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buzz3884- Hi hope you get this 21-06 26 Nov lexndr Mshtller- Wow hey 21-07 26 Nov buzz3884- ll hd to do ws updte phone- It 1507 there 21-08 26 Nov lexndr Mshtller- Yes

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20:48, 26 Nov - buzz3884: Hi hope you get this)))

21:06, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow )) hey )

21:07, 26 Nov - buzz3884: All had to do was update phone:-) It 1507 there?

21:08, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,  right )

21:09, 26 Nov - buzz3884: ?? what time you finish work?

21:09, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: today about 19.00))

21:10, 26 Nov - buzz3884: Wow thats late)) most australians dont like working past 1600

21:11, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I start work at 9.00)

21:12, 26 Nov - buzz3884: Hope you dont get in trouble for chatting)))

21:12, 26 Nov - buzz3884: I chat when convenient for you

21:13, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually,  I can't chat a lot while working )

21:13, 26 Nov - buzz3884: Thats ok))) i dont want to get you in trouble)))))

21:14, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: My boss is sitting opposite my table and can see me

21:14, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:14, 26 Nov - buzz3884: Ahah that is bad

21:15, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes )

21:22, 26 Nov - buzz3884: I can wait)))) I am patient))) I am sorry for not communicating as much over last 2 months. I have moved 3 times and changed jobs twice but happy now Life is good)))) hopefully we can learn more about each other))))))

21:24, 26 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131126-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

21:25, 26 Nov - buzz3884: I am heading home from city. All is quiet at main train station

21:26, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like pictures,  u send me from Australia )

21:26, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Talk to u soon,  I need working now

21:26, 26 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:27, 26 Nov - buzz3884: I will send many more Talk with you soon)))))) wish you great day)))

21:31, 26 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131126-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

21:39, 26 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131126-WA0004.jpg (file attached)

21:39, 26 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131126-WA0005.jpg (file attached)

21:39, 26 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131126-WA0006.jpg (file attached)

21:40, 26 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131126-WA0007.jpg (file attached)

21:40, 26 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131126-WA0008.jpg (file attached)

00:10, 27 Nov - buzz3884: You get to finish soon

00:24, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ) I will go after work to travel agent to book my trip for new year ))

00:25, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Nice))))

00:25, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I have quiet christmas(

00:27, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it sad?

00:28, 27 Nov - buzz3884: No, just be boring))

00:29, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Wont it be cold to be on ship?))

00:33, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean u want action? )

00:36, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of, course we will not walk on the open deck ))

00:37, 27 Nov - buzz3884: No I like quiet time)))) I dont go clubs because of silly drunk women ahah))))) I be like you and not look for women here)))

00:38, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I like going into engine rooms on ships. Warm and love engines)))

00:42, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I hope it will be warm inside,  I am more worried about freezing of Baltic sea,  where our cruise takes place,  actually I don't understand how It goes winters

00:42, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:42, 27 Nov - buzz3884: You catch train and bus home?))

00:42, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: U mentioned engine room and I have remembered Titanic )) engine room was the first place where catastrophe started

00:42, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:42, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:42, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Train and bus )

00:44, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually it should be bus, train, bus  but often somebody of my colleagues pick me up

00:48, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I live 5 minute train ride from cbd. It good))) i hate buses))))

00:50, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Haha yes, it was design flaw. Typical american engineering)))))

00:52, 27 Nov - buzz3884: They building titanic2 here soon

00:54, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Whe??

00:54, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Where

01:02, 27 Nov - buzz3884: A local billionaire here having it built in china, it will definately sink))))

01:10, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Is snowing there?)

01:13, 27 Nov - buzz3884: It so hot here. Hard to sleep((

01:18, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank God,  there is no snow still,  but tomorrow they promise )

01:18, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: One of my friends is in Australia now)) vacation )

01:19, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I want snow for christmas))

01:19, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am not sure is she in Sydney ore in gold cost now

01:19, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Where is your friend visiting? She enjoy Australia

01:21, 27 Nov - buzz3884: You must visit NZ. You will love natures beauty

01:22, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would love to )

01:24, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: what about ozone hole above Antarctida? Nz is very close,  Do people feel negative effect there??  Skin cancer?

01:25, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Not really in nz)))) we dont even get skin tan)))) australia different. Very hot lots skin cancer(((

01:26, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I see

01:28, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Still cold in NZ in winter but just nice in summer. And not as many sharks

01:30, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: What's difference are there many sharks ore not if water is too cold for swimming even in summer? )

01:31, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Water is nice in summer))))) Google Bay of Islands.....That where I will live one day))))) good swimming and good fishing)))

01:33, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really?  Because temperature in Sydney in January was about +19, it's quite cool and NZ is much further to the south,  I thought it's very cold here

01:35, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean temperature of water in Sydney

01:35, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Not really))) it hard to exlain, but in deserts here in summer temprature drops to zero at night. Top of nz is almost on same latitude as sydney))

01:36, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: so it's possible to bath there?)

01:36, 27 Nov - buzz3884: It can get to 35 in parts of nz in summer, they just had drought((( no rain for almost a year((

01:37, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Yes, I bath there even in winter but may stay here. Depends on many things)))

01:44, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Did you finish big project))

01:45, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will be busy next couple hours,  talk to u later 

01:45, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Ok, have fun))))

11:02, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Good morning))))) How was your night?)) It raining today)) little relief from the heat))))

13:50, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Now it hot and sunny again. Weather unpredictable here))))

14:50, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Wish you great day hopefully we can chat later on))))

14:59, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning ) today I went out and saw that everything is wight ) covered with snow )

15:00, 27 Nov - buzz3884: ))))) it is terribly hot today here. You working today?

15:56, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,  I am working ) I was in metro - bad internet connection here ) what do u mean terribly hot?  How much?

15:57, 27 Nov - buzz3884: 33 fot little bit and humid(((sweat lots, so uncomfotable((( maybe we swap places for bit 

15:59, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Haha )) with pleasure ))

16:01, 27 Nov - buzz3884: 

16:02, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I have always wanted to visit russia. It is fascinating to me))

16:02, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, there is much to see here )

16:09, 27 Nov - buzz3884: More interesting than anywhere else in world)))) just have to learn better russian but i getting better))))))

16:10, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??I should work,  talk to u later )

16:13, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Ok have great day????

18:08, 27 Nov - buzz3884: So why you decide on career in engineering??? I just curious I have just started business managment diploma too)))) may come useful one day))))

18:32, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I cook pasta for dinner. Little lazy of me but I had busy day?? you cook much? I enjoy it)))) not a masculine thing to admit though

18:58, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I hope my messages dont get you in trouble?? I would not like that to happen)))

19:00, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hey )

19:00, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am just busy at work,  that's all )

19:00, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will answer your messeges when I have free minute ))

19:01, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Until the end of year here is crazy working list )

19:01, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Thats ok))))))) I just dont want you getting scolded by your boss I just eating but will write you about myself shortly)))))

20:17, 27 Nov - buzz3884: One thing that intrigues me is how women far outnumber men in Russia)))) here in most places it is women outnumber men. Can I ask how you would describe typical russian man? Are they friendly?  I just curious I have many questions about russia. Hope you dont mind))))

20:40, 27 Nov - buzz3884: About myself, well I was born and raised in nz, I moved to australia with my family when I was 16)))) I think I am nice person))) all the elderly ladies at the thrift shops think I am adorable ahah. I have pot of tea and scones with them every tuesday))))) I have just a few close friends, and they are all from different countries) I just enjoy meeting people from different places and learning about them and their culture)))) It was my best friend neboysha from serbia who suggested if I would like to find a real and genuine lady to look in Russia)))) I am glad he told me))) I hope I didnt offend you))) I mean it in good way

21:09, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: U told that u enjoy meeting people from different countries,  what do u think about people who travel much and tend to see as many countries as they can?

21:35, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I think its great)))) being here in australia it so far from everywhere((((

21:39, 27 Nov - buzz3884: You are lucky because europe and middle east are closer))) it just lots australians and kiwis are narrow minded and dont like people from other countries((( hope makes sense)) me I like learning about different cultures and countries

21:44, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: a lot of countries in Asia are not far from u )  Yes, we are lucky living close to Europe,  my friends,  who live in Europe are more lucky,  they can travel cheap all Europe ))  u haven't been anywhere except Australia and NZ,  right?

21:44, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Hopefully I can travel soon

21:48, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Yeah only here and nz but very culturally diverse here. We have large bosnian and serbian population here)) lots of people from indian subcontinent))) and we have china town)) when you go to some suburbs here you would think you were in another country. Street signs in different languages, shops selling traditional food and clothing.

21:49, 27 Nov - buzz3884: My friend, he is going to take me to Bosnia soon and Montenegro and othe balkan countries

21:52, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I have family in UK too. I am eligible for british passport which will make travelling to europe easier

21:59, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I had planned to visit kazakhstan in july but that wont be happening lol

22:02, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Have u bought tickets to Kazakhstan and had visa?

22:06, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I have visa, and tickets. This all happened before I communicate with you. She was coming back in january so booked and paid for nice hotel in sydney which i cant get refund for((((( these things happen, life goes on

22:07, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I am going back to university next year now but I think i will still travel

22:10, 27 Nov - buzz3884: It was 30 day visa from 2nd july.

22:11, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Did u buy fly tickets to Kazakhstan a year before your trip?

22:12, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's impossible )

22:14, 27 Nov - buzz3884: No, I dont think so)) I will look in morning. To be honest I was little upset and just filed them away. I may have ripped visa document out of passport too

22:19, 27 Nov - buzz3884: It was august from memory, just after my birthday.

22:23, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: why did u book hotel in Sydney,  as u live in Brisbane? )

22:29, 27 Nov - buzz3884: She was going to visit relatives in sydney so it was oppurtunity for a couple of weeks in sydney)))) I could meet her family

22:36, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Its ok though)))) I just see it as part of lives journey. These things only make us stronger))))

22:43, 27 Nov - buzz3884: I dont like to talk about her if that ok))))) I learnt my lesson))))

22:44, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Are you busy at work coming up to christmas??))

22:58, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: do u mean coming up where?)

22:59, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Sorry, i meant are you busy at work over christmas and new year?))

23:01, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: we have vacation 1-8 January,  we celebrate Christmas here on 7 January,  not on 24 December )

23:02, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am sure I will  be busy until end of year at work

23:02, 27 Nov - buzz3884: We celebrate christmas 25 december)))

23:03, 27 Nov - buzz3884: We have holidays from 24 december to 2 january. Give me time to catch up on some study

23:04, 27 Nov - buzz3884: You still living with parents?

23:05, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am working,  I can't talk to u so much at working time

23:06, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  I will talk to u when I am free

23:06, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know that u maybe go to bed now,  can write me tomorrow

23:07, 27 Nov - buzz3884: Ok sorry if i got you in trouble?? i may be awake later))) if not i will talk with you tomorrow

23:09, 27 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's ok ) Thank u ??

09:11, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Good morning how was your evening?)) I fell asleep

12:43, 28 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131128-WA0000.jpg (file attached)

12:43, 28 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131128-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

12:43, 28 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131128-WA0002.jpg (file attached)

12:44, 28 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131128-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

12:45, 28 Nov - buzz3884: This my local bus station))) have their own roads and tunnels to travel on

14:29, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Wish you great day))))) going to pick up my laptop now, just had RAM expanded so hopefully it much faster)))))))

14:32, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning )

14:33, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Hi))))) how was your night?

14:37, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: U have great public transport in Australia,  is it more convenient for u to use bus, than have a car?  By us it takes more time to go to work by car, especially in the evening )

14:40, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Yeah, i have car but dont use it much))) plus I love to walk)))) buses so quick in brisbane. Could not beat them with car if tried)))))) In weeken I will take pictures of all tunnels and infastructure, looks like spaghetti, there tunnels and bridges everywhere ??

14:41, 28 Nov - buzz3884: It is like everything is an after thought)))))) we call it the spaghetti junction

14:46, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: spaghetti 

14:55, 28 Nov - buzz3884: It is true I will take photos in weekend. It looks like bowl of spaghetti

15:15, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: This is how my city looks now ))

15:15, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131128-WA0005.jpg (file attached)

15:15, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131128-WA0004.jpg (file attached)

15:18, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Wow ?? stunning)))) I think you are lucky))))) I love the architecture here is four conrete walls for buildings. I am jealous

15:24, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like your center of city,  it looks modern and beautiful ))

15:26, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was surprised to find out that u have under ground bus station there, we don't have such smart decision here

15:27, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Modern is ok))))) but I love the character and the history of older buildings

15:27, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: u will see many of them here ))

15:29, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Australia very young nation, only 200 years old so not much history((((

15:30, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: My city is 310 years old ))

15:32, 28 Nov - buzz3884: And from what I have read and told by others the most beautiful city in the world?? you are lucky)))))

15:33, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: And I have read that Melbourne is best city in the world

15:33, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????

15:34, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: have u been there?

15:34, 28 Nov - buzz3884: You will miss Sankt Petersburg if you move to another country??

15:35, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: of course I will miss my country and my city

15:39, 28 Nov - buzz3884: But not miss cold weather?

15:42, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Yes I travelled to melbourne. Very materialistic people there(((( you are judged on what you wear, the car you drive and how much money you have(((( but lovely city

15:42, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: haha ))) noway ))) I will talk to my friends and relatives in Skype and tell them every time that I have permanent summer )) they will hate me )) haha ??

15:47, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Haha))) that is true)))) swimming all year around and sunshine most days???????????? I do like that about living here)))) for me only 3 hour plane ride home to nz if want to go for weekend))))

15:48, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, it's great ))

15:48, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: My boss came,  I should work )

15:49, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u when I have break ))

15:49, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Ok???????????? wish you great day, talk with you soon)))

15:49, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:43, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Hope you having good day))))))

20:49, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ) We decorated Christmas tree in my office ))

20:53, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131128-WA0006.jpg (file attached)

20:54, 28 Nov - buzz3884: I have not thought about a tree yet??????????

20:56, 28 Nov - buzz3884: They are lighting up the big tree in the centre of brisbane tomorrow night))))) I will go and take some photos. It big tree??????

22:28, 28 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131128-WA0007.jpg (file attached)

22:28, 28 Nov - buzz3884: I bought some shoes because I loved the colour

22:39, 28 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: wow ) I like them )

22:41, 28 Nov - buzz3884: Haha)))) people here try to buy them but they not stocked locally. I got them from nz. Most comfy shoe to)))))))) it is the "in thing" here to have bright footware........me I just liked the clour so I bought them)))))

00:11, 29 Nov - buzz3884: It is sooooo hot here tonight it hard to sleep

00:29, 29 Nov - buzz3884: ??

00:52, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just finished work,  tired )

00:53, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: What time do u usually go to bed? )

00:53, 29 Nov - buzz3884: About an hour from now)))) I dont like too much sleep

00:55, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like much sleep but can do it only one day a week )

00:56, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I like to make the most of each day))))) 5 hours sleep plenty?? you on way home?))

01:01, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 5 hours sleep??

01:01, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: U asked me why I have decided to be building engineer,  Actually I don't know ) nobody in my family wasn't connected with building sphere, when I was learning I school,  I was thinking to be German teacher, because I knew German very well,  but then I overthinked

01:01, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I usually sleep 6-7 hours and feel that I need more )

01:01, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are like unreal men )) do u feel well sleeping so few? )

01:03, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Haha))))) if I sleep more I feel tired during the day????

01:08, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I do like my sleep when it is cold though????

01:18, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Sprechen sie duetch?? Lol I like how you said you overthinked......I do it all the time))))))

01:21, 29 Nov - buzz3884: At school here no foriegn language(((((( we have to learn outside of school. I taught myself german by listening to german music and reading german newspapers))))))) I am still learning????????

02:14, 29 Nov - buzz3884: It 0200 and i still cant sleep((

02:29, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I thought that u are  sleeping already ))

11:35, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Good morning))) well it is friday?????? hope you have great day))))

12:56, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0000.jpg (file attached)

12:56, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

12:57, 29 Nov - buzz3884: This my local train station and travel card.....we dont have paper tickets anymore????

14:32, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning )

14:34, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's was below freezing tonight,  do all roads are covered with ice ))

14:34, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am on my way to work )

14:34, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Usually,  when it happens we expect many acsidents on roads )

14:36, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I had the same blue pass when I was there ) go card

14:36, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like pictures u send me,  like pieces of your life ??

14:38, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Hi, it beautiful day here))))) i just bought samsung tablet computer, save dragging my laptop everywhere??????

14:40, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I like go card)))) after nine journeys each week we travel free)))) In weekend I travel far and wide exploring????????

14:43, 29 Nov - buzz3884: It is peak hour at moment. People everywhere??????????

14:45, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow ) I had Samsung tablet ( it was small -7 inches ) I sold it because, I bought new smartphone ) all functions are the same,  but it's cool to watch movie ))

14:48, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Where are u going to travel in weekend? )

14:48, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have high hour too now ) crowd everywhere ))

14:48, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I only paid $100 dollars????????

14:49, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I going to glasshouse mountains))) will take my camera))))

14:52, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I never heard about it,  where are this mountains?  Who do u go with? )

14:53, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 100$-Is it for month? )

14:55, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I go by myself)) quiet time. They 2 hours north of brisbane by train????????

14:56, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I bought it outright for 100 ?? technology cheap here

14:57, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0002.jpg (file attached)

14:57, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

14:59, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow!  I bought my tablet for 300$ year ago..

15:00, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's place where I definitely haven't been )

15:00, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I had the same cover )

15:00, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I appreciate u will  take pictures for me on weekend )

15:06, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I am happy to take pictures)))))????????????

15:09, 29 Nov - buzz3884: All up including case screen protector and tablet cost me 130))))) I think pretty cheap)))

15:10, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Do you often use american dollars there????????

15:24, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: In Russia?  Never ) I just convert in my mind for u our prices )

15:25, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Ok????????????

15:26, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I watch movie last night, atomic train. All american movies make russia bad side. It sad(((( America does more harm in the world than anyone

15:30, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I guess you at work????? We can chat when you free?????????????? I would not like to get you in trouble((( I would feel bad talk with you soon))

15:31, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u really think so?  About America?  I can't believe I found person with same view on geopolitics as me

15:31, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:31, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am at work )

15:32, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have 5 minutes for coffee,  and then will start working )

15:32, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: And my boss isn't here still 

15:34, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I be honest when I say I dont like america. All the wars they started in last 20 years Look at syria, it was russian government that bought some peace to the country while america wanting to take military action........amerikanets

15:38, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I not saying I dont like america because you are russian?????? It is belief I have had for long time?????????? and all russians I have spoken to are polite whilst most americans I had contact with are arrogant??. I just like way russia goes about its business in the best intrests fror russian federation)))) and wont take orders from america)))))))

15:40, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow!  U are right,  absolutely ) It's true,  but overwhelming majority even isn't interested in what happen in world,  most of my friends are narrow minded in this question,  they only are worried about their smal world, where they live,  I can't judge them,  most of people just think that they need not know more,  than they touch every day )

15:41, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like that u are not such type of person,  who only want hang up with friends and beer and relax ))

15:45, 29 Nov - buzz3884: So true)))) like my friend from bosnia tell me. He was in bosnian special forces when america went in as peacekeepers in 1992. He has proof of american soldiers commiting atrocities but no one wants to know)))) I am glad we think the same??????

15:47, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wouldn't say that I hate America too, I should accept that they make successful politics and maintain interests of their nation,  but they have no morality in their action, they Will not stop before murder ore betray ore more awful things,  I just know true about them,  but I won't hate American people if I will talk to some of them ) world politics was dirty for ages,  I am sure that our president isn't angel too))

15:51, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I agree totally????????No government is perfect but history shows america causes more wars than any nation I actually like Mr Putin much. I dont agree with everything he does but he a real person who speaks his mind))) Not like other politicians who only worried about being popular

15:53, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Oh I forgot to mention I dont drink alcohol, hope does not put you off?? I dont mind if others drink I just choose not to))))

15:57, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't drink alcohol too, last 3 years no alcohol at all

15:59, 29 Nov - buzz3884: ???????????? we have much in common))) me no alcohol for 10 years?? most girls here dont like man who does not drink(( I love tea, strong black tea)))

16:00, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I appreciate that u don't drink,  it's really important for me.  I am quite against alcohol,  but it's OK, when my friends ore somebody drink,  I will not say a word

16:01, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u later ))

16:01, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I should start )

16:01, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

16:02, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I am against it too))) it causes so many problems in society and to me is a drug. The only difference is it is socially accepted drug((

16:03, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Ok hope you have great day?????????? I will wait until you are free on break????????????

16:04, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u in 3 hours I suppose )

16:05, 29 Nov - buzz3884: That is ok???????? I just dont want to get you in trouble with boss))) i would feel bad

16:05, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I forget to say - it's great that u have android smartphone now )

16:06, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hear u soon )

16:06, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Bye for now )

16:07, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I wished I had updated phone sooner so could chat with you. I enjoy it very much)))))

16:10, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0005.jpg (file attached)

18:19, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0007.jpg (file attached)

18:20, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I just learned that there thousands of people in this country who dont realise they have HIV. It scary and sad(((

18:41, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have break )

18:42, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Previous picture,  is it central metro station? )

18:42, 29 Nov - buzz3884: How long you get)))))) I just looked at my phone??????????????

18:43, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Yeah))))entrance to central station??

18:45, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I remember it ))

18:46, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I stayed at hotel,  15 minutes by walk from this station )

18:46, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have had lunch already,  so I have 30 min until the end of break )

18:47, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: May I ask u question?

18:48, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Yes sure)))) you can ask me as many questions as you like????

18:50, 29 Nov - buzz3884: You can even ask personal questions and I will answer honestly)))))

18:50, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I remember that u were going come to Saint Petersburg in January,  and then u changed your mind,  and told that u will come in summer...

18:50, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Why? )

18:51, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was upset a little bit actually )

18:51, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: But it's OK now )

18:52, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I understand that u May be busy )

18:52, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Yeah, I was but then had family issues, big ones to sort out and also changed jobs so could not get time off((((((

18:53, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I was also not sure if you wanted to meet but I am so sorry if I upset you(( truly I am.

18:53, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I understand) But at the same time u told several times that I always wanted have snowy new year ore Christmas ))

18:54, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: No sorry ) I understand )

18:55, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I guess I was a little weary too after what happened with girl from kazakhstan I wanted to be sure?????????? I am sure now though and I wish I could be there now))))

18:55, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: So if u are not afraid of cold weather,  u could come in February )

18:56, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are strong men,  and I think u could survive here 

18:57, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I understand how it is when somebody betrayed u, it's hard,  I think u should just forget about this Kazakh girl..

18:57, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Please it was not that I doubt you, I still like to meet you very much??????

18:58, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like to meet u too)

18:58, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really

19:00, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Trust me I have forgotten)))) the more I speak with you the more I want to see you. I will ask my boss on Monday for time of in February or early march)))))

19:00, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Ok I will make it happen)))))????????

19:02, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: We will know each other better before we meet,  it's only November now ) I hope I will be more free at work soon, and we will talk more )

19:02, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I know I did not communicate much in last 2 months, I was really busy and honestly you are only girl I communicate with????????????

19:04, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was busy too, and actually I didn't talk to anybody, except u.

19:04, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Just know I think only good things about you and I wish we could have met long time ago?? I am just happy you write to me those few months ago)))))

19:07, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I dont regret u wrote u )) On Monday I will start English course,  I want improve my speaking skills,  I didn't need it before,  because I didn't talk to anybody on Skype in English,  and now I feel I need more knowledge

19:09, 29 Nov - buzz3884: It is ok))))) If you need any help with english I am happy to help?????? I will keep practising my russian too??

19:11, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I will stay awake late tonight if you like to chat after work)))))

19:14, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will teach u Russian for sure )) I will go on with working,  I will write u later )

19:14, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Ok?????? hope you have great rest of day??????

19:14, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Anyway if u are about going to bed,  text me )

19:19, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I stay up and do some study?? but would love to chat with you when you finish work????????

21:25, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Thats ok we can use this app))))) it warm night here. I am sweating walking around????

21:32, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0008.jpg (file attached)

21:33, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0010.jpg (file attached)

21:33, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Merry Christmas

21:41, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0012.jpg (file attached)

21:48, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: So beautiful ) my city isn't decorated yet )

21:48, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Only my office ))

21:49, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's where I work

21:49, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131129-WA0013.jpg (file attached)

21:50, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I just went out to take that photo of tree))))) now back home again ??????

21:51, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Very modern building?? did you design it?))

21:53, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: no )

21:54, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I will probably send you lots of photos over the weekend))))) hope that is ok?))

21:55, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I should let you work????????

22:00, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0015.jpg (file attached)

22:01, 29 Nov - buzz3884: This is quietest I have seen Roma Street station)) especially friday night

22:01, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course,  send me photos please ) It's very interesting for me to see them )) I made special folder for pictures of Australia from u )

22:02, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Where are people??? ))

22:02, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

22:02, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I honestly dont know))))) maybe no one drinking this weekend haha))

22:03, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0017.jpg (file attached)

22:03, 29 Nov - buzz3884: It is so quiet it almost haunting)))

22:11, 29 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131129-WA0019.jpg (file attached)

22:12, 29 Nov - buzz3884: This is new supreme court building)))) bit hard to see at night bit will get photos during the day)))))))

22:14, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: What time is it there?  10.15 pm?

22:23, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Yeah))))))))

22:27, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Usually be people everywhere being friday night but tonight no one?? it is nice out too about 26 degrees

22:41, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: My friends are in Gold cost now, they even don't bath!!  Say that water is too cold)))

22:42, 29 Nov - buzz3884: No way haha))))) it just nice))))

22:43, 29 Nov - buzz3884: How long they on gold coast for?))

23:26, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: All their trip is 2 weeks,  one week in Sydney and other on gold cost )

23:27, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: One of them sent me pictures,  so high waves )

23:28, 29 Nov - buzz3884: They enjoy australia?

23:29, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: So, u want to say that water is nice for swimming? ) not cold?  Actually I think it's impossible swimming in such high waves ) are there any bays ore quite places where people can bath?  Ore maybe even children? )

23:29, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: They enjoy of course ))

23:30, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will meet them when they will be back and Hear about their vacation )

23:31, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I know some places north of brisbane, nice rock pools and waterfalls)))) and quiet????

23:33, 29 Nov - buzz3884: It will be shock for therebodies. Hot here then freezing there

23:51, 29 Nov - buzz3884: Next time I go to my favourite rock pool I take photos)))))) It is a two mile walk into forrest but it so quiet and relaxing????????

23:51, 29 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I adore forest )) and all nature ) I miss it living in big city )

23:52, 29 Nov - buzz3884: I love the fresh air)))

00:02, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Do you get to finish early on friday??????

00:04, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: No,  I will work an Hour more )

00:04, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: After work I meet my friends ) just have dinner together in some nice place )

00:09, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Work late on an friday))))) that is unheard of in australia haha))))

00:10, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, it's not good )

00:16, 30 Nov - buzz3884: You get overtime?)))))

00:24, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: no ) I just should finish something until Monday )

00:26, 30 Nov - buzz3884: That is harsh having to work until 8.00pm((( you go out often?)))

00:35, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will work until 7 pm ) it's 6.37 now )

00:36, 30 Nov - buzz3884: 23 minutes to go))))) it 1230 sm here

00:37, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I go out not very often,  weekdays I have no time , but Friday and weekend I try time meet my friends ) last two weekends I went to my friend and we cooked together cheese cake )

00:38, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131130-WA0000.jpg (file attached)

00:38, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Last weekend ))

00:38, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It was delicious ))

00:39, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I have no one to cook for at moment only me))))) it looks delicious)))))

00:42, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I miss not cooking for other people((

01:24, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am pretty sure that men can make more delicious meal than women,  everybody knows that most famous chefs are men )

01:26, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: When u sent me pictures will all meal which u made by yourself I always got hungry ))

01:27, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Haha)))))) I just love to cook))))

01:28, 30 Nov - buzz3884: When I build a house one day I will make sure it has big kitchen)))

01:29, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: U do it well according to these pictures )

01:29, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, big kitchen is great )

01:31, 30 Nov - buzz3884: You know, when I cook for others I dont feel like eating.......it is strange))))

01:32, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: ))) it is good for your guests )) they can have more delicious food 

01:33, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Haha))))) I have been cooking for others since I was 12)))))))

01:34, 30 Nov - buzz3884: It is hard to eat here when it so hot. Just dont feel like food((((

02:12, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am in Thai restaurant ))

02:13, 30 Nov - buzz3884: ))) Is it cheap to eat out there?))

03:29, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I still awake)))))) way to hot to sleep and its raining

04:10, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u awake still? )

04:10, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's very late for u ) Talk to u tomorrow for sure )

04:11, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Yeah srill awake)))

04:12, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: About your question,  price depends on restaurant )

04:12, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: wow )

04:13, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's cheaper than in Sydney, )

04:13, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I have to get up in hour and go to work(((

04:14, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: U should sleep!!

04:14, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Sydney just expensive for everyrhing

04:15, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I liked beaches There ))

04:15, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Beautiful and close to city

04:16, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Beaches here good and not as many people))))))

04:16, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: But it's a little bit difficult to live in Sydney because of lots tourists )

04:17, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, Sydney is crowded )

04:17, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Can I ask you a question that is of another subject?))

04:18, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Today )

04:18, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131130-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

04:19, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Yum))))

04:23, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course u can

04:23, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Looks good but not so tasty as my home made cheese cake )

04:23, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: U can ask me question

04:24, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I was just wondering why you against alcohol now?

04:24, 30 Nov - buzz3884: You have bad experience?

04:31, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: No,  I have no bad experience,  I always wasn't fond of alcohol,  but I drank sometimes on birthdays ore when I was student with my university friends,  but not often,  several years ago I just met person who explained me how bad it is and Moreover I read several books and watched some videos about great Russian scientists who never drunk alcohol and had clear mind until very old age,  I just realized that I don't need it and it's insane to kill your brain and health for no reason

04:36, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: plus I don't have any good feeling from alcohol,  they say,  that u feel relaxing, ore feel freedom,  ore something like this, I don't feel nothing,  my mind stay absolutely clear and if I drink much, I just will feel weakness and sick,  my mind stay always sober

04:38, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: what about u?

04:39, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: U don't drink so many years

04:42, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I just think that if people need to drink alcohol to have good time there must be something wrong))

Here people think I strange because I dont drink alcohol))

04:44, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's normal ) my friends think I am strange too )))

04:44, 30 Nov - buzz3884: It is almost impossible to find wiman who does not drink but I glad you have similar view on alcohol

04:45, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I thought it's impossible )

04:45, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think u should sleep a little bit

04:45, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am almost at home )

04:47, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Alcohol, like others drugs just cant be good for the body or brain))

04:47, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: u are right

04:47, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's sad that almost nobody understand this

04:48, 30 Nov - buzz3884: It is just a socially accepted drug........to me it no different than heroin or othe drugs

04:49, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Alcohol just way of life here((( but thats ok

04:54, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Do many people there drink everyday like people here?

04:56, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: no, not every day, most of people drink on Saturday ore Friday night in bars,

04:56, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Every day - no way

04:57, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's impossible to drink every day because most of people drive car and can't drink

04:58, 30 Nov - buzz3884: It is common for people to drink everyday here((( they drive cars and trucks drunk and most pubs and clubs open at 10.30am

04:59, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: but they can't drive after drinking right?

04:59, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: How they manage this ?

04:59, 30 Nov - buzz3884: They not supposed to but do anyway(((((

05:00, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I getting ready for work now))

05:01, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: ok ) I wish u great day,  I think we could talk when u will have evening )

05:03, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I can talk when ever convenient for you)))) I have one hour train ride ahead of me((

05:05, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: u told that it takes 15 minutes for u to get to work isn't it?

05:05, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I going to different place this morning)) cash in hand work

05:06, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Just something I do now and then for extra pocket monet haha))))

05:06, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I see ) I am about prepare for sleeping)

05:07, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Talk to u tomorrow )

05:07, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Ok that be great))))

05:07, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

05:07, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Sleep well, hope not too cold

05:08, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u ) I have two thick blankets )

05:09, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I sleep on top of covers)))) too hot otherwise(

05:11, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Don't u use condition at home?

05:11, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Yeah but it struggles due to humidity, so much moisture in the air

05:16, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Talk with you soon))))) I enjoy it very much

05:23, 30 Nov - buzz3884: IMG-20131130-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

05:24, 30 Nov - buzz3884: It just stopped raining now will more humid and yuck )

05:34, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I will let you sleep sweet dreams

05:36, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u ) I am very tired,  I bed now )

05:36, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Goodnight

14:10, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Good morning Alexandra how did you sleep?? Well I hope well I ended doing eight hours for the day which is ebough))))) it is wet and cold today(( I dont think I will be able to visit glasshouse mountains tomorro(((( I will however go out and capture more images oc brisbane for you)) it would be my pleasure))))

18:17, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning ))

18:17, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I slept too long )

18:17, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: What do u mean cold? )))

18:20, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: By the way,  Alexandra - is my full name, it's how is written in passport,  my friends and relatives call me Sasha ))) I don't know why I didn't write Sasha on dating site ) So,  now u know ??

18:57, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Hi)))))))

18:58, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I just woke up myself))))))

19:00, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Which name do you prefer??  Sasha, I have know a couplw

19:01, 30 Nov - buzz3884: ......i hhave know couple of sasha's

19:03, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I love the name)))))))))

19:10, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: call me Sasha ))

19:10, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: There are several modifications of this name too))

20:02, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u know couple Sashas who live in Australia?  Are they Russians?))

21:16, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Hi i fell asleep)))) yes i believe one had russian blood so to speak))))

21:29, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hi ))

21:30, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just saw your sms )

21:30, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Sorry I fell asleep)))))

21:30, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's OK)))

21:31, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: What do u mean horrible grammar? ))

21:32, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u talking about my messeges? 

21:33, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Just my spelling of words))))) nooo your english is actually pretty good

21:33, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: No, u are kidding )) my English is pure ))

21:35, 30 Nov - buzz3884: You actually have better english writing skills than people here)))))) honest many people here cannot read and write properly(( it a big problem in society here

21:38, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really???  Are u talking about Australian people??

21:39, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: How is it possible that they can't write without mistakes))

21:41, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Yeah))) it is actually quiet sad. Because of computers not many people can write properly. People are used to the computer performing a spell check. We have over reliance on compuuters here((

21:45, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think people all over the world spend more and more time at the laptop ))

21:45, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u know about Olympic games in Russia this summer )

21:46, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I still like to handwrite letters and so forth

21:46, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Yes in Sochi

21:48, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131130-WA0004.jpg (file attached)

21:49, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Olympic hours in center of city ))

21:49, 30 Nov - buzz3884:  will you be attending?))))

21:50, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: no))

21:50, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's too expensive ))

21:51, 30 Nov - buzz3884: 

21:51, 30 Nov - buzz3884: You have plans for anything exciting this evening???)))))

21:52, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131130-WA0005.jpg (file attached)

21:52, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: One of most famous churches here ))

21:53, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Now I am by my granny's place,  she is ill,  I brought her food ))

21:53, 30 Nov - buzz3884: St Petersburg is like romantic city

21:53, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, very romantic actually ))

21:54, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: In the evening I maybe will meet one of my friend )) I would like to go in aquapark, it's always summer here))

21:55, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I hope your granny feels well soon I miss my grandmother, she passed away four years ago((

21:55, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: My other granny passed away several years ago too

21:56, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Now I have one granny,  And one grandfather

21:58, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I have only one granny)) both my grandfathers passed while I was very young( I miss my granny so much

22:01, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: So, u started education in university?  When are u studying?  Do u need go to lectures?

22:03, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Yes, but we have open universities here for distant education))) lectures by podcast but I do have to attend campus for some modules))) I also doing diploma of business management

22:08, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I resume my engineering studies in february.

22:13, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I got myself a 500 gram steak for dinner but I dont think it big enough))))

22:28, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I have already done most of my practical modules)))) I got recognition of prior learning))) now mostly theory.......My favouroute topic is applied thermodynamics. Most people hate but I love it

22:52, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Maybe you are busy?

23:10, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hi, sorry,  my phone discharged while I was by granny,  I just came home and turned it on

23:10, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: ))

23:11, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Thats ok))) I thought you may be busy with her so I was going to wait

23:12, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's great that u find time for education,  do u know how u will use your new knowledge?

23:15, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: To be honest I would like to have some education abroad,  maybe just English curses ore something else,  I think it's helping to communicate in other country and find friends and start speak fluent )

23:17, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I like to have my own business someday))))) I like also wife and children

23:20, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I think with some more exposure to english language you will have great language skills so you could live and work abroad if that is what you like

23:22, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, it's what I like and what I want

23:24, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I think australia would be better place if there were more wonderfull people like you here

23:24, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u )) it's so nice to hear this ))

23:26, 30 Nov - buzz3884: It is my honest opinion our government is letting too many muslims in(((

23:28, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Our government let's a lot of people from south here too,  they already have their own big communities and feel quite  free

23:29, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Australia needs more russians, germans and eastern europeans. That is just my view

23:30, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think something wrong is with my smartphone,  it doesn't charge at all (( 3% for last 15 minutes and Nothing happened (

23:31, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Now 2% Oh my God (

23:31, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Even in New Zealand it the same, there are only about 2 million full blood kiwis left(( we are dying breed haha

23:32, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Is it samsung?

