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Elective discipline: Pharmaceutical Terminology

Specialty:  051103 - "Pharmacy"

The volume of hours – 0.5 credits

Course: 2nd Semester: 4th

Practical training – 6 (hours)

Self-study student under the guidance of a teacher (SSUT) - 3 (hours)

Self-study student (SSS) - 10 (hours)

Form of control: examination

Total: 19 hours

Almaty, 2012



Work program






Guidelines for practical training



Guidelines for self-study student under the guidance of a teacher (SSUT)



Guidelines for self-study student (SSS)



Gauging means for final assessment knowledge and skills

Vice-rector of

training - educational work

      Professor K. A. Tulebaev
       The "____" ____________2012


Elective discipline: "Pharmaceutical Terminology"

Specialty:  051103 - "Pharmacy"
Module: The pharmacist-manager
Course: 2nd Semester: 4th
Form of control: examination

Almaty, 2012

The working program on discipline "Pharmaceutical Terminology" is considered at module meeting from the «____» _______________ 2012, the No. protocol ____.

The head of the module "The pharmacist-manager," Associate Professor             A. R. Shopabayeva 

The working program is discussed in Committee of educational programs of pharmaceutical disciplines from the «____» _______________ 2012, the No. protocol ____.

Chairman of Committee of educational programs, Associate Professor                      G. M. Sayakova

It is approved by Methodical Council _____________________ from the «____» _______________ 2012, the No. protocol ____.

Chairman of Methodical Council, Professor                                                               K. A.Tulebayev 


Name of high school - Kazakh National Medical University

                                     named after S. D. Asfendiyarov

Module - the pharmacist - manager

Discipline – "Pharmaceutical Terminology"

Specialty - 051103 "Pharmacy"

The volume of hours – 0.5 credit (19 h)
The course and the semester
- the 2nd year, 4th semester 


2.1 Introduction

Pharmaceutical terminology - a set of terms associated with a corresponding system of concepts. Formation of the terminology is due to social, scientific and technical development of pharmacy as well as any new concept in the field of pharmacology must be marked by the term. Terminological system corresponds to the modern development of the pharmaceutical industry. Many basic pharmaceutical terminology borrowed from Greek and Latin languages, chemistry, biology, medicine, or created on a national basis by engaging terms from other sources. The problem of ordering and unification of terminology routinely engaged in pharmaceutical nomenclature committee of the State Pharmacological Center and the Pharmacopoeia Committee of the Ministry of Health of the RK. In the process of streamlining and standardization of terminology specific terms are formalized in the form of state standards (standardization of terms). However, the essence of the scientific concept of the term may reveal only a specialist. Terminology for the organization, management and economics of pharmacy includes the terms on the fundamentals of state regulation in the field of pharmacy, the organization of the distribution network of the pharmaceutical market, medical and pharmaceutical merchandising, basic economics of pharmaceutical trade organization, planning, accounting, analysis, theory and practice of pharmaceutical management and marketing. Pharmacist in the study of disciplines necessary to know the terms used in the pharmaceutical legislation of the RK, SPh of RK, industry standards and regulatory documents.

2.2 The purpose of discipline

Form the students knowledge of the terms and the notion of the importance of streamlining and harmonization of general and specialized pharmaceutical terms to refer to various techniques and operations used in the profession of pharmacy.

2.3 Objectives of training (Problems of training)

Generate students' knowledge and understanding of the general principles of ordering pharmaceutical terminology:

• establish a knowledge base on the relationship of terms to terms used in the organization, management and economics of pharmacy;

• teach the use of the terms proposed in the scientific-methodological and research literature, in the preparation of official documents in health care;

• create a practical, communication and legal skills on their own understanding of the terminology, pharmaceutical, and properly formulated;

• familiarize with the problems of ordering pharmaceutical terminology and scientific approaches to reveal their decision;

• create a knowledge and skills in mastering the pharmaceutical terminology used in pharmacy in the preparation of normative documents in the pharmaceutical activity and the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment.

2.4 Learning Outcomes

To generate knowledge on the following topics:

• general, used in medicine and pharmacy terms;

• special pharmaceutical terminology;

• the principle of unification of general and special terms;

• criteria for the groups of terms, which are characterized by the prevalence, systemic, actualization;

• international Classification of forming the terminology of drugs;

• terms and definitions of organizational, managerial and economic characteristics in the pharmacy;

• general health and economic terms and their definitions.

• the name of the pharmaceutical wholesale and retail businesses;

• basic economic laws and regularities on pharmaceutical market;

• the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment. Generate a student skills:

• use of terms with professional communication with patients, physicians, colleagues at work.

• the use of terms in the organization of pharmacies;

• the use of terms in the legal and regulatory, supervisory, advisory and scientific instruments.

2.5 Prerequisites of discipline: Inorganic Chemistry, Latin, botany.

2.6 Discipline post-requisites: organization and economics of pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology chemistry technology dosage forms 

2.7 Thematic plans

Thematic plan of a practical training 

Subjects of a practical training


(in hours)


Conceptual and terminological apparatus for the organization and economics of pharmacy.



Terms used in industry standards and regulatory documents.



The terms used in the organization of the distribution network of the pharmaceutical market. The terms used in the theory and practice of pharmaceutical management and marketing


                                                                                                 Total: 6 hours

 The thematic plan of self-study student under the guidance of a teacher (SSUT):

Subjects of SSUT


(in hours)


The terms used in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment.




Landmark control.


                                                                                                   Total: 3 hours

Thematic plan of self-study student (SSS):

Subjects of SSS


(in hours)


The terms used in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment.


                                                                                                     Total: 10 hours

2.8 Training and teaching methods.

Practical training: a joint discussion with the teacher of theoretical material, work with educational literature, performing tasks (written responses to questions, filling out tables, etc.), testing, oral questioning.

Self-study student under the guidance of a teacher (SSUT):   a panel discussion with illustrative tables, presentation slide.

Self-study student (SSS): working with the literature, Internet resources, educational and scientific materials in electronic media, preparation of presentations and thematic essays.

2.9 Methods of assessment of students knowledge and skills: writing assignments on options for control, test control.  

The number of evaluations of competence of students of  2nd course on elective discipline
"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

• 60% - 9 practical trainings  - knowledge;
• 15% - 2 practical trainings  - practical skills
• 10% - 2 practical trainings - communication skills
• 5% - 1
practical training - legal competence
• 1 SSS - self-cultivation

Scorecard knowledge of students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

The maximum score of 100
a) an oral interview - the maximum 80 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 74-80 points
- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 60-73 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 52-59 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 50-51 points
- No answer - 0 points

b) the execution of tasks in test form - maximum 20 points
- 86 - 100% - 20 points
- 75 - 85% - 15 points
- 60 - 74% - 7 points
- 50 - 59% - 3 points
- Less than 50% - 0 points

Scorecard practical skills of students of  of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

An oral interview - the maximum 100 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 90-100 points
- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 75-89 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 50-74 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 0-49 points
- No answer - 0 points

Scorecard communicative competence of students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

The maximum score of 100




Effective self-presentation



An open posture, nonverbal demonstration friendly attitude



Compliance with the pace of the conversation, attentive perception






Conscious perception



The ability to see the problem from the perspective of the interlocutor



Forming methods of persuasion



Keeping a group discussion, debate



Understanding and operating performance of pharmaceutical organizations







Scorecard legal skills of students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

An oral interview - the maximum 100 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 90-100 points
- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 75-89 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 50-74 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 0-49 points
- No answer - 0 points

Evaluation SSS (maximum 100 points) of students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"




Full implementation of all relevant claim forms SSS



Committed minor errors, inaccurate quest



Committed significant errors, incomplete quest



Committed an error of principle, not doing the job, ineligible SSS


SSS ratio in percentage of  students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"
















Review of the literature



Tests – 10




Final control - examination taking into account results of the current and landmark control.

Final control: test examination in the testing center taking into account results of the current control.

