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Topic- 4- Pece nd disrmment Optionl Lnguge- English Description- Molins de rei council is orgnising cmp where interntionl volunteers work longside locls nd children to prticipte in festi1

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Peace and culture in Molins de Rei

Camp code:

ES-CAT 4.1


Spain - Catalunya

Start Date:

20 Apr 2014

End Date:

28 Apr 2014


4: Peace and disarmament

Optional Language:


Description: Molins de rei council is organising a camp where international volunteers work alongside locals and children to participate in a festival celebrating local cultural heritage, centered around the Diada de Sant Jordi.

Type of Work: Volunteers will collaborate with local organisations and charities to prepare and participate in the Diada de Sant Jordi festival. They will be involved in local press coverage, publicity, radio and events. Volunteers will work with children to complete a mural dedicated to peace and human rights. Some maintenance/upkeep of volunteer centre if required.

Study Theme: Peace and human rights

Accommodation: Volunteers will sleep in a local centre with access to a kitchen with camping gas stoves. Please bring your own sleeping bags. Volunteers will have access to showers at the local sports centre.

Requirements: Interest in community work, arts, working with children and young people.

Approximate Location: Molins de Rei, a town situated in the province of Baix Llobregat, 16km from Barcelona

Notes: Volunteers will be able to visit nearby natural parks and can profit from being only 20 minutes from Barcelona by train to go to the city in their free time.

Organization Description: SCI Catalonia is the Catalan branch of SCI, one of the 2 SCI branches in Spain. We are based in Barcelona and our working area covers the Catalan countries (including Catalonia, Valencia and the Balearic Islands). The other provinces of Spain are covered by SCI Madrid. SCI was founded in 1982 and we organize international workcamps in the above mentioned territory as well as other social and cultural projects aimed at a peaceful social transformation of society in order to promote sustainable human development and a culture of peace. The organization tries to work in a participatory way and as such all activities carried out are initiated or supported by members working in various roles as active volunteers. As such a variety of local thematic groups exist in order to carry out the following activities: 1. Workcamps (short-term volunteering); 2. Medium and Long Term Voluntary Projects (including EVS); 3. Actions and projects aimed at creating a space for exchange and training on issues that are significant for us (human sustainable development, conflicts and non violent conflict transformation, peace education, North-South relations, etc.) and which include for example film screenings, theatre workshops, courses, thematic nights, study sessions etc. 4. International Youth Exchanges (exchanges of youth groups based on the issues of intercultural coexistence, peace education and violence prevention); Throughout the year the administrative office work is supported by team of 3 paid permanent staff and several local and/or international volunteers. Around 4 volunteers/interns support the staff in the daily office tasks. The 3 permanent staff members are: Júlia Granell i Barberà, responsible for the co-ordination of all activities related to local and international volunteering Ariadna Gàlvez i Rifà is in charge of the overall communication and the follow-up of diverse projects we are involved in David Guàrdia ensures the administration and also assists in the follow-up of several projects at local and/or international level. Besides the team in the office, the (volunteer) board takes charge of effective governance of the organization. The board is currently composed of Ingrid Danckaerts, Clara Giberga and Andreu Torres. 

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