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Subject of the economic relations

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Chapter I. Finance of households in system of the financial

             relations, their essence and functions

               I.I. House farms as subject of the economic relations……………..4

               I.II. Essence and functions of finance of house farms……………..6

             I.III. Financial resources of house farms…………………………..8

Chapter II. Income of households

             II.I. Gross revenue of households………………………………….12

             II.II. Monetary income…………………………………………......13

 Chapter III. Main directions of expenses of households…………………....17




Households at the present stage act as one of important subjects of economic activity on which results depends not only welfare of a separate economic unit, but also all population of the country. The household is understood as economy which is conducted by one or several persons who are living in common and having the general budget. The household unites all hired workers, owners of the large and small capitals, the earth, securities which are occupied and aren't occupied in a social production. The household is a concept wider, than a family, and unlike a family of a household include not only relatives and can consist of one, two and more members.

Finance of a household is economic monetary relations on formation and use of funds of money for providing material and social living conditions of members of economy and their reproduction. Finance of households, according to modern economists, takes an important place and is the third link of a financial system.

In this work one of hot topics of modern financial science – "Finance of households" will be considered. Relevance of the chosen subject is explained by that households, having become the largest subject of economy, by means of the finance participate in all macro regulating processes of our society and represent the main force in production and distribution of goods and services.

Object of research of this work is finance of households in system of the financial relations. An object of research of work is the functional aspect of finance of households as functions of finance help to understand more deeply concept of a household and to see its mission in modern society. Studying of a subject also gives the chance to estimate formation of the income and expenses of economy on the example of a family.

Studying of the chosen subject assumes achievement of the purpose – to consider finance of house farms. According to a definite purpose the following tasks were set and solved:

- to study a household as the subject of the economic relations;

- to open concept of finance of a household and their functions;

- to find out structure of financial resources of households;

- to consider structure of the income of households (a gross revenue, the monetary income, state regulation of compensation, the state social transfers) and to define the main directions of expenses of households on the example of a family;

- to generalize the received material in this work and to draw conclusions.

The methods of research and studying used in work:

- consideration of theoretical and practical material on studying of finance of households in system of the financial relations;

- the analysis of the received materials, the conclusions.

Chapter I. Finance of households in system of the financial relations,                 their essence and functions

I.I. House farms as subject of the economic relations

For the first time household it is mentioned in works of the ancient Athenian thinker Xenophon (430-355 BC). Its works contain applied economic problems, and also knowledge of an agro technology of cultivation grain and bases of gardening. Aristotle who enters the term "economy" as a household synonym into use and as special science about it also argues about a household. The economic science of Aristotle, reflected the organization of economic operations, the distributive, including market relations with other households, and also with other forms of economic cells of that society - temple farms and a state farm. Aristotle specified that the wealth has to be a main goal of a household. [4, page 29]

Formation of modern households took place a number of stages, basic of which are connected with land tenure development. The household is a certain person or a family, or group of the families which are constantly living in this place and in common providing themselves to all necessary for life. In a household there is a leader who is called the owner. Managing consists the solution of questions here: that, how many to do, to whom and on what conditions to transfer a work product. The owner makes decisions on use of resources by community, and the relations arising concerning the solution of these questions, call economic. [3, page 43]

The overworking household is the first initial historically form of a household. It consists in the contents as the place of residence, repair of housing, fire maintenance, cooking, processing of gifts of the nature, etc. These forms of work still don't become production yet. Such households historically initial and for today their simplest form. In such look the household meets as the place of stay, a dream, rest, storages of kitchen and other utensils, work provides preservation of gifts of the nature by drying, fermentations, a pickles, etc.

The making household arises together with agriculture development. It is expressed in creation of instruments of production, and their improvement, in cultivation of agricultural plants, in cultivation of pets. So work gradually turned into production. The household became a basis of the house industry of an era of the Middle Ages. It is necessary to notice, as such types of a household in which in the same place live are widespread today, trade in the made goods (for example, handicraft work). [2, page 58]

The household based on work, but isn't reduced to it. In the subsequent it is modified in a consumer cell of market economy. 30% of economic activity of the whole world is the share of households. In process of isolation of production from a household as the enterprise, production function of a household falls.

