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У нас ответы:) SamZan.net

Business prtners representtives of which we re in our region

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net:

Mr. Alexander Yerasov

Yerasov – company

Office 201, Entrance 2

80, Liberty Street



February 12, 2013

Dear Alexander,

Your advertisement in the April issue of the magazine Computer Bild is very interesting for us. We would like to know more about your company's products and would like to get your wholesale price list.

It is our desire to offer our clients a wide range of modern devices, so we are interested in getting new products provided by your company. We look forward to your quick reply.

Thank you.

Yours faithfully,

Oleg Andreev

IT Engineer

UMK Trubodetal

Mr. Oleg Andreev

UMK Trubodetal

26, Chelyabinsk Street,

Chelyabinsk, Russia

February  13, 2013

Dear Oleg,

We are glad that your company is interested in our products and software provisioning.

We send you a complete list of our products, as well as products of our business partners, representatives of which we are in our region.

Together with a list of products send detailed information on the scope of their application.

We hope for fruitful cooperation between our companies.

Yours sincerely,

Alexander Yerasov

Administrative Director




Oleg Vladimirovich Andreev

65-117, 3 International str.

Chelyabinsk, 454006, Russia

Phone: +7 951 454 22 76

Email: o.andreev@mail.ru


To obtain a position of IT Specialist, Supply Support Engineer, Technical Support Engineer, Technical Representative and any position related to software and hardware of end-user system support.


Date of Birth: 1 July 1981

Marital Status: Married


2011-2015: South Ural Institute of Management and Economics

Major field of studies: Information Systems and Technology

Qualification: Bachelor of Information Technology

1998-2001 : Chelyabinsk College of Industrial Automation

Major field of studies: Automation of technological processes and production

Qualification: Electrical Technician


Nov 2008-present: IT specialist, company UMK Trubodetal , Chelyabinsk, Russia

> Adding new data on the process of heating materials

> Control of process parameters

> Report generation at the end of the process

September 2001- Oct 2008: Head of the Laboratory of Electronic Engineering at the Chelyabinsk College of Industrial Automation, Chelyabinsk, Russia

> Providing health laboratory for the learning process


Languages: English – Elementary 2

Computer skills: Experienced with MS Word, Excel, Internet Explorer and Outlook Express, Mathcad, many analytic programs.

Driving License: Driving License Category B

Foreign passport.

Skilled and highly professional skills: commitment, enthusiasm, good communication skills, the desire to obtain and learn new skills.


Available upon request

Mr. Petrov 

Department for work with clients 

Ltd "Yerasov" 

12, str. 40 October, office  123

Chelyabinsk, Russia

Dear Peter Alexeyevich

I agree with your vacancy for the post of manager of ad sales at this site Erasov.RU

I think it has all the qualities necessary to be successful within this position. From my resume you will learn about my experience in the required field and main achievements.

I used to work proactively in a team of like-minded and individually. I agree with the basic principle of the paramount role of the quality of customer service and is ready to meet the requirements of certain image in their actions.

I hope that I will have the opportunity to present his vision of the post in person.


Oleg Vladimirovich Andreev

65-117, 3 International str.

Chelyabinsk, 454006, Russia

Phone: +7 951 454 22 76

Email: o.andreev@mail.ru

UMK Trubodetal

Oleg Andreev

IT Engineer

26, Chelyabinsk Street,  Chelyabinsk, 454409, Russia

Phone: (351) 280 -00 -33,


mail: o.andreev@mail.ru






03/21/2013 12:50:44


Calculate the cost of manufacturing


Please consider to manufacture products according to our drawings.

I propose to make a preliminary calculation of the cost of manufacturing the product.

Plans and Requirements for requirements of the product attached to a separate file attached to this letter.

If you need more clarification on the drawing, please contact our engineer - technologist. His contacts also attached in the accompanying documentation.

Regards, Oleg

UMK Trubodetal

26, Chelyabinsk Street, Chelyabinsk, 454409, Russia

Phone: +7 (351) 280 -00 -33,

+7 (951)-454-22-75,

mail: o.andreev@mail.ru

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