицательные предложения.
1. They have a problem.
2. Ive got a car.
3. She has got a fan heater.
4. He has a café.
III. Образуйте II форму следующих глаголов.
Sell, laugh, teach, read, complain, decide.
IV. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple или Past Continuous.
1. When we (play) tennis yesterday, it suddenly (start) raining.
2. The sun (go) down behind the hills when I (reach) a village which (be) only a few miles from the sea.
3. We (walk) down the street to Mikes place when we (see) him in the window of a bus that (pass).
4. Where Kate (go) when you (meet) her yesterday? She (go) to her friend.
V. Перепишите предложения, употребляя предлоги времени, где необходимо.
1. When are you leaving? ____Monday.
2. What time? ____ 10.30 ____ the morning I will phone you.
3. ____ Christmas all children wait for presents.
4. ____ week-ends people try to relax somewhere out-of-doors.
VI. Перепишите предложения, употребляя выражения количества.
1. I want____ sugar in my tea.
2. Do we have milk? Yes, we have____.
3. There are____ parks in our town. Its so green.
4. How____ salt do you need? -Just____.
VII. Перепишите предложения, употребляя артикли там где необходимо.
1. I have ____ flat.
2. ____ flat is very comfortable.
3. Its in ____ southern part of ____ town.
4. She is ____ housewife.
5. Can you turn off ____ light, please?
VIII. Перепишите предложения, употребляя will или going to.
1. Why have you bought eggs and flow? I ____ bake a cake.
2. Ive forgotten my umbrella! Dont worry, I ____ lend you mine.
3. Where ____ you ____ on holiday?
4. I ____ write to you.
IX. Переведите предложения.
1. I love Belgian chocolate. I will bring you some.
2. Im going home in two days.
3. The soup you cooked yesterday was very tasty.
4. Id like a large, brown, sliced loaf, please.
5. Can I take this bag as hand luggage?
Progress Test 1-5 D
I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Fill the prepositions and exp-ns of quantity there necessary.
There (1.be) ____ reasons to believe that this tourist season (2.be) successful for Russias tourism industry.3.____ last summer we (4.sign) 5.____ contracts with 6.____ Europeans agencies. We (7.see) our partners 8.____ next week and (9.discuss) 10.____ details. 11.____last year more than 4 million Russian tourists (12.go) abroad.13.____ this year it (14.be) at least 5 million.
Speaking about Russian tourism industry, the situation in Russia (15.not scare) off foreigners any longer. St. Petersburg, Moscow, the Gold Ring and North Caucasus (16.attract) 17.____ tourists. Foreigners (18.want) (19.see) them. But they also would like (20.have) good service.
There (21.be) 22.____ obstacles for development of tourism industry. Foreigner mass media usually (23.give) a high profile of our tragedies. It (24.put) off potential tourists. Two years ago we (25.attend) a tourism exhibition when state Duma Deputy Galina Starovoitova (26.be) assassinated. TV channels (27.report) on the tragic event every 15 minutes.
It (28.discourage) 29.____visitors to Russia. 30.____ tour operators (31.not honour) their obligations as the quality of services provided, time-frame, or transport facilities. But we (32.try) to strip such operators of licenses. We hope (33.improve) the situation. We (34.believe) that people (35.enjoy) (36.go) to Russia.
II. Your friend is going to get married. Youll be maid of honour. Ask about the groom and the ceremony.
1. When /start/ going out?
2. Where/meet?
3. What/like most of all?
4. Meet his parents?
5. Like them?
6. How often/ keep in touch with the parents?
7. Where/ have a ceremony?
8. Where /go for honeymoon?
9. What kind of dress /have?
10. His age.
11. His occupation.
12. His present activity.
13. Where / live?
III. Fill in the articles where necessary.
1. What is ____ name of ____ hotel youre staying in? -____ Imperial. Its in ____ Queen Street in ____ city centre. Its near ____ station.
2. I have two brothers. ____older one is training to be ____ pilot. ____younger one is still at ____school.
IV. Translate into English.
1. Иногда я становлюсь ленивым.
2. Работа не привлекает меня.
3. Я звоню друзьям и приглашаю их куда-нибудь погулять.
4. Я хорошо знаю (в хороших отношениях) повара одного из ресторанов.
5. Там я и устраиваю встречу.
6. Мы заказываем цыпленка, фруктовый салат и безалкогольные напитки.
7. Обычно мы уходим из ресторана в 11.
8. Но в прошлый раз мы ушли в полночь.
9. Мои друзья очень заботливые. Они никогда не оставляют меня одного.
10. Мы проводим вместе много времени. Я хотел бы устраивать вечеринки каждую неделю.
Unit 6 A
I. Построите вопросы с is, are, was, were, do, does и did.
1. What ____ your teacher like? She is strict and intelligent.
2. What ____ your teachers at the school like? They were kind and helpful.
3. What ____ you like most of all? - I like chocolate.
4. What ____ you like when you were a child? - I liked cherries.
II. Образуйте степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий.
early, few, beautiful, big, pretty, crowded, little, nice.
III. Построите предложения c as…as и than.
Например:Your book/ thick/ mine. Your book is as thick as mine. Your book is thicker than mine.
1. Taganrog / big / Novocherkassk.
2. He / intelligent /his father.
3. I live / far from the city centre / you.
4. He has / high points / his friend.
IV. Посмотрите на картинку и опишите как попасть в различные точки города:
1. From city hall to the tennis court.
2. Form Sax Brothers to the department store.
3. From the park to the cleaners.
4. From the police station to the drugstore.
5. From the bookstore to the library.
Unit 6 B
I. Постройте вопросы.
What____ your uncle like? He is very generous.
What____ he like? He likes traveling.
What____ your nephew like? He is a very talented young man.
What ____ he like? He is fond of programming.
Im looking for my book. What ____ it like?
What ____ the weather like yesterday? It was so slippery.
Did you enjoy the party? What ____it like?
What ____ you like most of all?
II. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных.
1. mean |
3. outgoing |
5. rude |
7. happy |
2. powerful |
4. slow |
6. deep |
8. peaceful |
III. Раскройте скобки, употребляя прилагательные и наречия в нужной степени сравнения.
Which is (large): The United States or Canada?
Moscow is (large) city in Russia.
I am not (tall) as Alex.
The island of Great Britain is (small) than Greenland.
What is the name of (high) mountain in Asia?
Ann is as (pretty) as Laura.
Paula is (pretty) than both Ann and Laura.
This is (beautiful) view I have even seen in my life.
IV. Вставьте предлоги along, to, out of, up, past, right, past, right.
The way from building A to hostel 4.
Go ____ the building, turn ____. Go ____ Chekhov Street ____ building B and shops____ Nekrasovskiy side-street. Turn ____. Go ____ Nekrasovskiy side-street Nekrasovskiy the café “555”.
Unit 6 C
I. Put the adjectives in brackets in the proper, form. Use much, a lot, a bit, a little where possible.
1. Can you drive (slowly)? You might be fined.
2. You look so exhausted. You should go to bed (early), eat (much) and work (little). I'm sure you'd feel (well).
3. I like having rest in the country. It's (peaceful) place in the world. It's (good) than going anywhere.
4. It was (exciting) and (pleasant) event in my life.
5. I think it's (good) way out of the situation.
II. Complete the sentences using as...as and than.
1. You are so stubborn. You are (stubborn) your brother.
2. The city centre is usually (crowded) today.
3. I am (good) singer (her).
4. The weather in Madrid is (hot) in Taganrog.
5. I live (far)-from the university (him).
III. What ... like? Complete the questions.
1. What (his girlfriend) like? - Oh, she's very intelligent and pretty.
2. What (she) like? - She is fond of coffee and chocolate.
3. What (your new house) like? - It's much bigger and more convenient.
4. What has he bought a new car? What (his old car) like? - Oh, it was as old as him.
5. What (your parents) like? - They are nice and friendly.
Unit 6 D
I. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct degree of comparison.
Its too noisy here. Can we go somewhere (quiet)?
You live (far) from the station than I thought.
(Far) discussion is useless.
Lets go by train. Its much (cheap).
In June its becoming (hard) to study.
My sister is (old) than me.
My (old) sister is 25.
This problem is far (important) than any other.
II. Write the following sentences, using degree of comparative.
It is good to have as many friends as possible.
When Id thought over the plan I didnt like it very much.
If we start discussing the problem, well solve it soon.
What time shall we leave? As soon as possible.
Ive waited long enough. Im not waiting now.
I didnt spend as much money as you.
I earn 700$. Ann earns 800$.
My salary is 700$.Anns salary is 800$.
Unit 7A
I. Образуйте III форму (Past Participle) следующих глаголов.
Recognize, send, lose, catch, waste, begin, take, whisper, sell, train.
II. Измените время глагола на Present Perfect, употребляя just, already или yet. Переведите оба предложения.
1. I am eating my breakfast.
2. He is putting the dishes on the table.
3. They are having tea.
4. She is taking dirty plates from the table.
5. The students are writing a test.
6. She is learning a poem.
7. He is telling them an interesting story.
8. We are opening a box of chocolates.
III. Постройте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения, используя предложения упражнения I. (8 предложений).
IV. Перепишите предложения, употребляя for или since.
Hello! I havent seen you … ages.
She has studied English … 1995.
He hasnt met his friends … his birthday.
She has worked here … 5 years.
I havent met him … 5 days.
We have studied here … September, 1.
They have been to London … 2 years.
They have been to London …May, 14.
V. Перепишите предложения, употребляя Past Simple или Present Perfect.
1. Last year he (go) to Spain.
2. Where is Tom? He (go) to Spain.
3. I (see) Tom yesterday.
4. I (not see) him for ages.
5. Last term we (read) an interesting story.
6. You ever (read) science fiction?
7. This writer is my brother. He (write) 4 books.
8. S. Mangham (write) a very popular short story called “The Luncheon”.
Unit 7 B
I. Перепишите предложения, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect.
1. He (not come) back yet.
2. I just (get) a letter from my parents.
3. You ever (be) to the Crimea?
4. Pease give me a pencil, I (lose) mine.
5. Where is Paula? She (go) home.
6. They get only excellent marks. They (improve) their English.
7. You (read) all this books?
8. You (book) the tickets? Yes, I … .
II. Перепишите предложения, употребляя for или since.
1. Ive lived in this house …I was 6.
2. I havent met her … a long time.
3. She has been here … 10 oclock.
4. They have worked here … 2 weeks.
III. Перепишите предложения, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1. Last night I (feel) tired and (go) to bed very early.