The household became a basis for emergence of exploiter formations. The making function of households remains and in the modern world. Degeneration of the making function of house farms represents process which isn't finished yet and will come to the end not soon. In this regard it should be noted excessive idealization (simplification) of treatment of households in some grants on economic sciences: in them households are treated usually, as consumer cells of economy. Actually in many modern house farms there is a production.

Consumer household - the last form of house farms which quickly extends in market economy, first of all, in the modern cities. In a consumer household production which stands apart as the separate enterprise isn't conducted. It (household) appears the main supplier of hired labor for production which is carried out not in its framework, and the consumer of goods of manufacturing enterprises. The consumer household doesn't exclude productions which are an auxiliary source of the income for all collective of a concrete household.

The household can be reduced only to a household, that is to be only a consumer cell of society. At the same time in its framework there is also a personal subsidiary farm (a farmstead, a farmyard, gardens, personal plots, kitchen gardens). All this forms of auxiliary production, and also amateur and recreational farming.

The household in modern economy represents the main force in a social production and distribution of goods and services. During different historical eras depending on character of the public relations the place and a role, structure and functions, size and stability, the rights and responsibility, situation in society or the social and economic status of a household changed. However in a household (family) formation of basic needs of the individual and his interests is carried out. [17, page 91]

So, the household is understood as economy which is conducted by one or several persons who are living in common and having the general budget. The household unites all hired workers, owners of the large and small capitals, the earth, securities which are occupied and aren't occupied in a social production, and can consist of one, two and more members. Households are subject of economic activity because they participate in all economic processes of society.

Maintaining of household represents a form of a production activity of all collective because in a household works, services and production intended for satisfaction of requirements of this collective are performed. Systematic production for sale (realization) in the market characterizes the household which is engaged in individual work, and production of agricultural production is a personal subsidiary farm with a commodity orientation.

I.II. Essence and functions of finance of house farms

Finance is the monetary relations resulting from distribution and redistribution of cost of a gross public product and part of national wealth in connection with formation of the monetary income and accumulation at subjects of managing and the state, and also their use on expanded reproduction, material stimulation working, and satisfaction of requirements of society. A condition of their functioning is existence of money, and as the reason of their emergence the need of subjects of managing for the resources providing their activity serves.

So, finance is an integral part of the monetary relations therefore their role and value depend on what place the monetary relations take in the economic relations. However not any monetary relations express the financial relations. Finance differs from money, both according to the contents, and on the carried-out functions. Money is a universal equivalent by means of which expenses of work of the associated producers are measured, and finance is an economic instrument of distribution and redistribution of gross domestic product and the national income, the tool of control of education and use of funds of money. Their main appointment consists in that by formation of the monetary income and funds to provide not only needs of the subject of managing for money, but also control of an expenditure of these financial resources. [8, page 25]

As a part of the general finance allocate finance of households. The modern economy can't exist without them. Finance of households reflects a level of development of production forces in the certain countries and possibility of their impact on macroeconomic processes in economic life. State of the economy of the country defines a condition of finance of households. In the conditions of continuous economic growth, increase in GDP and the national income finance of households is characterized by stability; stimulate development of production of life of citizens of the country.

Finance of households according to concepts of some economists is an element or a link of a financial system. The concept "household" covers in common living people conducting the general economy. As a rule, it is a family. However, the household can include also the persons who aren't relatives (in common living domestic servant, the worker of a country farm, etc.), but contributing the share of the income (regarding food and accommodation) in the general budget of a household. [17]

The essence of finance of households finds the manifestation in functions. Now they carry out two basic functions:

1) Ensuring vital needs of a household (in particular families) is an initial and main function of finance of a household, it creates real living conditions of members of this economy. Development of the market relations significantly affected a form of manifestation of this function – so, in the period of a subsistence economy production created by members of economy satisfied their requirements, and the exchange of a production surplus arose seldom, in a small amount and in the neighborhood. [15, page 36]

As a result of the commodity-money relations, emergence, and then and expansion of the market occurred: expansion of material, social, cultural and other requirements of house farms; creation and growth of funds of households; emergence of monetary fund — the budget of the household intended for providing with material benefits.

2) Distributive function is an initial distribution of the national income and formation of primary income of economy when primary income in a type of a salary, pensions, grants is created. In the same time, means in a household are distributed between members of economy through formation, distribution and use of monetary funds. The income created during such redistribution has to provide compliance between material and financial resources of economy and, first of all between the size of monetary funds both their structure, on the one hand, and the volume and structure of means of production and consumer goods – with another. This function includes three consecutive steps: formation, distribution and use of monetary funds.

