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LEGISLTIVE JUDICIL ND EXECUTIVE BRNCHES IN THE US The Legisltive Brnch The US is presidentil republic

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The Legislative Branch

The USA is a presidential republic. The legislative branch of the US Government  is called Congress. It consists of the Senate and the House of Representatives. There are 100 Senators, two from each state who are elected for a term of 6 years.  One third of the Senate is elected every two years. The Senators represent all of the people in a state and their interests. A senator must be at least 30 years old, a citizen of the United States for 9 years, and live in the state he or she will represent. The House of Representatives has representatives from each state depending on population. For example, California, the state with the largest population, has 45 Representatives , while Delaware has one. Every state no matter how small it is, has at least one  representative in the House. A representative must be at least 25 years old, a citizen for 7 years, and live in the state. US Congress is a lawmaking body of the federal government. It is the responsibility of Congress to propose and pass laws. Both houses of Congress must approve bills before they become law.

Vocabulary Notes.

to elect, electionизбирать, выборы;

a termсрок полномочий;

at least – по меньшей мере;

a citizenгражданин;

to depend on зависеть от;

no matter how- как   бы   не

to pass the law провести закон;

to propose предлагать, вносить предложение;

to approveодобрять;



TASK 1.  Answer the questions.

  1. What does the legislative branch consist of?
  2. What is the total number of Senators?
  3. What does the number of representatives depend on?
  4. What is the age qualification (возрастной ценз) for a Senator or a representative?
  5. What is the responsibility of Congress?

TASK 2. Complete the text by translating the words or expressions in brackets.

The __________________________ (законодательная ветвь) -_______________ (конгресс) consists of the _____________ (Сенат) and the ____________________________ (Палата Представителей). Each  ________________  (сенатор) is elected for six years  and each ___________________ (представитель) for two years, with no limitation on the number of _____________ (сроков).

Each of the 50 states elects two  _________________ (сенатор) under a system in which one-third of the ______________ (Сенат) is elected every two years. A  _____________ (сенатор) must be  ____________ (старше) 30 years old and must have been an American citizen for _____________ (по меньшей мере) nine years.

The _________________________ (Палата Представителей) has 435 members. Each state is divided into congressional districts and the electorate of each district elect one ___________________________ ( представитель) to _________________  ( Конгресс).A member must be ___________ (старше) 25 years of age and must have been an American citizen for ____________ (по меньшей мере) seven years.

Both _______________ (палата) of ____________ (Конгресс) must  ______________ (одобрить) bills before they become law.

The Judicial Branch.

The judicial branch of the government is the system of courts in the United States. Its job is to enforce laws. The Supreme Court is the highest court in the country. It consists of nine justices: one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. The President appoints the justices, but the Senate must approve them. The justices are appointed for life. The Supreme Court makes sure that people obey the laws. The Supreme Court can also decide if a law is constitutional, that it is in agreement with the Constitution. The judicial branch of the Government works together with the legislative and executive branches to protect the Constitution and the rights of people.

There are about 90 district courts in different parts of the United States. The district courts are the lowest ones in the federal court system. Most of the criminal and civil cases are tried by these courts.

Vocabulary Notes.

to enforce a lawпроводить закон в жизнь

the Supreme Court Верховный Суд

Сhief JusticeГлавный судья

Associate Justice – Член Верховного суда

to appointназначать

to obey the law – исполнять закон

to try a case – рассматривать дело

TASK 1.  Answer the questions.

  1.  What is the judicial branch of the government?
  2.  What is its job?
  3.  Who does the Supreme Court consist of?
  4.  Are the Supreme Court Justices elected?
  5.  How long do the Supreme Court Justices serve?
  6.  How many district courts are there in the USA?
  7.  What cases are tried by these courts?

TASK 3.  Complete the following sentences with the words and phrases from the box in the appropriate form.

  President             executive

  legislative            Associate Justice

  Chief Justice        Senate

The Supreme Court of the USA consists of one _________________ and eight __________________ . They are appointed by ________________ , and must be approved by ___________________. The judicial branch of the Government works together with __________________ and __________________ branches.

The Executive Branch.

The executive branch of the government puts the country’s laws into effect. The President, as chief executive, is the most important government figure. The president negotiates foreign treaties and appoints government heads. He commands the armed forces and sends and receives diplomatic officials. In effect, he makes foreign policy. As head of the executive branch he sees to it that laws enacted by the legislature are carried out. He is also the leader of the political party. The president and the vice-president are the only officials chosen in a nation-wide election.

According to the Constitution a president’s office is limited to two terms of 4 years each. It also describes how a president can be removed from office (impeachment procedure).

The executive branch consists of 14 departments and many independent agencies. The department heads (most of them called secretaries, except the Attorney General) form the president’s cabinet. The Cabinet advises the President on many matters and is composed of the heads of ten executive departments: Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, Secretary of Defence and others The president has many sources of advice and assistance – both private and public, including representatives of the departments and agencies.

Vocabulary Notes.

to put into effectосуществлять, приводить в исполнение, проводить в жизнь

chief executiveглава исполнительной власти

to negotiate treatyвести переговоры о заключении договора

in effectв действительности, в сущности

to enact the law вводить в действие закон

a nation-wide election – всенародные выборы

Attorney Generalминистр юстиции (в США)

to advise – давать рекомендации

Secretary of Stateгосударственный секретарь

Secretary of the Treasury – министр финансов

Secretary of Defence – министр обороны   

assistance – помощь, содействие

TASK 1.  Answer the questions.

  1.  What is the job of the executive branch of the government?
  2.  What are the functions of the President?
  3.  How many terms is the president’s office limited to?
  4.  What does the term “impeachment procedure” mean?
  5.  Who does the President’s Cabinet consist of?

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