The technology of monitoring students' knowledge

I = R x 0,6 + E x 0.4, where
I - the final score
R-rating score for admission
E - evaluation of the final control (examination of the discipline)
Rating is 60% of I, 40% of the exam on I.
Assessment rating is made up of students and a landmark assessment of the current control.
The first rating is calculated using the formula:

, where

t - current control = average score for the practical work (laboratory, workshop) + average for the SSUT + average for the SSS

r - landmark control

Each practice session, SSUT, SSS, landmark control are calculated out of 100 points, which corresponds to 100 percent

 The second rating is calculated using the formula:

, where


t - current control = average score for the practical work (laboratory, workshop) + average for the SSUT + average for the SSS

r - landmark control

Rate of admission to the student's final grade is not less than 60%, so the semester evaluation of the discipline of students is determined by the formula

The student is admitted to the examination, if it semester score greater than or equal to 30%.
In the absence of many landmark controls the admission rating is calculated only on the current estimates.
In the case of larger number of landmark controls, calculated the appropriate number of ratings at the end of the semester average rating is calculated.

Technology of the examination and evaluation.

The maximum percentage of total control corresponds 100 %. The examiner puts down marks of total control (E) in the examination sheet, using instruments of measurement of knowledge being trained total control.

The instrument of measurement of total control in the form of testing

The exam is conducted in two phases.

At one stage of the exam test the student is given 50 test items, each task corresponds to 2 points or percent.

Quality of works 

Assessment range


It is not executed

Absence at examination without valid excuse  



Assessment for each right answer




In the second stage the practical skills of students are estimated to exam questions (60) formed in the tickets.

Scorecard practical skills of students of 2nd year on the 2nd stage of the examination

on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

  An oral interview - maximum 100 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 90-100 points

- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 75-89 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 50-74 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 0-49 points
- No answer - 0 points

Next, the overall rating based on an examination of the two phases.

The share of an assessment of total control makes no more than 40 % of a total assessment of knowledge of discipline therefore the examination assessment (Э) on discipline is multiplied by factor 0,4: Eх0,4

Further the total assessment is calculated

I= R x 0,6 + E x 0,4

Total control: examination

In a statement put up the final exam score for the discipline in the digital and the alphabetic equivalent according to the score table below.


Score alphabetic system

The digital equivalent of the points


Evaluation of the traditional system






































2.10 Literature

  1.  Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 6 сентября 1995 года № 2454 «О Конституции Республики Казахстан», см. также дополнения.
  2.   Трудовой кодекс Республики Казахстан от 15 мая 2007 года № 251-III. - Астана-Акорда.
  3.  Кодекс Республики Казахстан от 18 сентября 2009 года № 193-IV «О здоровье народа и системе здравоохранения».
  4.  Указ Президента РК от 29 ноября 2010 года № 1113 «Государственная программа
    развития здравоохранения Республики Казахстан «Саламатты Қазақстан» на 2011 – 2015 годы».
  5.  Приказ № 565 от 23 октября 2009 года «Об утверждении Положения о Комитете контроля медицинской и фармацевтической деятельности Министерства здравоохранения Республики Казахстан».
  6.  Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 02 октября 2002 года № 1081 года путем преобразования РГКП «Центр лекарственных средств «Дарі-дәрмек».  
  7.  Государственный стандарт Республики Казахстан «Надлежащая аптечная практика.
    основные положения».  СТ РК 1615-2006.
  8.  Приказ Министра здравоохранения Республики Казахстан от 24 ноября 2009 года № 774 «Об утверждении Номенклатуры медицинских и фармацевтических специальностей»
  9.   Программа развития фармацевтической промышленности Республики Казахстан на 2010-2014 годы. Астана, 2010.
  10.  Стратегический план МЗ РК на 2010-2014 годы. Утвержден постановлением Правительства Республики от 10 февраля 2010 года № 81.


Elective discipline: Pharmaceutical Terminology

Specialty:  051103 - "Pharmacy"
Module: The pharmacist-manager
Course: 3rd Semester: 5th
Form of control: examination

Almaty, 2012

Syllabus on discipline "Pharmaceutical Terminology" is made on the basis of the working program on this discipline by Associate Professor of the module A. R. Shopabayeva, considered at module meeting from the «____» _______________ 2012, the No. protocol ____.

The head of the module "The pharmacist-manager," Associate Professor             A. R. Shopabayeva 


Name of high school - Kazakh National Medical University

                                     named after S. D. Asfendiyarov

Module - the pharmacist - manager

Discipline – "Pharmaceutical Terminology"

Specialty - 051103 "Pharmacy"

The volume of hours – 0.5 credit (19 h)
The course and the semester
- the 2nd year, 4th semester 

For information about the teachers:




Shopabaeva Alma Rahimbaevna

Associate Professor


Nurahov Dandybai Berdievich

Associate Professor


Radyuk Maria Ivanovna

Associate Professor


Zhumayeva Gulzhan Shyntaevna



Adibaeva Gaipzhamal Kabdolanovna



Bidasova Gulmira Kenesbaevna



Nauryzalieva Zhumagul Tulepovna



Potapova Tamara Ivanovna


Contact Information
Str. Bogenbai batir 151, Education Building number 2, the first, second floor
Discipline Policy
Students are required to:
1. Attend lectures and practical classes on time in the lab coats.
2. Do not miss classes without excuse (sickness ...), to grant permission to the Dean's refinement of missed classes.
3. Missed class work at a certain time, the designated teacher.
4. All job practical training must be completed and furnished in accordance with requirements.
5. All activities must be submitted in a timely manner.
6. At low academic achievement, attendance, if a student does not get translated into the following year, he has the right to discipline to work out during the holidays for a fee.

2.1 Introduction

Pharmaceutical terminology - a set of terms associated with a corresponding system of concepts. Formation of the terminology is due to social, scientific and technical development of pharmacy as well as any new concept in the field of pharmacology must be marked by the term. Terminological system corresponds to the modern development of the pharmaceutical industry. Many basic pharmaceutical terminology borrowed from Greek and Latin languages, chemistry, biology, medicine, or created on a national basis by engaging terms from other sources. The problem of ordering and unification of terminology routinely engaged in pharmaceutical nomenclature committee of the State Pharmacological Center and the Pharmacopoeia Committee of the Ministry of Health of the RK. In the process of streamlining and standardization of terminology specific terms are formalized in the form of state standards (standardization of terms). However, the essence of the scientific concept of the term may reveal only a specialist. Terminology for the organization, management and economics of pharmacy includes the terms on the fundamentals of state regulation in the field of pharmacy, the organization of the distribution network of the pharmaceutical market, medical and pharmaceutical merchandising, basic economics of pharmaceutical trade organization, planning, accounting, analysis, theory and practice of pharmaceutical management and marketing. Pharmacist in the study of disciplines necessary to know the terms used in the pharmaceutical legislation of the RK, SPh of RK, industry standards and regulatory documents.

2.2 The purpose of discipline

Form the students knowledge of the terms and the notion of the importance of streamlining and harmonization of general and specialized pharmaceutical terms to refer to various techniques and operations used in the profession of pharmacy.

2.3 Objectives of training (Problems of training)

Generate students' knowledge and understanding of the general principles of ordering pharmaceutical terminology:

• establish a knowledge base on the relationship of terms to terms used in the organization, management and economics of pharmacy;

• teach the use of the terms proposed in the scientific-methodological and research literature, in the preparation of official documents in health care;

• create a practical, communication and legal skills on their own understanding of the terminology, pharmaceutical, and properly formulated;

• familiarize with the problems of ordering pharmaceutical terminology and scientific approaches to reveal their decision;

• create a knowledge and skills in mastering the pharmaceutical terminology used in pharmacy in the preparation of normative documents in the pharmaceutical activity and the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment.

2.4 Learning Outcomes

To generate knowledge on the following topics:

• general, used in medicine and pharmacy terms;

• special pharmaceutical terminology;

• the principle of unification of general and special terms;

• criteria for the groups of terms, which are characterized by the prevalence, systemic, actualization;

• international Classification of forming the terminology of drugs;

• terms and definitions of organizational, managerial and economic characteristics in the pharmacy;

• general health and economic terms and their definitions.

• the name of the pharmaceutical wholesale and retail businesses;

• basic economic laws and regularities on pharmaceutical market;

• the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment. Generate a student skills:

• use of terms with professional communication with patients, physicians, colleagues at work.