Both functions of finance of a household are interconnected and work at the same time, supplementing each other. It should be noted that the financial relations of a household include two groups:

1) the relations between this economic unit and other links of a financial system (public finances, budgets both off-budget funds, and finance of the commercial organizations), creating primary income in a type of a salary, pensions, grants, etc.;

2) the relations between members of a household when means are distributed and stand apart, forming the isolated monetary funds. Isolation of means in a household doesn't change the owner.

I.III. Financial resources of house farms

Financial resources of a household are the cumulative fund of money which is at the disposal of a concrete household. Created as a result of a production activity of members of a household, it acts as part of the national income of all society. The volume of monetary fund of a household depends on efforts of everyone in economy.

Financial resources of a household act in the form of the isolated monetary funds having, as a rule, purpose. So, in a household two fixed assets are created: [11, page 56].

- the fund of consumption intended for satisfaction of personal needs of this collective of a family (acquisition of food, goods of industrial production, payment of various services, etc.);

- fund of savings (the postponed requirements) which will be used in the future for acquisition of expensive goods (household appliances, real estate and so forth) or as the capital for receiving profit.

The share form of financial resources allows to coordinate requirements of a household to possibility of staff of economy in general, and also to check how needs of everyone for economy are satisfied.

The structure of financial resources of households includes:

1) own means, that is earned by each member of a household: a salary, the gained income from subsidiary farm, profit on commercial activity;

2) the means mobilized in the market in the form of the obtained credit at the credit organizations, dividends, percent;

3) the means which arrived as redistribution: pensions, grants, loans from budgets and off-budget social funds.

Finance of a household interacts with the centralized finances (budgets — federal, regional, local and off-budget social funds) and the decentralized finance of the enterprises of different forms of ownership, and also with the financial market (see fig. 1). Between them there are continuous cash flows onesided, two and multilateral. Between a household and the state the movement of cash flows is carried out constantly. Members of households provide work of workers for public sector, sell to the state goods and services of own production, for this economy gains compensation and income. Besides, the financial relations arise and at payment of taxes, collecting, duties and contributions to the state treasury and social off-budget funds. At the same time households receive from the government various monetary transfers, and also the public benefits and services in a natural form. [6, page 298]

Cash flows arise at house farms and with non-state sector of economy — the enterprises, the organizations, the companies. Receiving from them goods, works, services, they (house farms) return them the cost of the received various benefits in the form of cash. Legal entities at the same time can provide households with credit resources, and also profit, dividends, percent, a rent in the presence of the corresponding property at members of collective of a household.

Figure 1. Interaction of financial resources of the households with                            other types of finance.

As a result of a circulation of financial resources of a household can satisfy the personal needs today and in the long term on the future.

Financial resources of a household form directly the budget of a household (see table 1). According to the material contents the budget of a household, is a form of education and use of fund of funds of this economy, it unites the cumulative income of members of a household and expenses providing them personal needs. Budget funds of a household constantly aren't enough in connection with expansion of needs of members of economy. The lack of budget funds compels participants of a household, besides sale of labor on a primary place of employment and receiving compensation according to employment contracts, to conduct personal subsidiary farm, to carry out individual and labor and business activity, to lease real estate and subjects of long use, to get and realize securities, etc. [13, page 356]




Enterprise income.

Income from property (rent, percent, dividend, rent payments).

State transfer payments (pensions, grants, free services of health care and education).

Income from other sources.

Social insurance.


Consumption (essentials, prestigious goods, luxury goods).

Investments into the human capital.

Donations and contributions to public organizations.

Other expenses.


Table 1.  Budget of a household.

Within the budget the isolated monetary funds are formed:

- the individual - for certain family members and used on acquisition of various goods, entertainments, study, health service, etc.;

- the joint - for purchase of goods of general use (the TV, the refrigerator, a plate, household devices, etc.);

- accumulation and providing (reserve fund) - for future capital expenses (purchase of real estate - the house, the apartment, the earth, transport; formation of the initial capital for commercial activity).

Chapter II. Income of house farms

II.I. Gross revenue of house farms.

