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P- Do you live in 22 Grden Street J- Yes Sir

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The prosecutor’s (P) and Jack Noonan’s dialog (J)

P: Is your name Jack Noonan?

J: Yes.

P:  Do you live in 22 Garden Street

J: Yes, Sir.

P: Well, tell us please, what happened on this one night between five and six o’clock in the afternoon?

J: It was nearly half past five p.m. I think. We got an emergency call from Maloney’s house

P: Who called?

J: It was Mrs. Maloney, she cried and said that her husband Patrick Maloney is lying on the floor and seems to be dead.

P: When did you come to the crime scene?

J: Ten or fifteen minutes after the call.

P: Did you come alone?

J: No, I took O’Malley whit me; we got into the car and drove to Maloney’s house as quickly as possible.

P: What did you see, when you have arrived there.

J: We were welcomed by a crying Mrs. Maloney. We went into the house and saw the death body of Mr. Patrick Maloney.

P: Was he already dead?

J: Yes, O’Malley checked his pulse and said he was dead.

P: Did he found something strange on Mr. Maloney’s body?

J: Yes, there was dried blood on the back of his head.

P: What did you do next?

J: I called our police office, told them about the case and asked for special-agents. This is what we always do in death-cases.

P: Yes, your call is written down in the crime protocol. But what about Mrs. Maloney? What did she do while you examined the body?

J:  I think she was crying. Firstly she cried in my arms, then she sat down on a chair in the kitchen and continued crying.

P: What did she said, when you asked her about the circumstances of the murder?

J:  She said that a few minutes past five she went to the grocery store next street. She wanted to buy vegetables and to prepare her husband a nice supper. When she came back, she found him dead in the floor and called the police.

P: Did you asked the owner of the grocery store?

J: Yes, she was there, nearly quarter past five and bought beans, potatoes and even a cake.

P: What happened next?

J: Two hours the doctors have been working. They said, the back of Patrick’s head was broken in pieces as by a very heavy object. The weight of it was between five and seven kilograms.

P: Right, this is written in the report, continue please.

J: The finger print specialist found no unknown fingerprints on him. There were only his own and the finger prints of his wife.

P: It means…

J: We thought that the murder used gloves or didn’t touch the body.

P: What did you do after the specialists went away?

J: Me, O’Malley, and two other detectives stayed there and wanted to look for the weapon.

P: What Mrs. Maloney’s reaction?

J: She had a lamb leg in the oven. When she remembered about that, she said to us, we should eat it, because we were friends of her dead husband and it was her duty to give us a good supper at least.

P: What did you do after supper?

J: Me and the others looked in the garden for the weapon. Mrs. Maloney wanted to give the lamb bone to the Maloney’s dog.

P: They have a dog?

J: Yes, his name is Bobby. When we gave him the bone I had an idea. I took the bone whit me and drove to the butcher.

P: So late?

J: My good friend James Richard is a butcher. I asked him if he did sell a lamb leg to Mrs. Maloney. Happily he knows her, because she buys meat every week in his butcher’s.

P: What did he said?

J: Two weeks ago, Mary Maloney has bought one. I drove back to the Maloney’s house and founded a box, where Mary Maloney stores all her receipts. I found one from this one day. She bought the leg lamb for 9,50 £ and it had a weight of 6,5 kg.

P: What else happened?

J: I told our specialists, they should make an investigation and look for traces of lamb meat on Patrick’s head.

P: My documents say that they found something.

J: Yes. I believe that he was killed by the lamb leg we ate. I am convinced that the murders name is Mary Maloney.

Than prosecutor starts to ask Mary Maloney.


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