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Present Simple употребляется для выражения постоянного или повторяющегося действия

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Present Simple

1.      Present Simple употребляется для выражения постоянного или повторяющегося действия. He lives in London.

2.      Present Simple употребляется также для обозначения действий, которые произойдут в будущем согласно календарю или расписанию.        My birthday is in May.

3.      Present Simple употребляется для обозначения действия, Которое происходит в момент речи с глаголами, которые не используются в Present ContinuousI hear you well.

Present Simple образуется с помощью инфинитива без частицы to, кроме третьего лица единственного числа, где глагол имеет окончание (e)s:We study English. He speaks English well.



Отрицательная форма простого настоящего времени:

Отрицательные предложения в  Present Simple строятся по следующему образцу:

Подлежащее + do/does + not + инфинитив                                                                                      

(для 3л.ед.ч)              без to

We do not (don’t) study German.                                                                                                                        

 He does not (doesn’t) play football well.

I                                                        he

We          do not(don’t)+Vo        she        does not+Vo

You                                                  it             (doesnt)


Вопросительная форма простого настоящего времени:

Вопросительная форма простого настоящего времени образуется с помощью вспомогательного глагола “do” (“does”-3л. Ед.ч.).

We go to school 5 days week.                                                                                                              

Общий вопрос: Do we go to school 5 days a week? Yes, wed do. No we don’t.        

Альтернативный вопрос: Do we go to school 5 or 6 days a week?                       

Разделительный вопрос: We go to school 5 days a week, don’t we?                                     

Вопрос к подлежащему: Who goes to school 5 days a week? (всегда в 3л.ед.ч.)                  

(Обратите внимание на отсутствие вспомогательного глагола.) 

Специальный вопрос:  

1. What do we do 5 days a week?                                                                                     

 2. Where do we go 5 days a week?                                                              

  3. How often do we go to school?

                                               Pete plays football well.

Общий вопрос:  Does Pete play football well?                                                                                                             

Альтернативный вопрос: Does Pete play football or tennis well?                      

 Разделительный вопрос: Pete plays football well, doesn’t he?                                              

Вопрос к подлежащему: Who plays football well?

Специальные вопросы:   

1. What does Pete do well?                                                                             

 2. What game does Pete play well?                                                                                                    

 3. How well does Pete Play football?


Простое настоящее время выражает действие привычное, часто повторяющееся. Им обозначается также последовательность нескольких действий. В контексте  обычны следующие обстоятельства времени:

usually – обычно

sometimes – иногда

never – никогда

often – часто

always – всегда

seldom – редко

occasionally – время от времени

every day – каждый день

twice a week – два раза в неделю

on weekdays – в рабочие дни

on weekends – по выходным


Задание 1. Дополните предложение с правильной формой глаголов в скобках

1.            I _____ to bed at 11.00 p.m. (go)

2.            Jack _______ fluent French, (speak)

3.            Her children       ____ game shows and cartoons, (enjoy)

4.            She always _____          funny jokes, (tell)

5.            My sister and I often _______to read newspapers in English. (try)

6.            People _______ personal computers at home, (use)

7.            It ________ him about half an hour to get home from college. (take)


Задание 2. Напишите утвердительные предложения с глаголом в правильной форме

Example: I don't go to school. — I go to school.

1. My mother doesn't come from Russia.

2. My friends don't live in Moscow. 

3. Paul Simon doesn't study at Trinity College.

4. My father doesn't work as an engineer.

5. My friends and I don't go to the cinema at weekends.

6. My friend doesn't wear jeans and a T-shirt to the institute.

1.    ____________________________________________________________

2.    ____________________________________________________________

3.   ____________________________________________________________

4.   ____________________________________________________________

5.   ____________________________________________________________

6.   ____________________________________________________________


 Задание 3. Напишите отрицательные предложения 

Example: I to the radio in the morning, (listen) — I don't listen to the radio in the morning.

1. I_______ the dog for a walk every day. (take)

2. She________ all the food in the nearest supermarket, (buy)

3. We________ to football matches every Sunday, (go)

4. This car_________ much money — it's rather old. (cost)

5. My friends__________ in a bank, (work)

6. Pete__________ early at weekends, (get up)


Задание 4. Добавь Do или  Does

Example: _____she live with her parents — Yes, she   ___.

Does she live with her parents? — Yes, she does.

___ you like your job? — No, I ___.

Do you like your job? — No, I don't.

1. ___ I speak good Italian? — Yes, you ___.

2. ___ you drive to work? — No, I___.

3. ___ they work hard at university? — Yes, they___.

4. ___ Alan smoke? — No, he___.

5. ___ Patrick like computer games and cartoons? —Yes, he___.            

6. ___children usually eat much ice-cream? — Yes, they ___.

7. ___ you take exams every month? — No, we ___.


Задание 5. Поставь общий вопрос

1. The shop closes at 5 o'clock.

2. They have parties every weekend. .

3. She speaks good English.

4. It rains a lot here in spring.

5. You drink a lot of tea.

6. They go shopping on Saturdays.

1.       ____________________________________________________________

2.       ____________________________________________________________

3.       ____________________________________________________________

4.       ____________________________________________________________

5.       ____________________________________________________________

6.      ____________________________________________________________


Задание 6. Поставь альтернативный вопрос и дай краткий ответ

Example: She (get up) early/late? — Does she get up late or early? — She gets up early.

1. He (go) to work by bus/by train?

2. Classes (start) in the morning/in the afternoon?

3. His mother (work) as a bank manager/as an economist?

4. Jacky (like) classical music/jazz?

5. The shop (close) at 5/at 6 p.m.?

6. His friends (watch) television/go out in the evenings?

7. You (play) the guitar/the piano?

1.       ____________________________________________________________

2.      ____________________________________________________________

3.       ____________________________________________________________

4.       ____________________________________________________________

5.       ____________________________________________________________

6.       ____________________________________________________________

7.       ____________________________________________________________


Задание 7. Составь предложения со специальным вопросом и найди ответ в последней колонке


1.       What                                   do                                  you do?                                   1. — Rather well.

2.       Where                                do                              you live?                                         2.  — 20$.

3.       When                                  does         he get up in the morning?                     3. — Juice.

4.       How long                          does         it   take you to get here?                        4. — I like it.

5.       How often                        do                           you go shopping?                        5. — Every other day.

6.       How well                           does                      she know English?                         6. — I am a student

7.       Why                                   do                              you study Physics?                       7. — Half an hour.

8.       Which drink                     does                        she prefer?                                     8. — At about 7 o'clock.

9.       What  kind of books      do                            they read?                                      9. — Different books.

10.   How much                        does                        it           cost?                                    10.— I live in Moscow.

11.   Whom                               does                          she teach?                                      11.— Mary and Kate do.

12.   Who                                   —                              lives     in Moscow?                      12.— Foreign students.


  Задание 8. Поставь специальный вопрос к предложениям и ответь на него

Example: When do you get up every morning?  I normally get up at 7 o'clock.


 1. ________________________to the radio?                                             I listen to it in the morning.

 2. ________________________ live?                                                          They live in Newcastle.

 3. ________________________swimming?                                                I go swimming once a week.

 4. ________________________like?                                                            My sister likes rock-and- roll.

 5. ________________________work so much?                                         I have a lot to do.

 6. ________________________most evenings?                                        They go to the theatre.

 7. ________________________play chess?                                                I play it very well.

 8. ________________________take you to get to the city centre?       About an hour by bus.

 9. ________________________in that flat?                                               My parents do.

10. _______________________cost?                                                         These shoes cost about 50$.


Задание 9. Поставь правильный разделительный вопрос

1.            She doesn't live in London, ___________?

2.            I don't write to my pen friend very often, __________?

3.            Emma works in a sports shop, ___________?

4.            Her elder brother doesn't play the violin, ___________?

5.            They go dancing on Saturdays, ___________?

6.            It snows a lot in this part of the country, ____________?

7.            They don't stay at home most evenings, _____________?


Задание 10. Составь утвердительные предложения:

1. Bob doesnt look happy. ............................................................................................................................

2. Does this play have five acts? ....................................................................................................................

3. Is Tom under the bed? ...............................................................................................................................

4. Alice and Bob don’t live near the station. ..................................................................................................

5. Do they worry about exams? .....................................................................................................................

6. Phil doesn’t write with his left hand.  ........................................................................................................

7. Am I the best student in the class?  ...........................................................................................................

8. Do they leave at three o’clock? ................................................................................................................. 

9. This boy doesn’t speak German. ................................................................................................................ 

10. They don’t have enough time to help us. ................................................................................................

11. I don’t use ketchup with hamburgers. .....................................................................................................

12. Do you earn ten dollars an hour? ............................................................................................................


Задание 11. Распределите данные слова по трем колонкам в зависимости от из окончаний в 3-м лице единственного числа: [s], [iz], [z].

                Work, go, know, change, buy, end, hurry, play, wash, ride, add, wish, drive, stay, watch, mix, open, do, say, clean, talk, visit, reach, sit, like, study, love, dance, close, speak, read, finish, fly, run.


































Задание 12. Переделайте данные предложения в вопросительные и отрицательные. Используйте конструкции don’t и doesn’t.

                1. Mary takes the dog for a walk in the evenings. 2. Peter buys a morning newspapers every day. 3. I come to every lesson. 4. We go to the seaside every summer. 5. You go shopping on Saturday morning. 6. Peter plays the piano very well. 7. The sun rises in the west. 8. My big brother knows everything. 9. Dogs like cats. 10. Some children like chocolate. 11. It rains often in summer.


Задание 13. Заполните пропуски, используя do или does.

1.       ..…… you want cream and sugar in your coffee?

2.       ....… the children go to bed very early?

3.       ....… that girl come from South America?

4.       ....… you know that Italian student?

5.       ....… Miss Stewart prefer coffee or tea?

6.       ....… your English lessons seem very difficult?

7.       ....… those two women understand that lesson?


Задание 14. Переделайте данные предложения в вопросительные. Начинайте вопросы со слов в скобках.

1.       Ann watches television. (How often?) ___________________________________________

2.       I write to my parents. (How often?)____________________________________________

3.       I have dinner in the evening. (When?)__________________________________________

4.       Tom works. (Where?)_______________________________________________________

5.       I go to the cinema. (How often?)______________________________________________

6.       People do stupid things. (why?)_______________________________________________

7.       The car breaks down. (How often?) ____________________________________________

Задание 15. Составьте из данных слов вопросительные предложения.

1.       buy/you/the/do/at/what/shops___________________________________

2.       is/who/teacher/the______________________________________________

3.       parents/moment/where/your/the/at/are____________________________

4.       you/how/to/come/school/do______________________________________

5.       that/is/car/whose_______________________________________________


Задание 16. Дополните предложения
                1. My sister _________very clever. 2. What _________she do?  3. Who _________he? 4. She _________a teacher  at school. 5. Where _________your sister live? 6. Greta _________a little house in the country. 7. _________ Mary married? 8. _________Sam have any pets? 9. This girl _________called Mary. 10. She _________a lot of friends.  

Задание 17. Постройте вопросы со следующими словами:

1.       Does/what/up/get/she/time?___________________________________________

2.       Do/breakfast/does/what/she/before?____________________________________

3.       For/does/have/breakfast/she/what?_____________________________________

4.       To/how/she/work/does/go?____________________________________________

5.       She/does/what/evening/do/the/in?______________________________________

6.    Bed/time/does/to/what/she/go?________________________________________


Задание 18. Прочитайте текст и  поставьте 5 разных видов вопросов
 1. My friend Julia and I study English. Our teacher is very smart. Her name is Olga Viktorovna, She gives us homework every day. Her son Igor is in our class. Her son is very good at English. We like English but it is difficult. Julia likes to read easy books in English. The teacher gives them to Julia. Sometimes we ask Igor questions in English. He helps us with our homework. Igor wants to be a translator.
2. _____________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________


2. We have got two cats and a dog at home. My parents love them very much. My favorite pet is the dog. Its name is Right. It is white and brown. Right is very clever and funny. I take him for a walk in the evening. We walk every day. It runs and jumps with pleasure. But Right does not tike our cats. He never plays with them. When the cats run to him Right begins to bark. The cats are afraid of Right and run away.



1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________


3. Hi, Mum! I am at the Zoo. The weather is sunny. It is very warm. I am eating a sandwich and drinking a cup of cola. My friend is taking photos. Our teacher is telling us about animals. She knows so many interesting stories about animals. Mum, one boy is giving a banana to the kangaroo. Oh, no!  A monkey is taking one of my sandwiches! Mum, I'll call back later!  



1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________


4. Sasha is a schoolboy. He is in  the first form. One morning Sasha asks his mother to give him another pen before he goes to school. Mother does it. The next morning Sasha asks for a new pen again. So it goes on and on every day. Mother is surprise. “Sasha, you have 5 new pens! Want is wrong with them? Why don’t you want to write with your pens?” mother ask. “Those pens make too many mistakes”, Sasha answers.


1. _____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________



Тексты для чтения


A little hare plays in the forest. He runs about and looks at trees and flowers. Suddenly he hears a noise. He looks up and sees a man with a gun. The little hare is afraid of the gun and wants to run away. The man raises the gun. He can kill the hare. Then the little hare cries out, “ Don’t kill me; I’m too small to make a good dinner for you. You may come to the forest and catch me when I am big, and you will have a good dinner.
The hunter smiles and puts down his gun. And then he says, “very well, I’ll come back to then forest when you are big. Only you must grow quickly!” And the hunter lets the little hare go. The hare runs away and calls out, “Catch me now, if you can.”


1. ответьте на вопросы:

1.       Where does the little hare play?___________________________

2.       What does he look at?___________________________________

3.       Does he hear a noise?____________________________________

4.       Whom does he see?_____________________________________

5.       Is he afraid of the man?___________________________________

6.       What is he afraid of?______________________________________

7.       What does the want to do?_________________________________

8.       Does the hare ask the hunter not to kill him?_________________________________________

9.       Is the hate a good dinner for the hunter? Why not?____________________________________

10.   When may the hunter come to the forest?_______________________________________

11.   Does the hunter let the hare run away?________________________________________

12.   What does the hunter ask the hare?__________________________________________

13.   Is the hare happy?____________________________________________________

14.   Is hunter kind?______________________________________________

My Friend’s Family

I have a friend. His name is Nick Wilson. He is 35 (years old). He is an engineer. He works at a big plant. He is married. He has a wife and two children, a son and a daughter.
Nick’s wife is 30. Her first name is Ann. She doesn’t work. She is a housewife. She runs the house. She shops, cooks meals, cleans the house and looks after the children. The girl’s name is Lucy. She is 5. The boy’s name is Pete. He is 3. The children don’t go to school, as they are too little. Nick’s father is dead. His mother is alive. She lives not far from Nick’s house.
Nick also has a brother and a sister. His brother is a worker. His sister is a doctor. Her husband is a teacher. He teaches French. Nick and his relatives are very nice people.
I often visit Nick and we always glad to see each other.

Philip’s  Working Day

I. Philip is a student. He studies English. He studies hard. He wakes up at 7 and goes to the bathroom. In the bathroom he washes, shaves and leans his teeth. Then he dresses. He puts on his suit, shirt and shoes. At 8 he goes to the kitchen. He has breakfast. For breakfast he has tea, bread and butter and bacon and eggs. During breakfast he listens to the radio.After breakfast he puts his books into the bag, puts on his coat and hat and goes to his college. He goes there by bus. He gets to his college at 9.
II.When he comes to the college, he takes off his coat and hat and goes to the classroom. He greets his friends and sits down at his desk. He takes his books out of the bag and puts them on the desk. He takes his books out of the friends and sits down at his desk. When the teacher comes into the classroom, the students stand up. The lesson begins. At the lesson the students stand up. the lesson begins. At the lesson the students write, read and speak English. They ask questions and answer the teacher’s questions. During the break they play table-tennis or talk about new films, books and sport.
After classes Philip goes home. At home he rests and then he has dinner with his mother. For dinner they have soup, meat or fish. After dinner he does his homework. Then he watches TV or reads he does his homework. Then he watches TV or reads a book. At 10 he says good-night to his mother and to bed.


Present Continuous

Выражает действие продолжающееся и незаконченное, которое происходит или в момент речи, или в более длительный период. Оно образуется от простых форм вспомогательного глагола be в сочетании ing-формой смыслового глагола:



IS                    + ING – форма



ING – форма образуется от первой основной формы глагола (инфинитива) с помощью окончания ing: work+ing=working, help+ing=helping

конечный –е инфинитива, как правило опускается







если инфинитив оканчивается на один гласный + один ударный согласный,  то согласная буква удваивается







запомнить, что








He is writting a letter – Он пишет письмо. (т.е. как раз в это время занимается написанием письма)

I               am


She           is             working



We           are



Вопросительное предложение с формами времени продолжительного действия образуется с помощью изменения порядка слов, а отрицательное предложение – с прибавлением слова отрицания not после be – формы.


He is reading.

Is he reading?

He is not reading.

Он читает.

Он читает?

Он не читает.





I am working

you are working

he is working

she is working

it is working

we are working

you are working

they are working

Am I working?

Are you working?

Is he working?

Is she working?

Is it working?

Are we working?

Are you working?

Are they working?

I am not working

you are not working

he is not working

she is not working

it is not working

we are not working

you are not working

they are not working


Продолжительное настоящее употребляется часто с обстоятельствами времени:

now – сейчас

at present – сейчас

at the present moment – в настоящий момент

at the moment – в настоящий момент


The children are sleeping now. – Дети сейчас спят.

At present he is working in the garden. – Он работает сейчас в саду.

В формах времени продолжительного действия обычно не употребляются

1) глаголы, выражающие восприятие, психические действия и чувства: see, hear, know, want, love, hate, like, understand, believe, mean, need


We see a train – Мы видим поезд.

I hear a strange noise. – Я слышу странный голос.


2) глаголы, выражающие постоянное состояние: seem, belong, possess, appear, contain, consist of, depend on


He seems tired. – Он кажется усталым.

Now this book belongs to me. – Теперь эта книга принадлежит мне.


Задание 1. Измени приведенные предложения  в вопросительные и отрицательные:

He is waiting there.           Is he waiting there?

                                                    He is not waiting there.


1. I am working hard. .....................................................................................................................................  ........................................................................................................................................................................

2. He is writing a poem. ................................................................................................................................. ........................................................................................................................................................................

3. She is making a salad. ................................................................................................................................


 4. Pat is reading a paper. ...............................................................................................................................


5. You are waiting for me. ..............................................................................................................................


 6. Bob is drawing a picture. ...........................................................................................................................


 7. It is raining hard. ........................................................................................................................................


 8. He is speaking English. ...............................................................................................................................


 9. She is playing the piano. ............................................................................................................................


10. We are telling the truth. ..........................................................................................................................



Задание 2. Закончи ответы, использовав вместо имен собственные местоимения:

1.      Are you working?

2.      Is Tom coming?

3.      Are they singing?

4.      Is Liz waiting?

5.      Are we staying?

6.      Are you listening?

7.      Is Ken sleeping?

8.      Is Eve laughing?

9.      Is it raining?

10.   Are they washing?

No, I am not.

Yes, he is.

Yes, .................

No, .................

Yes, .................

Yes, .................

No, .................

Yes, .................

Yes, .................

No, .................



Задание 3. Употреби форму настоящего времени продолжительного действия глаголов, заключенных в скобки:


1. Listen! I think the telephone .................................................. (ring). 2. Mrs. Smith ..................................

