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Descriptive theoretic nlysis empiricl comprison To gin the point of our work we~ve put some objectives- To investigte the conception of irony s stylistic ctegory

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Comic has always been on of the stylistic research’s fields . With the passing of the years the mentality and comic effect’s understanding  have always change. The form and resources, the author’s styles have also changed. Certain methods and ways of demonstration are used in literature and that’s why the style and language become unique and unrepeatable. Nevertheless, we can find some common features of expressing comic effects by writers of one and the same century. That’s why, in this work we try to analyze the novel of J.K. Jerome ‘’ Three men in a boat’’ as an example of English humor in the 20th century.

The aim of our work is to analyze comic as a category which is expressed in English literature, and the main aim is to define the quality of irony’s translation from English language into Ukrainian one. To analyze the factual material and to gain the point of our work we’ve used such methods as:






To gain the point of our work we’ve put some objectives:

  1.  To investigate the conception of irony as a stylistic category
  2.  -to find the resources of irony in the novel ‘’ Three men in a boat’’
  3.  -to investigate the methods and ways, used by the Ukrainian translator J. Lisnyak to express comic for Ukrainian readers.

Nowadays , there is a practical need o analyze the using of lexical, grammar and stylistic methods, which are used by translators  to have a quality translation of the ironic texts. The actuality of our research is in studing of linguistics and translator methods of irony in novels.

The novelty of our work is not only in bringing out of methods and ways using by Ukrainian translator, but also in our own estimation of his work.

The theoretic value of our work is in irony’s analyses as a esthetic category, in determination of it’s aim in a language and also in methods of it’s realization.

The practical value is in using the examined methods of translation of irony at the lessons of English language and literature and also at special courses of translation.

We’ve investigated comic as esthetic category and understood  that irony is one of the most important stylistic methods of humor.

The main ways of irony’s translation are the using of different methods, which can break the official similarity of the original text, but which can provide us with higher level of equivalence.

Let’s example some of them :

The expression of transformation includes such methods as inversion, substitution, addition and omission.

Interpretation- is the way of understanding and explanation.

In contextual substitution a translator uses the substitution of certain words or phrases with words and word combinations of another language which are not the word accordance.

The author’s neologisms in comic novels contain a wide level of words which are used in the meaning of things which are usually unclear.

The translation  of irony is a very hard work because a translator has to express not only the meaning of certain lexical and syntactic methods but also the author’s understanding of political and social points of view, the historical features of that period and ways of transmission of all these particular qualities to Ukrainian readers.

Let’s examine some of the translation methods, used by J. Lisnyak.

 «I have not gothousmaid's knee. Why I have not got it I don't know, but the fact remains that I have not gotit. Everything else I have got »

«У  мене  нема  раку  сажотрусів.  Як  цетак вийшло, що я його  не підхопив, пояснити не можу, але це факт, що його в мене не має. А всі  інші  хвороби  в  мене  є»;

We think, that J. Lisnyak succeeded in using of author’s neologism (рак сажотрусів), to let Ukrainian readers understand to the text well. The author explains and transfers the expressions which were unknown for readers. Everybody understands that the hero of the book doesn’t have the chimney sweeps’ cancer. It’s a very rare, professional disease and an English aristocrat can’t suffer from it.

«Cheese, like oil, makes too much of itself. It wants the whole boat to itself »

«Сир,  як  і  гас,  занадто  високої  думки  про себе»

Has used the method of sentences’ connection, which is one of the transformations method s. It’s clear that the second sentence doesn’t give us new information, if we translate it into Ukrainian. The translator notices it and decides to make one sentence.  Thus, using fewer words he expresses the irony of the text.

One of the important ways is a wordplay.  It’s using different meanings of the word in one context.

  - What can I get you, sir?

- Get me out of this.  

– Чого вам принести, сер?

– Краще винесіть мене звідси

The wordplay is one of the important stylistic methods of expressing irony in a text. The author has chosen the verb, which expresses the meaning of the sentence correctly, and doesn’t loose the irony. Also this method we can consider as the method of neologisms, as the word ’’get’’ has appeared with a new real meaning.

In conclusion we can say that we’ve investigated the ways and methods of irony’s translation and understood that the translator used the same methods as the author of the novel did.

Examining the translation we also found a few cases when the interpreter does lose the ironic sense of the text.

"I always get red bathing  drawers. They suit my complexionso"

"Купальні  труси  я  завжди купую  червоні.  Я  подпбаюсь  собі  в  червоних  трусах" 

The word «complexionso» translated as "колір обличчя",means that on the beach he becomes as red as his shorts.

We think that the translator made ​​a mistake, the sense of the world in brackets is wrong.

We can see that humorous and ironic methods of reality expression in the novel “Three men in a boat” help to create bright images of heroes, to express the spirit of the original book but being some difficulties in translation. We’ve made the conclusion that J. Lisnyak has understood the comic level of the original work and used the suited humorous and ironic methods. His translations have become a noticeable phenomenon of the national literature and are perceived as original books by Ukrainian readers.

Thus, the translation of irony depends on the way of it’s expression in the original work. The main objective in translation is to keep the ways of irony expression of the original work while translating these ironic effects. Sometimes the translator has to change the words and their meaning to let Ukrainian readers understand the text better.

J. Lisnyak’s translation is competent and accurate.

He often used different methods of translation and succeeded in this work. We’ve noticed only several sentences , when the author has lost the irony in translation of the novel. In other cases he has kept the irony in the text and made it understandable for Ukrainian readers. All in all, we can say that we like this translation and any Ukrainian reader, having read this novel, will certainly understand English humor of the twentieth century.

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