2. The sun (not rise) yet.
3. We (not decide) what to do yet.
4. You (see) Jack today? No, I … .
5. My brother (return) from the North.
6. He (go) there 2 years ago.
7. Why you (come)? What do you want?
8. When you (come)? I (come) 10 minutes ago.
IV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
Did Mary tell you about her plans?
Have your friends arrived?
Do your parents understand you?
Was your sister having breakfast when you phoned her?
Are you waiting for holidays?
Is your friend a student?
Were you a naughty child?
Did your parents use to spoil you?
Unit 7 C
I. Write Past tense forms and the past participles of the following verbs. Some of them are regular, and some are irregular.
1. fly |
3. teach |
5. peel |
7. pack |
9. chose |
2. found |
4. invite |
6. break |
8. lose |
10. show |
II. Put the verbs in brackets in Present Perfect.
1. Linda (lose) her passport again. It' s the second tome it (happen).
2. You're out of breath. You (run)?
3. It (not rain) this week.
4. Tom (not work) very hard this month.
5. You (hear) this song?
6. I never ( drive) a car.
7. Look! Somebody (break) my pencil.
8. Would you like a cup of coffee? - No, 1 just (drink) tea.
III. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form, Present Perfect or Past Simple.
1. Jim is away on holiday. He (go) to Spain
2. They (go) out after lunch and they just (come) back.
3. John (live) in Scotland for 10 years. Then he (move) to England. He (live) in London for 5 years.
4. Chinese (invent) printing.
5. They (have) a car when they were living in Oxford? - No, they (have) a car since they (move) to London.
IV. Fill in the gaps using for or since.
1. I haven't seen Helen - Friday.
2. We have known each other we were children.
3. Hello! I haven't seen you _ages.
4. It has been raining - 2 hours.
5. I've been learning English - 6 years.
V. Put one of the adverbs in the list into each gap.
Always, fortunately, even, exactly, still, of course, only, especially, at last, at least, too, nearly. |
1. I have____ loved music, ____, classic.
2. I was in such a hurry! I couldn't____ have breakfast. __ you should have had coffee, ____.
3. What are you doing? You've ____burnt my meal !
4. You should keep to a diet. Eat ____greenstuff and fruits. Perhaps then you'll get thinner, ____.
5. Are you going out tonight? ____ I am!
Unit 7 D
I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form Present Perfect or Past Simple.
1. Bill is phoning his girlfriend again. Thats the third time he (phone) this evening.
2. Look! Somebody (break) the glass. It (be not) me. I (not do)it.
3. I (study) German at school but I (forget) most of it.
4. You (see) Ann recently? I (see) her a minute ago.
5. Wheres my bag? Perhaps somebody (take) it.
6. Oh, no! Theres nothing to eat. My brother (eat) everything, I (leave) in the fridge.
7. I (be) alone here since she (leave).
8. I (read) this book now, so you can have it back.
II. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form. Write for or since in the gaps.
In 1983 Tom (1.start) work as a doctor in Bristol Hospital, but in the following year he (2.have) a serious car accident and finally (3.have to) give up work as a doctor in 1985. Although he (4.move) to London 5.… 2 years, he (6.live) in Leeds 7.… 1988. When he (8.go) to London in 1986 he (9.start) writing and (10.write) books and articles ever 11.…them. His first novel was published in 1989. 12.… then he (13.travel) in South America. And recently his second novel (14.win) the Cooker Prize.
III. Translate into English.
1. Ты знаешь, что Том спас несколько человек, попавших в аварию, и получил вознаграждение.
2. Я думаю, стыдно брать вознаграждение за это.
3. Я считаю, что благотворительные организации должны помогать разным категориям людей.
4. В этом месяце плата за проезд повысилась.
5. Кто сломал гитару?
Unit 8 A
Перепишите предложения, вставляя should или have to в нужной форме.
I think you … smoke less.
I … write this composition yesterday.
It is raining. You … take your umbrella.
We missed the bus and … take a taxi.
She is good at Maths. You …ask her about it.
On Sundays we … go to the university.
… you … go to the university on Sundays?
Youre being so pale today. You … have a rest.
Постройте вопросительные и отрицательные предложения:
She should learn these words.
He had to work hard last month.
He has to get a visa.
You should do it again.
Unit 8 B
Раскройте скобки, употребляя have to или should:
You (take) warm clothes. Its rather cold there.
They (keep) all documents.
Her parents have gone to Spain, so she (cook) for herself.
You (see) this film.
Students (work) hard to get good education.
You (eat) fruits and vegetables.
She is seriously ill. She (take) medicine every 3 hours.
Last year he (work) a lot to by a car.
II. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения, используя упражнение I.
Unit 8 C
I. Write should or the correct form of have to in the gaps.
Example: A chef has to cook many kinds of food.
1. I _____ get up early tomorrow. I meet my brother.
2. You (not)_____tell her about it. It'll upset her.
3. I _____call my friend or she'll forget to bring my book.
4. I think you_____ rest a little.
5. He_____ keep his things in order.
6. You_____ not get upset about such little things.
7. Tim works too much. He_____ take it easy.
8. You_____ (not) come with me, if you dont want to.
9. When you go abroad you_____ get a visa.
10. When you're in America you_____ visit San Francisco, because some people think it's the most beautiful city.
II. Translate these sentences.
1. My mother is a doctor, so she has to work with ill people.
2. I think you should do more exercises.
3. - Would you like to go for a walk? -I'm afraid, I can't.
4. In my family my sister has to do the washing up.
5. When Kimora began to work for Chanel, she had to learn French.
Unit 8D
I. Complete the sentences with should or have to in the correct form.
1. These people (not work) here now.
2. The party was great. You (come).
3. What I (do) to pass the exam?
4. You ever (go) to hospital?
5. We (not lose) the way. I remembered the place quite well.
6. Shes been studying so hard, I think she (pass).
7. Wheres John? He (arrive) by now.
8. How long you (wait) for bus?
Unit 9A
I. Перепишите предложения, употребляя глаголы в скобках в нужной форме.
If I (go) to the supermarket, I will buy provision.
If I (not go) I will ask my neighbour to buy something for me.
If I (be) free, Ill go out.
If the weather (not be) fine, we (not go) out.
If you (try) it, you (like) it.
If she (not work) hard, she (fail) the exam.
If they (go) out, they (take) me.
If my brother (phone), we (arrange) meeting.
II. Составьте предложения с союзами when, as soon as, if.
He is busy. I leave him alone.
You put on glasses. You see better.
He comes to the hotel. He sends a telegram.
My father returns. We discuss it.
You give me your address. I write you a letter.
He starts reading 5 pages a day. His vocabulary increases.
My friends go to the Black Sea. I go with them.
I dont like the dish. I dont tell about it.
Unit 9 B.
I. Перепишите предложения, употребляя глаголы в скобках в нужной форме.
If we (have) free time, we (go) for a walk.
If we (go) for a walk, she (go) with us.
If she (go) with us, she (not do) her homework.
If she (not do) her homework, she (have) problem at the lessons.
If she (have) problems at the lesson, she (try) to improve.
If she (try) to improve, she (study) a lot.
If she (study) a lot, she (stay) at home.
If she (stay) at home, we (come) to help her.
II. Составьте предложения с союзами when, as soon as, if.
I will work a lot. I will be tired.
I will be angry. Somebody will break the vase.
She will not find the key. She will break the door.
He will finish school. He will enter the university.
He will enter the university. He will try to work hard.
He will work hard. He will get good notes.
He will get good notes. He will get a grant.
He will get a grant. He will not have money problem.
Unit 9C.
I. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form.
1. If I _____(pass) my driving test, I _____ (buy) a car.
2. You _____ (give) her the flowers, when you _____ (see) her?
3. Our children and grandchildren ____(suffer), if we _____(not look after) our planet.
4. When she _____(read) my letters, she _____(understand) the problem.
5. I _____(marry) you, as soon as we _____ (find) somewhere to live.
6. Where he _____(stay) when he _____(go) to New - York?
7. If we _____(get) the tickets, we _____(keep) two for you.
8. They _____(give) her the message as soon as she_____(arrive)
9. Your plants _____(not grow) well if you _____(not water) them.
10. You _____(learn) English more easily if _____(study)hard.
II. Fill in the gaps with make/do. Mind the form.
1. I _____ morning exercises every day.
2. He always _____ mistakes in his speech.
3. _____ me a favour.
4. I have no time. Could you _____ my bed for me.
5. First we _____ the cake, then we _____ tea.
6. Look at the room. You _____ such a mess here.
7. You have to _____ your best to pass the exams.
8. Hush! Don' t_____ noise the baby is asleep.
9. Let's _____ business together, now when we have money.
Unit 9 D
I. Write 1st Conditionals and Time clauses
1. My last bus is at 9 p.m. Now its 8.40. I have to go.
2. Why arent you watching the cat? It is going to eat all the fish.
3. My visit to you depends on my being in town.
4. Leave half of your luggage. Its too heavy to walk with it.
5. Is Ann going shopping? Could she buy some sugar?
6. Go home and phone your parents immediately.
7. I remember his appearance quite well. Im sure not to miss him.
8. Your marks depend on your work.
Unit 10 A
Достройте группы предложений так, чтобы у каждого предложения было 3 формы: утвердительная, отрицательная и вопросительная. Например:
He used to smoke. He didnt use to smoke. Did he use to smoke?
I used to live alone.
My children didnt use to watch TV a lot.
Did she use to eat a lot of sweets, when she was a child?
You didnt use to like him.
Перепишите предложения, употребляя глаголы в скобках в Past Simple или с used to.
Paula (spend) a lot of money on clothes. Now she is more careful with her money.
Last year she (spend) 300$ on a T shirt!
He (not eat) a lot. Now he is constantly eating.
He (eat) 2 pizzas yesterday!
I (watch) TV a lot. Now I dont watch it at all.
Last week-end we (watch) a very interesting film.
She (have) very long hair. Now she has her hair cut.
8. She (cut) her finger yesterday.
III. Выберите правильный вариант.
1. Dont let your children eat / to eat so many sweets.
2. I told am not to shout / not shout.
3. She asked Peter to lend / lend her some money.
4. I told my friend to keep / keep to a diet.
5. My teacher always made me to do / do some extra work.
6. They never let me to talk / talk at the lessons.
7. They told me to study / study all the rules.
8. Some marks made me to cry / cry.
Unit 10 B
I. Постройте предложения, используя used to или Past Simple
1. We (come) to live in Washington two years ago. We (live) in New York.
2. There (be) a hotel opposite the department store, but it (close) last year.
3. She (play) the guitar, but (stop) playing in 1998.
4. I (not like) him, but last week (change) my mind.
II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. I asked my friend to help / help / helping me with the washing-up.
