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robot manipulator design

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Unit 11

robot manipulator design


  1.  programmable – программируемый, с программным управлением

reprogrammable  перепрограммируемый

  1.  to concern – касаться, иметь отношение

concerned – имеющий отношение к …; связанный с …

  1.  link – звено; соединение; сцепление
  2.  joint – соединение; стык
  3.  rigid – жёсткий; твёрдый; неподвижный
  4.  member – часть; деталь; элемент; звено
  5.  to cause – вызывать, быть причиной
  6.  relative – относительный; соответственный; сравнительный
  7.  adjacent – смежный, соседний
  8.  line – линия, черта

linear – линейный

  1.  to translate – перемещать

translation – перемещение; поступательное движение

translational – поступательный

  1.  rotation – вращение, вращательное движение

rotary – вращающийся; вращательный

  1.  body – корпус; станина
  2.  wrist – запястье (руки робота)
  3.  to attach – прикреплять; присоединять

attachment – прикрепление; приспособление

  1.  to grip – зажимать; захватывать; закреплять

gripper – захватное устройство, захват

  1.  to grasp – схватывать; зажимать
  2.  to weld – сваривать(ся)

welding – сварка, сваривание

spot welding – точечная сварка

spot welder – машина для точечной сварки

  1.  gun – сварочный пистолет; сварочная горелка
  2.  space – пространство; площадь

work space – рабочая зона; производственная среда

  1.  to orient – ориентировать; определять местонахождение
  2.  envelope(=work envelope) – рабочее пространство; зона обработки
  3.  to suit – годиться; соответствовать, подходить

suited – годный; соответствующий, подходящий

vocabulary exercises

I. Read and translate the words of the same stem:

  1.  program – programmable – reprogrammable – programmed
  2.  to vary – variable – variety – various
  3.  robot – robotic – robotics – robotization
  4.  to manipulate – manipulation – manipulator
  5.  mechanic – mechanics – mechanical – mechanism – mechanization
  6.  to move – movable – movement
  7.  to translate – translation – translational
  8.  to rotate – rotation – rotary
  9.  to position – position – positioning
  10.  to locate – location – local

II. Match the synonyms and translate them:

A. 1. to move, 2. device, 3. motion, 4. to design, 5. to control, 6. application,
7. link, 8.member, 9. principal, 10. part, 11. location, 12. envelope, 13. to grasp.

B. a. to manipulate, b. section, c. use, d. to translate, e. main, f. space,
g. to construct, h. instrument, i. movement, j. component, k. joint, l. position,
m. to grip.

III. Read and translate the word-combinations:

1. computer system, 2. link and joint combinations, 3. arm-and-body section,
4.wrist section, 5. work part, 6. manipulator section, 7. work space, 8. work location, 9. work envelope, 10. robot’s arm.

IV. Make up the word-combinations and translate them:

  1.  to reprogram
  2.  to move
  3.  to perform
  4.  to design
  5.  to control
  6.  to cause
  7.  to grasp
  8.  to position
  1.  a system
    1.  a process
    2.  a task
    3.  a manipulator
    4.  a part
    5.  a rotation
    6.  a tool
    7.  a motion

text 11a

I. Read and translate the text:

Robot Manipulator

The most widely accepted definition of an industrial robot is one developed by the Robotic Industries Association. An industrial robot is a reprogrammable, multifunctional manipulator designed to move materials, parts, tools, or specialized devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of tasks.

The technology of robotics is concerned with the design of the mechanical manipulator and the computer systems used to control it. It is also concerned with the industrial applications of robots, which are described below.

The mechanical manipulator of an industrial robot is made up of a sequence of link and joint combinations. The links are the rigid members connecting the joints. The joints (also called axes) are the movable components of the robot that cause relative motion between adjacent links. There are five principal types of mechanical joints used to construct the manipulator. Two of the joints are linear, in which the relative motion between adjacent links is translational, and three are rotary types, in which the relative motion involves rotation between links.

The manipulator can be divided into two sections: (1) an arm-and-body, which usually consists of three joints connected by large links, and (2) a wrist, consisting of two or three compact joints. Attached to the wrist is a gripper to grasp a work part or a tool (e.g., a spot-welding gun) to perform a process. The two manipulator sections have different functions: the arm-and-body is used to move and position parts or tools in the robot's work space, while the wrist is used to orient the parts or tools at the work location. The arm-and-body section of most commercial robots is based on one of four configurations. Each of the anatomies, as they are sometimes called, provides a different work envelope (i.e., the space that can be reached by the robot's arm) and is suited to different types of applications.

II. Find in the text the English equivalents for the international words:

1. робот, 2. многофункциональный, 3. манипулятор, 4. материал,
5. запрограммированный, 6. технология, 7. компьютер, 8. контролировать,
9. комбинация, 10. компонент, 11. линейный, 12. роторный, 13. секция,
14. компактный, 15. процесс, 16. функция, 17.позиция, 18. ориентировать,
19. конфигурация, 20. тип.

