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w nd truly 6 to hve ups nd 2 to win fir nd s 7 to be f nd fr between 3 in d nd drbs

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  1.  Write a missing part of a phrase

1) w____________  and truly               6) to have ups and_____________

2) to win fair and s____________       7) to be  f_____ and far between

3) in d_________ and drabs                 8) spick and s__________

4)prim and p__________                      9) o___________ and for all

5) to be p_________ and parcel of

  1.  Write an appropriate phrase
  2.  Her house is her ...........................................(very important to her).
  3.  Even though you don’t like your neighbours you have to ............................... (accept).
  4.  He is a(an)................................lawyer(showing a lot of promise).
  5.  She is always ........................................... her health (complaining too much)!
  6.  I didn’t take your money! That’s a(an)...............................................!
  7.  Be careful on your hiking tour. I hope to see you ...................................(unharmed).
  8.  .............................................of the place made my head ache (hustle and bustle).
  9.  ............................, I am aware of the content of the book but I can’t  give you any................................(In general..................the details)
  10.  He is not a city slicker since he enjoys ......................................... of the countryside(calm and tranquility).
  11.  .............................................. of his clothes made him look shabby (damage).
  12.  If we leave...........................  we will be in time(not late).
  13.  He has eaten the cake! We have only .................................left (remains).
  14.  He felt as much for that girl as if she had been his own ............................ (relative).
  15.  It is ................................. that they will come (doubtful).



1. Write a missing part of a phrase

1) w____________  and truly               6) to have ups and__________

2) to win fair and s____________       7) to be  f_____ and far between

3) in d_________ and drabs                 8) spick and s__________

4)prim and p__________                      9) o___________ and for all

5) to be p_________ and parcel of

2. Write an appropriate phrase

1. Her house is her ...........................................(very important to her).

2. Even though you don’t like your neighbours you have to ............................... (accept).

3. He is a(an)................................lawyer(showing a lot of promise).

4. She is always ........................................... her health (complaining too much)!

5. I didn’t take your money! That’s a(an)...............................................!

6. Be careful on your hiking tour. I hope to see you ...................................(unharmed).

7. .............................................of the place made my head ache (hustle and bustle).

8. ............................, I am aware of the content of the book but I can’t  give you any................................(In general..................the details)

9. He is not a city slicker since he enjoys ......................................... of the countryside(calm and tranquility).

10. ....................................... of his clothes made him look shabby (damage).

11. If we leave...........................  we will be in time(not late).

12. He has eaten the cake! We have only .................................left (remains).

13. He felt as much for that girl as if she had been his own ............................ (relative).

14. It is ................................. that they will come (doubtful)

1. Реферат- Психиатрия в эпоху капитализма.html
2. Лекция 7 Языческие традиции и христианство в Древней Руси Некоторые общие вопросы изучения культуры
3. Царское Село Государственный музейзаповедник
4. Тема- Системные отношения в лексике Употребление синонимов
5. Психология восприятия
6. Валовая и товарная продукция сельского хозяйства
7. Тема 13 132 Специализация производства Специализация производства это форма разделения труда и конц
8. МУЗЫКАЛЬНАЯ РОМАШКА Музыкально ~ интеллектуальная игра ЦЕЛЬ- проверит возможности детей; их сообразите
9. С развитием общества социальные экономические политические и психологические противоречия криминогенног
10. Животный мир Еврази
11. нам надо меняться Да в некоторых моментах нам нужно изменить некоторые части нашего характера и то только н
12. Мы миллионы людей рабочего населения чуть только станем сами ступать на ноги бываем брошены отцами и матер
13. Позиция профсоюзов по обеспечению достойной оплаты труда работнико
14. Правила и процедуры маркетинговых исследований
16. Проектирование силового кулачкового контроллер
17. Аудит собственного капитала
18. западный КГлавным принципом признаком К
19. Почему Н.А.Добролюбов назвал Катерину сильным русским характером
20. The British Isles consists of two lrge islnds Gret Britin nd Irelnd nd bout five thousnds smll islnds