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Generl Council of Europe Turborn Jglnd venue de l~Europe F 67075 Strsbourg Cedex Frnce Der Mr Jglnd The whole world is shocked by the fcts of extremely

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To the Secretary-General

Council of Europe

Turborn Jagland

Avenue de l’Europe

F - 67075 Strasbourg Cedex


Dear Mr Jagland!

The whole world is shocked by the facts of extremely cruel massacre of stray animals, organized by the Ukrainian authorities in order to clean the streets of Ukraine before the 2012 UEFA European Football Championship. The mobile crematoriums, where dogs were burned alive, were working in the streets of Ukraine in the daytime. And now, dogs still are shot, poisoned and destroyed in other cruel ways in Ukraine. All good people of this country, especially children, suffer seeing cruel deaths of dogs in the streets of their cities.
After a loud public outcry and also the visit of the animal rights activist Princess Maja von Hohenzollern from Germany, the Ukrainian authorities have promised to build shelters and stop killing stray dogs.

But despite numerous promises to improve the situation with stray dogs, shelters for them have not been built yet, stray dogs are still slaughtered without taking into consideration the fact that they are living creatures who need care and mercy. Those who are responsible for mass cremation of living dogs have not been punished. 

March, 31st was announced to be the International day of protest "Fair Play", in order to protect the animals being killed because of Euro 2012. Fifteen countries of the world held protest actions on this day. We, the people of Russia, are also outraged at the situation in Ukraine and at the cruel actions of the Ukrainian authorities. On March, 31st in 23 cities of Russia protest actions were held, appealing to the Ukrainian authorities to stop mass killings of animals. Residents of the Russian Federation insist on criminal sanctions to punish those who are guilty of dog massacres. 

We, residents of (указать страну, город), ask you to interfere and protect the innocent animals, as well as the human rights of those Ukrainian people who want their country to be civilized and humane.

The return address:

The signatures gathered for the appeal to the Council of Europe to stop the dog massacres, organized by the Ukrainian authorities on the threshold of Euro 2012.


Address, telephone number



The signatures gathered for the appeal to the Council of Europe to stop the dog massacres, organized by the Ukrainian authorities on the threshold of Euro 2012.


Address, telephone number



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