• the use of terms in the organization of pharmacies;

• the use of terms in the legal and regulatory, supervisory, advisory and scientific instruments.

2.5 Prerequisites of discipline: Inorganic Chemistry, Latin, botany.

2.6 Discipline post-requisites: organization and economics of pharmacy, pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacology, toxicology chemistry technology dosage forms 

2.7 Summary of Discipline: Pharmaceutical terminology - a set of terms associated with a corresponding system of concepts. Formation of the terminology is due to social, scientific and technical development of pharmacy as well as any new concept in the field of pharmacology must be marked by the term.

2.8 Thematic plans

Thematic plan of a practical training 

Subjects of a practical training


(in hours)


Conceptual and terminological apparatus for the organization and economics of pharmacy.



Terms used in industry standards and regulatory documents.



The terms used in the organization of the distribution network of the pharmaceutical market. The terms used in the theory and practice of pharmaceutical management and marketing


                                                                                                 Total: 6 hours

 The thematic plan of self-study student under the guidance of a teacher (SSUT):

Subjects of SSUT


(in hours)


The terms used in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment.




Landmark control.


                                                                                                   Total: 3 hours

Thematic plan of self-study student (SSS):

Subjects of SSS


(in hours)


The terms used in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment.


                                                                                                     Total: 10 hours

2.9 Training and teaching methods.

Practical training: a joint discussion with the teacher of theoretical material, work with educational literature, performing tasks (written responses to questions, filling out tables, etc.), testing, oral questioning.

Self-study student under the guidance of a teacher (SSUT):   a panel discussion with illustrative tables, presentation slide.

Self-study student (SSS): working with the literature, Internet resources, educational and scientific materials in electronic media, preparation of presentations and thematic essays.

2.10 Methods of assessment of students knowledge and skills: writing assignments on options for control, test control.  

The number of evaluations of competence of students of  2nd course on elective discipline
"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

• 60% - 9 practical trainings  - knowledge;
• 15% - 2 practical trainings  - practical skills
• 10% - 2 practical trainings - communication skills
• 5% - 1
practical training - legal competence
• 1 SSS - self-cultivation

Scorecard knowledge of students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

The maximum score of 100
a) an oral interview - the maximum 80 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 74-80 points
- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 60-73 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 52-59 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 50-51 points
- No answer - 0 points

b) the execution of tasks in test form - maximum 20 points
- 86 - 100% - 20 points
- 75 - 85% - 15 points
- 60 - 74% - 7 points
- 50 - 59% - 3 points
- Less than 50% - 0 points

Scorecard practical skills of students of  of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

An oral interview - the maximum 100 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 90-100 points
- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 75-89 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 50-74 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 0-49 points
- No answer - 0 points

Scorecard communicative competence of students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

The maximum score of 100




Effective self-presentation



An open posture, nonverbal demonstration friendly attitude



Compliance with the pace of the conversation, attentive perception






Conscious perception



The ability to see the problem from the perspective of the interlocutor



Forming methods of persuasion



Keeping a group discussion, debate



Understanding and operating performance of pharmaceutical organizations







Scorecard legal skills of students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

An oral interview - the maximum 100 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 90-100 points
- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 75-89 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 50-74 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 0-49 points
- No answer - 0 points

Evaluation SSS (maximum 100 points) of students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"




Full implementation of all relevant claim forms SSS



Committed minor errors, inaccurate quest



Committed significant errors, incomplete quest



Committed an error of principle, not doing the job, ineligible SSS


SSS ratio in percentage of  students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"
















Review of the literature



Tests – 10




Final control - examination taking into account results of the current and landmark control.

Final control: test examination in the testing center taking into account results of the current control.

The technology of monitoring students' knowledge

I = R x 0,6 + E x 0.4, where
I - the final score
R-rating score for admission
E - evaluation of the final control (examination of the discipline)
Rating is 60% of I, 40% of the exam on I.
Assessment rating is made up of students and a landmark assessment of the current control.
The first rating is calculated using the formula:

, where

t - current control = average score for the practical work (laboratory, workshop) + average for the SSUT + average for the SSS

r - landmark control

Each practice session, SSUT, SSS, landmark control are calculated out of 100 points, which corresponds to 100 percent

 The second rating is calculated using the formula:

, where


t - current control = average score for the practical work (laboratory, workshop) + average for the SSUT + average for the SSS

r - landmark control

Rate of admission to the student's final grade is not less than 60%, so the semester evaluation of the discipline of students is determined by the formula

The student is admitted to the examination, if it semester score greater than or equal to 30%.
In the absence of many landmark controls the admission rating is calculated only on the current estimates.
In the case of larger number of landmark controls, calculated the appropriate number of ratings at the end of the semester average rating is calculated.

Technology of the examination and evaluation.

The maximum percentage of total control corresponds 100 %. The examiner puts down marks of total control (E) in the examination sheet, using instruments of measurement of knowledge being trained total control.

The instrument of measurement of total control in the form of testing

The exam is conducted in two phases.

At one stage of the exam test the student is given 50 test items, each task corresponds to 2 points or percent.

Quality of works 

Assessment range


It is not executed

Absence at examination without valid excuse  



Assessment for each right answer




In the second stage the practical skills of students are estimated to exam questions (60) formed in the tickets.

Scorecard practical skills of students of 2nd year on the 2nd stage of the examination

on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"

  An oral interview - maximum 100 points
- Correct and complete answer when asked verbally and discussion threads - 90-100 points

- Correct but incomplete answer during oral questioning and discussion threads - 75-89 points
- An incomplete answer to some inaccuracies - 50-74 points
- An incomplete response, reflecting the main points topic - 0-49 points
- No answer - 0 points

Next, the overall rating based on an examination of the two phases.

The share of an assessment of total control makes no more than 40 % of a total assessment of knowledge of discipline therefore the examination assessment (Э) on discipline is multiplied by factor 0,4: Eх0,4

Further the total assessment is calculated

I= R x 0,6 + E x 0,4

Total control: examination

In a statement put up the final exam score for the discipline in the digital and the alphabetic equivalent according to the score table below.


Score alphabetic system

The digital equivalent of the points


Evaluation of the traditional system






































2.11 Literature

  1.  Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 6 сентября 1995 года № 2454 «О Конституции Республики Казахстан», см. также дополнения.
  2.   Трудовой кодекс Республики Казахстан от 15 мая 2007 года № 251-III. - Астана-Акорда.
  3.  Кодекс Республики Казахстан от 18 сентября 2009 года № 193-IV «О здоровье народа и системе здравоохранения».
  4.  Указ Президента РК от 29 ноября 2010 года № 1113 «Государственная программа
    развития здравоохранения Республики Казахстан «Саламатты Қазақстан» на 2011 – 2015 годы».
  5.  Приказ № 565 от 23 октября 2009 года «Об утверждении Положения о Комитете контроля медицинской и фармацевтической деятельности Министерства здравоохранения Республики Казахстан».
  6.  Постановление Правительства Республики Казахстан от 02 октября 2002 года № 1081 года путем преобразования РГКП «Центр лекарственных средств «Дарі-дәрмек».  
  7.  Государственный стандарт Республики Казахстан «Надлежащая аптечная практика.
    основные положения».  СТ РК 1615-2006.
  8.  Приказ Министра здравоохранения Республики Казахстан от 24 ноября 2009 года № 774 «Об утверждении Номенклатуры медицинских и фармацевтических специальностей»
  9.   Программа развития фармацевтической промышленности Республики Казахстан на 2010-2014 годы. Астана, 2010.
  10.  Стратегический план МЗ РК на 2010-2014 годы. Утвержден постановлением Правительства Республики от 10 февраля 2010 года № 81.

Pharmaceutical faculty


Course: 2
Discipline: "Pharmaceutical Terminology"

Compiled by:
A. R. Shopabayeva

Almaty, 2012

Discussed at a meeting of module
Protocol № __ of "____", the ______2012

The head module                                                                                                Shopabaeva A.R.


OBJECTIVE: Develop students' knowledge of conceptual and terminological apparatus of the organization and economics of pharmacy

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - to familiarize students with:
• the concept of pharmaceutical terminology;
• the basic concepts and terminology in the field of pharmacy organization and economics;
• the basic concepts and terminology of the Code "On citizens' health and healthcare system."

