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to kill humn being 2 to kill n niml 3

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Lesson 6 hometask

Heartworks Unit 14 p.148

How Do We Decide What Is Evil?

A. Read the following fist and check every action that you consider to be evil (morally wrong). If you check an item but think that there might be some exception, add your explanation in the space at the right.

1. to kill a human being

2. to kill an animal  

3. to kill a plant  

4. to lie

5. to steal

6. to disobey a parent.

7. to cheat on a school exam .

8. to have an abortion

9. to get a divorce

10. to have more than one wife or husband at the same time

11. for a parent to hit a child

If you wish, you may add to the list here.

Now compare your answers in small groups or in pairs—and talk about your reasons. Then you may report your opinions to the whole class.



Listen once to the recording of what Dan says. Circle a, b, c, or d.

1. Dan is talking

a. to Mama      b. to himself      c. to a group      d. on the phone

2. What doesn't he mention as something he might do?

a. steal Mama's credit cards      b. stop calling her      c. start to help Mama more      d. stop visiting her

3. Dan is most angry because Mama

a. says the house belongs to her      b. won't let him use her credit cards      c. still uses his Dad's name      d. won't talk to him

4. Finally, Dan decides

a. to ask Mama for money      b. to stop acting like a child      c. nothing      d. to take a yoga class


Now listen again. Then double-check your answers above, and complete this exercise.

The pictures below show Dan's feelings during this monologue. Show the correct order by writing the number 1, 2, 3, or 4 in the lower left corner of each picture.

Now compare your answers in small groups or in pairs. To prove your answers, refer to the Tapescript on the next page.


'No Way'

1 DAN: I don't believe it! How could my own mother throw me out of the house?

2 What did I do to deserve this? I'm fun to be around. Interesting to talk to.

3 Maybe I don't help out as much as I could, but … No! Wait a minute …

4 Wait just one minute. She's got some nerve. Who does she thinks she is?

5 It's her house, she says. Her house. I'm not going to let her get away with

6 this. No way. I'm through with her! No visits. No phone calls. Let

7 her wonder where I am. Let her sweat … I know—I'll take her credit

8 cards. Some of them still have Dad's name on them. I'll go to another

9 city, set up house, and let her pay for it! (pause) Oh, Danny, Danny,

10 Danny, Danny, Danny. Cool it, baby. Slow down. Breathe deep. And

11 grow up. It's time to move on.


Refer to the Typescript to do the following exercises.


Write the correct letter in the space to the left of the number.

1. In line 2, around means

a. in a circle      b. near      c. all over

2. In line 5, get away with means avoid

a. travel      b. company      c. punishment

3. In line 6, No way means

a. Absolutely not      b. It's difficult to understand      c. I don't know how

4. In line 6, through means

a. leaving      b. finished      c. angry

5. In line 10, cool it means

a. relax      b. leave quickly      c. feel cold


Look in the Tapescript to find words with these meanings.

1. make progress        

2. perspire

3. ask (her)self

4. establish      

5. merit

6. assist      



1. In this scene, Dan has unkind thoughts toward his mother. Then he quickly controls himself and accepts the situation. But for a moment, it seems that an "evil side" of his personality takes control of him. Do you think that everyone has both a good and an evil side? Are some people born more evil than others? Do you ever have an evil wish—the desire to harm someone? Do you think that there are evil forces in nature—outside evil influences that affect us? Or is our moral behaviour always a matter of individual choice?

2. In the Bible (Genesis, Chapter 3), Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil—which God had forbidden them to do. Because of this, they had to leave the Garden of Eden. Why do you think they had been told not to eat from this tree? What is the knowledge of good and evil?

3. Capital punishment means the penalty of death for a crime. Do you agree that some crimes, such as premeditated (planned) murder, deserve the punishment of death? Explain the reasons for your answer.


1. You have just heard Dan's thoughts. Write what Mama may be thinking now.

2. Write a paragraph in which you make a true confession.

E. Read the following selection from the Bible (New Testament: Matthew, Chapter 5). These are the words of Jesus. You may use a dictionary after you try to answer the question below.

1 "You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a

2 tooth for a tooth.' But I say to you, do not resist him who is

3 evil; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him

4 the other also …

5 You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbour,

6 and hate your enemy.'

7 But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who

8 persecute you."

Read the following statements and decide which one Jesus doesn't agree with according to the reading above. Cross out that statement.

1. Love everyone.

2. Treat others the way they treat you.

3. We should never participate in a war.

4. If someone tries to hurt you, don't fight against him.


Tell why you agree or disagree with the main idea of this reading.


F. Listen to the song once. Then as you listen a second time, try to fill in the missing prepositions—one word in each blank. You may continue to listen as many times as you like in order to complete the song.