23:35, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: No, it's Chinese unknown brand ((

23:35, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I ordered it on internet,  delivery from China direct

23:36, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It was 2 batteries with phone in package,  one of them was dead half year ago, and other today (

23:37, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's 0% now,

23:38, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u have Skype?  I don't want to lose connection with u,  and I actually dont want write u on dating site )

23:38, 30 Nov - buzz3884: (((((( maybe take battery out and reset phone?

23:38, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I tried (

23:39, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Yes my name on skype blair.hudson3 i will find you there

23:41, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am Alexandra.Mashtaller

23:42, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I will find you now

23:43, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: ok

23:45, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I found you)))))

23:46, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK))

23:46, 30 Nov - buzz3884: Did you like to chat on there?))

23:48, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Until I am at home, let's talk here,  I am going meet my friend,  I will go out in couple hours

23:48, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am looking for new phone right now on internet,

23:49, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can't live without it (

23:50, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: Until I haven't buy a new one,  I will use my very old phone without internet on it ((

23:50, 30 Nov - buzz3884:  I still have my old LG I bought 3 years ago. I updated the android system the other day. I nearly bought samsung on friday but got tablet instead))))

23:54, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think I will buy Samsung too

23:55, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was going to buy new laptop,  now I use old my father's laptop,  but new smartphone is now more important

23:55, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's sad (

23:56, 30 Nov - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:56, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I just dont want to lose contact with you)))))

23:57, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I really only use my mobile as wifi hotspot for tablet and laptop))

23:58, 30 Nov - buzz3884: I had my laptop for 8 years. It not the fastest but I love it

00:00, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am going cook dinner now )

00:01, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Talk to in half an hour )

00:01, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Ok)))))) 

00:55, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just finished my dinner )

00:56, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I read your last messeges,  u had 500 gram steak for dinner??  Wow )

00:57, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What meat was it?

01:02, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I hope u are not sleeping yet, I finished my meal later than expected (

10:59, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Good morning sasha I sorry I fell asleep)) was so tired what are you up to today?

15:09, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I feel sooo bad I fell asleep.......I just physically could not keep my eyes open. I hope we can chat today? I always look foward to your messages)))))

17:34, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I hope you are ok?))

18:42, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning )

18:42, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just woke up )

18:42, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's OK that u fell asleep )

18:43, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have good news about my phone,  it was charging all night and it's OK again )))

18:43, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am so happy

18:43, 1 Dec - buzz3884: That is great)))))))

18:44, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ))

18:44, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I was worried your phone had died(( and I could not chat with you)))

18:44, 1 Dec - buzz3884: You sleep long time haha

18:46, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,  I was watching series yesterday at night,  and it was so interesting that I went to bed only  3 am ))

18:47, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I slept 9 hours,  not very long for me ))

18:47, 1 Dec - buzz3884:  sometimes I stay awake too))))

18:47, 1 Dec - buzz3884: 9 hours long time for me)) I am so full of energy

18:49, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Me too ))

18:49, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What did u do Today ??

18:50, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Your name, Sasha, is of German heritage?))))) It is just my friends daughter name the same and they german)))) I like your name

18:52, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I have easy day))))) just cook heaps pasta and rice dishes for lunch during the week Is raining here((

18:53, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Name is international,  I suppose,  because I know that there are many people who are called Alex in different countries ), I have German family name ) u saw it in Skype

18:55, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Yes))) you have german in your family?))

18:57, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I have british...

19:01, 1 Dec - buzz3884: You have plans today??))

19:03, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Close relatives are all Russians, but my grand father had a little investigation about his ancestors and found out that he had one grand grang pa from Germany )

19:04, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Today,  Nothing existing,  to do my flat,  grocery shop, some English teaching on internet )

19:04, 1 Dec - buzz3884: You have moved from parents??))

19:05, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No )

19:05, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's too expensive for me to rent a flat ore even a room ))

19:05, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I live alone. Moved out from my brothe))))

19:05, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow!

19:06, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u renting a house for u???

19:08, 1 Dec - buzz3884: It is boring being alone)))) yes I have room in big guest house))))) very strict rules, no alcohol no women and must be quiet haha)))) I like though but expensive(( 220 dollars week. Cheap for brisbane though

19:09, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I dont even know others here??

19:12, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I remember that u moved a new house with your brother several months ago, was happened?  Was it too small for 3 persons?

19:14, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I did not get along with his girlfriend which unfortunate((( we had different views. She narrow minded australian

19:18, 1 Dec - buzz3884: She told me I was selfish for looking for partner overseas((((( she has no understanding. She would not even know where russia was on map haha. It is sad of her....please dont think bad of me

19:20, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't think bad of u ) U can make your chose and u are right about your decision

19:21, 1 Dec - buzz3884: It is just mentality of some australians((( but you know my views))))

19:21, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u planning to move another house one day?

19:23, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Yes)))) but for now it ok.....they service room too so like living in hotel)))

19:25, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I have wanted to meet nice russian girl for long time and now I have

19:26, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Australian girls are jealous of russian girls.....

19:29, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I can understand this 

19:34, 1 Dec - buzz3884: 

19:38, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I glad you understand)))))

19:42, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's because Ukrainian women make a bad reputation for all women from this part of earth ) I don't like Ukrainians at all))

19:46, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Haha)))) yes lot ukrainian women here....not for me. You are right))))) some people here assume that russian girls and kazakh and ukrainian girls are only mail order brides((( they just idiots and have no idea......just australian bogans)))

19:47, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:47, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Please just dont be put off.......like I said australia would be much greater place with more people like your good self

19:50, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I dont like muslims.....they just not good in this country

19:51, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: If I was a men,  I will never date Ukrainian ))) moreover did u hear about Chernobyl catastrophe in Ukraine?  Consequences of this awful ecological catastrophe still influence on people's health there  (((

19:53, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I have read much about. Chernobyl....very bad. I never seek ukranian girl))) Only Russian....only you

19:53, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:54, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will go to bathroom,  let's talk a little bit later )

19:54, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I going to delete my account on dating site too....yes love to talk later

20:16, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Was it really cold there last night?)

20:31, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's not very cold actually )) about -5))

20:31, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I forgot to ask how your meal was last night?)) What did you cook?)))

20:31, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's enormous warm weather this year in autumn )

20:32, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Haha that is still cold I would not want to get out of warm bed))))

20:34, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I cooked meat,  but it was not very good,  actually )) I have no talent for cooking meat,  Maybe it depends on quality of meat which I buy there,))

20:34, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We are used to cold ))) ))

20:38, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Dont be so hard on yourself you are probably a wonderful cook)))))

20:38, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And what is more bad, it's always dark there in autumn and winter, something  like polar night and polar day.  In summer we have white night,  and now it is getting dark at 3 pm,  and again it is getting lightly at 10 am

20:39, 1 Dec - buzz3884: It dont like that it light here at 0430 and not dark until 1930

20:42, 1 Dec - buzz3884: So when did you decide you like to move to Australia?))) I just curious

20:49, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: sorry,  I am talking on Skype with my   friend,  I will write u soon

20:50, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Ok))))

21:19, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am here ))

21:19, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was talking with my friend who lives in Finland

21:20, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I haven't heard her for couple weeks ))

21:21, 1 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok)))))

21:21, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I am hungry but dont know what to eat

21:27, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About Australia,  Actually my previous boyfriend wanted to move in Australia,  when I met him couple years ago, he started telling me about Australia,  about moving this country,  we were going move together, that's why we went to Australia for vacation,  too see this country before moving,   but then we broke up, and I could not delete thoughts about Australia from my mind, I tried to build new relationships here, actually I thought that if I meet good guy here I will tell him about my dream moving in warm beautiful country,  but I couldn't find a men, whom I like

21:29, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Do you mind if I ask why you break up?

21:31, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I know I have said before I like to leave Australia but I think if I have nice girl I would stay. Relationship with australian girl is unbearable  haha

21:33, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: He was the same age, played computer much, He wasn't a real gentleman,  he treated me like we are equal partners,  I didn't feel that I am lady,  he thought that I should working hard and pay for a lot of things,  which men should be responsible. I always felt older than he.

21:35, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't want u moving from Australia 

21:36, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I am sorry to hear that. Lots guys here like that too......it is sad how some men treat their girlfriends/wives.....my parents scold me if i were to ever treat woman badly....

21:36, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

21:37, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Your parents gave u great upbringing

21:38, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I not moving......although maybe like to build house in nz. It so expensive for property here. If not earning atleast $100,000 dollars year and married bank will not give mortgage

21:39, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: so, u still want move to new Zealand?

21:39, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Yes I have great parents I will not stand for men treating woman bad......I guess I old fashioned))))

21:42, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I understand that house in Australia is more expensive but your salary in Australia is more than in new Zealand?

21:43, 1 Dec - buzz3884: It is hard question........if I were to get married and have children here I would stay)))) but nz will always be home

21:44, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: and if u get married with girl from abroad?

21:44, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah wages here more but so is bills haha.......it is case of six of one,half dozen of the other

21:45, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I understand that  new Zealand is your home forever

21:45, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Average house in brisban is about $880,000.......

21:46, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it built house?  And if u will build by yourself?

21:48, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I not trying to put you off though

21:48, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I heard that people in Australia usually build two houses in the same time ) one for renting and other for living ))

21:51, 1 Dec - buzz3884: If the bank will give finance yes....but 80% people here live beyond there means.....the average family owes $400,000 in debt. Thats lot of money and only takes accident at work or interest rates to rise and they lose everything((( I owe banks nothing

21:52, 1 Dec - buzz3884: That is built house..... I could save money by building myself

21:52, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's really high price for house,  I didn't expected that it's so high ((( how people are possible to buy it??  Credit for 100 years? )

21:55, 1 Dec - buzz3884: If marry girl from abroad I would do what makes her happy))) because to me if marry someone it means I would love them and it would not worry where I lived aslong as wife happy.....if that makes sense))

21:56, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, it makes sense )) I like how u express yourself in your messages )

21:57, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am very sorry,  but could u mention me when is your birthday?  In August?

21:57, 1 Dec - buzz3884: 3 August

21:59, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Thankyou I just like to say how I feel))

22:01, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Most mortgages 25-30 years but most people still paying house off after retired. If willing to make sacrifices can pay of earlier

22:15, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: so, u don't want have mortgage?

22:15, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U should have some fish payment to get mortgage,  and u saving for it?

22:16, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry - first payment

22:18, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah I saving)))) Mortgage is inevitable haha

22:18, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, I see )

22:20, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: By us it's the same situation,  all people take mortgage for flat

22:22, 1 Dec - buzz3884: My other option is to save hard and buy block of land freehold then slowly build house....I love to build house using recycled hardwood timber....just I like

22:24, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it common to build wooden houses? I think I didn't so such houses,  only in Blue mountains, In Catumba

22:26, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Most houses here just built from pine softwood on concrete slab.......I build different but i not architect ??

22:27, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am almost architect)

22:29, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe one day I explain how want to build and you can do plans

22:29, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: of course ))

22:29, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Me I like exposed native timbers)))))

22:29, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Big kitchen,  I remember ))

22:30, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Yes very big kitchen

22:30, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Big everything haha

22:32, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

22:32, 1 Dec - buzz3884: But must be in countryside))))

22:33, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think in city there are no houses,  only flats,  right?

22:34, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Oh, and if it means anything your ex bf is silly for not treating you right......we have only been communicating a few months but already I know you are wonderful person with beautiful personality

22:37, 1 Dec - buzz3884: There houses but so small. Less than 250square metres((( my old boss had 1700square metre house on big property. It was my dream home

22:38, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u for saying such nice things )

22:39, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 1700 it's pretty enough )

22:39, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: For many kids ))

22:39, 1 Dec - buzz3884: It is true)))))

22:39, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it 2 floors house?

22:39, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Yes hopefully many kids)))

22:40, 1 Dec - buzz3884: No single story home, was massive

22:40, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: cool )

22:41, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want to compare our prices for real estate,  how much is small flat in Brisbane?

22:42, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore maybe u know how much is square meter?

22:43, 1 Dec - buzz3884: To buy about 330,000 to rent about 340 per week. I will find out tomorrow on average price per aquare meter))))))

22:46, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: but us it's 100 000$ for 30 square meters flat,  in the edge of city

22:47, 1 Dec - buzz3884: It be similar here))

22:48, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Can I ask.......have you given any thought as to if you want children in the future?

22:49, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: of course I want!

22:50, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually I would like to have children before I am 30

22:50, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe even earlier )

22:50, 1 Dec - buzz3884: 

22:52, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't like how in Europe women have children when they are 35-40, a lot of them can't have children this age already,  because it's not good for health wait so long before first kid

22:53, 1 Dec - buzz3884: It is same in Australia(( women more worried about careers and social life so dont have kids until 35+ ......it sad

22:56, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes  (( in Russia it comes to this situation too,  my parents and parents of my friends had children when they were 20-22, now girls have children here when they are 28-35

22:57, 1 Dec - buzz3884: You like big family or smaller?

22:58, 1 Dec - buzz3884: My parents were 21 and 25.....

23:00, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My parents were 22 and 25) I want big family if it's possible,  I think one kid it's not enough )

23:00, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: At least two ))

23:01, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I will be honest.....I did not want children or marriage when I was younger....but in last 2 years it like switch been flicked in my brain and now I think about having children of my own and marriage often may sound strange but its true))))

23:03, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I hope u will not change your mind ) I always knew that I want family ) but I am a girl,  it's our nature )

23:03, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I like maybe 4 kids??

23:04, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: wow)

23:04, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's great )

23:04, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And I want a small dog moreover ))

23:05, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I love german sheperds we always have them in our family

23:08, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131201-WA0000.jpg (file attached)

23:08, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like them too,  they are smart ) they need place,  a yard )) because I was living a flat I always wanted a small dog )

23:08, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I wont change my mind)))) I think all guys think negative toward marriage and kids when we are young haha......I know in my heart I want marriage and kids)))

23:08, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know what u think )) it's not a real dog ))

23:09, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Hahahaha.........

23:09, 1 Dec - buzz3884: You make me laugh

23:09, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like his colour - coffee latte ))

23:10, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore coffee ice cream ))

23:12, 1 Dec - buzz3884: May as well get cat haha.....

23:13, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have read that all people can be separated for 2 parts,  who loves dogs and who loves cats,  who are u? )

23:14, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Honestly I love both........so where does that leave me.........

23:16, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u are unikum))

23:17, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Is that good or bad???))))) If I had to make choice I would go for dogs but I like all animals))))

23:17, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's good ))

23:18, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like all animals too,  but I prefer dogs,  I think they are less selfish than cats))) cat thinks that he is boss always ))

23:21, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Hahaha......

23:22, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:23, 1 Dec - buzz3884: So you never have cat????))))

23:23, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: never)) only dog and many hamsters ))

23:24, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What about u? )

23:25, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Why hamsters? they attract big snakes here??

23:26, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: they are cute ))

23:27, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I had small hamsters, I send u picture of this tipe

23:27, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Haha

23:27, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Have you seen snakes close up?

23:29, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131201-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

23:29, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I saw once,  in other city in Russia

23:30, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Small black snake

23:31, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Have to be careful not to attract snakes here....we have many but there are two that if you get bitten you will usually die....they scary

23:34, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have heard about dangerous snakes and spiders, and sharks there, some people tell that it's crazy decide to move in Australia ))

23:34, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think I don't understand fully how dangerous it can be

23:35, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am in rose glasses )

23:36, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Haha....thats why nz good as no deadly creatures))) but you get used to them here....just part of life)))

23:38, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes,  we will get friends ))haha

23:38, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's impossible to get used,  I will be scared always )

23:39, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: But here I am scared about many things too, like driving a car with crazy people on roads

23:40, 1 Dec - buzz3884: You will be safe here))) find right man and he will protect you

23:42, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:43, 1 Dec - buzz3884: I seen videos of crazy russian drivers......so funny

23:47, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Your parents be ok with you marrying man from abroad?)))))

23:49, 1 Dec - buzz3884: Australians crazy drivers too

23:57, 1 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  I am in shop,  I will write u a little bit later

00:00, 2 Dec - buzz3884: Ok

00:07, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I have to go to bed soon?? I have to be awake in five hours(( I wish I could talk with you all night talking with you brightens my day

00:09, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u ))

00:10, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wish u good night if u go to bed now

00:11, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131202-WA0000.jpg (file attached)

00:11, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Everything is white here ))

00:13, 2 Dec - buzz3884: It is so beautiful)))))

00:17, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I will stay awake a little longer)))))

00:21, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Beautiful??  Are u serious??  I have started counting days before spring ))

00:23, 2 Dec - buzz3884: Haha you had enough of cold))

00:26, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes )) I am in shop and thinking about buying ice cream ) Russians don't give up 

07:20, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning ))

07:21, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??Monday is impossible to have good morning ))

08:40, 2 Dec - buzz3884: Morning))))))))) sorry for falling asleep

12:17, 2 Dec - buzz3884: Morning Gorgeous wish you great day at work)))) I look foward to talking with you later))))) I like when I look at my phone and you have sent me a message))))))

14:30, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want sleep sooo much ))

14:30, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am on my way to work )

14:31, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tomorrow I will go to master class with my friend after work,  we will learn everything about Italian cuisine ))

14:59, 2 Dec - buzz3884: Hi))))))

15:00, 2 Dec - buzz3884: You just about to start work?? You can teach me italian cooking one day.......I have not done much Italian))

15:01, 2 Dec - buzz3884: It is fine and sunny here today)))) about 28°

15:39, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am at work,  try to start working ))))

15:39, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u when I have break in 3 hours ))

15:39, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:41, 2 Dec - buzz3884: Ok that be great))))) have great day

18:24, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I am curiousyou said yesterday Russians dont give up))) how did you mean

19:10, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wrote  this because u told that I we have enough cold , and I answered that despite of cold weather I have decided to buy icecream ))

19:11, 2 Dec - buzz3884: Oh ok makes sense haha......I was just tired to comprehend)))))))

19:11, 2 Dec - buzz3884: Icecream when its winter??????????

19:12, 2 Dec - buzz3884: You busy today?

19:14, 2 Dec - buzz3884: It is about to storm here again(( during spring and summer it humid and hot during the day whch creates storm cells. They are short but very intense.....actually they get my adrenalin flowing when they hit haha

19:17, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I thought I will have free time during my lunch break,  but I should go to the flower shop - one of my colleagues has birthday today,  she is my friend,  so I bought roses for her

19:17, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131202-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

19:18, 2 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131202-WA0002.jpg (file attached)

19:18, 2 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131202-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

19:18, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: View from my office window ))

19:18, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sunny weather today ))

19:18, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How is your day? )

19:19, 2 Dec - buzz3884: My day was good but always better when speak with you

19:19, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: is it your cat? )))

19:19, 2 Dec - buzz3884: That is my parents cat))) trust me if you meet him you would love him haha

19:20, 2 Dec - buzz3884: You have beautiful view from office......I take some pics tomorrow of my workplace)))))

19:21, 2 Dec - buzz3884: You are 25? just on skype it says 23))

19:34, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In Skype I am 23???? Really? )))

19:34, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am 25 ))

19:34, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow ))

19:35, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like your parents cat ))

19:35, 2 Dec - buzz3884:  yeah on skype you 23))

19:35, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Very nice colour )

19:35, 2 Dec - buzz3884: He is cool cat.......follows me everywhere

19:36, 2 Dec - buzz3884: It hard not to love him

19:43, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have one friend,  who has so kind cat that u can treat him like he is your toy, and cat will not show any anger

19:44, 2 Dec - buzz3884:  I like cats but dogs more)))))

19:44, 2 Dec - buzz3884: You busy today at work?))

19:45, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like some cats, but kind cats are exeption than a rule ))

19:45, 2 Dec - buzz3884: 

19:45, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, today there is much to finish before tomorrow ((

19:46, 2 Dec - buzz3884: When you visit Australia did you speak with many locals?

19:47, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131202-WA0004.jpg (file attached)

19:47, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's me with Timberlake in Amsterdam ))

19:47, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I didn't speak locals ))

19:48, 2 Dec - buzz3884: You are more beautiful than he)))

19:49, 2 Dec - buzz3884: What impression did australian people give you?

19:49, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have spoken only once one guy in hotel in blue mountains, he was a writer and came to blue mountains for inspiration ))

19:49, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Very open and friendly )

19:49, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Even people in supermarket ore in transport ))

19:51, 2 Dec - buzz3884: Do you have particular "type" of guy?? Please dont be offended)) I just ask questions to learn)))

19:52, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I mean that you like??))))) Me, i like people for who they are

19:57, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't have particular type, I only want feel caring of men and I want him to be happy with me

19:58, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I will admit I have soft spot as we say here for Russian girls......I think it because they are approachable and polite and well yeah, just enjoyable to talk with

19:59, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am happy to hear this ))

20:00, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I dont want you to think I am getting ahead of myself but I always happy when talking with you

20:07, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Me too )

20:08, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am sad that I should work instead of talking to u,  but I really should (

20:09, 2 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok....i stay up late and talk with you later

20:24, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ok )) I will write  u ))

20:24, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I just dont want to get you in trouble with all my messages)))))

20:26, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U don't get me ) don't worry

20:26, 2 Dec - buzz3884: Thats ok

20:26, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I would feel so bad if I did

21:02, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I am bored?? nothing on tv and raining...

21:25, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tell me about your friends,  do u have close friends?

21:25, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How long do u know them?

21:32, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I have one really close friend, neboysha, he is from Bosnia)) I only known him a couple of years but I would trust him with my life))))) he has taught me so much. He is mechanical engineer and toolmaker.....he was bosnian special forces soldier during civil war there. He is 56)))) my other best friend passed away, he was marine cheif engineer for australian navy....he also much older)))) I have other friends but I find it difficult to get along with australians my age. All they want to do is drink and party

And for now you are my friend I only know you few months but hopefully we will know each other for many years

21:32, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I seem to get along with mature people

21:33, 2 Dec - buzz3884: How about you)))))

21:40, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have several close friends,  2 of them I know from kindergarten,  other is from university ( she moved to Finland couple years ago ) and one another friend - Maria,  I know her only couple years,  but now we are very good friends ) and her mother is my very good friend too,  u love communication with her mother  it's always useful to heard older people with their experience )

21:42, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would like to have more  friends,  even if I see them rarely,  for me it's important to talk with other people sometimes )

21:49, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I am just weary of australian people....they are known for using others to satisfy there own needs.....not all but many?? I did chat with another russian girl until about six months ago...we spoke everyday but only as friends she had bf and it is rule of mine you dont try take someones girl from them. Its a moral thing. We just spoke about life and how different our countries were....she gave me great insight into russian people but mainly russian girls......i realized that the way i was raised to treat a lady is how most russian girls like....if that makes sense australian girls dont appreciate gentleman

22:20, 2 Dec - buzz3884: It is hot here tonight( sleep on top of covers tonight

22:47, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U told that u are weary of Australian people,  I am sure that there are good people too, who are interesting to talk with ) I just can't imagine that all of them are so bad )

23:06, 2 Dec - buzz3884: No not all but there many rogues(((especially in business. I for some reason enjoy company of other foriegners I cant explain exactly why

23:08, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I think because of different backgrounds I enjoy learning about them

23:11, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I see,  in Russia there are many rogues too )) in government for example )) haha )) how it will be for u if your parner has friends?  Ore your dream is that she was communicating only with u?

23:12, 2 Dec - buzz3884: There are nice australians too, it just shame many so narrow minded especially when comes to international politics and other countries

23:13, 2 Dec - buzz3884: It would notbother me))) only thing I would want from partner is to be honest and faithful she can have as many friends as she desire

23:16, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's good ) I don't like night clubs and night meetings with friends,  but I would like to have several friends who u can walk with ore just spend time sometimes )

23:16, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Don't u have people Who u communicate at your work?

23:19, 2 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok I would never tell someone who they can and cant speak with))) For me, I dont communicate with other girls whilst talking with you. It just respect on my part I will be honest I have been hurt before by girl here I dated for 3 years....honesty is really important to me

23:21, 2 Dec - buzz3884: I dont really communicate with work people....we have different interests

23:31, 2 Dec - buzz3884: If I were to marry russian girl one day I would encourage here to have communication with friends, especially friends from her home country as it would be a little daunting for her to move to foriegn country where she knows few people.....she would need support of friends which I would encourage

23:58, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like to hear that from u,  it is very important for me to know your opinion,  I think u are smart and understanding person

23:59, 2 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am on my way to language school,  I will pass English  test today and pay for English course) I really want to improve my English )

00:00, 3 Dec - buzz3884: If you like to practice I happy to help.....I am patient but your written english is excellent

00:04, 3 Dec - buzz3884: If I were to one day have children with Russian girl to I would want them to learn russian language and to learn about both australian and russian culture....I believe it important for them to know their heritage

00:04, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would love to practice with u on Skype )

00:06, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am almost there, at school,  I will tell u how it Was ))

00:07, 3 Dec - buzz3884: We can do that))) Maybe on weekends when we both have time.......however I will make time for you whenever you like

00:08, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Ok best of luck.....you will be fine

00:16, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u )) I hope so ))

00:18, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Just be confident in your ability you are very intelligent and you will do great

01:02, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I finished ))

01:02, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: If u are sleeping,  good night )))

01:03, 3 Dec - buzz3884: No))))) I still awake...how did you go?

01:08, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I hope all went well

01:09, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It was short test,  15 questions about grammar, 10 sentences essay and 5 minutes talking ))They say I have upper intermediate level, it's previous before advanced level - advanced is highest level )

01:09, 3 Dec - buzz3884: You will be fluent speaker very soon

01:10, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Its great you did so well)))

01:13, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They suggested two options of course - business course and preparation for international exam - EFC,  have u heard about it?  I think it's the same as IELTS ) actually,  I don't need neither of this) but they told me working books,  which they use for both courses,  I will download them and see the staff,  maybe it will be interesting for me )

01:16, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I have heard of of EFC....not the other you must pass english exam if wish to relocate to australia?))

01:20, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Our government stupid.......they make certain people prove they can speak english but they let in many muslims who speak no english because they have family here.....it silly

01:21, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think I don't need, Preparation for such type of exam is useful even if u are not going to pass it, because this exam examinate all your knowledge, it consists of 4 parts - Reading,  Listening,  Writing and Speaking,   so u should be able to speak every theme,

01:22, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really??

01:23, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Immigration laws stupid here

01:24, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Most of visas to Australia need this exam))

01:24, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know that if u want get student visa to Australia u need pass IELTS

01:24, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They even don't need pass the exam???

01:24, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I just dont like how muslims come here mainly from lebanon and surrounds and demand australia be under sharia law......it absurd

01:24, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: )))

01:25, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I heard that amount of Asians is growing there )

01:25, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, it's absurd,  u are absolutely right )

01:27, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Yes many asians......If had my way I would open country to russians germans and british......I not being racist but not much white blood left here??

01:28, 3 Dec - buzz3884: If have family here there is loophole in legislation to get easy residency in this country

01:29, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I see )) 10 relatives come because of one resident )

01:31, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's about Muslims

01:34, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah(((( and they dont wish to assimilate with australian way of life.....It be like if I moved to your country and hoisted new zealand flag, refused to intergrate into society and just generally disrespected your country......It is not right to me

01:35, 3 Dec - buzz3884: It is important no one forget their heritage but must respect country we live in too

01:40, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Are there many muslims in Russia?

01:42, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will be in metro next half an hour,  bad connection here ((

01:43, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's late for u)) let's talk tomorrow )

01:43, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore if u will be awake u can write me ofcourse ))

01:44, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Message me when you home and if I still awake we will talk....i like it very much

01:46, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ok ))

01:47, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like talk to u too ))

05:12, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Hi

05:20, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hey,  are u not sleeping????

05:20, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore did u get up already? )

05:27, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am in bed, going to sleep ))

05:27, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

12:43, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Morning sasha

12:45, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I was in hurry this morning)))))was late but all is good. Hope you have great day)))) i look foward to talking with you always)))))

14:00, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning )

14:03, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Hi

14:06, 3 Dec - buzz3884: You looking foward to work haha

14:08, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I sorry for falling asleep last night.....I wish I did not have to sleep so I could stay up and talk with you

14:10, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u drink coffee usually?

14:10, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,)) I have decided to come to work one hour earlier than usual,  because I want leave earlier,  but I slept too long and will be there only  20 minutes earlier )

14:11, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Have you heard of you tube site Babel Yak??? It is where I am learning my russian

14:12, 3 Dec - buzz3884: No......I love drinking tea....never coffee

14:12, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's ok )

14:13, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What tea do u prefer? )

14:14, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I drink black tea))) on box it says made in russia

14:15, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No,  I haven't heard about this site,  what are here?  Topics?  Grammar?

14:15, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Just lessons how to speak russian and lear russian alphabet)))

14:18, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe it's made I Russia,  but I haven't ever made a research of web resources for learning Russian ???? I will Google it,  it's interesting for me to see what is here ))

14:19, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I often use pizdets at work but no one understands meaning??????

14:20, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know several sites,  which are for people learning English instead ))

14:20, 3 Dec - buzz3884: It is good site...start off with basic then move to advanced

14:22, 3 Dec - buzz3884: If you have any questions about english I happy to help always.....I am good writer so I have been told

14:23, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh my God )))) have u learned this word from this site????????

14:25, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Noo.......others russians. Sorry I do not normally use bad language in front of women....please forgive me

14:26, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

14:27, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's fine ))) it's very bad word ))))

14:27, 3 Dec - buzz3884: It is very bad word?...

14:28, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah )))

14:29, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Sorry I apologize for my poor manners

14:32, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No sorry ))) u didn't know about it ))))

14:34, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Thankyou

14:34, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually I sometimes use this word when something very bad happened,))

14:35, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's like what a fuck by u ))

14:35, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Haha

14:37, 3 Dec - buzz3884: To be honest I kind of think its cute when a girl gets angry.....not all the time just sometimes they might use bad language when something bad happens........it just cute

14:37, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really? )))

14:37, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Cool ))

14:38, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will not use bad words often ) but rarely I can ))

14:38, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Haha yeah

14:39, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I came to work,  I should do a lot today,  so could we talk in 4 hours if it's OK for u?)

14:40, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I dont mind......like I said its cute 

14:40, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Ok enjoy your day....i will write you later

14:41, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u 

15:55, 3 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131203-WA0000.jpg (file attached)

15:56, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I have to lug all this around with me everyday haha I be lostwithout it

16:05, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it pencils in little box to the left of laptop????

16:06, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Its ok, I will probably send you messages but you dont have to reply because I know your busy

16:06, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

16:06, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will contact u as soon as I can ))

16:07, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Yes 2h through to 8b......for drawings I never be good at drawing

18:33, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Hi I dozed off for an hour

18:34, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Was sitting down and just fell asleep but now I am good hope your having dood day

19:02, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How is your work? )

19:02, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hi )

19:03, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U should sleep more at night definitely )))

19:08, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So why do u need pencils?  How do u use them?  What are u drawing? Is it about your work??

19:08, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I was thinking today too.......about how you said you hope that one day a man would feel happy with you well....you are intelligent, have beautiful personality, you are friendly, motivated, easy to talk with with))))))) any would love to have you

19:09, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u very much for these words,  they are very important for me )

19:10, 3 Dec - buzz3884: It is true))))))))

19:15, 3 Dec - buzz3884: No no more sleep))))))))

19:17, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Why?  U are torturing yourself )

19:18, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Yes but it for good reasonyou))))

19:19, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I feel guilty,  I really want u rest more  u are working hard

19:19, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So u didn't answer my question about pencils ))

19:20, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Please dont feel guilty, it is small sacrafice so can talk with you

19:21, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Sorry yes they for drawings I do))))))

19:22, 3 Dec - buzz3884: It is for projects I work on in my own time))))

19:23, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It is your additional work? What are these drawings about?

19:23, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Why do u do it not on the computer?

19:24, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Just plans for stuff on cars like roll cages and cooling systems and more

19:24, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I am old fashioned)))))like doing things by hand)))

19:26, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: wow, it's interesting )

19:27, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I like to engineer my own componentry from design to completion.....just a hobby. Aftermarket automotive industry is big business here

19:28, 3 Dec - buzz3884: If one day I write to you it will be handwritten.......just it more personal and I enjoy it))))))

19:30, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I have my goals in life when it comes to work and career but they will always be second behind family

19:30, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like handwrittencards )) I always ask friends give me handwritten birthday cards )))

19:32, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I like them too I was hoping to send you christmas card even though it is not as celebrated there

19:33, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would like to receive card from my for any holiday )

19:36, 3 Dec - buzz3884:  where shall I send it

19:38, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I still feel bad about missing your birthday it plays on my conscience

20:01, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I must tell you too...I recieved random email from that girl in kazakhstan yesterday.......she just wanted to explain that her parents did not approve of me simply because I am Australian/kiwi.......that is all she said and I have even deleted my old email address I just tell you as I dont have anything to hide.....I am glad she disappeared otherwise I never have met you please believe that I only interested in you......and I think I will only ever be interested in you. You are first person to share same views on politics, life and most importantly alcohol. Itt may sound silly to many but being with someone who is against alcohol is important to me very much. I just want you to know i will never keep things hidden from you

20:16, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I appreciate u are honest with me,  I have heard that it happens often when guys who are on dating sites date several girl at the same time, it's impossible for me to chat several persons and tell each of them that I like him,  I was  actually always afraid that if I will chat with men from dating site I will be not only one girl , who men is talking with,  that's why I never was pretty active on dating site

20:17, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So,  this girl from Kazakhstan,  she doesn't want to have relationship with u and talk to  u more?

20:18, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Why she told that her parents are not afraid that your parents are from NZ?  What's problem here?

20:29, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Sorry was just making tea I only talk with you))) I have deleted my profile on fdating Yes many men get greedy and chat to many girls then pick one whilst others can be left devastated, I have better morals than that. I decided she was not for me when she lied and started becoming distant.....I actually met her in Australia whilst she was on holiday.

20:36, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Here parents were very traditional, including no intimacy before marriage, which I promised I would respect....I honestly dont know why her parents changed their opinion of me. I would always speak with her mother when I called and had ttremendous respect for their beliefs. I am still puzzled but maybe they did not want their youngest daughter to live abroad. She was a nurse of highest qualification and to her credit she told me that if for some reason her parents did not agree with her choice of man she would end relationship which is what happened. I just let down by fact she had to lie about it before telling truth

20:38, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Please I have no interest in her, probably same as you have no interest in your previous bf........I swear on my grandmothers grave that I only have eyes for you and it will never change

20:44, 3 Dec - buzz3884: We have saying here.....when one door closes another one opens......that whilst things may be hurtful at the time something or someone better will come into our lives and in my case I have met you and I think you are the best never in my dreams did I think a person would come along as wonderful and beautiful as you.....but you have

20:47, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Please, it is the honest truth

21:19, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  I am busy right now, I will write u later ) u know I am at work ))

21:20, 3 Dec - buzz3884: Sorry my bad

23:42, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have read your last several messages only at this moment,  sorry if  my answer was disrespectful, but I really was very busy,  we had meeting with our costumers,  and I can't write u . Please don't think that your messages are not important for me,  I appreciate how honest and kind u are,  I wish I had simple work with lot of free time for chatting,  but I have a difficult one ( I always write u when I can.

23:45, 3 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok i know you wouldnt men anything bad sorry if you got in trouble for phone going off all the time.....sometimes I forget you are at work)))))

23:45, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am just getting nervous when I feel that I have a lot of work and deadline is coming,  my salary isn't fixed here,  I can earn less when I do not well

23:47, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I would feel bad if I cost you money......its just I love talking with you I forget sometimes about time difference)))

23:47, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am glad that I met u,  it's pleasure for me talking to u, really )

23:54, 3 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am very glad that u are not such type of men, who betray girl,  and is  talking to many girls at the same time ) I think u have great personality )

23:55, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I just like you to know that I am not trying to chat with others and you I deleted my account last night........I know how many guys try date many girls at once but that is not me)))

23:57, 3 Dec - buzz3884: I know what it feels like to be betrayed and would not wish it upon anyone or betray a girl its just not in my nature)))

00:14, 4 Dec - buzz3884: You have Italian master class tonight?)))

00:33, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No, I should stay at work ( master class starts in a hour,  I will be late,  so I will not go

00:36, 4 Dec - buzz3884: Awwww...........I will teach you one day haha maybe not italian though

01:31, 4 Dec - buzz3884: It is hot here again tonight(((

02:33, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have finished work )) so happy ))

02:33, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: If u are sleeping,  I wish u good night )

12:55, 4 Dec - buzz3884: I was practicing my russian last night))))) I get tounge tied?? i get as far as raz dva tri then I get all muddled up?????? I just have to practice more)))))))

14:16, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning ))

14:17, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think u could teach u more Russian ))

14:29, 4 Dec - buzz3884: I am ok with russian words))))))

14:31, 4 Dec - buzz3884: But you english is way better than my russian

14:50, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u )) when I was in school I was learning German for 10 years , and in last years of school I have decided to start  learning English as well.  I had lessons with my own teacher for couple of years and then was learning by myself ) last year I was visiting English course for international exam IELTS,  when I thought that I will go to Australia with my bf,  here I met a new friend,  he is going to move to Australia too )

14:50, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My mother wanted me to be an English and German teacher,  ore translator when I finished school )

15:17, 4 Dec - buzz3884: So you have friend who will move with you?

