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Love Story

By Erich Segal

Chapter 1

  1.  How does the story start? What are the advantages and disadvantages of knowing from the beginning what will happen at the end?
  2.  When Oliver says that it “happened in the fall of my senior year”, what does he mean?
  3.  What is Radcliffe?
  4.  What was Oliver’s first impression of Jennifer?
  5.  Why was Jennifer against Oliver’s studying in their library? How does it characterize her?
  6.  What does Oliver mean when he says that he “got an A minus on the exam”?
  7.  What did Jennifer mean when she said she was  “a music major”?
  8.  Jennifer was taking the following courses “Comparative Literature 105, Music 150”. What do the numbers after the names of the courses signify?
  9.  “Part of being a big winner is the ability to be a good loser.” Comment.
  10.  What is “ the dorm” that Oliver walked Jenny back to?
  11.  Comment on the irony in the following episode:

“ She replied with the usual Radcliffe reverence for sport:

      - Why the hell should I come to a lousy hockey game?

       I answered casually:

- Because I am playing.

There was a brief silence. I think I heard snow falling.

  •  For which side? - She asked ”

Chapter 2

  1.  What was Oliver’s major? What kind of studies do you think it involved?
  2.  Oliver was on “All-Ivy First Team”? What is the Ivy League?
  3.  What does the following sporting terminology used in Chapter 2 mean:

Warm up, to beat, puck, defenseman, ref, two minutes in the box, penalty, to outman, to score, play on the wing, assist?

  1.  What is played before every sports game in the US?
  2.  How does Oliver make it seem that hockey is a rough game?
  3.  How did Oliver behave on ice?
  4.  What did he do to deserve a penalty?
  5.  Why did Jenny leave?
  6.  Why did Oliver fall down?
  7.  Who won the game? What was the score?
  8.  Oliver wonders why some fans, no matter what positions they are in now, still go to see each hockey game. Listen to this part of Chapter 2 and comment on it.
  9.  Where was Oliver’s favourite place?
  10.  Who do we call “a sentimentalist”?
  11.  Why did Oliver have to give his knee  “some whirlpool after playing”?
  12.  What do orthopedists do?
  13.  Why did Oliver forget about Jenny?
  14.  How did it happen that Oliver kissed Jenny?

Chapter 3

  1.  What does the beginning of Chapter 3 say about the stereotypical attitude of Americans and Canadians towards each other?
  2.  If you are “within earshot of smb”, where are you?
  3.   Where is Cornell University situated?
  4.  When a game is “a tie”, what does it mean?
  5.  Why did Oliver get 5 minutes in a box?
  6.  Who was the only spectator who looked at the box?
  7.  Who was Oliver Barret III? What other name Oliver have for him? How does it characterize their relationship?
  8.  What part of Oliver’s body was hurt?
  9.  Why did Oliver have to have an X-ray after the Cornell game? What did it determine?
  10.  What is a “locker room”?
  11.  How did the meeting between the father and the son go? What does it reveal about the differences between them?
  12.  When Oliver says that his father’s remarks “sounded suspiciously close to a paraphrase of the Olympic motto”, what does he mean?
  13.   What was the topic Oliver hated discussing with his father most? Why?
  14.  What is Law School?
  15.  If you mention something “out of the blue” how do you mention it?
  16.  What is Peace Corps?
  17.  What was the only good part of the evening?

Chapter 4

  1.  “The difference between a friend and a fan is that with the latter you quickly run out of conversation.” Comment
  2.  What is a “switchboard’?
  3.  What did Oliver want when he was walking slowly to the phone booth?
  4.  What was Oliver upset over when he overheard Jenny talking on the phone?
  5.  If you are “two-faced”, how do you behave?
  6.  Listen to Chapter 4 and find a proverb the Russian equivalent of which is « С глаз долойиз сердца вон».
  7.   What do we learn about Jenny’s and Oliver’s families from Chapter 4?
  8.   “If you take smth for granted”, how do you take it?

