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Topicl words nd phrses hereinfter to refer to to conclude contrct subject specifiction ltertion to ccept respect to insure to eliminte rbitrti

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net:

Contract No 018.006

Blackville 20 , February 24

The company Blake Electronic Corporation, Blackville, .USA, represented by Mr J. P. Manson, General Manager, hereinafter referred to as the "Seller"


the company Jackson Ltd. Marketing, Reno, USA, represented by Mr L. C. Parker, Commerce Director, hereinafter referred to as the "Buyer", have concluded the present Contract to the effect that:

1. Subject of Contract

The Seller sells and the Buyer buys the goods indicated in the Specification (Enclosure N1), which is an integral part of this Contract. The goods should be delivered in accordance with Terms of Delivery.

2. Prices and Total Sum of Contract

2.1. The prices for the goods are in US dollars as indicated in the Specification amount to 55,879 for each set.


Topical words and phrases

hereinafter -

to refer to

to conclude a contract -


specification -

alteration -

to accept -

respect -

to insure -

to eliminate -

arbitration -

to dispute -

to entitle  -


CIF (cost, insurance and freight) 

TEXT. Read and discuss the contract.

 далі, нижче

посилатися на

укладати контракт

предмет, тема


зміна, переробка




усувати (недоліки, помилки


арбітраж, третейський суд


давати право на

згода, дозвіл

СІФ (вартість, страхування та


 2.2. The total sum is $1-29,497 (one hundred twenty nine thousand four hundred

ninety seven).

2.3. The prices as per this Contract have been fixed firmly and are not subject

to alteration.

3. Terms of Delivery

  1.  Delivery of the goods shall be made CIF San-Francisco, International Airport. The goods are delivered according to the terms printed in the Specification (see •Enclosure N1) but not later then 20 days from the date signing of the Contract.
  2.  The representatives of the Buyer make the inspection of the delivered goods before accepting them in respect of quality and quantity.
  3.  Partial deliveries are authorized.

4. Terms of Payment

The Buyer is obliged to make payment in US dollars. 100 per cent value of Contract is to be paid in advance to the Seller's Bank in 10 days from the date of the Contract's signing (as indicated in Enclosure N1).

5. Insurance

The Seller shall insure goods to be delivered on CIF terms against usual transport risks in accordance with the Insurance Agreement.

6. Guarantees'

6.1, The Seller guarantees the quality of the delivered goods for 36 months from
the date of putting the equipment into operation.

6.2. If during the guarantee period the equipment proves to be defective, the
Seller at his cost eliminates defects within the shortest possible time or replaces
the defective equipment.

7. Packing and Marking

Each set of the goods shall be packed and marked according to the Buyer's inquiry. Marking Information is the following:

1. Name of the consignee;

2. Name of the consignor;  

  1.  Contract N (Code);
  2.  Air Way Bill N;
  3.  Gross Weight;
  4.  Net Weight;
  5.  Box N.
  6.  Arbitration

  1.  All disputes and disagreements which may arise due to this Contract or in connection with it shall be settled through friendly negotiations between the parties. Disputes and disagreements that cannot be settled by parties through negotiations are subject to settlement excluding the court in the Federal Arbitration of California State in accordance with the law in force.
  2.  The award shall be final and binding upon both parties.

9. Other Conditions

9.1. All amendments and alterations to-this Contract are valid only in written form and should be signed by both parties.

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