15:52, 4 Dec - buzz3884: Please dont take this out of context))))) but would you date fellow russian if he shared same view of living abroad???? Please it is just question and I am not doubting your intentions or anything like that I know you are not like that))))

16:15, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My friend is moving to Perth next autumn,  he is waiting for visa. It's permanent resident visa with sponsorship of state Western Australia.

16:17, 4 Dec - buzz3884: How did he get sponsorship of WA government?

16:22, 4 Dec - buzz3884: Is he going to work in mining sector?

16:23, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's like a magic consequence if I meet men in Russia,    whom I like and who is moving to Australia . I am not going start dating men here only because he is moving to Australia,  actually it's more important to find right person, who u want to share your life, than just move to another country for living somewhere else.  Actually,  I always was person who can't seeking for several men at that same time,  maybe I am old-fashioned,  but I am talking with u and it's enough for me, I would rather spend more time chatting with u than find someone else)) I like how u are and I want to know u better )

16:26, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About Australian immigration politics, - if u haven't interested in it before,  I would make review for u with pleasure from my point of view as I am foreigner. It's really interesting how Australia does attract people here.  I want tell u about it a little bit, but I am busy at work now, I will write u when I have a break

16:27, 4 Dec - buzz3884:  I know you are good person)))) I wasnt suggesting you had other intentions, I like very much the person you are

16:27, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u )

16:27, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

16:32, 4 Dec - buzz3884: It just crossed my mind with other girls I speak with before you, they only talked about living in australia and they gave me impression that they only seek visa then once have it dump me so they can bring there russian bf over....it may sound silly but one i speak with ages ago would not let me call at certain times and she did not want me to send mail.....it was like she had bf there. I know you are not like that.....it has taken many years to meet right person but now I am happy please I only think good things about you

18:18, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have break )

18:18, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How are u? ))

18:27, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About Australia - Your country is one of few countries, which is open for immigration, like Canada for example.  America was closed several years ago. What means open for immigration - this means that u can move to this country and get citizenship if u want and if u match certain requirements. Other countries,  like European countries are closed for immigration,  that means that I can move there only if u have joboffer from this country,  in this case u can move, live here several years ( working for company,  which gave u job offer  and which made working visa for u ) and than u get citizenship.  In Australia and Canada u can move without job offer and get permanent status immediately.

18:28, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: To be continued a little bit later.....

18:28, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

18:30, 4 Dec - buzz3884: Hi so you dont have to get married to get citizenship to australia??

18:35, 4 Dec - buzz3884: But you like to find nice man here

18:55, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, u are right.

19:07, 4 Dec - buzz3884: 

19:08, 4 Dec - buzz3884: You deserve only the best

19:11, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About requirements of Australian government for getting visa, u get points for age, for diploma,  for job experience,  for English knowledge.  So if u have many points,  u get visa. But it's not as simple as it seems. Your specialty ( your diploma ) should be one of specialities of list - it's list of professions,  which government made, and which it update every year.  In this list u can see only serious proffesions like different types of engineers,  doctors,  IT specialist,  different technical and technology workers.  U will not see in this list such types of proffesions like manager,  economist,  marketing specialist,  psychological,  tourism,  philosophy,  event manager, translator  and so on.  And most of young people now are studying on these types of job, I Russia we have numerous of managers, economists and psychology doctors here,  according to their diploma,  but they are working another job,  not the same as it's written in diploma.  No one want to study for technical jobs here,  because salary is low. So all these people can't get visa to Australia.  Australia has enough their own managers )))

19:13, 4 Dec - buzz3884: It does make it easier if marry though)))

19:14, 4 Dec - buzz3884: ??

19:16, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: when you have diploma whis  proffesion,  which is in Australian list,   it's not enough.   it's very  important to show documents,  which prove that your job experience is about this profession which is written in diploma, and how do u know,  very few people work this way. If even girl has serious profession in diploma,  she rather will work as secretary ore office manager,  ore something more simple and more "girl " work.

19:17, 4 Dec - buzz3884: Many people here marry asian girls(((( it is bad for australia as they only live off welfare and dont want to work and then bring all their fammily here due to legislation loop hole...........they make it hard for good people like you to come here

19:18, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: That's why the vast majority of girls can't get visa,  they are looking for Australian men ore move with Russian partner like dependent member of family

19:22, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Now, about me. I have great proffesion which is in list for visa - building engineer. I have almost 5  years job experience in building sphere,  which I can documentary prove. I can pass English  exam,  if I will learning hard several months . So it's no problem for me to get permanent visa.

19:25, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So, I don't need seeking men from Australia only for getting visa. There are  two things,  which I need for happy life and which I don't have now, it's on the first place -my own  family,  and second - warm weather ( even hot )))) and beautiful nature around )

19:25, 4 Dec - buzz3884: Once you have permanent visa you are free to start family if that is your desire?? Or must you work in profession for set amount of time?

19:39, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: actually I don't want to get permanent visa such way as a I have written  u. It's possible for me,  u are right,  but it takes very long time. First it's not free of course,  it's very expensive,  your government isn't stupid,  they make money of this people who get visa, and second if I will saving money,  I could start this immigration process in couple years,  then all considering of my person history and getting visa will take at least a year.  So I could move here legally only in 3-4 years, it's hard but possible.

19:42, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: If I had bf here,  it will be no problem waiting for such long time for visa, but I don't have)

19:45, 4 Dec - buzz3884: It longer if you dont have bf here??(((( Our government stupid

19:46, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean that I don't want staying alone for 3-4, dating nobody here and after getting visa start family in Australia

19:46, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ))

19:48, 4 Dec - buzz3884: You want family sooner?

19:49, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes,  of course ) I want find great men and have marriage and maybe children)

19:49, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And I think I have found great person already ) I hope I am not wrong )

19:50, 4 Dec - buzz3884: It ok I just getting myself mixed up haha)))

19:51, 4 Dec - buzz3884: I dont think your wrong I feel same way))))))))

19:52, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:52, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will work )

19:52, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Talk to u soon )

19:54, 4 Dec - buzz3884: Ok

19:56, 4 Dec - buzz3884: I just tell you.........the road to meeting you has at times been painful and sometimes upsetting, but it has all been worth it, now I have met you

23:15, 4 Dec - buzz3884: Hope your day is nearly done

23:48, 4 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I leave in 5 minutes and heading to Language school ) today will be my first lesson ) it will last  3 hours 7-10 pm ) hope my brain will not crash )))

00:06, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Wow that is a long time?? you will learn all the unneccesary words we use in english

00:07, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I am just curious........you said before you maybe have family if move here? You are undecided?

00:22, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I didn't write maybe  family )

00:23, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wrote maybe children))

00:23, 5 Dec - buzz3884: If you scroll up a little to earlier tonight you will see it ok

00:24, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I do want children,  but I can predict how soon after marriage I will have them ))

00:24, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe just way I read it

00:25, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah )

00:25, 5 Dec - buzz3884: It ok)))))))))))))))

00:26, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tell me something about your work,  what do u do particularly?  Do u have one job right?

00:27, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I upgraded my laptops hardware myself tonight)))))) I am proud haha

00:34, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah I have gone back into construction for a while.......As have been thinking of changing my major from mechanical/marine engineering to civil engineering........I will decide soon but mainly I am working with concrete. Does not sound like much but there is much to learn I do miss diesel engines though.......just they intrigue me. Whether it small automotive engine or big ship engine I just love that there is so much to learn.....if I not feeding my brain new information on daily basis it gets bored?????? I have always loved learning ever since I started school

00:35, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I even used to ask for extra homework as a kid and when it came to maths no other student could challange me.......I wanted to be the best

00:37, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's great,  that u love learning )

00:37, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I have a fear of failure which may sound silly but its true........whatever I do in life I work hard at......including relationships. I know they are only words but you will not find anyone more dedicated

00:39, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:42, 5 Dec - buzz3884: It annoys me when here they say that the average length of marriage is 7 years and that is good........me I believe marriage is commitment to one another for life.......may I just too old fashioned

00:42, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What people in Australia usually prefer - working for employer ore have their own business?  In Russia u can have good money only if u are working for yourself and run your own company.  Except programmers, they can have good money working for boss ))

00:46, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's great that u are old fashioned ) my parents are together for 25 years)

00:48, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Same here......one day will have own business......but now to me money is not everything. It great to have but I think I would give everything away so I could have family.....it is something I want very much my parents been together 30 years

00:48, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My lesson is starting )

00:48, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wish u good night,  if I will not be able to write u l later )

00:50, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I have been meaning to ask what your parents would think about you living maybe in australia with man before marriage if that was the case......I remember you saying they not to pleased when you moved out with you bf?

00:52, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: they are against living with men before marriage,  they judged me, they only let me to do this because they hoped that I will be married soon

00:53, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean not sexual relationship,  I mean living together like family,  but without official marriage

00:54, 5 Dec - buzz3884: What did they say when you broke up?? My parents have same view as your parents))))) we have much in common

00:56, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  I can't chat any longer ((

00:56, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We will return to this conversation

00:57, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Okbest of luck

00:57, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:05, 5 Dec - buzz3884: If I fall asleep I wish you great evening and hope you have good sleep and will talk again very soon

12:11, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Good morning how are you on this wonderful day?)))) Hope you had fun at your english class

12:12, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I look foward to talking with you as always.......wish you great day

14:37, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning )

14:37, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Hi

14:39, 5 Dec - buzz3884: It is taking long time for messages to go through

14:39, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have had homework for Monday ))

14:39, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will be good pupil )

14:39, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yesterday was great ) we have a nice young teacher and small group on courses ) I expected more high level of English there,  but it was not hard,  I learned some new words of course, will see how it goes

14:39, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Because I am in transport )

14:40, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In metro now )

14:40, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Ready to start the day?)))

14:42, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am late today ) I will be at work in 40 minutes (

14:42, 5 Dec - buzz3884: You will be shocked by how much bad language is used here

14:45, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want sleep so much

14:45, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: For me bad foreign words sound not so awful like bad Russian words ) maybe it's because of numerous of such words in American movies,   I am used to them a little bit ))

14:45, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yesterday I was at home only 11.30 pm(((

14:46, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I want sleep too))))))_)

14:47, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I dont like using bad words in front of women....it just bad

14:47, 5 Dec - buzz3884: How often is english class??

14:50, 5 Dec - buzz3884: About conversation last night.....your parents just not agree you move in with man before marriage?)))))

14:50, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's two times a week - Monday and Wednesday

14:50, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's 6 hours a week )

14:50, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ))) I don't want more )

14:53, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes

14:55, 5 Dec - buzz3884: So if you decide to move to australia your parents prefer you to be married first?.......just questions

15:01, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They don't let me move another way,  only if I will not moving to Australia for university studying

15:01, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe nowadays it sounds strange,  but in Russia we have traditional view on this (

15:01, 5 Dec - buzz3884: If you talk with me on skype it will be more practice

15:01, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know, )

15:02, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course we will talking )

15:02, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What about weekend? )

15:02, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I actually like the traditional views in your country......it is one reason I look there

15:08, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I weekend I will take my laptop into forest and speak with you haha.....it is so much more peaceful))))

15:10, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Into Forrest? ) u have strong battery in  the laptop ))

15:12, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah and have tablet and phone I have awful internet signal at home......I only 3km line of soght from tower but drops out all the time((

15:14, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Or I go to internet cafe......last time I use skype at home it dropped out every 60 seconds((((was painful

15:32, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, it's awful ) I have read that u have worse internet in Australia than  in Russia

15:33, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah it silly

15:35, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have quite cheap and high speed internet here )) it's about 30 MB in average,  maximum speed is 100 mb )

15:35, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I just like you to know that I am respectful of your traditions

15:36, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I pay 10 $ in month)

15:36, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I pay $50 for 4gb.......expensive

15:37, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What speed do u have?  4Gb is traffic?

15:38, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean I have unlimited internet,  I can download as much as I want

15:39, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Similar speed as you just 4gb download limit then have to pay more......you can download lots movies?

15:40, 5 Dec - buzz3884: We are behind many countries when it comes to internet(((((

15:44, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ) last couple days I downloaded 47 gb of series )

15:45, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sometimes I download one move in blue ray for 30 gb )

15:46, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I wish I could download movies((((((((

15:46, 5 Dec - buzz3884: You are sooooo lucky

15:49, 5 Dec - buzz3884: What are you parents thoughts on you maybe finding man from abroad?)))) My parents only care that I am happy))))))

16:02, 5 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131205-WA0000.jpg (file attached)

16:02, 5 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131205-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

16:04, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Raining again

17:36, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Only friday to go then weekend)))))))

17:52, 5 Dec - buzz3884: It has stopped raining now it is stupidly humid.....about 96% humidity

17:53, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: so beautiful pictures ))

17:53, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Palms ))

17:55, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wanted ask u,  if u don't like so hot and humid weather,  why did u choose Queensland for living?  When did u move here?  How old was u?

18:13, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I was 16.....came with my parents

18:14, 5 Dec - buzz3884: It the same all over australia....hot and humid summers

18:14, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So u was learning at high school in Australia?

18:15, 5 Dec - buzz3884: A lttle but had done most education in nz......much more advanced in nz

18:16, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In NSW climate isn't so tropical,  it's more dry weather there,  isn't it?

18:17, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And how long was your parents living in Australia?  Why have they decided to come back?

18:18, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it OK that I am asking about your previous life?) It's actually interesting for me )

18:18, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just want to know better about your life )

18:20, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Its ok....I happy to tell you anything

18:21, 5 Dec - buzz3884: NSW is a little less tropical but still hot

18:22, 5 Dec - buzz3884: My parents been here 14 years.......they like that they can earn more but they miss beauty of nz like me

18:37, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I do prefer nz education system.......it much better

18:41, 5 Dec - buzz3884: When I moved to australia it took a long time to adjust to australian way of life.......kids are drinking alcohol and experimenting with drugs by the time they are 14(( I did not drink alcohol until I was 18 and stopped then too.....kids thought I was strange because I would not drink alcohol so I was often left out but it did not worry me I would rather preserve my brain cells

18:42, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Plus kids here are often experimenting with sex sometimes from age 12 which I think is wrong but that is just society here.......again I waited until I was 18

18:44, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I was never into going to pubs or clubs......they bore me. I would rather watch a good documentary or go hiking or camping)))))

18:47, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I am different to most guys here especially........but I am still a guy I love cars and motorbikes and I love my music loud.......to point it almost makes others physically sick haha????

18:49, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I am currently building another big sound system for myself......around 10,000 watts of pure sound. I am fussy about how music sounds. I love RAMMSTEIN........its the best

18:53, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was listening rammstein when was at school )) had several disks of them )

18:54, 5 Dec - buzz3884: My playlist on my phone is all Rammstein......I never get sick of their music, my favourite songs are Du Reichst So Gut, Moskau, Ich Will, Mein Hertz Brennt and Sonne.......oh and song off resident evil soundtrack Halleluja

18:54, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ))) I was fond of these old songs too )

18:56, 5 Dec - buzz3884: It is how I taught myself german, using there music to help with pronounciation

18:57, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U told that u rather prefer camping ore hiking instead of clubs and bars,  so do I. I have heard that in Australia camping is very popular,  I do believe that there are many people there who prefer the same things as u,

18:58, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I actually destroyed my big amplifier listening to Ich Will one day haha was so loud nearly all neighbours called police haha. Amplifier got so hot it melted and tripped power to whole house????

18:59, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In Russia there are many people who only enjoy bars, alcohol and so on,  but it doesn't mean that there are no people here, who like other things like sport,  nature,  traveling

18:59, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah but most will only go camping if there is alcohol to drink.......can guarantee you wont find alcohol free campsite?? I go to enjoy peace and quiet

19:01, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Once you spend some time living here you will see alcohol has just become part of everyday life(((( you be surprised how many people go to pub during lunch on work day

19:02, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I just have negative view toward alcohol thats all

19:03, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Your right though not all people are like this))))

19:03, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Every day drinking it's a hard decease

19:04, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Have u had any company,  friends whom didn't u do camping with?

19:06, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah I go camping with others......but they have children and it can be hard to get together for time in nature due to work commitments and so on)))

19:07, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I would say conservatively 70% people I work with drink everyday.....just to give you idea

19:07, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really???????

19:07, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Every day???

19:08, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah......I not lying

19:08, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In France I think people drink a glass of wine every day

19:10, 5 Dec - buzz3884: They say each australians consumes some ridiculous amount of alcohol per person weach year

19:10, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's awful ) Actually,  I think I never could get used to drinking,  because I don't like taste of alcohol at all.

19:11, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I know australia drunkest nation on earth......it is proven fact

19:11, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's great to find friends ore people who has the same view on life as u,

19:11, 5 Dec - buzz3884: It not all bad though

19:12, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I always thought that Russians drink a lot...  maybe I just don't contact with alcoholics here ))

19:12, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????

19:13, 5 Dec - buzz3884: To be really honest I hate alcohol. I wish it was banned but government makes too much from tax on alcohol so will never ban it

19:13, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And they don't drink on street and in parks because it's cold )))

19:13, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They hiding ))

19:15, 5 Dec - buzz3884: It causes so much strain on health system here it stupid........and it innocent people being hurt by drunk drivers and so on

19:15, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Friends,  which I have here,  drink very rarely,  Only for birthday ore some celebration)

19:15, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I have friends that drink rarely too

19:16, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So u have friends )

19:16, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah haha

19:17, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: do u spend time with them sometimes? )

19:17, 5 Dec - buzz3884: We just dont need alcohol to have fun

19:17, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah when I have time

19:17, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: so u do have fun ?

19:18, 5 Dec - buzz3884: At moment it is work, you and study

19:18, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tell me what can u do together? )

19:18, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I understand,  time is always not enough )

19:19, 5 Dec - buzz3884: We usually listen to music, chat, fix cars and just enjoy each others company

19:20, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How long will u study? )

19:21, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Work comes first, then time for chatting with you then study......but if I could you wouuld be ahead of everything)))))))

19:21, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u )

19:22, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have  chatting with u,  work,  English,  sport club and friends.  And miss sleeping always )

19:23, 5 Dec - buzz3884: 

19:24, 5 Dec - buzz3884: One day if things go well I will put you first

19:25, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:26, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Hope that makes sense?

19:26, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Work is always on the first place for men,  I think it's not bad )

19:27, 5 Dec - buzz3884: At moment it is tie between you and work))))

19:28, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Everyone has to work but when it comes to everything else you are top of list)))))))

19:29, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am glad to hear your thoughts ) I will continue working ) I will write u later more ))

19:29, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I will always make time for you

19:31, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Ok I be studying thermodynamics.......but will stop for you...I am liking you lots

19:31, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:34, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I will let you work

19:49, 5 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131205-WA0002.jpg (file attached)

19:50, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Treasury Casino in Brisbane))))

20:39, 5 Dec - buzz3884: I see our government is in all sorts strife as they have been spying on indonesia and east timor and trying to rip them off with deals for oilfields in the region........I have a quiet laught to myself about it....every nation spies it just way of life

20:41, 5 Dec - buzz3884: Also did you see story about guy who nailed his testicles to ground in Red Square I think it was........now if that did not makes his eyes water he must feel no pain????

22:39, 5 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131205-WA0004.jpg (file attached)

22:40, 5 Dec - buzz3884: My playlist that I never change......its sad????

23:16, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have all casinos forbidden here for several years )

23:17, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Does Australia have own oil and gas??

23:17, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What region?

23:20, 5 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what do u think about Australian people who moves to Indonesia for living,  but working for Australia someway? Ore working for offshore company?  Could u imagine u living in Asia ore Indonesia?  Maybe not for whole life but for some time?

23:53, 5 Dec - buzz3884: No never would I live in asia.....why you ask

23:54, 5 Dec - buzz3884: We have paraffin oil which is good base stock for lubricating oils))) and massive amount of natural gas

23:56, 5 Dec - buzz3884: QLD has big coal and gas reserves......WA has big iron ore deposits and gold and NT has bauxite

00:02, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Indonesia going to cause problems for australia soon.......they are allied with china....we are outnumbered here only 20 million people vs 200+million indonesians.........may not be for years but they will come

00:20, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I asked u about Indonesia, because I try to understand why Australian people would choose Indonesia for living instead of Australia?  Only because everything is cheap there?  But it's poor country,  not clean streets,  and quite another culture there...  Indonesia is Muslim,  except Bali...

00:21, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah extremely cheap but horrible to me......some people like party lifestyle of bali...plenty of drugs

00:26, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I did not mean to sound nasty if that how it come across

00:38, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I always wanted to visit this region because of exotic nature,  many flowers,  warm ocean,  numerous of cheap wonderful fruits,  ancient churches in jungles,  different birds and animals.... I never thought about any country that I will not go there because people have lifestyle here,  which I don't respect and don't like,  I know that if I will have journey to any country,  I will not use grugs,  drink ore spend time in night club,  I only would see good things which country has )

00:42, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I have read and heard from others that girls from russia are more reserved about intamacy than what many western girls are? It is more sacred to russian girls.....????? I not sure how to ask without offending

00:42, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I know it a little off subject))))

01:00, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Australia such diverse place I have much to see still.......I have spoken to many people who have spent 10+years travelling australia and they still amazed at places they have not seen

01:08, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You have finished for the day?)))

01:10, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: about your question of Russian girls,  I am not sure that I have understood u correct,  but I can say definitely that Russian girls are quite different,  some of them can meet men in club and spend night with he immediately,  and others can't do it so soon. It depends.  I can't compare it with west girls,  I don't know how it's in another countries,  I don't have foreigners - friends,  who could tell me how it is in their countries

01:14, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I just curious thats all

01:16, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Me, I could not meet girl for first time and spend night but everyone is different in this regard I guess I just like to know your thoughts?))

01:21, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what about me, I could not do it too

01:23, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I am just old fashioned in most of my views.....I dont know if it is good thing or bad thing these days......society is changing

01:25, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's good thing, I suppose )

01:26, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe they need country for old fashioned people haha.......I think I was heavily influenced by my granny

01:28, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think poor countries are more old-fashioned always )

01:31, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Here....and probably most places now some men see women just as an object for self gratification...its sad but just have to accept that society has changed.......I would be scolded by my parents if I were disrespect a woman??

01:32, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I not completly old fashioned just my views on family and relationships I just letting you know 

01:33, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I appreciate your view,))

01:34, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's snowfall here!

01:34, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just went out from office

01:36, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Many girls dont agree with my views so I just thought I would share them  that way we both know where the other stood in relation to our views

01:36, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I think that made sense

01:36, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:39, 6 Dec - buzz3884: It is 0139 and it still sooooo hot cant sleep........that is good thing about cold weather, you can snuggle up under blankets and keep warm))))

01:45, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am like snowmen))

01:46, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wish u good night )

01:47, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Are you busy for rest of night?)))

01:51, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No, I just want get home and sleep

01:52, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I get my five hours, I am happy

01:54, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You have plenty time for sleep??

01:55, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ) I was sleeping for 6 hours this week and I feel awful today

01:56, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe try 5...... works for me

01:57, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Can I send you christmas card?))

01:59, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are like Superman)

01:59, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will be dead if I follow your advice

01:59, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Haha ))

02:00, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course )

02:00, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You not like idea of only 5 hours sleep? Haha

02:01, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No )

02:01, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I just have too much energy to sleep mostly))))))

02:02, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I could concentrate on job  and do my brain work fastwhen I didn't sleep enough

02:03, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Where shall I send card?

02:04, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I do catch up on my sleep in weekends))))

02:05, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I actually a bad sleepwalker??????

02:06, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I walked down to the workshop on my friends property once and started fixing a tractor?? I remember nothing)))))

02:06, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u my adress on weekend )

02:08, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Ok I will send monday and write letter too))......I enjoy writing

02:09, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:13, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You on metro?

02:14, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I handwrite everything too......it more personal  I just hope you can read my handwriting but it is neat

02:22, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am in metro )

02:22, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am sure I will understand your letter fully )

02:23, 6 Dec - buzz3884: 

02:38, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You sleep early tonight?

02:38, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You only have friday then is weekend

02:39, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will go to bed in 2 hours ) but I am still on my way home )

02:43, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Is there lots snow?)

02:44, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes )

02:44, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I need some??

02:45, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131206-WA0000.jpg (file attached)

02:45, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Is metro system all underground there?))

02:45, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131206-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

02:45, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Take some snow )

02:45, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, underground

02:46, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Haha gladly)))))

02:47, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Is it cold underground? I know its dumb question

02:49, 6 Dec - buzz3884: What did you thing of transit system in Brisbane? It is so expensive(

03:03, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Hope you got my sms goodnight and sweet dreams

03:04, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,  I got it ) Good night,  and I will answer your questions tomorrow )

03:04, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:23, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Ok. I apologize for all the questions its just that I value your opinion and really enjoy learning from you and I feel comfortable talking about anything with you

14:36, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning ))

14:36, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Friday 

14:37, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I am sick??

14:38, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

14:38, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About our underground - it's warm here )))) I think about +15 now ))

14:39, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Did u catch cold?

14:39, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore what's wrong with u?

14:39, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Yea I have cold and its summer??

14:42, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Most hard flu and angina I had in my life in summer.  I don't know why, but doctors say that flu is often in summer

14:44, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I not feel well but I still talk with you)))))))) It is horrible

14:44, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You get to finish early today?))

14:45, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe it's because temperature of air  is high and microbes feel good,  and in winter they are seeking from cold weather and die )

14:45, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U should sleep more,  when u sleep few, your immunity is getting weak and it's more likely that u will be sick

14:45, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Finish early??  Haha ))

14:45, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I just dont like being sick??

14:48, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We don't have reduced Friday ))

14:49, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I thought being friday you might get early finish

14:49, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Naive )))

14:49, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No ))

14:50, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Haha)))))

14:51, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: But today I will go to sport club and will finish at 6.30 pm )

14:51, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We are working more hard in Friday often ))

14:52, 6 Dec - buzz3884: 0900 start for you???

14:52, 6 Dec - buzz3884: What sports you like??))))

14:52, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I do martial arts

14:54, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 9.00 is start ) I do aerobics

14:54, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u do sports?

14:54, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore u just like martial arts?

14:55, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I just like martial arts and cycling sometimes))))))

14:55, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I used to play football too)))

14:59, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I am going to pharmacy to get something for this cold))))

15:01, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u have bicycle? )

15:01, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK )

15:01, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u at work now?

15:02, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah)))) just need new tires but have not got any......but will do before christmas

15:03, 6 Dec - buzz3884: No)))))) its friday...we finish early

15:06, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what time do u finish today? )

15:07, 6 Dec - buzz3884: We finish 1.30-2.00pm on fridays)))))))love it

15:11, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow

15:11, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What time do u start??

15:12, 6 Dec - buzz3884: 6 am this morning.......usually 0430 though

15:12, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh my God

15:13, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Haha

15:25, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You still seated across from your boss?

15:26, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yesterday )

15:26, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oops,  autocorrect

15:27, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean yes

15:27, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: This phone knows better than me, what I am going to say

15:27, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:27, 6 Dec - buzz3884: 

15:28, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I turn auto correct off.....otherwise I am liable to throw it haha

15:28, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You get new laptop soon?)))))

15:34, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No ( I spent my money for new year trip (

15:34, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Will u old father's laptop ))

15:35, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Will Use

15:43, 6 Dec - buzz3884: How much is laptops there?? I can get ex government HP laptop with dual core processor 4gb ddr3 RAM and 1tb hard drive for $200 australian......it bargain with warranty

15:59, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: by us laptop with the same parameters will be 700$

15:59, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You know it annoys me when grown men push women out of way to get seat on train

15:59, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can't believe that by u it's so cheap??????

16:00, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Wow really????????

16:00, 6 Dec - buzz3884: That expensive??

16:00, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are talking about 200$ for new laptop?????

16:02, 6 Dec - buzz3884: They are 12 months old but everything brand new...hdd RAM screen keyboard battery powerpack. Only case is 12 months old........I never buy new as out of date straight away

16:03, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I have friend who been computer tech since the first computer came out...he builds them for me

16:05, 6 Dec - buzz3884: For 700 australian I could get quad core cpu 8gb ddr ram 2 terabyte hdd.......essentally a gaming laptop...very fast

16:07, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I have just started building my own computers......it is hobby

16:07, 6 Dec - buzz3884: My laptop was made in 2005 but still as quick as most on market today

16:08, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's great that u are smart in this IT area )

16:09, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Haha.....i used to hate it but I have new found appreciation for it

16:10, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I only like hardware side...not software

16:31, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I am home))))))) nice cup of tea is what I need

16:43, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I envy u )))

16:44, 6 Dec - buzz3884: This weekend will be sunny so can go to glasshouse mountains))))).......even if still unwell fresh air will do me well

18:27, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I envy you in many ways))))) you are only child........I wished I was but we can talk about that another time.......and you live in such a beautiful city

19:01, 6 Dec - buzz3884: And you have quality internet cheap

19:07, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And I always wanted to have brother ore sister,  it's person who always could help u,  and who will be always part of family ) maybe I am idealistic ))

19:08, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I envy u about great climate and delicious milk in store ))

19:09, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I drink four litres a day.....love it

19:11, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 4 litres? ))) when I was here, I always bought it and drank 1 litre a day )) after coming back in Saint Petersburg I could not drink milk for some time )))

19:12, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You have long life milk there?

19:13, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have two types - 5-7 days and month milk )

19:13, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I can only drink full cream milk....none of this lite or skim milk

19:13, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Both if them is awful if u try Australian milk ))

19:14, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Full cream is it 3.2%??

19:14, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Yes I know that milk.....

I would rather go without

19:14, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah something like that)))

19:15, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, I prefer this milk too ))

19:15, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I just on way to supermarket to buy some now

19:15, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I adore milk,  cheese and meat )

19:15, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: )))))

19:16, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What supermarket do u have there? Woolworth????)))

19:16, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Lots of fresh meat pork milk cheese and vegetables here

19:17, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah..woolworths two minutes walk away

19:18, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And fruits )) bananas are different from ours )

19:19, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I guess we are lucky here

19:20, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Bananas are coming here in green form - unripe.  And then they are getting ripe in store,  but they are not so delicious as they could be,  if they were gathered ripe ))

19:22, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I guess I take things like fresh produce for granted??

19:23, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:24, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have another climate,  we almost don't have our fruits and vegetables here

19:24, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: )))

19:24, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: But we have oil and gas ????????????

19:25, 6 Dec - buzz3884: If I could I would send you fresh milk ahah but cant??

19:26, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have frozen meat from Australia here for rediculous price here

19:26, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean very high price,  like 100$ for kilo )))

19:27, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Love meat....wow I pay $10 kilo for best quality steak

19:28, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: is it beef steak??

19:29, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah either eye fillet or or big rump

19:30, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have meat produced local,  it's 10$ for kilo for pork and 20$ for kilo for beef

19:30, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And 8$ for chicken )

19:30, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I can get budget rump steak for 4 kilo here

19:31, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Lamb here is expensive because both australia and nz export most of it??

19:34, 6 Dec - buzz3884: One thing I miss is my vegetable garden.......I have been growing my own vegetables since I was 12......but no room in town to do so??

21:17, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Do you have like a favourite place in your city where you like to go and just sit back and take it all in??)))))) When its not snowing????

21:18, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Mine is centre of brisbane.....like right now.......just quiet and peaceful)))))

21:22, 6 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131206-WA0002.jpg (file attached)

21:26, 6 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131206-WA0004.jpg (file attached)

21:27, 6 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131206-WA0005.jpg (file attached)

21:29, 6 Dec - buzz3884: The last photo is of eternal flame in brisbane))))) a memorial to the ANZAC's (Australia and New Zealand Army Corps) fighting in all wars since 1914)))

21:32, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I am huge WW2 buff......1939-45.... I like the history.....It fascinates me.......like how close Nazi Germany came to occupying Sankt Petersburg, the story of Hitlers last days.....the americans reluctance to enter the war....pearl harbour........battle of britain

21:36, 6 Dec - buzz3884: My granny worked on Winston Churchills personal staff......we only found out when she passed......the family recieved official recognition from the british government I always new there was more she wanted to tell me when I was younger and now I know why......she was bound by secrecy act. I spent so much time with my granny as young boy......The stories she told of war are etched into my memory

22:02, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I got my milk too only 4 litres but will last until lunch tomorrow

22:34, 6 Dec - buzz3884: How is your day?)))

22:36, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  I saw all your messeges,  I am going to answer them a little bit later,  I really even can't drink tea today,  so much work ((

22:36, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want answer and comment all your messeges,  I could did it in an hour probably ((

22:38, 6 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok I know your busy i just write anywaykeeps me occupied plus you learn about me

22:59, 6 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131206-WA0007.jpg (file attached)

22:59, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Yummm

23:03, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like read your messeges )) I want to know more about u )))) please don't stop writing me )

23:03, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I bought the same bottles of milk when I was there ))

23:04, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u know prices in Brisbane supermarket are lower than in Sydney's )

23:05, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Of course I will keep writing I promise to never stop communicating))))))))  (in good way)

23:06, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I make lots milkshakes))))

23:06, 6 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131206-WA0009.jpg (file attached)

23:06, 6 Dec - buzz3884: With this))

23:09, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what is it??? (

23:10, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: )))

23:10, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's protein cocktail for body building? ))

23:11, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I adore milkshakes )) I don't eat MacDonald ore hungry Jack,  but when it goes to milk cocktails,  I can't refuse ))

23:12, 6 Dec - buzz3884: It like protein powder to help gain weight(muscle) whilst training.....but more so as I have super fast metabolism.....I feel skinny at 85kg normally I 95-100kg as I tall and have lots of places to fill out

23:13, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I not into body building and steroids......It is actually really good if i am busy to eat....it like a meal replacement

23:14, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I understand ))

23:15, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like that u are tall and strong )))))

23:16, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You would not believe how much food I eat)))))) but only healthy food. No fast food but maybe once month I eat block of chocolate

23:18, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's good  that u eat a lot,  u have enough vitamins)

23:19, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I refuse to eat fast food.....it just how I am

23:20, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I just enjoying cooking and experimenting with food

23:20, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's great ) is it common to eat fast food in Australia??

23:23, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Yes((( many families only eat fast food...Australia has obesity epidemic...many have diabetes

23:23, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I am watching documentary on Russian Revolution

23:26, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I am learning much about your country and its history.....its great

23:27, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: When I was at school I didn't was interested in history,  but in university I started reading books about history , where causes of historical events and wars instead of just listing of actions,  I now,  when I am grown up enough for understanding how world is really built,  I am fond of reading about history ))

23:28, 6 Dec - buzz3884: You know here sometimes it is cheaper to buy fast food than buy and cook nice meal....even though we have much fresh food and meats

23:35, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know  it's like in USA.  Obesity is illness of poor  people in USA,  because fast food is very cheap ) in Australia I think it's crazy to eat fast food because there is so much fresh food here ))

23:36, 6 Dec - buzz3884: I have loved the subject of historyand I have long had interest in Russia. It started when I was just moved here and we were learning about cold war between USA and Russia......here they try and teach us pro american views but in my mind I was thinking there is always 2 sides to every story so I started learning about Russia and its story. I was ridiculed of course for questioning actions of america.......so I became very pro-russian and almost anti american

23:40, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was surprised to know about your granny,  wow!

23:41, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Australia has become sort of Americanised.......I dont like it but just how it is

23:43, 6 Dec - buzz3884: She worked at 10 Downing street during the blitz on London.....we were all surprised......I miss her more than anyone

23:48, 6 Dec - buzz3884: There was a survey done not long ago of childrens eating habits here........results were shocking......children eating way too much junk food here

23:50, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ) in Russia it's not common to eat fast food,  because we are used to cook  food at home ) I know that in USA and in Europe people cook only for holidays and sometimes on weekend )

23:55, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want to advise u one book of my favorite author about Russia,  USA . I have read several books of him,  and he translated one book into English,  it's really very interesting )

23:55, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Its sad there is nothing better than home cooked food))))))

23:56, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Sure I would like to know

23:57, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will download it for u and send )

23:57, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will send u now link on description )

23:58, 6 Dec - buzz3884: Thankyou

23:59, 6 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: http://nstarikov.ru/books/20803

00:00, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I will look very shortlythankyou

00:00, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Name of book is not very good,  because it doesn't show a real content of it

00:10, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I found it

00:11, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can't find it for free download (((

00:15, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I will find it somewhere

00:15, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I will check library to))))

00:16, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: library? )) no chance ))

00:29, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Really??

00:30, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes )

00:31, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I will keep looking))))

00:31, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Author tells about such things,  that nobody will let him to sell this book abroad.

00:36, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:36, 7 Dec - buzz3884: So much for free speech.......

00:36, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will try to find it ))

00:37, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: how do u read electronic books?  On your Samsung?