2. Id like to invite / invite / inviting you for dinner.
3. She enjoys to be / be / being alone.
4. It makes her to feel / feel / feeling calm.
5. We decided to go / go / going to the cinema.
6. Peter asked Pam to stop / stop / stopping crying.
7. He told her to concentrate / concentrate / concentrating.
8. But she continued to weep/weep/weeping and didnt want to hear / hear / hearing anything.
III. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя известные вам глагольные модели. Например:
Why have you bought milk and flour? Ive bought it to bake a cake.
1. What did you go shopping for?
2. What are you going to Moscow for?
3. Why should we hurry? (not be late)
4. Why arent you eating anything this week? (get thinner)
IV. Ответьте на вопросы, употребляя известные вам глагольные модели. Например:
What is interesting for you to do? Its interesting for me to read books.
1. What is easy for you to do?
2. What is important for you to do?
3. What is difficult for you to do?
4. What is necessary for you to do?
Unit 10 C
I. Use the appropriate verb pattern and/or verb form.
I enjoy (listen) music.
There was a lot of traffic but we managed (get) to the airport in time.
Ive never been to Iceland but Id like (go).
Her parents wouldnt let her (go out) alone.
Hot weather makes me (feel) tired.
She doesnt like (do the ironing).
She told children (stop talking).
I was asked (be) careful.
Let him (do) what he ants.
10. His jokes always make me (laugh).
II. Complete the following sentences.
I / happy see you again.
Important / consult a dictionary.
Impossible / sleep in such noise.
III. Answer the questions using infinitives of purpose.
Why have you entered the university?
Why did you borrow 1000$?
IV. Choose the correct form of an adjective.
1. I was disappointing / disappointed with the film. I had expected it to be better.
2. Are you interesting / interested in football?
3. The football match was quite exciting / excited. I enjoyed it.
4. I didnt find the situation funny. I was not amusing / amused.
5. It was a really terrifying / terrified experience. Everybody was shocking/ shocked.
6. Why do you always look so boring/ bored? Is your life really boring/ bored?
7. Hes one of the most boring/ bored people Ive ever met. He never says anything interested/ interested.
V. Adverbs. Complete the sentences using following adverbs.
Seriously, quickly, properly, patiently, suddenly |
_____ it started raining.
She fell _____ ill and was operated.
You should do it _____. Try to do it according to the rules.
She was explaining the situation_____ for the 3rd time.
Get out, _____!
Unit 10 D
I. Complete the dialogue with use, used to, use to
-Do you want a cup of tea, Jane?
-No, thanks. Can I have coffee?
-But you 1._____(not like) coffee. You 2._____(drink) tea.
-Ive changed my life style. I 3._____(not put) salt in my food. I 4.______ (eat) a lot of cornflakes.
-No, I (not 5.______) this teapot. Take another one. I 6._____small one.
-You ______ (7.not collect) teapots.
-Yes, I 8.______ (hate) everything connected with kitchen
Постройте вопросы к выделенным частям предложений.
1) Peter has written a letter. (2 вопроса)
2) Mrs. Moore is talking to her guests in the sitting room (3 вопроса)
3) In the afternoon I went into town with my friend to buy food for the party.(5 вопросов)
Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.
1) Last week we (go) to the cafe
2) - You (read) my book?
- I (not read) your book yet.
- I (give) it back to you tomorrow.
3) When Ted (enter) the room, his family (have) dinner.
4) Ouch! I (cut) my finger.
5) - When you (buy) this car?
- We (buy) it 2 years ago.
6) He always (get) home by train, but now he (go) by car.
7) Tomorrow I (meet) my bank manager I (want) (start) business. Id like (run) a café. I like (cook) and hope (succeed).
8) - Where you (come) from?
- I (come) from Russia and my husband (come) from the UK.
Перепишите предложения, употребляя предлоги, там, где это необходимо.
My birthday is 1._____1st of June. Last year I had great day. I got up 2._____ 8 oclock and went 3._____ the market. 4._____ the evening my friends came 5._____ me. 6._____ midnight they went 7._____ home. I like birthdays 8._____ summer. But I prefer not to stay 9._____ home
Поставьте have to или should.
1) I think you _____ be careful.
2) He is a sportsman. He _____ be always fit.
3) You _____ put out the cigarette, when you enter the cinema.
4) You _____visit as many countries as possible. It so exciting! But you _____ get visas first.
Перепишите предложения, употребляя необходимую степень сравнения.
1) I will choose this sofa. It is (modern) and (big).
2) I think its as (big) as our old one.
3) With team is (good) “Real” or “Milan”? They are equal. “Portu” is (strong) of them all. Surely its (good).
Перепишите предложения, употребляя необходимые выражения количества.
1) How _____ is that bag?
2) We have _____ eggs _____ flour and _____ sugar. Lets bake a cake.
3) But we dont have _____ milk and _____ butter.
4) Could you lend me _____ money?
I dont have _____, Im afraid.
5) They are _____ cars in this street.
6) We have _____ photos in our album. Its full of them.
Bставьте предлог.
1) She is interested ____ science fiction.
2) I can agree ____ you.
3) Im afraid ____ spiders.
4) He never listens _____ me!
5) Ive been waiting _____ you for 2 hours!
Поставьте глагол в нужной форме.
1) If you (eat) too much chocolate you (be) fat.
2) When I (come) home I (phone) you.
3) When he (see) me he (not recognize) me.
4) If you (not go) there, you (be) sorry about it.
5) Im sure if she (have) this look, she (lend) it.
Unit 11 A
I. Постройте отрицательные и вопросительные предложения.
1. English is spoken all over the world.
2. Letters are received every week.
3. I am asked to come later.
4. They are woken up by a loud noise.
5. He is often invited to the parties.
6. New houses are built in this town.
7. Coca Cola is sold in every shop.
8. Credit cards are accepted here.
II. Перепишите предложения задания I в Future Simple Passive и Past Simple Passive.
III. Составьте предложения.
1. stolen, last, a, picture, year, was.
2. China, is, rice, in, down.
3. every, bread, eaten, is day.
4. is, by, me, done, the test, being.
5. in, time, be, the walk, will, done.
6. has, my, cut, cherry, tree, down, been.
7. now, our, being, is, pizza, made.
8. been, workers, many, have, how, fired.
Unit 11 B
I. Выберите правильный вариант предложения.
1. He always (laugh) at.
a) be laughed
b) is laughed
c) is being laughed
2. At the station we (meet) by our guide.
a) was meet
b) were been met
c) were met
3. A lot of modern equipment (design) by this scientist.
a) will design.
b) will be designed
c) will be design
4. All these articles (read).
a) should be read
b) should read
c) should been read
5. This film (direct) by Tarantino.
a) directed
b) was been directed
c) was directed
6. The notice (not read).
a) cant be read
b) cant been read
c) cant be readed
7. Two pictures (steal) from the British museum.
a) has been stolen
b) have be stolen
c) have been stolen
8. The students (examine) now.
a) are examined
b) is being examined
c) are being examined
II. Перепишите предложения в страдательном залоге.
1. We received this letter after his departure.
2. Have dogs ever attacked you?
3. Bees gather honey from flowers by bees.
4. The storm drove the ship against a rock.
5. Who discovered the circulation of blood?
6. They are selling delicious.
7. The old man showed us the way out of the forest.
8. We have been looking for you the whole morning.
9. We will insist on strict discipline.
10. You can easily remove the bandage.
Unit 11C
I. Match the beginning of the sentences in A and the ending B:
A |
B |
1) Are the orders |
a) a lot of time may be wasted and very little be achieved. |
2) If we use the old method, |
b) was being discussed, so I sat down to listen. |
3) Something important |
c) have been taken yet? |
4) No decisions |
d) always fulfilled in time? |
5) This monument |
e) was erected three hundred years ago. |
II. Change these sentences into the Passive Voice.
They play tennis all year round.
She has already washed the floor.
They are laughing at him.
They had repaired his car.
He is following us all the time.
His friends never forgave his betrayal.
The manager offered me several jobs.
They will promise you much.
He has booked the tickets.
He is giving a very interesting task.
His parents often send him letters.
They had painted the house.
John will have received the papers by tomorrow.
The waiter is serving us very fast.
They will give me holiday next mouth.
III. Choose the correct verb and put it in the right tense.
Offer, accept, invent, locate, make |
_____ credit cards in your shop?
Nylon _____ in the 1930s by an American chemist, Julian Hill.
The first VW cars ____ in Germany just before the World War II.
She _____ a well- paid job. I think shell take it.
Our company _____ in Sweden.
IV. Put the verbs in the correct form.
Recently a new generation a cost of TV sets (to launch) in Japan.
Each Concord (to build) at 55.000.000 pounds.
In Japan marriages of young people (to arrange) by their parents.
We (to receive) a telephone call from them a few days ago.
Boss says I (to give) a pay-rise next month.
She (to inform) about the reason of the research as soon as it (to finish).
I (send) them fax yesterday.
At present our company (to reorganize).
The mail (not to receive) yet.
I (to sell) my car last week.
V. Translate following sentences.
1. Who told you that agreement had already been signed?
2. Visitors are received every day.
3. Has he been sent for yet? Yes, he was called and told to come at 8 oclock.
4. I havent been told about it yet.
5. The work had been finished by the evening.
Unit 11 D
Write following sentences in Passive. Give two possible variants.
1. Her parents send her letter every mouth.
2. Someone showed me their photo.
3. His friends have told him everything.
4. They should have told her the truth.
Write the sentences using necessary voice Active or Passive.
1. Microscopes (use) to examine very small organisms.
2. Water (shape) the whole surface of the Earth.
3. The first calculation machine (build) in 1642.
4. The car (arrive) suddenly nobody (see) it.
5. No one (hurt).
6. The match (cancel) because of the bad weather.
7. The computer (work) again anybody (repair) it? It (not break), it (switch off).
Unit 12A
I. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на тип придаточного предложения.
1. If I am late for the play, I will be very upset.
2. If I were the president, I would pay special attention to youth problems.
3. If he doesnt go shopping, we will have nothing to eat.
4. If I didnt go shopping, we would eat out.
II. Выберите правильную форму глагола. (Second Conditional).
1. If I have / had an island, I will / would invite all my friends there
2. If I am / were a fairy I will / would make something magic for you.
3. If he live / lived in Brazil, he will / would lie on the beach all day.
4. If they dont invite/didnt invite me, I will not / wouldnt go there.
III. Составьте предложение.
1. be, he, late, might,
2. the match, might, Portu, win.
3. or, might, home, he, go, stay, his friends, at, to.
4. dinner, or, cook, I , might, out , something, we, eat.
Unit 12 B
I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужной форме.(Second Conditional).
