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Up the curtain rose and the show began

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C H R I S T M A S         S H O W

           Every year before winter holidays our school hosts a big event – Christmas show. It’s a festival of English drama. Long before the show preparations usually begin. The plays are chosen, music and videos are prepared, students and teachers take part on the rehearsals.

          The day of the show was busy as usual. The directors gave the last instructions, the actors put on their costumes and make-up, the curtain rose and the show began.

        At the beginning of the festival primary school pupils showed their plays. Different jazz chants were chosen. So, the second form pupils performed in “Chicken Little”, the forth formers showed “The Three Little Pigs”.                   

         All children were enthusiastic and willing to show their best. But the short tale “Goldilocks and The Three Bears” shown by the third form pupils (directed by Kapranova E.S. and Smetanina T.A.) took the spectators’ hearts. The dwarfs were so lively, the bears - so cute and little Goldilocks – so charming that this performance was chosen to represent our school in Relod Drama Contest “The best English of all Englishes!”

        The second part of Christmas Show was no less exciting. The six form students showed the play “The Little Ugly Ducklings” (directed by Minskaya S.M.). The rising star of our school Orlievskaya Dasha could brilliantly reveal the feelings of her character.  The nine form students showed the fairy tale “Cinderella” (directed by Solomina O.N.).

        The audience was taken aback by the costumes and the atmosphere of a real ball. “Cinderella” (played by Ivanova Tanya) reminded the spectators about the main values in life: kindness, love and friendship. This play was chosen for the annual contest “All World     is a Stage” which takes place in Kirovskiy District.

And finally, at the end of the show, all the actors, directors, musicians, designers sang a traditional final song “Happy New Year”.


                                                                                                    Gordeyeva Milana

                                                                                                    Reporter of the school newspaper.       

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