Income of a household (gross revenue) is the part of the national income created in the course of production and intended for satisfaction of material and spiritual needs of members of a household. This income has to compensate labor expenses, i.e. all physical and mental capacities of people spent in the course of production. However in modern society because of uneven distribution of the national income resources at separate categories of households (family) are insufficient to support vital forces at the demanded level. Therefore the state at the expense of the budget and off-budget funds and the businessman at the expense of profit are filled up by means of some categories of households. [5, page 401]

In economic literature distinguish the constant and temporary income of a household. Constant is an income which, according to expectations of the person, will remain in the future. In stable economic society refer to this type of income, as a rule, payment of work. Temporary it is considered the income which in the future the income from securities in connection with the termination of activity of joint-stock company can disappear, for example. In Russia when the general economic situation of the country unstably, all income of a household becomes temporary and difficult predicted.

Studying of revenues of the budget of a household (the family budget) includes two approaches: functional distribution according to the function which is carried out by a household, and personal distribution among households and their members. The analysis of functional distribution of the income shows that the largest source of the income is the salary - about 70%, other 30% is an enterprise income, the income from property, the state transfer payments and the other income.

The gross revenue of a household includes: [7, page 69]

1. The natural income - generally consists of the products received in personal subsidiary farm or as the agricultural enterprises, and consumed in economy, and also provided by the state and various enterprises of privileges, grants, gifts in kind (without the saved-up savings).

2. The monetary income is amount of money which the household for providing the expenses has, they are prevailing part of the income of a household and are formed at the expense of such sources:

1) the compensation of members of households (family) received at implementation of labor agreements when hiring, and also an award, surcharges, constant extra charges to a salary, payments by employers on the welfare purposes: grants, payment of transport services, permits, etc.;

2) the income from business activity in the form of profit, dividends, percent on securities and deposits, a rent, etc.;

3) state social payments (transfers): pensions, grants and other payments from the budget and off-budget social funds.

In our country the ratio between these three sources of the income sharply changed from time to time. In the conditions of domination of state ownership the salary and payments from the budget were the main income of households. In process of development of the market relations the role of the second sources of replenishment of the budget of a household (family) began to increase.

However and today compensation remains the main income in many households (families). Value of a separate type of a source at a concrete family is defined by its social composition. So, there are households where compensation makes nearly 100% of the monetary income (the working matrimonial family without children). There are households where the monetary income is formed only at the expense of the state social transfers. The place of residence — in the city or in the village also has impact on structure of the income of households.

II.II. Monetary income

As it was already told, the monetary income of a household represents amount of money which the household (family) for providing the expenses has. Monetary income classify according to various signs: [14, page 73]

1. Depending on an income source:

- Salary and additional payment of work;

- Income from business activity; income from securities;

- A rent for the property transferred to temporary use;

- Insurance compensation;

- Income from realization of property;

- Payments from the state monetary funds;

- Other income.

2. Depending on uniformity of receipt:

- Regular (compensation, rent, etc.);

- Periodic (royalties, the income on securities, other);

- Casual or single (gifts, income from realization of property).

3. Depending on reliability of receipt:

- Guaranteed (the state pensions, the income on state loans);

- Conditional guaranteed (compensation);

- Unwarranted (fees, commission).

The salary is the main source of the income for members of many households (families) for today. According to art.129 of the Labour code of RK, a salary is remuneration for work depending on qualification of the worker, complexity, quantity, quality and conditions of the performed work, and also payment of the compensatory and stimulating character. [1]

Most of workers (more than 60%) works in non-state sector of economy where the salary size (and also the size of awards, surcharges, extra charges, etc.) entirely is defined by the management of the enterprise proceeding from the size of the created fund of compensation at the enterprise, qualities, the importance and intensity of work of specific workers. The state regulates for them only one – the salary of employees of the enterprises irrespective of forms of ownership can't be established below the minimum compensation determined by the state [1]

Falling of a real salary in the majority of branches forces ordinary workers to use more actively traditional ways of increase in the compensation. The main among which are:

1. for pieceworkers - increase in volumes of development due to growth of labor productivity or overtime;

2. for the persons which are on time wage - a part-time job in the same organization, expansion of zones of service, etc.;

3. a part-time job in other organizations in time, free from the main work.

The second place on the importance is taken - the income from business activity which include the income of members of a household (family) from commercial activity which is carried out without formation of legal entity. Three groups of occupations treat such activity:

1. private unorganized trade;

2. home and handicraft work;

3. rendering private services.