1. If I (have) more free time, I (go) to the swimming pool.
2. If he (want) to see us, he (come).
3. If he (not be) so stubborn, it (be) easier to work with him.
4. If we (go) to the Far East, we (admire) the nature of this region.
5. If she (eat) less, she (not be) so fat.
6. If she (keep) to a diet, she (look) wonderful.
7. If you (discuss) it first, you (not have) such problems now.
8. If I (be) you, I (work) harder.
Unit 12C
I. Write the correct form of the verbs. Use the past Simple or d/would.
If we (have) _____ a different government, Im sure they (find) _____ solution to our economic problems.
If there (be) _____ more policemen at football matches, there not (be) _____ so much hooliganism.
If the drivers actually (follow) _____ the rules, there (be) _____ less road accidents.
If more people (give up) smoking, our health services (save) _____ a lot of money.
5. Burglars (find)_____it almost impossible to rob the houses if more houses (have)_____the alarm.
6. Parents (understand) _____ teenagers better if they (try)_____ to remember how they felt at that age.
7. If everyone (become) _____a vegetarian, then the whole population of the world (have)_____ enough to eat.
8. If everyone (stop) _____ using cars and (walk) _____instead, there (be) _____ less pollution and everyone (be)_____ healthier.
9. If you (offer)_____ him the job, he (accept)_____it.
10. If I (be)_____ you, I (try) _____harder.
11. If I (live)_____ in the country, I (have) _____ a dog.
12. If I (have) a lot of money, I (not work).
13. I (go) _____ to the party if I (not be) _____ so busy.
14. What you (do) if someone (give) _____ you a million pounds?
15. If I (be) _____ you, I (look) _____ for another job.
II. Write the sentences in the Second Conditional.
1. He eats a lot of sweets. He's fat.
2. She smokes 40 cigarettes a day. She coughs a lot.
3. They dont have a garden. They dont grow vegetables.
4. I dont have a boat. I won't sail around the world.
5. I can't swim well. I won't take part in the competition.
III. Write the correct form of the verbs. Choose will or would.
1. As soon as I hear the news, I (let) _____ you know.
2. If they keep playing as badly as this, they (lose) _____the match.
3. If I were you, I (not spend) _____so much time at home.
4. I (give) _____you a ring when I get home tonight.
5. Look out! If you stand near the edge you (fall) _____
6. You (feel) _____better if you didn't smoke.
7. Don't worry. I (wait) _____here for you until you come back.
8. If you don't stop making such a terrible noise, I (call) _____the police.
9. If more people used bicycles, there (not be) _____so much pollution.
10. If I lived in a house as big as yours, I (buy) _____more furniture.
IV. Multi-words verbs. Fill the gaps by multi-words. One example has been given.
Take, get, turn(2), give, look, come, throw, fill, pick. |
Off, away, in (2), around, on, out, up. |
Example: I fell off the stairs.
1. _____and sit down.
2. You've missed a lot of lessons.
You'll have to _____them.
3. _____ _____your jacket. It's too hot here.
4. _____ _____of the window!
5. _____ _____ the lights! It's too dark here.
6. The books are too old. Let's_____ them _____.
7. They _____ _____with each other perfectly.
8._____the form please.
9. You look wonderful. _____ _____ I'll have a look at you.
10. I'm trying to _____smoking.
Test 12 D
I. Write the following sentences with if.
For example: I didnt know Liz was ill, so I didnt go to see her. - If I had known Liz was ill, I would have gone to see her.
1. I didnt hear the children were fighting, so I didnt stop them.
2. I didnt talk to Marry, so I didnt help her.
3. You didnt take care, so you had problems.
4. You opened the cage and the parrot flew away.
5. She didnt work much, so she didnt earn money to buy car.
6. I had a lot of books on History, so I wrote my report at home.
7. I promised to take my daughter to the cinema, so I couldn't meet you
8. It was very important for me, so I tired to do my best.
II. Put one of the multi-word verbs in to each gap.
1. She never _____ the words in the dictionary.
2. _____ your hat, before you go into class.
3. _____ your coat. I want to see if it suits you.
4. Thats it! I _____ this book for 2 days!
5. _____ the radio. I want to listen to music.
6. Who will _____ you, if you're unwell?
7. She _____ two nice children. They manage to _____ with each other. I've never seen them quarreling.
8. He says he _____ Japanese quite quickly but I dont believe him.
III. Correct the mistakes.
1. I failed. Unhappy luck.
2. Could you turn the radio, please down?
3. If I am you, I would change the job.
4. I would bought a better car, if I had more money.
5. If he would be my brother, I would get on with him.
IV. Write the sentences beginning with I wish.
For example: I dont have a car. I wish I had a car.
1. I want to stay at home. But I have to go.
2. What time is it? I dont have a watch.
3. Its cold. I hate such weather!
4. I cant go to your party.
5. I want to have the key.
6. Oranges dont grow here.
7. There is no cheese in the fridge.
8. Such a pity youre not here.
Unit 13 A
I. Постройте предложения в Present Perfect Continuous.
1. looking, you, I, been, for, have, 2 hours.
2. have, you, what, doing, been?
3. been, Linda, as a guide, has, for,3 months, working.
4. as a guide, how long, has working, Linda, been?
5. TV, all day, have, my children, watching.
6. you, here, been, how long, living, have?
7. shopping, we, all morning, going, have, been.
8. long, waiting, been, you, have?
II. Выберите правильную форму глагола (Present Perfect Simple / Present Perfect Continuous).
1. Why are you so dirty? I have been painted / have been painting the bathroom.
2. Look at my bathroom! I have just painted / have just been painting it.
3. We have played / have been playing four games.
4. We have played / have been playing basketball all day.
5. I have studied / have been studying the items of the exam.
6. I have studied / have been studying seven items.
7. My friends have planted / have been planting trees for already two days.
8. They have already planted / have been planting thirty trees.
Test 13 B
I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужном времени Present Perfect Simple или Present Perfect Continuous.
1. I (cook) soup and pizza.
2. I (cook) for two hours.
3. How long she (study) German?
4. She (study) English and German. She speaks them fluently.
5. Ouch! I (break) the glass.
6. You (study) English long?
7. Stop it! You (talk) for an hour.
8. How long you (know) him?
Test 13 C
I. Put the verb in brackets into correct form Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous.
1. My hands are very dirty. I (repair) the car.
2. The car is OK now. I (repair) it.
3. Somebody (smoke) all my cigarettes, the packet is empty.
4. Mary is still writing letters. She (write) letters all day. She (write) 10 letters today.
5. Where you (be)? I (look) for you for the last half hour.
6. How long you (know) each other? We just (get) acquainted.
7. What you (do), since we last met?
II. Write whether the sentences given below right or wrong. Correct the wrong sentences.
1. Bob is a friend of mine. I know him very well.
2. Bob is a friend of mine. I know him for a long time.
3. Sue and Alan are married since July.
4. The weather is awful. It's raining again.
5. The weather is awful. It's raining all day.
6. I like your house. How long are you living there?
7. Graham is working in a shop for the last few months.
8. I'm going to Paris tomorrow. I'm staying there until next Friday.
9. Do you still smoke? - No, I gave it up. I don't smoke for years.
10. That's a very old bicycle. How long do you have it?
III. Put the words in the correct order.
1. Is, 892891, John, this
2. To, I, Alice, could, please, speak
3. I, on, connect, hold, you, will
4. That, Alice, is?
5. Again, she, it's, afraid, me, Im, out, is
6. I, can, a message, take?
IV. In each of the following sentences there is one mistake. Find it and correct it. One sentence is correct.
1. I've been already written the essay.
2. Don't take this book. It's unused.
3. He never write home, but often ring his parents
4. Could I speak with John, please?
5. His father has being gardening all week-end.
6. I wasn't agree with him
7. I used to smoke, but I gave in last year.
8. Where is Tom? - He's just left out of the office.
9. Don't forget to buy a bike for Harriet!
10. Jim has left in love with Amanda!
Unit 14 A
I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в Past Perfect.
1. She wanted to reserve a table but he (do) it.
2. I wasnt hungry. I (have) lunch.
3. Tom left very nervous. He never (drive) a van before.
4. When we came home children (make) a mess in their room.
5. When I come to Ann's place she (cook) diner.
6. It was so exciting. We never (fly) before.
7. I was so tired. I (have) a busy day.
8. I met Angela yesterday. She (return) from London.
II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. George said if it is / was very difficult to play this role.
2. He said he studies / studied at Moscow University.
3. Ann said that she just had/had just had a telephone call.
4. Jack said that he will do / would do it for me.
5. Mike asked where are we going / we were going
6. She asked do I liked / if I liked her car.
7. He asked his brother what would he do / he would do.
8. He asked when did we move / we had moved to London.
Unit 14 B
I. Поставьте глаголы в скобках Past Simple или Past Perfect.
1. I (put) on coat (take) the umbrella and (go) out.
2. I (go) out and (remember) that I (forget) my umbrella.
3. When they (arrive) at the stadium the match already (begin).
4. When he (phone) Paula, she already (begin) packing.
5. When she (come) home her sister (do) the washing up.
6. He (arrive) at this town two days ago. He never (be) here before.
7. I (be) sure that I (write) the test well.
8. He (assure) us that he (recover).
II. Передайте следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
1. Sally said: “I spend my winter holiday in the mountains.”
2. Carol said: “Im going to the cinema.”
3. Marsha said: “I have just received a letter from my uncle.”
4. Denis said: “I will never forget you.”
5. He asked: “What are you waiting for?”
7. She asked: “Have you written the test?”
8. He asked: “Did she promise to help you?”
Unit 14 C
I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense Past Simple or Past Perfect.
1. They (be) very angry when (realize) that their car (disappear).
2. Bill (enter) the café (sit) at the table and (order) a drink.
3. The day (not be) the luckiest day in his life. He (have) an argument with his boss and his rival (go) to the business trip instead of him. He (try) not to think about it, but in vain.
II. Write the following sentences in reported speech.
1. “You speak English well”, said my teacher.
2. “But youve made five grammar mistakes in your composition”, said Mary.
3. She said: “You are always making mistakes in creative works.”
4. “I went to see my grandparents last week.” Said Liz
5. “When I get a job, I will rent a flat”, said Tom.