Chapter 5

  1.  What does Oliver say about their physical relationships?
  2.  Why did Jenny wear the cross?

Chapter 6

  1.  How did Ray help Oliver and Jennifer sustain their relationships?
  2.  What did Ray think about Oliver’s dates?
  3.  What is a “scholarship’? What scholarship did Jennifer get and how it could affect her relationship with Oliver?
  4.  What was Oliver’s reaction?
  5.  “Ollie, you’re a preppie millionaire, and I’m a social zero”. Comment.
  6.  Under what circumstances did Oliver propose to Jennifer?

Chapter 7

  1.  Why were both Oliver and Jennifer nervous on the day of their visit to his parents? What shows that they were nervous?
  2.  How did Oliver explain that he didn’t like his father?
  3.  Why, do you think, Oliver missed the turn leading to the Barrets’ mansion?
  4.  What was Jennifer’s first impression of their house?
  5.  Was Oliver’s relationship with his mother any better than with his father?
  6.  What mistake did Oliver make while introducing Jennifer?
  7.  What do you do when you “size smb up”?
  8.  What did they do in the Barret family before starting a meal? Why did it irritate Oliver this time?
  9.  How did the news that his father was going to be Director of the Peace Corps influence Oliver?
  10.  What is the responsibility of the Secretary of State in the US?

Chapter 8

  1.  What did Oliver call “that whole Italian-Mediterranean syndrome”?
  2.  How do you behave if you “keep your cool”? And if you lose it?
  3.  How did Jennifer try to explain the reason behind Oliver’s desire to marry her? Was there any truth in it?
  4.  What did Oliver call “yet another round of our series of nonconversations”? How did it go?
  5.  “Arbitrary test”, “His arbitrariness”. What are arbitrary actions based on?
  6.  Why was Oliver a “minor”?
  7.  “I walked out of his life and began my own”. Comment

Chapter 9

  1.  Who did Oliver jokingly call “Olivero Barretto”?
  2.  What did Oliver feel on the day of their visit to Jennifer’s father?
  3.  How was the neighbourhood in which Jennifer was raised different from Oliver’s?
  4.  “Hey - who is the boy?” shouted Mrs Capidilupo

Not so subtle around here, are they?

“He’s nothing!” Jenny called back. Which did wonders to my confidence.”

Comment on the irony in the passage.

  1.  What kind of man was Phil?
  2.  Why did Oliver feel “the odd man out”?
  3.  Compare the meeting at Phil’s place with the one at the place of Oliver’s parents?
  4.  Comment on the importance of the word “okay” in Phil’s and Jenny’s vocabulary.
  5.  What kind of marriage ceremony did Oliver and Jennifer have in mind for themselves?
  6.  Was the visit successful?

Chapter 10

  1.  Why was the Associate Dean of the Harvard Law School surprised?
  2.   How do you feel when you “can’t agree more”?

Chapter 11

  1.  “On Thursday, I became Jenny’s academic equal receiving my degree from Harvard – like her own, magna cum laude.” What did Oliver mean?
  2.  How did Oliver’s graduating ceremony differ form that of Jenny’s?
  3.  Was Oliver’s father present at his son’s graduation ceremony?
  4.  Who is “an alumnus”? What is the feminine and the plural form of this noun? What does “Class of 26” mean?
  5.  Who attended Jennifer and Oliver’s wedding? How was the ceremony different from traditional ceremonies?
  6.  What did the newly weds do after the wedding?

Chapter 12

  1.  What do you do if you “break even”? In what context is the expression used in the story?
  2.  Why was their daily life a “scrounge” in the first three years?
  3.  Where did they spend their honeymoon?
  4.  What does a children’s counselor do?
  5.  In what context did Oliver use the expression “it’s a seller’s market”? What did he mean?
  6.  Describe the house Oliver and Jennifer found.
  7.  Who is “the principal” at a high school in the US?
  8.  “Then Jenny asked if I would like to drop out of law school and support her while she took the education credits needed to teach in a public school”. Paraphrase the sentence explaining the underlined words.
  9.  What kind of life did Oliver and Jennifer lead?

Chapter 13

  1.  Whose invitation did Oliver and Jennifer get?
  2.  What do the letters “RSVP” on an invitation stand for?
  3.  What did Oliver think about the invitation?
  4.  What do you feel if you “resent smb’?
  5.  How did Jenny try to reconcile Barrets IV and III?
  6.  What happens to you if you are “immersed” in a book? What else can you be immersed in?
  7.  What did Oliver do he would never forgive himself?
  8.  “I deposited a quarter and two dimes in the slot.” What did Oliver do?
  9.  What did Phil tell Oliver?
  10.  Why did Oliver feel “relieved and panicked at the same time”? Where did he find Jennifer?

