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You know that computers gradually seem to be replacing books. Practically everything (from encyclopedias to manuals) is now available on CD-ROM. Is this new way of reading to your benefit? Be ready to discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

In essence, the two formats are very similar. Both allow you to do the most important thing - read a book. The text is the important thing, not the medium. Reading Sumerian legends on clay tablets can feel more "authentic", but doesn't necessarily enhance your understanding of the subject matter - just your experience.

The eBook

eBooks offer the following obvious advantages (assuming you have an ebook reader):

  •  They're easily readable. Most readers offer zoom functions, letter resizing, and so forth.
  •  They're easily portable. You can carry multiple books on one device.
  •  They're much more environmentally friendly. You don't have to kill a few trees for each book, and let's not even talk about the ink. Recycling only goes so far.
  •  Note-taking is much more powerful, and the notes you write can be found and referenced quickly and easily. And they don't have to be permanent.
  •  Lighting conditions essentially become meaningless. Many readers incorporate display lighting allowing you to read whenever and whereever you like.


 Battery time might be an issue.
- Some books are still not available electronically.
- Needs a device.
- Page turning might be a little too ineffective.
- A paperbook gives a better possibility to overview the book.
- Might be exhausting for the eyes to read from a screen.

And lastly here is a problem that all fancy gadgets have. Sometimes they just don’t work. A real book won’t break just like that, it doesn’t need to be charged, you can’t erase any pages or do anything else wrong with it 

So What Do I Use?

Personally, I mix and match.

Paper books are still my favorite though. 

Maybe nobody will care about printed books 50 years from now, but I do. When I read a book, I'm handling a specific object in a specific time and place. The fact that when I take the book off the shelf it still says the same thing – that's reassuring.

I want to like e-readers but I just can't replace old fashioned printed books.

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