III. Fill in the blanks and translate the sentences:

  1.  An industrial robot is a reprogrammable ... .
  2.  The technology of … is concerned with the design of the mechanical manipulator and the computer system.
  3.  The mechanical manipulator is made up of a sequence of link and joint ... .
  4.  The manipulator can be divided into two … .
  5.  The manipulator sections have different … .
  6.  Each of the manipulator sections provides a different work … .

a. sections, b. envelope, c. manipulator, d. functions, e. robotics, f. combinations.

Grammar revision exercise

I. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the absence of conjunctions in subordinate clauses:

  1.  The definition of an industrial robot the Robotic Industries Association had developed became widely accepted.
  2.  The technology robotics is based on is concerned with the design of the mechanical manipulator and the computer systems used to control it.
  3.  the mechanical manipulator an industrial robot possesses is made up of a sequence of link and joint combinations.
  4.  The mechanical joints the manipulator consists of are of linear and rotary types.
  5.  The two sections the manipulator can be divided into are an arm-and-body and a wrist.
  6.  A gripper a work part or a tool is grasped with is attached to the wrist.
  7.  The sections the manipulator consists of have different functions.
  8.  The arm-and-body section commercial robots use is based on one of four configurations.

Oral practice tasks

I. Complete the sentences with the facts from the text:

  1.  The Robotic Industries Association developed … .
  2.  An industrial robot is designed to … .
  3.  The technology of robotics is concerned with … .
  4.  The mechanical manipulator is made up of … .
  5.  The links are … .
  6.  The joints are … .
  7.  The types of the joints are … .
  8.  The two sections of the manipulator are … .
  9.  The functions of the manipulator sections are … .
  10.  The work envelope is … .

II. Put the points of the plan in the corresponding order:

  1.  The combinations of links and joints.
  2.  The definition of an industrial robot.
  3.  The two sections of the manipulator.
  4.  The technology of robotics.

III. Answer the questions:

  1.  What is an industrial robot?
  2.  What is its function?
  3.  What is the technology of robotics concerned with?
  4.  What is the mechanical manipulator made up of?
  5.  What do the links and the joints represent?
  6.  What are the types of mechanical joints?
  7.  What is the difference between linear and rotary joints?
  8.  What sections can the manipulator be divided into?
  9.  What is the function of every section?
  10.  What does every section provide?

IV. Do the tasks below:

Look through the scheme.

Using the scheme put some questions concerning the construction and the functions of the robot manipulator.

Comment on the scheme.

V. Make a short report on the construction and the functions of the robot manipulator.

Text 11b

Translate the text in written from using a dictionary:

Industrial Robots

In the context of general robotics, most types of industrial robots would fall into the category of robot arms (inherent in the use of the word “manipulator” in the above-mentioned ISO1 standard).

Industrial robots exhibit varying degrees of autonomy. Robots are programmed to faithfully carry out specific actions over and over again without variation and with a high degree of accuracy. These actions are determined by programmed routines that specify the direction, acceleration, velocity, deceleration, and distance of a series of coordinated motions.

Other industrial robots are much more flexible as to the orientation of the object on which they are operating or even the task that has to be performed on the object itself, which the robot may even need to identify. For example, for more precise guidance, robots often contain machine vision sub-systems acting as their "eyes", linked to powerful computers or controllers. Artificial intelligence, or what passes for it, is becoming an increasingly important factor in the modern industrial robot.


1 ISO – International Standards Organization – Международная организация по стандартизации

Text 11c

Look through the text and do the tasks below:


Man has always been interested in devices that would do things for him. Scientists and engineers have always tried to build machines which could perform different kinds of jobs themselves. Many automatic devices were invented during the industrial development of the world. But it was not until electronic computer gave machines a "brain" and a "memory", that true robots began to appear. Electronic computer could instruct them what to do under varying conditions.

A robot is believed to be a device that can make certain decision for itself without the presence of a human being; of course, a man still has to set automatic controls, otherwise the machine will not be able to make those decisions. The basic principle of all robots is that of finding a solution, trying it, rejecting it if it does not work, and trying another one. This is called the principle of "feedback".

Feedback is the process with the help of which a machine gives information to the device controlling it. This information causes the control mechanism to make a change in the operation of the machine. The machine then gives more information to the control mechanism, telling it about the effect of the change. The controller then may order another change. It is a continuous process. Every time the controller tells the machine to do something, the machine sends back information on what is happening. Unless the device has a feedback mechanism, it is not a robot.

  1.  Translate the title of the text.
  2.  Formulate the main idea of the text.
  3.  Choose the main information from every paragraph.
  4.  Make up the plan of the text.
  5.  Write down the annotation of the text in Russian.

PAGE  82

Robot Manipulator

rm-and-body section

joint link joint link joint

to move and position parts or tools in the work space




wrist section

to orient the parts or tools at the work location

work parts



computer systems


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14. задание- вариант Культура Регион
15. Николай Гумилёв
16. .КАДРОВЫЕ РЕСУРСЫ Среднесписочное число работников- 2003 2004 20052006 прогноз Состав персонала по фу.
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20. Гражданское право