Chapter 14

  1.  How were Oliver’s studies at Law School progressing? What letter did he receive?
  2.  What was the year of action?

Chapter 15

  1.  What job prospects did he have after graduating?
  2.  What job offer did Oliver choose and why?
  3.  What salary did Oliver get?
  4.  Explain Jenny’s comment on Oliver’s job: “You can do good and make good at once.”

Chapter 16

  1.  Who are the “nouveaux-riches”? Why did Jennifer think they were nouveaux-riches? How did their life change?
  2.  How do you walk if you “strut”? Why did Oliver strut to work?
  3.  What does the number after the name “Raymond Stratton ‘64” stand for?  What could you understand about the attitude that the Americans have towards the university they went to when they become alumni?
  4.  What name did Oliver and Jennifer pick for their child? Why? What kind of future did they have in their minds for him?

Chapter 17

  1.  Why did Oliver and Jennifer have to go hospital?
  2.  If you undergo a “complete physical” what does it involve?
  3.  What did the doctor’s examination discover in Jenny? Do you think the doctor should have told the truth to Jenny straight away? Why/not?
  4.  What does “palliative” treatment or medicine do?

Chapter 18

  1.  How did Oliver try to “act normal”?
  2.  What did he feel?
  3.  What case did Oliver have to handle?
  4.  What present did Oliver buy for Jennifer?
  5.  What is an “extravagant” thing?
  6.  What did Oliver mean when he said “I was such a fantastically good credit risk that I already owned a Diners club card”?
  7.  Who did Jennifer call “a total Yalie”? What did she imply?
  8.  How did Jennifer find out about her illness?

Chapter 19

  1.  What happened to Jennifer one day after dinner?
  2.  “I was aware, in the swift flurry of motions that followed, that this was it.” What did Oliver mean by that?
  3.  What did the cab driver mean when he said “The stork and I have been doing business for years”?

Chapter 20

  1.  Why did Oliver go to his father’s office?
  2.  What was the meeting between Barrets III and IV like? How had Oliver’s father changed? Do you think Oliver regretted he had behaved the way he had?

Chapter 21

  1.  What did Jennifer and Oliver talk about?
  2.  How did Jennifer behave in the face of death? How does it characterize her?

Chapter 22

  1.  Who did Oliver suddenly meet in the hospital lobby?
  2.  Do you think Oliver and his father found the means for reconciliation?
  3.  Think about Oliver’s life after the events described in the book.
  4.  What was the main lesson Jennifer taught Oliver?

1. Основание и деятельность фирмы Appl
2. Реферат- Реабілітаційна психологія
3. Бангкок один из крупнейших мировых туристических центров
4. Достижения современной науки в области энергосбережения по материалам исследований молодых ученых 4
5. Тема- Принципы симметрии законы сохранения 1
6. Лекция по ортопедической стоматологии 12
7.  Предприятие- понятие признаки и виды Предприятие ~ самостоятельный хозяйствующий субъект созданный для
8. психотерапевт известный и книгами для массового читателя и научными трудами в области психиатрии и пси
9. Тема Воспитание человека
10. процессуальные функции следователя как направления виды компоненты части его деятельности обусловленные
11. Кениантроп
12. реферат дисертації на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата юридичних наук Харків ~6
13. 3 0758 Пособие рекомендовано Ученым советом Южноукраинского государственного педагогического университет
14. ТЕМА 11- Дисциплинарная и материальная ответственность Право досрочного снятия дисциплинарного взыс
15. МЕТОДИЧНІ ВКАЗІВКИ до оформлення курсових проектів (робіт) у
16. Трудовое законодательство
17. Реферат- Понятие и общая характеристика государственного управления в области использования и охраны земель в Республике Беларусь
18. Война между Россией и Францией
19. тема связей и отношений объединяющих какоето число индивидов или групп людей для достижения определённых ц
20. Кожа и ее производные