................ (play) the piano in the hall. 3. Grandmother .................................................. (have) rest in her bedroom. 4. Be quiet, I .................................................. (think). 5. Jane ....................................................... (not work), she .................................................. (read) a book. 6. I see that you ..........................................

.......... (wear) your new skirt today. 7. Jack is not in his room, he .................................................. (have) a bath. 8. I .................................................. (wait) for my boss. 9. Who ........................................................... (make) that terrible noise? – It’s Roger. He .................................................. (practise) the violin. 10. I am busy, I .................................................. (write) a letter. 11. It .................................................. (snow), put on your coat. 12. The plane .................................................. (fly) at 3,000 metres.


Задание 4. Употреби форму простого настоящего времени или форму настоящего времени продолжительного действия глаголов, заключенных в скобки:


1. Usually the children .................................................. (play) with their toys in the morning but now they ..................................................  (watch) TV. 2. I think he .................................................. (sleep) now. He always .................................................. (go) to bed early. 3. After work we usually ..................................... (do) the shopping. 4. Mrs. Lewis .................................................. (wear) a hat today because the sun is very hot. 5. It is eight o’clock. Brenda and Cliff .................................................. (have) breakfast. 6. The kettle .................................................. (boil), I’ll make the tea. 7. I usually ................................................... (drink) coffee but now I .................................................. (drink) tea. 8. This hat .......................................... (cost) fifty. 9. I .................................................. (save) up because I .................................................. (want) to go abroad in May. 10. Look, the boys .................................................. (play) football. 11. Lucy is not here, she .................................................. (work) in the garden. 12. You usually .......................................... (walk) quite slowly but today you .................................................. (walk) very fast. 13. Julia already ..........

........................................ (speak) Spanish and French, now she .................................................. (learn) Italian. 14. David usually .................................................. (stay) in a hotel when he comes to town but tonight he .................................................. (stay) with us. 15. Run upstairs, mother ...................................

.................. (wait) for you there. 16. He .................................................. (read) a newspaper, he always .................................................. (read) it at breakfast.


Задание 5. Употреби форму простого настоящего времени или форму настоящего времени продолжительного действия глаголов, заключенных в скобки:

1. Richard .................................................. (take) a shower. 2. Betty ............................................................ (understand) it very well. 3. John .................................................. (sit) at his desk. 4. Now he ....................

.......................................... (love) Sarah. 5. Emily .................................................. (lay) the table. 6. Jack .................................................. (know) all about it. 7. I .................................................. (like) this ring. 8. The baby .................................................. (cry) because it is hungry. 9. I ...................................................... (believe) you. 10. I .................................................. (hear) a beautiful song. 11. She ....................................

.................... (look) for her pen. 12. Nigel .................................................. (learn) German.


Задание 6. Подчеркни в тексте глаголы в Present Simple одной чертой, а в Present Continious двумя чертами:


At The Seaside

Every summer we go to the seaside for two weeks. We usually stay at the hotel. And here we are now. My sister is sitting in the armchair and reading a book, her little son is playing with his friend. My friend Jack is swimming to a big black rock. He is a good swimmer and he wants to be a sportsman. I am not swimming. I am helping my mother with lunch. But I like swimming in warm water very much.


Задание 7. Закончите предложения, выбрав соответствующие обстоятельства  времени- now, every day, at the moment, in the morning:

1. The baby is crying…………….

2. I get up at 7 am………………..

3. We have breakfast…………..

4. They are doing homework……………..

Задание 8 . Вставьте глаголы do, does, am, is или are:

1. ….... you sleep well? Yes, she..… .

2. ….… your sister wash the plates? Yes, she..… .

3. My sister ….... playing chess now.

4. Pamela ….… not drive a car.

5. Children …… not  doing their homework now.

6. Where ….… you take books from?

7. …… she play tennis well? No, she ….... not.

8. I ..….. watching TV at the moment.

Задание 9. Запишите время цифрами:
1.Its half past one…………..                           3. It’s five o’clock…………..

2. It’s ten to seven  ………….                          4. It’s twenty past nine…………..

Задание 10 .  Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1.      She ……...… milk every morning.( drinks, drinking, drink)

2.      We …………  to the park now. ( goes, are going, go)

3.      The woman ……….… shopping now.(goes, is going, go)

4.      She often …….…… her red dress.(wears, is wearing, wear)

5.      Look! The cat ………..… up the tree.(climbs, is climbing, climb)

6.      They ………….. to the theatre every Sunday.(go, goes, are going)

7.      Father  always …………. the grass. (cut, cuts, is cutting)

8.      I ………...… a letter at the moment. (write, am writing, writing)

Задание 11. Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:
1) Uncle Podge likes to work._________________________________________
2) In summer we usually go to the seaside.______________________________
3)  Look! Jack is swimming to a big rock._________________________________
4) My brother is a doctor.____________________________________________
5) He goes to school every day.________________________________________
6) They are playing football  in the yard.________________________________

Текст для чтения

1. It is 7.30. Frank is having breakfast and listening to, some music on the radio. His wife Alice is carrying a tray with some coffee on it.          *

It is 11.30. Alice and her friends are having morning coffee. They are talking about their husbands. One of them is wearing a very strange hat.

It is 12 o'clock. Frank is eating in the factory canteen. A lot of men are standing in a queue. They are waiting for their lunch. It is raining outside

Frank and his friends are still having a break. They are standing and talking about a football match this evening.

 It is 8 o'clock in the evening. Frank and Alice are at home. Frank is watching television but his wife and his daughter Susan are not. Susan is reading and her mother is writing. Frank is watching a football match.

It is 11 o'clock. Susan is talking to Tom. He is phoning from Paris. "Are you having a good time? What's the weather like? Is it raining?" she wants to know. Frank and his wife are still watching television. "Who is she talking to?" Frank is asking.

It is a fine day today. There are some clouds in the sky, but the sun is shining. Mr. Jones is with his family. They are walking over the bridge. There are some boats on the river. Mr. Jones and his wife are looking at them. Sally is looking at a big ship. The ship is going under the bridge. Tim is looking at an aeroplane. The aeroplane is flying over the river.

 Future Simple

FS употребляется для выражения действия, которое происходит в будущем. Время совершения действия может быть указанно или может подразумеваться. FS образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола shall для 1-го лица единственного и множественного числа, will- для остальных лиц + инфинитив смыслового глагола (без частицы to). FS сочетается с такими обстоятельствами времени, как tomorrow, next week (month, year), some day и др.


Утвердительная форма

Вопросительная форма

Отрицательная форма

I hall/will go to the seaside next summer.

You will go to the seaside next summer.

He(she) will go to the seaside next summer

We shall/will go to the seaside next summer.

You will go to the seaside next summer.

They will go to the seaside next summer.

Shall/will I go to the seaside next summer?

Will you go to the seaside next summer?

Will he (she) go to the seaside next summer?

Shall/will we go to the seaside next summer?

Will you go to the seaside next summer?

Will they go to the seaside next summer?

I shall/will not go to the seaside next summer.

You will not go to the seaside next summer.

He(she) will not go to the seaside next summer.

We shall/will not go to the seaside next summer.

You will not go to the seaside next summer.

They will not go to the seaside next summer.


Образование повествовательных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений

1. Общий вопрос

Will he write a letter next week? Yes, he will.

2. Альтернативный вопрос

Will he write a letter tomorrow or next week?

3. Специальный вопрос

When will he write a letter?

4. Вопрос к подлежащему 

Who will write a letter next week? (He will.)

5. Разделительный вопрос

He will not write a letter tomorrow, will not  he? (won’t he?)

Задание 1. Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное.

1 We shall sleep in tents. (Where ………………………….)

2 They will not stay in town in July. (Will …………….………..…)

3 The children will play, and run, and jump during the break. (What ………..…………….…)

4 The water is too cold and we shall not swim in the river. (Why ………………..………..)

5 There will be a camp-fire there. (Will ……………….……..)

6 I shall write a letter to my friend. (Who ………………….…………)


Задание 2. Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное.

1 They will be at the café at 5. (When ……………………………………)

2 I shall show the way to the workshop. (Who …………………………………)

3 The teacher will give Kostya a good mark. (What ……………………………..…)

4 Oleg will help Misha with his English. (Who ……………………………………..…)

5 The weather will be bad. (What ………………………………………….…)

6 We shall meet near the post- office. (Where ……………………………………….…)


Задание 3. Перепишите предложения, вставляя глагол shall или will, и прочитайте написанное.

1I …….. get up early tomorrow morning. 2 It …….. rain soon. 3 Nina Serova …….. take part in our concert. 4 His birthday ..….. be on the 27th of August. 5 We …….. sing a lot of songs about our country at the camp-fire. 6 They …..… go to the village on their summer holidays.


Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.

1. You ______ (to come) to my place next Sunday? 2. You______ (to read) this book next week? 3. You ______ (to read) books every day? 4. You ______ (to read) a book now? 5. I ______ (riot to see) him tomorrow. 6. What you ______ (to do) tomorrow? 7. What your friend______ (to do) tomorrow? 8. Where you ______ (to go) next summer? 9. Where you______ (to go) every morning? 10. Where you ______ (to go) now? 11. Look! Mary ______ (to dance). 12. She______ (to dance) every day. 13. She______ (to dance) tomorrow? 14. He ______ (to go) to the theatre tomorrow. 15. We______ (to go) to school in the morning. 16. Look! Kate ______ (to go) to school. 17. You ______ (to help) your mother tomorrow? 18. I ______ (not to play) the guitar now. 19. My brother______ (to play) the guitar every evening. 20. They______ (not to take) care of the gar- den next summer. 21. You ______ (to like) apples? 22. You______ (to eat) apples tomorrow? 23. Nick ______ (to read) many books. 24. Mother ______ (to work) every day. 25. He______ (not to sleep) now. 26. Your brother______ (to go) to the exhibi- tion next Sunday? 27. We ______ (not to go) to the zoo to- morrow. 28. I ______ (not to learn) the poem now. 29. She______ (to live) in San Francisco. 30. My father ______ (to shoot) very well. 31. He is very strong. Look! He ______ (to carry) a very heavy box.

Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous, Present Simple или в Future Simple.

1. My sister ______ (not to like) coffee. 2. When you ______ (to go) to bed every day? 3. What he ______ (to read) now? 4. What he______ (to read) every day? 5. What he ______ (to read) tomorrow? 6. You______ (to give) me this book tomorrow? 7. Where she______ (to be) tomorrow? 8. Where she ______ (to go) tomorrow? 9. She______ (to go) to the country with us to- morrow? 10. They ______ (to stay) at home tomorrow. 11. What you ______ (to do) now? I______ (to see) that you______ (not to read). 12. When you ______ (to finish) your homework? It______ (to be) very late, it______ (to be) time to go to bed. 13. How you usually ______ (to spend) evenings? 14. What you______ (to do) in the country next summer? 15. They ______ (not to drink) tea now. I______ (to think) they______ (to watch) TV. 16. What your father ______ (to drink) in the evening? 17. When you ______ (to get) up every day? — I ______ (to get) up at seven o'clock. 18. My brother usually ______ (not to get) up at seven o'clock. As a rule, he ______ (to get) up at six o'clock, but tomorrow he______ (to get) up at seven o'clock. 19. Why she______ (to come) home so late tomorrow? 20. We ______ (to go) to the country the day after tomorrow. 21. Our friends always______ (to go) to the country for the weekend. 22. Look! The kitten______ (to play) with its tail. 23. Your parents______ (to watch) TV now? 24. My sister ______ (not to rest) now. She______ (to help) mother in the kitchen. She ______ (to help) mother in the kitchen every day.

Употребление времен в придаточных предложениях времени и условия

В придаточных предложениях времени и условия, относящихся к бедующему времени, вместо времен Future употребляются соответствующие времена Present. В главном предложении употребляется Future.

 Союзы придаточных предложений времени и условия:








-до (вплоть до)





-до того как

-после того как

-пока (в то время как)


as soon as

as long as


-до (до тех пор пока не)

-как только


-если не, пока не


If I am free tomorrow I shall call you. - Если я буду свободен завтра, я позвоню тебе.

When everybody comes we shall start the discussion. - Когда все придут, мы начнем обсуждение.

He will remember it as long as he lives. -  Он будет помнить это, пока будет жить.

You won’t master foreign language unless you work hard. – Ты не овладеешь иностранным языком, пока не будешь много работать.

We’ll discuss the book after you have read it. – Мы обсудим книгу после того, как вы ее прочтете.

I shall do it while you are talking to him. – Я сделаю это, пока вы будете разговаривать с ним.

Theyll wait till you return. – Они подождут, пока вы не вернетесь.

 Задание 6 . Поставь глаголы в правильное время

1. You ______ (not, catch) the 10 o’clock train, if you ______ (not, hurry). 2. I ______ (wait) for you, until you ______ (be) ready. 3. If the weather ______ (be) fine, we ______ (have) a picnic on Sunday. 4. When I ______ (finish) my work, I ______ (take) the children out for a walk. 5. He ______ (leave), before you ______ (arrive). 6. I ______ (have) a rest, after I ______ (finish) this work. 7. I______ (speak) to him, when I ______ (see) him next time. 8. I ______ (not, leave)  until you______ (return). 9. If you ______ (not, take) the  job, you ______ (be) sorry. 10. What______ (happen) to me if I ______ (tell) them? 11. ______ (you/tell) me, when breakfast______ (be) ready? 12. If you ______ (ask) him politely, he ______ (help) you. 13.I ______ (be) there when she ______ (arrive). 14. If he______ (not, attend) the conference, he ______ (not,see) his friends. 15. When she______ (hear) her result, she______ (be) pleased. 16. I______ (not, phone) you unless something important ______ (hap pen). 17. If he______ (not, come), you______ (be) upset? 18. They ______ (laugh) when they ______ (realize) it’s a trick. 19. I think you ______ (like) Nick when you______ (meet) him. 20. I ______ (send) you a postcard as soon as I ______ (reach) Paris. 21. I ______ (get) some fresh eggs if they______ (have) any in the market. 22. ______ (Go) she to college if she ______ (get) good grades in her exams?

Задание 7. выбери необходимую форму глагола и подчеркни его.
                1. I (shall come, come) to you next Sunday. 2. When I  (shall come, come) home, I shall help my mother to cook dinner. 3. The doctor  (will give, gives) some medicine when he comes to you, Tom. 4. If the weather   (will be, is) fine, we shall go to the forest. 5. They (will work, work) on the farm next month. 6. Mary  (will buy, buys) a box of chocolate for Mother. 7. She always  (will bring, brings) fresh flowers, because they have a beautiful garden, you now. 8. Next summer I (shall go, go) to my grandparents. 9. They (will have, have) their meals only at home, because all of them work near the house.

Задание 8. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительные формы.
1. There will be a lot of people at the lecture tomorrow. 2. I shall talk to him next Sunday. 3. He will take his exam next month. 4. We shall swim in the river during our holidays. 5. You will have a good time at the seaside. 6. Peter and Nick will have a game of chess tomorrow afternoon.

__Задание 9. Соедините два предложение в одно с помощью союзов в скобках.

1. I’ll find some where to live. Then I’ll give you my address (when). 2. We’ll make our decision. Then we’ll let you know (as soon as). 3. Perhaps I’ll need some help. Then I’ll ask you (if). 4. He will finish the work. You’ll help him (if). 5. I’ll tell you a lot about it. I’ll see you (when). 6. You’ll play the piano. You’ll finish this work (after).

Задание 10.  Закончите следующие предложения.

1. Ill stay at home until ………... . 2. If I see Mike tomorrow …….... . 3. If you hurry ……… . 4. I’ll visit my friend after …….... . 5. She will help him when ……….. . 6. We shall go for a walk after ……….. . 7. ……..… when the rain stops. 8. ……….. I’ll ring you up. 9. I shall cook dinner before ……..… .


Тексты для чтения

Текст1. Hurry, Spring!

I can’t wait for spring to come. I’m tired of the snow. I’m tired of cold weather. And I’m sick and tired of winter coats and boots!

Just think! In a few weeks it won’t be winter any more. It will be spring. The weather won’t be cold. It’ll be warm. It won’t snow any more. It’ll be sunny. I won’t have to stay indoors any more. I’ll go outside and play with my friends. We’ll ride bicycles  and play baseball again.

Just think! In a few weeks our neighborhood won’t look so sad and grey. The flowers will bloom  and the trees will become green again.

My family will spend more time outdoors. My father will work in the yard. He’ll cut the grass and paint the fence. My mother will work in the garden. She’ll buy new flowers and plant them in the garden.

On weekends we won’t just sit in the living – room and watch TV. We’ll go for walks in the park and we’ll have picnics on Sunday afternoon. I really can’t wait for the spring to come. Hurry, spring!..

Текст 2: My Day Off

I won’t go to my office tomorrow. I’ll have a day-off. I Hope I’ll have a good time. I’ll wake up later than usual and do morning exercises. Then I’ll have breakfast. If the weather is good, I’ll go for a walk after breakfast. If the weather is bad, I’ll stay at home. I’ll read some books, newspapers and magazines. If the program is good, I’ll wath TV. I like to see good films or plays on TV. In the evening some friends will come to see me. I’ll be very glad. We’ll have some tea or coffee, talk about various things, listen to some music and dance. I have a very good tape-recorder and a record-player. I am sure well enjoy our little party.

Прочитайте текст и скажите, что будит делать мальчик в воскресенье.

On Sunday

            It will be Sunday tomorrow and I shall be at home. I shall sleep up to eight o’clock, and then I shall do morning exercises, wash and dress myself.

            Mother asked me to help her about the house, and after breakfast we shall clean the rooms. I shall dust the sofa and the chairs, and sweep the floor in all the rooms. Mother will brush clothes and prepare dinner.

            After that my parents and I shall go out for a walk in the park, which is near our block of flats. Then I shall go to the library and take a book of poems by A.S. Pushkin. I like to read Pushkin’s poems.

            In the evening they will show an interesting film or a concert on TV and I watch TV.


The Past Indefinite Simple Tense

 The Past Indefinite Simple Tense. Прошедшее неопределенное (простое) время употребляется:

1) для выражения действия, которое происходило в прошлом и не связано с настоящим. На время действия указывает ситуация или наречие времени: yesterday, the day before yesterday, a minute (two years) ago, last year, the other day.

Yesterday I got up at 6 o'clock.

2) для выражения повторяющихся действий в прошлом: Pete went to Professor Danilov's lectures twice a week in the first year.

3) для выражения последовательности событий: The work finished at 6 o'clock and I went home.

4)   после  when  в  вопросительных  предложениях  и  в придаточных предложениях времени:

When did Mr Blake come back home ?

Pete met his sister when he was in the park.

Note: Глаголы переводятся на русский язык формами совершенного и несовершенного вида прошедшего времени.

Утвердительная форма прошедшего времени группы Indefinite правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления окончания ed к основе глагола:

to open - opened 

Неправильные глаголы  образуют  форму  прошедшего времени группы  Indefinite и  форму причастия  II  не путем прибавления окончания ed    к основе глагола, а различными другими способами:

to write - wrote - written

 При вопросе и отрицании употребляется форма вспомогательного глагола did в сочетании с начальной формой смыслового глагола.





I helped –

я помогал/ помог (вчера)

did I help?