00:38, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah......have e reader somewhere

00:43, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I like these types of books)))

00:43, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have electronic book - Amazon kindle )

00:43, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So can u read PDF books?  Ore it's not convenient? )

00:44, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah pdf is great

00:44, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:48, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I can read anything.....have that many devices ahah  Like a electronic store in my bag)))

00:48, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U asked me about my favorite place in city to go, think and relax.  For me it's only nature - park,  forest,  where there are almost no people and a lot of fresh air.  I can't relax in center of city because it is not quite here,  a lot of people who are running always,  and I am tired of concrete buildings around me ) I miss green colour and life nature )

00:48, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ))))

00:49, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:53, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I was only one in city centre tonight))))) was nice

00:53, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I do prefer nature......silence except for sound of my feet

00:59, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I now watching thing on UFO's

00:59, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How it is - u was only one in city center tonight????  Do u mean there were no people??????

01:00, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what is it UFOs?

01:00, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah ..sorry ...I was only one in park))))

01:01, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Unidentified Flying Object......aliens haha

01:02, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In park?  U wrote in city center?

01:03, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah that little park in city centre

01:04, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Where entrance to central station is

01:05, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In center of Saint Petersburg there are numerous of people always ))

01:06, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Brisbane goes pretty quiet at night

01:07, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: A lot of tourists last several years too ))

01:07, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 

01:07, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You have finished work?)))

01:08, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes )

01:08, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am in metro )

01:09, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You going to sports club??

01:11, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes )

01:11, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You must have lots energy

01:13, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no )) I am lazy ) I have unlimited access to sport club,  when I bought it 2 months ago, I was visiting it 4 times a week,  now I go there only once a week ))

01:14, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I always judge myself

01:14, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Your not lazy)))))

01:15, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You should not judge yourself like that I think you are motivated and definately not lazy

01:18, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: sometimes I am lazy )

01:18, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore tired)

01:18, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Noooo

01:22, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I will give you some of my energy I have too much haha......

01:22, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't want go to sport club today ((  I am so tired - my work had me this week 

01:24, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really? ) do u want share your energy with me? ))

01:25, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know many people here,  who don't do anything in life except work.  They just come back home at night and watch tv

01:25, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 

01:26, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I would share with you.....

01:27, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:31, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u not going to sleep? )))

01:32, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Not yet not tired yet ??

01:33, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Having so much energy can be annoying haha

01:34, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no )))

01:34, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like active people ))

01:34, 7 Dec - buzz3884: It is......

01:34, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually I have lot energy too ) I am walking 9 km every day ))

01:36, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: my friends say that I am crazy not using public transport instead of walking,  but I don't listen them ))

01:37, 7 Dec - buzz3884: That is a long way)))) what if it is snowing?))))

01:38, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I walk anyway )) snowfall,  raining,  I like to move and breath )

01:40, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Have u been to Sydney?

01:41, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I usually end up trashing my bed during the night?? I have to be really tired to sleep soundly

01:42, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah 

01:42, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I prefer Brisbane

01:43, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: do u remember where airport is?  How far it is from center of city approximately?

01:43, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In Sydney I mean

01:45, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I know it about 20-30 mins drive....I drive to sydney.....takes about 9 hours

01:45, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was walking from center to airport ))

01:46, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

01:47, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Really......you must be fit?

01:47, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I try to be fit )

01:48, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How do u feel?

01:49, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Have u used grugs today?

01:49, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Me......still little unwell but I dont think about it while talking with you

01:50, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hope u will be well tomorrow

01:53, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 

01:54, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I just hope no rain on weekend))))

01:54, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U have so much raining

01:55, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have too

01:55, 7 Dec - buzz3884: No no drugs today....only hot tea

01:56, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah storms every afternoon almost??

01:58, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's very good ) I don't use drugs when I am sick, we say here - if u are ill and  use drugs,  u will be healthy in a week,  and if u don't use drugs,  u will be healthy in 7 days ????

02:00, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You dont like any form of medication?

02:13, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am convinced that u should not  use medication if u have flu.  Only if your temperature is higher than 39. Most of people use many drugs even antibiotics when they just catch cold.  It's crazy.  Antibiotics are killing your natural immunity,. People use them every case.   if it happenes ever in future that u will be seriously sick and need antibiotics,  they will not help,  because u have been using them so much before.  It's proven fact

02:20, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: There are so many advertisment on tv about numerous of medication here,  if u take their advice u always should use a lot of drugs,  every day. magic drugs for your immunity , for your stomach,  for your heart and other parts of your body,  even if u are not ill.  It's rediculous!  It's like

02:20, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's only for reason people spend money,  that's all

02:22, 7 Dec - buzz3884: What about other things such as vitamins or just paracetamol or contraceptive pill?

02:22, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's annoying me a little bit )) I don't like follow common rules and do what tv tell me to do.  It's making people zombies

02:22, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I use vitamins )

02:23, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Don't think that I don't use medication at all )

02:25, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I dont take anything.....never even if doctors tell me.......I have been really sick only once.....well near death anyway?? .....you had any such experiences?

02:33, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no,  I don't )

03:35, 7 Dec - buzz3884: What time does sportsclub finish?

03:35, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have finished )

03:35, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am at home ))

03:36, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Why aren't u sleeping??? ??????????????

03:36, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 

03:36, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Even me want sleep already )))

03:37, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And u are still awake ))

03:39, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You sleep early?

03:39, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think I will go to bad in half an hour )

03:42, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You will sleep until late in morning?

03:42, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ))

03:43, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: But not very long ) my grandfather invited me tomorrow to his place,  I haven't seen him for couple months

03:44, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: He is getting offend on me because I don't visit him ( I just can't find time for everything ))

03:45, 7 Dec - buzz3884:  I think he would underetand

03:46, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I hope ) old people are very sensitive

03:48, 7 Dec - buzz3884: True it is sweet of you to make time to see him

03:49, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I should.  I am only child in my family,  who has many relatives,  who need attention )

03:50, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: That's why I want to have brother ore sister ) to share responsibility with them )))

03:52, 7 Dec - buzz3884:  sometimes I think having brother or sister is overated

03:53, 7 Dec - buzz3884: So in a sense you are only one to keep family bloodlines going?

03:53, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah,  all their hope is on my shoulders

03:54, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????

03:54, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They should have at least a boy besides me )

03:55, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: To save our family name ????

03:55, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: do u have different views with your brother?

03:56, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u feel u are friends with he?

03:56, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You not want to keep your family name if married?

03:57, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Me and my brother friends we just have different views

03:57, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I always thought that wife should take husband's family name

03:58, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Anyway I like my family name )

03:59, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I have similar view but say in my case I have 10+ cousins to continue family name

04:00, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????

04:00, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I personally think you should continue family name but that is just me

04:01, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

13:33, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I think maybe one day, whoever you may marry, you should speak with him and just tell him you would like to continue your family name because it would mean alot to you....and if that person really loved you then could find way to make it happen.........Just my thoughts anyway

15:49, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I slept very late))))) hope you have great time with your granfather he has a wonferful grandaughter

20:12, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning ))

20:12, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will not believe,  I just wake up

20:12, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's awful

20:13, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I went to bed at 12.00 and wake up at 2 pm!!!!!

20:13, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 14 hours!!!

20:16, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I was thinking maybe just not want to speak with me.........

20:16, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What? ??

20:16, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Its ok

20:16, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am serious,  I was sleeping ((

20:17, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I believe you........its ok

20:19, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Please dont be mad with me

20:21, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No, I am not ))

20:21, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How is your day? ))

20:21, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Could we talk tomorrow on Skype? )

20:22, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yes....I would love too....I started writing letter for you

20:23, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Just with more about me and my life

20:23, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Letter? ) Christmas letter,  ore I will read it soon? )

20:24, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ?? Christmas is soon ))

20:24, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I will post it

20:24, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I always forget that Christmas is 24 December,  because we celebrate it 7 January ))

20:25, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's great ))

20:25, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u my adress )

20:25, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How do u feel?

20:29, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I still sick

20:29, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Christmas is 25th here

20:30, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I thought that Christmas is at night between 24 and 25 , and it's celebrate since 24 evening?

20:32, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I received your sms ))

20:32, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????

20:32, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah.....usually celebrate like that

20:33, 7 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131207-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

20:34, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I make milkshakes all the time)))))

20:37, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You visiting your grandfather today?

20:42, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,  I will go to his place a little bit later )

20:42, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just talked to him by phone )

20:42, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What's the colour of milk shake?  Black???

20:43, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Did you get my messages from earlier?

20:43, 7 Dec - buzz3884: It chocolate just no flash on camera

20:43, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u mean sms?

20:43, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmm.....I want to try ))

20:44, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Milk shakes is my passion ))

20:44, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think I got all your messeges ))

20:45, 7 Dec - buzz3884: It is nice

20:45, 7 Dec - buzz3884: But 1000 calories per shake

20:46, 7 Dec - buzz3884: And 1300Kj energy

20:46, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really? ))

20:46, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Pretty much

20:47, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I drink 6+ per day??

20:48, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 6 shakes???

20:48, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah

20:48, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u eat another food?

20:48, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Vegetables,  meat? ))

20:49, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah heaps

20:49, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:49, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Lots pasta dishes too

20:49, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I a human garbage disposal unit??????

20:52, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I just love food and I never get fat

20:54, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I envy u ))

20:55, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Every girl will envy u )))

20:56, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I come from long line of big strong people.....I actually short compared to many in my family....most on mothers side 190+cm

20:57, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: wow!  How tall are u?  1.85?

21:01, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 184 i think.......fdating did not have scale right

21:03, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Six foot in old scale i think

21:03, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I think I am short

21:04, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You are tall......taller than most girls

21:16, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, I am tall ) sometimes it's not good )

21:17, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  I was in shower )

21:17, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 

21:17, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Why not good?

21:18, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Because most of boys are not as tall as u ??

21:18, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Haha......you dont like man being shorter?

21:19, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: But it's good when  are in crowded transport- much air ))

21:19, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't like men being shorter )

21:20, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Haha.....I always thought most russian girls tall?

21:20, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Not at all ))

21:21, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: maybe on high heels ))

21:24, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Have you dated shorter man before?

21:24, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no ))) never ))

21:25, 7 Dec - buzz3884: When I think back I never had gf that was taller tha 165cm??

21:26, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:26, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What about girls in Australia?  Are they tall?

21:27, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In Germany most girls are tall as me and even more tall))

21:27, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Sometimes but average would be 167

21:28, 7 Dec - buzz3884: It is easy to pick a full blood german in a crowd...especially with blonde hair and blue eyes......

21:29, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I like german's but for me only ever Russian girl........or no girl

21:31, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:32, 7 Dec - buzz3884: There is many more woman in Russia than men?

21:36, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Thats what I have read

21:44, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I have question........is it bad for girl to have child before marriage there?

21:53, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: sorry

21:54, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just went out to my grand pa

22:00, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Its cool??

22:07, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I just ask lots questionsbecause I want to know all about youI think you are simply wonderful person

22:38, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's crazy day )

22:39, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Thats ok))))) I am patient

22:39, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just went to my granny,  she is still ill and brought her food

22:39, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Now I am heading to grand pa

22:40, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You are sweet))))))

22:40, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: If I had brother,  I could share all this with him ((

22:40, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 

22:41, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually when I was a child my granny did more care on me than mother

22:41, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Really....same with me cause mum and dad both worked

22:43, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mother was working and granny spent all time with me, especially in summer when I didn't visit kindergarten ore scho

22:43, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: School

22:44, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Your grandparents like to see you have own family?))

22:45, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course they want

22:46, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Granny was raining me, so that's why I have old-fashioned views on many things

22:47, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: )))

22:47, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: She is upset that I still don't have my own family

22:48, 7 Dec - buzz3884: It is why I like you...I always wanted to meet girl with old fashioned views)))))and now I have

22:48, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I like your views and hope they wont change

22:49, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am very glad, that I met u too )) it's really pleasure to talk with u )

22:49, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My views will not change ) never

22:50, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I am glad

22:51, 7 Dec - buzz3884: They ok that you are looking abroad?? For maybe man and living?

22:54, 7 Dec - buzz3884: The other night when I asked about Russian girls I was meaning that they have not been influenced much by western world and that family is still very important to them

22:58, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They were not very happy,  when I told them couple years ago about my thoughts moving abroad,  but I could explain them why I want do this,  they  were just worried that I could stay alone in foreign country with no support from parents and other family members

22:58, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They are always worried about me ))

22:58, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Now they only want me to be happy,  they respect my views and I think they just wish me all best

22:59, 7 Dec - buzz3884: What if you one day marry australian.....they be happy

23:00, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U asked me questions before,  I just read about statistics of government about quantity of men and women,  this is results - in Russia there is a little bit more women than men about 16% difference.  In Saint Petersburg there are 5 girls on every 4 boys.

23:01, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's myth that there are so many women here and so few men))

23:01, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 

23:01, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Every girl,  who want find men here  can do it simply )

23:02, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Fair enough))))))

23:03, 7 Dec - buzz3884: It seems many want man from abroad)))) I dont mean it in bad way....I think its great

23:04, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About having children without marriage   it's almost impossible situation here ))

23:04, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's awful )

23:04, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: For me it's more difficult because I want men isn't drinking and smoking )) almost impossible to find such person here ))

23:04, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: But I know that it's common in Europe )

23:04, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: One of my friends moved to France and I can get inside view )

23:05, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Not many ))) a lot of girls smokes and drinks here ))))

23:06, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Do you have preference?? Of country I mean?

23:07, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like read different statistics about my country and other countries in the world ))

23:07, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's official statistics of government

23:07, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have heard statistics on radio - 50% men is smoking and 35% women

23:09, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I only wish to find girl who does not drink or smoke))))

23:09, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I always thought only about Australia ) Europe is crazy,  they have enormous views on life,  I will tell u some examples of living in Europe later.  I don't like USA ( and Canada )

23:10, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't know person,  who doesn't smoke and drink at all here

23:11, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Some people seek too much in partner I think.....as long as there is love and happiness.....I think that matters most

23:12, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Most of girls think that it's not awful do drink sometimes,  but it turns out that they drink several times a month anyway.

23:12, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Does you ever wonder how serious I am about finding Russian partner?

23:12, 7 Dec - buzz3884: You dont drink or smoke

23:14, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually I always was afraid,  how strongly do u think about finding girl from russ

23:14, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Russia

23:16, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's my first experience talking with men from abroad, to be honest  I didn't believe all these dating sites,  it's hard to understand which goal men has here,  maybe just fun ore something else

23:17, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was surprised that I found such honest,  smart and kind men, as u are

23:17, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think I am lucky

23:18, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am glad that I need not use this site anymore

23:19, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Well I have been looking for past 2 1/2 years........I think I need look no further.....

23:20, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:20, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow 2.5 years

23:22, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah..........I have gone without certain things for long time but I only want to meet right girl........and I think I have

23:28, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Words cannot describe how much I want family

23:28, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U will have it ) 

23:29, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What age do Australian people always get married?

23:29, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And have children?

23:30, 7 Dec - buzz3884: Sometimes early 20-22... but mostly when in their 30's

23:32, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: By us I think 1/3 of girls get married after after university,  it's 23 age

23:33, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: On my work there are girls,  who are more than 30 and they are not married and have no children,  they are just living with their boyfriends

23:34, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't understand them,  it's crazy

23:34, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I worry I may be getting to old for girl to want to marry

23:36, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What do u mean??  That u are too old??

23:36, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????????

23:37, 7 Dec - buzz3884: That girls look at my age and think I am to old for them to marry.....its hard to explain

23:42, 7 Dec - buzz3884: I hope to have family in next 5 years I hope

23:52, 7 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think that most girls, who are ready for family and children  choose men your age, because they think that men only in this age is ready for marriage and moreover he has his own house and job,  and can afford having children )

23:53, 7 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:02, 8 Dec - buzz3884: You with your grand pa?

00:04, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,  we will have dinner soon,  I will not able to talk,  but now I can ))

00:05, 8 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok)))))

00:05, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Did you visit with your parents?

00:14, 8 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131208-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

00:14, 8 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131208-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

00:14, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I will always be a kiwi

00:18, 8 Dec - buzz3884: And also it shows that I am real person))))))) and not playing games

00:21, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I could never be so cruel and post fake profile but many guys do....its sad...and wrong

00:23, 8 Dec - buzz3884: What are you having for dinner? I had pasta

00:27, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe you having dinner? I will wait

00:39, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry, we are having dinner )

00:40, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: After dinner we will play chess,  it's like traditional )))

00:40, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u later )))

00:40, 8 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok I downloading music

00:40, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:40, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I happy to wait spend time with your grand pa

00:46, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u )))

00:46, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We will talk more, I promise ))

00:46, 8 Dec - buzz3884: 

01:38, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I could never play chess.....my granny tried to teach me but I was no good??

02:36, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually,  I am bad in chess ))

02:37, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Haha......did you lose?

02:37, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u have in Australia game " backgammon "?)))

02:37, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ((

02:38, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Monopoly

02:39, 8 Dec - buzz3884: How was dinner?

02:44, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it was ok ))

02:45, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Was it just you and your grand pa?)))

02:45, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry, I wasn't talking to u much,   grand pa is always offend when he see that I am chatting

02:46, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,  we are together with him

02:46, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Father was going come with me, but he is busy today ))

02:46, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Its ok, you dont have to apologize

06:13, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u sleeping? )

06:13, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course u are ))

06:14, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We will talk tomorrow ))

12:55, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just woke up from sound of your SMS ??????

12:55, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's 7 am There))

12:55, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Can't sleep again ))

13:04, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Really

13:04, 8 Dec - buzz3884: It 1300 here

14:00, 8 Dec - buzz3884: You must be comfy snuggled up under blankets)))))) it is hot here like normal

16:33, 8 Dec - buzz3884: 

17:26, 8 Dec - buzz3884: ??

18:33, 8 Dec - buzz3884: 

19:53, 8 Dec - buzz3884: You are sleepyhead(it is name we give to people who like to sleep)

21:31, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hi )

21:31, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't know why I sleep so much ((

21:32, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It always happened when winter comes

21:32, 8 Dec - buzz3884: You have busy night?

21:33, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yesterday I came home late,  on my way home,  my friend called me and invited to go to cinema ))

21:33, 8 Dec - buzz3884: 

21:33, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was at home at 2 am (

21:34, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Can I ask something?

21:34, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's cheap to watch movies at night ))

21:34, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes

21:36, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I just wondering....you are serious about Australia.....how soon would you like to move?))))) It just question

21:40, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's hard question,  actually I want to move next moment I understand that I have found right men,  who I believe and who I want to share life with ) I can't predict right now,  but I can definitely tell u that I am very serious about it,  I really want to do it until I am getting 26 in November ))))))

21:42, 8 Dec - buzz3884: 

21:42, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would like to do it even earlier maybe,  but I have braces, and doctor promise me to end my treatment at the end of summer )) so, summer I should be here 

21:43, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I dont know what words I can use to prove I am serious......I guess you have to have a little faith in me like I do you

21:43, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I appreciate your honesty to me it is everything

21:44, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I believe u, I think u are honest with me )

21:45, 8 Dec - buzz3884: We have saying here.....I would move heaven and earth to make it happen if all goes well

21:46, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:47, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How was your day?

21:48, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have received your SMS ))

21:48, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Eventful

21:49, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I slept so long ( usually I sleep long at Saturday and get up pretty early in Sunday )

21:49, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What did u do? ))

21:51, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I tell you in couple minutes....just doing dishes

21:57, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Actually was very quiet

21:57, 8 Dec - buzz3884: 

21:57, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Just drug addicted neighbour nearly died??

22:01, 8 Dec - buzz3884: It was shame she didnt.......sounds bad but always causing trouble

22:06, 8 Dec - buzz3884: You might sound like I have no compassion but I was once attaked from behind by a junkie......long story short I fought back but cut my knuckles open on his mouth......he had hepatitis c. I had to be monitored and take horrible drugs for 6 months to ensure I did not contract disease.....

Was so sick from these drugs but luckily I got negative results so yeah I have little time for them

22:07, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I live by saying you cant help someone if they dont want to help themselves

22:18, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I not violent either....I hate fighting even though I do martial arts but I will defend myself and others

22:19, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I was hoping we could chat on skype but is a little late to go to internet cafe.....still a little unwell but better than yesterday

22:22, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I did not get to go out as I am a little behind in my studies so had to catch up

22:23, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe you are put off by me?

22:28, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I watched documentary today.....about world trade centre 7 and how it collapsed...was interesting

22:33, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  I was in shower )

22:33, 8 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok...I about to do same

22:36, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's awful,  what happened with your neighbor!

22:38, 8 Dec - buzz3884: She overdosed

22:38, 8 Dec - buzz3884: It happens often with her

22:46, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I read your story,  it's horrible about what happened to u!  I understand your attitude to drugs very well, I hate people,  who use them,  I think it's even not decease,  because u make this decision by yourself,  nobody force u to use them,  illness is when u occasionally have  infected, u are not guilty on this case,  but junkies,  it's their choice, I don't pity them, it's awful that innocent people can suffer from their behavior.  If I was president,  I would forse all junkies have hard work under the supervision of military and without payment.  They will forget about drugs after year of work )

22:47, 8 Dec - buzz3884: 

22:51, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I didn't understand about documentary,  which you have watched today?  What is this center?  I never heard about it!  Isn't about finansial crisis 2008?

22:53, 8 Dec - buzz3884: When planes crashed into world trade centre

22:57, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh,  yes ) is it about that American people organized all this by themselves,  for reason to stick their nose in every country  under the pretence of fighting against world terrorism? ??

22:58, 8 Dec - buzz3884: It was a 47 story building that also collapsed that day.....I will send it to you. Very interesting....a building that size does not collapse in 7 seconds with no structural damage....many US engineers believe it could only be bought down by controlled explosions

22:58, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah you are right

23:01, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, I watched this film )

23:01, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Whether or not USA did it themselves or not they had it coming in many ways

23:02, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It was very interesting for me,  I was even not surprised,  it's brilliant idea of Americans

23:04, 8 Dec - buzz3884: What do they expect after invading so many countries on bull*&$@ grounds

23:04, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Sorry for language

23:06, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: they expect only one thing - the whole world fear them, because their are most power country in the world )

23:08, 8 Dec - buzz3884: They are bunch of idiots really??

23:09, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ) they are getting more weak every year

23:09, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Haha and they dont like it

23:10, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, but they still have much power,  they manage all financial world

23:11, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: From words of leader FRS Ben Bernanki depends everything what happens in world trading

23:12, 8 Dec - buzz3884: It is funny though....I mention to some people here Russia and straight away they are like....oh bad people. I ask them what has Russia as a country done to them that is so bad......and they always answer the same...because america say Russia bad. Its so sad. Amerikanets

23:14, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Jewish people have massive control too.....

23:15, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah ))) America is angel who carry democracy to stupid countries,  killing leaders of countries on their way and building military bases in all parts of world )))

23:15, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I have another interesting documentary about global financial markets and the few who really run it....maybe you like copy?))))

23:16, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, write me what's name of film ))

23:16, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have read many books about it though ))

23:16, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Personally I believe China and maybe Russia will emerge as leaders of world soon

23:17, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I will email you it if you like?

23:17, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ))

23:17, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: sanjka@yandex.ru

23:18, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Ok I will email before I sleep

23:18, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u ))

23:18, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I like how we have similar views

23:18, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have breakfast now ))) it's 5.20 pm ))

23:19, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: To be honest I am soooooo surprised that u,  living in Australia has the same views as me!!  It's so strange and wonderful ))

23:19, 8 Dec - buzz3884: When I first start talking with girls from Russia I met a number who were very anti Russian((((( I was worried

23:22, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I just did not like the pro-American attitude here plus Russia and its people have never done anything bad to me or my family Just a country that has its people interests first unlike here

23:22, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:23, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I did not change my views on Russia just because I look there for partner....I have had this view for long time

23:24, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Its bit late for breakfast?? what did your parents say??

23:26, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: they say - poor girl,  so tired at work during the whole week ))))

23:27, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Haha

23:27, 8 Dec - buzz3884: 

23:28, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They said that it's good way to lose wight,  having only breakfast and than go to bed in several hours because it's late ))

23:28, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

23:29, 8 Dec - buzz3884: When would you like to talk on skype?

23:30, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Can we do it today?  I thought u are not able talk today

23:31, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe we could talk next Saturday, I will get up early,  I promise

23:31, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:33, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I have very bad internet connection here maybe next saturday....you dont have to wake early though

23:33, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I just have to go where reception better like city centre)))))))

23:35, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Oh I have new skype account......I got abusive messages from that girl in kazakhstan. I sent you new request

23:35, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ok ))

23:36, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We will agree about certain time on Saturday, I want we could talk at least  every weekend,  is it possible?

23:37, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I have never read such bad language from a girl?? she angry because I told her that I not interested and I have you was like I triggered a bomb or something haha

23:38, 8 Dec - buzz3884: Yes  we can talk on skype more if you like.....I try to get better connection here this week

23:38, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: really?  I thought she decided by herself to stop your communication several months ago ) why is she angry )

23:40, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I got message few weeks back...her apologising but I told her no more and my only interest is you. She broke my trust and that is all there is to it

23:40, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I told her I talk with you then she got mad

23:42, 8 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131208-WA0005.jpg (file attached)

23:44, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: everything,  what u told me about her,  tells me that she has one more boyfriend from Australia.  It explain why she vanished  she was going to meet someone else in January in Sydney, I know that it's very common situation,  I knew couple of girls who had several bf from abroad and always lied all of them

23:44, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I take photo of conversation just so you can see I honest about what happened. No secrets

23:45, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's so stupid cause,  which she gave u 

23:45, 8 Dec - buzz3884: It is heartbreaking.......I could never do it

23:46, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: me too.

23:46, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Never.

23:48, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How do u think,  is it possible that if she will go on writing to u,  u will talk to her?

23:48, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am just wondering

23:49, 8 Dec - buzz3884: NEVER that is why change skype account

23:49, 8 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131208-WA0007.jpg (file attached)

23:50, 8 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u.

23:51, 8 Dec - buzz3884: This is the abuse I copped....essentially she blames me so I move on.......and I am so glad...because I have met most wonderful girl

23:55, 8 Dec - buzz3884: She is full of it anyway....I met her here..in Australia then she says cant get travel visa to return.....does not add up. I let some poor other soul fall for here

23:56, 8 Dec - buzz3884: She was angry because I wrote letter to her and her mmother to find out what was going on.......enough about her she is forgotten

23:58, 8 Dec - buzz3884: I hope now that you believe my time only devoted to you

00:00, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Do you have skype on phone?

00:07, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I tried sending documentary but file is too big. It is called the The Reality Matrix-02-The Funny Money

00:09, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have just deleted my account on Fdating

00:09, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Did u delete your? 

00:09, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yes.....the other day

00:10, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:11, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have Skype object phone,  but it work not clear,  I don't understand why,  so I try to use Skype more on my laptop ))

00:12, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I swear on my grandmothers grave that I only communicate with you and I am happy

00:12, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will look for this film on pirate bay ))

00:12, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I swear that I don't communicate anybody exept u too )

00:13, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Though I have no free time for communicating anybody else ??????????

00:13, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And I don't want

00:14, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I trust you from day one.......I cant explain it but I just had feeling you were special

00:15, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will get new wifi modem tomorrow and maybe try skype then

00:16, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really ?? Cool )

00:16, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want send u picture of me,  to be on your phone )))))

00:17, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I can IM on skype now but video just wont work. Only have 94kb speed...sux

00:17, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131209-WA0000.jpg (file attached)

00:17, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's from my birthday ))

00:17, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:18, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They made for me coctail Pina Colada alcohol free )) I adore it))

00:18, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I am soooooo sorry I missed it I still feel terrible

00:19, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No sorry )) it was my fault ))

00:19, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U will congratulate me next year ??

00:20, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I have something in mind to make up for it.........you will have to wait and see

00:20, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:21, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ok ))

00:21, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Your birthday on skype still wrong

00:21, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really???

00:22, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah

00:23, 9 Dec - buzz3884: December 10

00:23, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have corrected,  check it )

00:24, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Is it easier to use skype IM?

00:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What do u mean?

00:26, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Easier to use Skype instead of what's app?

00:26, 9 Dec - buzz3884: It easier to type on keyboard than phone

00:26, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah

00:27, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I use what easier for you

00:27, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I have photos of me but they not good

00:29, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: For me it's no matter,  what to use ) let's talk here ) I always switch off Skype because my laptop start working slowly if many programs run,  because of few RAM

00:30, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: if u have photo  where u are smiling,  send me ????????

00:30, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Because I haven't seen picture of u with smile ))

00:30, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I only have 512mb ram at moment.....pulled good ram out to see how it runs with little ram

00:30, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are serous men )

00:32, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Even when happy I hardly smile It was beaten out of me by school headmaster years ago

00:33, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will tell you about it in letter I am writing to you

00:34, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You have whatsapp on laptop?

00:35, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no,  only on my phone )

00:35, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will teach u smiling again,    I promise

00:35, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:36, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I always smiling on inside when I think of you

00:37, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: and I smile inside when I am at work and outside when I am anywhere else )

00:38, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:39, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You were saying the other night family rest on your shoulders....you are the only Mashtaller of your generation?)

00:40, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes )

00:41, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe I have relatives,  but I don't know them

00:42, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I am sure there is way to continue your family name

00:43, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My grand pa has brother,  he  has family,  but I don't know family members, they have my family name too,  but I never met them ))

00:43, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:44, 9 Dec - buzz3884: But your family name important for you?)

00:44, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: if I was living in Australia and had German family name,  how Australian people think of me))

00:45, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Many german names here

00:46, 9 Dec - buzz3884: One of my friends has family name Otto.....very german

00:46, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually,  it's not very important for me,  I could change my family name, I don't know why but it seems to me more important to have one family name with husband

00:47, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Otto it was common in Germany,  I know ))

00:47, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I dont like my family name haha.........many bad people here with name

00:48, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hudson??  Really? ))

00:48, 9 Dec - buzz3884: To be honest names dont mean alot here as so diverse

00:49, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Very american our family name

00:50, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What about your name?  Is it unisex?  I think I saw girl with your name

00:50, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My name is unisex here ))

00:51, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah....I nearly changed my name??

00:51, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Alexander - Alexandra,  and both are called Sasha in usual life

00:51, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I am so used to calling you Alexandra

00:51, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u can if u want ))

00:51, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore Alex

00:52, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore u can invent something else ))

00:52, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will use what you prefer

00:53, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Gorgeous comes to mind

00:54, 9 Dec - buzz3884: When I think of you and your personality that word springs to mind instantly

00:54, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wrote Alexandra on dating site because,  I didn't want every body called me like my parents and friends - Sasha,))) I don't believe dating site fully,  always felt danger from it, can't explain better (

00:54, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:54, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like this word - gorgeous ))

00:56, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Gorgeous it is

00:57, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I have almost finished letter for you

00:57, 9 Dec - buzz3884: K

00:57, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:58, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will post tomorrow

01:00, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I understand about dating site

01:04, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u adress a little bit later tonight,  I ask u - please make a copy of letter,  ore just photo,  ore scan,  I don't want disappointe u,  but our Russian post is worst post system in whole world,  it's really true.  I will not be  surprised,  if your letter comes in 2 months ore ever doesn't come at all. If that happens, u could send me email with scan of your letter,)) i never use post here, I have fully understood how really bad it is when ordered things from EBay,  it's crazy )) I was waiting many months and sometimes they lost my packages ??????

01:04, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You know......when people here ask if I am single or spoken for I actually am proud to tell them that I am communicating with beautiful Russian girl......I dont care about some of the narrowminded people here......and one day if you move here you should be proud of your heritage

01:06, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Ok))))) I will scan it forst then post it registered post here so I will get confirmation you recieve it))))))

01:07, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I understand what u mean )) I want to tell people that I am Russian,  I am proud of it ) the same way I want my friends know here about u )

01:08, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will always be a New Zealander (kiwi) even though I live in Australia

01:08, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know,  u should be proud of this,  really )

01:09, 9 Dec - buzz3884: There is only about 2 million true blood kiwis left....and I am one

01:10, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I have just little british blood

01:11, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: how many people are in Australia?

01:11, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Population of Australia

01:12, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 24 million but from day it was founded there has been mix of italian, lebanese, aborigional and british blood

01:13, 9 Dec - buzz3884: NZ was soley founded by british

01:13, 9 Dec - buzz3884: But many asians breeding us out

01:15, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Asians are everywhere ))

01:15, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And Indians I suppose )

01:16, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have heard that many Australian men merry Asian girls,  is it true?

01:16, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah.......dont think I am racist but white blood is being bred out.....

01:17, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah...I know many who marry asians.....silly......they expect that asian girl will come here and cook clean and bear children and thats it.....usually treat them bad

01:18, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Mostly from Thailand but also Phillipines and Malaysia

01:19, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think when all white people will mix with Asians and Arabic people,  there will be no white people soon,  I have read that Asians and Arabic and Indian genes are dominant,  are stronger than white blood genes,  so children will be more likely Asian than Australian

01:20, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Our government makes it easier to marry an asian and bring her here than a Russian or German......they are making it hard for the right people to come to this country

01:21, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's crazy what happenes in the world now ) all France is full of negro and Arabian

01:22, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I agree......we are not allowed to use word negro here......they say its racist

01:23, 9 Dec - buzz3884: We have a few white supremicist groups here haha

01:25, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I noticed many asian looking girls in Kazakhstan??

01:26, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Bad thing is that all black and Arabian  people in Europe don't work, they come as refugees from previous colonys from Africa and they have a lot of preference of government and have money benefits too,  they live awful life,  are criminal often, they don't respect white people there. I know exactly How it is because, one of my friends living in Paris

01:26, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ))))

01:27, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am not racist ) I just want people respect each other ))

01:28, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Many Somalians in Brisbane......they dont care for white people but goverment keeps handing them money does this happen in Russia?

01:29, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No,  not at all. We have Muslims here,  but they work like everybody,

01:31, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: There are many rich Muslims here last 10 years,  they run their business,  ( I am sure not very legal ) but there are are many who is working hard and just send their money to family to homela

01:31, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Homeland

01:31, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Russian government would not allow such situations? Unlike here........we promote multiculturism....

.but it failed. It is simple in a sense.....white and black just dont mix.....

01:32, 9 Dec - buzz3884: It sounds bad but is true in Australia

01:34, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I know that Australia had idea of multiculturalism since their birth,  but now I have read that your government is a little bit afraid that amount of white people reduce every year,

01:36, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am not sure about white people from other countries have benefits in getting citizenship here, maybe your government doesn't matter who will come - Asian ore Russian )

01:36, 9 Dec - buzz3884: That is true......but they make it hard for white people to live here......it is almost impossible for white south africans and even british people to live here...just crazy

01:38, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I understand,  we will see what happens next 10 years  maybe something changed )

01:39, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I can always use NZ.....it is extra option as if NZ citizen....dont need visa for Australia??

01:40, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So, u don't have Australian citizenship?

01:41, 9 Dec - buzz3884: My Serbian friend, Nejboysha, he has no tolerance for negros and muslims........he has good reason though

01:42, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I have permanent residence status but getting citizenship in 2014..... I am only one in my family yet to get it but it easy. Just fill in form and thats it

01:44, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u need get visa to go to Europe?

01:44, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We need visa )

01:44, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I am entitled to all benefits and healthcare like australians........once you have medicare card here you are entitled to everything...which I have

01:46, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah.....need visa to go anywhere else but I am eligible for british passport because of my grandmother so that would make life easier??

01:47, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow )) can u imagine u ever go to GB ? For vacation )

01:48, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Too many pakistanies haha

01:49, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was reading about different sales of flytickets month ago and found tickets to London for 100$ both ways from Finland,  I was shocked - so cheap ))

01:49, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You are soooo lucky

01:50, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would like to see London once )

01:50, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yeah ))

01:50, 9 Dec - buzz3884: How much was it for you to fly to Australia?

01:50, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I have great aunty on the Isle of Wight in England

01:51, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It was 1270$

01:51, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Return?

01:51, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes

01:51, 9 Dec - buzz3884: American dollars?)

01:52, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No, Australian))

01:53, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: i always Translate all our prices for u in Australian dollars )

01:53, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You think you will holiday here again?

01:53, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

01:53, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In Australia?

01:53, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would love too

01:55, 9 Dec - buzz3884: How much was visa? For me to kazakhstan was only $60 I recall

01:55, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: for me it was 100$

01:55, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I had to get bloodtest.....to prove I had no HIV

01:56, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: for visa to Kazakhstan????????????

01:56, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really?????????

01:56, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah)

01:56, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow!!!!!!!!

