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выполнение грамматических упражнений по указанным грамматическим темам см

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Индивидуальный план работы студента

1 курса заочного отделения

1 семестр

Пособия: Enterprise 2, R.Murphy “English Grammar in Use” (красный)

Лексические темы:

Describing people

Describing places. Travelling                                       Enterprise 2 Units 1,12

Famous people                                                              Enterprise 2 Units 2,7

Грамматические темы:

Формы настоящего времени – Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect

Формы прошедшего времени – Past Simple, Past Continuous

Some, any и их производные

Much, many, (a) little, (a) few

Допуском к экзамену является: 1) выполнение грамматических упражнений по указанным грамматическим темам (см. Приложение); 2) краткий письменный пересказ (summary) текстов из учебника Enterprise: стр. 7, 16, 52, 83, 85.

К устному экзамену студентом должны быть подготовлены следующие темы:

  1.  Why do people travel? What countries have you visited? What is your favourite place/city/country?
  2.  Appearance and character traits. Describe a person (your relative, your friend or yourself).
  3.  What famous people do you know? What made them famous? What is difficult about being a celebrity?
  4.  Describe your famous celebrity.

Приложение к Индивидуальному плану. Грамматические упражнения

Ex.1 Choose the correct tense (Present Indefinite or Present Continuous)

  1.  Look up! The sun __________is_shining_____________(shine) so brightly!
  2.  My uncle usually _________reads___________(read) newspapers in the evening.
  3.  As a rule, my sister ________is doing__________(do) all housework.
  4.  Her mother _________goes__________(go) to the South every summer.
  5.  What _________________the students _______doing__________(do) at the moment? –Don’t disturb them! They____are writing____________(write) a test.
  6.  My parents ______arrive__________(arrive) this week.
  7.  London _____is standing___________(stand) on the River Thames.
  8.  How many hours ________are_______you _____working________(work) every day?
  9.  I ____am prefer_____________(prefer) hot food.
  10.   This medicine ________tastes________(taste) awful.
  11.  Many of the world’s natural resources______ now is disappearing_____________(now disappear).
  12.   What _____do_______you ____do______(do) next weekend?
  13.   The climate ______is getting____________(get) warmer and warmer.

Ex.2. Put the verb in brackets in the Present Perfect or Past Simple tense

  1.  Have you heard the rules? They _____elected__________(just/elect) a new manager.
  2.  Martha _____finded__________(find) a new job. She is starting next week.
  3.  When _____did_________Simon ______arrive_________(arrive) at the cinema yesterday?
  4.  John is a well-known artist. He ____painted_________(paint) a lot of pictures.
  5.  John _____painted___________(paint) his first picture in 1980.
  6.  Mike ______won_________(win) more than 20 medals when he was a sportsman.
  7.  I ______saw__________(see) Sting last year.
  8.  I ______spoke________(speak) to Celine Dion.
  9.  I ______wrote_________(write) 5 letters this week.
  10.  I ______read________(read) this book a month ago.
  11.  He ___still not bought____________(still/not/buy) a computer.
  12.  They ___ haven’t found _____________(yet/not/find) the way out.
  13.  _______Have________you _____wrote_________(write) this translation yet?

Ex. 3. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple or Past Continuous

  1.  What ____did________you _____looking_________(look) at? –Some photos I __was took________(take) when I __was been___________(be) on holidays.
  2.  I ____am___________(be) sorry, but I _did not understand_____________(not understand) what you _____ meant ________(mean).
  3.  What ___________Jane___is___doing_______(do)? – She ____is__________(be) a teacher, but she ____did not teaching__________(not teach) at the moment.
  4.  He never _____smoked________(smoke) and ___________usually __did not eat________(not eat) meat.
  5.  Last time I _____went________(go) abroad was when I ____went__________(go) to London. We ____stayed_________(stay) in London for three days. On the first day when I ______________(do) the sights, I _____________(meet) my old friend. He ___________just______________(go) to his hotel when we ___________(come) across.
  6.  ___________you ____________(often, go) to the gym? – I _______________(not go) much at the moment, I ____________(not have) time. I ____________(be) too busy these days. But I ___________(want) to go to the gym next week.
  7.  Tomorrow Kate _____________(visit) her aunt, that’s why now she _____________(make) a cake. It _____________(smell) delicious! When Kate ____________(visit) her aunt last week, she _______________(buy) some pastries from the baker’s, but they _____________(not be) that good.