I did not help

you helped

ты помогал/ помог (вчера)

did you help?

you did not help

he helped

он помогал/ помог (вчера)

did he help?

he did not help

she helped

она помогала/ помогла (вчера)

did she help?

she did not help

it helped

это помогало/ помогло (вчера)

did it help?

it did not help

we helped

мы помогали/ помогли (вчера)

did we help

we did not help

they helped

они помогали/ помогли (вчера)

did they help?

they did not help

did not = didnt (в разговорной речи)

Правила правописания:

a) если глагол оканчивается на ударный гласный + согласный, то перед окончанием –ed конечная согласная удваивается







b) если глагол оканчивается на два гласных + согласный, то пишется одна согласная





c) если глагол оканчивается на согласный + y, то перед окончанием –ed, y        i





d) если глагол оканчивается на гласный + y, то y сохраняется





Общий вопрос

Did Stuart see my friend last month

Yes, he did


Альтернативный вопрос

Did Stuart  see my friend last mouth or last week?


Вопрос к подлежащему

Who saw my friend last month?

Stuart did


Специальный вопрос

Whom did Stuart see last month?

Whose friend  did Stuart see?


Разделительный вопрос

Stuart didn’t see my friend last week, did he?

No, he didnt


Задание 1. Образуйте прошедшую форму данных глаголов и распределите их по трем колонкам в зависимости от окончаний.




























1) Walk, dream, wash, drop, hope, stop, spell, dry, cry, watch, dust, cook, play, open, talk, want, clean, work, cover.

2) Arrive, regret, live, tidy, close, rob, end, smile, hurry, visit, count, finish; look; push, like, kiss, add, start, travel, post.


 Задание 2.  Образуйте прошедшую форму неправильных глаголов. Если сомневаетесь, проверьте себя по таблице неправильных глаголов.

1) see      hear      sing        run         read      stand    take       bring     cut         put         write     eat

2) drink   be          teach    buy        speak    have      sleep     get         go           give       know    come



Задание 3.  Разделите данные глаголы на две группы (правильные и неправильные): Regular Verbs (2 forms) и Irregular Verbs (2 forms).

begin       make    start      write     leave     lose       buy        do          see        visit        take       enjoy    have      travel    drive                speak    come    stay       paint     meet




Задание 4. Образуйте форму прошедшего времени следующих глаголов:

 thank, get, look, see, close, live, leave, wait, think, study, go, come, return, walk, bring, fight, discuss, repeat, catch, understand, hear, feel, copy out, read, take, speak.

Задание 5.  Задайте вопросы и ответьте на них по образцу.

Did you stay at home last night? - No, I didn't.

Слова для справок: 1. To receive quests; 2. To watch TV; 3. To live in an old district of Moscow; 4. To invite friends to your place; 5. To go to bed early; 6. To play a game of chess.


Задание 6. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам:

1. My friend wrote to me very often last year. 2. Our students read a very interesting English book 2 weeks ago.3. He took his dog out on Monday evening. 4. Kate spoke to me about her plans for summer the other day. 5. The pupils usually went home after classes.      6. We decided to spend the weekend together.


  Задание 7. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную форму:

1. Mr Brown always opened the windows before classes last year. 2. It took him an hour to get to the Institute yesterday. 3. Tom and Ben walked through the park yesterday. 4. He lived in Kiev five years ago. 5.1 finished work at 5 o'clock the day before yesterday. 6. They returned home in the evening.



Глагол to be в прошедшем времени имеет форму was для 1-го и 3-го лица единственного числа    и were для 2-го лица единственного числа и всех лиц множественного числа.

Не was in Sochi last summer.

We were at the conference the other day

Вопросительная и отрицательная формы образуются без вспомогательного глагола.

Was Mike in his office yesterday ? - No, he wasn't. He was at the



Задание 8. Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на форму глагола to be в Past Indefinite.

I. Они. были здесь час назад. 2. Он вовремя пришел на собрание ? 3. Вы были в институте в среду утром ? - Нет, я была дома. 4. Его не было в школе вчера.

Задание 9. Раскройте скобки и употребите глагол в нужном времени, лице и числе.

I. I _________ (live) near my school last year. 2. My mother_________ (not to teach) me English two years ago. 3. "How long your class usually_________ (to last)?" - "It usually _________ (to last) two hours." 4. "Who you _________ (to discuss) this question with last night?" - "I _________ (to discuss) it with my friends." 5. Ann_________ (not to drink) coffee an hour ago. 6. She _________ (to have) her breakfast now. 7. He _________ (to take) her to the theatre yesterday. 8, Mr Brown always_________ (to read) "The Times" in your plane.

  Задание 10. Переведите на английский язык

1. Где вы жили в прошлом году? - Я жил в Минске. 2. Когда в последний раз вы повторяли это правило? - Мы повторяли его только позавчера. 3. Аня не ответила на мои письма в прошлом месяце. 4. Они построили эту школу в прошлом году. 5. Две недели назад мой друг получил квартиру в новом районе. 6. Вчера я ,очень устал, так как у меня было много работы. 7. На прошлой неделе я был в кино. Фильм был очень интересный. Я рекомендовал всем моим друзьям посмотреть этот фильм.

Задание 11. Прочитайте, сопоставляя фразы левой и правой колонок. Объясните различия в значении глагольных форм Present Indefinite и Past Indefinite



In the morning I jump out of bed and open the window. After that I wash my hands and face and dry myself with a towel.

Then I turn on the radio and listen to it.

I usually get up at seven o’clock.

We have five lessons every day.

In the evening he goes to the park for a walk.

In cold weather she puts her hat and scarf on.


In the morning I jumped out of bed and opened the window. After that I washed my hands and face and dried myself with a towel.

Then I turned on the radio and listened to it.

I got up at eight o’clock last Sunday.

Yesterday we had an English lesson.

After dinner he went to the park for a walk.

She put her raincoat on and left the room.


Задание 12. Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное.

1 The child got up at five o’clock. (When …………………………………………………………………….?)

2 We saw the portrait of Pushkin in the library. (Where …………………………………………………..…?)

3 It rained all day yesterday. ( Did ……………………………………………………………..………….…?)

4 The teacher gave the boy a bad mark for geography. ( Who …………..……………………..……………?)

5 The schoolboy did his mathematics in the morning. ( Who ………………………………….…………….?)

6 The friends spoke over the telephone about the concert. ( What …………………………………… about?)

 Задание 13. откройте скобки, поставьте глаголы Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous or the Past Indefinite.

My Cousin.

                His name (to be) David. David_______ (to be) from Australia. He _______ (to be) a little boy. My cousin _______ (to be) four. David_______ (to like) to play hide-and-seek. But he _______ (not to want) to read books. Every Sunday we_______ (to go) to the park to ride a bicycle. Yesterday we_______ (to play) football at the school sports-ground. Now my cousin and I _______ (to play) with a ball in the yard.

 Ответьте на вопросы

  1.  What_______ (to be) the cousin’s name?
  2.  Where_______ (to be) David?
  3.  How old_______ (to be) the boy?
  4.  What game_______ David (to like) to play?
  5.  What_______ he (not to want) to do?
  6.  Where_______ they  (to go) every Sunday?
  7.  What they _______ (to do) in the park?
  8.  Where_________ David and his cousin_______ (to go) yesterday?
  9.  What _______  they________ (to do) at the school sports-ground?
  10.  What _______  David_________ (to do) now?
  11.  What_______ David’s cousin __________ (to do) now?


Задание 14.  откройте скобки, поставьте глаголы Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous or the Past Indefinite. Ответьте на вопросы

My Mother.

                Her name _______ (to be) Molly. She_______ (to be) thirty-five. My mother _______ (to be) a businesswoman. Molly _______ (to be) a very busy woman. She_______ (to go) to work five times a week. My mother and I _______ (to like) to go to the country. There I usually _______ (to dig) in the garden and Molly _______ (to water) the flowers. Yesterday it_______ (to be) Saturday and my mother _______ (no to go) to work. We _______ (to go) for a walk in the park. There we_______ (to play) table-tennis. Now I _______ (to write) a letter to my friend and my mother _______ (to wash) up.

  1.  What_______ (to be)  the mother’s name?
  2.  How old _______ (to be) Molly?
  3.  What _______ (to be) her job?
  4.  How many times a week__________ Molly_______ (to go) to work?
  5.  Where________ they _______ (to like) to go?
  6.  What_________ they _______ (to like) to do in the country?
  7.  What_________ mother_______ (to do) yesterday?
  8.  What________ she _______ (to do) in the park yesterday?
  9.  What_______ they __________ (to do) now?

 Задание 15.  откройте скобки, поставьте глаголы Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous or the Past Indefinite.

  1.  Why__________ they _________ (not to get) married five years ago?
  2.  I___________________ (to look) through a very interesting magazine now.
  3.  We usually_________ (not to lock) the windows.
  4.  You_________ (to look) for your textbook tomorrow.
  5.  Why_____________ he_________ (not to help) her with biology last week?
  6.  My friend_________ (to go) in for swimming next month.
  7.  Why______________ Sam_________ (not to do) his homework every day?
  8.  This woman _________ (to keep) to a diet now.
  9.  How much money_________ he______________  (to spend) yesterday evening?


  Задание 16 Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite или Future Indefinite.


1. Look! Nick _________________ (to read) a book.

2. He usually _________________ (to read) books at home.

3. Yesterday he_________________  (to read) a book at school.
4.1 think tomorrow he_________________  (not to read).


1. Kate and Ann usually _________________ (to go) for a walk together.

2. Yesterday Ann _________________ (to go) for a walk with Mary.

3. Look! They _________________ (to go) to us.

4. They _________________ (to invite) us to play with them, 1 think.


1.I_________________  (to be) a pupil now.

2. Last year I_________________  (to be) a pupil too.

3. Next year I_________________  (to be) a pupil of the 4th form.


1.I usually _________________ (to get up) at 7 o'clock.
2.I_________________  (to get up) at 6 o'clock yesterday.
3. Tomorrow I_________________  (to get up) early too.
4.I_________________  (to do) my homework now.


1 My mother_________________  (to cook) dinner every day.
2. She _________________ (to cook) a tasty cake last Sunday.

3. She_________________  (to cook) fish now.

4. She says she _________________ (to cook) chops tomorrow.


1. My little brother_________________  (to sleep) now.

2. He usually _________________ (to go) to bed at seven.

3. But yesterday he_________________  (to go) to bed very late.

4. Next month he_________________  (not to go) to school and he hopes
he_________________  (to get up) at 10 every day.


1. My sister_________________  (to buy) a nice dog last month.
2.1 hope she _________________ (to come) to us with her dog tomorrow.

3. We usually _________________ (to play) with her dog when she comes.

4. My mother and I_________________  (to read) a book about dogs at

the moment.



1. My friend _________________ (to teach) his brother to play chess every

2.1 think he _________________ (to teach) me to play this game too.
3. Last week my father _________________ (to bring) me chess.
4.1 _________________ (to look) at it now.


1. The children usually _________________ (to have) a break after lessons.

2. They _________________ (to run) in the yard now.

3. They _________________ (to run and play) during the break yester day.

4.1 think I_________________  (to play) with them tomorrow.



1.I _________________ (can) read well now.

2. At two. I _________________ (can not) read at all.

3.I _________________ (to be) a little boy two years ago.

4.I _________________ (to read) my father's book now.

5.I think tomorrow I_________________  (to start) reading a new one.


1. My friends usually _________________ (lo skate) in winter.

2. Last winter they _________________ (not to skate).

3. They _________________ (not to have) the skates.

4. They hope they_________________  (to buy) new skates next year.


1. My sister _________________ (to watch TV) every evening.

2. She _________________ (to watch TV) now.

3.I usually _________________ (to watch TV) with her.
4. Yesterday we _________________ (not to watch TV).
5.I Think tomorrow we_________________  (to watch TV) together.


1. Look! The boys _________________ (run) a race.

2. They_________________  (wear) shorts and T-shirts.1

3. They usually _________________ (wear) these clothes when they run a race.

4. But yesterday it was cold and they_________________  (wear) jeans and coats.

5. The weather will be nice and they _________________ (wear) light clothes tomorrow.



Тексты для чтения прочитайте, переведите, выполните задания после текста

Текст 1


My name is James. I’m fourteen, and I moved to this town with my family three months ago. My parents lived here when they were young, but my brother and I didn’t know anyone here except a few aunts and uncles we’d met when we’d spent a couple of weeks with my grandparents during school holidays. When I started school, one of my cousins Sophie, who was in my class, was very friendly for the first week, and I was happy to have a friend in strange place. Then, for no reason, she stopped talking to me and I felt very hurt and lonely for several weeks.
In the end, I made some more friends and once I got to know them, I’ve been fine. Now Sophie is having a disco party for her birthday next week and she has invited me. I don’t want to go. My brother says he heard someone say, she only asked me because her parents said she had to. But my mum and dad say it would be rude not to accept. Some of my new friends are invited, too. How can I show Sophie that she can’t behave so badly towards me without causing a family quarrel?

I.                    Верно (true) или неверно (false)?

1.        James knew nobody in the town six month ago.________

2.       He has more than one cousin. ________

3.       Sophie stopped talking to James. ________

4.       James’s parents want him to go to the party. ________

5.       James doesn’t want to go because it might cause a family quarrel. ________

II.                  В каждом задании (1-5) обведи букву (a,b,c или d), соответствующую выбранному тобой варианту ответа. Занеси ответы в таблицу.

1.       What is the writer trying to do in the next?

a)      explain a problem

b)      describe a family

c)       offer advice

d)      refuse the invitation

2.       Whom did James know in the town six mounts ago?

a)      no one

b)      a few relatives

c)       only his grandparents

d)      Sophie’s friends

3.       At the beginning of the term, Sophie’s behavior made the writer feel…

a)      embarrassed.

b)      unhappy.

c)       grateful.

d)      surprised.

4.       James doesn’t want to go Sophie’s party because he…

a)      feels hurt.

b)      doesn’t know where to go.

c)       he doesn’t like disco parties.

d)      his brother isn’t invited. 

5.       James wants Sophie to realize…

a)      that he still hasn’t forgiven her.

b)      that his friends think she behaved rudely.

c)       that his parents dislike her.

d)      that she has fewer friends.


Текст 2


Like most people I am. fond of travelling. I like to travel by plane, by train and by car. I don't like to travel by sea, because in stormy weather I feel sea-sick. When I
am in a hurry, I usually travel by air. It saves a lot of time. But best of all I like to travel by train. Last summer I went to the sea-side for my holiday. I had booked a ticket beforehand and on the day of my departure I phoned for a taxi and went to the station. I
didn't have much luggage with me: only one suit-case. My journey (trip) lasted about 7 hours. I  looked through the window and talked with my fellow-travelers. When I
reached my destination, I went to the boarding house where I had booked accommodation. The house was not far from the beach. The weather was fine. The meals were quite
good, and the company was gay. I had a very good time.

Текст 3

Flying to New York

Professor  Belov and his colleagues were flying to New York to take part in a conference on ecology. The flight was quite comfortable and the passengers felt quite safe.
When they reached their destination and the plane landed, they were asked to fill in declaration forms. Then their visas and passports were checked and they went through the
customs. The customs officer asked his usual question: "Have you anything to declare?" They answered: All (that) we have is for personal use." Soon all the formalities were

Текст 4


Last Saturday I went to a department store which is situated not far from my house. I wanted to buy a rain coat. There were many rain coats on sale and I chose one
of them. I liked the style, the stuff and the cut. And it was not very expensive. I went to the fitting-room to try it on, but it was too tight in the shoulders, so I
asked the shop assistant to show me another. She brought me another rain coat and it was just my size. It fitted me perfectly and it was very becoming. I paid at the desk and
took my purchase. When I came home and showed it to my wife, she said she liked it very much.

Текст 5

The Trojan Horse

Many, many years ago there was a war between the Greeks and the Trojans. The Greek ships sailed up to the city of Troy. When the Trojans saw the Greek ships, they closed the gates of their city and stayed behind the walls. The Greeks attacked the city many times, but could not take it. The Greeks made a big wooden horse, and the leaders of the Greek army hid inside the horse. In the morning the Greeks burned their camp and sailed away. Only the big wooden to go to classes. There is a timetable, but it is for the teachers, not for children!

Does this mean that children stay away from lessons? Not really. Young children want to go to classes from the first day. Older children don't always go to class when they first arrive. But after three months in Summer hill, they usually start to go to the classes which they find interesting. This is because Summer-hill is not like all schools - the children in it enjoy learning and love their school.

I. Верно (true) или неверно (false)?

1. A.S. Neill was a famous teacher.________

2. Summer hill is in London.________

3. A.S. Neill wanted children to be happy at school._______

4. The third paragraph is about classes on the first day._______

 II. Подбери подходящий заголовок к тексту.

1. School of future.

2. School without classes.

3. Welcome to our school and enjoy learning.

4. School of sport activities and learning.

5. A special school for slow-learners.

Past Continuous

Past Continuous употребляется для выражения действия, происходившего в определенный момент в прошлом. Этот момент может быть выражен:

1.       Точным указанием времени.
I was working in the garden at 6 yesterday

2.       Другим действием, выраженным глаголом в простом прошедшем времени.             

They were listening to music when my mother came.

Форма глаголов в Past Continuous образуется при помощи глагола to be в прошедшем времени и Present Participle смыслового глагола.

Past Continuous может употребляться для выражения двух или более параллельных действий, происходивших одновременно.                                                                                 

  While I was working in the garden my sister was making dinner.


Вопросительные предложения в прошедшем длительном времени строятся по следующему образцу:

Was/were + подлежащее + Participle I смыслового глагола + … ?

Were you writing a letter to your parents from 5 to 6 yesterday?


Отрицательная форма глаголов в Past Continuous образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в прошедшем времени и отрицательной частицы not.

Отрицательные предложения строятся по следующему образцу:                         

Подлежащее + wasn’t/were not + Participle I смыслового глагола


Задание 1. Поставьте следующие предложении в вопросительную и отрицательную формы:
I was having supper when you rang me up. 2. His mother was making dinner in the kitchen, when he came. 3. Your friends were smoking in the corridor when we saw them. 4. I was hurrying to the University when I met Pete. 5. We were having our English at 10 in the morning.


Задание 2. Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам и словосочетаниям.
Ted was waiting for Kate at 5 yesterday. 2. They were discussing this question when  he came in. 3. I was reading an interesting book when we saw them. 4. We were doing our home work at that time. 5. My son was skating in the park when I come back home.


Задание 3 Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.

1. What you (read) when I (come)? – A very interesting love story. I (take) the book from the library yesterday. 2. Ann still (wait) for me when I (arrive). She (get) angry because I (be) late again. 3. – Where you (hurry) when I (meet) you? – I (go) to the station to meet my mother. 4. I (drive, not) fast when the accident (happen). 5. The telephone (ring) when we (have) dinner. My wife (answer) the phone.



Задание 4. Переведите на английский язык.

1. Чем ты занимался в понедельник с 8 до 10 вечера? – Готовился к экзамену. 2. Ты вчера был занят, не так ли? – Да, я работал в саду. – Жаль. Вчера в университете был очень интересный вечер. 3. С кем ты разговаривал, когда я тебя встретил? – Со своим двоюродным братом. 4. Вчера вечером мы все были дома. Я читал весь вечер. Мои родители смотрели телевизор, а моя сестра и брат играли в шахматы. 5. Кто помог тебе перевести статью? – Я перевел ее сам. 6. Мне не пришлось звонить Николаю. Он сам мне позвонил. 7. Мы никого не просили о помощи и сделали всю работу сами. 8. Они сами рассказали мне об этом.