One of sources of the income of a household are operations with property are transactions with real estate (apartments, the land plots, etc.). But there is a huge degree of risk and it needs to be considered because sometimes instead of the expected income it is possible to receive unexpected expenses. For example, having bought the apartment for 100000$  today, and having sold for 90000$ throw 2 week it is possible to appear in a considerable loss. [13]

During reforming of the country the increasing value is gained by capitalization of monetary accumulation of the population as means of extraction of the additional income and protection against inflation of temporarily available funds. Monetary accumulation reach 20% of size of all income of households (families). So far in the Republic of Kazakhstan  there were four main forms of their use: it investments in personal property; bank deposits; purchase of securities and purchase of foreign currency.

The considerable share in the income of households (family) is made by pensions and various grants. The main part of pensions and benefits received by the population is paid by the state. Therefore each recipient of pensions and grants has to know well the social legislation to control correctness of charge of the payments which are due to it and fully to have the rights and privileges granted to it. [10, page 23]

Except state, members of a household (family) can receive benefits and other payments of social character from funds of economic incentives, from the place of work. The type of a grant, its size and conditions of granting completely defines the enterprise, proceeding from the opportunities, social security of workers and other reasons.

In the total amount of the income of a household the insignificant part is occupied by the income from rent and realization of property, royalties, gifts, etc.

Chapter III. Main directions of expenses of households

Expenses of house farms play an essential role in national economy. Using the income, the household (family) provides formation and development of a commodity market and services. Realizing the accumulation and savings, it increases demand for securities, expanding stock market. Besides, great value of a household, as subject of the offer of the major production resources - work and business activity. At last, households (family) act as the main consumers of the welfare sphere which is financed by the state.

Members of households, spending the means, satisfy various requirements. It possible in two ways: [9, page 36]

1) use of the monetary income on acquisition of goods and services;

2) the natural self-sufficiency happening at the expense of own work of certain members of economy.

Now decrease in solvent demand of the population of the country is observed. Reduction of a social production and inflation caused increase of economic activity in households. The survival problem costs for considerable part of the society today. In these conditions all resources of society, including each household, will be mobilized for existence maintenance. At the general recession of a social production the subsistence economy gains development again. Family collectives to exist, make production on personal subsidiary and homestead sites, are engaged in individual and labor and business activity, carry out paid services.

Though natural farms are less effective, than public, and aren't capable to provide with a totality of all goods and services, but they support a necessary minimum level of the family budget and rescue households from poverty. Natural self-sufficiency in recent years increased, and taking into account the state social transfers in a natural form occupies nearly ¼ part of consumption of a household. However cash expenditures play the dominating role in a total amount of final consumption.

Cash expenditures of a household (family) are the actual costs of acquisition of material and cultural wealth necessary for continuation of human life which include the consumer expenses and expenses which aren't connected directly with consumption. They carry out very important role on reproduction of labor of certain members of a household. In modern conditions in Kazakhstan there is a decrease in real expenses because of reduction of profitability of certain groups of the population. It leads to high-quality changes in society: to deterioration of health of the population, life expectancy reduction, falling of level of birth rate.

Expenses of a household can be classified by different signs:

1) On regularity degree:

- constant expenses (on food, utilities, etc.);

- regular expenses (on clothes, transport, etc.);

- single expenses (on treatment, durable goods).

2) On need degree:

- prime (necessary) expenses - on food, clothes, medicine;

- secondary (desirable) expenses - education, insurance premiums;

- other expenses (others).

3) On use purposes:

- consumer expenses (on purchase of goods and fee);

payment of obligatory payments;

- accumulation and savings in deposits and securities;

- purchase of foreign currency;

- a gain of money on the population hands. [12, page 225].

So, expenses of households represent the actual costs of acquisition of the material and cultural wealth necessary for life.

Consumer expenses it is expenses on personal consumption. They can be subdivided into expenses on goods of short-term use (food, drinks, tobacco products, etc.); expenses on consumer goods of long use, for example cars and furniture; expenses on services, for example tourism and entertainments; and the expenses on housing acting in the form of a rent or conditionally added rent of residents – owners of housing. [19]

In structure of expenses on purchase of goods expenses on food prevail, and there are distinctions in the rural and city district. In rural areas nearly 1/3 part of expenses is provided at the expense of a subsistence economy (in the city ≈ 7%). Nonindustrial goods (clothes, footwear, furniture, household appliances) make in the city almost 1/3, and in the village - 1/5 part.