1 Voices

2 Calling … choices

3 Offers to measure

4 Go … the challenge

5 Or go … the popular pleasure

6 Voices

7 Beckon … choices

8 Chances to ponder

9 Here is the signpost

10 Or here is the season to wander

11 And some … my voices are tinged … a sadness

12 And others are filled … a promise … peace

13 And there are the voices who tease me … madness

14 And yet I hear voices who sing … release

15 … my battling chorus

16 There are battles … us

17 But I'm starting to hear

18 Amid all … the clamor

19 … verses … fear

20 And … verses … glamour

21 And even … cheers

22 … perpetual glory

23 Each voice disappears

24 As I hear … the story

25 … time

26 … the music … conquering sin

27 You see I'm

28 Learning how to hear one voice within

29 Voices... Welcome home... Voices... Welcome home... Voices


1. to measure (line 3). Verb: to measure = to consider carefully

EXAMPLE: When you are at the interview, if you measure your words, I am sure that you will impress the interviewer.

2. go for (line 4). Idiom: to go for = to try to achieve (a goal)

EXAMPLE: All the athletes in the Olympic games want to "go for the gold" medals.

3. challenge (line 4). Noun: a challenge = something difficult to do—but worth doing

EXAMPLE: My psychology course is a challenge for me; it's a lot of work, but I'm learning a lot.

Besides learning English, what is a challenge in your life now?

4. beckon (line 7). Verb: to beckon = to motion for someone to come near

5. ponder (line 8). Verb: to ponder = to think about, slowly and deeply

EXAMPLE: I read the editorial and then pondered my own feelings on the topic.

6. tinged (line 11). Verbal Adjective: tinged = coloured a little bit

EXAMPLE: Her dark hair is tinged with silver.

7. voices who tease me... voices who sing... (lines 13 and 14).

Grammar: We usually say voices that, not voices who. Here, the songwriter is using his poetic freedom (called "poetic license") because he wants to give a strong human quality to the voices. See step J in this unit for more about who, that, and which.

8. tease (line 13). Verb: to tease = to make fun (of someone)

EXAMPLE: The young boy's classmates teased him because he was wearing his shirt inside out.

9. before (line 16). Preposition: before = in front of (coming in the future; not yet accomplished)

EXAMPLE: My final exams are next week, so I have a few days of serious studying before me.

10. amid (line 18). Preposition: amid = in the middle of; among

EXAMPLE: We discovered a photograph of our grandfather amid some old papers in the basement.

11. clamor (line 18). Noun: a clamor = a loud, complaining noise

EXAMPLE: The President ignored the clamor of the people, who were so strongly against his policies. Students demonstrated at universities across the country.

12. glamour (line 20). Noun: glamour = attractiveness because of an external quality

EXAMPLE: Many students actors like the glamour of Hollywood, but they don't realize the hard work that a performer's life demands.

13. cheers (line 21). Noun: cheers = shouts of approval

EXAMPLE: The ballplayers appreciate the cheers of the crowd.

14. sin (line 26). Noun: sin = breaking a moral law

EXAMPLE: Do you believe that it is always a sin to kill another human being?



1. In one word, describe the feeling of the music in this song.

2. What voices does the singer hear?

3. What is the "one voice within" in line 28?

4. What is the meaning of "Welcome home" in line 29?

5. Tell about a situation in your life when different voices were competing for your attention and it was difficult to know which to follow.



If we put the letter d in front of the word evil, we get a new word: devil. The devil is a popular symbol of evil forces. Each of the following words has one or more blanks in front of it. Write a letter in each blank to create a new word. The meaning of the new word is given in parentheses.

1. H   A    T    E (the opposite of love)

2. A    G    E (terrible anger)

3. T    A    N (a name for the devil)

4. I    L    L (murder)

5. R    I    G    H    T (fear)

6. I    N (destroy)

The answers above all have negative meanings. Let's change to a positive point of view for the rest of this game!

7. R    A    C    E (hug)

8. R    A    T    E (have a party)

9. E    N    D (someone close to you)

10. S    U    R    E (enjoyment)

11. A    N    T (nice)

12. I    N (unite)

13. C    E    N    T (great)

14. N    E    S    T (truthful)

15. P    O    R    T (help)

16. I    C    E (preference)

17. S    O    M    E (attractive)

18. U    S    E (entertain)

How do we decide what is evil?

1. Изучение влияния внешних факторов на изменение поверхностных и структурных характеристик картона толщиной 11,5мм
2. торговых фирм организаций и физических лиц занимающих промежуточное положение между производителями това.
3. наилучшего а потом и извечного состояния управления а непрекращающийся во времени процесс
4. тема Правила оформления документации при передаче дел в архив
5. это все здорово и хорошо
6. тема А В С Д Е
7. Московский городской педагогический университет Институт педагогики и психологии образования Общеин
8. Тема роботи- Дослідження навантаження
9. Тема 6 Складні випадки правопису слів з ненаголошеними голосними
10. МЕТОДИЧЕСКИЕ РЕКОМЕНДАЦИИ по организации и проведению квалификационной практики по рабочей профессии