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XML nd HTML Wht does the term ldquo;XMLrdquo; stnd for Wht is the function of XML tgs nd how does the function of XML tgs differ from the function of HTML tgs In computer lingo XML st

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Tursynbay Yerniyaz IS-131

Exercise 5

Question1. XML and HTML

a) What does the term “XML” stand for? What is the function of XML tags, and how does the function of XML tags differ from the function of HTML tags?

 In computer lingo XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is a textual data format and is used in interchanging data over the Internet. XML-based formats have become the default for most, XML was designed to transport and store data, HTML was designed to display data.


b) Contrast the flexibility of using XML tags and HTML tags.

HTML tags, which are predefined, limit us to write HTML documents using only tags that are defined in the HTML standard. However, XML has no such predefined tags. XML permits users to have the freedom to define their own tags

c) What is XSL? What is the function of XSL in terms of XML?

XSL  -  Extensible Stylesheet Language. 

Its function is to specify how an XML document would be interpreted and 

displayed by the browser

d) What does a DTD file do?

DTD - document  type definition.

A DTD ensures that all the documentation is formatted in the same way. Applications can use the DTD to read and display the content of the document. When performing HTML validation testing on a web page it tells the HTML (HyperText Markup Language) validator which version of HTML standard the web page coding is supposed to comply with.

e) What is one reason why storing data in XML may be preferred to enable multiple systems to exchange data?

XML allows the author to define his own tags and his own document structure.  It is composed of text and it is software and hardware independent so that any computer system would be able to interpret an XML document.

f. For the movie titled, “Top Gun”, list the following:
Year: 1986
Score: 6.4

<xml id="movies" src="../files/39/Movies100EX.xml"></xml>
This is a nice use of non-standard HTML. Do we really want to use IE only items. Also, since it is non-standard will the students have gained the knowledge necessary to answer this question?
<table border="1" 
<td><span datafld="Title"></span></td>
<td><span datafld="Year"></span></td>
<td><span datafld="Score"></span></td>

g) Generate another HTML file that displays additional data fields from the XML file, listing Movie_id, Title, Year, Score, and Votes. Save the HTML file as, “myXML.html”. Copy and paste your HTML code.


<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=gb2312">

<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2900.3429" name=GENERATOR></HEAD>

<BODY><xml id=movies src="../files/39/Movies100EX.xml"></xml>

<TABLE dataSrc=#movies border=1>



   <TD><SPAN dataFld=Movie_id></SPAN></TD>

   <TD><SPAN dataFld=Title></SPAN></TD>

   <TD><SPAN dataFld=Year></SPAN></TD>

<TD><SPAN dataFld=Score></SPAN></TD>

<TD><SPAN dataFld=Votes></SPAN></TD>






Question 2. Network Transmission

Figure 1 Network diagram

a) How does a dial-up modem work? Can you explain the noise you would hear if you were to pick up the phone when the modem is transmitting data? What happens to the data at the receiving modem?

A Dial up Connection is a temporary, non-dedicated internet connection which is made by ordinary telephone lines through dialling an internet service provider's number. It is established by a modem which joins the computer to phone lines.

b) What is DSL, and why is it better than a dial-up modem? 

DSL -digital Subscriber Line

DSL  is a high-speed Internet service that competes with cable Internet to provide online access to local customers

c) What is an ISP and what does it do?

ISP-Internet Service Providers.  

ISPs are companies who provide their customers with Internet services: Some cater to individuals, Some cater to businesses, Provide hosting services, E-mail, Content providers – AOL.

e. What service does an ISP provide to determine the destination IP address for a URL?

DNS, Domain Name System - computer distributed system for information about domains. Most often used for IP-address hostname

h. One way to ensure that the data is transmitted correctly is to use parity bits, which involves keeping track of the number of 1’s and 0’s the data should contain. Using even parity protocol, fill in the parity bits for the following data:


Parity Bit














Question 3. Live Networks

a) How many IP addresses are listed? How are they different?

Four IP addresses are listed. IP address is divided  four parts by four periods. The first three parts of each IP address are the same, and the last part of each address is different.

b) Why are there multiple IP addresses? (Hint: consider the workload the website encounters.)

Multiple IP addresses mean several Web servers for the website. When the request for the web pages or other requests become too much, these servers, each stores the website, can separate the work load.

c) Recall the function of a DNS server. How does a DNS server handle a request to a popular destination such as "www.yahoo.com"?

If the destination is a popular one, it means that the DNS server has already caches the results of the previous queries. So when your browser generates a domain name request, the DNS server directly find the IP address and sends it back.

Question 4. Network Failure

List two possible explanation(s) for the result of the Ping command below: 

1. технической фирмы ВЛАДИМИР БОРОДИНкандидат технических наукгенеральный директор АО ldquo;Алтайский НИИ т
2. Н Н Берберова Воспоминания о МА Горьком
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