The share of expenses on services constantly increases. Especially expenses of families in the city increased by housing, housing and communal services, drugs, and also to public transport. Separate types of service so rose in price that simply dropped out of the budget of the ordinary citizen (cleaning of clothes, public washing, a bath). However there were new types of paid services (health care, education) which began to occupy a big share of expenses of a family.

The quantitative structure of a household (family) also has impact on structure of expenses of final consumption. In more advantageous position there are households consisting of one person. With growth of number of households situation worsens - the share of expenses on food decreases and the share of natural production from personal subsidiary farm raises.

The structure of consumer expenses sharply differs in families with the different level of a per capita income. At poor families purchase of goods concentrates on cheap foodstuff, costs of services - on what badly give in to reduction (transport, housing and communal services). In families with high prosperity - the big share of expenses goes on expensive subjects of long use, on personal motor transport, on housing, on various services.

The second group of cash expenditures of households is obligatory and voluntary payments. Taxes, collecting, duties, assignments which are raised by executive authorities in budgets of different level and in off-budget funds belong to obligatory payments. Voluntary payments are made by certain members of households on own initiative in insurance companies at insurance upon various risks, non-state pension funds, charity foundations, etc. [16, page 17]

Obligatory and voluntary payments occupy a small share in the family budget, nevertheless in the conditions of the low level of the real income they hit significantly the pocket the taxpayer. It is a little opportunities for reduction of this item of expenditure, especially if taxes are withheld from a pay. The main thing is the accurate knowledge of the existing tax law here. Knowledge of the rights and duties as taxpayer, correctness of the obligatory payments withheld from it will help each citizen to control, in due time to carry out the financial duties before the state that prevents emergence of additional expenses in the form of penal tax sanctions.

The third group of expenses - savings and accumulation of households. Transition to the market and freedom of enterprise created opportunity for special category of households to accumulate means, postponing them for acquisition of expensive values (the earth, houses, and vehicles) or for capitalization by an investment in securities, bank deposits.

Monetary accumulation and savings are formed at the population for the different reasons. Sometimes it is the compulsory measure caused by commodity deficiency, or desire to save up a certain sum for "rainy day" or for purchase of an expensive thing (for this reason of accumulation is formed, both in rich, and in poor families). Other reason, characteristic for rich families - the high level of the income allowing to allocate part of funds for accumulation for extraction of the additional income by an investment in securities, bank deposits, etc. In general the high level of family accumulation and their growth in the conditions of the market testify to strengthening of family finance. [18]

As it was already told above, financial resources of a household form the budget of a household (family). For descriptive reasons it is necessary to consider the budget of a family with middle-income (see table 2), it unites the cumulative income of family members and expenses providing them personal needs. Turarbayev's family: the husband – works as the driver, the wife - works as the accountant in bank, the daughter of 15 years – studies at school, the son of 5 years – goes to kindergarten.



Salary of husband – 100 000 tg.

Salary of wife – 60 000 tg.

Income from property (delivery of the apartment for rent) – 50 000

Income from other sources (the help of parents) – 10 000 tg.

1. Consumer expenses, total – 165 000 tg.

A) personal consumption – 90 000 tg, including.

- food – 45 000 tg.

- clothes and footwear – 35 000 tg.

- journey on general transport – 10 000 tg.

B) services – 45 000 tg, including.

- Housing and communal services, communication services, the ave. – 10 000 tg.

- medicine – 8 000 tg.

- individual services (a hairdressing salon, beauty shop, a sunbed) – 6 000 tg.

- other services – 6 000 tg.

- car services – 15 000 tg.

C) Durable goods – 30 000 tg.

2. Another expenses (a payment for a kindergarten, school) – 20 000 tg.

3. Savings (bank account) – 20 000 tg.

Total income – 220 000 tg.

Total outcome – 205 000 tg.

Profit – 15 000 tg.

Table 2. The approximate budget of a family of Turarbayev on average in a month.

By results of the provided table it is possible to tell that the budget of this family is made systematically and without deficiency. So cumulative monthly income of a family of Turarbayev makes 220 000 tg., its main sources are - a salary of the husband and wife 160 000 tg., income from property of 50 000 tg, and other sources of the income of 10 000 tg. Thus the sum of expenses makes 205 000 tg., where the considerable part is occupied by consumer expenses, their sum reaches 165 000 tg., an other expenses makes 20 000 tg., and the savings of a family of Turarbayev postponed for the bank account make 20 000 tg.

