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Story prox 100 words using minimum 7 of them

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Inferno by Dan Brown


Task 6


chapters 50 – 55  

Check the meaning and pronunciation of the words and words combinations  below, give their Russian/Ukrainian equivalents. Use them either in the textual context or compose your own short-story ( aprox 100 words) using minimum 7 of them.

Ch.50:  off the top of one’s head, impromptu styling, ruse, on the brink of extinction, to exacerbate, doomsayer lunatic, to jettison, hubris,  zealot;
adversary, an override of compartmentalization protocol, to give a second thought;
Ch.52: pivotal moment, shrine, unrequited love, sepulchre, pilgrimage destination, wicker basket, star-crossed lover, calling-all-cars solicitation, iPhone feature, a handful of smth., baptismal font;
Ch.53:gaudy, architectural feat, campanile, baptistery, sibling ;
Ch.54: to look out, to follow suit;
Ch.55: a tingle of anticipation;

  Give explanations to the phrases below, use them in the sentences your own.

according to lore
garish cartoon

      General discussion

Ch.50: What were Langdon and Sienna thinking and taking about on their way to the destination point? Where were they going to? Dwell upon the subject of Zobust’s thesis.
What was Sienna’s scientific standpoint towards it? Do they ( Sienna and Langdon) see eye to eye? What does she compare the humanity to? What do they mean by
“denial” in their conversation?  What’s your opinion on this theory? What is agathusia?

Present your written translation of the extract below:

Ch.51: What was the purpose of  Langdon and Sienna’s coming to Dante’s Museum?  Why was it closed? Where were they going to “lend” a book? Did Langdon and Sienna experienced any pursuit? Why didn’t Provost feel in all respects comfortable?

Ch.52:  What is “Church of  Dante” famous for? Could it be easily found? What is peculiar about it? Describe this place in detail. What were Langdon and Sienna doing in the church?

Ch. 53: Dwell upon Il Duomo; Campanile ( bell-tower); Baptistery.

Ch. 54: What was so special about the Baptistery’s doors? Was the gate still open for Langdon? How was he able to get inside unnoticed?

Ch. 55: What Biblical scenes were depicted in the Baptistery? Where was the mask hidden?

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