Задание 5.  Закончите предложения. Используйте Past Indefinite  или Past Continuous 

1.       David (to come in) __________     when the children (to write) ___________ a dictation.

2.       Mike (to phone) ___________   me, when I (to have) ____________ breakfast.

3.       Mary (to speak) ___________ to me when her little brother (to throw) __________ her bag  out of the window.

4.       We (to meet) ___________ them when we (to stand) ___________ at the bus stop.

5.       She (to buy) ____________ a present for her Granny when I (to see) ___________ her.

6.       When his parents (to have) ___________ dinner Tom (to arrive) __________.

7.       He (to sleep) ___________ when his mother (to come) _____________ back.

8.       A few days later while he (to have) ____________ tea, the postman (to bring) ________ him a letter from his friend.

9.       When the teacher (to come) ____________ into the classroom, the children (to sit) ___________ at their desks.

10.   One day while she (to read) ___________ a book, a big black fly (to sit down) ___________ on her book.

 Задание 6. Переведите с русского на английский

1. Он не сдавал экзамен в 10 часов. Он еще готовился к нему.


2. Когда зазвонил телефон, они обсуждали этот вопрос.


3. Мы ходили по магазинам, когда увидели его.


4. Где ты был в 12 часов?

- В институте. У меня были занятия в это время.


5. Вы переводили статью или готовились к контрольной в часа?

- Я готовился к контрольной.


6. Я не делал записей, когда он читал лекцию.


7. Ты смотрел телевизор или слушал музыку, в то время как я ужинал?

- Я слушал музыку.


8. Он вошел в комнату и увидел, что его отец читает газету.


 Задание 7. Выберите Past Simple или Past Continuous

1. The children ____________ (to plant) a tree when their mother ____________ (to call) them.

2. When the postman ____________ (to arrive), my father ____________ (to have) a shower.

3. While my brother ____________ (to study), my grandma ____________ (to make) some muffins.

4. They ____________ (to play) tennis when it began to rain.

5. We____________  (to go) to the movies last night.

6. The thieves ____________ (to come) into the house while the man ____________ (to sleep).

7. He ____________ (to miss) the train because he ____________ (to talk) with some friends.

8. I ____________ (to go) to the doctor 2 days ago because I ____________ (to have) a terrible headache.

9. Max ____________ (to drive) his car to work when it broke down.

10. When I got up this morning, the sun ____________ (to shine).

  Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Past Simple/Continuous.
1. Mr. Stevenson ____________ (drive) his car while he was listening to some music.

2. Robert _____________ (type) the letter last week because his computer was broken.

3. Louis fell asleep while he ______________ (study).

4. Lydia was drinking a glass of  coke when Peter ____________ (come) in.

5. While Michael was jogging, the dog ____________ (chase) him.

6. Mrs. Parker ____________ (make) some muffins 2 days ago.

7. Sam and Pam ___________ (ride) their bikes when they were small.

8. Joe _____________ (run) as he was phoning his wife.

Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Past Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous.

1. Where you ______(to be) yesterday? — I ______ (to be) at home the whole day. — How strange. I ______ (to ring) you up at two o'clock, but nobody (to answer). — Oh, I (to be) in the garden. I (to read) your book and (not to hear) the telephone. 2. What you ______ (to do) at five o'clock yesterday? — I______ (to work) in the library. —I ______ (to be) there, too, but I ______ (not to see) you. 3. Nina ______ (to celebrate) her birthday yesterday. Her room looked beautiful, there ______ (to be) many flowers in it. When I______ (to come) in, somebody______ (to play) the piano, two or three pairs ______ (to dance). 4. Listen! Somebody ______ (to play) the piano. 5. I______ (to like) music very much. 6. When ______ (to look) out of the window, it______ (to rain) heavily and people ______ (to hurry) along the streets. 7. What you ______ (to do) at seven o'clock yesterday? — I ______ (to have) supper. 8. When I ______ (to come) home yesterday, I ______ (to see)that all my family______ (to sit) round the table. Father ______ (to read) a letter from my uncle, who ______ (to live) in Kiev. 9. Yesterday I ______ (to work) at my English from five till seven. 10. It______ (to rain) the whole day yester-day. 11. Where your sister______ (to be) now? — She ______ (to be) in her room. She ______ (to do) her homework. 12. He______ (to brush) his teeth at the moment. He ______ (to clean) them thoroughly morning and night. 13. Don't disturb her while she______ (to sleep). 14. You______ (to talk) non- sense. You never ______ (to talk) sense. 15. My mother______ (to sit) in the sunlight now and I ______ (to set) the table.

Задание 9. Закончите предложения. Используйте Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1.       David (to come in) ________when the children (to write) _________a dictation.

2.       Mike (to phone) ________ me, when I (to have) _________breakfast.

3.       Mary (to speak) __________to me when her little brother (to throw) ________her bag out of the window.

4.       We (to meet) __________them when we (to stand) _______at the bus stop.

5.       She (to buy) _______a present for her Granny when I (to see) _______her.

6.       When his parents (to have) _______dinner Tom (to arrive) ________.

7.       He (to sleep) ______when his mother (to come) _______back.

8.       A few days later while he (to have) ________tea, the postman (to bring) _________him a letter from his friend.

9.       When the teacher (to come) _________into the classroom, the children (to sit) ________ at their desks.

10.   One day while she (to read) ________ a book, a big black fly (to sit down) _________on her book.

  Задание 10. Переведите с русского на английский

1. Он не сдавал экзамен в 10 часов. Он ещё готовился к нему.


2. Когда зазвонил телефон, они обсуждали этот вопрос.


3. Мы ходили по магазинам, когда увидели его.


4. Где ты был в 12 часов?

- В институте. У меня были занятия в это время.


5. Вы переводили статью, или готовились к контрольной в 2 часа?

- Я готовился к контрольной.


6. Я не делал записей, когда он читал лекцию.


7. Ты смотрел телевизор или слушал музыку, в то время как я ужинал?

- Я слушал музыку.


8. Он вошёл в комнату и увидел, что его отец читает газету.



Задание 11. Раскройте скобки. Используйте Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1.       I (to see) ________this film this week. I like it very much.

2.       When I (to enter) ________the kitchen I (to see) ________ that my mother (to stand) _______at the table and (to cut) _______carrot. She (to cook) _______dinner.

3.       As soon as I (to hear) ___________a cry, I (to run) _________out of the room and (to see) __________that a child (to lie) _______on the ground and (to cry) ___________- What (to happen) ___________? –Why you (to cry) __________? –You (to hurt) _________ yourself? I asked.

4.       They (to go) _______ to the Hermitage last week.

5.       They (to be) ________to the Hermitage twice this week.

6.       After school yesterday he (to come) ________home, (to have) ________ dinner, (to read) _______an article from the latest magazine and (to begin) _______doing his homework.

7.       When you friend (to return) _______from the south? She (to return) ______yesterday. You (to go) _____to the station to meet her? No, I (to do) __________, I (to be) _________busy.

8.       You brother (to return) ________from the north? – Yes, he (to come) ______a few days ago.

9.       You (to be) _______to the Crimea? When you (to be) _________there?

10.   Where (to be) ________ you brother? – He just (to come) _______home. He (to take) _______a shower in the bathroom now.

11.   As soon as I (to see) _____him, I (to understand) _____________that he (to work) _______hard. He (to write) _______something and (not to notice) __________anything.


Прочитай текст, найди предложения в Past Continuous и переведи


I met you at one of Miss Brown’s parties. Do you remember? You were wearing a beautiful white dress. You were talking to Miss Brown smiling when I came up to you. They were playing the tango. I said, «May I have the pleasure of this dance?” and you answered, “Yes, certainly”. And we danced. Do you remember? Our first dance. We were dancing. I was not talking to you, I was looking at you. And you were smiling. We were dancing together. Do you remember?

 I.                    Не согласись с утверждениями:

For example: Mary was singing when he came up to her. – Mary was not singing when he came up to her.

1.                  Boris was writing a letter at 6 o’clock. ____________________________________________

2.                  2. It was raining when we returned home. _________________________________________

3.                  3. The wind was blowing from the west.____________________________________________

4.                  It was snowing the whole day yesterday.____________________________________________

5.                  The boys were fighting when we came up to them.____________________________________

6.                  Ann was waiting for Nick when we saw her.__________________________________________

7.                  The rain was beating against the window when I shut the door.___________________________

8.                  The tram was running along the street when we saw a child._____________________________

9.                  We were sitting on the grass when they came up to us._________________________________

10.               The boys were playing football from 2 till 4 o’clock._____________________________________

II.                  Спроси, так ли это было.

For  example: It was raining when we looked out of the window. – Was it raining when you looked put of the window?

1.                  Ann was smiling when he saw her._________________________________________________

2.                  She was talking to someone when they came up to her.________________________________

3.                  The children were singing when Mother returned home._______________________________

4.                  We were waiting for a bus when it began to rain.______________________________________

5.                  The boys were learning to drive when we saw them.___________________________________

6.                  Mother was cooking supper at that moment.________________________________________

7.                  We were sitting in the living-room when it happened._________________________________

8.                  Helen was working in the garden from 8 till 12 o’clock._________________________________

9.                  They all were watching TV when Mike came into the room.______________________________

III.                Поставь специальный вопрос

For example: The teacher was reading when a man came in. – What was thr teacher doin when a man came in?

1.                  Kate was writing a letter when Ann came from school.__________________________________

2.                  Nick was carrying a heavy box when we met him.______________________________________

3.                  The boys were moving the table when the teacher came into the class-room.  _________________________________________________________________________________

4.                  The baby was crying for half an hour.________________________________________________

5.                  The school-children were planting trees all day long.___________________________________

6.                  The woman was milking her cow when that dog ran out._________________________________

7.                  The children were gathering berries in the forest.______________________________________

8.                  Mike was watering vegetable beds when Pete came to see him. ____________________________________________________________________________

 IV. Прочитайте диалог и переведите его

A: - What were you doing yesterday afternoon?

B: - I was reading a book

A:- Was your sister reading a book, too?

B: - No, she wasn’t

A: - What was she doing?

B: - She was studying English.

V. Употреби глаголы, данные в скобках, в  Past Indefinite or Past Continuous.

1.                  It ______________ (rain) when we left home.

2.                  When we______________ (come) to the stadium these two teams (play) football.

3.                  I ____________ (wait) for Mary from 2 till 2.30.

4.                  The children _____________ (gather) apples all day long yesterday.

5.                  They_______________ (gather) a lot of fruit last week.

6.                  Mary __________________ (water) flowers when  saw her in the garden.

Present Perfect


Настоящее совершенное время (The Present Perfect


Present' Perfect употребляется для выражения действия, завершившегося к моменту речи и связанного с настоящим временем. На русский язык глаголы в Present Perfect в большинстве случаев переводятся в прошедшем времени. Present Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в Present Indefinite и Participle II (причастия прошедшего I времени) смыслового глагола. (или V3 глагола)

Утвердительные предложения строятся по следующему  образцу:      

                                                              Participle II              

подлежащее    +    have/has    +    смыслового      +              


I have read an interesting book this month.


N.B: Participle II правильных глаголов образуется путем прибавления окончания ed к инфинитиву глагола без частицы to

(для правильных глаголов).                                       

Participle II неправильных глаголов помещено в таблице неправильных глаголов (V3)

 Задание 1.  Образуйте Participle II от следующих глаголов:

learn, discuss, listen, like, love, show, start, finish, speak, meet,   sell,   send, go, do, make, write, read, buy, order, want, see, hear, fell, drink, be, give, know.


  В вопросительные предложения в Present Prefect строятся по следующему образцу:

                                                              Participle II

have/has    +    подлежащее    +    смыслового      +


Has he really gone to London ?

Задания 2. Задайте вопросы и ответьте на них по образцу:

Have you discussed any problems this week ?

Yes, I have. (No, I haven't)

Слова для справок: 1. To recieve guests from England; 2. To buy a new dress; 3. To go to a lecture; 4. To make an apple-pie; 5. To go to a dancing club; 6. To play football.



Present Perfect часто употребляется со словами, выражающими незаконченный период времени: today, this, week (month, year), а также с наречиями ever, never, just, которые ставятся перед смысловым глаголом.

N.B: Наречие already ставится перед смысловым глаголом в утвердительных предложениях, yet - в конце вопросительных или отрицательных предложений.

Наречия lately, recently, once и сочетания up to now, many times ставятся, как правило, в конце предложений.

Present Perfect употребляется также для выражения действия, начавшегося в предшествующий период, но еще не закончившегося. В этом случае глагол в форме Perfect переводится на русский язык, как правило, глаголом в настоящем времени, обозначающим незаконченный отрезок времени, - обстоятельства с предлогом for (for ages) или since (since morning)




 Задание 3. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. I've met her before. 2. They've learned the new words. 3. He has finished his article. 4. The girl has got up very early. 5. She has made this mistake before. 6. Pete and Jane have had a long walk today.


Задание 4. Раскройте скобки, заменяя инфинитив нужной формой глагола-сказуемого.

1. "You ____________(to see) the new pictures by Andrew?" "Yes" "How you____________ (to like) it?" "I like it very much" 2. "You ever ____________ (to be) to England?" "Yes", I ____________ (to go) there last winter". 3. "Is Nick at home?" "No, he ____________ (not to come) yet". 4. I just____________ ( to finish) work and___________ (to read) a book now. 5. "Where's your sister?" "She____________ (not to come) home from school yet. I think she still ____________ (to play) tennis" 6. "You____________ (to do) the translation already? You only _____________ (to begin) it 20 minutes ago". 7. "You ________ (to finish) the work yet" Cant have a look at it?" "Certainly. I _____________ (to finish) it an hour ago". 8. "When you ____________ (to come) to Moscow?" "A week  ago".

Задание 5. Закончите предложения, используя since или for.

Let's visit Aunt Emily. (Christmas) We haven't visited her since Christmas.

1. Let's invite Harry and Jane to dinner________.(March) 2. Let's play cards with the Kents________. (Weeks) 3. Let's walk round the park________. (Years) 4. Let's watch TV________. (last Friday) 5. Let's hear an opera________. (Month) 6. Let's phone our parents________. (Two weeks)

Mike is ill.(for a week) He has been ill for a week.

1. My brother is married________. (For two years) 2. I know Steve________. (Since I was a child) 3. Nick is absent________. (For a week) 4. Jack lives in London________.(since he was born) 5. Mr Morgan is away ________ (for two month) 6. Bill is unemployed________. (Since April) 7. Ann has a bad cold________ (for the last few days) 8. Trie shop is open ________ (since 8 o'clock)

Задание 6. Переведите на английский язык. Проверьте себя по ключу.

1. Где мой учебник ? Я только что оставил его здесь. 2. Виктор уже починил магнитофон? - Нет еще. 3. Вы когда-нибудь бывали в Большом театре? - Да.4. Я только что пообедал. 5. Я никогда не был в Лондоне. 6. Отец уже вернулся домой и сейчас смотрит футбол по телевизору. 7. Виктор только что вернулся из Лондона. Я не видел его с прошлого года. 8. Тим сейчас в Москве. Он живет там 6 месяцев. 9. Я не встречаю Катю с тех пор, как мы сдали последний экзамен


Задание 7. Прочитайте и переведите

1. Look! Dick has bought a record. 2. Pat hasn’t given me the book yet. 3. I’ve just come from a very important meeting. 4. He has not thought about university yet. 5. They have received a lot of letters. 6. He has forgotten her name. 7. John is hungry because he hasn’t had any breakfast. 8. We have done exercise No 2. 9. I have just spoken to my boyfriend on the phone. 10. She has planned an expensive holiday. 11. I haven’t written to my wife yet. 12. My parents have just gone out for the evening. 13. Bill has asked me for some money. 14. Helen has brought the mail. 15. Our team has won the game. 16. He has paid a lot of money for his house. 17. Oh, dear, it’s going to rain and I’ve left my umbrella at home. 18. The course has already begun. 19. I have drunk three cups of coffee. 20. Oh, I’ve cut my finger. 21. I have not sent a letter to my mother yet. 22. She hasn’t seen her parents yet. 23. I have never met him before. 24. Andrew has chosen a good present. 25. I’ve been to Paris, but I haven’t been to London yet. 26. George has taken a lot of books from the library. 27. Victor has told us an interesting story. 28. Mr Robinson has taught us English. 29. He has spent his holidays in the Caucasus. 30. They have sold their car. 31. I have made a lot of mistakes in my test. 32. Roger has lost his ticket. 33. I remember that I have put the magazine on this shelf. 34. Lucy has drawn a nice picture. 35. I have broken my umbrella. 36. Robert has become an engineer. 37. I haven’t read the article yet. 38. Have you eaten your steak? 39. Have you heard this opera before? 40. Have the police found the man yet? 41. Has he lent you any money? 42. Has Bill shown you this new car? 43. Have you signed the documents? 44. Have you caught much fish today? 45. Have you ever swum in the Atlantic Ocean?

Задание 8 . Выбери нужную форму глагола в  Present Perfect  или Past Simple

                1. We (have travelled, travelled) about the Crimea last year. Mr. Winkle knows so much, because he (has travelled, travelled) a lot. 2. I (have seen, saw) Pete in the library today. She (has seen, saw) this film last Friday. 3. Alec (has met, met) the mechanic two hours ago. I just (have met) the doctor. 4. The children already (have decided, decided) what to do with the books. Yesterday they (have decided, decided) to help villagers. 5. Helen speaks French, because she (has been, was) in France. She (has been, was) there last year. 6. The rain (has stopped, stopped) and the sun is shining in the sky again. The rain (has stopped, stopped) half an hour ago. 7. Mary (has bought, bought) a new hat. I (have bought, bought) a pair of gloves yesterday. 8. The wind (has blown, blew) off the man’s hat, and he can’t catch it. 9. The weather (has changed, changed) and we can go for a walk. The wind (has changed, changed) in the morning.

Задание 9 . Выбери нужную форму глагола в  Present Continuous or Present Perfect.

                1.  Wait for me a little. I (am eating, have eaten) my breakfast now. 2. Nick (is writing, has written) a letter. When he finishes, we shall go to the post office. 3. Mary (is putting, has put) plates, forks, knives and cups on the table, so we shall have dinner. 4. Look at the child. He (is carrying, has carried) a basket full of plums. 5. Bob (is washing, has washed) his hands and is ready to help you with the dinner. 6. The family just (is having, has had) tea. 7. It is 12 o’clock. Vladimir Petrovich (is having, has had) his lunch. 8. We already (are doing, have done) this exercise. Shall we read the text? 9. Tom’s sister (is learning, has learnt) the English rhyme and now she may go for a walk with her friends. 10. I just (am walking, have walked) through the field.

Задание 10. Перепишите предложения, употребляя глаголы, данные в скобках, в Present Perfect.  Прочитайте написанное.

1 He ……..….. me the towel (to give). 2 You ………. not ……..…. the window (to shut). 3 I ……..… a lot of  Russian books (to read). 4 It is raining and the children ………… to stay at home (to decide).  5 ……….... the mother ………..… breakfast? (to prepared) 6 ……...… you …….…… up the towel& (to hang).


