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Dubh Linn which mens Blck Pool

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1 The most numerous ethnic minority group in the UK is ……

a Pakistani population

b Indian population

c Black African population

2 Dublin was originally called "Dubh Linn," which means "Black Pool.

a Black Pool.

b Black River

c Black lake

3 Whose reign was the longest in the history of Great Britain?

a George III (was King of Great Britain and King of Ireland from 25 October 1760 until the union of these two countries on 1 January 1801 = 41)

b Queen Victoria (24 May 1819 – 22 January 1901- from 20 June 1837 until her death = 64)

c Edward VII (9 November 1841 – 6 May 1910- from 22 January 1901 until his death. = 9

4 What was the name of Henry VIII’s fourth wife?

a Anne of Cleves

b Catherine of Aragon

с Anne Boleyn

5 Who signed the Magna Carta in 1215?

a King Edward

b King John

с King George

d King Richard

6 The Black Death. What disease is generally agreed to be the sickness that caused this horrible event?

a Bubonic Plague

b Leprosy (проказа)

с Scarlet Fever (скарлатина)

7 The first contact between Rome and Britain was by...

a Julius Caesar

b Augustas Caesar

с Mark Antony

d Cladius

8 Henry's VIII desire to produce a son led him to demand a divorce from his first wife. He petitioned the Pope to grant this, and, when refused, chose to leave the Roman Catholic Church and start his own, the Church of England, with himself as the leader. This is known to history as the... 

a War of the Roses

b Glorious Revolution

c English Reformation

d Bloodless Revolution

9 Which of the following is a public holiday?
a St Valentine's Day
b Boxing Day (26 or 27 December)
с April Fool's Day
d Birthday

10 The House of Lords can
a Delay the passage of new laws
b Overrule the passage of new laws
с Change interest rate
d Do nothing

11 Which is the spiritual leader of the Church of England?
a The Peers
b The Queen
с The Archbishop of Canterbury
d The Pope

12 According to law, which of these cannot be the monarch of Great Britain?

a Catholic 

b disabled person 

c German 

d homosexual

13 How much do you have to pay to visit the Parliament?

a General public are not allowed inside the Parliament
b A flat fee of £60 to visit both houses of Parliament and many committees
с Whatever your MP demand for the ticket
d None of these

14 At what age do students take GCSE's?

a 11
b 12
с 14
d 16

15 What is the population of England?
a 21.9 million
b 25.1 million
с 39.9 million
d 50.1 million

16 Why is Boxing Day so called?
a Sport, especially Boxing is played on this day
b Servants received money in a Christmas box
с All of the boxes that Christmas presents came in, are thrown away
d None of these

17 How much did Shakespeare write?

a 1 play, 38 sonnets and 154 epic narrative poems

b 54 plays, 5 sonnes, and 38 epic narrative plays

с 54 plays, 38 sonnets and 5 epic narrative poems

d 38 plays, 154 sonnets, and 2 epic narrative poems

18 What is the minimum age to be able to drink alcohol with a meal?
a 16
b 17
с 18
d 21

19 Where is the centre of political debate in Britain?

House of Commons
House of Lords
Buckingham Palace
The Scottish Parliament

20 What religion became official in England under Edward VI? Protestantism

21 How many colonies did Britain los in American War of Independence? Thirteen Colonies

22 In what century were England and Wales integrated? 16 century 

(The whole of Wales was annexed by England, and incorporated within the English legal system, under the Laws in Wales Acts 1535 1542)

23 What was the last English possession in France and when was it lost? Calais, which was lost in 1558

24 Who is the current heir apparent to the British throne? His Royal Highness The Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, eldest son of Queen Elizabeth II, born 1948

25 What does MP stand for? Member of Parliament

26 What is Wimbledon Championship? The Wimbledon Championships or simply Wimbledon is the oldest tennis tournament in the world, and widely considered the most prestigious.

(It has been held at the All England Club in Wimbledon, London, since 1877. It is one of the four Grand Slam tennis tournaments (Majors), the others being the Australian Open, the French Open (Roland Garros) and the US Open. The tournament takes place over two weeks in late June and early July, culminating with the Ladies' and Gentlemen's Singles Final, scheduled for the second Saturday and Sunday respectively. Each year five major, junior, and invitational events are held.)

27 Where is Shakespeare's birthplace?  Stratford-upon-Avon

28 Which universities take part in the annual Boat Race? the Oxford University and the Cambridge University

29 What Celtic language enjoys official status in one of the parts of the UK? Welsh 

(Cymraeg or y Gymraeg, pronounced [kəmˈrɑːɨɡ, ə ɡəmˈrɑːɨɡ]) is a member of the Brythonic branch of the Celtic languages spoken natively in Wales

30 What is the capital of Wales? Cardiff

31 What heraldic animals are there on the Royal Coat of Arms? A golden lion and a silver unicorn

32 Where is the Lake District situated? The Lake District, also commonly known as The Lakes or (particularly as an adjective) Lakeland, is a mountainous region in North West England.

33 What colonies were first granted independence by Britain after 1945? Jordan (1946), Indian, Pakistan (1947), Myanmar, Israel, Sri Lanka (1948)

34 What is the historical significance of the Magna Carta?

The charter was an important part of the protracted historical process that led to the rule of constitutional law in the English speaking world. Magna Carta was important in the colonization of America as England's legal system was used as a model for many of the colonies as they were developing their own legal systems.

The 1215 charter required King John of England to proclaim certain liberties and accept that his will was not arbitrary—for example by explicitly accepting that no "freeman" (in the sense of non-serf) could be punished except through the law of the land, a right that still exists.

35When and why was Roman army withdrawn from Britain? The Romans left Britain in 410 because they needed there troops back to defend other places from attacks that suddenly started to happen.

Rome was being invaded by tribes and every soldier was needed

36 What was Danelaw? The Danelaw  is a historical name given to the part of England in which the laws of the "Danes" held sway[1] and dominated those of the Anglo-Saxons.

37 Why did the Anglican Church come into existence? The Anglican Church, or Church of England, came into existence as a church independent of Rome in the 1530s. Though Henry the Eighth’s wish for a divorce from Catherine of Aragon precipitated the division from Rome, many other factors came into play.

38 What is shepherd's pie? Cottage pie or shepherd's pie is a meat pie with a crust of mashed potato

39 What is Hogmanay? Hogmanay is the Scots word for the last day of the year and is synonymous with the celebration of the New Year (Gregorian calendar) in the Scottish manner.

40 What is the Major Oak and where is it situated?

The Major Oak is a large English oak tree near the village of Edwinstowe in the heart of Sherwood Forest, Nottinghamshire, England. According to local folklore, it was Robin Hood's shelter where he and his merry men slept.

41 What is Tate Modern? Tate Modern is a modern art gallery located in London.


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