1. Give the definition of "pharmaceutical terminology."
2. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "health", "health", "health system", "public health".
3. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "biologically active substances", "dietary supplements".
4. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "pharmacological agent", "drugs", "bulk-product of the drug," "original medicine" "medicine", "generic" "biosimilyar."
5. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "patented medicine", "international non-proprietary name of the drug."
6. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "medical products", "Medical optics products", "medical technology".
7. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "handling of medicinal products, medical products and medical equipment," "retail sale of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "wholesale of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and medical equipment, "" a single distributor for the purchase and provision of medicines, medical products."
8. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "objects in the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "agents in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment."
9. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "adulterated drug".
In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "nutraceuticals", "parapharmaceuticals".
11. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "orphan drugs", "orphan (rare) diseases."
12. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "State register of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan."
13. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "pre-clinical (non-clinical) research," "clinical trial".
14. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "pharmaceutical workers."
15. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "pharmaceutical activity".
16. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "shelf life of the drug," "drug packaging."
17. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "quality of medicine, medical products and medical equipment."
18. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "manufacturing drugs."
19. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "guaranteed free health care."
20. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "Health Organization", "medical organization".
21. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "treatment", "voluntary treatment," "involuntary treatment".
22. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "patient."
23. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "prevention".
24. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "medical personnel", "medical care", "quality of care."
25. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "medicinal form."

Learning the basic concepts on the topic. Working in small groups. Presentation.


The main:

  1.  Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 6 сентября 1995 года № 2454 «О Конституции Республики Казахстан», см. также дополнения.
  2.   Кодекс Республики Казахстан от 18 сентября 2009 года № 193-IV «О здоровье народа и системе здравоохранения».
  3.  Перцев И.М. Размышления о фармацевтической терминологии /  www.provisor.com.ua
  4.  Куркина Т.В. Терминология фармации как отражение развития  профессионального знания и деятельности.- 2010

The additional:

  1.  Багирова В.Л. Управление и экономика фармации. – Москва: Медицина, 2004.
  2.  Лоскутова Е.Е. Управление и экономика фармации. Фармацевтическая деятельность. Организация и регулирование. – Москва: ACADEMIA, 2003.
  3.  Косова И.В. Организация и экономика фармации. – Москва, 2004.

Map 1
1. Give the definition of "pharmaceutical terminology."
2. Define the following concepts of "health", "health."
Map 2
1. Define the following concepts of "biologically active substances", "dietary supplements".
2. Define the following concept of "circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment."
Map 3
1. Define the following concepts of "pharmacological agent", "drugs", "bulk-product of the drug," "drug."
2. Define the following concepts of "pre-clinical (non-clinical) research," "clinical trial".
Map 4
1. Define the following concepts of "original medicine", "generic", "biosimilyar."
2. Define the following concept of "retail sales of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and medical equipment."
Map 5
1. Define the following concepts of "proprietary medicines", "international non-proprietary name of the drug."
2. Define the following concepts of "wholesale of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and medical equipment," "a single distributor for the purchase and provision of medicines, medical products."
Map 6
1. Define the following concepts of "medical products", "Medical optics products", "medical technology".
2. Define the following concepts of "objects in the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "agents in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment."
Map 7
1. Define the following notion of "adulterated drug".
2. Define the following concept of "pharmaceutical workers."
Map 8
1. Define the following concepts of "nutraceuticals", "parapharmaceuticals".
2. Define the following concept of "pharmaceutical activity".
Map 9
1. Define the following concepts of "orphan drugs", "orphan (rare) diseases."
2. Define the following concept of "manufacturing drugs."
Map 10
1. Define the following notion of "State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan."
2. Define the following concept of "guaranteed free health care."
Map 11
1. Define the following notion of "State register of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment."
2. Define the following concepts of "Health Organization", "medical organization".
Map 12
1. Define the following concept of "patient", "prevention".
2. Define the following notion of "medicinal form."


OBJECTIVE: Develop students' knowledge of the terms used in the industry of new standards and regulatory documents.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - to familiarize students with:
• the terms and definitions used in GOST RK "Good Pharmacy Practice";
• the terms and definitions used in GOST RK "Good Distribution Practice";
• the terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RK dated November 18, 2009 № 732 "On Approval of the Rules of pharmacy control medicines manufactured-food products";
• the terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RK dated November 16, 2009 № 711 "On Approval of the wholesale and retail sale of pharmaceuticals, Medical Devices and Equipment";
• the terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RK on August 18, 2010goda № 636 "On Approval of Regulations" Sanitary requirements for the objects in the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment ";
• the terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RK dated November 18, 2009 № 735 "On approval of rules of state registration, reregistration and amendment of the registration dossier of the medicinal product, medical products and medical equipment";
• the terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RK on November 2, 2009 № 634 "On Approval of Regulation labeling of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment";
• the terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RK dated November 18, 2009 № 736 "On Approval of the examination of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment";
• the terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RK dated November 18, 2009 № 737 "On some issues the authorization to advertise";
• the terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RK dated November 18, 2009 № 739 "On Approval of storage and transportation of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment";
• the terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RK dated June 15, 2010 № 449 "On approval of guidelines for the formation of prices of medicines and medical products purchased in the secure volume of free medical care";
• the terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of the RK on November 19, 2009 № 747 "On Approval of manufacturing of drugs and medical products destination."

1. Terms and definitions used in GOST RK "Good Pharmacy Practice."
2. Terms and definitions used in GOST RK "Good Distribution Practice."
3. Terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of RK November 18, 2009 № 732 "On Approval of the Rules of pharmacy control made drugs."
4. Terms and definitions used in the Order of Ministry of Health of the RK dated November 16, 2009 № 711 "On Approval of the wholesale and retail sale of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment."
5. Terms and definitions used in the Order of the RK Ministry of Health on August 18, 2010goda № 636 "On Approval of Regulations" Sanitary requirements for objects there in the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment. "
6. Terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of RK November 18, 2009 № 735 "On approval of rules of state registration, reregistration and making of changes in the registration dossier of the medicinal product, medical products and medical equipment."
7. Terms and definitions used in the Order of Ministry of Health of the RK on November 2, 2009 № 634 "On Approval of Regulation labeling of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment."
8. Terms and definitions used in the Order of Ministry of Health of the RK dated November 18, 2009 № 736 "On Approval of the examination of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment."
9. Terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of RK November 18, 2009 № 737 "On some issues the authorization to advertise."
10. Terms and definitions used in the Order of Ministry of Health of the RK dated November 18, 2009 № 739 "On Approval of storage and transportation of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment".
11. Terms and definitions used in the Order of the Ministry of Health of RK June 15, 2010 № 449 "On approval of guidelines for the formation of prices of medicines and medical products purchased in the secure volume of free medical care."
12. Terms and definitions used in the Order of Ministry of Health of the RK on November 19, 2009 № 747 "On Approval of manufacturing of drugs and medical devices."

Learning the basic concepts of theme. Work in small groups. Presentation.


The main:

  1.  ГОСТ РК «Надлежащая аптечная практика»
  2.  ГОСТ РК «Надлежащая дистрибьюторская практика»
  3.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 732 «Об утверждении Правил проведения внутриаптечного контроля изготовленных лекарственных препаратов»
  4.  Приказ МЗ РК от 16 ноября 2009 года № 711 « Об утверждении Правил оптовой и розничной реализации лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  5.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 августа 2010года № 636 «Об утверждении санитарных правил «Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к объектам в сфере обращения лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  6.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 735 «Об утверждении правил государственной регистрации, перерегистрации и внесения изменений в регистрационное досье лекарственного средства, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  7.  Приказ МЗ РК от 2 ноября 2009 года № 634 «Об утверждении Правил маркировки лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  8.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 736 «Об утверждении Правил проведения экспертизы лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  9.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 737 «О некоторых вопросах выдачи разрешения на рекламу»
  10.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 739 «Об утверждении Правил хранения и транспортировки лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  11.  Приказ МЗ РК от 15 июня 2010 года № 449 «Об утверждении методических рекомендаций по формированию цен на лекарственные средства и изделия медицинского назначения, закупаемые в рамках гарантированного объема бесплатной медицинской помощи»
  12.  Приказ МЗ РК от 19 ноября 2009 года № 747 «Об утверждении Правил изготовления лекарственных препаратов и изделий медицинского назначения»
  13.  Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 6 сентября 1995 года № 2454 «О Конституции Республики Казахстан», см. также дополнения
  14.  Кодекс Республики Казахстан от 18 сентября 2009 года № 193-IV «О здоровье народа и системе здравоохранения»

The additional:

  1.  Багирова В.Л. Управление и экономика фармации. – Москва: Медицина, 2004.
  2.  Лоскутова Е.Е. Управление и экономика фармации. Фармацевтическая деятельность. Организация и регулирование. – Москва: ACADEMIA, 2003.
  3.  Косова И.В. Организация и экономика фармации. – Москва, 2004.