Задание 11. Напишите по одному вопросу к каждому предложению, начиная их словами, данными в скобках. Прочитайте написанное.

1 They have lived in Sochi since 1979. (Where …………………………………………….…?)

2 She has drunk some milk. (Has …………………………………………….?)

3 Alec has come to see me. (Who ………………………………………….…?)

4 We have read an interesting article. (What ………………………………………….…?)

5 You have helped me very much. (What …………………………………………….?)

6 He has given Vera a letter. (Who ………………………………………….…?)


Задание 12. Перепишите предложения, употребляя глаголы, данные в скобках, в нужной форме. Прочитайте написанное.

1They have just ………….… the street. (to cross)

2 …………..… they usually ……..…..… at the “Rossiya” Hotel when they are in Moscow? (to stay)

3 They are ……………... flowers for their mother. (to buy)

4 In 1965 he ………….…… at the town hospital. (to work)

5 He sometimes ………….……. his mother to wash the dishes or to look after his little sister. (to help)

6 I ………….… not ………….…..… to wash myself with cold water when I was ten. ( to like)


Задание 13. Перепишите предложения, употребляя глаголы, данные в скобках , в нужной форме. Прочитайте написанное.

1 Yesterday  I …………….… at the cinema. (to be)

2 How much … you ………….…… for this book? (to pay)

3 Have you ……………… the new film about sportsmen? (to see)

4 They have ………….…… on a Number Four bus? (to get)

5 Last Sunday she ……………… for a walk in the park. (to go)

6 I ………….…… not ……………… my breakfast yet. ( to have)

 Задание 14. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect или Past Simple.
1. Helen speaks French so well because she ________(to live) in France. 2. She ________ (to live) there last year. 3. The rain ________ (to stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again. 4. The rain ________ (to stop) half an hour ago. 5. Mary ________ (to buy) a new hat. 6. I ________ (to buy) a pair of gloves yester- day. 7. The wind ________ (to blow) off the man's hat, and he cannot catch it. 8. The weather________ (to change), and we can go for a walk. 9. The wind________ (to change) in the morning. 10. We ________ (to travel) around Europe last year. 11. My father knows so much because he ________ (to travel) a lot. 12. I ________ (to see) Pete today. 13. She ________ (to see) this film last Sunday. 14. Alex________ (to meet) his friend two hours ago. 15. I just ________ (to meet) our teacher. 16. The children already________ (to decide) what to do with the books. 17. Yesterday they ________ (to decide) to help their grand- mother.

Задание 15. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Задание 12. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Present Simple или Past Simple.

Задание 12. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Present Simple или Past Simple.

Задание 12. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Present Simple или Past Simple.

Present Simple или Past Simple.

1. What you ________ (to do) here at such a late hour? You________ (to write) your composition? — No, I________ (to write) it already. I________ (to work) at my report. — And when you________ (to write) your composition? — I ________ (to finish) it two days ago. 2. I say, Tom, let's have dinner. — No, thank you, I already ________ (to have) dinner. 3. What the weather ________ (to be) like? It still ________ (to rain)? — No, it ________ (to stop) raining. 4. Please give me a pencil, I ________ (to lose)mine. 5. I ________ (not to meet) Peter since Monday. 6. Nina just ________ (to finish) work. 7. Where Sergei ________ (to be)? — He________ (to go) home. He ________ (to leave) the room a minute ago.8. What you ________ (to read) now? — I (to read) "Jane Eyre” by Charlotte Bronte. 9. They ________ (to read) "Ivanhoe" by Walter Scott a month ago. What about you? You ________ (to read) "Ivanhoe"? 10. My watch ________ (to stop). There ________ (to be) something wrong with it. 11. You________ (to see) Jack today? — Yes, I ________ (to see) him at the institute. 12. You________ (to hear) the new symphony by M.? — Yes. I .... —When you________ (to hear) it? — I________ (to hear) it last Sunday.13. You ________ (to change) so much. Anything ________ (to happen)?

Задание 16. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы

 в Present Indefinite, Present Perfect, Present Continuous,
Past Indefinite
или Future Indefinite.


1. Our classes usually_________________ (begin) at 8.30 in the morning.

2. The first lesson _________________ (not to begin) yet.
3. I _________________ (spend) my last weekend well.

4.1 think we_________________  (travel) to the seaside next summer.
5. The pupils _________________ (have) a break now.


1. My mother _________________ (buy) a lot of bananas yesterday.

2. We just_________________  (eat) all the bananas.

3.I think she _________________ (buy) some more bananas tomorrow.

4. Usually my dog_________________  (not to eat) fruit.

5. My dog_________________  (eat) meat now.


1. We never _________________ (swim) in the ocean.

2. We _________________ (swim) in the lake very often last summer.

3. My friend certainly_________________  (swim) in the Black Sea next month.

4. We usually _________________ (go) swimming to the swimming pool.

5. Look at the boys! They_________________  (swim) on such a cold day.


1.I already _________________ (be) to many countries.
2.I _________________ (be) in London last year.
3.I _________________ (travel) to Canada now.

4. We hope we_________________  (visit) our American friends next summer.

5. We _________________ (visit) them every year.


1. The children _________________ (not to learn) the poem yet.

2. They _________________ (forget) to write down their homework yesterday.

3. They _________________ (get) bad marks tomorrow.

4. They _________________ (read) interesting books now.

5. They usually_________________  (do) their homework in the evening.


1.I just_________________  (have) breakfast.

2.I _________________ (eat) my breakfast a minute ago.

3. He_________________  (have) his breakfast now.

4.I know that we_________________  (have) breakfast at school next


5. When... you usually_________________  (have) breakfast?


1.I already _________________ (see) the monument to Pushkin.
2.I _________________ (see) it when I travelled to Moscow last summer.


Задание 17. Раскройте скобки. Поставите глаголы в Present Indefinite, the Present Continuous, the Past Indefinite, the Future Indefinite, или the Present Perfect.

1. a) You father often (to take) ________ you finishing?

 b) You father (to take) ________ you finishing now?

 c) You father (to take) ________ you finishing last night?

 d) You father (to take) ________ you finishing next time?

 e) You father (to take) ________ you finishing this morning?

2. a) Which of your group something (to translate) __________articles from English into Russian?

 b) Which of your group (to translate) __________articles from English into Russian now?

 c) Which of your group (to translate) __________articles from English into Russian at the last lesson?

 d) Which of your group (to translate) _________articles from English into Russian at the next lesson?

 e) Which of your group (to translate) __________articles from English into Russian lately?

3. a) Why he usually (not to write) __________ short stories about animals?

 b) Why he usually (not to write) __________ short stories about animals now?

 c) Why he usually (not to write) __________ short stories about animals last year?

 d) Why he usually (not to write) __________ short stories about animals next year?

 e) Why he usually (not to write) __________ short stories about animals yet?

4. a) You often (to look) _______ up new words in the dictionary?

 b) You (to look) _______ up new words in the dictionary now?

 c) You (to look) _______ up new words in the dictionary five minutes ago?

 d) You (to look) _______ up new words in the dictionary in a minute?

 c) You just (to look) _______ up new words in the dictionary?

5. a) Mary something (to give) ________ sugar to the dog?

 b) Mary (to give) ________ sugar to the dog now?

 c) Mary (to give) ________ sugar to the dog yesterday?

 d) Mary (to give) ________ sugar to the dog tomorrow?

 e) Mary (to give) ________ sugar to the dog this evening?

6. a) Why we (not to cook) ___________meat every day?

 b) Why we (not to cook) ___________meat now?

 c) Why we (not to cook) ___________meat last week?

 d) Why we (not to cook) ___________meat for the dinner?

 e) Why we (not to cook) ___________meat this week?

   Тексты для чтения

Getting Up the Morning

At seven o’clock in the morning the alarm-clock rings. It is time for me to get up. I don’t want to get up early, but I must.

            I jump out of bed and open the window. Then I turn on the radio do my morning exercises.

            When I have done my morning exercises, I go to the bathroom and wash. I clean my teeth, wash my hands face and ears with cold water and dry myself with my towel.

            When I have washed myself, I brush my hair with my hairbrush.

            Then I dress, I put on my shirt, trousers and jacket, my socks and my boots. Now I am ready to go to breakfast.

            My sister Lena has already got up, washed herself, brushed her hair, put on her dress, tights and shoes. She is sitting at the table having her breakfast. I take my place at the table too and Mother gives me my breakfast. Father has already had breakfast and has gone to work. Mother must get up early to prepare breakfast for all the family.

            Now Lena has finished her breakfast. She is going to put on her coat and run to school.

            “It is eight o’clock, Boris,” Mother says to me. “It is time for you to go to school.”

            I put my things in my school-bag and put my scarf and my coat on.

            “Good-bye, Mum!” I say.


1 Did the boy want to get up?

2 Why did he open the window?

3 What did he do after his morning exercises?

4 What did he put on?

5 When did he put his textbooks into his bag?

6 Who said “Don’t be late”?


The Past Perfect Tence

Stage П.В. Прошедшее совершенное время (The Past Perfect Tence).

Past Perfect употребляется для выражения прошедшего действия, которое совершилось до определенного момента I прошлом. Этот момент может быть выражен точным указанием времени с предлогом by. или другим прошедшим действием

Past Perfect образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to have в Past Indefinite и Participle II. Утвердительные предложения строятся по следующему образцу:

                                                    Participle II

подлежащее    +    had    +    смыслового     +.....


As soon as I had packed my things the taxi came.


Вопросительные и отрицательные предложения в Past I Perfect строятся по той же модели, что и в Present Perfect.

Had you finished your work by 6 o'clock?

We hadn’t done our homework when our parents returned home.


Past Perfect.

He had finished his work before I came,

Had he finished his work before you came?

Yes, he had. No, he hadn’t.

He had not finished his work before you came.


Задание 1 . Найдите предложение, в которых сказуемое выражено глаголами в Past Perfect и переведите.

1)      It was my first flight. I had never flown before.___________________________________

2)      We’d like to have a party tonight._____________________________________________

3)      We arrived at our country house in the evening and found out that somebody had broken into it.__________________________________________________________________

4)      When parents came home they saw that their children hadn’t cleaned the flat.

5)      Tom had just got home when I phoned him.____________________________________

  Задание 2.  Составьте предложения, используя слова, данные в скобках-.

Не wasn't hungry (I just /have/ lunch)

1. Mary wasn't at home when I arrived (she/just/go out) 2. They come to the cinema late. (The film/already/begin) 3. I invited my brother to dinner last night but he couldn't come {he/go on business urgently). 4. I knew the actor well. (I/ see / him / in / many plays) 5. My mother was busy in the kitchen. (She/not/ cook/ dinner/ yet) 6. Robert was late for lessons. (he/ miss/ the bus)


Задание 3.  Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму. Past Indefinite or Past Perfect,

1. The house was very quiet when I got home everybody __________ (go) to bed. 2. I felt very tired when I got home, so I ___________ (go) to bed at once. 3. Ann ___________ (not, finish) work when Pete got to the office. 4.1________ (finish) my. homework at б and went out for a walk. 5. I ___________ (wash) the dishes, dried them and put them into the cupboard. 6. Pete called me this afternoon and invited me to the cinema, but I couldn't as I____________ (not, wash) the window yet.

Задание 4. Переведите на английский язык

1.Когда я пришел к Виктору, его не было дома. Он ушел на вокзал встречать родителей.2. К концу июня я сдала все экзамены и была свободна. 3. Я работал на заводе до того, как поступил в институт. 4. Он жил в Киеве до того, как приехал в Минск. 5. Когда мы добрались до вокзала, поезд уже ушел. 6. В доме стало тихо, так как дети уснули. 7. Дождь закончился в 6 часов, и мы решили пойти гулять. 8. Когда я проснулся, завтрак был уже готов. 9. Собрание еще не началось, когда мы пришли.


 Задание 5. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple, Past Continuous и Past Perfect.

1. By eight o'clock yesterday I ______________ (to do) my home-work and at eight I ________________ (to play) the piano. 2. By six o' clock father________________ (to come) home and at six he________________ (to have)dinner. 3. By nine o'clock yesterday grandmother ________________ (to wash) the dishes and at nine she ________________ (to watch) TV. 4. When I ________________ (to meet) Tom, he ________________ (to eat) an ice-cream which he________________ (to buy) at the corner of the street. 5, When father________________ (to come) home, we ________________ (to cook) the mushrooms which we ________________ (to gather) in the wood. 6. When I (________________to see)Ann, she ________________ (to sort) the flowers which she ________________ (to pick) in the field. 7. When I ________________ (to come) home yesterday, I ________________ (to see) that my little brother________________ (to break) my pen and ________________ (to play) with its pieces. 8. When I ________________ (to open) the door of the classroom, I ________________ (to see) that the teacher already ________ (to come) and the pupils________________ (to write) a dictation. 9. When I________________ (to come) home, my sister ________________ (to read) a book which she ________________ (to bring) from the library.

Задание 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Continuous или Past Perfect

1. He ________ (to come) home late yesterday. 2. She is very glad : she________ (to finish) her composition at last. 3. He________ (to translate) the whole text by eleven o'clock.4. I never ________ (to be) to Rome. 5. Last year we ________ (to work)very much. 6,.When I ________ (to have) breakfast, I went to school. 7. I ________ (not to see) you for ages! I am very glad to see you. 8. When you________ (to see) the "Swan Lake"?9. My sister already________ (to graduate) from the university.10. He repaired the toy which his brother________ (to break)the day before. 11. I________ (to see) an interesting TV programmer this week. 12. You ever ________ (to be) to Trafalgar Square? 13. They ________ (to cook) the whole day yesterday.14. I just ________ (to see) Jack. 15. She________ (to wash) the dishes from five till six. 16. Look! She ________ (to draw) a very nice picture.

упражнения на все изученные времена

Задание 1. Раскройте скобки» употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple; Present Continuous, Past Continuous; Present Perfect, Past Perfect.

1. My friend ________ (to like) pies. He ________ (to eat) pies everyday. When I________ (to meet) him in the street yesterday, he________ (to eat) a pie. He ________ (to tell) me that he________ (to buy) that pieta the corner of the street. Look at my friend now! He ________ (to eat) a pie again. 2.1 always ________ (to come) to school at a quarter to nine. 3. Yesterday I ________ (to come) to school at ten minutes to nine. 4. Tomorrow Nick________ (not to go)to the cinema because he ________ (to go) to the cinema yester-day. He already ________ (to be) to the cinema this week. He________ (to stay) at home and ________ (to play) a computer game. 5. What your brother ________ (to do) now? 6. My father ________ (to work) in an office. It________ (to be) Sunday now. He ________ (not to work), he________ (to read) at home. 7.1 ________ (not to see) you for a while! You ________ (to be) busy at work? — I________ (to have) an awful week, you________ (to know). 8. What he________ (to do) at ten o'clock last night? — He ________ (not to do) anything really. He just ________ (to look) at some magazines. 9. We________ (to have) rather difficult time at the moment. — I________ (to be) sorry to hear that. 10. Something awful ________ (to happen). Her little daughter________ (to swallow) a coin. 11. She (to ask) me if________ (to see) her backpack. 12. After the boys________ (to do) all the work, they ________ (to go) to the pictures.

 Задание 2. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple; Present Continuous, Past Continuous; Present Perfect, Past Perfect.

1. Yesterday I ________ (to put) five apples into the fruit bowl. Where they ________ (to be) now? — I ________ (to eat) them. You (to bring) some more tomorrow? — Yes, if you ________ (not to make) noise when granny________ (to sleep). 2. You ever________ (to be) to the Hermitage? 3. What Nick ________ (to do) when you ________ (to ring) him up yesterday? — He ________ (to play)the piano. He ________ (to tell) me that he already ________ (to write)his composition. 4. Why she ________ (to sleep) now? It________ (to be) too early. She never________ (to sleep) at this time. 5. You________ (to go) to the library tomorrow? — No, I already
________ (to be) to the library this week. I________ (to be) there on Monday. As a rule, I________ (to go) to the library every Wednesday. But yesterday I________ (not to go) there, be cause I________ (not to read) the book. I ________ (to read) it now. I________ (to go) to the library on Saturday if I ________ (to finish) the book by that time. 6. As soon as I________ (to receive)a letter, I shall go to Moscow. 7. By six o'clock we already________ (to make) arrangements to take the early train.

 Тест 1. Past Simple или Past Perfect?

1)      We … our lessons by 5 o’clock.

a)      Had done

b)      Did

2)      Mother and father came home at 8 o’clock in the evening yesterday. We … the flat by that time.

a)      Cleaned

b)      Had cleaned

3)      Tom … to speak last year.

a)      Learned

b)      Had learnt

4)      We … about it when his telegram arrived.

a)      Had heard

b)      Heard

5)      Mom phoned Granny yesterday as we …any letters from her for a long time.

a)      Hadn’t received

b)      Didn’t receive

 6)      We … the town when it began to rain.

a)      Didn’t reach

b)      Hadn’t reached

7)      After the rain … my friends came to see me.

a)      Stopped.

b)      Had stopped.

8)      I … doing my lessons before my parents returned from the party.

a)      Finished

b)      Had finished

9)      We reached our country house when it … dark.

a)      Had become

b)      Became

10)   We … the house when it started to rain.

a)      Had hardly entered

b)      Hardly entered

 Текст для чтения

Задание. Прочитайте текст и выпишите из него глаголы-сказуемые в Past Perfect


Mr Price stood at the window of his office. He had stopped working at last. The building was empty. Everyone has gone home by half past five. Now it was half past six and the street below had emptied.  

What a busy day he had had! He had arrived at the office well before .nine o'clock. Why, before nine o'clock he had made two telephone calls! The other offices were still empty when he had phoned, so of course nobody had answered the telephone. Poor Mr Price!

But then he had opened all the correspondence. By ten o'clock he had dictated replies to nearly all the letters. When Miss King left the room he had started to make telephone calls again. By the time the Acting Manager sent for him he had talked to three of the buyers. When the Acting Manager had asked him for information about Stocks he had been able to give the information from memory. He was sure the Acting Manager had noticed that!

By one o'clock he had examined the figures from the production sheets and he had signed a dozen letters for Miss King. By two o'clock he had had his lunch and he had done a lot more work on those production figures. By three o'clock he had found two mistakes! By four o'clock he had seen both the Production Manager and the Foreman. He had asked them for an explanation. He had pointed out that the explanation was urgent. By ten o'clock tomorrow the corrected figures must be on his desk. Mr Price sighed. What a load of responsibility he had!

Mr Price sighed again. Tomorrow he must make more telephone calls; he must dictate more letters; he must1 try again to speak to the Acting Assistant Manager. But now he must go home., He put on his coat and his hat. He picked up his attache case and his umbrella and went to the door. He locked the door and walked towards the lift. Then he stopped. He had turned off the electric fire near his desk. It was a quarter to seven. Really he worked too hard!


Способы выражения будущего времени.

Будущее действие может выражаться:

  1.  формами будущего времени различных групп (Future Simple, Progressive, Future Perfect, Future Perfect Progressive);
  2.  формой Present Progressive и оборотом to be going to do smth. (собираться что-то делать), когда речь идет о запланированном заранее действие:

Im leaving Moscow tomorrow morning.

She is going to enter the University this summer.

  1.  формой Present Simple в том случае, если мы говорим о расписании, начале работы и т.д. (например, движение транспорта, начало спектакля или киносеанса):

The train leaves at  five p.m. tomorrow.

