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Buses; bikes horses cmels nd even dogs

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6. Means of transport

The modern world can’t exist without transport. Millions of people travel all over the world. So there are very many different types of transport, used for different purposes. Passenger transport includes planes, ships and trains; coaches and cars; buses, trams and trolley-buses; bikes, horses, camels and even dogs.

If we want to go to another country, we usually go by plane or by train. Going by plane is much faster and more comfortable. On the other hand, it is more expensive and, of course, some people are afraid of air crashes. But in spite of the danger, airplanes are the most popular kind of transport. When you arrive at the airport, you look at the information board to see if your flight is on time and if the check-in has begun. You go through customs, where an officer looks through your things, in case you are trying to smuggle something. Then you go to the check-in desk, where your ticket is checked. After that you are given the boarding card and your baggage is weighed and taken away. Next you go to the passport control, where you have to produce the valid visa. If everything is all right, you go to the departure lounge, where you can have something to drink or you can buy something in a duty-free shop.

Through the departure gate you get on board the plane. Air stewardesses (and stewards) are usually very nice and polite.

When the plane is ready to take off, you are asked to fasten safety J belts and are given instructions for the case of emergency. If you j are air-sick, you can take some special pills. During the flight you are served some food and drinks. When your plane has safely landed, you feel relaxed and happy.

Going by train is not as exciting as flying by plane. When you come to the railway station, you have, to find out what platform your train goes from. If you have a lot of baggage, you can hire a porter. When you arrive at your carriage, the guard cheeks your tickets and shows you your compartment. There are usually 4 berths there. Some people prefer lower berths, while some people like the upper ones.

They say “The ear is not luxury, but a means of transport” and it is perfectly true nowadays. A lot of people use cars if they want to get somewhere in the city or in the suburbs. The number of cars is constantly growing. They are producing more and more problems, especially in big cities. Firstly, they pollute the air with carbon monoxide, which is very bad for the human health. The number of people, especially children, who suffer from asthma has increased greatly. Secondly, a lot of people die in car crashes. These can be drivers, passengers or pedestrians. Finally, there are traffic jams. You can spend a, lot of time trying to get to work or to an important meeting. You get nervous and it can tell on everything you do later. So the car is a very contradictory means of transport.

To sum it up, I’d like to mention some other means of transport. If you want go from one town to another, you can use the coach. It is usually cheaper than train. Inside the city we go by public transport, which includes buses and mini-buses, trams and trolley-busses and, of course, metro. In small towns bikes are very popular. There are very special means of transport due to the geographical position of the place. In the desert the best way of travelling is on the camel, while in the far north you’d better use dogs or reindeer, if you want to get somewhere.

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