Map 1
1. Define the following notion of "Pharmacy organization."
2. Define the following concept of "diagnostic testing".
Map 2
1. Define the following concept of "Quality in distribution practices."
2. Define the following notion of "adulterated (counterfeit) production."
Map 3
1. Define the following notion of "Distribution".
2. Define the following notion of "Contamination of drugs."
Map 4
1. Define the following notion of "complaint."
2. Define the following notion of "distributor".
Map 5
1. Define the following notion of "Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)."
2. Define the following notion of "feedback."
Map 6
1. Define the following concept of "pharmaceutical products range."
2. Define the following notion of "return".
Map 7
1. Define the following notion of "Marriage," "defective products".
2. Define the following notion of "Warehouse of temporary storage of medicines, medical equipment and medical products."
Map 8
1. Define the following notion of "Pharmacy drug store, a warehouse of medical equipment and medical products."
2. Define the following concept of "pharmaceutical services".
Map 9
1. Define the following notion of "documentation".
2. Define the following notion of "self-inspection."
Map 10
1. Define the following notion of "Rational use of medicines."
2. Define the following notion of "agreement (contract)."


OBJECTIVE: Develop student's knowledge of the terms of the organization of the distribution network of the pharmaceutical market, pharmaceutical management and marketing.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - to familiarize students with:
• terms used in the organization of the distribution network of the pharmaceutical market;
• terms used in the pharmaceutical management;
• terms used in pharmaceutical marketing.

1. Terms used in pharmaceutical logistics.
2. The terms used in the field of wholesale sales of pharmaceutical products.
3. The terms used in the field of retail sales of pharmaceutical products.
4. The terms used in dispensing.
5. The terms used in the storage of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment.
6. Terms used in pharmaceutical economics.
7. The terms used in the field of accounting and planning in the pharmaceutical organizations.
8. The terms used in the pharmaceutical management.
9. Terms used in pharmaceutical marketing.

Learning the basic concepts on the topic. The debate on the issues. Working in small groups.


The main:

  1.  Багирова В.Л. Управление и экономика фармации. – Москва: Медицина, 2004.
  2.  ГОСТ РК «Надлежащая аптечная практика»
  3.  ГОСТ РК «Надлежащая дистрибьюторская практика»
  4.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 732 «Об утверждении Правил проведения внутриаптечного контроля изготовленных лекарственных препаратов»
  5.  Приказ МЗ РК от 16 ноября 2009 года № 711 « Об утверждении Правил оптовой и розничной реализации лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  6.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 августа 2010года № 636 «Об утверждении санитарных правил «Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к объектам в сфере обращения лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  7.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 735 «Об утверждении правил государственной регистрации, перерегистрации и внесения изменений в регистрационное досье лекарственного средства, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  8.  Приказ МЗ РК от 2 ноября 2009 года № 634 «Об утверждении Правил маркировки лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  9.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 736 «Об утверждении Правил проведения экспертизы лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  10.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 737 «О некоторых вопросах выдачи разрешения на рекламу»
  11.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 739 «Об утверждении Правил хранения и транспортировки лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  12.  Приказ МЗ РК от 15 июня 2010 года № 449 «Об утверждении методических рекомендаций по формированию цен на лекарственные средства и изделия медицинского назначения, закупаемые в рамках гарантированного объема бесплатной медицинской помощи»
  13.  Приказ МЗ РК от 19 ноября 2009 года № 747 «Об утверждении Правил изготовления лекарственных препаратов и изделий медицинского назначения»
  14.  Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 6 сентября 1995 года № 2454 «О Конституции Республики Казахстан», см. также дополнения
  15.  Кодекс Республики Казахстан от 18 сентября 2009 года № 193-IV «О здоровье народа и системе здравоохранения»

The additional:

  1.  Лоскутова Е.Е. Управление и экономика фармации. Фармацевтическая деятельность. Организация и регулирование. – Москва: ACADEMIA, 2003.
  2.  Косова И.В. Организация и экономика фармации. – Москва, 2004.

Map 1
1. Define the following concept of "logistics."
2. Define the following notion of "Pharmacoeconomics."
Map 2
1. Define the following notion of "Marketing."
2. Define the following notion of "Stocks".
Map 3
1. Define the following notion of "Micrologistics."
2. Define the following notion of  "need" "demand."
Map 4
1. Define the following notion of "Macrologistics."
2. Define the following notion of "market".
Map 5
1. Define the following concept of "Management".
2. Define the following notion of "planning."
Map 6
1. Define the following concept of "segmentation of the market."
2. Define the following notion of "Accounting".
Map 7
1. Define the following concept of "logistics chain".
2. Define the following notion of "commodity turnover."
Map 8
1. Define the following concept of "marketing adverse communication."
2. Define the following notion of "profit."
Map 9
1. Define the following notion of "commodity nomenclature".
2. Define the following concept of "costs".
Map 10
1. Define the following notion of "merchandising".
2. Define the following notion of "product range."

Pharmaceutical faculty



Course: 2
Discipline: "Pharmaceutical Terminology"

Compiled by:
A. R. Shopabayeva

Almaty, 2012

Discussed at a meeting of module
Protocol № __ of "____", the ______2012

The head module                                                                                                Shopabaeva A.R.


OBJECTIVE: Develop students' knowledge of the terms used in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - to familiarize students with:
• the concept of pharmaceutical terminology;
• the basic concepts and terms used in industry standards and normative - legal acts;
• the basic concepts and terminology in the field of organization and economy of pharmacy, the pharmaceutical management and marketing.

The decision of situational problems, discuss with the teacher questions theme classes.

Case studies:
Writing in a notebook:
1. Give the definition of "pharmaceutical terminology."
2. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "health", "health", "health system", "public health".
3. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "biologically active substances", "dietary supplements".
4. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "pharmacological agent", "drugs", "bulk-product of the drug," "original medicine" "medicine", "generic" "biosimilyar."
5. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "patented medicine", "international non-proprietary name of the drug."
6. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "medical products", "Medical optics products", "medical technology".
7. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "handling of medicinal products, medical products and medical equipment," "retail sale of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "wholesale of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and medical equipment, "" a single distributor for the purchase and provision of medicines, medical products."
8. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "objects in the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "agents in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment."
9. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "adulterated drug".
In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "nutraceuticals", "parapharmaceuticals".
11. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "orphan drugs", "orphan (rare) diseases."
12. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "State register of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan."
13. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "pre-clinical (non-clinical) research," "clinical trial".
14. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "pharmaceutical workers."
15. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "pharmaceutical activity".
16. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "shelf life of the drug," "drug packaging."
17. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "quality of medicine, medical products and medical equipment."
18. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "manufacturing drugs."
19. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "guaranteed free health care."
20. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "Health Organization", "medical organization".
21. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "treatment", "voluntary treatment," "involuntary treatment".
22. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "patient."
23. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "prevention".
24. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "medical personnel", "medical care", "quality of care."
25. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "medicinal form."
26. Define the following notion of "Pharmacy organization."
27. Define the following notion of "quality system in practice, a distribution."
28. Define the following notion of "adulterated (counterfeit) production."
29. Define the following concepts of "distributor", "Distribution."
30. Define the following notion of "Contamination of drugs."
31. Define the following concepts of "Feedback", "Return", "Complaint".
32. Define the following notion of "Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)."
33. Define the following concept of "pharmaceutical products range."
34. Define the following notion of "Marriage," "defective products".
35. Define the following notion of "Pharmacy drug store, a warehouse of medical equipment and medical products."
36. Define the following concept of "pharmaceutical services".
37. Define the following notion of "documentation".
38. Define the following notion of "self-inspection."
39. Define the following notion of "Rational use of drugs."
40. Define the following concepts of "Logistics", "Micrologistics", "Macrologistics", "Logistic chain."
41. Define the following concepts of "Marketing", "Need," "Demand", "market", "Market segmentation", "Marketing adverse communication."
42. Define the following concepts of  "planning", “accounting”, "cost."
43. Define the following notion of "Pharmacoeconomics."
44. Define the following concept of "Management", "merchandising".
45. Define the following notion of "commodity nomenclature", "Product Assortiment."