The performance starts at seven sharp, dont be late.


Определите, в каком из будущих времен переводится каждое из предложений группы:   а)   Future Simple b)   Future Progressive c)   Future Perfect d) Future Perfect Progressive


  1.  К июню я прочитаю все любовные романы этой писательницы.
  2.  Когда ты придешь завтра, я буду читать книгу.
  3.  Когда ты придешь завтра, я буду читать книгу уже два часа.
  4.  Я буду читать по одной книге в день на каникулах.



  1.  Я буду гулять каждый день на каникулах.
  2.  К двум часам я уже уйду гулять.
  3.  К пяти часам я уже буду гулять достаточно долго.
  4.  В три часа я буду гулять.



  1.  Тина будет танцевать в клубе каждое воскресенье.
  2.  В восемь часов она будет танцевать в клубе.
  3.  К двенадцати ночи она уже станцует все танцы и уйдет домой.
  4.  когда т придешь в клуб, она будет танцевать уже час.



  1.  Мы будем ходить на концерты каждую субботу.
  2.  Не опаздывай, к двум мы уже уйдем на концерт.
  3.  Где ты будешь в два часа? – Я буду ехать в метро.
  4.  Мы будем ехать уже полчаса, когда выедем за пределы Московской области.



  1.  Бабушка будет смотреть сериал на следующей неделе.
  2.  Бабушка будет смотреть сериал в три часа.
  3.  Бабушка будет смотреть сериал уже час, когда внуки придут из школы.
  4.  Бабушка посмотрим сериал к тому моменту, как внуки придут из школы.


Future Continuous


Употребление Future Progressive Tense

Для выражения длительных действий, которые начнутся до определенного момента в будущем и все еще будут совершаться в этот момент.

Sasha will be flying to America on Monday at 6 p.m.— Саша будет лететь в Америку в понедельник в 6 часов вечера.

Future Progressive также употребляется для выражения действий недлительного характера, когда говорится о намерении совершить действие или о заранее запланированном действии.

Sasha is flying to America. He will be staying with the Garretts.

Саша летит в Америку. Он остановится у Garretts. (Это бьпо заранее запланировано.)


Глагол to be в Future Progressive

не употребляется!!!

Вместо этого употребляются формы глагола to be в Future Simple

Спряжение всех остальных глаголов

Не will be in Moscow tomorrow at 2 p.m.





    will be learning




will be learning


Образование повествовательных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений

Повествовательное предложение

Не will be cleaning my room tomorrow at 5 p.m.

Отрицательное предложение

She will not be cleaning my room tomorrow at 5 p.m.

Общий вопрос

Will he be cleaning my room tomorrow at 5 p.m.? Yes, he will.

 Альтернативный вопрос

Will he or she be cleaning my room tomorrow at 5 p.m.? He will.

Вопрос к подлежащему

Who will be cleaning my room tomorrow at 5 p.m.?

Специальный вопрос

What will he be doing tomorrow at 5 p.m.?

Разделительный вопрос

He will be cleaning my room tomorrow at 5 p.m., won't he?

Задание 1. Эти предложения описывают, что происходит сейчас. Расскажите и напишите, что будет происходить в это же время завтра.

ПримерIt is 2 o'clock now. He is working on a computer.— He'll be working on a computer tomorrow at 2 o'clock.

1) It is 6 a.m. I am sleeping.—.....................................................................................................................

2) It is 8 a.m. He is making his bed.—....................................................................................................................................................................

3) It is 8.30 a.m. She is having breakfast.—....................................................................................................................................................................

4) It is 9 a.m. We are going to school.—.....................................................................................................

5) It is 10 p.m. They are arriving in Boston.—.....................................................................................................................................................................

2. Answer the questions.

1) Will you be sleeping at 6 a.m. tomorrow? —.....................................................................................................................................................................

2) Who will be waking you up at 7 a.m. tomorrow? —…………...........................................................................................................................................................

3) Will you be having breakfast at 8 a.m. or 8.30 a.m. tomorrow? —.


4) What will you be doing this time tomorrow? —


5) Who will be working on a computer when you come home after school tomorrow? —


6) Will your friends be discussing a new film when you see them tomorrow? —


7) Will you be watching a film when your friend looks in? —



Задание 2. Поставьте следующие предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.

1. He’ll be waiting you at 7 in the evening. 2. They will be having dinner at that time. 3. We’ll be discussing this question tomorrow morning. 4. They’ll be packing tomorrow. 5. I’ll be meeting my old friends in Kiev soon.


The Future Perfect Tense

Употребление Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense употребляется для описания действий, которые завершатся к определенному моменту в будущем или до определенного момента в будущем,

by the end of September к концу сентября 

before the film starts — перед тем как начнется фильм


Образование повествовательных, отрицательных и вопросительных предложений

Повествовательное предложение

She will have cleaned the house by 8 p.m.

Вопрос к подлежащему

Who will have cleaned the house by 8 p.m.?

Общий вопрос

Will he have cleaned the house by 8 p.m.? No, he will not.

Отрицательное предложение

He will not have cleaned the house by 8 p.m.

Специальный вопрос

By what time will she have cleaned the house? What will she have done by 8 p.m.?

Альтернативный вопрос

Will he or she have cleaned the house by 8 p.m.?

Разделительный вопрос

She will have cleaned the house by 8 p.m., won't she?

Задание 1.  Раскройте скобки, употребляя Future Perfect or Future Perfect Continuous:

1. We ____________ (finish) this exercise by 8 o'clock. 2. We are late. The lesson ____________ (start) by now. 3. By the end of March he ____________ (live) here for three years. 4. Young Billy is growing up. By this time next year he ____________ (begin) school. 5. They will be tired when they get there. They ____________ (travel) all day. 6. She____________ (have) lunch by the time we arrive. 7. They ____________ (build) the road by the end of the year. 8.1 ____________ (spend) all my money by tomorrow. 9. We ____________ (fly) for twelve hours by the time the plane lands.10. The play____________ (begin) before we reach the theatre. 11. Before the end of the year they ____________ (complete) the project. 12. I____________ (work) this company non-stop for thirty years by the end of October.


Задание 2. Переведите предложения на русский язык:

1. We hope we'll have passed all the exams by the first of July.

2. Fred will have read the book by the time you come to take it from him next Friday.

3. It'll have stopped snowing in the mountains by the time we leave the town.

4. Greg will have finished this picture by the opening of the exhibition.

5. Tom will have got some good marks by the end of the term, we hope.

6. They'll have returned to town from their hiking holiday by next Monday.

7. Г11 have done this exercise by the end of the lesson.

8. Susan will have washed all the dishes by her mother's coming back.

9. My friends will have got married by next autumn.

10. They'll have drunk all the beer you have here by morning.


Задание 3. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из будущих времен: Future Simple, Future  Сontinuous или Future Perfect.
1. I ________ (to do) my homework tomorrow. 2. I________ (to do) my homework at six o'clock tomorrow. 3. I ________ (to do) my homework by six o'clock tomorrow. 4. Tomorrow I________ (to begin) doing my homework as soon as I come  from school. I ________ (to do) my homework from three till six. My father ________ (to come) home at seven o'clock  tomorrow. I ________ (to do) all my homework by the time he comes, and we ________ (to go) for a walk together. 5. When
I come home tomorrow, my family ________ (to have) supper. 6. When you come to my place tomorrow, I ________ (to read) your book. I________ (to do) my homework by the time you come. 7. Don't come to my place tomorrow. I________ (to write) a composition the whole evening. 8. I ________ (not to go) to the cinema tomorrow. I________ (to watch) TV the
whole evening. 9. What you________ (to do) tomorrow? 10. What you ________ (to do) at eight o'clock tomorrow? 11. You________ (to play) volleyball tomorrow? 12. You ________ (to do) this work by next Sunday? 13. When you ________ (to go)to see your friend next time? 14. How many pages you________ (to read) by five o'clock tomorrow?

Задание 4. Выберите нужную форму из предложенных вариантов:

1. Tomorrow I .. .(to read) the article you've given to me.

a) will read b) will be reading c) will have read

2. Tomorrow at two o'clock I ...(to read) the article you've given to me.

a) will read b) will be reading c) will have read

3. Tomorrow by three I ...(to read) the article you've given to me.

a) will read b) will be reading c) will have read

4. Jane ... (to begin) doing her homework as soon as she gets home.

a) will begin b) will be beginning c) will have begun

5. Jane ...(to begin) doing her homework by the time you drop in.

a) will begin b) will be beginning c) will have begun

6. Her brother ...(to play) volleyball with his friends at half past two.

a) will play b) will be playing c) will have played

7. His team ...(to win) the game by six o'clock.

a) will win b) will be winning c) will have won

8. How many exercises ... the students ... by the end of the lesson?

a) will... do b)will ...be doing              c)will... have done

9. They ... (to do) the last exercise at the time the teacher enters the classroom.

a) will do b) will be doing                 c) will have done

10. What... you ... if you don't finish the work in time?

a) will ...do b) will ... be doing c) will... have done

Present Perfect Continuous

Употребление Present Perfect Progressive Tense

Для выражения действий, начавшихся в прошлом и продолжающихся до настоящего момента. Употребляя это время, мы обращаем внимание на то, как долго длится действие. Период времени, в течение которого происходит действие, обозначен следующими способами:

а) с помощью предлога for — в течение.

She has been waiting for Tom's message for 3 days.— Она ждет сообщения от Тома в течение 3 дней.

б) с помощью since (может быть наречием, предлогом или союзом).

Jane gave me the book on Monday. I have been reading it non-stop ever since.— Джейн дала мне

книгу в понедельник. С тех пор я ее читаю не отрываясь.

She has been sleeping since she got back.— Она спит с тех пор, как вернулась..

I have been playing

Глагол тo be в  present perfect progressive не употребляется!!!

Вместо этого употребляется формы глагола тo be в  present perfect

Спряжение всех остальных глаголов

James has been my friend for 10 years

I         have

You    have            been watching

He      has

She     has        been raining

It         has  



You      have been

They      watching





Образование повествовательных, отрицательных  и вопросительных предложений

Повествовательное предложение

They have been learning English for 2 years.-Они изучают английский 2 года

Отрицательное предложение

They  haven’t been learning German for 2 years

Общий вопрос

Have  they been learning English for 4 years

Альтернативные вопрос

Have they been learning English for 2 years or for 2 years?

Вопрос к подлежащему

Who has been learning English for 2 years?-they have

Специальный вопрос

How long have they been learning English?

Разделительный вопрос

They  haven’t been learning German for 2 years, have they? – No, they haven’t

 Present Perfect употребляется вместо Present Perfect Progressive со следующими глаголами:

 to love — любить 

to remember — помнить

to like — нравиться

to need — нуждаться

to forget — забывать

to be — быть, находиться

to hate — ненавидеть 

to see — видеть

to know — знать 

to hear — слышать

to want — хотеть 

to understand — понимать

to believe — верить

I have known Peter for 3 years.— Я знаю Питера 3 года.

Задание 1. Переведите на русский язык. Подчеркните предложения в Present Perfect Progressive.

1) Нe has been Talking on the phone for 20 minutes already.-......................................................

2) I have been riding a bicycle since I was 5.— …………………………………………………

3) What have you been doing since Monday? -  …………………………………………………

4) Have they been working since 8 a.m.? Yes, they have…………………………………………

5) They've been living in Obninsk for 30 years.-………………………………………………….

6) Since when have you been learning French? ..............................................................................

7) It has been raining since morning.—…………………………………………………………...

Задание 2. Переведите на русский язык. Подчеркните глагольную форму и объясните, почему в этих предложениях употреблено время Present Perfect, а не Present Perfect Progressive.

1) Ben has loved Evelin since childhood.—.................................................................................................

2) How long has she been in England? She has been there for a year.—.......................................................... .............................................................................................

3) He's needed her help for many years.—


4) We have heard the noise for an hour already.


5) I have known Jane for 5 years.-



 Задание 3. Раскрой скобки, используя  Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:

I. Look! Somebody ____________ (break) the window. 2. I wonder if John ____________ (forget) my number. I ____________ (expect) him to call for the past two hours. 3. You look very upset. What ____________ (happen)? 4. You ____________ (not, finish) that book yet? You ____________ (read) it for more than a week. 5. The meat must be nearly ready. I ____________ (cook) it for nearly an hour. 6. What you____________  (do) for the last two hours? — I ____________ (sit) here working at this problem. 7. I ____________ (lose) my key. Can you help me look for it? 8. You look tired. You________________  (work) hard? 9. My brother is an actor. He____________  (appear) in several films. 10.  Hello! I ____________ (clean) the windows. So far I ____________ (clean) five of them and there are two more to do. 11. Sorry! I'm late.— That's all right. I ____________ (not, wait) long.

Задание 4. Употреби перфект настоящего продолжительного:

1. The potatoes ...................................................................... (boil) for twenty minutes. 2. They ................

...................................................... (work) all day long. 3. The boys ..............................................................

........ (play) basketball for some hours already. 4. Bob ...................................................................... (fish) for three hours. 5. Ken ...................................................................... (live) here since 1990. 6. Miss Smith ...................................................................... (teach) English since 1970. 7. I ................................................

...................... (wait) for about an hour. 8. Martin ...................................................................... (study) English for three years. 9. It ...................................................................... (rain) since morning. 10. The gilrs ...................................................................... (argue) for more than an hour.


Задание 5. Вместо настоящего перфекта употреби настоящее продолжительного действия:

1. Ben has travelled all over Europe. ............................................................................................................. 2. They have lived in Paris since June. ........................................................................................................... 3. He has spoken for thirty minutes already. ................................................................................................. 4. We have walked for three hours, I’m exhausted. ...................................................................................... 5. The boys have talked for more than an hour. ........................................................................................... 6. He has slept since nine o’clock. ................................................................................................................. 7. They have worked very hard this week. .................................................................................................... 8. It has rained for an hour. ...........................................................................................................................  9. She has taught Spanish for five years. .......................................................................................................


Задание 6. Используйте Present Perfect  или Present Perfect Continuous:

1. Look! Somebody ____________ (break) the window. 2. I wonder if John ____________ (forget) my number. I ____________ (expert) him to call  for the past two hours. 3. You look very upset. What ________ (happen)? 4. You____________  (not, finish) that book yet? You____________  (read) if for more that a week. 5. The meat must be nearly ready. I________  (cook) it for nearly an hour. 6. What  you ____________ (do) for the last two hours? – I ________ (sit) here working at this problem.  7. I ________ (lose) my key. Can you help me look for it? 8. You look tired. You________  (work) hard? 9. My brother is an actor. He ________ (appear) in several films. 10. Hello! I ________ (clean) the windows. So far I ________ (clean) five of them and there are two more to do. 11. Sorry! I’m late. – That’s all right. I________  (not, wait) long.

Задание 7. Переведите на английский

            1. Целый вечер я печатаю. Я уже напечатал десять страниц. 2. Мы пишем контрольную работу уже 45 минут. Некоторые студенты уже закончили ее. 3. Ты давно ждешь меня? – Нет, я только что пришел. 4. Чем вы занимаетесь сегодня утром? – Сажали деревья в саду. – Сколько деревьев вы посадили? Семь. 5. Я перевожу статью уже два часа, но еще не перевела ее.


  Тексты для чтения


            1. Patrick Connor was born in Dublin. He lived there until he was. 18. He went to India for five years. Then he spent another five years in Canada. Five years ago he came to London where he i living now.

            He lived in Dublin for 18 years. Then he lived in India for live years and in Canada for 5 years. He has been living in London for the last five years.

            Questions: Where was Patrick born? How long did he live in India and Canada? Where is he now? How long has he been in London?

            2. Two people are waiting at the bus-stop. It is 9:30. They are waiting for the  9.10 bus. One person is very angry. “This bus is never on time!” he says.

            “I’ve been wating for twenty minutes now. Yesterday I waited half an hour for it!”

            Questions: What are the people doing? How late is the bus? What does one of the people say? How long did he wait for yesterday?

Прочитайте и сравните Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous and Simple Past


 1. Patrick Connor was born in Dublin. He lived there until he was 18. He went to India for five years. Then he spent another five years in Canada. Five years ago he came to London where he is living now.

He lived in Dublin for 18 years. Then he lived in India for five years and in Canada for 5 years. He has been living in London for the last five years.

Questions: Where was Patrick born? How long did he live in India and Canada? Where is he now? How long has he been in London?

2. Two people are waiting at the bus-stop. It is 9.30. They are waiting for the 9.10 bus. One person is very angry. "This bus is never on time!" he says.

"I've been wating for it for twenty minutes now. Yesterday I

waited half an hour for it!"

Questions: What are the people doing? How late is the bus? What does one of the people say? How long has the man been waiting for the bus? How long did he wait for it yesterday?


 Упражнения на все времена

Задание 1. Образуй вопросительные предложения:

Jack loves Jill.            Does Jack love Jill?

1. She speaks French. ....................................................................................................................................  

2. Bob has met your sister.  ...........................................................................................................................

3. The wind was blowing hard. ...................................................................................................................... 

4. He has played tennis for two years now. ...................................................................................................

5. I am right. ...................................................................................................................................................

6. She brought him a glass of water. .............................................................................................................

7. They came to a village. ...............................................................................................................................

8. The children have had breakfast. ...............................................................................................................

9. You have heard of him. ..............................................................................................................................

10. She will do her best.  ................................................................................................................................

11. The cat was lying under the table. ...........................................................................................................

12. She knows English well. ...........................................................................................................................


Задание 2. Измени вопросительные предложения в утвердительные:

Does he love her?              He loves her.

1. Will they come tonight? .............................................................................................................................

2. Has Tom painted this portrait? .................................................................................................................. 

3. Do you want to go to Paris? .......................................................................................................................

4. Have the girls gone home? ........................................................................................................................

5. Did they go home at six o’clock? ...............................................................................................................

6. Has he drunk all the whisky? .....................................................................................................................

7. Does Graham speak Spanish? .................................................................................................................... 

8. Have they sold their old car? .....................................................................................................................

9. Did she visit Tom every day? .....................................................................................................................

10. Has she changed much? ..........................................................................................................................


Задание 3. Переведите:


We celebrate (holidays) .................................................................................................................................

We are celebrating (holidays) ........................................................................................................................

We have celebrated (holidays) ......................................................................................................................

We have been celebrating (holidays) ............................................................................................................

We celebrated (holidays) ...............................................................................................................................

We were celebrating (holidays) .....................................................................................................................

We had celebrated (holidays) ........................................................................................................................

We had been celebrating (holidays) ..............................................................................................................

We will celebrate (holidays) ..........................................................................................................................

We will be celebrating (holidays) ...................................................................................................................

We will have celebrated (holidays) ................................................................................................................

We will have been celebrating (holidays) ......................................................................................................