01:57, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am shoked ) I never heard of it ))

01:57, 9 Dec - buzz3884: That cost nearly 100.......it first I heard of it but it true

01:58, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I had once test for HIV year ago , to start teeth treatment )

01:58, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It was free ))

01:58, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I hate needles))))

01:59, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah,  me too ))

01:59, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's scared )

02:00, 9 Dec - buzz3884: And I hate dieseases.......I am always careful cause I dont know if I could live with myself if I caught something bad

02:03, 9 Dec - buzz3884: There was survey recently....80% of 18-29 year olds have sexually transmitted infection of some sort......it is scary

02:04, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, me too,  I am fastidious a little bit , always wash hands and always am careful )) actually I am even a little bit afraid to go to swimming pool ) please don't think I am crazy )

02:05, 9 Dec - buzz3884: No I am same

02:07, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's normal to check our health to be sure u have no decease from time to time,  not often but,  sometimes,  it makes me calm )

02:08, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: If it wasn't so expensive I would check it every year,  but it  is (

02:09, 9 Dec - buzz3884: People here just dont think....it is why diesease on the rise and HIV...even unwanted pregnancies. It is a bit like a mine field

02:10, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's sad (

02:13, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I not to worried.....You will probably laugh but I have not had sex in the 2 1/2 years I been looking for...well..you?? it is my choice.

02:14, 9 Dec - buzz3884: If I wanted it I could get but that not being honest with myself or girls I have spoken to??

02:15, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's very good,  that u are honest person.  I know it's hard live without sexual relationship, especially if u are jung and strong men )

02:16, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know u haven't forget how to do it )?? I am joking )

02:17, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

02:17, 9 Dec - buzz3884: We never forget it is programmed into our genetics haha

02:18, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller:  I am sure )

02:18, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Good things come to those who wait

02:19, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:21, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I guess by sharing that with you it is another way of showing I am serious about finding someone special

02:21, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's so fantastic talking to u ) I refused to go for a walk with my friends today for have a chance to chat with u ,  I don't regret 

02:21, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

02:23, 9 Dec - buzz3884: For me I dont regret staying up late It is best part of day talking with you

02:23, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can't express how I appreciate u be straight and honest with me

02:24, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Any sort of relationship is built on trust and honesty

02:24, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u go to bed,  don't think I don't want go on talking,  but I only worry about u.  And I will do my homework for tomorrow English class

02:25, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I just wanted to make sure I didnt scare you off by telling you certain things.......

02:26, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U don't scary me, I always preferred to hear truth

02:27, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Awww.....can I go to bed in half hour....then I get 2 hours sleep

02:27, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh my God,  2 hours ((

02:28, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will get up more early and refuse talk to u late (( I always forget that it's night there ((

02:28, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Noooooo

02:29, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good night and sweet dreams ( about me ) 

02:29, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Ok....goodnight gorgeous

02:29, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:29, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hear u tomorrow )

02:30, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I always think of you...every waking hour

02:30, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:31, 9 Dec - buzz3884: It might be not good idea to dream of you.....funny things could happen??

02:31, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????????

02:32, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U have only 2 hours,  remember ))

02:32, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I just washed my sheets

02:32, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: be careful ????????????

02:33, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

02:34, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Oh....where do I post this letter for you? If not comfortable giving out your address can I send it to closest post office?

02:36, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No,  please send me on my adress,  I don't want to go to post office ?????? I will write u and u will see it tomorrow in what's app

02:36, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:37, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Post office is scary building with many hours lines ))

02:38, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Ok........by the way I would need more than 2 hours)) I have waited long long time......I would need more than 2 hours to make up for it

02:41, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller:  stop it - I can't think about my English homework )  my thoughts are somewhere else,  thinking of u

02:41, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????????

02:41, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Haha....you started it

02:42, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No )))))) ??

02:42, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I am too scared to sleep

02:42, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Scared? )) ????????????

02:43, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I dont need tempting

02:43, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About sheets? 

02:43, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

02:44, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Hahaha????????????

02:44, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK, keep calm and try to sleep ) I am too cruel talking to u,  especially about this I feel bad girl

02:46, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I like

02:47, 9 Dec - buzz3884: It is hard not to have certain thoughts about you

02:48, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:50, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Aslong as you know I like everything about you I dont just think about you for one thing

02:51, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know ) u are not such type of person,  who is seeking for only sex

02:52, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

02:53, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will try sleep but I have you on my mind.......I hope I dont wake up stuck to sheets??

02:54, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

02:56, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

03:25, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You must make it up to your friends for not walking with them today I always love chatting with you but I dont want to keep you from your friends

06:18, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have written my adress in Skype )

13:33, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning )

13:33, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My adress:

Alexandra Mashtalller

ul. Soldata Korzuna 3-172




13:40, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Morning I slept well haha

13:41, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Do I have to write address in Russian? It says on google I should

13:57, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I read that it doesn't matter English ore Russian u will write

13:57, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

13:58, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Did you finish your English homework???

13:58, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe u ask about it on post office,

13:58, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ) but not completely )

13:58, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will finish on lunch )

14:00, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Haha

14:01, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I slept for 1.5 hours?? but slept well

14:05, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will sleep a little after work so I can talk with you later on

14:16, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You on metro?

14:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK ) u should definitely sleep a little bit )

14:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's so cold today 

14:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes )

14:26, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's warm here,  thanks God ))

14:26, 9 Dec - buzz3884: How cold?)

14:27, 9 Dec - buzz3884: It 31° at moment here

14:28, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I dont mind sacrificing some sleep to talk with you

14:31, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will went out from metro in 20 minutes and will not be able talking on my way to work because it's cold and my hands will freeze 

14:31, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I made mistake in my family name in my adress - wrote letter "l "  3 times,  it should be Mashtaller

14:31, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u at home already? )

14:32, 9 Dec - buzz3884: No.....at work still

14:33, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's -8 here 

14:39, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Haha it 2.38pm here

14:43, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Looking foward to work?

14:47, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have deadline on 16 December for finishing a lot of drownings , because we should bring our new project to government expertise,  and than,  I hope,  I will have more free time at work )

14:47, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Noooo (((((

14:48, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I feel sick suddenly.....like I want to vomit?? just thought I would share that with you??

14:50, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will swap places with you for a bit????

14:56, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: believe me it's not nice here at all - dark and cold.  I am looking forward spring 

14:57, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I look foward to sleep

14:59, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I understand,  I can remember my time when I was studying at university and it happened often that I didn't sleep at all before exam)

15:00, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I had green colour of skin on my face from tiring

15:01, 9 Dec - buzz3884:  you still would have looked beautiful though))

15:13, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: haha ??

15:19, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Look what I saw, coming into office

15:19, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131209-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

15:19, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:20, 9 Dec - buzz3884: ????????????????

15:21, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it looks like my boss decided that one things we need to work more effective is new toilet bawls ????

15:22, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Hahahaha

15:22, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Somewhere to hide and use phone

15:23, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:23, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In toilet )))

15:24, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They will think I have health problem )))

15:24, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

15:24, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Haha

15:27, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Just say your love sick??

15:29, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I suppose colleagues will hate me )) what if they need toilet and it's busy often )))

15:29, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Tell them to hold it??

15:30, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:53, 9 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131209-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

15:53, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Sunshine

16:07, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Blue sky!!!

16:07, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would love to be there now

16:20, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What is most unbelievable and wonderful of all your pictures is  a very few amount of people,  I could never make this photo here, maybe   only in 4 am at night in January when it's  -20  on street )))

16:21, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I wish you were here

16:23, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

16:29, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Hopefully soon

16:34, 9 Dec - buzz3884: This station is only five mins from central brisbane

16:34, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I took that picture during peak hour too

17:12, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I have to move rooms tonight as mine being painted.......I get yuck room until they finish.......but its all good

17:14, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I get to keep my comfy bed though....I like big bed.......it will be hard to share again haha

17:35, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Why is it Russian girls have this natural beauty about them that makes them so physically attractive? It must be in the genes))))) To me its not everything but Russians leave Australian girls for dead in looks department.......

17:35, 9 Dec - buzz3884: And Australian girls are so jealous of this????

17:45, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: are u sleeping already?

17:48, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I love big bad too )))

17:52, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Sort of.....but I am always thinking of you....in good way.......I just cant stop

17:53, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Many australian girls...when I tell them I have found wonderful Russian get a little aggresive???? they are jealous but I dont care

17:54, 9 Dec - buzz3884: That is why I asked you a while ago if you thought I was being selfish by seeking hopefully Russian bride

18:01, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I saw Australian girls,  many of them are attractive too, but from my point of view there is big contrast between two types of Australian girls,  the first group - they look not very good,  they wear clothes only to feel comfortable,  no make up, they don't do hair,  but on weekend they put on mini skirt anyway and high heels ??often looks funny.  And there is other group of girls ( my friend,  who was on Bali communicated with company of girls from  Australia ( Darwin ) so these girl are quite different,  they have very conspicuous make up,  even if they go to the beach,  they wear short sexy clothes,  they have big super white teeth,  often silicon boobs and look like models ( ore a little bit prostitutes ??) but they are pretty beautiful anyway . So her impression was that all Australian girls are like girls from magazines . I was surprised to find other this from my friend and spent some time looking through photos of Australian girls on Facebook,  and many of them are really very notable,  maybe not nature  beautiful but colorful

18:03, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah they dont have natural beauty.....but beauty is also the person on the inside))))) most girls here have arrogant attitudes

18:06, 9 Dec - buzz3884: And for many...I wasnt going to say this but I will.....they compete with each other on weekends to see how many men they can sleep with......I once had a friend and she would be disappointed if she had any less than 4 men from friday night until sunday morning. I no longer know her

18:10, 9 Dec - buzz3884: It probably case in all countries.....many men just after beautiful woman for quick sex

.....but there too many like myself who want to find girl for hopefully rest of life......are ready to commit long term

18:11, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I meant to say there is many....not too many

18:18, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: wow!!  About competition!!!

18:19, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Spend some time with girls here and you will see

18:20, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Have look at site like craigslist brisbane.....you will see what I mean

18:20, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know there are many girls in Russia,  who meet men at night club, he buy cocktails for her  and she  sleep with him this night,  I thought it's most awful behavior,  but 4 boys on weekend!!!  Wow

18:22, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I think myself it disgusting but is common.....guys compete too......I just think its wrong but our society very sexualised here

18:23, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have understood that girls in Australia mostly don't want have long relationship and think of family,  they only  looking for fun and freedom to go where they want when they want,  but u told that most of people get married here in 30 age, they  suddenly stop to sleep with everybody, find men and start family???

18:26, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah.....I think they must suddenly realise that their biological clock is ticking.....I researched the average age for women to have children here....it is 34 at moment and rising.

18:29, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Girls here are not woman in traditional sense.....for example if I was to bring up subject of family with a girl who is 25 here most would run a mile....they are not even close to thinking about family.....there are really nice family oriented girls here but most are married

18:30, 9 Dec - buzz3884: It is sooo hard to find younger woman here who wants children.....their career and social life is priority number 1

18:39, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Not all people here like that but we have lost respect for family values in this country and it is sad

18:46, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Even my family is not real close......and I just want to have family of my own that is close

18:50, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think this tendency is in many countries now, that's why soon Muslims and Asians will replace white people all over the world,  because they still have traditional values,  they have 4-5 children and they don't change their lifestyle

18:58, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I like to have big family.....you are right..muslims and asians still put family values first......but I have the impression many Russian girls still have strong family values

19:02, 9 Dec - buzz3884: In todays society it is uncommon for large white families....but I think it is achievable

19:02, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Just requires hard work and some sacrifice....

19:08, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Hope I dont scare you off talking about family??

19:10, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course in Russia family is on the first place still, but negative changes are visible,  young people start look on west lifestyle,  and start forget about traditional values which were in Russia. 10  years ago there were much more family oriented girls,  now it's very common to think of  carrier and make money. About amoral behavior like have several partners during weekend - it's not so bad here,  but about women start forget about family - that's true.  They often work so much, that even if they want have  sex with different  partners in short time  they couldn't because they are tired from work ))) they often live alone and have men sometimes for a while )))) As for me, I watch sometimes on 16-19  girls and boys and get fear ) It's so good that I was born 25 years ago and not this time ) most influence

19:12, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U don't scary me ) I am glad to hear your thoughts about every subject,  and I like that I hear my own thoughts from u ))

19:13, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I really appreciate your values....I think you are the best

19:13, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u )

19:15, 9 Dec - buzz3884: One day, when the time is right for you I know you will be a great mother......no matter who you marry

19:16, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I just tell you what I think....I am very open like that......just hope you dont mind

19:17, 9 Dec - buzz3884: We have much in common......even though we live half a world apart

19:18, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:19, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You on a break?

19:20, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was ) now I am already working )

19:21, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will let you work

19:23, 9 Dec - buzz3884: But I will write more to you))))) please you dont have to reply if your busy...I know your work is important I understand......You can write when you have time

19:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK, Thank u )) I just can read your messages and don't answer,  because I always  want answer ) I will try to be concentrated on work ))

19:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  I just can NOT read your messages and don't answer

19:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

19:26, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Hahaha....I will wait until you have a break

19:34, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U can write me, please write if u want ) I just will answer not immediately )

19:34, 9 Dec - buzz3884: OK gorgeous 

19:39, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I think I should add to the conversation we had a little earlier about australian girls......I never have expected to meet a virgin girl....just....I think most girls like yourself have more respect for themselves and their bodies. Hope it makes sense

19:48, 9 Dec - buzz3884: And another thing that is kind of worrying is girls here use the emergency contraceptive pill like they are lollies....I think it is why so many couples cant concieve naturally....the amount of people who have to use IVF is going through the roof

19:49, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I just like honest and trusting girl....and I have found she

19:51, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I am going to get some more milk....yummm....milkshakes

19:51, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what is emergency contraceptives?  Is it one pill,  which u eat after sex?  Not regularly but occasionally?

19:53, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah....you can take it up to 72 hours after unprotected sex.....it handed out like lollies here

19:54, 9 Dec - buzz3884: It cant be good for the body

19:59, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I think it 2 pills

19:59, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: i know what are u talking about  It's very bad for health, the essence of this pill,  is that it's big dose of hormone, normally it's recommended not use this pill oftener than once a year!!!  I have  never used it,  but I have read about it. It's not for regular.  And why they don't use condoms? )) stupid girls 

20:02, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Not many people use condoms here....more convenient to go on birth control pill....the one they take everyday.....just life here....it why HIV on the rise

20:03, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: wow!

20:04, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It can't be true!  It's crazy!  How do u know??  People tell each other about such personal things?????

20:05, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I dont believe in these pills...just cant be good for the body and not 100% safe....well nothing is

20:06, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Dont worry.......I always been safe....even more so in last couple of years haha

20:07, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????

20:10, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah........we pretty open here about sex......there has been big push to make condoms free. But most guys and girls make excuses.....it feels better without them, to hard to use, they break and so on

20:11, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Free condoms? ))was this big push successful? ))

20:12, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: are they so expensive here,  that some of men don't buy it because of price???

20:12, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Even I am surprised how many people take the risk.....they think nothing will happen to them

20:13, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Last time I looked about $8 box of 6 but that was long time ago

20:15, 9 Dec - buzz3884: No....they not free....actually very expensive if need to buy them late at night at convenience store.

20:15, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ))))))

20:15, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In Russia it's about the same price

20:15, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Even more expensive )))

20:16, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Do they have the birth control pill there? The one that is taken daily?

20:17, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: of course )

20:17, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Many use them

20:20, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You use pill?

20:21, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Sorry just read your other message

20:23, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't use. I used for a year,  but started getting fat and stopped using 

20:23, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Many christians here dont believe in any kind of birth control at all??

20:24, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You.....fat.....never

20:25, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Was there a reason you went on pill?) Or just for convenience?))

20:24, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will go on working)

20:26, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What reason could it be?

20:27, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Just some take because of medical reasons

20:28, 9 Dec - buzz3884: My sister had to take them because of heavy period....sounds yuck but yeah

20:28, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no it was just for convenience,  but almost all doctors advice here to use them, it's good for health from their point of view

20:32, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Good por their pockets

20:33, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:34, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We should stop talking about sex,  until I went from work,  I can't concentrate on work ?? another time - it's ok 

20:34, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Hahaha

20:34, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's true!!!!!

20:36, 9 Dec - buzz3884: ????????????????

20:41, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You havent gone without for over 2 years??????

20:55, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Hopefully one day my actions will speak louder than my words????????????

20:59, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, 2 years it's much,  but  half a year is very  hard too.... maybe even harder because you remember more  clearly ??????????

21:02, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Hahahaha

21:04, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will admit it has been hard but deep down I know it will be worthwhile in the end I am a born again virgin??

21:05, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I am cruel.....I should let you work..........you might draw something you shouldnt if you have sex on your mind??????????

21:08, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will let you work

21:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????

21:25, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I can draw something ??????

21:30, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I promise I wont tease you about sex anymore

21:33, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: at least when I am working )))

21:34, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Hahaha

21:35, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will talk about something else

21:36, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would promise u the same,  but I never promise anything,  if I am not sure for 100% that I can  keep my promise ??

21:36, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe......I dont know.......how about you tell me of where you would like to see your life in 5 years time.......what you would like?

21:38, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh, it's interesting question ) u know the main things,  which I want - it's family,  but more details I will give u a little bit later ))))

21:38, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u for changing subject of conversation,  I will work and think about it )))

21:39, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Haha you make me smile on the inside......has been a long time since anyone made me feel this good

21:40, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:43, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Five years ago.....if someone asked me about marriage and kids I would have said no way......now...I often think about it.....like there is void in my life.....and I need to fill it to be happy

21:46, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:48, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I have also met some interesting people in my time......most much older. I remember one dear friend......he was a former british sas and MI6..... i met him in his final years here. He had some interesting theories.....especially on USA

21:53, 9 Dec - buzz3884: My best friend was bosnian special forces and my other good friend was a navy clearance diver.....bit like underwater special forces

21:55, 9 Dec - buzz3884: And this may sound strange but for some reason I have always got along better with people from Balkan nations than I do Australians.....and now find I somehow relate to Russians aswell

21:56, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe it is because people in you wonderful part of the world are upfront and tell things like they are....unlike here....many people say one thing but inside mean something totally different

22:06, 9 Dec - buzz3884: And as girly as it may sound......I get this warm fuzzy feeling inside when I think of you............thinking of out of millions of girls in the world, I could find one so....well.....gorgeous, but also have similar views and values......it is like I have won the lottery

22:27, 9 Dec - buzz3884: You are back 

22:31, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I just fed the possums we have here....they are friendly I would have taken photo but they only come in the dark

22:43, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I am still trying to get my head around this visa thing for people moving here......maybe it is a little late for my brain to be working hard haha??

22:48, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I cant work our government out.....They allow muslims by the boat load to land here illegally and give them houses and money but people who are educated and want to contribute.....they have to jump through so many hoops

22:50, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I am going to get the legislation and see if there is a way to circumvent it??????

22:50, 9 Dec - buzz3884: See if I can find loop hole to exploit

22:53, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I guess I can say that I often dont follow the masses.....I like to explore the boundaries....and see how far they can be pushed??

22:59, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will be back.....just going to make cup of tea

23:03, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I forgot to ask the other day......your parents only let you leave Russia if married first?

23:21, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I hope you day is going quickly........but even I know work drags on and on........I am amazed you work long hours.....it unheard of here but when I was doing my trade certificate I would often work 60-70 hours per week...

23:26, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I want to know what your friends think too....about your wish to maybe live and work abroad and have family

23:26, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I just hope to learn everything about you....even if it takes a lifetime

23:29, 9 Dec - buzz3884: It is going to take you forever and a day to catch up on all my questions??

23:31, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u want find hole in immigration laws there? )) I think it's impossible )

23:32, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I always thought that people,  who come illegally on boats are catched and taken to prison ore back to homeland....

23:32, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I will find one haha......I am good at finding a way to solve problems

23:35, 9 Dec - buzz3884: There is no such thing as a problem only solutions

23:36, 9 Dec - buzz3884: Not in australia.....the muslims cry that they are refugees and government believes them.....it sux

23:47, 9 Dec - buzz3884: 

23:52, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My parents only don't want me to spend several years of my life  for legal immigration process,  for getting permanent visa.  they now how hard it is and they don't want me wasting best young years of my life for it.  Moreover they are afraid me being alone in foreign country without any support

23:55, 9 Dec - buzz3884: From our communication, I get the impression you would really like to live abroad.......maybe like is not strong enough word......

23:56, 9 Dec - buzz3884: I think its stupid how long they make people wait..........

23:58, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: my friend who is planning to move there is doing all this things for immigration already 1.5 year

23:59, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And he isn't sure actually about getting visa.

23:59, 9 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And he had money for starting this process

00:01, 10 Dec - buzz3884: There has to be easier way......I will find......

00:01, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: He has immigration agent  who lives in Australia,  he paid already about  10 000 $ for this. And it's not all money he should pay,  it will be 5  000$ more, I suppose,

00:02, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Wow. Why so much?

00:02, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Yet asians can bring family here easy.....it so stupid

00:02, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Why do u want find easier way?  I thought u are serious about starting family with girl from abroad.....

00:04, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Oh I am......just I like things to happen quick.....government soooo slow

00:05, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I just think it should be equal for everyone but asians and muslims get preferential treatment

00:06, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I just curious if I can find a way to use the system legally in my favour

00:08, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will look at immigration law in detail on weekend I actually wanted to be a lawyer but I cant do the whole office thing

00:12, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Please dont think I am not serious........I am.....

00:12, 10 Dec - buzz3884: More than words will even explain

00:14, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Skilled Independent visa (subclass 189) - http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/189.aspx

00:15, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Here is full information about immigration.  189 visa is what everybody want to get for moving to Australia

00:16, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will look shortly.......most asians that come here marry an australian.....they are definately not skilled

00:20, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course.  They don't need be skilled!

00:21, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is silly........asians frustrate me

00:22, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I just get frustrated with red tape here as its called

00:24, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will wait until you finish then we can chat

00:24, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I dont want to distract you although I have been doing just that all day????????

00:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: me correctly about all this stuff about visas

00:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have feeling that u didn't understood c

00:34, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I have drunk 6 litres milk today

00:34, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I do......it just when I looked there is sooo many types of visa??

00:35, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tell me please,  do u think Asians have preference in comparison with Russian people because they can be not skilled to marry Australian citizens?

00:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: How do you mean?

00:37, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I do know that from people I have known that the government streamlined the visa process for people from mainly Thailand.......

00:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe I come across a little harsh and out of context?))

00:41, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Sorry if I have upset you

00:43, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I know visa process can be long......I was just trying to say that maybe a loop hole could be found to speed up the process

00:45, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ok,  there are 2 different ways to immigrate - first way - u are skilled,  u prove this, u pay a lot of money,  u wait several years and u get visa. This way all people have equal chances,  it's no matter are u Asian ore Russian, who gets more points,  that person gets visa. Other way - marriage with Australian citizen. This way u don't need be skilled,  u don't need have diploma ore work experience,  u don't need wait for several years.  It's much more simple way.  So if u are seeking for serious relationship with girl from abroad and want marriage and family,  u need not even think about all these immigration difficulties, u need not read this site,  only if u are just interested to explore your intellect 

00:47, 10 Dec - buzz3884: you saved me alot of reading.....I will be honest...I never thought too much of visa process....just wanted to find someone like you and deal with visa side later

00:48, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I guess I took for granted the fact I just flash my passport and through customs I go

00:49, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:50, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: As result of my speech - if u marry somebody from abroad,  your partner can move immediately without any difficulties.

00:51, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I do want serious relationship....I do want marriage....I do want childrenmost of all I really hope its with you we still have much to learn about each other but I cant stop thinking of you

00:51, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I thought your speech was cool

00:57, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I probably  shouldn't tell u so much about all this immigration stuff, as all this doesn't regard u,   I thought u just could be interested in how it works in your country,  for u it's simple,  that's all u should know )

00:58, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Really though......if I marry abroad, wife can move straight away?))

00:58, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I like your insight. I appreciate it

01:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I always interested it helps me see everything from your perspective

01:01, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, if u marry girl from abroad,  your wife can move next day

01:02, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Actually you speech was sexy in a direct, telling me how it is way????????

01:04, 10 Dec - buzz3884: What about if marry girl here....whilst she maybe on holiday?

01:10, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe you could be immigration lawyer????

01:12, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u mean merry Russian girl in Australia,  within she is on holiday in Australia?

01:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah......just curious

01:14, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am not sure where marriage should take place in Australia ore in Russia )

01:14, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My English is starting )

01:15, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Ok talk to you soon

01:17, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will stay awake.....if you like to talk later?

01:18, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No, don't stay awake,  I will be free only in 3 hours ore more

01:20, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u have sleep and we can talk tomorrow,  when I will be on my way t work )))

01:20, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wish u sweet dreams,  I feel guilty about u don't sleep enough 

01:21, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Can you message me when finished.....if awake I will stay awake.....I really enjoy talking. I will be getting ready for work in three hours anyway

01:22, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ok,  I will write u ))

01:23, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Ok gorgeous.....talk soon

01:24, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:30, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe we can skype tomorrow?))

02:11, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Hi gorgeous....I cant sleep.....I have too much energy.....ever since last night????

02:12, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Hope your concentrating in class?????? I can guarantee I will still be up later??

02:22, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am online because using dictionary on my phone often ))

02:24, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are crazy staying up so late ??

02:37, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Hahaha

02:37, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can be your dictionary

02:38, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u definitely should do some physical training before sleeping ??????????

02:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ????????????

02:39, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I dont like doing it myself

02:40, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????

02:41, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: There are so many new words today...

02:41, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My brain is shocked ))

02:44, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: about tomorrow,  I will have sport training after work and in Wednesday English again....

02:51, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

02:55, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We will talk on Saturday ore maybe Friday?

02:55, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want talking to u,  but I am afraid about my poor  English ((

02:57, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I now I only need practice,  and if we will talk regulary,  I will talk fluently soon, but now....  I am afraid u could be  disappointed on me (((

02:57, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Seriously its ok......girl from kazakhstan new very little but we used to talk for hours......your english much better so will be fine

03:02, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I could never be disappointed......if I am to be honest I love a heavy Russian accent....true

03:04, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is something that I knew and thought about before looking in Russia but the little bit of a language barrier doen not bother me....honest

03:16, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I like the person you are.....I never want you to feel you have to change......I adore you as you are

03:19, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u ))

03:21, 10 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131210-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

03:21, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I got bored so cut my own hair

03:23, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I guarantees me a seat on train or bus........most people intimidated by my haircut alone for some reason. Its just hair........

03:30, 10 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131210-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

03:35, 10 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131210-WA0005.jpg (file attached)

03:35, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like your haircut)

03:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it looks real men )))

03:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My tenth milkshake

03:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmmm.....milk shake

03:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: In Australia if you have haircut like mine people assume I am Neo Nazi or white supremicist ??......people love to stereotype each other

03:41, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Who is Neo nazi?

03:41, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U like to attract attention to u?  Because your haircut does )

03:42, 10 Dec - buzz3884: No I dont like attention....seriously.....but I get it because of my hair

03:42, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what's with your hair? )))

03:43, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Neo Nazi is like the white power groups that emerged out of germany......after the fall of the 3rd Reich

03:44, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Why do I cut it like this?

03:45, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Just to be a little different I guess

03:48, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like it ) really )

03:50, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will think of something different for my hair soon

04:46, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You still awake?

04:47, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am still on my way home ))

04:47, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Did u get up?

04:47, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah)))))

04:50, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Today u will sleep after work instead of talking and I will work

04:50, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Haha

04:51, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I seriously don't understand how u hold on.... I start thinking u are supermen,  without jokes

04:51, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes )

04:52, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I always seeing adds on tv here to stop premature ejaculation......apparently it is common in this country......

04:53, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What is common?  Watching porno on tv? ??

04:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Haha....no just adds for clinic to help stop man from....well.....??

04:56, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Is problem I dont have I can control mywelf

05:00, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow!  Is it like self education? )) tv course "how to be long and strong? " 

05:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah haha??

05:02, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I never have this trouble.......it easy to control

05:03, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually I think that every problem could be solved together,  I don't think  nothing bad if it happens, there could be many reasons,  especially if u had long break,  for me it doesn't mean anything.  Of course if it's not every time )

05:03, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Most men hopeless????

05:03, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really? ))

05:05, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe first time be like fire hose but usually i have control

05:06, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Will see...

05:08, 10 Dec - buzz3884:  you promise?))

05:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u know your words that it never happens with u sound like a challenge,  because sometimes girl can even be pleased if this happens with men for the first time, because she is  thinking,  that she was sooooooo sexy, that men couldn't hold on   and I am Scorpion by astrology,  I like hard challenges, so we will see how I could break your steadfastness ????

05:12, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You could try but I think I will still win??

05:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: But you are welcome to try

05:13, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Haha )) No, I will do my best u lose this game.... 

05:15, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You will still be sexy no matter the outcome.....you think you can win

05:16, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's so strange for me talking to u this way, before we started talk much, honestly I didn't even think about sex for half a year,  inspite of I have many men, surrounding me..  on my work,  and moreover couple friends,  but I still didn't accept them like men..  u know what I am talking about

05:18, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No matter who wins....  but of course I don't give up 

05:18, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You not think your friends man enough?

05:20, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I just would feel bad if I did not let you win??

05:22, 10 Dec - buzz3884: But I know I would push you to brink of exhaustion????

05:22, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No, they are really good men, but girls are not like boys,  they can't want sex with every men only because they haven't had it for a long time.  It's very important to find men, who u like,  I don't know how it works, I think it's because every wish goes from head and heart by girls,  and she can see many naked, beautiful men but she will not any of them, because she feels nothing

05:23, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually I can talk about girls in common,  this speech was about me...

05:24, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

05:25, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Have you ever been disappointed by man before??

05:26, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: disappointed in sex?

05:26, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I dont want sex with every girl.....just I am comfortable talking about it with you

05:27, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah))

05:29, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I like to think I am saving myself....for someone special

05:29, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

05:31, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  I don't want to talking about previous relationship,  especially about so personal details.  I only can say that if men has not disappointed me in his behavior and  attitude to me, he can't disappoint me in sex.

05:32, 10 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok......I respect that....sorry if I pushed boundry too far

05:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course it were better ore worse with different men, but it's not the main thing in relationships

05:34, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And to be really honest,  I had only 3 men in my whole life,  so I haven't made wide research. 

05:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: These are things I am still to learn.....there are many cultural differences to learn and I am sorry if I offended....it is never my intention

05:39, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I was about to say I only has 3 women......you got in first

05:40, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's ok ) I appreciate u are direct with me in any case.  I am just shying a little bit, I know that many girls discuss all details and tell everything to each other about their men and sex with them, I never supported such types of talking,  I always shut up, and my friends stopped asking me about anything for many years ago ?? I just think it's very personal and like sacred between men and women

05:41, 10 Dec - buzz3884: But like anything else I do I am slways trying to be the best........sometimes I have to remind myself not everything is competition

05:41, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Please don't think I am strange,  maybe other Russian girl would talk another things about this things,  it's just me...

05:43, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I appreciate your views..please dont feel bad.....I like how you are honest

05:43, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

05:44, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will go to shower for 10 minutes )

05:44, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Actually.....it is sacred to most Russian girls I spoke with in the past

05:45, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Ok......I will wait

05:47, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Please if I do say something out of line in the future please believeI do not do it with intention to offend.....I am not like that

05:58, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmm....hot shower... it was so relaxing after this cold weather....

05:59, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I like shower......better than bath

06:00, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah,  me too ) bath takes more time,  and it's boring to take it alone 

06:01, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I have never shared bath before

06:02, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just adore water,  I always try to be close to water if I can ??

06:03, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I rather snow than water

06:03, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ??????

06:04, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will see what u talk after meeting snow here ????????

06:04, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I dont go to beach as often now......

06:05, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Water,  ocean,  sea - my favorite words,  though I hate getting sunburn,  I never lie on beach,  only bath 

06:07, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I should sleep....

06:07, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Talk to u tomorrow 

06:07, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Today ))))

06:08, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Ok gorgeous sweet dreams....you kno I always love talking with you

06:08, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Me too 

06:08, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

06:09, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Hope you have warm bed

06:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah,  very warm large bed ))

06:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Two blankets )

06:12, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Cool. I love getting into warm bed on cold night

06:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is easy to warm up than to cool down....I dont like heat at night

06:15, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Me too,  I like soft warm blanket,  but I will not change warm sunny weather to possibility sleep under warm blanket 

06:17, 10 Dec - buzz3884:  you should sleep.....you have to be at work in less than nine hours

06:18, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can't sleep!!!

06:19, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Your fault 

06:19, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am joking ))

06:20, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Next time we will discuss something quite and boring,  like insects ore election ore... I don't know ))

06:20, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You thinking naughty thoughts??

06:21, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah... a little bit...

06:22, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK , not a little bit ??

06:22, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Tell me

06:23, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No )

06:23, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It cant be that bad ??????

06:24, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's not bad, it just doesn't let me sleep 

06:24, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

06:26, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Happy thought atleast you can dream without having to change sheets....its hard for us guys??

06:26, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????????????????

06:26, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like to be a girl ))

06:27, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I think its unfair.....??

06:27, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ha-ha )))))  u are real men, be proud of it )

06:27, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

06:28, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Its hard at times......I will admit that

06:28, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

06:29, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Until I stop talking to u,  I could not keep calm,  we should finish this for tonight

06:29, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Trust me....when we do meet you wont get any rest????

06:30, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know already that u can live without sleeping and be like terminator

06:31, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Scared a little bit 

06:31, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Scared???dont be.....I am gentle

06:32, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would only ever respect your wishes

06:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know ) I mean scared,  it's about I could not  sleep for many days 

06:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

06:33, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I think you would want to sleep for days after

06:34, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: If I will survive ????????

06:34, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am strong actually,  I do sports 

06:34, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You will....I promise

06:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: For me...I only worry you are satisfied....I never make it about me

06:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is what a gentleman does

06:37, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh my God ?? I will not sleep today definitely 

06:37, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am very happy to hear that from u 

06:39, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would start by softly kissing your neck....

06:40, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: AAAAAAA!!!  don't even start!!!  It is  killing me...... ????????

06:40, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My arms holding you tightly from behind

06:41, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Actually u already have choosed my favorite place for kissing )))how do u know??? 

06:42, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Please..... stop.... I can't be calm...

06:42, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My favourite too......I bet it makes you go weak at the knees

06:43, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no, no, no.... please

06:44, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can just imagine my hands caressing your silky smooth legs....

06:46, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My heart started beating too often....

06:46, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really

06:47, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Then my hand make there way up .............

06:48, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's already too hot for me under two blankets,  lie naked on the top of them.....

06:49, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would gently carry you to the bed......lay you down

06:50, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I hope I will not be heavy for u...

06:50, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Though from picture u sent me,  u have strong arms

06:50, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

06:51, 10 Dec - buzz3884: By now you have lost all sense of control....your breathing deep and erratic......

06:52, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: from your actions?  What do u do with me....

06:52, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would be tender and gentle,

06:52, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I breath now this way already  ..

06:53, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am sure u will....

06:55, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U tease me... and stop...  tricky...

06:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would make love to you like you have never experienced.......

06:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh my God...

06:57, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Your toes would curl.....you whole body would quiver as I thrust myself inside

06:58, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes...

06:59, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's bad saying this, but I am already wet...

07:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: As you breaths become more erratic and your moans grow in volume I would push harder and harder, faster and faster

07:01, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmmm.......

07:01, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Until you reach an allconsuming climax

07:02, 10 Dec - buzz3884: But my job is not done

07:02, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really??

07:04, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am about open the window in my room and freeze to keep calm ore starting  right now.....  u understood what I mean.....

07:06, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would be ready for rounnd two......it would start the same way....I would gently, oh so gently be kissing your neck again,occasionally every so softly biting it

07:07, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: mmmm.....please stop... have pity on me...

07:08, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I definitely know I will adore how u biting my neck...

07:08, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Deep down you dont want it to stop))

07:09, 10 Dec - buzz3884: There are sooo many things I would like to do for you

07:09, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I don't want...u stop.... sorry.....

07:09, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is just matter of establishing boundaries

07:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah...

07:11, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wish u were here now and feel what u did with me now....

07:12, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can only imagine..but I would not stop there

07:13, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Aufff...  OK, I will try to forget about it and stay quite

07:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Would you object to me using my tongue?

07:14, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I hate u!!!

07:14, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am joking...

07:15, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I do want u use it.....

07:15, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My hands can only do so much

07:16, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe u will not use tongue... I start worry about my sheets here ??

07:17, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Oh....if I could be there thing would get messy

07:17, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah...  it looks like things could be crazy...

07:19, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I do it all for you....even if I dont finish myself.....

07:20, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want to help u finish....I could do it different ways...

07:21, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

07:21, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My lips would kiss u every place u want......

07:23, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Anywhere?

07:23, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yeah...  anywhere.....

07:24, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will obey u....

07:25, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I only want pleasure for you

07:25, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ))

07:26, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U give me pleasure already.....right now....

07:27, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You know.......it would get really messy......because i wait so long

07:28, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u mean right now?  ore in common....

07:29, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u feel anything writing all this for me?

07:29, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It would be shame for it to go to waste

07:30, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Definately)))))

07:30, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really?

07:30, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How much?

07:30, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Like you could not believe

07:31, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmm.....

07:31, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am glad that not only me suffer right now ??????

07:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We can stop,  I am not so cruel ))

07:33, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would love to be there and finish......deep inside

07:35, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh......  yeah... I know u will be very deep.... I will feel every part of u .....every body cell...

07:35, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I just dreaming.......what it would be like...

07:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: .........

07:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I want to know how it feels...without rubber

07:38, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u will once.....

07:39, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Once?

07:39, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ......

07:40, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, when it will be right moment

07:41, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You would allow?

07:42, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can't predict,  now I would  use condoms definitely,  I don't want children right now )))

07:43, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ))

07:44, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I have never known feeling naturally

07:45, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it should happen only with special person....

07:46, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: After time... it's very important step

07:46, 10 Dec - buzz3884: That is why I wait)))

07:46, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

07:48, 10 Dec - buzz3884: But in meantime I can make use of tongue.....to give you pleasure

07:48, 10 Dec - buzz3884: To make your whole body shakeand quiver

07:49, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are unbelievable.... I only started breath quite.....

07:50, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It would be gentle...as always

07:51, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: mmmmm......do u like doing this, ore it's just for me??

07:51, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean using tounge

07:51, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tongue... sorry

07:51, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Just for you.....never anyone else

07:51, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really??

07:52, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So u haven't done it before??

07:52, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore u will not do it with anybody else....

07:53, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is something I would only do for person I wanted to be with for life

07:53, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

07:54, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would do for you....I am .....I dont know how to say it

07:54, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I should be honest... I never felt climax by men  using tongue...

07:54, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And being inside too....

07:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You never had at all?? I promise I will change that for you))

07:56, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You are missing out....I will make it up to you

07:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I had it. But not the way I always wanted

07:57, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Only by yourself?

07:58, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No....  by men. Hands

07:58, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: There are many things u should teach me,  I suppose...

07:59, 10 Dec - buzz3884: )) to me...men should not finish before woman

07:59, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I just show you love))

08:00, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I want u showing me everything....

08:01, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I just want you to be happy and I will do whatever it takes to ensure you are happy

08:02, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I never have sex for my satisfaction.....I only seek to satisfy you))

08:03, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U already do...  I never had such type of conversation with men... and never had sex by phone ore I don't know...... u definitely  influence me ..

08:04, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I hope only influence in good way))

08:05, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I always thought being good girl about myself,  and with u I feel I am bad girl now...  how do u think is it bad influence? )

08:06, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You know...for me....the most important part of sex is immediately after.....it is when man should hold girl...reassure her that she is beautiful....kiss her gently....tell her she is loved))))))........not roll over and sleep as many men do

08:07, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You are not bad......we are only human......we have desires

08:08, 10 Dec - buzz3884: To me you will always be gorgeous

08:08, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

08:09, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like every word u tell me...  if everything,  what do u tell is truth,  I am happy..

08:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Even being here in cold,  so far from  u,  I feel happy now )

08:10, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I promise swear on my grandmothers grave)

08:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

08:11, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I should wake up in 4.5 hours....

08:11, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am soooo sorry for keeping you up

08:11, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will probably try to sleep for the 100 time ????????

08:12, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

08:13, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No, it's better than sleep

08:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Will you wake in time? I can call to make sure you rise on time

08:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will do better tonight

08:15, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No thank  u , I have 15  alarm clocks every 2 minutes ????????

08:15, 10 Dec - buzz3884: If you like more?

08:15, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like more, yes......

08:16, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Ok....I wouldnt mind

08:16, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Even now, I understand that I should sleep,  I like more 

08:16, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will be better prepared......

08:17, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

08:18, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I suppose I could tell you how I would slowly move my kisses from your neck down your chest

08:18, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh yes....

08:18, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Gently biting your belly on the way down to your thigh

08:19, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would slowly kiss the inside of your thigh

08:20, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Making my way across the top to the other side....

08:20, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmmm........

08:21, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would ever so gently bite you

08:21, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Slowly working my tongue up inside.......

08:22, 10 Dec - buzz3884: As it gets slippery I would explore deeper and deeper

08:23, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: if u continue,  i would answer u what i will do and it will be quite indecent ...

08:23, 10 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok))))

08:24, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U can't imagine what I am doing now....

08:24, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore u can......

08:24, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would continue.....my tongue moving quicker.....I can feel it getting tense

08:25, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Enlighten me)))))

08:26, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I hope for you to wrap your legs around me as you grow more and more tense.....

08:27, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just touch myself and imagine u are doing this....

08:27, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Just imagine it is my tongue

08:28, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah,  I do  .....

08:29, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It is so sensual...

08:29, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Your legs grip tighter and tighter as I work my tongue as deep and fast as I can

08:30, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can hear your moans and feel you get so tense.....

08:30, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will Cummings soon in your dreams if u continue....

08:31, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I work my tounge faster

08:31, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Deeper

08:31, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Auffff......

08:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah......

08:32, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can sense you are close

I keep going

08:32, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is sooo wet.....your whole body quivering

08:33, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Your legs get so tight....

08:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am really close....

08:33, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I push my tounge as deep as i can..

08:34, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Biting softly

08:35, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I push deep

08:35, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ... I want to kiss your body and feel your tense...

08:35, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My tounge working so hard......it feels so good

08:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U can stop it already,  I just can't hold anymore...

08:37, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is like a river.....

08:37, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I feel you get tense one last time

08:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: All of a sudden you collapse.....

08:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Your body drained of energy

08:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You release your grip on my tongue....

08:39, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah,  it is so great....

08:40, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I gently kis you

08:40, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: had we kiss on lips with each other today's???

08:40, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I kiss your inner thigh before making may back up

08:41, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I finally kiss you on the lips.....and whisper three magic words in your ear

08:42, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

08:42, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am on the top....

08:42, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I feel so good....

08:42, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are the best.....

08:44, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ))))))))

08:45, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I want you even more

08:45, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller:  It's hard....

08:46, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am hard??

08:46, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really?  Right now? )

08:47, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah......at work...i am hiding in toilet

08:48, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ahaha.... if I was there,  I would kissing u softly on our neck and moving down.....

08:48, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Very slowly....

08:49, 10 Dec - buzz3884: )) i want you bad

08:50, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u sure that u want me bad and not bed? ????????????

08:50, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am kissing your stomach....

08:50, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I want you in bed....to show you love

08:51, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Mmmmmm

08:52, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You are bad girl.....one i really like

08:53, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And my hands are scratching gently your back, while I kiss u below...

08:53, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am going to cum just thinking about it....

08:53, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I see him, he is so hard...

08:54, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So tempting.....

08:55, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want to try it.....slowly from the top....

08:55, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My tongue is warm and soft,  I move very slowly,  very carefully.....

08:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Oh god...

08:56, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am so worked up

08:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I touch u with tip of my tongue...

08:57, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I tease u....

08:57, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Ahhhh)))))

08:57, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I still don't take it into my mouth....

08:57, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: He is getting bigger and harder.....

08:58, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ??

08:59, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I move my tongue from start to the end...

09:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Sashaaaa

09:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am losing control

09:00, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I lick every square santimeter of your penis....

09:01, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Very softly....

09:01, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u want more and more....

09:02, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Aaahhh

09:03, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am going to blow....just the thought....

09:03, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I lick your penis...

09:03, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's soooo sweet.....

09:04, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I take them into my mouth....

09:04, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And start moving....

09:05, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I move my lips from the top and below...

09:05, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh, God....

09:06, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I start moving faster...

09:06, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Dont stop))

09:06, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I hold him with my hand, he is like a stone...

09:07, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I feel your tense....

09:07, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I feel u want me so much....

09:07, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I keep licking him  ..

09:07, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Faster.....

09:08, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I compress him gently with  my lips...

09:08, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have beautiful soft lips...

09:09, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Sasha....its so good

09:09, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I move with my mouth alone him...

09:09, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I adore it...

09:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like to see u are losing control..

09:10, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am....

09:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Your breath is hot and quick.....

09:11, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I softly touch u.... your back,  your breast,  ....

09:11, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And he is still in my mouth.....

09:11, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can feel it tingling...

09:13, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can stop for a while to watch in your eyes,  they are closed,  and I continue to lick him...

09:14, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: He is deep inside my mouth....

09:14, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is hard to control

09:14, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can feel the whole your penis...

09:14, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like him...

09:14, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's so sweet.... mmmmm.....

09:15, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I going to cum any minute

09:15, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like to suck him...

09:16, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I feel u are coming..

09:16, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Yesssss

09:17, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can feel pulsation of your penis..

09:17, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It is so hard


09:18, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Oohhhh sasha

09:18, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want to taste it...

09:18, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want to see how u cum on my breast...

09:19, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ...on my face.....

09:19, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like to make u feel wonderful....

09:19, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It will drown you

09:20, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah...  it's what I want....

09:20, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Oh its there

09:21, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmm.... I wish I was there...

09:22, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Next time I will tell u how I want u come into me....

09:23, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Tell me now)))))

09:23, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Now?  No, u finished...

09:23, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U finished?

09:24, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No?

09:24, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can go again

09:24, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no, it's enough for today 

09:25, 10 Dec - buzz3884: How you mean come into me?)

09:26, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Noway!  I wrote u come into me ))

09:26, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah....how you mean?)))

09:26, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How?

09:27, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Just slowly and gently.....

09:27, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Very slowly but until the end.....

09:28, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think I could be a virgin again if I will wait for a long time  as u..... so u should be very careful.....

09:29, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Very soft....

09:29, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????????

09:29, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Deep inside

09:30, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah... deep....

09:30, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Moving slowly and kissing....

09:31, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's if we are face to face of course....

09:31, 10 Dec - buzz3884: )))))

09:31, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would be so gentle

09:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u holding me in your strong big hands....

09:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's crazy.....

09:33, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would hold you tight

09:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes....  this is what I want.....

09:34, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Whisper sweet things in your ear

09:34, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And don't let me be less close....

09:34, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

09:34, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I adore it.....

09:35, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would move slowly...gently

09:35, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would gently bite your lips

09:35, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh, ......

09:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: .........

09:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would sit on you and start moving very slowly...

09:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would run my fingers up your side

09:37, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would hold you closer

09:37, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah...

09:38, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How do  u feel being inside?

09:38, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Deep inside?...

09:39, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Soooo goood

09:39, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I feel your power,  tense.......

09:39, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u moving faster.....

09:40, 10 Dec - buzz3884: But I am still gentle

09:40, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is so good......so deep

09:40, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I see your  body and it's so good that so strong men could be so gently...

09:41, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I feel your tenderness

09:41, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am so exited now..

..so wet...

09:42, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Your skin is so soft

09:42, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes....

09:43, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Your lips are so soft

09:43, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want I stay and  u come from back.....

09:44, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And come into me from back.....

09:44, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Still getntly....holding you tight

09:44, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U can hold me very close.... very tight....

09:45, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I feel him even more...

He is deep inside me...

09:45, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U hold my breast.....

09:45, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is so wet

09:46, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And kiss my neck .....

09:46, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I have to hold myself back...

09:46, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah..... u can't imagine how wet I am now...


09:47, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is hard not to cum but I pull myself back and kiss you passionately

09:48, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are patient....

09:48, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I run my hands through your hair

09:49, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah...  I have very long hair...

09:49, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can feel you getting tense

09:50, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I bent staying back to u...

09:51, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U see my waist very well..

09:51, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I think to myself.....you are the one

09:51, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U keep moving... harder... faster.....

09:51, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I kiss your neck again

09:52, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah...

09:52, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh God...

09:52, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What do u feel now )

09:52, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I thrust harder

09:52, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can feel my body getting tense

09:53, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u thrust harder.... it's so good.....

09:53, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I push harder and deeper

09:54, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Faster and further

09:54, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My body getting so tense

09:54, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I moan... louder....

09:55, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are so hard inside me.....

09:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I feel you clamp down harder as i thrust

09:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I want to explode

09:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Me too...

09:56, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I bite down harder on your neck

09:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I barely can breath....

09:56, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I push harder

09:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah


09:57, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Continue......

09:57, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I grab you tightly

09:57, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can hardly breath

09:57, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I push soo hard

09:58, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: If I even don't have air,  it doesn't matter... I am losing control..

09:58, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You get so tense......I try hard to stop myself

09:58, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: don't stop yourself..

09:58, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can feel you want it

09:59, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmm....I want it....

09:59, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I thrust one last time

09:59, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I cant hold it....

09:59, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u finish inside me...

10:00, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And hold me tightly...

10:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I come so hard I cant move

10:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I hold you soo tight as I release

10:00, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it about what  really happens now? ))

10:01, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

10:01, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My body relaxes...I lay you down gently.....stroking your hair

10:02, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

10:02, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Holding you sooo close...not wanting to let go

10:02, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I tell you how special you are

10:02, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will not go....

10:03, 10 Dec - buzz3884: How important you are

10:03, 10 Dec - buzz3884: How I never want to lose you

10:04, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I run my fingers up your side

10:04, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just kiss u smiling.... I am very close to u...

10:05, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I hold you tight.....never wanting to let go

10:05, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Because I know I never want you to go

10:05, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: how could u know....

10:06, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I hold you until you sleep

10:06, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Then hold you somemore

10:06, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

10:07, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You look so beautiful asleep........n

10:07, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

10:07, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I kiss you goodnight

10:08, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

10:08, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Then just lay there.......thinking how great you are

10:08, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I almost sleep....

10:09, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How are u? )

10:09, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Sleep gorgeous

10:09, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How do u feel? )

10:09, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am great

10:09, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hope nobody found u )

10:09, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK, I will sleep....

10:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Talk to u soon

10:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

10:10, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am tired but never tired of you

10:10, 10 Dec - buzz3884: you are so gorgeous

10:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

10:11, 10 Dec - buzz3884: We can continue tonight

10:12, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's simple to offer this being supermen... and I am little weak girl... I would dye if I won't sleep this night too


10:12, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

10:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Thats ok

14:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning 

14:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I received your message ) I slept well and feel perfect ??????

16:24, 10 Dec - buzz3884: That is great...............I slept a little after work

16:26, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

16:29, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I forgot to mention...did you know a guy is most honest after climax......it is true they did a study....anything a guy says in the 4-5 mins after climax is the truth......

16:29, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Just thought I would mention

16:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really?  I never heard about it.....

16:32, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will find article for you

16:33, 10 Dec - buzz3884: How is work?

16:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's fine )))

16:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Much work but I feel great ))

16:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u in my lunch break 

16:34, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore, if u will sleep it's OK

16:34, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Ok Gorgeous

16:34, 10 Dec - buzz3884: No...I want to talk

16:35, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

16:35, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I feel on top of the world

17:15, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I just hope that what went on earlier do not affect things

17:27, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I feel guilty for keeping you up?? you are a busy person

17:30, 10 Dec - buzz3884: But I have no regrets

17:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have no regrets too....if I would come back to past,  I wouldn't change anything.....

17:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

17:34, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Though u am busy,  I set priority.....u are important

17:35, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

17:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I still have feeling of euphoria....it is great

17:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would not change a thing.....you are so important to me too

17:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

17:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am glad........I had to explain why I took soooo long in toilet haha.........

17:40, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????

17:41, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What did u say?  The 11th milkshake was excess? ????????????

17:46, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ??????????????

18:04, 10 Dec - buzz3884: There was enough for milkshake........seriously if it had been in person I think you would still be cleaning up????????

18:22, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh my God,  how could u vulgarize the word " milkshake "!!!!??????????I always take it when go to the cinema.... I will remember u everytime ??????

18:23, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ??????????????????

18:23, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I could go round 3

18:27, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I just hope you remember me in good way

18:53, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know u in good way )

18:54, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Round 3 and your colleagues will send somebody for u to check how are u )))

18:55, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U stopped in time 

18:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ????????

18:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I didnt want too....I coule easily gone again

18:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am impressed )

18:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And I do want milkshake 

18:57, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: In good sense 

19:03, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have lunch )

19:04, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We will have disco party here in office for new year ????????

19:05, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can't imagine what it will be.... they said that we should wear certain  costumes,  like disco style 

19:05, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's crazy working place ????????

19:07, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You are impressed?))

19:08, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They asked us to write down our wishes for party,  I wrote - chocolate fountain )))

19:08, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: They told me that it's too expensive 

19:08, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Greedy people

19:08, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Ask for milkshakes??????

19:09, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ha-ha ))) I already know who I will ask for them.....

19:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: i am sure , Your milkshakes are out of competition ????????

19:10, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Are you at your desk?

19:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes ))

19:11, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I wish i was invisible.....I would be under said desk.......

19:12, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:12, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Every so lightly running my hands all over

19:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Softly.....oh so softly kissing you leg

19:13, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I suppose u are at home, yeah? 

19:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My breath cold

19:14, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Gently biting on our calf

19:14, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah

19:15, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's bad idea,  I am at work and u teasing me......  

19:15, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My fingers tracing there was down your stomach

19:15, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh, my God....

19:16, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I move up your leg.......to your supple inner thigh

19:17, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: please......

19:17, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is soft to the touch.........gently kissing

19:17, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Don't.....

19:17, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My hand reaches your underwear..........

19:18, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Slowly I slide them down

19:18, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ...........

19:19, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u taunting me???

19:19, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Revealing a most sacred place

19:19, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ....please.... next time when I will be invisible here..

19:20, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I move across from your thigh.......you are aroused

19:20, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I gently kiss

19:21, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I bite down softly......

19:21, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, I am aroused....

19:21, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: But it's bad place for this.....

19:22, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I chew softly......it is wet......my tongue slowly.....

19:23, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Begins to explore......you juices are flowing.....

19:23, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh...God.....

19:24, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I flick your clit with my tongue....

19:24, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: mmmmm........

19:24, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Then softly bite

19:25, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Holding it gently with my teeth.....

19:26, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: .....

19:26, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My tongue explores deeper....all the while my hands gently caress you inner thighs

19:26, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are so bad......

19:26, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You want to moan.....but cant

19:27, 10 Dec - buzz3884: While my tongue explores every squre centimeter of you

19:27, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I move it fast then slow....

19:28, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: The whole body...???

19:28, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I explore deeper inside you

19:29, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah.... it's so good...

19:29, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I bite down softly on your clit

19:30, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I withdraw my tongue and grab you firmly.......

19:31, 10 Dec - buzz3884: And gently lay you down on your desk

19:31, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u hard now....?  I want to be there and see....

19:31, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I kiss you softly whilst I slide into you

19:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ......I can't keep calm....

19:32, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I hold your hands outstreched

19:33, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Gently pinning you to the desk

19:33, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I bite your neck whilst pushing deeper

19:34, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I start slow

19:34, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: oh......what are u doing with me....

19:35, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I want you to feel every thrust

19:35, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Your fingers clench tight

19:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I push harder and faster

19:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Kissing you softly

19:37, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I slow it down

19:37, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My breath in sync with yours

19:37, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u do it so good.....

19:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I push soo deep

19:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You tense up

19:39, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Again I softly bite your neck

19:39, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I speed up......

19:40, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can feel your body spuirm

19:40, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I push harder deeper faster

19:40, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Auffff.....

19:41, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes....don't stop.......

19:41, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I kiss you gently

19:41, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Whilst looking deep into your eyes

19:42, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I sense you are close

19:42, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I thrust harder still

19:42, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Tension building inside me

19:43, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My hands grasping yours tightly

19:43, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I always wanted to be at least close when men is inside.....

19:44, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can feel your body tense right up

19:44, 10 Dec - buzz3884: All the while still looking into your eyes

19:45, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You throw your head back

19:45, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I cant hold it no more

19:46, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You dig your nails into my back

19:46, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yesssssss

19:46, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I bite down on your neck as I cant hold no more

19:47, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I push deep one last time as I release

19:48, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I hold you tight whilst juices flow...

19:49, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Our bodies go limp.....

19:49, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I look into you beautiful eyes one last time...

19:50, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's so sweet....

19:50, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I kiss your lips softly

19:50, 10 Dec - buzz3884: And gently bite your ear...

19:51, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Whilst I whisper to yo sweet lovelys

19:52, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I gently pick you up...

19:52, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Sit you back down

19:52, 10 Dec - buzz3884: And kiss you passionately.....

19:53, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u definitely have  talent..... I feel like this happens right now in real life.....

19:53, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Then exit quietly so you can return to work

19:54, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Haha..... return to work ??????????

19:54, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How was it for u?  Tell me....

19:54, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How do u feel...

19:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I cant stop thinking of you

19:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I feel sooo goood

19:55, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I want to be with you in real life

19:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:56, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I imagine what it is like to look deep into your eyes

19:57, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I want to kiss you softly

19:57, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:57, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want this too.... very much....

19:58, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Tell you how special you are

19:58, 10 Dec - buzz3884: How you make me feel so good

19:59, 10 Dec - buzz3884: That I hope you are satisfied

20:00, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u for all these words....

20:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I just want to hold you close

20:01, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Nobody told me  such softly and sensual....

20:01, 10 Dec - buzz3884: And to make you feel like the most precious girl in the world

20:03, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I want you to feel loved, cherished and respected

20:03, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Most of all for you to be happy

20:04, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:04, 10 Dec - buzz3884: To know you make me happy

20:04, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can impress how I am happy to read your messeges now...

20:04, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And always...

20:06, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I only speak the truth

20:08, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I honestly never felt this way before......or been able to express my emotions like this.....you make me feel so comfortable......I am so greatful you have come into my life

20:09, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will let you work gorgeous

20:09, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Talk to u later..

20:10, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It was great...

20:11, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can go again??

20:12, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow..... really..

20:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe when you go to bed

20:15, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I did climax too last three times.....next time will take photo to prove it????????

20:17, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no, please don't send me photo... it's so much for me.. I would prefer to see alive for The first time...

20:18, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ????????????????

20:18, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am serious

20:20, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Ok........but you will be surprised how much come I produce......it kind of scary

20:21, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's good )

20:21, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Nothing scary )

20:21, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Really?

20:22, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think so....

20:24, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it shows u are healthy and strong.. 

20:24, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I dont think you would like so much...especially inside you

20:25, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:25, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Keep calm.... I already like it ))

20:27, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I can only imagine how messy it would be for you....glad I not girl??

20:29, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller:  it's OK,  it's part of u 

20:31, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I think I could only come inside you if you wanted children......there is simply tooo much

20:31, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's correct )

20:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Immediately several children )))

20:33, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I would feel bad to leave such mess....

20:34, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I could almost guarantee you wold get pregnant

20:34, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: actually it's one of things,  which should make u proud

20:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Really?

20:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,  it very good,  from my point of view

20:39, 10 Dec - buzz3884: What about though...say we meet and well things happen and next thing you are expecting child.....is not good for you(

20:42, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: of course,  that's why it's necessary to  use condoms

20:42, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Please,  I should work....

20:44, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I do look foward to day though I dont use one....want to know if it feels different

20:45, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

20:46, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You should work????????????

21:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am looking for that article on men and their brains after sex.....I do know that a man is most honest straight after climax(3-5) mins......but also is most vulnerable.......many guys will not admit this but its true. It is to do with chemicals acting on the brain......thats why i believe if man goes to sleep straight away after sex without a word, it show disrespect.....but that is just me

21:31, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I think you are great.....I am suprised that you are more open about sex (I dont mean this i a bad way) but it is great we can talk about most things openly. Before I met you I read that sex is a subject that is off limits to many Russian girls.....but maybe this applied to previous generations. In many ways I wished I had learned about Russian girls long time ago but I am just glad I met you. If you had not written to me I would never have felt these feelings I have now I can never thank you enough for writing to me in the beginning I am absolutely smitten with you

21:32, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Smitten is word we use here to describe that someone is extremely attracted to someone else....if makes sense

21:36, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Like....cant stop thinking about them or wanting to know more about them.....but not in crazy stalker way??

21:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: My bosses wife joked that I wont shut up about you???? but I never mention our mature conversations....that is only between us

21:52, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Right now......I want to grab you from behind.....hold your waist tightly.......gently pull you hair back.....exposing the soft skin of your neck...and slowly and softly kiss your neck......once......twice....again and again whilst my hands slowly make there way down the front of your pants

21:59, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have meeting now ( I would love answer all your messeges  if I were free I will definitely answer u later

22:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

22:03, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am bad......you are at work.....I should not be sooo cruel......I apologize

22:21, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Hope your meeting is going well

22:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah,  it will finish soon 

22:47, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You have finished?))

22:48, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think u are right,  that if men just goes to sleep straight away after sex, without words Ore showing his girl what she means for him, it hurts because girl feels like she was used and that's all.  It's our nature - always worrying about something,  we always need to hear that we are the only,  the best girls.... I fully agree with your thoughts about this subject,  I haven't expected men being so smart as u understanding things , which other men will not even think about.....

22:50, 10 Dec - buzz3884: It is just my nature.....to me girl comes first....before my needs

22:56, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Men should never be too tired to say to girl that he loves her or how important she is.......affection can be displayed in many ways

23:00, 10 Dec - buzz3884: After all....us men put our faith in chosen girl to be bearers of our children and it just manners to show appreciation

23:04, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About being open in sex.... I only could tell u than it looks like that most Russian girls don't sleep so many men as girls in Australia , that's why maybe u think that we are close in sex ore that it's out of question,  I can tell about every girl here,  but I only know about myself,  Sex isnt out of question for me with u. I like to be open in sex with men, whom I like.... Fact that Russian girls  don't sleep with many men for short time , ore dont want have free relationships, when partners could have somebody on side, doesn't show that we are closed in sex,  ore we are like nuns . We just want save our energy and love for one men.  And with this men girl is open )) I can't tell about everybody,  u should accept,  that everything that I tell u about Russian girls is mostly about me. I repeat u that there are quite different girls Here.  And....I feel aroused talking to u always.... it's mystery for me....I don't know why.... I just have this warm feeling inside me,  even before this evening....

23:08, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I wanted to tell you long ago that I dont trust Australian girls for reasons you say......they cant be faithfull and same with many men here..........I can only devote my feelings and energy to one person...you......I know what its like to be with someone whom is not 100% faithful and it hurts.....I would never wish this experience on anyone

23:11, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I was raised that you can only have one love and that relationships can at times be not so good but I look at my parents and hope that I can too one day have long marriage....it takes hard work and sometimes sacrifice but it is nothing compared to the happiness of marriage

23:12, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:13, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I absolutely love the fact that girls there dont do casual relationships....to me its not right but many will disagree

23:16, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I appreciate that you feel you can be open with me...it means alot

23:19, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Normally I would never share many things that I have with you.....I am just so comfortable

23:21, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: For me it's crazy, but all girls visiting night clubs here,  meet a new men every weekend,  even if not all of them have sex with him immediately,  they kiss.... for me it's awful - every body is drunk,  smoke the whole night,  than meet men,  only ask him about name and start kissing,  on public display....  and to be honest,  I think night club isn't place where it's possible to meet real men, all of men in night club are morons??????

23:25, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I feel same way.....to me how could I trust a girlvif she willing to sleep with me straight away?? It has taken us months of communication to be where we are today....admittadly we did not speak every day to begin with.....but I like how we have slowly learnt more about each other......I know I still have much to learn about you but I like it this way

23:26, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You will never find me at club or pub.....I hate the places

23:29, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes,  I still have thousands of subjects, which I want do discuss with u,  I never will be boring talking to u )

23:29, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

23:30, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I still have many questions aswell......but I keep getting side tracked??????

23:32, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I feel bad I kept you awake this morning

23:32, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I am still a guy??????

23:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: maybe it's of subject,  but I want to have your picture without t shirt 

23:32, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry... my little dream....

23:33, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know I am bad

23:34, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe we can bargain??)

23:36, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Crafty ????

23:37, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ????????

23:37, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No,....  u first )) being without t shirt is absolutely decently...  I am afraid what u could ask

23:37, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:38, 10 Dec - buzz3884: What do you think I will ask???

23:38, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will see u in Skype this week and tell u,  u are crafty face to face 

23:39, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't know 

23:39, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No  negotiations ??????????

23:39, 10 Dec - buzz3884: 

23:40, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: hey!  I am joking )) tell me what u want 

23:40, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will send you soon but I am 15kg lighter than usual.....I feel skinny even though 86kg

23:41, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it doesn't matter for me... honestly

23:41, 10 Dec - buzz3884: What do i get??

23:42, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ??

23:43, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u only can follow my please getting something for exchange.....?

23:44, 10 Dec - buzz3884: How you mean??

23:45, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean do u want something from me as u executed my request?

23:45, 10 Dec - buzz3884: ??????????????

23:46, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I think thats fair trade??

23:47, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what do u want

23:47, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:47, 10 Dec - buzz3884: What do you offer?)))

23:50, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't know...  I haven't thought that it will be trade and I have to offer something,  I thought it's simple for u to send me picture,  that's all . We can escape this deal.

23:51, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will send pic.....I have shower soon

23:51, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Dont be mad

23:53, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Please.........I will send in next hour

23:54, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's OK, but u need not do it if u don't want

23:54, 10 Dec - buzz3884: I will

23:55, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: so, your weight is 85 now, and u lost 15kg for last time?

23:56, 10 Dec - buzz3884: But can I ask you for picture??

23:56, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's hard to believe... 15 kg....

23:56, 10 Dec - buzz3884: You will get mine regardless

23:57, 10 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course u can. I just don't like word traid and idea of exchange

23:58, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Yes....usually I am between 95-100 kg...but not fat....just during summer I lose weight because sweat it out

23:59, 10 Dec - buzz3884: Sorry....just my bad humor

00:02, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You feel comfortable giving me photo?

00:03, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, of course

00:05, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: losing 15 kg because of summer... sorry but this fact fascinated me.... I do want spend summer there.... so easy to lose so much weight!

00:05, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

00:06, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You sweat sooo much here especially out in the sun......I feel so skinny at 86kg

00:08, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Was it happened last year too?  Every year?  Every winter u are getting more heavy for 15 kg??

00:09, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah....i have superfast metabolism.....when its cold it easy to eat and put weight on....summer so hard to eat....simply too hot

00:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131211-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

00:10, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: only milkshakes ??????

00:11, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Stupid thing is i never lose muscle from legs

00:12, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I have powerful legs....from martial arts training

00:12, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow... so big 

00:14, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Hahahaha

00:14, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I should probably ask u to send me picture without not only t shirt.....

00:15, 11 Dec - buzz3884: In two months I be back to 100kg and you will see big difference

00:16, 11 Dec - buzz3884: ????????you said earlier you want to wait????????????

00:16, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will like both conditions )) summer and winter

00:17, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, I don't want have naked photos )

00:17, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: But u wear not only t shirt )))

00:17, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's OK, send me without t shirt )))

00:18, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I should keep calm,  so not so fast ))

00:18, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ok I am almost about to have shower

00:19, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You will send pic of you with no top on?

00:19, 11 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:19, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no... it's too much for me.. sorry

00:20, 11 Dec - buzz3884: thats ok

00:20, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I did not mean no bra

00:24, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You still at work?

00:24, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: do u know what - let's forget about all this pictures.  Sorry I asked u.  I can send u pictures of me but not without any clothes,  let's stop this for a while,  I don't want rush things,  I feel uncomfortable when u asking me about indecent pictures

00:26, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I feel bad now

00:26, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe u  think it's unfair that I asked u and u can't  . Maybe u are right.  I just can't.  I am not ready.

00:27, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: don't feel bad,  please,  it's my fault

00:29, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can't say honest - I want your picture,  but don't want send mine now, I am not ready,   I just feel this way

00:32, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am probably more self conscience than you

00:34, 11 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131211-WA0002.jpg (file attached)

00:35, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It not the best......and it in outside shower for us dirty workers but yeah....it hard to take photos of self

00:35, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:36, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like your big muscles....

00:36, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I cant believe how slim I have got

00:39, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, u are pretty slim )

00:39, 11 Dec - buzz3884: In couple months I will look different again

00:41, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I hate being skinny

00:41, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:42, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think u look good )

00:42, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I had fat test done not long ago.....I only 11% body fat.....unlike most australians haha they 25%+

00:43, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I need tan all over....it is my fair NZ skin

00:45, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Plus have to wear shirt at work....workplace health and safety

00:46, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Can I ask why your not comfortable sending picture?? Maybe you dont trust me?? Its OK.....I would understand

00:48, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I trust u,  believe me.

00:50, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You have gone quiet

00:53, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I told u already - I just need time,  I am not ready.  Please understand me

00:54, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Not about that......just in general...maybe not whay you expected?

00:55, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u mean your picture???? ))))

00:55, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah

00:59, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: are u joking????  U have perfect body!!  Big muscles,  no fat.  I don't want u getting sunburned more, I like your white skin ....I really like everything

01:00, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I just want you be honest....girls here dont like guys as white as me although my arms and neck very brown

01:02, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: they are stupid.  I don't like grilled skin

01:03, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Please I dont want you to worry about your body.....I like the person you are....that is what I am attracted to most....the fact you are sooo beautiful.....well you are just beautiful

01:03, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am very honest with u.

01:04, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I can send other pics if you want.......I not going to keep things from you

01:07, 11 Dec - buzz3884: In two months I send you pics once weight back on......you might think I too big

01:08, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was outside,  my hands freezed ((

01:09, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I would like you cold hands????

01:10, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U will not too big for me...

01:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: 

01:11, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Do you want other pics I took.....without ...well......you have idea

01:13, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't want u getting more sunburned,  please don't do this specially,  I like colour of your skin.  U promise me?

01:15, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I promise....cross my heart

01:16, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Just remember....I am gentle giant....I have new diet to keep weight on....hopefully works

01:16, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U really look attractive for me )

01:16, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Without underwear

01:16, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't want this picture

01:16, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want in underwear the whole body, but u have small mirror ????????

01:18, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I only have 2 pics of you.....profile pic from fdating and one you sent))

01:19, 11 Dec - buzz3884: They are renovating guesthouse at present...we get new rooms and bathrooms soon......i only have bottom half naked

01:20, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:21, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u have also pictures of me which I sent u by mail

01:22, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And on dating site it was 4 pictures ))

01:22, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You have stirred my hormones up????

01:23, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:23, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I accidentally wiped my hard drive when I upgraded my laptop(((((I thought I backed it up.........lost pics and an assignment

01:25, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I loved the pic of you in that black dress.....that made me go weak at the knees.....

01:25, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will send  u more ) I promise )

01:27, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I have pic from shower.....normally I would not take such pic but if you want.....you can have

01:29, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I already told u ) if I could see your.... on this picture - no. If not - please,  send me ))

01:30, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ok......I cant send.....you have to wait????????

01:31, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131211-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

01:31, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Wow........

01:32, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131211-WA0004.jpg (file attached)

01:32, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am speechless.......you are drop dead stunning

01:34, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131211-WA0007.jpg (file attached)

01:34, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131211-WA0006.jpg (file attached)

01:34, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131211-WA0005.jpg (file attached)

01:34, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131211-WA0008.jpg (file attached)

01:34, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am not going to be able to sleep.........testosterone overload

01:36, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U asked me ))????????

01:37, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I know.....my heart skipped 10 beats??

01:37, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:37, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U like my photos? )

01:38, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Like??? You are soooo beautiful....I am speechless

01:40, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I love your legs...what I can see of them

01:41, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe I wont be able to control myself!!!!!!!!!??

01:42, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am heading to sport club,))

01:42, 11 Dec - buzz3884: And I love your hair......wow

01:43, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:43, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am going to just lay here

01:44, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am dead set blown away how beautiful you are??

01:45, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Haha )))))

01:46, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Serious.......most beautiful girl ever

01:46, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank  u )))

01:46, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Please I am serious.....stunning

01:46, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am so happy that u think so

01:47, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am still speechless

01:48, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:48, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I honestly cant control my breathing

01:48, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Give me a minute

01:49, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: is it true?  Are u really so impressed?

01:49, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Minute? 

01:49, 11 Dec - buzz3884: There is no words to describe how beautiful you are

01:50, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am serious.......I am more than impressed

01:51, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Really.......I am still having trouble concentrating

01:51, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: my training starting,  I should go )))

01:51, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:52, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I will be awake later if you want to chat?

01:52, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u to have sleep....

01:53, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And I want sleep so much today,  I will go to bed immediately when I come home.....

01:54, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I think you are everything a loving husband could want.....beautiful and wonderful personality

01:55, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:55, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I cant sleep

01:55, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U promised me picture from shower....

01:55, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am still not breathing properly

01:58, 11 Dec - buzz3884: So you do want?

01:59, 11 Dec - buzz3884: But you said if you could see it you didnt want??????????

02:19, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I honestly had to have another shower....a clod one.......

02:43, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Sasha....Now I have had time to calm down (just) please believe me when I say you are the most beautiful girl I have ever know.....but it is more than your beauty I have fallen for.....I fell in love with your personality some time ago......I dont want to freak you out by telling you this but I am seriously "hung up" on you. I cant stop thinking about you.....it is something that has never happened to me before. I cant explain it

03:04, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have little break ))

03:05, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am in shower again

03:05, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:05, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can make photo covering him by hand 

03:06, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore I don't know )))

03:06, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I can

03:06, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore don't send me picture ))) I like picture u already sent me 

03:07, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It hard to cover with one hand

03:07, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What are u doing in shower so often?? ??????u was there hour ago.......

03:07, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:07, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Try )))))))

03:07, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: At least most of it

03:07, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

03:08, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Bigger than my hand

03:08, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:09, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Don't scary me )) u have pretty big hands 

03:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: ??????????

03:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It is hard to stop these thoights

03:11, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: don't stop them....