Code of "Nation health and public health system"
1) The biologically active substances - substances of different origin, normalizing diseased body functions in humans and animals that are potentially sources for medicines;
2) The biologically active additives - additives to products designed to improve the health status with regular drug use, and contain a component of natural number, or identical to natural biologically active substances for the purpose of enriching the diet of man;
3) The original drug - the drug that constitutes or contains a new active substance;
4) drugs - means of representing or containing pharmacological active substances intended for preventing, diagnosing and treating disease, and changes of status and functions of the body: drug substance, medicinal raw materials of natural origin, medicines, and bulk products, drugs, medical immunobiological preparations, parapharmaceuticals;
5) a single distributor for the purchase and provision of medicines, medical equipment - a legal entity engaged in the framework of guaranteed free medical care purchasing organization, the conclusion based on its results of supply contracts with suppliers, and software, provision of storage and delivery of medicines , medical products to customers;
6) The retail sale of medicines, medical devices and of medical equipment - pharmaceutical activities associated with the acquisition (other than import), storage, distribution, sales (excluding exports) to the final consumer, destruction, carried out in accordance with regulations adopted Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
7) Wholesale sales of pharmaceuticals, medical devices and the medical technology - pharmaceuticals activities related to the purchase, storage, import, conclusions Thus, the implementation (except for the implementation of medicines to the population) without loss of volume, the destruction carried out in accordance with regulations adopted by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
8) handling of medicinal products, medical products and medical equipment - activities carried out in the process of bringing safe, effective and quality-safety of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment from the developer and (or) the producer to the consumer of the application;
9) the objects in the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment - a pharmacy, a pharmacy in health care organizations that provide primary care, consultative and diagnostic assistance, a mobile pharmacy in remote rural areas, drug store, a warehouse for temporary storage of medicines tools, medical products and medical equipment, optical shop, store the medical equipment and medical products, storage of medical equipment and medical products, organizing the production of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment, operating in accordance with model provisions approved by the Government Republic of Kazakhstan;
10) subjects in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical technology - natural or legal persons engaged in pharmaceutical activities;
11) State register of medicines, medical devices, and medical equipment - Document registration of registered and approved for medical use in the Republic of Kazakhstan, medicines, medical appointment, and of medical equipment;
12) bulk-product of the drug - the drug dosage that has passed all stages of the process, except for final packaging;
13) the expiration date of drug - the date after which the drug is not applicable;
14) packaging the drug - a means or a set of tools that provide pro-drug-treatment process by protecting them from damage and loss, as well as protecting the environment from pollution;
15) the quality of medicine, medical products and medical tech-nicks - a set of properties and characteristics of the drug, medical devices and medical equipment, affecting their ability to operate as intended;
16) The international nonproprietary name drug - the name of the drug facilities, as recommended by the World Health Organization;
17) the drug - the drug in a particular dosage form;
18) manufacture of drugs - the pharmaceutical-related activities of the dosage forms in pharmacies, as well as the acquisition of drug substantions, storage, quality control, design and implementation of drug-governmental manufactured products;
19) a medicinal form - approved by the head of the organization of health and consistent in the manner determined by the authorized body in health care, the list of medicines, formed for the provision of guaranteed free medical care, taking into account the profile of health care organizations, whose presence always in sufficient quantities;
20) Health - a state of complete physical, mental (psychological) and social well-being and not merely absence of disease or infirmity;
21) health care - a system of political, economic, legal, social, cultural, medical treatment for the prevention and treatment of disease, maintenance of public hygiene and sanitation, preservation and strengthening of physical and mental health of every person to maintain his active life many years, giving him medical care in case of loss of health;
22) health care system - a set of government agencies and health care entities, whose activities are aimed at ensuring the rights of citizens to health care;
23) Standard of Health (hereinafter - the Standard) - normative legal act establishes rules, general principles and characteristics in the field of medical, pharmaceutical-agency activities, medical and pharmaceutical education;
24) Standardization of Health (hereinafter referred to standardization) - activities directed at achieving Retained optimal degree of ordering of the characteristics of processes, medical-ray technology and services by developing, implementing and enforcing standards, requirements, rules, regulations, rules;
25) the authorized body in the field of Health (hereinafter - the authorized body) - Member-state body, exercising leadership in the field of public health, medical and pharmaceutical science, medical and pharmaceutical education, sanitary and epidemiological welfare of population, treatment of drug products medical supplies and medical equipment, quality control of medical services;
26) Holding National Health - a joint stock company established by a decision of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, operating in the area of
​​Health, including in the field of nuclear medicine;
27) Health Organization - a legal entity, operating in the region of health;
28) Treatment - a set of medical services to address, the suspension and (or) the facilitation of the disease, as well as preventing its progression;
29) voluntary treatment - treatment, carried out with the consent of the patient or his legal representative;
30) adulterated drug - drug, not The corresponding composition, properties and other characteristics of the original or reproduced drug (generic) products, unlawfully and willfully provided with a fake label;
31) personal health book - a personal document issued by the representative of an oriented-decrement groups, which are recorded the results of mandatory medical oc-Motrin with a note on the admission to work;
32) preclinical (nonclinical) study - chemical, physical, biological, microbiological, pharmacological, toxicological and other experimental studies or a series of studies of the test substance, or of a physical effect, means, methods and technologies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, in order to study the specific actions and (or) safety for human health of the century;
33) clinical research - research involving human subjects, conduction to identify or confirm the safety and effectiveness of tools, techniques and technologies for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases;
34) The State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan - a set of national standards and regulations, normalizing the quality and safety of medicines;
35) Public Health - a comprehensive description of the mental, physical, and socially well-being of the population, reflecting the efforts of the Society for the conduct of the citizens-angle healthy lifestyle, including healthy eating, prevention of diseases and injuries, as well as to prevent the adverse effects of environmental factors;
36) a confidential medical examination - a survey based on the preservation of confidentiality and information about the identity of the subject;
37) Certificate - standard document that gives an individual the right to work on a specific medical specialty;
38) forced treatment - treatment of the patient, carried out by a court;
39) health care workers - individuals who have professional medical education and on-performing medical activities;
40) health care - a set of medical services including drug assistance for the conservation and restoration of health;
41) the quality of care - the level of compliance with the standards of medical care approved by the competent authority and established on the basis of modern-level of development of medical science and technology;
42) medical devices - products and materials used for preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic measures: medical instruments, dental supplies, dressings and sutures, bandages and locking devices, products Medical Optics;
43) Medical optics products - products and materials used in medicine and the pharmaceutical activities for the correction of vision and light therapy;
44) Medical Equipment - apparatus, instruments and equipment used separately, or of the complex systems in medical applications for the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, diseases, rehabilitation, medical research;
45) Health Organization - WHO, the main activity of which is a swarm of medical care;
46) Nutraceuticals - food supplements, which are composed of various combinations of data is essential (indispensable) nutrients (certain amino acids, lots of vitamins, minerals and trace elements, polyunsaturated fatty acid-thou, disaccharides, and fiber), not exceeding their recommended daily needs;
47) orphan drugs - drugs for the treatment and diagnosis of orphan (rare) diseases;
48) orphan (rare) disease - rare serious diseases that threaten human life or result in disability, the rate does not exceed a certain level official;
49) parapharmaceuticals - biologically active substances of natural origin or their synthetic analogues in therapeutic doses, which have pharmacological action and direction on disease prevention, supportive therapy, and the regulation of functional activity of organs and systems;
50) patented medicines - medicines that have received legal protection in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of intellectual property;
51) the patient - an individual who is (are) the consumer of health services;
52) prevention - a complex of medical and nonmedical interventions aimed at prevention of disease progression in the early stages of disease and monitoring already developed complications, damage to organs and tissues;
53) psychoactive substance - a substance of synthetic or natural origin, which in the single dose of an impact on mental and physical functions, human behavior, and prolonged use causes mental and physical dependence;
54) guaranteed free health care - one on the list of medical services, extensive medical assistance to the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan and oralmans determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
55) the pharmacological agent - a substance or mixture of substances with established pharmacists-cal activity and toxicity, which are the subject of clinical trials and of potential drug;
56) pharmaceutical workers - individuals who have engaged in pharmaceutical education and pharmacy services;
57) The pharmaceutical activities - activities carried out in the field of health for the production, manufacturing (except medical equipment), wholesale and retail sale of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment related to will purchase (acquisition), storage, import, export, control Quality, design, distribution, use and disposal of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment, as well as ensuring their safety, efficacy and quality;