Задание 4. Какой английской форме соответствует русский перевод? Переведите предложения на английский. Впишите в таблицу соответствующие предложения:






Perfect Continuous































































1. Я играю в бейсбол каждый день. 2. Я играл в бейсбол вчера. 3. Я буду играть в бейсбол на следующей неделе. 4. Я сейчас играю в бейсбол. 5. Я играл в бейсбол вчера в семь часов вечера. 6. Я буду играть в бейсбол завтра в семь часов вечера. 7. Мы сыграли в бейсбол. 8. Вчера к семи часам вечера я закончил играть в бейсбол. 9. Завтра к семи часам вечера я закончу играть в бейсбол. 10. Я играю в бейсбол уже пять лет, с четвертого класса. 11. Я играл в бейсбол уже час, когда вы пришли. 12. В следующем году будет три года, как я играю в бейсбол. 13. Я играю в бейсбол обычно по воскресеньям. 14. Он наблюдает, как я играю в бейсбол. 15. Я играю в бейсбол уже два часа. 16. Я сыграл в бейсбол пять матчей в этом месяце. 17. В прошлом году я часто играл в бейсбол. 18. Я играл, когда он пришел. 19. Я играл уже долго, когда пришли мои друзья. 20. Я уже сыграл в бейсбол, прежде чем мои родители приехали за мной. 21. Завтра я буду играть в бейсбол. 22. К концу месяца я сыграю пять матчей в бейсбол. 23. В то время как она будет сажать розы, я буду играть в бейсбол. 24. К тому времени, когда они получат мою телеграмму, я буду загорать на пляже уже два часа.


Задание 5. Переведите предложения на английский язык. Поставьте глагол paint (рисовать) в правильной форме.






Perfect Continuous


Она рисует плакаты.



Она рисует плакат сейчас.



Она уже нарисовала этот плакат.



Она рисует плакат уже несколько часов.




Она рисовала этот плакат вчера.




Она рисовала плакат, когда он пришел.




Она нарисовала плакат, когда он пришел.




Она рисовала плакат уже два часа, когда он пришел.





Она будет рисовать плакат завтра.





Очевидно, она будет рисовать плакат в шесть часов вечера.





Она уже нарисует плакат, до того как он придет.





Она будет рисовать несколько часов к тому времени, когда он придет.






Задание 6. Вставьте в пропущенные места Present Perfect или Past Simple:


1. .................................................. (You/go) on holidays last year? 2. Yes, I .................................................. (go) to Spain. 3. .................................................. (you/ever/be) there? 4. I .................................................. (not/finish) my homework yet. 5. We .................................................. (not/see) him since he ....................

.............................. (leave) school. 6. We .................................................. (go) to bed early last night because we .................................................. (be) tired. 7. Kevin .................................................. (lose) his key. He .................................................. (leave) it on the bus yesterday. 8. I ................................................ (not play) tennis since I .................................................. (be) at school. 9. I think our teacher .....................

............................ (forget) about the test. He .................................................. (not say) anything about it in the last lesson. 10. Sarah .................................................. (break) her leg. She ........................................

.......... (fall) off a horse last week. 11. I ................................................... (finish) decorating my room. I .....

.............................................. (paint) it last week and I .................................................. (put) the new curtains last night. 12. Tom .................................................. (see) this film twice.



Задание 7. Составьте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами:


1. I like reading books. What ....................................................................................................................... ? 2. I’ve got two dogs and a cat. How many .................................................................................................. ? 3. I visited Paris last year.  .......................................................................................................... or London? 4. I’ve got an expensive car. What .............................................................................................................. ? 5. I bought this umbrella on Monday. When .............................................................................................. ? 6. John came late last night. Who ............................................................................................................... ? 7. Fish live in water. Where ......................................................................................................................... ? 8. I’ve sent her some flowers. What ........................................................................................................... ? 9. We bought some some fruit and cakes for the party. Why .................................................................... ? 10. I never get up early. What time ............................................................................................................ ? 11. She doesn’t like English food. What ...................................................................................................... ? 12. Something fell on the floor. What ......................................................................................................... ? 13. We used to live in a small village. Where .............................................................................................. ? 14. He’s been studying in London since November. How long ................................................................... ? 15. I have already seen Dracula. When ....................................................................................................... ? 16. I’ll have to borrow 10 pounds from Nick. Who ..................................................................................... ? 17. There are a lot of words of French origin in English. Why .................................................................... ? 18. I think he’s at home now. Where .......................................................................................................... ? 19. The British national flag is called Union Jack. What .............................................................................. ? 20. The weather was nasty yesterday. What .............................................................................................. ?


Задание 8. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:


Barbara Cartland


Barbara Cartland is a famous love-story writer. According to the Guiness Book of Records she (be) .................................................. the best-selling author in the world.

Barbara Cartland (be born) .................................................. at the beginning of the century. She (write) .................................................. her first book when she (be) ..................................... twenty-one and it sold out as soon as it (reach) .................................................. the shops.

Since then she (write) ..................................................  over 450 books, and all of them (be) .................................................. about love.

This is what Barbara says about herself: “I (be) .................................................. very organised. I (have) .................................................. 5 secretaries. I (lie) .................................................. on my sofa, (shut) ..................................................my eyes and just (tell) .................................................. the story. I (make) .................................................. very few corrections, actually. I only (cut) ......................................

the paragraphs if they (be) .................................................. too long. When I (want) ..................................

.................. a plot, I (say) .................................................. a prayer.”

At the moment Barbara Cartland (hold) .................................................. the world record for the amount of books she (sell) .................................................. .


Задание 9. Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в нужном времени:



Ann: Do you like travelling?

Bill: Yes, I (like) .................................................. travelling very much. It (be) ............................................... my hobby. I always (take) .................................................. my camera with me and (take) ......................... pictures of everything that (interest) .................................................. me: the ruins of ancient buildings, the sights of cities, views of mountains, lakes, valleys, waterfalls and even animals and birds.

Ann: What countries (visit, you) .................................................. ?

Bill: Well, I (be) .................................................. to Italy, Greece, Russia and India. Some day I (go) ............ to the United States. My cousin (live) .................................................. there. She (invite) ........................... me several times already. When I (have) .................................................. enough money, I (go) ................ to the States.

Ann: I (be, never) .................................................. to any of these countries. When (be, you) .....................

..................................... in Russia?

Bill: Two years ago.

Ann: Did you go there alone?

Bill: No, I (go) .................................................. there with my father. We (visit) ...........................................

Moscow and St. Petersburg, the most beautiful cities of Russia.

Ann: I (want, always) .................................................. to travel to other countries, but I (have, not) ..........

............................... the opportunity. I (go) .................................................. to Germany in my childhood, but I (be, not) .................................................. anywhere since then.


Задание 10. Раскройте скобки, употребив настоящие времена

1. This man ________ (to be) a writer. He ________ (to write) books. He________  (to write) books since he was a young man. He already________  (to write) eight books.2. What you________  (to do) here since morning? 3. Lena is a very good girl. She always________ (to help) her mother about the house. Today she ________ (to help) her mother since morning. They already________  (to wash) the floor and (to dust) the furniture. Now they________  (to cook) dinner together. 4. He________  (to run) now. He (to run) for ten minutes without any rest. 5. What they________  (to do) now? – They ________  (to work) in the reading room. They________  (to work) there for three hours already. 6. Where he________  (to be) now? – He ________ (to be) in the garden. He ________ (to play) volleyball with his friends. They________  (to play) since breakfast time. 7. I ________ (to live) in St. Petersburg. ________ to live) in St. Petersburg since 1990. 8. This is the factory where my father ________ (to work). He________  (to work) here for fifteen years. 9. You________  (to find) your notebook? – No! I still________  (to look) for it for two hours, but ________ (not yet to find) it. 10. You ________ (to play) with a ball for three hours already. Go home and do your homework. 11. Wake up! You________  (to sleep) for ten hours already. 12. I________  (to wait) for a letter from my cousin for a month already, but________  (not yet to receive) it. 13. She already ________ (to do) her homework for two hours; but she________  (not yet to do) half of it. 14. I________  (to wait) for you since two o’clock. 15. What you ________ (to do)? – I ________ (to read). I________  (to read) for two hours already. I already ________ (to read) sixty pages. 16. It is difficult for me to speak about this opera as I________  (not to hear) it. 17. I just________  (to receive) a letter from my granny, but I________  (not yet to receive) any letters from my parents. 18. The weather________  (to be) fine today. The sun ________ (to shine) ever since we got up.


Задание 11. Откройте скобкипоставьте глаголы в Past Indefinite, the Present Perfect, the Present  Indefinite or the Present Continuous.

1.       Cliff usually________  (to have) six lessons every day.

2.       What Linda and Charles________  (to do) in the night club now?

3.       Whose friends________  (to learn) French?

4.       How many times a week she ________ (to do) her  morning exercises?

5.       Why you ________ (not to cook) chicken for the picnic yet?

6.       Where she usually________  (to travel)?

7.       Who ________  (to play) the guitar in the next room now?

8.       The lessons ________ (to begin) at 10 o’clock yesterday.

9.       We just ________ (to listen) to classical music.

10.   My friend ________ (to do) well in English.

11. Whose friend________  ( to be) in  London last year?

12.  What Paul ________ (to do)? He ________ (to be) an actor.

13.  I________  (to get) up early yesterday morning.

14.  They just________  (to tell) me about their trip to Paris.

15.  Who ________ (to read) French well in your class?

16.  I never ________ (to be) late for my classes yet.

17.  His class usually ________ (to last) 45 miutes.

18.  Which of you________  (to read ) English books? We________  (to do)


Задание 12. Выберите нужное слово.

  1.  We ________ playing football now. 

A. do      b. does    c. is    d. are

     2.  There ________ much salad on the table.

a. are    b. is        c. do      d.does

     3.  There ________ many bananas in the basket.

a. are    b. is        c. do      d. does

     4.  there _________ a fox in the box.

a. was                   b. were                c.do                       d. does

     5. there _________ tigers under the table.

 Задание 13. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefeinite, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite или Future Indefinite.


  1.  Look! Nick________  (to read) a book.
  2.  He usually________  (to read) books at home.
  3.  Yesterday he________  (to read) a book at school.
  4.  I think tomorrow he. ________ (not to read)


  1.  Kate and Ann usually ________ (to go) for a walk together.
  2.  Yesterday Ann ________ (to go) for a walk with Mary.
  3.  Look! They ________ (to go) to us.
  4.  They________  (to invite) us to play with them, I think.


  1.  I ________ (to be) a pupil now.
  2.  Last year I________  (to be) a pupil too.
  3.  Next year I________  (to be) a pupil of the 4th form.


  1.  I usually________  (to get up) at 7 o`clock.
  2.  I ________ (to get up) at 6 o`clock yesterday.
  3.  Tomorrow I ________ (to get up) early too.
  4.  I________  (to do) my homework now.


  1.  My mother (to cook) dinner every day.
  2.  She (to cook) a tasty cake last Sunday.
  3.  She (to cook) fish now.
  4.  She says she (to cook) chops womorrow.


Задание 14. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite или Future Indefinite.


  1.  Our classes usually ________ (begin) at 8.30 in the morning.
  2.  The first lesson ________ (not to begin) yet.
  3.  I ________ (spend) my last weekend well.
  4.  I think we________  (travel) to the seaside next summer.
  5.  The pupils ________ (have) a break now.


  1.  My mother________  (buy) a lot of bananas yesterday.
  2.  We just________  (eat) all the bananas.
  3.  I think she ________ (buy) some more bananas tomorrow.
  4.  Usually my dog ________ (not to eat) fruit.
  5.  My dog ________ (eat) meat now.


  1.  We newer________  (swin) in the ocean.
  2.  We ________ (swim) in the lake very often last summer.
  3.  My friend centainly________  (swim) in the Black Sea next month.
  4.  We usually ________ (go) swimming to the swimming pool.
  5.  look at the boys! They________  (swim) on such a cold day.


Тест 1.
Определите название формы по приведенным примерам.

  1.  has taken 
  2.  is lost 
  3.  will be coming 
  4.  have been reading 
  5.  understood 
  6.  understood 
  7.  should be considered 
  8.  should realize 
  9.  were applauding 
  10.  will have been working 
  11.  has been called 
  12.  should have bought 
  13.  had been playing 
  14.  are answering 
  15.  will have helped 
  16.  were being built 
  17.  shall have been shown 
  18.  had won 
  19.  should be leaving 
  20.  will be invited 
  21.  had been reached 
  22.  would have been closed 
  23.  is being asked 
  24.  will appreciate 
  25.  would have been talking 
  26.  were sent 


Тест 2
Образуйте соответствующие формы от данных глаголов.

  1.  Past Continuous (swim) 
  2.  Future Perfect (learn) 
  3.  Present Simple (cut) 
  4.  Past Continuous Passive (construct) 
  5.  Future Continuous (watch) 
  6.  Present Perfect Continuous (walk) 
  7.  Past Simple (stand) 
  8.  Present Simple Passive (do) 
  9.  Future Perfect Passive (read) 
  10.  Future Simple Passive (lose) 
  11.  Future-in-the-Past Continuous (find)
  12.  Present Perfect (wait) 
  13.  Past Perfect Passive (see) 
  14.  Future Simple (decide) 
  15.  Present Continuous Passive (invent) 
  16.  Future-in-the Past Simple Passive (hear)
  17.  Past Perfect (begin) 
  18.  Future-in-the Past Perfect Passive (use)
  19.  Present Continuous (have) 
  20.  Past Simple Passive (meet) 
  21.  Future Perfect Continuous (work) 
  22.  Future-in-the-Past Simple (get)
  23.  Present Perfect Passive (write) 
  24.  Past Perfect Continuous (organize) 
  25.  Future-in-the-Past Perfect (bring)
  26.  Future-in-the-Past Perfect Continuous (fish)

   Задание 15. выберите правильный глагол

Example: Kate ______(set/sat) her clothes on the chair a few minutes ago. — set

1. They ________(hanged/hung) the picture on the wall.

2. Ken ________(lay/laid) his shaving brush on the shelf.

3. I_________ (found/founded) the address you wanted.

4. We were so tired after Saturday's party, we _________(lied/ lay) in bed all Sunday morning.

5. When he _________(set/sat) his glass on the table, he spilled a little drink.


Задание 16. Употребите необходимый вспомогательный глагол в следующих вопросах. Найдите на них ответы в правой колонке.

1. … you know his name?

a. No, I didn’t. I don’t like onion even now.

2. … they visit the museum yesterday?

b. Of course. They read two books a year.

3. … you family watch TV tomorrow?

c. Yes, he did. He sold three packager.

4. … his sister learn in the academy&

d. Sorry, but I don’t. Maybe John knows.

5. … you lose your wallet last week?

e. Sure, we will. We like to watch TV in the garden.

6. … they buy a car two days ago?

f. I think, he won’t. He will be busy in the garden.

7. … Ben Jordan go to the cinema with us next Sunday?

g. No, they didn’t. They wanted to buy a Pontiac, but there were only Fords.

8. … your students read English books in the original every year?

h. Yes, I did. And not only my wallet. I also lost my driving license and keys.

9. … you like onion when a child?

i. Yes, they did. It was very interesting.

10. … he sell a tour package yesterday?

j. No, she doesn’t. She is a schoolgirl.

Обзорная таблица

Видовременные формы английского глагола в действительном залоге





Perfect Progressive


Констатация факта



Процесс уже в течении некоторого периода времени


V, V-s



I write.

Я пишу (часто).


Is           V-ing


I am writing.

Я пишу (сейчас).


Has        V3


I have written.

Я написал (сегодня, уже, только что).


Has        been V-ing


I have been writing.

Я пишу (уже час, с 2 часов).



V-ed, V2



I wrote.

Я (на)писал (вчера, 2 дня тому назад).


Were     V-ing


I was writteng.

Я писал (вчера в 3 часа, когда он вошел).

Had V3



I had written.

Я написал (вчера к 3 часам, до того как он пришел)

Had been V-ing



I had been writing.

Я писал (уже 2 часа, когда он пришел).


Will (shall) V


I will(shall) write



Я напишу, буду писать завтра.

Will (shall) be V-ing


I will (shall) be writing.


Я буду писать (завтра в 3 часа).

Will (shall) have V3


I will (shall) have written.


Я напишу(завтра к 3 часам, до того как он придет)

Will (shall) have been V-ing

I will (shall) have been writing.


Я буду писать (завтра уже 3 часа, когда он придет).

 Задание 17. Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.
1.        - Where are your parents?

 - They________ (watch) TV.

2.       Sue always________ (arrive) at work early.

3.       Tom was tired last night so he________ (go) to bed early.

4.       Kate got married when she________ (to be) 23.

5.       The phone________ (ring) while Ann________ (cook) dinner.

6.       Mark and Liz are friends. They________ (know) other since childhood.

7.       I ________ (phone) you tomorrow!

8.       The students ________ (have) different subjects at college.

9.       They________ (finish) the building of a summer house by last year.

10.   Take the book. I________ (read) it already. 

 Задание 18. Опровергните утверждения.

11.   She is married._________________________________________________________

12.   She works in a supermarket. ______________________________________________

13.   They usually go to university by bus. ________________________________________

14.   Yesterday at 7 o’clock she was playing tennis. _________________________________

15.   The students are discussing the film. ________________________________________

16.   Mary came to the party. __________________________________________________

17.   They will go to south next summer. _________________________________________

18.   He was an artist in the past. ________________________________________________

19.   He has written a report already. _____________________________________________

20.   He had passed all exams by last Monday. ______________________________________

 Задание 20. Исправьте ошибки.

21.   He don’t go to school. He is only 5 years old.

22.   He hasn’t written a report yesterday.

23.   The boy shall read a book tomorrow.

24.   He study at college.

25.   You sings well.

26.   She doesn’t eats after six o’clock.

27.   She not like to cook very much.

28.   We buy some new furniture yesterday.

29.   He read a book when the telephone rang.

30.   He didn’t written a report by yesterday.

Задание 21. Определите название формы по приведенным примерам.

1. has taken _______________________

2. goes . _______________________

3. is lost_______________________

4. will be coining_______________________

5. have been rending_______________________

6. understood_______________________

7. should be considered_______________________

8. should realize_______________________

9. were applauding_______________________

10. will have been working_______________________

11. hens been called_______________________

12. should have bought_______________________

13. had been playing_______________________

14. are answering_______________________

15. will have helped_______________________

16. were being built_______________________

17. shall have been shown_______________________
IS. had won_______________________

19. should be leaving_______________________

20. will be invited_______________________

21. had been reached_______________________

22. would have been closed_______________________
28. is being asked_______________________

24. will appreciate_______________________

25. would have been talking_______________________

26. were sent_______________________


Задание 22. Образуйте соответствующие формы от данных глаголов

I, . Past Continuous _______________________ (swim)

2. Future Perfect _______________________ (learn)

3. Present Simple _______________________ (cut)

4. Past Continuous Passive _______________________ (construct)

5. Future Continuous _______________________ (watch)

6. Present Perfect Continuous _______________________ (walk)

7. Past Simple _______________________ (stand)

8. Present Simple Passive _______________________ (do)

9. Future Perfect Passive _______________________ (read)

10. Future Simple Passive_______________________ (lose)

11. Future-in-the-Past Continuous _______________________ (find)
12 Present Perfect _______________________ (wait)

13. Past Perfect Passive _______________________ (see)

14. Future Simple _______________________ (decide)

15. Present Continuous Passive_______________________ (invent)

16. Future-in-the Past Simple Passive _______________________ (hear)

17. Past Perfect _______________________ (begin)

18. Future-in-the Past Perfect Passive_______________________ (use)
19. Present Continuous _______________________ (have)

20. Past Simple Passive _______________________ (meet)

21. Future Perfect Continuous _______________________ (work)

22. Future-in-the-Past Simple _______________________ (get)

23. Present Perfect Passive _______________________ (write)

24. Past Perfect Continuous_______________________ (organize)


Задание 23. Определите, в каком из прошедших времен переводится каждое из предложений группы:

a) Past Simple    b) Past Progressive

с) Past Perfect    d) Past Perfect Continuous


1) Вчера вечером я гладила.