6. He asked Sarah: “Why have you bought namely these shoes?”
7. She asked me: “What will you do tomorrow if you are not busy in the office.”
8. Sam asked Paula: “Are you doing anything tomorrow?”
III. Write the following sentences in direct speech.
1. The man said he had spent a month at the Black Sea coast last summer.
2. I asked my friend if he had a headache.
3. I asked him when he had fallen ill.
4. I asked her how long she had been waiting for me.
5. He said he wouldnt go with us.
6. She told that she was staying.
7. She asked me if I was listening to her.
8. He told me he was ill but he was getting better.
IV. Use take/bring or come/go in a suitable from.
1. Dear Alice! You must _____ and see us. _____ your children.
2. My friend is _____ to Madrid. When he _____ back, he _____ me souvenirs.
V. Fill the gaps with a form of get and one of the words given below:
Lost late wet better married |
1. Take the umbrella or you _____.
2. We _____ in August.
3. It is easy _____ in this forest.
4. How is your aunt? She _____.
5. It _____. You should go home.
VI. Translate into Russian.
1. Heres my number. Please get in touch if you have any problems with the dishwasher.
2. Celia Young finds romantic fiction easy to write.
3. Bye - bye! Thank you very much for having me.
4. He is so lucky he often wins a lot of money on the football pools.
5. It takes me forty minutes to get ready in the morning.
Unit 14 D
I. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect:
When I (1.get) home, Bill (2.lie) on the sofa. The television (3.be) on, but he (4.not watch) it. He (5.sleep). I (6.turn) the television off and (7.go) to the kitchen. Though he (8.have) a busy day he (9.manage) to do a lot of things: he (10.cook) supper, (11.do) the washing up, (12.iron) his shirts and (13.go) shopping. I (14.feel) happy that I (15.choose) such a perfect husband.
II. Write the sentences using reported speech. Use say, reply, report, ask.
George. I haven't seen you for ages. You look wonderful. What have you been doing?
Linda. I got married 5 years ago. We have 2 children. So I am a housewife.
George. Where is your husband from?
Linda He was born in Australia, but his parents moved to Lisbon and they have been living there. We met in Lisbon when I was working as a journalist and he was an editor. He is still working for this publishing house but in its London office.
George Are you going to work again?
Linda Perhaps I will try my hand in a bookshop. I hope I will succeed in this business
George I wish you good luck. I am sure we will meet one day
III. Come, go, take, bring. Fill in the gaps choosing the appropriate verb in the correct form.
1 If you want _____to France don't forget _____all necessary documents.
2 I hate when somebody _____ me carnations.
3_____to the Black Sea coast and _____your family. You need to relax.
IV. Fill in the gaps using word combinations with get.
1. How are you? I am _____. Thanks.
2. The weather _____yesterday but today it is cold again.
3. I can't see the way out. We seem _____ this labyrinth.
4. Sorry. I shouldn't have said this. I always _____ when somebody interferes with my private life.
5. You should calm down. It_____to talk with you.
I. Составьте предложения в страдательном залоге.
1. in 1914, completed, the Panama Canal, was
2. has, the new, been, apparatus, installed
3. by, the telephone, who, invented, was?
4. is, the new school, near my house, begin, built
5. repaired, my car, will, tomorrow, be
6. is, this book, into 74 languages, translated
7. can, this T- shirt, easily, washed, be
8. often, with fruit, made, this pie, is
9. will, this work, completed, be, when?
10. the lawns, carefully, grown, for 50 years, been, have
II. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. Stop to cry / cry / crying!
2. Id like to go / go / going there.
3. I dont want to do / do / doing the shopping.
4. I like to walk / walk / walking home.
5. He has forgotten to lock / lock / locking the door.
6. I really enjoy to swim / swim / swimming.
7. Jim asked me to come / come / coming earlier.
8. I promised to do / do / doing it.
9. The doctor told him to take / take / taking the medicine.
10. When I entered the room they continued to talk / talk / talking.
III. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму.
1. If you go to the concert, you (like) it.
2. If he (not be) so stubborn, he would have less problems.
3. When I (see) him I will not be so worried.
4. If I were you I (not try) this drink.
5. As soon as I arrive in Moscow I (phone) you.
6. You (succeed) in everything, if your work hard.
7. The pizza (be) more delicious if you (add) some mushrooms in it. But it's tasty with shrimps too.
8. As soon as we (get) there, I (start) looking for a job.
IV. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужной форме.
This story (1.tell) to me by my friend. Her father (2.come) to Taganrog (3.study) in TTI. He (4.have) a great desire to study but (5.not have) any idea where he (6.stay). So he (7.spent) his first night at the railway station. When he (8.sleep) on the bench of the station he (9.wake) up by the police. He (10.try) (11.explain) everything to the policeman but (12.fail). He (13.lead) to the police station. When they (14.arrive) at the station he (15.be) so upset. He (16.realize) that he (17.forget) the time of his first exam. He (18.be) so desperate that the police officer (19.let) him (20.go). Then all his misfortunes (21.be) over. He (22.enter) the university, (23.graduate) from it with red diploma. He (24.work) for 15 year in an office and (25.build) a house, (26.buy) a car and (27.plant) a garden around it. Now he (28.want) (29.start) his business. Tomorrow he (30.meet) his bank manager. He (31.succeed) in everything if he (32.try).
V. Перепишите предложения в косвенной речи.
1. Do you like Ben Browns novels?
2. I think they will spoil their children.
3. The play was so boring I fell asleep in the first act.
4. I have passed the exam well.
5. Now I am trying to find a job.
6. How many letters have you written?
7. Why didnt you return home?
8. I cant drive.
VI. Выберите правильную форму прилагательного.
1. I like diving. It's so exciting / excited.
2. You look embarrassing / embarrassed.
3. We were greatly surprising / surprised by that news.
4. The film we saw was frightening / frightened.
5. We all were frightening / frightened.
6. My last business trip was so tiring / tired.
7. Are you interesting / interested in Maths? Not, it's not interesting / interested for me.
8. It was the most surprising / surprised news of the week.
9. I dont know what to do. Im so boring / bored!
VII. Перепишите предложения, вставив предлоги.
1. Her room is always ____ a mess.
2. He works ____VW.
3. Dont worry ____ it.
4. She always laughs ____ me.
5. You skirt is similar ____mine.
VIII. Фразовые глаголы. Cоставьте сочетания глагол + предлог, используя следующие синонимы и дефиниции в качестве подсказок.
1. look … |
a. expect |
2. turn … |
b. care |
3. bring … |
c. educate, raise |
4. look … |
d. reduce the volume or strength of sound |
5. get … |
e. be friendly |
1. Are they studying German?
2. Does he speak English well?
3. Is she 16?
4 Are we good students?
5. Do you like coffee?
6. Can he swim?
7. Will you like it?
8. Is she reading an interesting book?
1. What is he?
2. Where are we going?
3. Whose book is this?
4. What kind of furniture do you like?
5. How often do you go to Moscow?
6. How does she get to the university?
7. Why are we studying?
8. When is he leaving?
1. What time is it?
2. Which car do you like?
3. How much is it?
4. Who is speaking?
5. How old is your brother?
6. How many students are there in the class?
7. Why is she unwell?
8. How long does it take you to get to the university?
1. Is Lisa so lazy?
2. Are you still working?
3. Does Sarah speak French?
4. Did he get up at 7?
5. Has Jim gone to Spain?
6. Have your parents come yet?
7. Did they enjoy the film?
8. Was it a hard work?
1. isnt it?
2. Where was this vase made?
3. Who broke
4. Which car
5. When did you graduate
6. What are you looking for?
7. Does Mary live in Kent?
8. You havent written the report, have you?
Unit 2 A
1. doesnt get up, does my sister get up
2. dont speak , do they speak?
3. dont gather, do we gather?
4. dont drink, do I drink?
5. dont read, do you read?
6. doesnt write, does my uncle write?
7. dont bake, do we bake?
8. dont sleep, do babies sleep?
1. read
2. dont read
3. helps
4. dont go.
5. Do you play
6. Does she speak
7. works, doesnt want
8. do you get up, get up, doesnt get up.
1. doesnt grow
2. come, do you come
3. does she go
4. are you writing, am writing
5. are not having, have
6. are reading, is
7. do you want, dont know
8. gets up, lives, gets, doesnt like, is thinking
1. She is not having breakfast. |
Is she having breakfast? |
2. She is not drinking tea. |
Is she drinking tea? |
3. He is not cutting bread and sausage. |
Is he cutting bread and sausage? |
4. They are not making sandwiches. |
Are they making sandwiches? |
5. We are not studying German. |
Are we studying German? |
6. You are not working over the report. |
Are you working over the report? |
7. I am not cooking dinner. |
Am I cooking dinner? |
8. It is not getting dark. |
Is it getting dark? |
1. am not drinking, am writing
2. is sleeping
3. is your friend doing?
4. is not sleeping, is working
5. What is your sister doing, is watching
6. are you going, am meeting
7. are eating
8. am looking, is having
9. is dancing, is smiling, is waving
10. is not eating, is she trying, Yes, she is
11. am studying
12. are playing
13. is playing
14. are you doing, are listening.
15 is packing, is he going, he is going.
16. are moving, is appearing, is getting.
1. He is going to see his friends.
2. What is she doing?
3. We are not cooking now.
4. I am writing a letter to my aunt.
5. What is she writing? She is writing an article.
6. Ten students are sitting in the class.
7. Where are they going?
8. Are you leaving tomorrow?
Unit 2 B
1. is happening; dont seem; am writing; am thinking
2. smells; tastes; cook
3. has; Does she have; has; likes
4. Does your family leave; go; like; stays; returns
5. Do you see; Do you recognize
6. dont understand; does it mean
7. are you doing; want; Dont you eat; are staying
8. hate
1. doesnt go
2. I dont smoke
3. but this week I am working; I want
4. Does he like it? Yes, he does.
5. She works; she isnt working now
6. Are you listening; I hear you
7. They speak
8.What language do you speak well?
1. She is getting
2. I am reading
3. The sun is rising.
4. Are you going
5. Is Paul working; he isnt working
6. We are enjoying
7. He isnt working
8. Is anybody sitting
1. Do you recognize me?
2. I dont want coffee. I like tea these days.
4. Do you have pets?
5. Are you listening to me? - I dont hear anything.
6. Who does this umbrella belong to?
1. Where does she come from?
2. What do they like doing at the weekend?
3. What sort of music do you like?
4. How many cigarettes a day does he smoke?
5. Who is reading?
6. Whose mother is a teacher?/ What is my/your mother?
Unit 2C
1. is Susan working
2. do you look up
3. are you feeling
4. come, are having
5. are you doing, am writing
6. do you do
7. are coming
8. are you going
1. isnt raining
2. am not going
3. am working, arent you using, am looking
4. are you leaving
5. are you doing, am meeting
6. is not playing
7. are you learning
Unit 2D
1. are, are being
2. are you leaving, am leaving
3. does the train leave, it leaves.
