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Most of the erly settlers cme from Englnd

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The history of American form of Government begins with its settlers. Most of the early settlers came from England. They lived in groups called colonies. The king of England was their ruler.

The English settlers founded the Virginia colony at Jamestown in 1607. It was the first permanent English colony. In 1620 other English people came to America. They were known as Pilgrimes. They went to Holland first. In Holland their children began to forget the English ways. And they decided to leave Holland and go to the new world. They started Plymouth colony in Massachusetts. They struggled to build homes and to exist. After a hard winter the Pilgrims who survived held a feast with their friends, the Indians, who had helped them begin their new way of life. They thanked God for their blessings. This was the first American Thanksgiving. They still celebrate Thanksgiving Day each year near the end of November.

More Englishmen, as well as people from other European countries came to live in America. Many, like the Pilgrims, wanted to be free, to worship God in their own way. Others were looking for political freedom. Traders were seeking ways to make money. The poor and the unemployed people wanted jobs to earn a better living. Businessmen who had money to invest saw promise of success in America. They came from such countries as Holland, Sweden and Finland. The Germans, Scotch-Irish and French were among those who came to the new World looking for a better life too.

After many years all the colonists came under British rule. Georgia founded in 1733 was the last colony to be formed.

In 1776 there were 13 British colonies in that part of America that later became the United States. These colonies became the 13 states. They are Delaware, Pennsylvania, New Jersy, Georgia, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maryland, South Carolina, New Hampshire, Virginia, New York, North Carolina and Rhode Island.

The king let the colonists elect representatives to make local laws. But as time passed more and more laws for the colonists were made in Great Britain. Under these laws, the colonists had to pay more taxes.

However, the colonists were not asked to help make these laws. They had no representatives in Great Britain. They began to feel that some of their rights were being taken away from them and they declared they could be taxed only by their own representatives. The King refused to change the tax laws.

The colonists decided to hold a meeting to discuss their problems. All of the colonies except Georgia sent delegates to this meeting. It was held in Philadelphia in 1774. It was the First continental Congress. The colonists asked the King for their rights as Englishmen. The king refused. He called them traitors. The Second Continental Congress met in Independence fall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in 1775. It decided that the colonists should fight Great Britain. This war was called the Revolutionary, war or the War for Independence.

George Washington was appointed to lead the soldiers. He became their commander-in-chief. Freedom-loving people from many countries - France, Poland and Germany - came to help the colonists because they knew Washington did not have trained soldiers. In January 1776 Thomas Paine, an English immigrant, wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense". Paine's words excited the people. More and more of them talked of Independence.

The colonists decided to free themselves from Great Britain. They wanted their own Government. A committee was appointed to write a Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams and others were members of the Committee. Jefferson wrote most of the Declaration. On July, 4, 1776, the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence. The colonists declared themselves to be free. They became separate states. This is how the new nation began. Since then the 4th of July is a holiday in the United States known as Independence Day.


The United States was built by men and women who came to this country from all over the world. All Americans except the Indians, are immigrants or descendants of immigrants.

Most immigrants came to the United States seeking freedom and opportunity. The people who started the first English colony at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607 came here to find a better life. The Pilgrims who crossed the Atlantic Ocean in their tiny ship, the Mayflower, in 1620 came here to enjoy religious freedom. They came with their wives, their children, their animals and their, belongings. People still come to the United States seeking a better way of life. Immigrants who come to America to-day by plane or large ship want the same freedoms - freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom from fear and freedom from want.

In the United States every person is important. The belief that everyone has the same rights is the backbone of American way of life. It will take courage and strength to live by this belief.

America is a nation of people from all walks of life. Like other countries America has people who are rich, who are poor, who are educated and who are uneducated. In America, however, most people are neither very rich nor very poor. But it is all the people who help to keep the country strong. Every person in the United States has the right and the opportunity to better himself. This opportunity is the same for people of all races and religions.

Everywhere in America you can see churches, synagogues and temples side by side: everybody respects each other's religion. Americans are a friendly people and they want to be good neighbours.


The United States of America has 50 states. It is about as big as all of Europe. Forty-eight of its states are bounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, Canada, Mexico, and the Gulf of Mexico. Northward on the Pacific Ocean is the state of Alaska, while 2500 miles westward in the Pacific Ocean lie the islands of the state of Hawaii. Together the 50 states of the country contain ever three and a half million square miles of land.

People work in different jobs. They live in cities, in towns and on farms. They work in the mountains, in the fields, in factories and offices, and on the roads. Many people live near the sea and earn their living from it.

The United States is a great industrial nation. It leads the world in manufacturing, automobiles, machinery, chemicals, steel, and textiles. USA's chief manufacturing regions are in the northeastern and central parts of the United States. Some of the big industrial cities are New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, and Pittsburg.

Farming is an important occupation. Farm products are raised almost everywhere in the U.S. Where the land is dry, water is brought in to irrigate it. Irrigation, watering the land, helps to make things grow. In southern California, for example, we have oranges and grapes growing where there once was a desert.    

In the southern states they grow cotton and tobacco. Florida, a southern state, grows oranges. In the northwestern states we grow apples. The state of Washington is well known for its apples. Idaho is well known for its potatoes. Maine, a north-eastern state, is also known for its potatoes. The richest farming region is in the central part of the U.S. This farming area is in the "Great Central Plains". The Mississippi River, longer than any other river in Europe, flows through the central part of our country. This rich farm land grows enough corn and wheat to feed all America as well as many other countries. They owe their high standard of living chiefly to their farms and factories.

The southwestern part of the United States is a cattle-raising region. Most of their meat comes from this area. On many large western ranches and farms horses and sheep are also raised. All through the United States many people earn their living by raising hogs and poultry. Thousands of dairy farms are in the eastern and north-central regions. They depend upon these farms for their dairy products: milk, butter and cheese.

Mining is another important industry. There are large deposits of coal, iron ore, copper, and other metals beneath their soil; Many Americans work in the iron ore, copper, lead, and coal mines. Oil is a resource that comes from the ground. Texas and Oklahoma are famous for their oil wells. Oil refineries prepare the crude oil for use in their homes, factories, and automobiles.

Many workers earn their living in stores, markets, restaurants, laundries, barber shops, repair shops, and beauty parlors. These are known as service trades.

Some people work in offices. Others are in professions such as teaching, nursing, medicine, law, and engineering. Some people work in radio, television, and movies.

There are many opportunities for everyone to work and earn a living.

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