GOST RK "Good Pharmacy Practice"

1) Pharmacy Organization: Organization of health care, carrying out pharmaceutical activities in the manufacture and retail sale of pharmaceuticals and medical products (drug store, drugstore, store medical equipment and medical products, shop optics);
2) Diagnostic Testing: Express-diagnostics of the functional and physical parameters of human health.
3) Contract (Contract): A written, dated, signed agreement between two or more parties that defines the rights and duties, terms of delivery, transportation, quality of goods and services, compensation and other matters relating to the proper implementation of the rules of pharmacy practice.
4) Documentation: The set of documents confirming all operations carried out by the pharmacy organization.
5) Rational use of drugs: The use of drugs, in accordance with clinical need in doses that meet the needs is individual for treatment.
6) self-inspection: The process of evaluation by a competent person (several persons), pharmacy organizations to meet the requirements of the pharmaceutical legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and this standard.
7) Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): Detailed written instructions that ensure uniformity of certain features.
8) Products range of pharmacy: Production of industrial production, designed for medical, health care, medical-diagnostic and governmental purposes, distributed primarily pharmacy organizations.
9) The pharmaceutical service: The scope of pharmacy organizations, which satisfies a specific need for the patient or medical organization.

GOST RK "Good Distribution Practice"

1) Pharmacy drug store, a warehouse of medical equipment and health-sky destination: Objects in the pharmaceutical wholesale activities of the organization.
2) Marriage: Not relevant standards quickie production, as well as a flaw (bug) in the product.
3) of defective products: Products that lost money due to improper contions of storage, transportation and does not meet the requirements of normative documentation, formally identified and documented.
4) Back: Sending medicines, medical equipment and medical products to the manufacturer or distributor, regardless of whether a defect in the quality of these products or not.
5) Returned Products: Finished goods returned by the manufacturer or distributor.
6) Finished products: Medicines, medical equipment and medical products intended for sale.
7) Distributor (wholesale): The entity that has a license for the wholesale realization of medicines, medical equipment and medical supplies and carrying out activities in their distribution (hereinafter - the wholesale sale) in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
8) Distribution (wholesale trade) related activities will purchase (acquisition), storage, imports (imports), export (export) and sales (except for the Rose-border), medicines, medical equipment and medical products, appointment of.
9) The agreement (contract): A written, dated, signed agreement between two or more parties that defines the rights and duties, terms of delivery, transportation, quality of goods and services, compensation and other matters relating to the proper implementation of the rules of distribution.
10) Documentation: The set of documents proving the operations carried out with distilled purchase, storage, import, export, sales, product recall, return, destruction of production, and allow to trace the movement of products from procurement to implementation and / or destruction.
11) Quality: The totality of characteristics and properties of medicines, medical equipment and medical products, affect their ability to meet established and projected needs, provided they meet the requirements of regulatory documents.
12) Contamination of drugs: mixing several kinds of different lots / batches of drugs or substitution of one product with other storage, transportation.
13) Ensuring the quality of medicines, medical equipment and health destination: The sum of all the organizational measures taken in the  meet the requirements of the quality of medicines, medical equipment and medical devices in accordance with their intended use.
14) Review: The act of seizure of goods of inadequate quality-governmental organizations from which it was implemented.
15) Supplier: A business that provides finished products to the consumer.
16) Claim: The claim, the provider of consumer complaints about improper quality of its products and / or non-compliance and requiring compensation or adopting appropriate measures.
17) self-inspection: Inspection of work performed with the assistance of a competent person (of several persons) of the organization, independent of
objects to be scanned and are able to give an objective assessment to comply with the Principles distribution practices.
18) series / game: A certain amount of medicines, medical equipment and medical products resulting from a process under constant conditions.
19) Standard Operating Procedure (SOP): Detailed written instructions that ensure uniformity of certain features.
20) Storage Room: The room is designed for storing, receiving and dispensing regulatory authorities, and medical equipment and medical products.
21) Warehouse of temporary storage of medicines, medical equipment and medical devices: Dedicated and equipped for that purpose facilities to cater for temporary storage of goods during the customs control, with the strict observance of all conditions for their storage.
22) The quality system in the distribution practice: A complex of measures aimed at maintaining the quality of medicines, medical equipment and medical products at the stage of implementation, including the special requirements for transportation, personnel, documentation, premises, storage conditions, equipment and supplies.
23) adulterated (counterfeit) products: Medicines, medical equipment and medical products not corresponding to the composition, properties and other characteristics of the original, unlawfully and intentionally under-equipped limiting label.


The main:

  1.  Багирова В.Л. Управление и экономика фармации. – Москва: Медицина, 2004.
  2.  ГОСТ РК «Надлежащая аптечная практика»
  3.  ГОСТ РК «Надлежащая дистрибьюторская практика»
  4.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 732 «Об утверждении Правил проведения внутриаптечного контроля изготовленных лекарственных препаратов»
  5.  Приказ МЗ РК от 16 ноября 2009 года № 711 « Об утверждении Правил оптовой и розничной реализации лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  6.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 августа 2010года № 636 «Об утверждении санитарных правил «Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к объектам в сфере обращения лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  7.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 735 «Об утверждении правил государственной регистрации, перерегистрации и внесения изменений в регистрационное досье лекарственного средства, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  8.  Приказ МЗ РК от 2 ноября 2009 года № 634 «Об утверждении Правил маркировки лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  9.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 736 «Об утверждении Правил проведения экспертизы лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  10.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 737 «О некоторых вопросах выдачи разрешения на рекламу»
  11.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 739 «Об утверждении Правил хранения и транспортировки лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  12.  Приказ МЗ РК от 15 июня 2010 года № 449 «Об утверждении методических рекомендаций по формированию цен на лекарственные средства и изделия медицинского назначения, закупаемые в рамках гарантированного объема бесплатной медицинской помощи»
  13.  Приказ МЗ РК от 19 ноября 2009 года № 747 «Об утверждении Правил изготовления лекарственных препаратов и изделий медицинского назначения»
  14.  Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 6 сентября 1995 года № 2454 «О Конституции Республики Казахстан», см. также дополнения
  15.  Кодекс Республики Казахстан от 18 сентября 2009 года № 193-IV «О здоровье народа и системе здравоохранения»

The additional:

  1.  Лоскутова Е.Е. Управление и экономика фармации. Фармацевтическая деятельность. Организация и регулирование. – Москва: ACADEMIA, 2003.
  2.  Косова И.В. Организация и экономика фармации. – Москва, 2004.
  3.  Перцев И.М. Размышления о фармацевтической терминологии /  www.provisor.com.ua
  4.  Куркина Т.В. Терминология фармации как отражение развития  профессионального знания и деятельности.- 2010

Map 1
1. Give the definition of "pharmaceutical terminology."
2. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "health", "health", "health system", "public health".
Map 2
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "biologically active substances", "dietary supplements".
2. Define the following notion of "Pharmacy organization."
Map 3
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "pharmacological agent", "drugs", "bulk-product of the drug," "the original medicinal average", "medication", "generic "" biosimilyar. "
2. Define the following notion of "commodity nomenclature", "Product Assortmentment."
Map 4
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "patented medicine", "international non-proprietary name of the medicinal product."
2. Define the following concept of "Management", "merchandising".
Map 5
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "medical products", "products of medical optics", "medical technology".
2. Define the following concepts of "distributor", "Distribution."
Map 6
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "drug treatment, the Medical products and medical equipment," "retail sale of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "wholesale realization of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment, "" a single distributor for the purchase and provision of medicines, medical products. "
2. Define the following notion of "Pharmacoeconomics."
Map 7
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "objects in the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "subjects in the Treatment of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment" .
2. Define the following concepts of  "planning", "cost."
Map 8
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "adulterated drug".
2. Define the following concepts of "Marketing", "Need," "Demand", "market", "Market segmentation", "Marketing adverse communication."
Map 9
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "nutraceuticals", "parapharmaceuticals".
2. Define the following concepts of "Logistics", "Micrologistics", "Macrologistics", "Logistic chain."

