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Mohyl cdemyrdquo; nd I~m future politicl scientist

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The motto of the resort: “create family traditions, one family at a time”

Hello, my name is Nina, I’m 20 years old and I’m а student. I’m studying at National University “Kiev-Mohyla academy”, and I’m a future political scientist.

What I’m studying:  we read a lot philosophical books by Max Veber, Karl Marx, Bertran Russel etc but we analyse them from political view + political geography, political institutions, principles of communication between state and civil society. Political science is a social science discipline concerned with the study of the state, nation, government, and politics and policies of government. Aristotle defined it as the study of the state.[1] It deals extensively with the theory and practice of politics, and the analysis of political systems, political behavior, and political culture. Political science intersects with other fields; including economicslawsociologyhistoryanthropology,public administrationpublic policy, national politics, international relationscomparative politics,psychologypolitical organization, and political theory

Personal qualities: Responsible, friendly, communicative, kind, patient, smart, hard-working, energetic

Restaurant: Tasks/Responsibilities:

  1.  take orders,
  2.  help guests with the menu,
  3.  check with customers to ensure that they are enjoying their meals and take action to correct any problems,
  4.  prepare and serve specialty dishes at tables as required,
  5.  inform of daily specials, clean tables,
  6.  describe and recommend wines,
  7.  collect payments

Free time: I love reading books, watching films at home or in the cinema, going to the skating rink. On a skating rink I calm down. I can control every my emotion and start to relax. I’m sure – it’s because of specail energy of ice  I can meet friends and we can go to some cafe just to communicate with each other, to know some news or gossips ;)  

Why I would make a good employee for a Work & Travel job:

   I’m hardworking and also communicative and conflict-free person, so I’m able to become a part of collectivity in a short time. I can’t just sit and do nothing, “work with enthusiasm”, “offer new ideas” and “do more and say less” – these statements are about me. I’m self-disciplined, respect my employers, and love my job. I always try to do my best in different fields.

My family:

I have a big and very friendly family, which consists of parents, elder siblings and their own families. My parents are 55 y.o. they both are from Baku, but they came to Ukraine in 1991 after actions in Nagorno-Karabakh. There was a war for oil-rich territory between Azerbaijanis and Armenians. My mom is a pharmacist, my dad is a person in charge of lighting effects in the theatre in ZP. My sister is 29 y.o., my brother is 30 y.o. They both are married and have children: sister has a daughter Ofelia, 4 y.o., brother has a son Vladimir, 9 y.o. Ofelia visits kindergarden (nursery school, day care center), Vova is in the 3 form of school. They are very funny. I love playing with them.

Lifeguard: Responsible for monitoring the well-being of guests and responding to emergency situations both in and out of water. Responsible for enforcing established rules, complying with regulations, and maintaining professional lifeguarding practices such as the 10/20 Protection Rule. Ensure a positive public relations image 

The lifeguard must be concerned about the safety and welfare of everybody in the pool and pool area, and. That’s a lot of responsibility.

The 10/20 Protection Rule, has given a standard for lifeguards to follow in a commercial pool setting. The rule states that "...a lifeguard who spots someone in trouble needs to respond in 10 seconds and reach the person in 20 seconds."

Demonstrated good oral communication skills

Demonstrated ability to provide care, sensitive consideration, and efficient servise to guests.

I am going to visit USA under Work and Travel Program, I'd like to visit this beatiful country, to travel, to see the culture of its people, to visit New York City! America is my dream and I will be very happy to participate in Work and Travel program.

Висконсин Деллс (англ. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin) — город, расположенный на юге центральной части штата ВисконсинСША.

Город часто именуется как «Мировой центр водных развлечений» (англ. "Waterpark Capital of the World"), так как в районе Висконсин Деллс находится большое количество как крытых, так и открытыхаквапарков. В городе построен самый большой открытый аквапарк в США: «Noah’s Ark» (с англ.: «Ноев Ковчег»), крупнейший крытый аквапарк Америки «Wilderness Territory».

Madison is the capital of the U.S. state of Wisconsin and the county seat of Dane County

How many slides do you have in your waterpark?

Do you have some outoor slides? Pools?

Different areas or mixed?

limitation by age - ?

1. Реферат- Абсолютная монархия в России
2. темаrdquo; Розкрийте сутність поняття ldquo;податкиrdquo; та охарактеризуйте їх функції
3. Курсовая работа- Административное право
4. Виды термической обработки сталей- отжиг нормализация закалка отпуск
5. острого холецистита острого аппендицита острого панкреатита перфоративной язвы 2 ПРИЗНАКИ АБСЦ
6. на тему- Сказочные перчатки Краснодарский край г
7. ТЕМА8 Наследственное право1
8. ТЕМА- ЗМІНА УМОВ ТРУДОВОГО ДОГОВОРУ Ключові терміни та поняття- випробування при прийнятті на роботу пе
9. Производственная гимнастика физкультурная пауза физкультурная минутка изометрические упражнения
10. Ie items tht could be sold by the business in exchnge for money
11. Первая русская революция 19051907 гг
12. Историческое развитие педагогики духовых инструментов
14. Проектирование гальванического участка авторемонтного предприятия
15. Тема 12 Управленческие решения в менеджменте Лекция 2
16. Параллели с теорией поведения потребителя
17. а В курсе эмбриологии человека на кафедре гистологии более подробно изучаются ранние стадии развития
18. Экономическое развитие России в 19001917 годы
19. Гуманистический подход в социальной работе теоретико-методологический аспект
20. Профессия пищевого технолога