4. are you doing, am meeting
5. are playing
6. is getting
7. does the film start
8. is being
1. I am going to the country, although/ but/ however I dont like it.
2. She never eats pasta, because she prefers Chinese food.
3. She is tired, so she is going home.
4. I am studying at the university, so I am not working full-time. I am not working full time, because I am studying at the university.
5. I enjoy studying, but I dont like some teachers. Although I dont like some teachers, I enjoy studying.
a) How
b) Who
c) Why
d) Where
e) What
f) Why
g) Which
h) How long
i) How
j) When
1. smells, dont want
2. are looking (look), are you thinking
3. is being
4. thinks
5. are you feeling (do … feel)
6. rings, are having
7. is Cathy arriving, am meeting
8. are you doing, am seeing
1. She is being so nervous today. She isnt usually like that.
2. I am playing volleyball on Tuesday, I am going to see my aunt on Wednesday, I am trying to get ready for an exam on Thursday.
3. Your English is getting (even) better.
4. Do you like (Are you enjoying) the play? Yes, I am watching it with pleasure (I am enjoying it).
5. I want to get thinner, so I am not having supper this week.
6. Tom is so strange. He is always laughing.
7. What are you looking for?
8. You are always losing your wallet!
Unit 3A
1. said 6. met
2. arrived 7. wrote
3. lived 8. invented
4. read 9. put
5. went 10. looked
did you get; got
went; didnt go; went
were; cooked
didnt get
1. had
2. Did you ring; did you want; wanted
3. was; became
4. cooked
5. didnt buy
1.was writing
2. was sleeping
3. were not doing
4. were playing
5. were you doing, was having
6. wasnt eating, was keeping
7. was listening
1. played
2. was playing
3. was Nick doing
4. did he do; read
5. didnt play; was playing
6. came; was cooking; ate, drank
7. were, went
8. came, was sleeping
Unit 3 B
came; was playing
was walking; met
was thinking; fell
was having
came; was drinking
invited; continued
were; went
didnt you tell; didnt want
at, at
in, in
Unit 3 C
1. were drinking
2. phoned, was watching
3. graduated
4. was cooking, was doing
5. was writing
1. was driving; saw
2. were looking for; were crying
3. stopped; helped
4. were; thanked.
Unit 3 D
1) - |
15) saw |
29) was getting |
43) kicked |
2) bought |
16) were sitting |
30) didnt understand |
44) got |
3) had |
17) were discussing |
31) was trying/ tried |
45) put |
4) While |
18) came |
32) changed |
46) during |
5) was carrying |
19) saw |
33) looked |
47) were looking |
6) met |
20) - |
34) at |
48) at |
7) liked |
21) was |
35) saw |
49) hoped |
8) got |
22) watered |
36) was |
50) wasnt growing |
9) was holding |
23) was growing |
37) asked |
51) was |
10) for |
24) didnt see |
38) were playing |
52) tried |
11) was |
25) was playing |
39) cleared |
53) said |
12) was waiting |
26) thought |
40) at |
54) were |
13) for |
27) didnt like |
41) while |
55) learnt |
14) came |
28) happened |
42) were playing |
Unit 4 A
1. some 2. any 3. some 4. some 5. any 6. any 7. any 8. any
1. many; a lot of 2. much; much 3. many 4. a lot of; many 5. a lot of; much
6. much; a lot of 7. a lot of; much 8. many; a lot of
1. a; the; The 2. a; The 3. a; - 4. the 5. the 6. -; - 7. a
Unit 4 B
1. any/ much 2. some/ a lot of 3. any/ many 4. some/ a lot of/ a few 5. any
6. many 7. many; a few 8. any/ much; some/ a lot of
1. anybody 2. anything 3. somewhere; anywhere 4. Somebody 5. anybody
6. anything 7. anything 8. Something; anything
1. a 2. the 3. the 4. the 5. - 6. the 7. the 8. the 9. - 10. a 11. - 12. a
13. an 14. a 15. a 16. - 17. a 18. a
Unit 4 C
1. anyone/ anybody 2. something 3. some; some 4. some; any; some 5. anybody; somewhere 6. Something
1. much; a little 2. much 3. a lot of 4. many 5. many; a few 6. a lot of
7. much
1. a; The 2. the 3. A; a; The; the 4. a; - 5. the; - 6. -; the 7. The; the; the
8. -; a
Unit 4 D
1. any/much 2. somebody/someone 3. anyone/anybody 4. anything 5. some
6. anyone/anybody; any 7. any 8. any 9. anyone/ anybody 10. anyone/ anybody 11. any/ much 12. little 13. some/ a lot of 14. no 15. a lot of
16. a lot
1. the 2. a 3. a; a; The; the 4. - 5. the 6. - 7. the; the 8. - 9. The; a
10. - 11. - 12. the 13. the 14. -; the 15. the 16. A; a - 17. the 18.
19. The; the 20. The 21. the; a 22. An; the 23. the; - 24. -; the 25. -; the; the 26. the; a 27. -; the
Unit 5 A
to study, to graduate
visiting, lying
to take
going, meeting
to look
to come
trying, to eat
am going to
are going to
wont try, will
are going to
is going to
Unit 5 B
to move
to find
working; solving
to work
to earn
to live
to make
am going to
are you going to; am going to; am going to
will; are you going to; am going to
are you going to; are going to
Unit 5C
to go out
to play; dancing
to take
to buy
to find
talking / to talk
are going to, am going to sleep and go out, will work and do
are you going to, are going to paint, will go
will you buy, I wont
1. Мне хотелось бы иметь и одноязычный и двуязычный словари, потому что я собираюсь серьезно изучать английский язык. 2. Некоторые люди думают, что быть амбициозным значит быть жестким, много работать и быть одиноким. 3. Я подвезу тебя до станции и заберу на обратном пути. 4. Я собираюсь отдохнуть месяц и насладиться ничегонеделаньем. 5. Одинокие люди обращаться в брачное агентство обычно в возрасте 30 лет, когда они добились положения в обществе
Unit 5D
doing / having done
to tell
to pass, to do
to not touch
to smoke
to rain
taking, putting
to switch, to switch
to lay
to work, to make
am going to get
am going to pack
are you going to leave
am going to fly
will be
will send
are you going to get
will get
will give
1. Nobody wanted to try this dish.
2. He is a very ambitious person. He is 35 and he owns a number of hotels.
3. I cant plan and arrange my scientific research well.
Progress Test 1-5 C.
1. go, is, isnt shining, is
2. are …doing, am writing
3. do you do, do
4. comes, is having
5. comes, is making
6. meet, is running
7. enters, stand up
8. is…coming, is coming
1. Do they have, they dont have
2. Have you got, I havent got
3. Has she got, she hasnt got
4. Does he have, he doesnt have
Sold, laughed, taught, read, complained, decided.
1. were playing, started
2. was going, reached, was
3. were walking, saw, was passing
4. was Kate going, met, was going
1. on
2. at, in
3. at
4. at
1. some
2. some
3. a lot of
4. much, a little
1. a
2. the
3. -, the
4. a
5. the
1. am going
2. will
3. are you going
4. will
1. Я люблю бельгийский шоколад. Я привезу тебе.
2. Я еду домой через два дня.
3. Суп, который ты приготовила вчера, был очень вкусным.
4. Мне, пожалуйста, большой батон темного тостерного хлеба.
5. Можно взять эту сумку в качестве ручной клади?
Progress Test 1-5 D
1. are 2 will be 3. - 4. signed 5. some 6. some 7. are seeing 8. _
9. are going to discuss 10. some 11. - 12. went 13. - 14. will be
15. doesnt scare 16. attract 17. a lot of 18. want 19. to see. 20. to have
21. are 22. some 23. give 24. puts 25.attended 26. was 27. reported
28. discourages 29. some 30. some 31. not to honour 32. try 33. to improve 34. believe 35. will enjoy 36. going.
1. When did you start going out?
2. Where did you meet?
3. What do you like most of all?
4. Have you already met his parents?
5. Did you like them?
6. How often do you keep in touch with the parents?
7. Where are you going to have a ceremony?
8. Where are you going for honeymoon?
9. What kind of dress are you going to have?
10. How old is he?
11. What does he do? / What is he?
12. What is he doing now?
13. Where does he live?
1. the, the, the, -, the, the. 2. the, a, the, -.
1. Sometimes I am being lazy.
2. The work doesnt attract me.
3. I phone my friends and invite them somewhere out.
4. I get on well with the chef of a restaurant.
5. I arrange the meeting there.
6. We order some chicken, fruit salad and soft drinks.
7. Usually we leave the restaurant at 11.
8. But last time we left at midnight.
9. My friends are very caring. They never leave me alone.
10. We spend a lot of time together. Id like to give parties every week.
Unit 6 A
1. is
2. were
3. do
4. did
5. was
6. is
7. do
8. are
1.earlier earliest
2. fewer fewest
3. more beautiful most beautiful
4. bigger biggest
5. prettier prettiest
6. more crowed most crowded
7. less least
8. nicer nicest
1. Taganrog is as big as Novocherkassk.
2. Tagnrog is bigger than Novocherkassk.
3. He is as intelligent as his father.
4. He is more intelligent than his father.
5. I live as far from the city centre as you.
6. I live farther from the city centre than you.
7. He has as high points as his friend.
8. He has higher points than his friend.
IV. Self-check.
1. Go along 4th street past the park and the library.
2. Go along 6th street past the parking, cinemas 1,2, restaurant, cross Elm Street. Go across 6th Street.
3. Go up Elm Street past the post office across 6th Street turn left. Go past the drug-stone and the bookstore.
4.Go up Poplar Street, turn across 5th Street and 6th Street past the department store.
Go across Elm Street, turn right, go past the high school. Turn left
Go alone 6th Street, past the restaurant, cinema 1, 2 and the parking
Go alone 5th Street past the high school
Go alone 6th Street across Elm Street, turn right, go down Elm Street past the post office, turn left. Go along 5th Street past the high school, turn right
Test 6B
1. is 5. is
2. does 6. was
3. is 7. was
4. does 8. did
1. meaner meanest
2. more powerful most powerful
3. more outgoing most outgoing
4. slower slowest
5. ruder rudest
6. deeper deepest
7. happier happiest
8. more peaceful most peaceful
1.larger 5. the highest
2. the largest 6. pretty
3. tall 7. prettier
4. smaller 8. the most beautiful
1. out of 4. past 7. up
2. right 5. to 8. past
3. along 6. right
Unit 6 C
1. (a bit) more slowly
2. earlier, more, less ,better
3. the most peaceful, better
4. the most exciting and pleasant
5. the best
1. are as stubborn
is more stubborn than
2. is as crowded as
is more crowded than
3. am as good singer as
am better singer than
4. is as hot as
is hotter than
5. as far from the university as him
farther than him
1. is
Unit 6 D
1. more quiet/quieter
2. farther
3. further
4. cheaper
5. harder and harder
6. older
7. elder
8. more important
1. The more friends you have, the better it is for you.
2. The more I thought over the plan, the less I liked it.
3. The sooner we start discussing the problem, the sooner well solve it.
4. The sooner, the better.
5. Im not waiting any longer.
6. You spent more money than me/I did.
7. Ann earns more than me/I do.
Anns salary is higher than mine.