So, free money at Turarbayev' family remains 15 000 tg

For increase in the sum of free money family of Turarbayev should revise items of expenditure, due to their possible reduction that will allow to save money and to increase surplus of the budget. Expenses on personal consumption, perhaps to reduce as follows:

- to buy food not in supermarkets, and in usual shop, on wholesale base where the prices are much lower (that can save to 3000 tg.);

- to buy clothes and footwear not in firm specialized shops, and in the market (it can save to 5000 tg);

- to move more on public transport but not by car (it will allow to save to 4000 tg in a month);

It is also possible to cut down also expenses on services:

- to use medical services not in commercial specialized clinics, in usual hospital (it will save near 3000tg. in a month);

- to exclude expenses on a sunbed, beauty shop (it will save 5000 tg.);

- to reduce consumption by other services and the sum of the saved money.

Total surplus (free money) of the budget can make about 35 000 tg that will be a sufficient reserve for a family (see table 3).



Salary of husband – 100 000 tg.

Salary of wife – 60 000 tg.

Income from property (delivery of the apartment for rent) – 50 000

Income from other sources (the help of parents) – 10 000 tg.

1. Consumer expenses, total – 145 000 tg.

A) personal consumption – 78 000 tg, including.

- food – 42 000 tg.

- clothes and footwear – 30 000 tg.

- journey on general transport – 6 000 tg.

B) services – 37 000 tg, including.

- Housing and communal services, communication services, the ave. – 10 000 tg.

- medicine – 5 000 tg.

- individual services (a hairdressing salon, beauty shop, a sunbed) – 3 000 tg.

- other services – 4 000 tg.

- car services – 15 000 tg.

C) Durable goods – 30 000 tg.

2. Another expenses (a payment for a kindergarten, school) – 20 000 tg.

3. Savings (bank account) – 20 000 tg.

Total income – 220 000 tg.

Total outcome – 185 000 tg.

Profit – 35 000 tg.

Table 3.  The Corrected Budget of a Family of Turarbayev on average in a month.



In this work the following subject – "Finance of house farms" was studied. The specific goal was set – to open the maintenance of the chosen subject by means of studying of theoretical and practical material on this subject, and also the analysis of the received data. In the course of studying the following tasks were solved:

Following the results of the conducted researches it is possible to draw conclusions.

The household is a certain person or a family, or group of the families which are constantly living in this place and in common providing themselves to all necessary for life, it unites all hired workers, owners of the large and small capitals, securities which are occupied and aren't occupied in a social production, and can consist of one and more members. House farms are subject of economic activity because they participate in all economic processes of society.

Finance of a household represents the economic monetary relations on formation and use of funds of money for providing material and social living conditions of members of this economy and their reproduction, they carry out two functions - ensuring vital needs of a household and distributive function.

A financial resource of a household is the cumulative fund of money which is at the disposal of concrete economy (family). Created as a result of a production activity of members of a household, it acts as part of the national income of all society.

To structure of financial resources of a household join:

- own means, that is earned by each member of a household: a salary, the gained income from subsidiary farm, profit on commercial activity;

- the means mobilized in the market in the form of the received credit, dividends, percent;

- the means which arrived as redistribution: pensions, grants, loans from budgets and off-budget social funds.

Financial resources of a household form the budget of a household is a form of education and use of fund of funds of concrete economy, it unites the cumulative income of members of a household and expenses providing them personal needs. Within the budget the isolated monetary funds are formed: the individual - for certain family members; the joint - for purchase of public goods; and fund of accumulation and providing (reserve fund) - for future capital expenses.

Income of a household is the part of the national income created in the course of production and intended for satisfaction of material and spiritual needs of members of a household. This income has to compensate labor expenses, that is all physical and mental capacities of people spent in the course of production. They include: natural income (non-monetary) and monetary income.

Expenses of a household (family) are the actual costs of acquisition of material and cultural wealth necessary for continuation of human life. They include consumer expenses - purchase of goods and services, obligatory and voluntary payments - taxes, collecting, duties, assignments, and savings and accumulation of households.

In modern conditions households need to plan so gained income and it is so rational to use them because it can allow emergence of negative balance in the family budget.


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