Map 10
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "guaranteed free health care."
2. Define the following concepts of "Feedback", "Return", "Complaint".


OBJECTIVE: To test students' knowledge of the terms used in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: - to check students' knowledge of:
• pharmaceutical terminology;
• basic concepts and terms used in industry standards and regulatory - legal acts;
• the basic concepts and terminology in the field of organization and economy of pharmacy, pharmaceutical management and marketing.

Written tests.

Map 1
1. Give the definition of "pharmaceutical terminology."
2. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "health", "health", "health system", "public health".
Map 2
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "biologically active substances", "dietary supplements".
2. Define the following notion of "Pharmacy organization."
Map 3
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "pharmacological agent", "drugs", "bulk-product of the drug," "the original medicinal average", "medication", "generic "" biosimilyar. "
2. Define the following notion of "commodity nomenclature", "Product Assortmentment."
Map 4
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "patented medicine", "international non-proprietary name of the medicinal product."
2. Define the following concept of "Management", "merchandising".
Map 5
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "medical products", "products of medical optics", "medical technology".
2. Define the following concepts of "distributor", "Distribution."
Map 6
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the terms "drug treatment, the Medical products and medical equipment," "retail sale of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "wholesale realization of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment, "" a single distributor for the purchase and provision of medicines, medical products. "
2. Define the following notion of "Pharmacoeconomics."
Map 7
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "objects in the sphere of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment", "subjects in the Treatment of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment" .
2. Define the following concepts of  "planning", "cost."
Map 8
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "adulterated drug".
2. Define the following concepts of "Marketing", "Need," "Demand", "market", "Market segmentation", "Marketing adverse communication."
Map 9
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concepts of "nutraceuticals", "parapharmaceuticals".
2. Define the following concepts of "Logistics", "Micrologistics", "Macrologistics", "Logistic chain."

Map 10
1. In accordance with the Code of RK "On citizens' health and the health care system," give the following definition of the concept of "guaranteed free health care."
2. Define the following concepts of "Feedback", "Return", "Complaint".

Pharmaceutical faculty


Course: 2
Discipline: "Pharmaceutical Terminology"

Compiled by:
A. R. Shopabayeva

Almaty, 2012

Discussed at a meeting of module
Protocol № __ of "____", the ______2012

The head module                                                                                                Shopabaeva A.R.


OBJECTIVE: Develop students' knowledge of the terms used in the treatment of drugs, medical devices and medical equipment.

1. To study the material.
2. Write and submit an abstract on one of the topics:
1) Conceptual and terminalogichesky unit for the organization and economics of pharmacy.
2) The terms used in industry standards and regulatory documents.
3) The terms used in the organization of the distribution network of the pharmaceutical market.
4) The terms used in the theory and practice of pharmaceutical management and brand-Thing.
3. Make 20 test items (4 options for the five questions on the proposed topic.)

• Self-study material, followed by control and self-esteem.
• Preparation of abstracts and presentations.
• Preparation of test questions on the topic.

Requirements for the design and implementation of the abstract:
• The volume of abstracts (presentations) - in the range of 10-15 printed pages (applications for work not included in the abstract);
• the preparation of abstracts, presentations, it is recommended to use 8.10 many sources;
• abstract (presentation) must be written correctly, with the observance of the presen-culture;
• the right to issue the bibliography.
The structure of the essay:
• title page;
• Table of Contents - consistent description sections showing the abstract pages, to the Torah, it begins;
• Introduction - summary nature of the problem, determining the relevance, purpose and objectives of the abstract;
• the main part - each section of this part reveals a single problem or one of its sides, is a logical continuation of the previous, this part can be reduced HN-tables, figures, graphs, etc.;
• a list of references.
Requirements for the design and implementation of test items:
• In preparation of test questions is recommended to use the entire volume of the material under study on the topic;
• test items must be written correctly, briefly, in compliance with the culture of the proposals;
• test items are presented on a computer in printed form.

Delivery: Not later than 10 days after receipt of the job.

Evaluation SSS (maximum 100 points) of students of  2nd course on elective discipline

"Pharmaceutical Terminology"




Full implementation of all relevant claim forms SSS



Committed minor errors, inaccurate quest



Committed significant errors, incomplete quest



Committed an error of principle, not doing the job, ineligible SSS



The main:

  1.  Багирова В.Л. Управление и экономика фармации. – Москва: Медицина, 2004.
  2.  ГОСТ РК «Надлежащая аптечная практика»
  3.  ГОСТ РК «Надлежащая дистрибьюторская практика»
  4.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 732 «Об утверждении Правил проведения внутриаптечного контроля изготовленных лекарственных препаратов»
  5.  Приказ МЗ РК от 16 ноября 2009 года № 711 « Об утверждении Правил оптовой и розничной реализации лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  6.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 августа 2010года № 636 «Об утверждении санитарных правил «Санитарно-эпидемиологические требования к объектам в сфере обращения лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  7.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 735 «Об утверждении правил государственной регистрации, перерегистрации и внесения изменений в регистрационное досье лекарственного средства, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  8.  Приказ МЗ РК от 2 ноября 2009 года № 634 «Об утверждении Правил маркировки лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  9.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 736 «Об утверждении Правил проведения экспертизы лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  10.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 737 «О некоторых вопросах выдачи разрешения на рекламу»
  11.  Приказ МЗ РК от 18 ноября 2009 года № 739 «Об утверждении Правил хранения и транспортировки лекарственных средств, изделий медицинского назначения и медицинской техники»
  12.  Приказ МЗ РК от 15 июня 2010 года № 449 «Об утверждении методических рекомендаций по формированию цен на лекарственные средства и изделия медицинского назначения, закупаемые в рамках гарантированного объема бесплатной медицинской помощи»
  13.  Приказ МЗ РК от 19 ноября 2009 года № 747 «Об утверждении Правил изготовления лекарственных препаратов и изделий медицинского назначения»
  14.  Указ Президента Республики Казахстан от 6 сентября 1995 года № 2454 «О Конституции Республики Казахстан», см. также дополнения
  15.  Кодекс Республики Казахстан от 18 сентября 2009 года № 193-IV «О здоровье народа и системе здравоохранения»

The additional:

  1.  Лоскутова Е.Е. Управление и экономика фармации. Фармацевтическая деятельность. Организация и регулирование. – Москва: ACADEMIA, 2003.
  2.  Косова И.В. Организация и экономика фармации. – Москва, 2004.
  3.  Перцев И.М. Размышления о фармацевтической терминологии /  www.provisor.com.ua
  4.  Куркина Т.В. Терминология фармации как отражение развития  профессионального знания и деятельности.- 2010

Protection of the abstract (presentation). The verification of the test items.

1. Реферат- Земля как объект использования и охраны в Республике Молдова
2. тематика для 9 класса Автор- В
3. Математические пакеты
4. Для обеспечения человека пищей соответствующей его энергетическим затратам и пластическим процессам не
5. Тибетская литература
6. то сталкивается против телефон ящик падает
7. Обзор теории комплексов.html
8. 65 ~ Юриспруденция специализация гражданскоправовая для студентов
9. Силовое электрооборудование корнеплодохранилища ёмкостью 500 тон1
10. Слабости королей авторства Олимпии Меркури