2) Я гладила вчера в 5 часов вечера.

3) Я уже погладила белье, когда муж пришел с работы.

4) Я гладила уже полчаса, когда утюг вдруг сломался


1) Вчера мы играли в шахматы с 2 до 3.

2) Мы сыграли три партии к 6 часам вечера.

3) Вчера мы играли в шахматы.

4) Мы играли 20 минут, когда мне позвонил мой коллега и мне пришлось уйти.


1) Мэри печатала статью уже довольно долго, когда пришел электрик, и ей пришлось прерваться.

2) Она печатала статью вчера весь вечер.

3) Она напечатала статью к четвергу, последнему дню сдачи.

4) На прошлой неделе Мэри закончила печатать статью.


1) В пятницу Алекс купил себе мобильный телефон.

2) Он выбирал телефон полчаса, прежде чем купил его.

3) Алекс покупал телефон, в то время как его жена выбирала посудомоечную машину.

4) После того как Алекс купил телефон, он решил купить еше и факс.


1) Джейн н Питер смотрели телевизор, когда зазвонил телефон.

2) Они смотрели телевизор уже час, когда пришла Моника.

3) Как только они посмотрели свою любимую программу, они пошли


 Задание 24.  Определите, в каком из настоящих времен переводится каждое из предложений группы:

a) Present Simple b) Present Progressive  

d) Present Perfect Progressive с) Present Perfect


Я часто читаю исторические романы.

Я прочитала интереснейший роман Вальтера Скотта.

Сейчас я читаю книгу Мориса Дрюона.

Я читаю эту книгу с понедельника.

Сегодня холодно, идет снег

Зимой нередко идет снег.

Снег идет со вчерашнего вечера.

Снег прошел, и на улицах города лежат огромные сугробы.


Анна учит английский язык с 2000 года.

Она уже выучила его основные грамматические особенности.

Анна сейчас занята, она учит английский.

Анна изучает английский язык.


Уже 7 часов, а я все еще готовлю ужин!

В нашей семье, как правило, я готовлю ужин.

Извини, я тороплюсь, я еще не приготовила ужин.

Я готовлю ужин уже 2 часа: сегодня к нам придут гости.


Бабушка вяжет варежки.

Бабушка связала новую пару варежек.

Бабушка вяжет варежки уже неделю.

Она вяжет варежки своим внукам каждую зиму.

Дик сделал зарядку и сейчас собирается принять душ.

Он делает зарядку каждое утро.

Он делает зарядку, не мешай ему.

Дик делает зарядку уже 20 минут и скоро закончит.

Моя подруга работает переводчиком, она переводит тексты.

Она переводит этот текст уже давно, он очень сложен.

Мне придется перезвонить позже, она переводит текст.

Она перевела этот текст, но ей надо подготовить еще один.


 Задание 25.  Из английских грамматических форм выберите ту форму глагола, которую вы употребили бы при переводе следующих русских предложений:
1. Какую статью вы сейчас переводите

a) translate б) have been translating

2. Вчера в восемь часов я переводил статью,
a) translated  б) will translate

3. Сколько статей вы перевели в этом году?
a have translated  б) translated

4. Он переводит статьи очень хорошо,
a) is translating  б) translates

5. Завтра в семь часов вечера я буду переводить статью,
a) shall translate  б) shall have translated

6. Скоро я переведу эту статью.

a) shall translate  б) shall be translating

7. Вчера я перевел одну статью.

a)   translated    б) was translating

8. Я уже перевел половину статьи до того, как вы пришли,
a) had translated б) was translating

9. Я переводил статью уже час, когда вы пришли.

a) had been translating б) was translating


 Задание 26.

I.        Поставьте глаголы в нужную форму.

1. Where are your parents?

- They (watch) TV.______________________________________________________________________

2. Sue always (arrive) at work early.________________________________________________________

3. Tom was tired last night so he (go) to bed early.____________________________________________

4. Kate got married when she (to be) 23____________________________________________________

5. The phone (ring) while Ann (cook) dinner._________________________________________________

6. Mark and Liz are friends. They (know) each other since childhood.____________________________________________________________________________

7. I (phone) you tomorrow!_______________________________________________________________

8. The students (have) different subjects at college.___________________________________________

9. They (finish) the building of a summer house by last year._________________________________________________________________________________

10. Take the book. I (read) it already._______________________________________________________

 II. Опровергните утверждения

1. She is married._______________________________________________________________________

2. She works in a supermarket____________________________________________________________

3. They usually go to university buy bus.____________________________________________________

4. Yesterday at 7 o’clock she was playing tennis.______________________________________________

5. The students are discussing the film now._________________________________________________

6. Mary came to the party._______________________________________________________________

7. They will go to the south next summer.___________________________________________________

8. He was an artist in the past.____________________________________________________________

9. He has written a report already._________________________________________________________

10. He had passed all exams by last Monday._________________________________________________

 III. Исправьте ошибки

1. He don’t go to school. He is only 5 years old._______________________________________________

2. He hasn’t written a report yesterday._____________________________________________________

3. The boy shall read a book tomorrow._____________________________________________________

4. He study at college.___________________________________________________________________

5. You sings well._______________________________________________________________________

6. She doesn’t eats after six o’clock.________________________________________________________

7. She not like to cook very much._________________________________________________________

8. We buy some new furniture yesterday.___________________________________________________

9. He read a book when the telephone rang._________________________________________________

10. He didn’t written a report by yesterday.__________________________________________________

 IV. Выберите нужный вариант

1. Margaret … go to the bank yesterday

a) hadn’t

b) didn’t

c) wasn’t

2. Cars are expressive. They … a lot of money.

a) costs

b) cost

c) have cost

3. I drink black coffee but I … drink white coffee

a) didn’t

b) doesn’t

c) don’t

 4. Today it is warm, but yesterday the weather … cold

a) were

b) was

c) are

5. This time last year we .. in Paris

a) was

b) are

c) were

6. He … cleaned the room, when his mother came home.

a) has

b) had

c) was

7. He… driving very fast when the police stopped me.

a) were

b) did

c) was

8. He … cleaning the room, when his friend came to him.

a) were

b) was

c) had

9. If you are not well, go bed early, and you … feel better tomorrow.

a) are

b) will

c) shall

10. Switch off the gas. The water ... already.

a) boils

b) have boiled

c) has boiled

 Задание 27. Какая форма глагола будет употреблена при переводе следующих предложений?

1. Памела пишет письмо своему брату.

a) writes           b) is writing           c) has written           d) has been writing

2. Памела пишет письмо своему брату уже полчаса.

a) writes           b) is writing           c) has written           d) has been writing

3. Памела пишет письма брату каждую неделю.

a) writes           b) is writing           c) has written           d) has been writing

4. Памела написала письмо своему брату и садится пить чай

a) writes           b) is writing           c) has written           d) has been writing

 5. Сегодня я слушал новости и могу рассказать тебе о выборах в Якутии

a) listen           b) am listening           c) have listened           d) have been listening

6. Сейчас 3 часа дня, я слушаю новости.

a) listen           b) am listening           c) have listened           d) have been listening

7. Я слушаю новости уже 45 минут, но репортажа о конкурсе красоты ещё не было.

a) listen           b) am listening           c) have listened           d) have been listening

8. Я всегда слушаю новости днём, в 3 часа.

a) listen           b) am listening           c) have listened           d) have been listening

9. Зайди позже, она принимает ванну.

a) has           b) is having           c) has had           d) has been having

10. Она принимает ванну вечером, перед сном.

a) has           b) is having           c) has had           d) has been having

11. Она принимает ванну уже полчаса. Боюсь, её придётся поторопить.

a) has           b) is having           c) has had           d) has been having

12. Она только что приняла ванну и идёт спать.

a) has           b) is having           c) has had           d) has been having

 Задание 28.

Откройте скобки

1.       Mary (to speak) _______to me when her little brother (to throw) ______her bag out of the window.

2.       A few days later while he (to have) _________tea, the postman (to bring) _______him a letter from his friend.

3.       As soon as I (to see) _____him, I (to understand) _____________that he (to work) _______hard. He (to write) _______something and (not to notice) __________anything.

4.       When you friend (to return) _______from the south? She (to return) ______yesterday. You (to go) _____to the station to meet her? No, I (to do) __________, I (to be) _________busy.

5.       As soon as I (to hear) ___________a cry, I (to run) _________out of the room and (to see) __________that a child (to lie) _______on the ground and (to cry) ___________- What (to happen) ___________? –Why you (to cry) __________? –You (to hurt) _________ yourself? I asked.

6.       Della (to hurry) _________from shop to shop looking for a present for Jim.

7.       The other day my sister and I (to go) __________shopping together. We (to enter) __________a big shop in Arbat street. While my sister (to choose) ____________a new hat, I (to look for) ____________a pair of gloves.

8.       The moment he (to hear) ___________ the news, Jim (to call) __________ me by telephone.

9.       Just as I (to leave) _______for home, a student (to stop) _________me in the hall.

10.   When I last (to see) ________her she (to hurry) __________along the road to the station. I (to ask) _________her where she (to go) ___________ and she (to say) ________London, but I don’t think she (to tell) _______ the truth because there (not to be) __________any train to London at that time.

Настоящее, совершённое и прошедшее неопределённое время

Контрольная работа 14

Вариант 1.

 1. Вставьте вместо точек глаголы в настоящем совершённом или прошедшем неопределённом времени.

1. …(You / go) on holidays last year?

2. Yes, I … (go) to Spain.

3. … (you / ever / be) there?

4. I … (not / finish) my homework yet.

5. We … (not / see) him since he … (leave) school.

6. We … (go) to bed early last night because we … (be) tired.

 2. Вставьте вместо точек fore или since.

1. I’ve know John … we were at school.

2. I’ve wore contract lenses … five years.

3. We’ve lived un France … over ten years now.

4. I’ve been here … 5 o’clock.

5. I’ve had this dress … Christmas.

 3. Составьте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами.

1. I like reading books. What …?

2. I’ve got two dogs and a cat. How many …?

3. I visited Paris last year. Did … or London?

4. I’ve got an expressive car. What …?

5. I bought this umbrella on Monday. When …?

  Вариант 2.

 1. Вставьте вместо точек глаголы в настоящем совершённом или прошедшем неопределённом времени.

1. Kevin … (lose) his key. He … (leave) it on the bus yesterday.

2. I … (not play) tennis since I … (be) at school.

3. I think our teacher … (forget) about the test! He … (not say) anything about it in the last lesson!

4. Sarah … (break) her leg. She … (fall) off a horse last week.

5. I … (finish) decorating my room. I … (paint) it last week and I … (put) the new curtains last night.

6. Tom … (see) this film twice.

 2. Вставьте вместо точек fore или since.

1. I’ve been in Asia … seven years.

2. I’ve worked at school … 1993.

3. I’ve known Tom … five years.

4. I’ve been to America … July, 1989.

5. I’ve not seen you … a long time.

 3. Составьте вопросы к предложениям с данными вопросительными словами.

1. John came late last night. Who …?

2. Fish live in water. Where…?

3. I’ve go sent her some flowers. What …?

4. We bought some fruit and cakes for the party. Why…?

5. I newer get up early. What time …?

 Test 4

1.       He (watch) TV now.

2.       He (prepare) lessons regularly.

3.       He (too be) at home in this time.

4.       They (buy) tickets to Moscow (already).

5.       Look, now he (make) a mistake.

6.       She (to be) always late for her lessons.

7.       Have you (buy) the dictionary?

8.       She (play) the piano well.

9.       She (play) the guitar?

10.   She not (play) the guitar?

11.   She (play) the piano now.

12.   She (play) the piano already.

13.   My daughter often (look) at these pictures.

14.   My grandfather (work) in the garden now.

15.   I know you (sing) very well.

16.   Listen, somebody (sing) in the next room.

17.   I (read not) this article yet.

18.   You friend (study) at music school.

19.   She often (make) mistakes in English.

20.   He (make) 3 mistakes in English.

21.   – What is he doing? – He (speak) over the phone.

22.   My mother (cook) dinner I your family?

23.   My mother (cook) a cake in the kitchen.

24.   – Let’s bye a box of chocolates. – I (bye) it (already).

25.   My mother (work) at the hospital.

26.   My child (sleep) twice a day.

27.   They (not go) to the south in summer.

28.   They (prefer) to rest in the country.

  Откройте скобки

1.       Mary (to speak) _______to me when her little brother (to throw) ______her bag out of the window.

2.       A few days later while he (to have) _________tea, the postman (to bring) _______him a letter from his friend.

3.       As soon as I (to see) _____him, I (to understand) _____________that he (to work) _______hard. He (to write) _______something and (not to notice) __________anything.

4.       When you friend (to return) _______from the south? She (to return) ______yesterday. You (to go) _____to the station to meet her? No, I (to do) __________, I (to be) _________busy.

5.       As soon as I (to hear) ___________a cry, I (to run) _________out of the room and (to see) __________that a child (to lie) _______on the ground and (to cry) ___________- What (to happen) ___________? –Why you (to cry) __________? –You (to hurt) _________ yourself? I asked.

6.       Della (to hurry) _________from shop to shop looking for a present for Jim.

7.       The other day my sister and I (to go) __________shopping together. We (to enter) __________a big shop in Arbat street. While my sister (to choose) ____________a new hat, I (to look for) ____________a pair of gloves.

8.       The moment he (to hear) ___________ the news, Jim (to call) __________ me by telephone.

9.       Just as I (to leave) _______for home, a student (to stop) _________me in the hall.

10.   When I last (to see) ________her she (to hurry) __________along the road to the station. I (to ask) _________her where she (to go) ___________ and she (to say) ________London, but I don’t think she (to tell) _______ the truth because there (not to be) __________any train to London at that time.


Закончите предложения. Используйте Past Simple или Past Continuous.

1.       David (to come in) ________when the children (to write) _________a dictation.

2.       Mike (to phone) ________ me, when I (to have) _________breakfast.

3.       Mary (to speak) __________to me when her little brother (to throw) ________her bag out of the window.

4.       We (to meet) __________them when we (to stand) _______at the bus stop.

5.       She (to buy) _______a present for her Granny when I (to see) _______her.

6.       When his parents (to have) _______dinner Tom (to arrive) ________.

7.       He (to sleep) ______when his mother (to come) _______back.

8.       A few days later while he (to have) ________tea, the postman (to bring) _________him a letter from his friend.

9.       When the teacher (to come) _________into the classroom, the children (to sit) ________ at their desks.

10.   One day while she (to read) ________ a book, a big black fly (to sit down) _________on her book.

Задание 14. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Indefinite, Present Perfect, Present Continuous, Past Indefinite или Future Indefinite.


  1.  Our classes usually ________ (begin) at 8.30 in the morning.
  2.  The first lesson ________ (not to begin) yet.
  3.  I ________ (spend) my last weekend well.
  4.  I think we________  (travel) to the seaside next summer.
  5.  The pupils ________ (have) a break now.


  1.  My mother________  (buy) a lot of bananas yesterday.
  2.  We just________  (eat) all the bananas.
  3.  I think she ________ (buy) some more bananas tomorrow.
  4.  Usually my dog ________ (not to eat) fruit.
  5.  My dog ________ (eat) meat now.


  1.  We newer________  (swin) in the ocean.
  2.  We ________ (swim) in the lake very often last summer.
  3.  My friend centainly________  (swim) in the Black Sea next month.
  4.  We usually ________ (go) swimming to the swimming pool.
  5.  look at the boys! They________  (swim) on such a cold day.

 Тексты для чтения прочитайте, переведите, выполните задания после текста

Текст 1


My name is James. I’m fourteen, and I moved to this town with my family three months ago. My parents lived here when they were young, but my brother and I didn’t know anyone here except a few aunts and uncles we’d met when we’d spent a couple of weeks with my grandparents during school holidays. When I started school, one of my cousins Sophie, who was in my class, was very friendly for the first week, and I was happy to have a friend in strange place. Then, for no reason, she stopped talking to me and I felt very hurt and lonely for several weeks.
In the end, I made some more friends and once I got to know them, I’ve been fine. Now Sophie is having a disco party for her birthday next week and she has invited me. I don’t want to go. My brother says he heard someone say, she only asked me because her parents said she had to. But my mum and dad say it would be rude not to accept. Some of my new friends are invited, too. How can I show Sophie that she can’t behave so badly towards me without causing a family quarrel?

I.                    Верно (true) или неверно (false)?

1.        James knew nobody in the town six month ago.________

2.       He has more than one cousin. ________

3.       Sophie stopped talking to James. ________

4.       James’s parents want him to go to the party. ________

5.       James doesn’t want to go because it might cause a family quarrel. ________

II.                  В каждом задании (1-5) обведи букву (a,b,c или d), соответствующую выбранному тобой варианту ответа. Занеси ответы в таблицу.

1.       What is the writer trying to do in the next?

a)      explain a problem

b)      describe a family

c)       offer advice

d)      refuse the invitation

2.       Whom did James know in the town six mounts ago?

a)      no one

b)      a few relatives

c)       only his grandparents

d)      Sophie’s friends

3.       At the beginning of the term, Sophie’s behavior made the writer feel…

a)      embarrassed.

b)      unhappy.

c)       grateful.

d)      surprised.

4.       James doesn’t want to go Sophie’s party because he…

a)      feels hurt.

b)      doesn’t know where to go.

c)       he doesn’t like disco parties.

d)      his brother isn’t invited. 

5.       James wants Sophie to realize…

a)      that he still hasn’t forgiven her.

b)      that his friends think she behaved rudely.

c)       that his parents dislike her.

1. Тема- Применение методов и технологий с гражданами нуждающимися в социальной помощи Цель- Получить
2. маленькая современная зависимая от торговли страна
3. тема является просто способ которым страна использует имеющиеся ресурсы земля рабочих природные ресурсы
4. Пояснительная записка Исполнитель- курсант гр
5. Cтановище дітей та молоді в зарубіжних країнах
6. Реферат на тему- ЧИНА ЛУЧНА ЧИСТЕЦЬ БОЛОТЯНИЙ ЧИСТЕЦЬ ЛІСОВИЙ ЧИНА ЛУЧНА горошок жовтий горошок жур
7. По общему правилу суд может выполнять процессуальные действия лишь в пределах своего государства
9. Лабораторная работа 7 ПРОГРАММИРОВАНИЕ ЗАДАЧ ОБРАБОТКИ ОДНОМЕРНЫХ МАССИВОВ 1 Цель и порядок работы
10. Взаимодействие СМИ и аудитории1
11.  Співвідношення міфологічного і філософського способів мислення
12. Контрольная работа- Предпринимательская деятельность
13. Лекция Социология управления
14. Певучесть есть в морских волнах.
15. . Mtch the verbs 1~7 with the correct nouns-expressions ~g.
16. Тема - Інвестиційна діяльність комерційних банків Методичні вказівки до- Ситуації 1- 1 Чиста теперіш
17. Кемеровская областная библиотека для детей и юношества
18. темах диктовали необходимость такого кодирования информации которое обеспечивало бы возможность обнаружен
19. когнитивной структуризацией.
20.  Хвора 38 років протягом 8 років працює оператором в цеху виробництва лінолеуму