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Discuss the following questions Wht do you think is the purpose of going to school Is it to mke you more intelligent Is it to lern informtion Is it to pss exms7 Is it to develop socil skills

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Education        from FC Gold CB Unit 6 (p. 60)

Speaking 1. Discuss the following questions

What do you think is the purpose of going to school? Is it to make you more intelligent? Is it to learn information? Is it to pass exams7 Is it to develop social skills when dealing with others?

How successful are the schools you have been to in achieving these aims?

2. What are the five most important characteristics that make: List them in order of importance.

your ideal teacher?  an ideal student?

Vocabulary: education

1. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the words in the list

Playground, truant, cheat, heart, correct, term, give, absent, hard, degree, break, university, headmaster, report, board

1 Our teachers our homework in the evening and …….  it out the next day.

2 My brother tried to  in the exam, but he was caught and sent to the ………..

3 I like to play football in the  with my friends during the lunch………….

4 She got a very good school  because she worked so ………… this …………..   

5 I'd like to go to when I finish school and do a ……………… in Economics.

6 The teacher wrote the rules on the  and told us to learn them by …………….

7 Were you  for a good reason yesterday or were you playing ………………?

2. Read the following text and choose the correct alternative in each case.

I started school when I was five and I went to the local (1) nursery/primary school.- I liked it very much; the (2) classes/lessons were small and the (3) teachers/professors were very friendly. At eleven I changed and went to (4) sixth form college/secondary school. Things didn't go so well here. I hated studying (5) subjects/courses like Biology and Physics and I got terrible (6) points/marks in tests. My parents tried to (7) teach/learn me the things I didn't understand, but it was no good. I used to get very worried about my end-of-year exams and one year, even though I spent a lot of time (8) revising/reviewing, I knew I wouldn't (9) pass/succeed. In the end I was right – I (10) failed/missed all the exams and had to (11) retake/remake them all a few months later. That was the worst year of my school life, but it didn't stop me having a good (12) course/career as an engineer.

3. Read the following sentences and match each phrasal verb in italics to a meaning below.

Please speak up! We can't hear you at the back. If you don't know what it means, look it up in a dictionary.

Why do you always pick on me? It's just not fair! Paul is having problems keeping up with the other children in his class. You need to try and get across your ideas better. He catches on very quickly. You never have to explain anything twice. I'll let you off this time, but I don't want to catch you two fighting again.

I can't work out how to do this maths problem. He picked up a lot of Italian by just chatting to people in cafes.

Learn talk more loudly  not punish find information in a reference book

Understand treat badly  communicate  calculate maintain the same level

4. Think about the different schools you have been to in the past and discuss the following questions.

How did you feel about each of them? Did you enjoy them? What would you have changed about your school in order to improve it? Were they single-sex or mixed? Do you think it is better to have single-sex or mixed schools? Were they strict? Did you have any special friends? Did you play any sports/musical instruments at school? Did you have any teachers or subjects that you especially liked/disliked?

How often did you have to take exams? How did you feel about exams? Did you enjoy them/hate them/get nervous about them?

Listening: exam fever

1. You are going to hear three students talking about exams. Listen and answer the following questions.

Which person doesn't mind exams? Which person doesn't like exams? Which person doesn't give his/her opinion?

2. Now listen again and decide which of the students (1, 2 or 3) talk about the following things:

oral exams coursework competitive exams writing speed revising for exam failing exam

3. Make a note of what each student says about the above points.

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