Unit 7 A.
1. recognized
2. sent
3. lost
4. caught
6. begun
7. taken
8. whispered
9. sold
10. trained
1. I have already eaten my breakfast.
2. He has just put the dishes on the table.
3. They have just had tea.
4. She has just taken dirty plates from the table
5. The students have already written the test.
6. She has already learnt the poem.
7. He has just told them an interesting story.
8. We have just opened the box of chocolates.
1. I havent eaten my breakfast yet.
2. Has he put the dishes?
3. Have they had tea yet?
4. She hasnt taken dirty plates from the table yet.
5. Have the students written the test yet?
6. She hasnt learnt the poem yet.
7. Has he told them an interesting story?
8. We havent opened the box of chocolates yet.
1. for
2. since
3. since
4. for
5. for
6. since
7. for
8. since.
1. went.
2. has gone
3. saw
4. havent seen
5. read
6. have you read
7. has written
8. wrote.
Unit 7 B
1. has not come
2. have just got
3. have you ever been
4. have lost
5. has gone
6. have improved
7. Have you read
8. Have you booked, have
1. since
2. for
3. since
4. for
III. 1. felt, went
2. has not risen
3. have not decided
4. Have you seen, havent
5. has returned
6. went
7. have … come
8. did … come , came
IV. 1 Yes, she did / No, she didnt
2. Yes, they have / No, they havent
3. Yes, they do / No, they dont
4. Yes, she was / No, she wasnt
5. Yes, I am / No, I am not
6. Yes, he is / No, he isnt
7. Yes, I was / No, I wasnt
8. Yes, they did / No, they didnt
Unit 7 C
1. flew flown
2. founded founded
3. taught taught
4. invited invited
5. peeled peeled
6. broke broken
7. packed packed
8. lost lost
9. chose chosen
10 showed shown
1. has lost, has happened
2. have you run
3. has not rained
4. has not worked
5. have you heard
6. have driven
7. has broken
8. have drunk
1. has gone
2. went, have come
3. lived, moved, has lived
4. invented
5. Did…have, have had, moved
IV. 1. always, especially
2. even, of course, at least
3. nearly, even
4. only, at least
5. of course
Unit 7 D
1. has phoned
2. has broken, was, didnt do
3. studied, have forgotten
4. Have you seen, saw
5. has taken
6. has eaten, left
7. have been, left
8. have read
II. 1. started
2. had
3. had to
4. moved
5. for
6. lived
7. since
8 went
9 started
10 has written
11 since
12 since
13 has traveled
14 has won.
III. 1. Do you know, Tom has saved several people in the accident and has got an award for it?
2. I think, its shame to take an award for it.
3. I think charity organizations should help different kinds of people.
4. Fare has increased this month.
5. Who has broken the guitar?
Unit 8 A
1. should
2. had to
3. should
4. had to
5. should
6. dont have to
7. do you have to
8. should
II. 1. She shouldnt learn. Should she learn?
2. He didnt have to work. Did he have to work?
3. He doesnt have to get. Does he have to get?
4. You shouldnt do. Should you do?
Unit 8 B
I. II.
1. should
2. have to
3. has to
4. should
5. have to
6. should
7. has to
8. had to
1. You shouldnt take
2. They dont have to keep
3. She doesnt have to cook
4. You shouldnt see
5. Do students have to work?
6. Do you have to eat?
7. Does she have to take?
8. Did he have to work?
Unit 8 C
1. have to
2. shouldnt
3. have to
4. should
5. should
6. shouldnt
7. should
8. dont have to
9. have to
10. should
1. Моя мать - доктор, она работает с больными людьми.
2. Думаю, тебе следует больше упражняться.
3. Хочешь пойти прогуляться? Боюсь, не могу.
4. В моей семье посуду должна мыть моя сестра.
5. Когда Кимора начала работать в Шанель, ей пришлось учить французский.
Unit 8 D
shouldnt be working
should have come
do I have to do
have you ever had to go
shouldnt have lost
should pass
should have arrived
did you have to wait.
Unit 9 A
1. go
2. dont go
3. am
4. isnt, wont go
5. try, will like
6. doesnt work, will fail
7. go, will take
8. phones, will arrange.
1. If he is busy, Ill leave him alone.
2. If you put on glasses, youll see better.
3. When he comes to the hotel, hell send a telegram.
4. When my father returns, well discuss it
5. If you give me your address, Ill write you a letter.
6. When he starts reading 5 pages a day, his vocabulary will increase.
7. If my friends go to the Black Sea, Ill go with them.
8. If I dont like the dish, I wont tell about it.
Unit 9 B
I. 1. have, will go
2. go, will go
3. goes, wont do
4. doesnt do, will have
5. has, will try
6. tries, will study
7. studies, will stay
8. stays, will come
II. 1. If I work a lot. I will be tired
2. If somebody breaks vase, I will be angry.
3. If she doesnt find the key, she will break the door.
4. When he finished school, he will enter the university.
5. When he enters the university, he will try to work hard.
6. If he works hard, he will get good notes.
7. If he gets good notes, he will get a grant.
8. If he gets a grant, he wont have money problem.
Unit 9 C
I. 1. pass, will buy
2. will give, see
3. will suffer, dont look
4. reads, will understand
5. will marry, find
6. will stay, goes
7. get. will keep
8. will give, arrives
9. wont grow, dont water.
10. will learn, study.
1. do
2. makes
3. do
4. make
5. will make, will make
6. have made
7. do
8. make
9. do
Unit 9 D
If I dont go, I will miss the bus.
If you dont watch the cat, it will eat all the fish.
If I am in town, I will come to see you.
If you leave half of your luggage, it will be easier to walk.
Will Ann buy some sugar for us, if she goes shopping?
As soon as I come home, Ill phone my parents.
When I see him, I will recognize him.
If you work hard, you will get good marks.
Unit 10 A.
I. 1. I didnt use to live alone
2. Did you use to live …?
3. My children used to watch.
4. Did your children use to watch?
5. She used to eat.
6. She didnt use to eat
7. You used to like.
8. Did you use to like?
II. 1. used to spend
2. spent
3. didnt use to eat
4. ate
5. used to watch
6. watched
7. used to have
8. cut
1. eat 5. do
2. not to shout 6. talk
3. to lend 7. to study
4. to keep 8. cry
Unit 10 B
I. 1 came, used to live
2. used to be, closed
3. used to play, stopped
4. didnt use to like, changed
to help
to invite
to go
to stop
to concentrate
to weep/weeping, to hear
1. I went shopping to buy some clothes.
2. Im going to Moscow to visit art galleries
3. We should hurry not be late.
4. Im not eating anything this week to get thinner.
1. Its easy to answer the question.
2. It is important to learn the rules.
3. It is difficult to talk to strange people.
4. It is necessary to train regularly.
Unit 10 C
1. listening
2. to get
3. to go
4. go out
5. feel
6. doing
7. to stop
8. to be
9. do
10. laugh
I am happy to see you again.
It is important to consult a dictionary.
It is impossible to sleep in such noise.
Ive entered the university to become a good specialist
I borrowed 1000$ to buy a car
terrifying, shocked
bored, boring
boring, interesting
Unit 10 D
1. didnt use to like,
2. used to drink,
3. didnt use to put,
4. used to eat,
5. dont use this teapot,
6. use,
7. didnt use to collect,
8. used to hate
Test 1-10.
1. Who has written a letter?
2. What has Peter written?
3. Who is talking to the guests in the sitting room?
4. Who is Mrs. Moore talking to?
5. Where is Mrs. Moore talking to her guests?
6. Who went into town?
7. When did you go into town?
8. Who did you go into town with?
9. Why did you go into town?
10. What did you want to buy?
1. went
2. have you read, havent read ,will give
3. entered, was having
4. have cut
5. did you buy, bought
6. gets, is going
7. am meeting, want, to start, to run, cooking, to succeed
8. do you come, come, comes
1. on 6. at
2. at 7. --
3. to 8. in
4. in 9. at
5. to
1. should
2. has to
3. have to
4. should, have to
1. more modern, bigger
2. big
3. better
4. the strongest, the best
1. much
2. (a few) some, (a little) some
3. any/much
4. some any/much
5. some/a lot of/a few
6. a lot of
1. in
2. with
3. of
4. to
5. for
1. eat, will be
2. come, will phone
3. sees, will not recognize
4. dont go, will be
5. has, will lend
Unit 11 A
1. English is not spoken all over the world.
Is English spoken all over the world?
2. Letters are not received every week?
Are letters received every week?
3. I am not asked to come later.
Am I asked to come later?
4. They are not woken up by a loud noise.
Are they woken up by a loud noise?
5. He is not often invited to the parties.
Is he often invited to the parties?
6. New houses are not built in this town.
Are new houses built in this town?
7. Coca-cola is not sold in every shop.
Is Coca-cola sold in every shop?
8. Credit cards are not accepted here.
Are credit cards accepted here?
II. 1. English was spoken
English will be spoken
2. Letters were received
Letters will be received
3. I was asked
I will be asked
4. They were woken up
They will be built
5. He was often invited
He will be invited
6. New houses were built
New houses will be built
7. Coca-cola was sold
Coca-cola will be sold
8. Credit cards were accepted
Credit cards will be accepted
1. A picture was stolen last year.
2. Rise is gown in China.
3. Bread is eaten every day
4. The test is being done by me.
5. The work will be done in time.
6. My cherry tree has been cut down.
7. Our pizza is being made now.
8. How many workers have been fired?
Unit 11 B
1. b 5. c
2. c 6. a
3. b 7. c
4. a 8. c
1. This letter was received after his departure
2. Have you ever been attacked by dogs?
3. Honey is gathered
4. The ship was driven
5. Who was the circulation of blood discovered by?
6. Delicious ice-cream is being sold there now.
7. We were shown the way out of the forest. / The way out of the forest was shown to us by the old man.
8. The bandage can be easily removed.
Unit 11 C
1. d
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. e
1 Tennis is played all year round
2 The floor has been already washed
3 He is being laughed at
4 His car had been repaired his car
5 We are being following by him
6 His betrayal was never forgiven by his friends
7 I was offered several jobs
8 will be promised much
9 The tickets has been booked
10 A very interesting task is being given
11 Letters are often sent to him by his parents
12 The house had been painted
13 The papers will have been received by tomorrow
14 We are being sewed very fast
15 Holiday will be given to me next month
1. Are credit cards accepted in your shop?
2. Nylon was invented
3. The first VW car were made
4. She has been offered
5. Our company is located
1. has been launched
2. is built
3. are arranged
4. received
5. will be given
6. will inform, it is finished
7. sent
8. is being reorganized
9. has not been received
10. sold
1. Кто тебе сказал, что соглашение уже подписано?