Ex.4. Complete the conversation. Use some, any or no.

A: I’m making ____any_______coffee. Would you like ____some_____?

B: No, thanks. I’m going shopping. What do we need?

A: Well. We haven’t got ____some_______bread.

B: Have we got ______some_______cheese?

A: No, we haven’t. And there aren’t _____some_____eggs.

B: Is there _____no______tea left?

A: No, there’s ______no______tea. And we haven’t got _____some______rice.

B: Right. Bread, cheese, eggs, tea and rice.

A: Have you got enough money?

B: I’ve got________any_______, but not much. Can you lend me ____some_______?

Ex.5. Supply one of the compounds with some-, any- and no.

  1.  At the party you’ll see ______________you haven’t met yet.
  2.  I’m not going to see him because I have ______________important to report.
  3.  I was late. I found____________in the house.
  4.  I think there’s _____________wrong with my watch.
  5.  Is there ________________at home?
  6.  The doorbell rang but there was ____________there.
  7.  I know ______________at all.
  8.  _____________can become a member of the club by paying a subscription.
  9.  When we get there it may be too late to do ______________.
  10.   ______________has been here before us.
  11.   “Why don’t you say ___________?” he demanded.
  12.   This is my affair and ____________else’s.
  13.   He looked at my pictures and didn’t say __________________.

Ex.6. Put the correct form of much, many, (a) little, (a) few.

  1.  You’ve made so _____many________(много) mistakes in your test again! –Don’t be surprised, I had_____a few______(совсем немного) time to get ready for it.
  2.  Do you have ______much______(много) time on Saturday?
  3.  I’m afraid we have too _____little________(мало) flour to make a cake. –I think we can cook the cake, there is still _____little________(немного) flour left.
  4.  I don’t have ____many_______(много) friends in Italy, but still there are ___many________(много) people I’d like to see.
  5.  Don’t hurry, take as ______much_______(много) time as you need.

Индивидуальный план работы студента

1 курса заочного отделения

2 семестр

Пособия: Enterprise 2, R. MuprhyEssential Grammar in Use” (красный), контрольные материалы по грамматике (распечатка).

Лексические темы:

Shops and shopping            Enterprise 2 Unit 3

Jobs and occupations           Enterprise 2 Unit 5

Danger in everyday life        Enterprise 2 Unit 8

Грамматические темы:

The Future

Modal verbs

Past Perfect Simple/Continuous


Questions and auxiliary verbs

Допуском к экзамену является: 1) выполнение грамматических упражнений по указанным грамматическим темам (см. «Контрольные материалы по грамматике»); 2) выполнение кратких пересказов текстов из учебника “Enterprise”: Unit 3 (текст «All things, for all people, everywhere»); Unit 5 (3 текста из части Reading); Unit 8 (текст «The giant squid»)

Эти материалы должны быть сданы в деканат не позднее

К устному экзамену студентом должны быть подготовлены следующие темы:

  1.  Your shopping habits, your favorite shop.
  2.  Different jobs. Your job.
  3.  Types of danger. A frightening experience you’ve ever had.

Устный экзамен состоится                          

Контрольные материалы по грамматике

Modal verbs

Ex.1 Underline the correct answer

A: Good morning, madam. May/must I help you?

B: You might/mustn’t be able to. I need a ball of wool that is the same color as my jumper.

A: Just a moment, please. I must/mustn’t look in the stock room. We might/might not have some left. I’m not sure.

B: The wool must/mustn’t be exactly the same color, it must/mustn’t be different.

A: Could/Mustn’t I ask you a question, madam?

B: Yes.

A: What do you want the wool for?

B: I could/must finish knitting this jumper. It only has one sleeve at the moment!