03:11, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am thinking of u too )))

03:12, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Really

03:12, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really....

03:13, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will continue with sport. Another 1  hour ...

03:14, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I will send

03:16, 11 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131211-WA0009.jpg (file attached)

03:23, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I tried to hide him before he gets too aroused

04:32, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: wow.....

04:37, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am impressed 

04:54, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And Thank u for all kind words, u told me....I am on the top, hearing this from u 

06:00, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am sorry for falling asleep

06:04, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ihave other pictures....that was the one withe least showing

06:04, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

06:05, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's enough for me.....

06:05, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Nobody sent me such pictures.....

06:05, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I just woke up....so hard

06:05, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U should sleep earlier!

06:06, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I want to talk with you

06:07, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I wish I was there now

06:07, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Put this to good use

06:07, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am in my bed,  falling asleep )

06:08, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I should get up in 6.5 hours

06:09, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I had 2.5hrs......I wake up so aroused

06:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It is not fair??????????

06:11, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe........you want more photos

06:11, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: actually,  I want u be caring of me... m

06:12, 11 Dec - buzz3884: How you mean?))))

06:12, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I slept 3 hours today,  I told u I am in bed

06:12, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am not u.  I can't live without sleeping

06:13, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am getting nervous and feel bad

06:14, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ok......I let you sleep

06:14, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u

06:15, 11 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131211-WA0010.jpg (file attached)

06:15, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U didn't wish me sweet dreams 

06:16, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Sweet dreams gorgeous

06:16, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Don't send me more such pictures

06:16, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Dont let the bed bugs bite

06:17, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Hope it not too cold there?

06:17, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Goodnight

06:18, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You should sleep

06:20, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Sleep

06:21, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I dont want you feeling bad in morning from no sleep

06:22, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You will be on my mind as always

06:23, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u bye

06:23, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Goodnight gorgeous

08:11, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Morning gorgeous, firstly I apologize for that second photo.....I sent it same time as other one....I dont know why you recieved it so late. I think it is my internet connection here as sometimes I dont recieve your messages straight away. I am sorry though...I mean you no disrespect. Secondly I feel bad that you think I am not caring of you.....I do care...sometimes I forget the time difference.....sometimes I feel like you are here I only want to respect your wishes...I promise no more photographs...only decent ones. I feel bad that you feel nervous and guilty......I apologize for my behaviour. I know I am not perfect but I think for 99% of the time I am nice person

08:17, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I do mean everything I say about you though....I think you are the greatest and I am so happy I have met you

08:18, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am wearing long sleeve shirts at work now...I promise not to get sunburnt it just hard living here with fair skin

08:23, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I went to post office too...they want me to put your address in Russian too aswell as English

08:50, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am so ashamed with myself I have acted inappropriately

13:47, 11 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131211-WA0012.jpg (file attached)

13:48, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Blue sky......hot weather......lousy photo??

14:33, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning  I forgive u it's ok ) U just lost control a little bit,  but I understand - u are a men ??

14:34, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am sooooo sorry

14:35, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Nice photo )

14:36, 11 Dec - buzz3884: But I know I sent other photo same time as other one

14:36, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: By us it's warm too ))) -3 it's even hot for me ) I was walking without gloves,  coif and with opened jacket 

14:37, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I have never sent anyone such photos before.....I trust you I guess

14:38, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It 29 here

14:44, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's OK,  I believe u ) we just speed time a little bit )

14:44, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So u need my adress in Russian too?

14:44, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do  u want me write it here?

14:44, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Yes please

14:46, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I promise I wont ask for you to give me such photos

14:49, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I respect you not comfortable doing it and I dont think different about you

14:50, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I will try write address in Russian???? hopefully you get

14:53, 11 Dec - buzz3884: We getting storm soon....will take some photots

14:56, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My adress in Russian:

Александра Машталлер

ул. Солдата Корзуна д.3 кв.172

Санкт - Петербург



14:57, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Thankyou

14:57, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I just hope you can read my writing

14:59, 11 Dec - buzz3884: How is metro today?

15:01, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's strange,  but few people today )))

15:01, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:02, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It wednesday so not long until weekend

15:02, 11 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131211-WA0014.jpg (file attached)

15:03, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It quiet here too at woolworths.......it is usually packed

15:03, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it your car? )

15:04, 11 Dec - buzz3884: No...my friends......I just sold my ute.....dont drive much.....I hate driving actually

15:05, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller:  u hate driving?

15:05, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I will get another oneday......a must if have family

15:07, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: did u come here with your friends? )

15:08, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I dont mind driving.....just australian drivers hopeless

15:08, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:08, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How much is gas here?

15:09, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Do you drive

15:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Petrol is $1.70 per litre

15:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Expensive

15:10, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No ( I have no license ( Russian drivers are even more hopeless as yours 

15:11, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it cheaper to us e public transport ? Because u have expensive one.

15:12, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: by us petroleum is 1.3 s

15:12, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 1.3 $

15:12, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Yes...actually cheaper to use transport....registration and insurance sooo expensive

15:13, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I see

15:13, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want to get driving license

15:14, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just haven't got it in Russia,  because was thinking about moving another country )

15:15, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am living rather simple life at moment to save money.....

I am saving money so I can hopefully bring Russian girl here

15:15, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:15, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I will teach you to drive....got my licence at 15??

15:15, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U do everything right

15:15, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: At 15?????

15:16, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We are allowed only in 18

15:16, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u teach me

15:16, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Driving 

15:17, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I love to teach you.....I have been driving over 20 years??

15:17, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: wow )

15:21, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Started driving when 9 on farm

15:22, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I really want to speak with you.....

15:23, 11 Dec - buzz3884: On skype or phone

15:24, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: here is pretty expensive to have a car,  because it  always has problems with weather, and it can break , but I remember I definitely liked when I went out from house and got in warm car with nice music 

15:24, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want to speak with u too )))

15:25, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Haha.....I am also qualified mechanic so can fix my own cars

15:29, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I will not be disappointed with you english please dont worry......I just cant wait to hear your voice and talk with you I think about talking with you all the time

15:31, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: we will talk )) what about  Saturday night for u ( and day for me )?))

15:35, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ok

15:36, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: we will decide a little bit later the certain time on Saturday ))

15:36, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will start working )

15:36, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I have my laptop sorted with good speed...just bad phone reception

15:36, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  today I will be very busy,  we will not talk  much.... (((

15:36, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ok I would love to speak every night??

15:38, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Can we talk when you have break?

15:40, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, but don't forget that I need eat on my break too )) so not very long we could talk 

15:40, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hear u soon 

15:42, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You need to multitask like me???????? I can work eat and use phone at one time??

15:44, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You would tell me if you not want to communicate after me being idiot last night?)))) I would understand

15:46, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I dont mean in bad way....just I was disrespectful and should be punished

16:01, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I just feel sooo bad for last night. No words can undo what I did.......I hope I havent pushed you away.....buts its my fault if I have))

16:38, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I dont want you to think I dont want you.....I really do...I think the world of you but I was silly last night and was disrespectful...and I am really ashamed I hope you still like me

16:55, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am really sorry

16:55, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I will let you work

17:44, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I doing my study.....I will complete my busines diploma in 6 months??

18:04, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am having shower.....3rd for the day....it is soooo humid you would not believe sometimes 5 showeres a day and 5 changes clothes...but Its ok

18:06, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am having trouble concentrating on assignment.......I am thinking of you....not in sexual way just about you in general......I never felt like this before....it is great

18:11, 11 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131211-WA0016.jpg (file attached)

18:12, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Storm coming!!!!!!!

18:18, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have break ) I will go to lunch and then answer u  in 20- 30 minutes ))

18:24, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ok

18:45, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Here I am )))

18:46, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Hi gorgeous

18:46, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It raining

18:46, 11 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131211-WA0018.jpg (file attached)

18:49, 11 Dec - buzz3884: What you having for lunch?))

18:56, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I already miss your messages))

18:57, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About u wrote me before - I am not offend on u.  I can worry only about 2 things - I don't want us talking only about sex and I really want sleep at least 6-7 hours a day, because I work only with my brains, I think every minute on my work,  I don't work automatically,   and when I sleep few, I become stupid and can't figure out many things ))  People who work on building place use  my drownings for making steel cage ore armature cage,  so it's very responsible job, if I make mistake it could be cracks in concrete ore something worse... so I should sleep )))))

18:58, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I build such cages)))))) and test concrete strength

18:58, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I appreciate  very much, that u are always worrying about what I think of u,  ore about am I offend ore not )

18:59, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really? ))

18:59, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I just want you to be happy

18:59, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I could be your boss )))

18:59, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????

19:00, 11 Dec - buzz3884: And now you are in my life........I dont want to lose you from my life

19:01, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u build this cages holding paper with drowning in hands???

19:02, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I only doing for little longer........I am actually a little intimidated because you have your degree and I still working on mine...

19:03, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Nah just build them haha.....mainly testing concrete out of agitator though

19:03, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Test slump..air content...temprature....cast moulds for testing and so on

19:04, 11 Dec - buzz3884: But I know you are person who make these plans))))))))

19:04, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know what are u talking about.  I had this subject at university )

19:05, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I prefer mechanical engineering.......love engines and moving parts

19:06, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's big plans of the whole floor slab ore walls for all building ) not small pieces,  ))

19:06, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I could find you job here easy

19:07, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So, tell me why did u changed your occupation?  I remember u worked with mechanism ore something like this several months ago....

19:07, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it more well paid job,  which u do now?

19:08, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it qualified job?

19:09, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Just needed change to decide where I most happy.....I have done many different professions......I love to learn about everything in life....if I could handle blood I would love to be doctor

19:12, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Actually less than workshop......but just needed break from workshop

19:13, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: but how could u rise professional if u change job so radically?  I mean become a boss,  and manage other people?

19:13, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I would not say qualified job.......just I know concrete

19:14, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u planning come back to work shop after break?

19:15, 11 Dec - buzz3884: To me there are more important things in life than what job title I have

19:16, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah......maybe

19:17, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Life is full of twists and turns

19:18, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: so u are open minded on your working future? )

19:19, 11 Dec - buzz3884: A little........

19:19, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Is this bad for you??))

19:23, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's really difficult to work the same job several years,  I understand your wish to change something ore to choose another area from time to time...  there are so many interesting things in life.... as for me - I work this area already  5.5 years and I am pretty tired of this,  I don't want working at the laptop any longer,  it's bad for my eyes and I really getting boring and want something quite other. Actually I always was thinking about my own business ) something small, but interesting )

19:24, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Alot depends on if I settle down and have family.......I would make sure I am financially secure in good job

19:24, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I like my own small business too.......

19:25, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe change to new country be good for you

19:28, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am even considering return to cleaning.....I can make easy $2000 dollars a week with less work

19:31, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About men,  I always thought that job and earning money is very important to men, and I think it's right.  It should be such way.  Another question is that men could seek to this things only if he has people who he want take care of,  like wife and children,  he has the main thing - family and this fact inspirate him to do all best. ) I think women should  be like Muse for men, and only this case, he will be successful and will always want to reach more. It's just  how I think

19:38, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I just think family comes first.......If I finish all my marine engineering tickets it is best for me to stay single and travel world on ships...making good money and seeing many places...but I want family so I am willing to sacrifice many things to make it happen

19:39, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Plus marine engineering is extra 2-3 years of uni......

19:42, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I just know that I have to sacrifice somethings to make family a reality.....but I dont mindI know my parents sacrificed lots to provide me with good childhood and education........now is my turn for my children (hopefully)

19:44, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I have even paid off my student loans...some $70,000 so far because when I get married I want no debts.....I could leave loans until later in life but I didnt want them weighing me down

19:50, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have had free 5 years university education )) undeniable advantage of living in Russia ))) of course Free education not for every body but for best pupils ????????1/5 of all people can have free education here ))

19:51, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Being top student at high school here got me nothing((..... Australian education system sux

19:53, 11 Dec - buzz3884: What is it you seek most from man....the thing that is most important to you??)) I just curious

19:54, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u was top student?  I am so proud of u )) u are so smart 

19:55, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will go on with working )

19:55, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I have massive folder of awards

19:55, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will answer your question later

19:55, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I hated being beaten??????

19:55, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:56, 11 Dec - buzz3884: No one could get near me in any subject....but I also had a rebellious streak too??

20:02, 11 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131211-WA0020.jpg (file attached)

20:04, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Wow!  At least I see something more than milkshake )) it looks...... so delicious..... have u cooked it by yourself? ))

20:05, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah....just a snack?? 500grams fresh rump steak

20:06, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You would not believe how juicy it is

20:06, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ......I dream to try,  it looks perfect 

20:08, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I had dinner an hour ago......curried sausages on bed of fresh steamed rice

20:09, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I dont send many pics of food I cook....I dont want to mean and tease you

20:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I do really wish I had someone to cook for

20:11, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u don't want tease me?  Ha-ha ????????????

20:12, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I think I can cook well.....everyone that knows me always want me to cook....even if I am guest????

20:12, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:14, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe I can steal your heart with my cooking

20:23, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I miss not cooking for someone....it hard to appreciate own cooking

20:27, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U can't imagine how I would feel happy,  if somebody cooked for me.....  I didn't ever dream about it

20:27, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:27, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Especially steak.... mmm.....

20:27, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Can't work.....

20:27, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Teasing....

20:28, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I would be happy to cook for you.....or any girl......well, actually only you

20:28, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: don't scary me.... any girl....

20:29, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Only for me 

20:31, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I have question I want you to think about and answer honestly.....do you think I am fooling myself if I said I wanted to meet someone...get to know them and if both happy marry them in next 18-24 months??.....it is hypothetical question you can tell me after work if busy

20:31, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Only for youI swear

20:39, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: why u say - get to know THEM.....marry THEM?

20:40, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I haven't understood fully your question.....

20:40, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It just lazy australian english...sorry.......but I can take you question several ways

20:41, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes, please...

20:41, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I mean no offence

20:41, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tell me some other way this sense

20:41, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:43, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It is only hypothetical......but can rephrase so it say .....get to know you, and if both happy marry you

20:44, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I guess just want your opinion....if you think its possible?

20:47, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: of course if we would be happy together,  it's possible )) it's interesting that u have certain terms....  I always thought it's unpredictable...  2 years.... of course u can have your own opinion 

20:47, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I dont want you to think I am getting ahead of myself

20:51, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's early to think about it I suppose 

20:52, 11 Dec - buzz3884: 

20:53, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I going to have another shower.....soooo humid

20:52, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u after work

20:53, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

20:54, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I have air con and fans on but because of humidity just get wet

20:54, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ahhhhhhhhhhh I just want cool night

20:54, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: go to shower ) and u can think about me there....

20:55, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I dont need to sweat more????

20:56, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Haha ??

20:56, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I dont want to waste.........

20:57, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ahhhhhhhh now you tease me????

20:58, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just magine u are in shower.....

20:58, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: With me

20:59, 11 Dec - buzz3884:  I would like.....but only if you comfortable

20:59, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: now I should work (((

21:00, 11 Dec - buzz3884: From now on when it comes to the conversation of sex....I will let you control I be guided by you....if that makes sense

21:01, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no.... I like u control this....

21:01, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U do it better....

21:02, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I really like how u doing this

21:02, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe it can be mutual?

21:02, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Of course ))

21:03, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh...enough for now....

21:03, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will work ))

21:05, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Switched on fan on my table.... it's hot

21:05, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I never do this with anyone before...swear on my grannys grave.....I cant explain but I trust you so much.......I never even send pics of my manhood to anyone you are special

21:06, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: me too....

21:06, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I haven't thought I even am able to have such conversation )

21:07, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yesterday pictures..... he is  so big,  i was scary a little bit,   maybe I am wrong 

21:08, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Scared.....why?

21:08, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't know.....

21:09, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: May be I am too small for him ????????

21:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I could not say

21:13, 11 Dec - buzz3884: But can gently make fit??

21:15, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:20, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I cant believe I had courage to send you that pic??

21:22, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I believe u )

21:22, 11 Dec - buzz3884: After seeing your photos....I dont think I will be able to control myself....it will be a battle??

21:24, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh my God,  one of my colleagues asked me just why I am sitting with red cheeks ????????????????

21:24, 11 Dec - buzz3884: ??????????????????

21:24, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Do I make you blush??

21:25, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes...

21:25, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: sorry,  I can't talk anymore

21:25, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Bye for now

21:25, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I will not be so cruel

21:25, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:26, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ok gorgeous

21:39, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Is it too much to ask colour of your underwear?

21:42, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's red ) and red- white bra

21:42, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:42, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I just have picture in my mind.....undressing you slowly.....

21:44, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: switched fan on 3 speed 

21:46, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Oohhh I should not think like this.....

21:47, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Why did you disappear quickly before??

21:47, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My boss called me

21:48, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Did you still have red cheeks??

21:48, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yesssssss

21:48, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Burning

21:52, 11 Dec - buzz3884: If you were standing in my bedroom doorway in that black dress.......well it would soon be stained white

21:53, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????

21:54, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will accept that I should wear only white clothes being with u ??????????

21:56, 11 Dec - buzz3884: But I would not be rouugh.....it would be gentle...meaniful love making....I would make you feel loved.....like you deserve

21:57, 11 Dec - buzz3884: 

21:59, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

22:00, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe pour chocolate sauce all over you and clean every drop up with my tongue??

22:02, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I really cant wait to feel how soft your beautiful skin is......

22:03, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmmmmm... chocolate

22:05, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I would draw a trail in chocolate from your neck....down your chest....across your belly.....

22:05, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Down to the most sacred thing on this earth

22:06, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I would start with your neck...

22:06, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: oh... please... don

22:06, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Don't

22:06, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Gently kissing and biting .....

22:07, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Following the sweet sauce down to your chest......

22:07, 11 Dec - buzz3884: ??

22:08, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Genly caressing your breast.....

22:09, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Oh so softly biting at your nipples.....

22:09, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's hard to work...

22:09, 11 Dec - buzz3884: All the while my hand slowly making its way up your leg.....

22:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Your thigh firm......but skin so soft to touch....

22:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I can stop))

22:13, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I make my way down your belly....

22:14, 11 Dec - buzz3884: My hand gently sliding beneath your underwear.....

22:15, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I take your underwear gently between my teeth....

22:15, 11 Dec - buzz3884: And slide them down a touch......

22:16, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I gently slide my finger inside you...........

22:18, 11 Dec - buzz3884: While gently kissing it....

22:18, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I slide my finger deeper....

22:19, 11 Dec - buzz3884: And gently bite your clit.......

22:22, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Ahhhhh.....I have to call my boss be back soon

22:23, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

22:23, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Boss will take u back on the earth ????????

22:26, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Can we finish this later??? I need another shower????

22:28, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ha-ha ))

22:29, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK ) I will work ))

22:29, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Plus I dont want you to have to sit there with wet underwear??

22:29, 11 Dec - buzz3884: That would be cruel

22:30, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah,  definitely

22:30, 11 Dec - buzz3884: How busy you tonight?)

22:31, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: English class

22:32, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I need water proof camera??

22:33, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You will have shower later?

22:33, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I can write you there??

22:37, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I'm sorry I had to stop.....

22:39, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am curious.......you have any Russian words you use when.....well you are being pleasured?

22:43, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Have you cooled down??

22:44, 11 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,  I am working.

22:45, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You have no idea how bad I want to explore every inch of your body.......softly...gently.....respectfully

22:47, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I will stop writing while you at work......I dont want you to get annoyed with me.......I promise to let you work

22:53, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I will write...but please only reply if you have time....I know your busy and I am patient

22:55, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I have never wanted to communicate with anyone sooo much......You have pulled at my heart strings....it is hard to explain

22:58, 11 Dec - buzz3884: You know....If you were not at work I would pick up the phone and call you.....It is so tempting

23:03, 11 Dec - buzz3884: It would be nice to wish you goodnight in person.....plus I am intrigued to hear your voice

23:09, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I forgot to tell you too...I had to hose the toilet out at work the other day.....serious.......even I was amazed????????

23:10, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Lucky its portable toilet????

23:43, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I am still sweating here....I had a little sleep I hope the last of your week day goes quick

23:46, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I hope you dont think its silly I worry about if I

23:47, 11 Dec - buzz3884: I meant about me worrying if I offend you with my questions.......I only want to make you happy and I dont ever want to make you feel bad

23:48, 11 Dec - buzz3884: To me it is mans job to make girl feel happy, reassured and loved

23:49, 11 Dec - buzz3884: And that all I want for you

23:52, 11 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe I sound silly...

00:07, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just finished my work

00:07, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:07, 12 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:08, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Crazy weather,  while I was at work it changed from -4 to +3))))

00:08, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Did I watch film Silent hill?

00:09, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It 29 here

00:09, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I not heard of film....

00:11, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I have to have cold showers......dont like this weather

00:11, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Doesn't matter, it's horror  ) just my city looks like city in this film - white fog everywhere

00:12, 12 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:12, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I wish was cold here??

00:14, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Do you get tired of my messages.....I can not send so many if you like?)))))

00:16, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like your messages, I always want time know which thoughts are in your head , I just want u be not offend on my,  because I don't answer,  I really must work.

00:17, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Thats ok...I never get offended

00:18, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I just like to let you know how great you make me feel......I just like telling you

00:20, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I haven't understood situation with toilet on your work,  could u explain what u said in more simple words,  like u are talking with stupid kid ??

00:20, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I hope in 5, 10, 20 years time I am still sending messages

00:20, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:21, 12 Dec - buzz3884: When we were talking the other night when you were in bed.....I hid in toilet at work and you got me aroused

00:21, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes, I remember this )

00:22, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I sprayed it all over the door??

00:22, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How it is possible? 

00:23, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:24, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Because you said you wanted it on you breast....and face so I just closed my eyes and imagined.......

00:25, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It went along way??

00:25, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????????????

00:25, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U made me laughing loud now

00:26, 12 Dec - buzz3884: There was soooo much

00:28, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Thats why I said...I can guarantee you children ??

00:29, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it looks like u don't did it for a long time.. I mean by yourself ????

00:30, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Never......was waiting for someone special

00:31, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what?  I don't believe u...

00:31, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: All boys do it

00:31, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Swear........

00:31, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: why? It's normal to do this

00:32, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I had couple times I woke up stuck to sheets but never by hand.....not since I start looking in Russia

00:33, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I just like saving it for girl

00:33, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: A year????

00:33, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I perform better

00:34, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Longer??

00:34, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I dont like wasting it.....you can laugh but its true

00:36, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe I am wrong ) I know that everything is OK with u )

00:36, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: oh.... It's like don't use car for a long time... mechanism  can rust and get problems...

00:37, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Hahaha....sometimes i might tease him but never to point of climax

00:38, 12 Dec - buzz3884: That is why I had few wet dreams.....because I would not do it by hand

00:38, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: now I can fully understand your condition yesterday and today.... it's clear

00:39, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I just wanted to save myself......

00:40, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I just never liked selfservice??

00:40, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Please dont think I am strange

00:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: sorry for this question.... but u had relationship with girl from Kazakhstan... didn't u want to do it while u were with her... didn't u have certain thoughts....

00:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ha-ha self-service!!!! ??????????????????

00:42, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U have great sense of humor

00:42, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????

00:42, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yes...I wont lie.....but she was strict about no sex before marriage and I respected that..

00:43, 12 Dec - buzz3884: She told me almost straight away she will never agree to oral sex either

00:44, 12 Dec - buzz3884: She did not believe in birth control and she would only ever have sex with husband....

.she was extremely traditional

00:46, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I even promised her parents I would not disrespect their views

00:48, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Haha )) I assure u,  she was not virgin.  It's common fairly tail when girl is afraid,  that men will sex with her and then lose interest because he got everything and will not marry

00:48, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's so common

00:49, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Everything is lie

00:50, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Didn't u hear about sex tourism in Kazakhstan and Ukraine???

00:50, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  it seems u really don't imagine how it is...

00:51, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I understand.....but I think she was telling truth....she would not even wear skirt or shorts in hot sydney weather......she always obeyed her parents...Guess I will never know for sure....she was only 18 when i met her

00:51, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh, 18, maybe it's really true..

00:52, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It could be true. I thought she was about your age

00:53, 12 Dec - buzz3884: No she was only 18

00:53, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe I am not objective,  I just was communicating several girls from Kazakhstan in university,  she told me a lot

00:53, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Anything her mum said she did without question........

00:55, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Anyway that is history......I honestly happiest with you

00:55, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am sure there are still good girls in the world

00:55, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: )))

00:55, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  I didn't want offend u...

00:56, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u not offend on me?  Please...

00:57, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Nooooo.....nothing is off limits...I tell you anything.....I promise

00:59, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u ) I lost my virgin in 19, I believe that it's possible

00:59, 12 Dec - buzz3884: What you doing now?

01:00, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I was 18....old here in Australia

01:02, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am waiting for English   .   i have 10 minutes

01:02, 12 Dec - buzz3884: What about after english?))))

01:04, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will be at home 11.30 pm. Shower and sleep ))

01:06, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I know I said I would not ask but was wondering if you could take picture with towel wrapped around you.....it is decent......but if not comfortable its ok.....I always respect your wishes

01:07, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:07, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will try ))

01:08, 12 Dec - buzz3884: No pressure.....I respect your wishes.....just know that I think you are most beautiful girl in the world

01:10, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u do something for me...

01:11, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I just want you to be comfortable at all times

01:11, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Ok

01:12, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u make self-service from time to time......

01:12, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

01:12, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: At least once a week )

01:13, 12 Dec - buzz3884: On phone with you??

01:13, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Haha why once week?

01:13, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ...

01:14, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U can do it more often if u want )))

01:14, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????

01:14, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I need something to stimulate me

01:14, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hey!!!

01:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will tease u )))

01:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:15, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I will need your help)

01:16, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Be sure,  I will not let u to live calm ????????????????

01:16, 12 Dec - buzz3884: ??????

01:17, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I will do for you.......but I find it difficult unless you help??

01:17, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: my lesson start

01:17, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

01:29, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It may sound strange but I never been good at self service.......I want to do like you ask but it is hard for me....I found it much easier when you helped the other day...

01:44, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I will tell you why I send those 2 pics last night....I trust you....I really like you....I am comfortable with you....you asked and I will always obey.....and I want you to know all about me

01:45, 12 Dec - buzz3884: 

01:52, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I will try self service........I let you know how I go????

02:17, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:18, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Was your successful? 

02:18, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:20, 12 Dec - buzz3884: No I just cant go all the way...........I keep thinking I am cheating you out of what should belong to you and just cant go over the edge.......

02:25, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's OK ) I like the way how u think )

02:25, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u in bed?  It's pretty late..

02:26, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Maybe I will wish u good night?

02:26, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It is just me......I want to do as you wish......its like my mind needs your blessing??

02:27, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am staying up......raining so bet we will have day off and make it up saturday

02:29, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Doing my assignment

02:29, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u will have day off!!!

02:30, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah but raining so day inside

02:34, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am freezing....

02:34, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am hot

02:34, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's cold in this building ( hate cold

02:34, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are hot 

02:34, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I love cold hands.....

02:34, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really? ))

02:35, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am whole cold....want something warm to touch )

02:36, 12 Dec - buzz3884: My body??

02:36, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah

02:36, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You can later??

02:37, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I hope so....

02:37, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You tell me.....I will touch for you??

02:37, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's hard to survive winter being alone in bed here...  to cold ((

02:38, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I would touch your back...

02:38, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would love to keep you warm

02:39, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would lightly hold you and stroke your legs

02:39, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I love soft hands

02:40, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My friend,  who is going to Australia,  has birthday today ) he will celebrate Saturday night )

02:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am invited )

02:41, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Because I have gone without female company so long you would only have to put hand on my knee and I would get hard-on a dog could not chew through??

02:42, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And if u kiss me.... what will happene....

02:43, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would keep kissing you

02:43, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:45, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would ask your permission to show you love.....

02:46, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You should go

02:46, 12 Dec - buzz3884: and celebrate

02:46, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

02:46, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will )

02:47, 12 Dec - buzz3884: 

02:47, 12 Dec - buzz3884: We can skype another time

02:49, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: are u kidding me?   We will talk on Saturday morning and day,  and birthday will be at night!!

02:50, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And if even I was invited in the morning,  I would firstly talk to u, and be late for birthday....

02:50, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want it soooo much....

02:51, 12 Dec - buzz3884: 

02:51, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I wish you were here now

02:53, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Me too.....

02:53, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Not just for sex.... ..for everything

02:56, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: my friend is  moving to Australia with his girl friend....

02:56, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Future wife )

02:56, 12 Dec - buzz3884: 

02:57, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think nobody moves alone....

02:57, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Hopefully you can join them soon

02:57, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:00, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You would not be alone

03:01, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: definitely )

03:01, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You will always have me

03:04, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am stupid in English ((

03:04, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Noooooo

03:04, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: This work doesn't give me enough time to increase my level (

03:04, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are too kind to me

03:05, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Talk with me

03:05, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u will think I am stupid 

03:05, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I happy to help

03:06, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want to help......after all I would like you to be here

03:07, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Noooooo....please dont think like that Gorgeous......You are exceptionally intelligent

03:08, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u 

03:08, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U make me always feel better )

03:09, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Thats my job......but everything I say is true

03:10, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want sleep so much.....

03:11, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Hahaha.....so do I but cant

03:11, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Its too hot...and you keeps coming into my thoughts

03:12, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: because of me?  Please,  don't stay awake,  I want let u sleep

03:13, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I have whole day to sleep...no work.....I am having milkshake then another shower

03:18, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmm....

03:18, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Milkshake 

03:18, 12 Dec - buzz3884: The shake or the shower??

03:19, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It raining for next 3 days according to forecast

03:19, 12 Dec - buzz3884: ????

03:20, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Your milkshake )

03:20, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I dont wish to tease you but I love having fresh milk

03:20, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Self made )

03:20, 12 Dec - buzz3884: My milkshake??????

03:20, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Me too ))

03:20, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Which u make from milk and protein ))

03:21, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I dont think you would like it

03:21, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????

03:21, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean drink ????????

03:21, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am confused????????

03:21, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Not what are u thinking ??????????

03:21, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Because both are protein shakes????

03:21, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: decent drink

03:21, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????

03:22, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hey!!!!

03:22, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are right ))

03:22, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK, I want both ????????

03:22, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Do you drink both??????

03:25, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no....

03:25, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Stop joking on me!!!!

03:25, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:26, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You have beautiful legs

03:27, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want to see where they end

03:27, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: foot fingers u mean? ??????????

03:28, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Both ways........can only see little of legs in photo

03:28, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I can just imagine what they feel like

03:28, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:29, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am so intrigued

03:30, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:30, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I can only imagine what is at each end

03:32, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do Australian girls wear heels?

03:32, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am about to get in shower

03:32, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ok )

03:32, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Not really

03:33, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good showering for u )

03:33, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I can still talk

03:33, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Take my phone with me??

03:34, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I still can't understand how u are doing think in shower..... water can destroy phone....

03:34, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I keep it dry as possible 

03:35, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: maybe u should avoid risk?  We can talk after u finish

03:36, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It all good

03:36, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I hold it one handed away from water

03:36, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: )))

03:36, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????

03:37, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am talented??????

03:37, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wish u had big mirror to make photo of your whole body with legs.....

03:38, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Clothed??

03:38, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: With underwear

03:38, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:40, 12 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131212-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

03:40, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I have white legs????

03:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: strong legs....

03:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like white skin,  seriously

03:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:42, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want see your legs

03:45, 12 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131212-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

03:45, 12 Dec - buzz3884: One leg

03:46, 12 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131212-WA0005.jpg (file attached)

03:46, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Other leg

03:47, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Haha,  I like how u manage challenge ??????

03:47, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am pretty flexible too

03:49, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How Did u reach this?

03:49, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: To be flexi

03:49, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: flexible

03:49, 12 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131212-WA0007.jpg (file attached)

03:49, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Third leg??

03:50, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Mmmm.......

03:50, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I used to do gymnastics

03:51, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yourself?  Ore in gym?

03:52, 12 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131212-WA0009.jpg (file attached)

03:52, 12 Dec - buzz3884: And good balance

03:52, 12 Dec - buzz3884: At gym club

03:54, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh God.....

03:55, 12 Dec - buzz3884: What

03:56, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I soooo     like your pictures

03:57, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I in shower now

03:58, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

03:58, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I only haven't seen your back ??????

04:00, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It hard to take that photo

04:00, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yeah...

04:01, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want see your back but you probably wont like what i do????

04:03, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tell me... what do u do?... u imagine I am standing with u very close... and all parts of your body touch me...

04:04, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah....

04:04, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Now i aroused

04:05, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u stand behind me....

04:06, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Oh no

04:07, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Your manhood touches  my buttocks from behind.....

04:08, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's possible because I am tall...

04:08, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I took more pics in the shower??!!!!!!

04:09, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh no?  Oh yesssss u mean

04:09, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U promised... no pictures... please

04:10, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I wont send.....unless you ask

04:10, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

04:11, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would bend you over kitchen bench....

04:13, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: mmm.....

04:14, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would slip him in and push soooo deep

04:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: From behind?....

04:15, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You would be sooo wet....

04:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am wet now.....

04:15, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah))))

04:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yesssssss

04:16, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Slowly and deep......

04:16, 12 Dec - buzz3884: How wet?

04:17, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would drive down as deep as i could

04:17, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Not much... because of atmosphere... not relaxing... metro

04:19, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want u kiss my shoulders while moving....

04:20, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want to bite your neck.....

04:22, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Then flip you over on bench and raise your legs in the air

04:22, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Do u feel it's narrow for your big manhood...? 

04:22, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It feels like heaven

04:23, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want to fill it up

04:23, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh......

04:24, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: do it.....

04:25, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would hold your legs beside my ears while I pushed firmly

04:26, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want so bad to blow

04:27, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Pushing deep down inside you

04:27, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes....

04:31, 12 Dec - buzz3884: But i stop before i cum

04:32, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Cause I am mean

04:32, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Noooo

04:33, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want you in the shower

04:35, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want to pin you against the glass

04:37, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want you chew your clit....

04:37, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Water in my face

04:38, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want to wait until you are home

04:39, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

04:39, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am so aroused already...

04:40, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No... please don't wait.

04:40, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am too tired...

04:41, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Can i see your legs?

04:42, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Do you have dress or pants on?

04:43, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Next time....

04:43, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And I will be at home only in 40 minutes..

04:44, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You sure you dont want other photos

04:45, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I  am sure.

04:46, 12 Dec - buzz3884: OK

04:47, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I just cant get into it knowing you are on metro....sorry

04:50, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want to.....

04:50, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's ok )

04:51, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want more photos of you

04:51, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

04:52, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I really want to see your long beautiful legs

04:53, 12 Dec - buzz3884: And maybe one day......well....in between

04:53, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: alive....

04:53, 12 Dec - buzz3884: ???????

04:54, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean in real life

04:54, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

04:55, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Both

04:57, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I know you not keen......but if had raunchy photo of you.....well....self service maybe possible

04:57, 12 Dec - buzz3884: ????

04:58, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u still haven't wasted it?

04:58, 12 Dec - buzz3884: No.....waiting for you

04:59, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I told u.. I will sleep immediately,  I am tired

05:00, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You be in shower?

05:00, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: yes

05:02, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am at home 

05:03, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am in bed

05:05, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want to come....so I can sleep

05:16, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am in bed

05:17, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You had shower already?

05:17, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes

05:18, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I will let you sleep

05:18, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u

05:19, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller:  I appreciate it

05:19, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Goodnight

05:19, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

05:22, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u offend  on me?

05:23, 12 Dec - buzz3884: No

05:27, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Can't sleep  ...headache 

05:30, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It is daylight here

05:31, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

05:32, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe you need cup of tea...works for me

05:33, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can't stand up and make it (( I feel sick last 2 hours (

05:33, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: English affected me bad ??

05:34, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe you work too hard....doing too much

05:35, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I will not send so many messages now......I am going to get you in trouble

05:36, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u want get me in trouble?

05:37, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I dont want...

05:37, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

05:39, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You should try sleep

05:40, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes,  I took pill,  I will try

05:40, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hear u tomorrow

05:40, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yes

05:41, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Goodnight

05:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

13:17, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I just woke up......its 1316.........I must clean......and do my washing........and maybe sleep some more......its raining but good to sleep in rain

13:23, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I wish you great day

13:51, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Please dont think I was offended by you.......I was just sooooo tired I could not even lift my phone.....it hit me suddenly

13:52, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I just want to talk with you soo much I dont care about sleep...........I am soooo happy talking with you

13:53, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Please gorhgeous......It is truth

13:55, 12 Dec - buzz3884: If you could be here in person you would see how much I adore you.....more than anything in this world

14:01, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Please......I am so happy with you......I cant imagine myself with anyone else but YOU

14:13, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning 

14:13, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Good morning gorgeous

14:14, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: everything is OK ) both of us are tired, and have few sleep )

14:14, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I like talk to u too )

14:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will write u in 25 minutes when reach metro

14:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am so late today ((((

14:15, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I cant describe how happy you make me

14:16, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Ok Gorgeous

14:40, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It is funny when I walk into a shop.....people are intimidated for some reason.....

14:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tell me,  u moved from your brother but u are still working with him?

14:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's so much water on streets,  everything melting ))

14:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: hey )

14:42, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Hi gorgeous

14:42, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What's this reason? )

14:42, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

14:43, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I think it's about your hair... ??????

14:44, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I dont know

14:45, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You not intimidated by me??

14:49, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I gentle giant

14:50, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You will see soon.....

14:55, 12 Dec - buzz3884: How late are you?

15:04, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Me - not.  But I will be honest with u.  In Russia if u had such hair cut, u will not stay alive for long time.  I am absolutely serious.  By us such hair cuts had certain group of people in 90 years,  when it was chaos in country,  when it was lot of racketeering and murders.  Such hair cut had panks and nationalists,  who were criminals,  were murdered and so on....then when all this stopped several years later,  these groups started disappearing, some of them decided that time changed and they should change their views and appearance too,  because they couldn't find place in new world,  and these,  who didn't make this were killed while 10 years.

15:04, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: There are so many idiots here, who are drunk and who takes knifes with them every day, so they just will not interested that your hair cut doesn't mean u are from certain group of people,  ore u have radical views... they just don't care, they will attack u.

15:05, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I can handle myself....no one scares me

15:06, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I have been attacked with knife before

15:08, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I didn't want tell u this things,  I don't like discuss something bad, but I could not let u be here with your now appearance. Though I like how u looks,  but.... if u had picture with your cut on dating site,  I wouldn't  write u.  I know u are kind and great person now. But But I ask u please,  please - before coming in Russia , change your hair, after u coming back to Australia u can do everything u want with your appearance,  I don't care. I Like u any way

15:11, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Ok....for you I will do

15:12, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know u can handle yourself,  I have no doubt that u are strong and know martial arts moreover,  but when 5 people against one.... I will not forgive myself if something happens. I will always realize that it was my fault

15:12, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:12, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It funny how people here assume I am bad just because my hair....

15:13, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u  I just don't want lose u,  that's it

15:20, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am surprised that u have no problems in Australia,  it's probably because u are more tolerate to unusual appearance there.  I never have seen so many tattoo and piercing and brightly painted hair as I saw in Australia... it's another culture. Here u will not see this.  People are more conservative

15:22, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I promise you never lose me

15:23, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:29, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Sometimes here I am backed into a corner and only option to fight

15:30, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Is it really that bad there? What would your patents think if they saw me as I am now?

15:35, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I know what you mean about 5 against one.....this may sound extreme but if I ever in that situation I would take one like hostage..

.well cant tell you rest but I try avoid confrontation

15:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's not such bad There.. people  just don't like radical groups.  My parents will never make conclusions about appearance,  they will think of u exactly what I tell them about u.

15:42, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will work and write u soon on lunch 

15:42, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Ok gorgeous...i will be thinking of you

15:45, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

17:42, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Have you told your parents about me...or friends???? I have told my parents some about you.....and I dont stop talking about you

18:14, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have told my friends a lot  about u ) parents - they know a little bit,  less than friends)

18:19, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You are unsure how your parents feel about it? I could understand....if I had daughter I would be very protective of her interests

18:29, 12 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131212-WA0011.jpg (file attached)

18:29, 12 Dec - buzz3884: It 1830 and still so light here

18:45, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's so beautiful.....

18:50, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just never was used to have long frankly conversations with both of  them...I always talk with my father much more than with mother,  I could  tell him everything, He almost  never ask me by himself,  he is used to me talking to him when I decide to do this

18:54, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I was eating long 

18:55, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: where this picture tacked place?

18:55, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It looks like suburb...

18:57, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Is it place where u live?

19:09, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah out my front door

19:11, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You busy tonight?

19:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I go to sport club )

19:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Only second time on this week (

19:16, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What street do u live? ) I want see it on Google map 

19:17, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U have so good road covers 

19:24, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Ipswich Road Annerley number 577....building been renovated recently

19:25, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I want your help with something??

19:25, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: with something? 

19:26, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: If I understand u correct... sorry,  I am busy today,  don't want my thoughts went to another subject....

19:29, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Not now????

19:36, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ok ????????????????

19:36, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:36, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Haha

19:37, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am so glad that weekend comes )) we Will talk more 

19:37, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I love your sense humor

19:37, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

19:38, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe for hours

19:38, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Did you look on google???

19:39, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No ( I will do it later..

19:39, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am really busy

19:40, 12 Dec - buzz3884: My mind is busy......thinking of you

20:08, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I was thinking.....and I dont mean in bad way.......maybe your parents are a little unsure because Australia is known for its heavy western influence.....which conflict with many tradition Russian values and they are little worried about my intentions. I could be way wrong but hopefully you tell them of my values and how I have great appreciation of Russia, its people and your culture

20:09, 12 Dec - buzz3884: And that I dont like USA and its influence......I dont like at all really??

20:17, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I have read many stories of western men finding Russian bride who wants to leave Russia....taking her to foriegn country....things go well for couple of months until man changes....starts treating her badly...stops her from communicating with family until she is trapped in foriegn country and has to live horrible life. It makes me more than mad....said man should be shot. It is horrible that anyone could do this and sometimes gives all western men bad reputation

20:19, 12 Dec - buzz3884: What I am trying to get at is that maybe your parents just worry for you as all good parents do. They will see I am not like this and I only want the best for you

20:36, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Hope I make sense

21:00, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am about to have dinner......leftovers

21:03, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I dont want to write too much so I dont disturb you

21:07, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am going to shave my legs tonight?? I only do it cause I have to tape my knee up for martial arts training

21:07, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I absolutely agree with u that my parents ( not only mine,  but all parents too ) are worried about their kid moving abroad.  Of course they heard all these stories about broken lifs of girls,  who marry men and move,  especially about Europe.... It's common nowadays that nobody tells in media about good stories ore positive lifestyle experience,  it's boring,  TV and web shows us bad experience,    tragic stories, because it's selling better,  people love hear bad news, it make them feel better because they realize that their life isn't bad, so my parents of course can have fears about me, but that's life, I can only change this showing that I am happy,  and of course not losing contact with them.  Visiting them, talking in Skype and so on....

21:07, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Otherwise tape rips hair out anyway

21:08, 12 Dec - buzz3884: 

21:08, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I didnt mean anything to offend....

21:09, 12 Dec - buzz3884: 

21:09, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would be worried too if I was a parent......that is why I open with you

21:09, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:11, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I hate...and that is strong word......men who treat women bad.......it is how I was raised...to respect women

21:12, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You are right about bad news being good news for media companies pockets.......

21:12, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Unfortunately our world is now built on greed......

21:13, 12 Dec - buzz3884: And glorifying tradgedy and heartbreak makes money

21:14, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Me.....I just want hapiness......and I have that with you

21:15, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I can honestly say I have not been this happy.......I have you to thank for that

21:19, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

21:24, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I just hope you dont think I am being a girl or soft.....I never get sick of telling you how great you make me feel

21:24, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U will training? )) I am so proud of u ))))) it's funny u wil  shaving legs))))  I think martial arts is better than power lifting in gym ) it's more healthy and gives  flexibility and trains every part of body,  including spine. And power lifting only grow up muscles and it's often not good for back if u do too much ))

21:26, 12 Dec - buzz3884: And I hope I can continue telling you how happy you make me for the rest of my life 

21:27, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

22:00, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I must use bathroom??

22:04, 12 Dec - buzz3884: For some reason I must tell you.......my feelings for you get stronger by the day.......I sometimes must pinch myself that you are sooo beautiful and have such a wonderul personality......my dream has become reality

22:31, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

22:31, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u for these words ) u always make me forget about world ????????

22:33, 12 Dec - buzz3884: My words are true

22:33, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I am sooo happy

22:33, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I hope I make you happy

22:34, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

22:37, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Hope your day going fast

22:38, 12 Dec - buzz3884: But it never really does while at work??

22:39, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You plan to get hot and sweaty at sports club????

22:40, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My day is going very slowly..... very... I am sooo tired,  looking forward sport training,  it's so good to keep brain calm and do body work 

22:41, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are sport training popular in Australia?  I mean group training for women like aerobic ore dancing? )

22:42, 12 Dec - buzz3884: You need something to get your heart racing??

22:43, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??Haha,  no,  it makes me relaxing and what is worse - I stop want anything except.....

22:43, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So,  I will have energy drink 

22:43, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah.....but girls here..and guys see all these accesories advetised and must have them.........monitors for this and that.....special socks and shoes and pills and energy drink.....I always laugh???? I just have towel and water bottle

22:45, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I think I could give you a workout that will get your heart racing and get your juices flowing......but that for later????

22:46, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: noway!  I already think about indecent things....

22:47, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Let's talk another subject,  please....

22:49, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Ok????????but anytime you want a REAL workout that will leave you unable to move......I have something for you????????

22:49, 12 Dec - buzz3884: How are your grandparents?

22:50, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: they are good ) I will visit my granny this weekend as always )

22:51, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tell me more about sport in Australia,  are people crazy about it like it's in USA now?

22:52, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: How do u think,  is it good business renting gym and arrange some sports training in Australia?

22:53, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I wish my granny was still around.....I would have loved for her to meet you she appreciated a real lady

22:54, 12 Dec - buzz3884: There are thousands of gyms here.....everyone is starting them.......people waste so much money on unneccessary things.

22:55, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Everyone must have all brand name accessories....its sad to be honest

22:55, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: so there are too much of them,  right?

22:56, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah....to many......I can give better workout than all machines combined

22:56, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

22:57, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U mean u could be sport personal trainer? ))

22:58, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I use big truck batteries as weights

22:59, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller:  are u training at home sometimes? )

23:00, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah.....I used to be right into sport and nutrition.......I prefer training at home

23:04, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I could put you through a workout....then take you to shower and give you another workout????????????

23:04, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I will stop now??

23:04, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: !!!!!!!!!!!!

23:05, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Stop teasing me!!!!!!!!!!

23:07, 12 Dec - buzz3884: The workout would be like fore play??.....get your heart rate up and juices flowing.......shower would be maybe 30-45 minutes of high intensity fun......then bedrom would be recovery

23:10, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u want tell me that I need not additional sport training if I will be with u? ))

23:10, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????

23:10, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah.......????????

23:11, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe even start with a massage

23:12, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: mmmm...I can do massage?

23:13, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would like that.....I cant wait to feel how soft your hands are

23:13, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean I can get massage?

23:14, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yes.....whenever you like

23:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:15, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I cant promise I will not do other things??

23:15, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: while doing massage? )

23:16, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah

23:19, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am not sure u will not ?? u will be sitting on me,  on my gluts and touch me..


23:19, 12 Dec - buzz3884: ??????????

23:20, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I would be gentle

23:21, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I could ride you bare back????????????

23:22, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????

23:23, 12 Dec - buzz3884: The way we talk I will have to buy shares in condom factory??

23:23, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????????????

23:24, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's sooooo funny ??????????

23:25, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe buy in bulk??????

23:25, 12 Dec - buzz3884: Cheaper????????

23:35, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: just build factory )

23:42, 12 Dec - buzz3884: ????????????

23:42, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I just have 12 pieces of toast

23:44, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: With something? )

23:45, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ore just bread

23:46, 12 Dec - buzz3884: With butter and strawberry jam

23:47, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: mmmmm..........

23:47, 12 Dec - buzz3884: ??I still hungry

23:48, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I make my own butter

23:48, 12 Dec - buzz3884: And my own cream??

23:49, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u joking?)

23:49, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: So indecent 

23:49, 12 Dec - buzz3884: 

23:49, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

23:50, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I dont think cream taste too good...never tried it myself??

23:51, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

23:51, 12 Dec - buzz3884: And dont plan too

23:52, 12 Dec - buzz3884: But I do make my own butter...is good

23:52, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can't understand,  are u serious?

23:53, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U buy cream  and make butter?  Why?

23:54, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I like to make things

23:55, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

23:56, 12 Dec - buzz3884: I was thinking today....if you lose your phone it would be embarrasing for me??

23:59, 12 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: my phone is crashed a little bit.... glass has many cracks ?????? I am not very sure about it's future ????????

00:00, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I will have to take more pics??

00:02, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I need another shower....rain brings humidity

00:08, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am so tempted to call youI want to hear your voice

00:09, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:09, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U will hear soon )

00:09, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hope u like it ))

00:09, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I know but I cant wait

00:11, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Of course I will.....I like everything else about you

00:12, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Can I get a sneak preview

00:13, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what do u mean? 

00:15, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I want to call

00:16, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: no... please,  let's talk on Saturday...

00:17, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Awwww

00:17, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will repeat English vocabulary by this time ????????????

00:18, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Please...... I wont be disappointed.....I just want to hear your voice

00:19, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:21, 13 Dec - buzz3884: If not.....maybe picture?

00:21, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

00:22, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will send u picture,  when I reach home,  I don't have any more on my phone )))

00:23, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Can I see your legs??... .They not in other pics

00:28, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Do you have underwear you would be comfortable in!

00:29, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: please,  don't push...

00:30, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I not.....just curious...

00:31, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What do u mean comfortable underwear? ) I don't wear uncomfortable clothes

00:32, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I thought u mean comfortable for making picture and sending u... sorry if I was wrong

00:34, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You like bathing at beach?

00:35, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes )

00:36, 13 Dec - buzz3884: So many people seen you in bathers?

00:37, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Logic ) u r smart

00:37, 13 Dec - buzz3884: 

00:39, 13 Dec - buzz3884: So why not comfortable for me? I think it fair question

00:40, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Because u want me not in bath suit but in underwear

00:42, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Same thing....still decent

00:45, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I won ?? I will send u one in bath suite . I will download from mail box now ) but I am with my friend on it.  Not bf. Just friend

00:46, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean U Won

00:46, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I always make mistakes

00:47, 13 Dec - buzz3884: How can I think of you if guy in photo??

00:47, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Its ok I will wait

00:48, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I can not sending if guy will worry u ??????

00:49, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Its ok....I will wait

00:54, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131213-WA0000.jpg (file attached)

00:59, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Nice pic.......just hard to think with guy in it

01:00, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: he has gf, they going marry

01:03, 13 Dec - buzz3884: But why is underwear different?.........I think you dont trust me.....

01:06, 13 Dec - buzz3884: It just how I feel

01:06, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What?  I sent u picture, as u asked....

01:06, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u didn't liked me on it? 

01:08, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I like.....I just have feeling you dont trust me

01:10, 13 Dec - buzz3884: And I feel bad

01:12, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe you not interested in me like I thought......

01:26, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u consider sending u  Indecent   Pictures in underwear is  only one proof of my attitude to u?  it's sad.

01:27, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: all your words hurted me.

01:29, 13 Dec - buzz3884: No......and I dont want to argue......

01:31, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Dont take this out of context but if I sent you photos with girls in them you would not mind?

01:31, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am sorry if I offended you.....sometimes text messages dont show how comment was meant.

01:33, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am truly sorry....really I am. I am not worthy of you. You deserve better than me. I am sorry

01:34, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will mind,  sorry, I will be in very bad mood,  I will be jealous so much. I will maybe be angry on u.  It was mistake sending u this,  delete it.  I will send u the same but only with me on it.  I understand u very well

01:36, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Please,  I sent it because I never considered him like a men at all , I didn't think clearly,  I just hadn't another pictures ( u asked me so often to send picture,  so I sent ((

01:37, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Delete it. I want u open my pictures and see only me.

01:37, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Did u delete it ?

01:37, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Please

01:37, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Its OK.......I only ask about underwear because to me they no different to bathers

01:38, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I cant delete....unless I delete all photos....my phone is stupid

01:41, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Plus I just like picture (decent) of you that no one else will see or have....like you have mine only for you)

01:45, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know what u asked.   I don't like pressure.  We are talking close only couple weeks.  It's very few time for me. U thought u respect my views.   I know we had very indecent talk by phone,  but it doesn't mean I am so opened as u think in all cases. It's the same as take sunburne in underwear.  It looks like the same as in suit,  but it's different.  Let me please decide by myself when send it to u.  I don't like black mail like - do what I told u ore I will think u don't like me.

01:51, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Ok.....thats not how was supposed to come across. If you think I black mail.......I wish you the best and hope you find happiness. I have learnt much from you and I thank you. All the best.....you will make someone very happy one daymy best wishes

02:15, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I meant everything I ever said....you are beautiful....you have wonderful personality.....you are intelligent.....you deserve only the best and you always made me feel great. Maybe I did put pressure on you and for that I am sorry. I am still coming to grips with our cultural differences. But to say it was blackmail...that was just as hurtful. I am sorry......just please dont think I lied about what I think of you....because you really do take my breath away.....I just dont like to be on bad terms with anyone

03:53, 13 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131213-WA0001.jpg (file attached)

04:18, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are not idiot  maybe just a little bit ??

04:19, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I just went from gym,  saw one missed call of u

04:20, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah......wanted to apologize in person

04:21, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Next best thing was to write

04:22, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's OK .  U are still my dear  Blair  maybe a little bit crazy but it's u 

04:22, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??

04:22, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just crazy about you

04:23, 13 Dec - buzz3884: And really want to hear your voice

04:23, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Please.....I am still learning your boundaries

04:25, 13 Dec - buzz3884: And I have been known to want to test boundaries......not to hurt you.....it just me....in my strange way

04:27, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U test boundaries asking many times one thing,  u heard my opinion  several

04:27, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Times,  but u go on

04:28, 13 Dec - buzz3884:  Fair call.....

04:28, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: let's forget about it

04:29, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Just promise me that u will not break up with me every time we have misunderstood ??????

04:29, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I will not makes excuses for my behaviour

04:30, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Ok.....but I didnt break up...

04:31, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You consider me your bf?)

04:32, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Break up - I mean stop communication.  I have poor vocabulary

04:34, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Its ok.....I was just curious

04:35, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't remember u asked me be your girlfriend....  of course until this happened u are not my bf.

04:37, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I should have phrased my question better earlier......I just wanted nice picture of you that no one else has.....decent of course but just for me

04:38, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I have wanted to ask........

04:39, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just worried because of distance.....

04:39, 13 Dec - buzz3884: That you may think I silly for asking....

04:40, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I dont mean in bad way towards you

04:40, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Here in Australia......we dont really ask anymore??

04:40, 13 Dec - buzz3884: It just somehow becomes so.....

04:42, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I think I just stuffed that up too

04:45, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Sasha, my gorgeous girl, I would like it very much if you would like to be my girlfriend?

04:48, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

04:48, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes

04:48, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

04:49, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U wanted be traditional?  U are 

04:50, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Did I read right? You said yes?

04:50, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes Yes Yes

04:50, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

04:53, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You know what scares me a little....you can laugh...but hypothetically....if I want to propose one day, here is tradition for future husband to get brides fathers permission for marriage.......It is daunting

04:53, 13 Dec - buzz3884: But in good way

04:54, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am honoured

04:54, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Really I am

04:55, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You have made my day, my month, my year......

04:58, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Why is it daunting for u? ) my father know English a little bit ) actually it's exactly  how it works here,  man is asking father of girl

05:00, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Dont think I dont want to do it I would It just I seem to stuff things which are important up.....no...I would prepare well

05:01, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I think most grooms to be find this daunting when time comes

05:01, 13 Dec - buzz3884: But I am man.......I know my responsibilities

05:01, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

05:02, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You home?)))) Is it cold night?

05:05, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: About this your message ......I just wanted nice picture of you that no one else has.....decent of course but just for me......how do u know that anybody saw pictures which I sent to u?  I don't know this. And actually, nobody saw  most of them.  And they are decent.  So your excuse doesn't work ??????????????

05:06, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u wanted certain picture in underwear

05:06, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Ok?? but maybe just you in photo

05:07, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are like lawyer - always  know what to say ????????

05:07, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My smart Blair

05:07, 13 Dec - buzz3884: ??????

05:07, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will go to shower for a while

05:07, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Talk to u soon 

05:07, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Ok.....I will wait

05:08, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I want shower with you one day

05:08, 13 Dec - buzz3884: On cold night...hot shower.....steamy

05:09, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Your phone waterproof??

05:09, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Nooo....just kidding??????

05:10, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No,  it's not waterproof ??????

05:11, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I was kidding??????????

05:11, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You want photo to think of in shower??????????

05:12, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No 

05:12, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am just being silly??

05:15, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are u working tomorrow?

05:15, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry today for u ??????

05:15, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: On Friday

05:15, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Today??))) Maybe....its rsining heavily((

05:16, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I will know in hour

05:16, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I still in bed

05:17, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Did u sleep?

05:17, 13 Dec - buzz3884: A little...but was thinking about you

05:18, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I have feeling that u never sleep... really!!!!  When I sleep - u are at work and all other time u are talking to me without long  break!

05:18, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I sleep broken....hour here half hour there

05:19, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I make up for it in weekend??

05:19, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Shouldnt you be in shower??

05:22, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I fixed that photo you sent

05:22, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I wrote u that u are not an idiot - forget it!  U are an idiot ???? u should sleep normally!  It's bad for health!  For nerve system!  For everything!  U are hurting yourself!  We should handle it. Decide certain time after which we don't talk for u are able to sleep.

05:23, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Now I go to shower

05:23, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Can I join you???

05:38, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what do u mean u fixed photo I sent ? I am alone now on this photo?

05:38, 13 Dec - buzz3884: How was shower

05:39, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I deleted it like you ask

05:40, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK

05:40, 13 Dec - buzz3884: It is shame though....you looked so beautiful

05:41, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really? ))

05:41, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Was it what u expected?

05:41, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I mean my legs and other parts...

05:41, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????

05:42, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Yesss.....I loved it....except for man??

05:42, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh,  he is not a men.  Sorry

05:43, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You are stunning.......I love soooo much You have hot body

05:43, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You have nothing to worry about

05:43, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

05:44, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Why?

05:45, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I wish I did not delete now

05:45, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You are perfect.....especially your legs but I loved everything

05:46, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Because I will not date him,  if even he was last men on this earth.  He is good  friend, but how he is treating his girls.... it sucks

05:46, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You would make me come straight away....going to have to train myself again

05:47, 13 Dec - buzz3884: How does he treat them?

05:48, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Imagine all words u told me about how u think men should treat women and turn it opposite.  This way

05:49, 13 Dec - buzz3884: If was my friend....well he wouldnt be for long...but that me

05:49, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's strange because as friend he is good,  always can help and interesting to talk to

05:50, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Has he asked you out? 

05:51, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh.... forget about him

05:51, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just curious

05:52, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe you dated?? Seriously it dont bother me.....I just like honesty

05:52, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No.  I never gave him any slightest hint that I like him.

05:53, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: He is who I was talking about moving to Perth

05:53, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Do you have many guy friends?

05:54, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Couple on work,  but we are not close.  My best friends are girls

05:55, 13 Dec - buzz3884: If I said I was still friends with my ex from long ago.....what your opinion

05:55, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I not though??

05:57, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Enough about others??

05:58, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Did you keep photo I took in shower

06:01, 13 Dec - buzz3884: How come you go quiet

06:01, 13 Dec - buzz3884: 

06:01, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: My opinion is certain - anybody of u both  still has feelings to ex. Another way friendship  could not exist.  I like this phrase - "people brake up, if they shat to each other  soils,  how can  they be friends? "  it's Russian proverb,  hope u translated it correct ????

06:02, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Don't answer me another questions when I haven't answered previous!!!! 

06:02, 13 Dec - buzz3884: YeahI not friends with any girls now??????only girl in my life is you

06:03, 13 Dec - buzz3884: ????????????????

06:03, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I never was friends with my ex.

06:03, 13 Dec - buzz3884: What are you wearing

06:04, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I wear nothing to bed??

06:04, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: me too.  I am absolutely naked

06:05, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Really

06:05, 13 Dec - buzz3884: That turns me on

06:05, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

06:05, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Please,  I want to sleep...

06:06, 13 Dec - buzz3884: IMG-20131213-WA0003.jpg (file attached)

06:06, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am tired and I should get up in 6.5 hours

06:06, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You cant see anything....its ok

06:07, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Can I keep you up friday night?

06:07, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't know... how I will feel myself

06:08, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Its friday night......dont have to work saturday??????????

06:09, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just like talking

06:09, 13 Dec - buzz3884: If I behave....maybe I can have same photo as before...just no guy???

06:10, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I let you sleep

06:10, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good night

06:11, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Sweet dreams gorgeous

06:11, 13 Dec - buzz3884: So I can tell every one you my gf?

14:20, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am tired?? my fault??

14:23, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Anyway it is so strange weather today....now its too hotI wish you great day

14:26, 13 Dec - buzz3884: My phone went flat

14:27, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Thats why my messages a little late this morning))

14:32, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I will wait to hear from you

14:32, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Am I really like lawyer???????????

14:38, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Good morning 

14:38, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U can everyone I am your gf 

14:40, 13 Dec - buzz3884: So I can update facebook?

14:41, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You know....sometimes I can be idiot....every now and then.........but I just want be your idiot

14:42, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ????????

14:43, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am on top of world today....serious

14:43, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am on my way to work 

14:43, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Really? ))

14:43, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Here is storm )

14:44, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Strong wind

14:44, 13 Dec - buzz3884: It just started raining here

14:45, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I post letterwe will see how long takes to get there

14:47, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Speed of wind is 10 meters / second... is it high speed ore our storm is tiny in  comparison with yours? ????

14:47, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am sorry fir calling last night.....I hope did not disturb you much while at sports club......I just wanted to apologize in person

14:48, 13 Dec - buzz3884: That is strong......sometimes here it 30+metres a second??

14:49, 13 Dec - buzz3884: We just had major storm warning???? will take video when they hit

14:50, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's OK ) I always turn off sound on my phone when I put it in dressing room

14:51, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Can we skype tonight?

14:52, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 30+ wow!

14:54, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I have plan for my sleep too....a way for me to get 6 hours day and still talk with you

14:55, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just want to communicate everyday....I hope you feel same

14:58, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am not sure about this evening..I have my sport clothing with me today ))..Anyway we will  talk on Saturday...

14:58, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Saturday is soon, u know this? ??????

15:00, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I know????????

15:00, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Just I cant wait

15:02, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I want talk to u every day too )

15:03, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:03, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am normally person who is very quiet......I have never spoken so much with anyone...ever.....you are good for me in many ways.....you may think its silly but you have been making me see that there is good people in the world....like I said few days ago....my old head master beat alot of things out of me

15:03, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You are repairing what he broke in many ways.....I am grateful

15:05, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Why?  Tell me about him?

15:07, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You have time?? I want to respect that you have to work

15:07, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: after him u stopped smiling? )

15:08, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will be at work only in 15 minutes

15:08, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I over slept

15:08, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Can you check email at work? It hard to write such story on phone

15:09, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Yes I can.

15:10, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Ok

15:10, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I will send you email shortly about it but yes he did more than stop me smiling

15:12, 13 Dec - buzz3884: My parents know some of what he did......you are only person who will know all of it.......that is how much I trust you

15:15, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I wasnt sexually assualted or anything like that.....but he destroyed my confidence.....my ability to express emotion.....my ability to trust people......all from my first day of school until I left that school 7 years later

15:16, 13 Dec - buzz3884: When I get home in 45 mins I will send you email about it

15:16, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will look forward

15:16, 13 Dec - buzz3884: 

15:17, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Like I have said.....I want you to know all about me

15:17, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Tell me only when it happened?

15:18, 13 Dec - buzz3884: It happened everyday almost for 7 years

15:19, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Was he your boss?

15:19, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't know who is headmaster

15:20, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

15:20, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I could not guarantee....that if I saw him now.......well......who knows how I will react......he is big man....200cm.....120kg......I was only little kid........how could someone be so cruel

15:20, 13 Dec - buzz3884: School Principal

15:21, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Oh, exactly!

15:24, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And.... why didn't u change school?  Here if u don't like school it's simple to change it

15:24, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Was it last years of school??

15:26, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You know........when I tell you about junkie attacking me.......well I just though of this man.......and I took it out on junkie......I only struck him one....and kicked him once in ribs......I broke 4 his ribs and punctured his lung......put him in hospital for a week........please dont be put off....I was defending myself and police agreed.........I dont want you to be scared.......I am gentle......never never ever touch girl.....ever

15:26, 13 Dec - buzz3884: No.....we lived far from town....in country.....only school for miles.....I was afraid to tell a soul

15:28, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK,  tell me more in letter,  how it started,  why...

15:28, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Now I should work

15:29, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Ok Gorgeous.....I wish you greatest day my days are always great because of you

15:34, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just dont want you to think what happened to me all those years ago is dragging me down now.......its not I just want you to know...because I trust you and I dont want to hide everything from you

15:54, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Have you looked me up on facebook??? if you do.....please dont read too much into the Geman Nazi party banner as my wall photo.....I will explain it later

17:08, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I sent you email

17:17, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I have to get milk before shop closes.....but I can tell you more of what he did soon........it may seem a little far fetched but he treated me soooo bad. How can someone treat children like that

17:43, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't want ready your e mail here,  I can't concentrate and discuss so important things with u today at work,  I would prefer to read it when I will be at home,  let's delay this topic for some time....  I just don't want run through your text fluently

17:43, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I cant blame my parents......I could not tell them We had talk about it about a year ago and they were upset I said nothing.....they would have put me in another school...no matter the cost or distance

17:44, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I haven't looked for your fb,  have u looked for mine?

17:45, 13 Dec - buzz3884: That is ok......I not looked yours.....I have vk account too but scared to use....girl from kazakhstan turned people against me.....she very angry

17:47, 13 Dec - buzz3884: But she dumped me.......she write to friends I made (male) and now they all block me......its just stupid....I treated her well send her gifts....get to know her family then turn on me

17:51, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: It's strange that people,  who was u talking with ( friends,  which u made ) will block u only because of blaming letters of some girl.....

17:53, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Its why I cant work out....it looks bad for me but that is case......she introduce me to them though....so they know her better than me

17:54, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Did she write these people After she dumped u ore after u told her, that u don't want go on talking to her?

17:54, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe its like here when relationship ends...people take sides

17:55, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I thought u found friends by yourself,  of course if it were her friends,  they will do what she ask

17:56, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Before she dumped me.....in week before she dumped me strange things happened.....she avoided my calls....people blocked me......like warning signs

17:58, 13 Dec - buzz3884: To be honest only found female friends by myself....but not for dating. Just talk with...learn from.....but now I only communicate with one girl..you...

17:58, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't understand.  Can't she find out something bad about u?  Maybe that u had another girls who u communicated With,  and she thought u trick here

17:58, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ?

18:00, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Another explanation could be Only,  that she had another friend,  from Australia too,  who was faster in his decision to be with her

18:00, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I gave her access to all my accounts.....sounds silly but was my way proving she was only one.......she had my passwords

18:00, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't know other options

18:01, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: how long did u communicate?

18:01, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I asked her out before she flew back to KZ.....

18:02, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: And so what?

18:02, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Nearly 18 months....but we were in relationship after 10 days thoigh

18:03, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: What do u mean were in relationship after 10 days?

18:03, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U met in Australia,  u were together 10 days here and u asked her out?

18:03, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Right?

18:06, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I only meet her here in sydney....then asked her be my gf before she flew home

18:06, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Yeah))))

18:06, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Was quick

18:06, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe too quick

18:08, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: OK,  are u sure that u are not interested in her still?  Even if she will write u and asking forgive her?

18:12, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Sasha, I only want you, Even though we have not met I am falling in love with you If you think its to soon for me to love you.....well.... I do and that is how I feel and I cant stop these feelings

18:13, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am sorry if it too much too soon for you but I can only tell you how I feel honestly

18:14, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Girl from KZ, Katya, she made me feel good...I wont lie....but never have I had such feelings as I do for you

18:15, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I have no contact with her. Honestly. You can have my account logins to see for yourself

18:18, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: it's not too much and too soon for me . I always believed that real feelings can't wait long. Also I dont believe people who are dating for a long time and don't get married - this shows that one of them ore both don't love truly.  I wouldn't ask your such  question,  like I am doubting about u didn't stop talk to her, if u didn't mention her so often.  Like she is still in your head.  This worry me

18:19, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will go to lunch

18:23, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Ok...I promise to never mention her again but you did bring her up last night.....but I dont mind....I have nothing to hide and if you ask me a question I will always answer honestly

18:27, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Please...I have wanted to tell you that I am in love with you for sometime I just did not want you to think I was crazy....that it was too soon. There is big difference between liking and loving someone and I had not loved anyone until I met you

18:31, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I am in love with you and nothing will ever change that I will continue loving you until the day I die, nothing or no one will ever change that

18:31, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I will let you eat

18:43, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: 

18:44, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know u mention her only to be honest with me. I know 

18:45, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131213-WA0004.jpg (file attached)

18:45, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Look what I had for dessert 

18:45, 13 Dec - buzz3884: You are lucky

18:46, 13 Dec - buzz3884: What do you feel for me?

18:47, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: There are always many people,  coming here to ask for something - like ventilation engineers asking us to change construction decisions ore so one...  they always bring cakes ??????????

18:48, 13 Dec - buzz3884: 

18:48, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Hate this work - getting fat on it ??????

18:55, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U know what I feel for u... I want know u better and  don't want lose u

18:56, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: IMG-20131213-WA0005.jpg (file attached)

18:56, 13 Dec - buzz3884: So you dont think I crazy......that I love you

18:58, 13 Dec - buzz3884: ???????? you cheated......cut your legs off I love your legs......now they gone??

19:00, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Only foots )

19:00, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Open photo ))

19:00, 13 Dec - buzz3884: ?????????? you teasing me??

19:01, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: u asked yesterday !!

19:01, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I don't think u are crazy

19:01, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Only about not sleeping

19:01, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: ??????????

19:01, 13 Dec - buzz3884: What about front on....like i did for you????????

19:02, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what?

19:03, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I still cant help but think there is man next to you????????

19:03, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I look on This picture.... how happy I am being near sea.... I want summer so much 

19:04, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: No, no men ))))

19:04, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Only me on my own yacht ??????????

19:05, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just want you to know I think you look super sexy......it be nice to see it all...thats all

19:06, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Thank u )

19:07, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Just when I look at new photo I know there is man there......it just not same as looking only at you

19:07, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Ok,  delete it too ))

19:07, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Dont get mad

19:08, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I am serious,  delete it if u don't have good impression

19:08, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I dont mean anything bad

19:09, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know 

19:10, 13 Dec - buzz3884: It would be like if I sent photo of me and another girl..then another of same photo with girl cut out...you would still know she there

19:10, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I know.

19:12, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: let's forget about all this this situation with photo,  men and so on....

19:13, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just feel bad that you dont feel comfortable in front of me.......maybe I not making you feel comfortable

19:14, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: what do u mean feel comfortable in front of u?

19:16, 13 Dec - buzz3884: It hard to explain

19:17, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: please,  I am tired assure u that everything is ok and u shouldn't worry and feel bad

19:18, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Let's just talk about life and so on.... I don't like drama

19:18, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just do and cant stop thinking so.........

19:19, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I dont like drama either

19:19, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I will work

19:19, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Just I think I am not attractive enough for you

19:21, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: U are.  Believe me.

19:23, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Dont take this out of context please......but maybe my feelings are much stronger than how you feel.....I dont know....I just......I cant explain properly

19:25, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just dont feel manly enough

19:26, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: We have a lot of time to make our feelings equal.

19:27, 13 Dec - buzz3884: Maybe I should not have been so honest......

19:29, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: I appreciate u are honest. I like u very much.  I want u come to me,  I want be with u. It's true. And stop doubting!!!!  And stop be unsure!!!!!!

19:29, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Are we clear?

19:31, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Don't we need talk more about doubting?  Can we continue normal conversation? I have so many things asking u... I don't want u doubting on me and waste time assure u that it's wrong!!!!

19:31, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Now I will work.

19:31, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: Sorry,  if I am rude.

19:35, 13 Dec - Alexandra Mashtaller: sorry,  I just am a little bit more emotional as always these couple days.  It happens with girls once a month, u know

19:44, 13 Dec - buzz3884: I just feeling less of man...sorry(

1. і На Паризькому самміті 2008го року лідери ЄС і України домовилися що Угода про асоціацію переговори стосовн
2. визначити зміст навчання 2 мати матеріал для роботи з учнями 3 розробити методи тобто способи досягнення
3. аешь; несов То же что зреть
4. Жигули в нетрезвом состоянии инженер Г
5. Административная ответственность за налоговые правонарушения в Республике Беларусь.html
6. Тематичне оцінювання знань за темами Робота й енергія Теплові явища Мета уроку- оцінити знання уміння
7. Проблема развития аудита в Украине
8. Реферат- Виды правонарушений и критерии их разграничений
9. Вимоги до іграшок В дошкільних закладах потрібно вик іграшки суворо за призначенням
10. Харківська гуманітарнопедагогічна академія Харківської обласної ради Освітньокваліфікацій
11. Энергетика энергетическое машиностроение и электротехника спец
12. Лабораторная работа ДМ ’ 6
13. вах Автотрофность геторотрофность
14. тема. Господарськоправові норми- структура види.1
15. Тема - Наследование по закону
16. В результате проведения или выполнения различных работ и производственных процессов оказания услуг т
17. I But I don~t know her
18. осуществляет от имени государства его задачи и функции; обладает властными полномочиями чем и отличается
19. ка девушки Живодёрня богов или Москва слезам не верит
20. Расчет структурной надежности системы