2. Посетителей принимают каждый день
3. За ним уже послали? Да уже позвонили и пригласили прийти в 8
4. Мне об этом еще не сказали
5. К вечеру работа была закончена
Unit 11 D
1. are used
2. has shaped
3.was built
4. arrived, saw
5. was hurt
6. was canceled
7. is working, has
1. She is sent letters by her parents.
Letters are sent to her by her parents.
2. I was shown the photo.
The photo was shown to me
3. He has been told everything.
Everything has been told to him.
4. She should have been told the truth.
The truth should have been told to her.
Unit 12 A
1. Если я опоздаю на спектакль, то очень расстроюсь.
2. Если бы я был президентом, то уделял бы больше внимания проблемам молодежи.
3. Если он не пойдет в магазин, у нас нечего будет есть.
4. Если бы я не сходил в магазин, мы бы пошли в кафе.
1. had, would invite.
2. were, would make.
3. lived, would lie.
4. didnt invite, wouldnt go.
1. He might be late.
2. Portu might win the match.
3. He might go to his friends or stay at home.
4. I might cook dinner or we might eat something out.
Unit 12 B.
1. had, would go.
2. wanted, would come.
3. werent, would be.
4. went, would admire.
5. ate, wouldnt be
6. kept, would look.
7. discussed, wouldnt have
8. were, would work.
Test 12 C.
1. had, would find
2. were, wouldnt be
3. followed, would be
4. gave up, would save
5. would find, had
6. would understand, tried
7. became, would have
8. stopped, walked, would be, would be
9. offered, would accept
10. were, would try
11. lived, would have
12. had, wouldnt work
13. went, wouldnt be
14. would do, gave
15. were you, would look
1. If he ate fewer sweets, he wouldnt be so fat.
2. If she didnt smoke 40 cigarettes a day, she wouldnt cough.
3. If they had a garden, they would grow vegetables.
4. If I had a boat, I would sail around the world.
5. If I could swim well, I would take part in the competition.
1. will let
2. will lose
3. wouldnt spend
4. will give
5. will fall
6. would feel
7. will wait
8. will call
9. wouldnt be
10. wouldnt buy
1. Come in
2. pick up
3. take off
4. look out
5. turn on
6. throw away
7. get on
8. fill in
9. turn round
10. give up
Test 12 D.
1. If I had heard the children were fighting, I would have stopped them.
2. If I had talked to Mary, I would have helped her.
3. If you had taken care you wouldnt have had problems.
4. If you hadnt opened the cage, the parrot wouldnt have flown away.
5. If she had worked a lot, she would have earned money to buy car.
6. If I hadnt had many books on history at home, I would have written my report at the library.
7. If I hadnt promised to take my daughter to the cinema, I would have met you.
1. Look up 6. turn on
2. Take off 7. look after
3. Put on 8. has brought up
4. Turn round 9. get on
5. Ive been looking 10. picked up
1. I wish I stayed at home.
2. I wish I had a watch.
3. I wish it were warm.
4. I wish I were at your party.
5. I wish I had the key.
6. I wish oranges grew here.
7. I wish there was cheese in the.
8. I wish you were here.
1. bad luck
2. turn down the radio/turn the radio down
3. were
4. would buy
5. he were
Unit 13 A.
1. I have been looking for you for 2 hours.
2. What have you been doing?
3. Linda has been working as a guide for two months.
4. How long has Linda been working as a guide?
5. My children have been watching TV all day.
6. How long have you been living here?
7. We have been going shopping all morning.
8. Have you been waiting long?
1. have been painting.
2. have just painted.
3. have played
4. have been playing
5. have been studying
6. have studied
7. have been planting
8. have planted
Unit 13 B.
1. have cooked
2. have been cooking
3. has she been studying
4. has studied
5. have broken
6. have you been studying
7. have been talking
8. have you known.
Unit 13C.
1. I have been repairing
2. have repaired
3. has smoked
4. has been writing, has written
5. have you been, have been looking
6. have you known, have got
7. have you been doing
1. right
2. wrong. have known
3. wrong. have been married
4. right
5. wrong. has been raining
6. wrong. have you been living
7. wrong. has been working
8. right
9. wrong. havent been smoking
10. wrong., have you had
1. 892891. This is John
2. Could I speak to Alice, please?
3. Hold on. I will connect you
4. Is, that Alice?
5. Its me again. Im afraid she is out
6. Can I take a message?
1. Ive written
2. useless
3. writes, rings
4. to John
5. has been
6. didnt agree
7. gave up last year
8. left the office
9. correct
10. fallen in love
Unit 14 A.
1. had done 5. had cooked
2. had had 6. had never flown
3. had never driven 7. had had
4. had made 8. had returned
1. was 5. we were going
2. studied 6. if I liked
3. had just had 7. he would do
4. would do 8. we had moved
Unit 14 B.
1. put, look, went
2. went, remembered, had forgotten
3. arrived, had begin
4. phoned, had gone
5. came, had done
6. arrived, had never been
7. was, had written
8. assured, had recovered
1. Sally said she spent her winter holidays in the mountains.
2. Carol said she was going to the cinema.
3. Marsha said she had just received a letter from her uncle.
4. Denis said he would never forget me.
5. He asked what I was waiting for.
6. She asked when I would go to the cinema.
7. She asked if I had written the test.
8. He asked if she had promised to help me.
Unit 14 C.
1. were, realized, had disappeared
2. entered, sat, ordered
3. wasnt, had had, had gone, tried
1. My teacher said that I spoke English well.
2. Marry said that I had made five grammar mistakes in my composition
3. She said I was always making mistakes in creative work.
4. Liz said she had gone to see her grandparents last week.
5. Tom said when he got a job, he would rent a flat.
6. She asked me what I would do tomorrow if I was not busy in the office.
7. He asked Sarah why she had bought namely those shoes.
8. Sam asked Paula if she was doing anything the next day.
1. I spent a month at the Black Sea coast last summer.
2. Do you have a headache?
3. When did you fall ill?
4. How long have you been waiting for me?
5. I will not go with you.
6. I am staying with my sister until I find a flat.
7. Are you listening to me?
8. I am ill but I am getting better
1. come, bring
2. going, comes, will bring
1. will get wet
2. got married
3. to get lost
4. is getting late
1. Это мой номер, пожалуйста, позвоните мне, если будут проблемы с посудомоечной машиной
2. С. Янг считает, что романтические произведения писать легко
3. Пока! Большое спасибо, что приняли меня.
4. Он такой везучий. Он часто выигрывает большие суммы на футбольном тотализаторе.
5. Утром я трачу 40 минут, чтобы собраться.
Test 14 D.
1. got
2. was lying
3. was
4. wasnt watching
5.was sleeping
6. turned
7. went
8. had had
9. had managed
10. cooked
11. did
12. ironed
13. went
14. felt
15. had chosen
II. He (she) said / asked…
/he hadnt seen her for ages / she looked wonderful / what she had been doing.
/she had got married 5 years ago / they had two children / she was a housewife.
/ where her husband was from / he was born in Australia / his parents had moved to Lisbon / they had been living there
/ they had met in Lisbon when she had been working as a journalist and he had been an editor / he was still working for this publishing house
/ if she was going to work again
/ perhaps she would try her hand in a bookshop. She hoped she would succeed. He wished her good luck. He was sure they would meet one day.
1. to go, to take
2. brings
3. Go, take
1. getting better
2. got warm
3. to get lost
4. get angry, is getting difficult
Progress test 11-14
1. The Panama Canal was completed in 1914.
2. The new apparatus has been installed.
3. Who was the telephone invented by?
4. The new school is being built near my house.
5. My car will be repaired tomorrow.
6. This book is translated into 74 languages.
7. This T-shirt can be easily washed.
8. This pie is often made with fruit.
9. When will this work be completed?
10. The lawns have been carefully grown for 50 years.
1. crying 6. swimming
2. to go 7. to come
3. to do 8. to do
4. walking 9. to take
5. to lock 10. to/-ing
1. will like 5. will phone
2. werent 6.will succeed
3. see 7. would be, added
4. wouldnt try 8. get, will start
1. was told 17. had forgotten
2. came 18. was
3. to study 19. let
4. had 20. go
5. didnt have 21. were
6. would stay 22. entered
7. spent 23. graduated
8. was sleeping 24. has been
9. was woken up 25. has built
10. tried 26. has bought
11. to explain 27. has planted
12. failed 28. wants
13. was led 29. to start
14. arrived 30. is meeting
15. was 31. will suc- ceed
16. realized 32. tries
1. He asked if I liked Ben Browns novels.
2. He said he thought they would spoil their children.
3. He said the play had been so boring; he had fallen asleep in the first act.
4. He said he had passed the exams well.
5. He said he was trying to find a job.
6. He asked how many letters I had written.
7. He asked why I hadnt returned.
8. He said he couldnt drive.
1. exciting 5. frightened
2. embarrassed 6. frightening
3. surprised 7. interested interesting
4. frightening 8. surprising
VII. 1. in
2. for
3. about
4. at
5. to
VIII. 1. look forward
2. turn down
3. bring up
4. look after 5. get on well
Использованная литература:
1. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use. Cambridge University Press, 1994.
2. Резник Р.В. Грамматика английского языка. М.: Просвещение, 1986.
3. Николаенко Т.Г. Тесты по грамматике английского языка. М.: Айрис Рольф, 1997.
4. Кто боится английских глаголов.
5. Round Up
Ольга Геннадьевна Мельник
Ольга Сергеевна Тарасенко,
Людмила Васильевна Буренко,
Лейла Клементьевна Сальная
Guided Grammar
по формированию иноязычной профессиональной компетенции
студентов базового курса
Формат 60*84 1 / 16 Подписано к печати
Печать офсетная Бумага офсетная
Усл. п.л. 11.9 Тираж 500 экз.
Заказ №
Издательство Технологического института ЮФУ
пер.Некрасовский, 44
Типография Технологического института ЮФУ,
г.Таганрог, ул.Энгельса, 1
PAGE 151
PAGE 179