Ex.2 Choose the correct answer

  1.  I  C remember to go to the bank. I haven’t got any money.
  2.  don’t have to          B. needn’t           C. must
  3.  _____ I take your order, please?
  4.  Mustn’t                  B. Must              C. May
  5.  _____you ride a bicycle?
  6.  Can                        B. Should            C. May
  7.  Steven_______read and write until he was seven years old.
  8.  must                       B. could               C. couldn’t
  9.  _____you make dinner tonight?
  10.  Shall                      B. Will                 C. May
  11.  Susan, ______you come outside and play with me?
  12.  Will                       B. shall                 C. may
  13.  You _______go to bed late during the week.
  14.  couldn’t                B. shall                 C. shouldn’t
  15.  You _______ visit your grandparents more often.
  16.  ought to                B. were able to      C. shall
  17.  ______we go to the cinema at the weekend?
  18.  Mustn’t                B. May                  C. Shall
  19.    “Where _______we meet?” “At my place”
  20.  must                     B. shall                  C. ought to
  21.   Peter _______go to the dentist before the toothache gets worse.
  22.  ought to               B. shall                  C. can
  23.   You _______do the ironing. I’ll do it instead.
  24.  needn’t                 B. must                 C. mustn’t
  25.   You ______cross the road without looking first. It’s dangerous.
  26.  needn’t                B. mustn’t             C. must

Adjectives. Degrees of comparison

Ex.3. Form the comparative or superlative degrees of the adjectives in brackets.

  1.  Which is (large)________larger_______: the USA or Canada?
  2.  Moscow is the (large) _____largest__________city in Russia.
  3.  The London underground is the (old)_______oldest_______in the world.
  4.  St. Petersburg is one of the (beautiful)______most beautiful_______cities in the world.
  5.  The rivers in America are much (big) ______bigger_______than those in England.
  6.  What is the name of the (high)_____highest________mountain in Asia?
  7.  The English Channel is (wide)____wider_________than the straits of Gibraltar.
  8.  The island of Great Britain is (small)____smaller__________than Greenland.
  9.  What is the name of the (big)_____biggest________port in the United States?
  10.   This fact is (important)___more important____________than that one.

Future forms

Ex.4. Open the brackets and complete the sentences.

  1.  They will have to stay with us when they _______________(arrive) here.
  2.  “The phone is ringing”. – “I ______________(answer) it.
  3.  _____________(we/start) the experiment now or ______________(we/wait) until everybody ________________(come)?
  4.  He thinks nothing wrong _______________(happen) to the girl. She is grown and reliable.
  5.  Rosemary and Philip _______________(come) later this evening. We ______________(have) a good family party.
  6.  I don’t know when I _______________(be) in the mood for entertainment.
  7.  There is a train that ________________(leave) Waverly at ten o’clock tomorrow morning.
  8.  I ________________(probably/come) back at 10 tonight.
  9.   What _______________(I/say) to him?
  10.  They _________________(get married) this spring.
  11.   Don’t make this noise! You _______________(wake up) Lucy.


Ex. 5. Put the words into the correct order to make questions.

  1.  do/he/did/this work_________________________________________?
  2.  do/reading/you/like/magazines___________________________________?
  3.  much/got/you/how/have/time__________________________________?
  4.  this/who/wrote/book_________________________________________?
  5.  salt/how/did/much/put/my/you/in/salad___________________________?
  6.  does/often/come/here/he/how___________________________________?
  7.  playing/don’t/why/you/tennis/like_______________________________?

Past Perfect/Past Perfect Continuous

Ex.6. Open the brackets and complete the sentences with Past Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Continuous.

  1.  Her name was Logan. She _______________(be) a widow for fifteen years and had no children.
  2.  He wanted to find out how long the two men ________________(stay) with them.
  3.  We talked about what we _________________(do) since we left school.
  4.  The last member of the party was Neville, the film star, whom David _______________(know) for some time.
  5.  Basil said that he ___________________(write) all day and ______________(not eat) anything.
  6.  She said she _____________________(not see) him since he was in his first year at the university.
  7.  It was cold and dark in the small room because it __________________(rain) for five days.
  8.  He said he ________________(have) the statuette for a long time.
  9.  The noise woke Joe who _________________(sleep) in his pram by the garage door.

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3. ИСТОРИЯ БЕЛАРУСИ Предмет значение и цели курса ldquo;История Беларусиrdquo;
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6. Вариант 173 Выполнила-
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16. Немцы и евреи в нацистской Германии современная зарубежная историография о рядовых исполнителях холокоста
17. Князі у Слові о полку Ігореві
18. ориентированного программирование в котором во главе угла стоят данные
19. Я должен идти домой
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