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Records nd udioburo Production WE RE INNOVTORS IN MULTIMEDI CINEM SOUNDRECORDING We re gld to present You the New Projects of SKRecords udioBuro ldquo;rt s life~ ldquo;Urbn Fu

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!Welcome to SK-Records and Audioburo Production!


We are glad to present You the New Projects of SK-Records, AudioBuro: “Art as life’, “Urban Future” and “Space of Time”!

Get together, enjoy, take your dreams…

We are the first in future formats of cinema (futureshorts)  production, art performances, creative labs!

Come to Our Future, look for self-realization, present your ideas.

We invite you to meet and present our first project “Art’as’life” in accordance with Winzavod on “Vernissage Evening”.

Life is art, art is you, you are space.

“Art as life”  is our way, the road to high culture, fashion, design, theatre, music, cinema.

We and our friends, well-known film directors (Renata Litvinova, Kiril Serebryannikov, Andrey Zvyagincev) and other professionals involve best future style perfomances in life, develop general ideas of art.

“Urban Future” is our second project. In the eyes of generation, in soul of mankind we create magnificent world of fantasy, universe and talent.

We are future, future is urban culture, urban culture is already here.

Feel it, Love it, follow it.

The third and the most big project of SK-Records and Audioburo is “ Space of Time”.

We make our time in musical mystery, short film production, shows and web-design.

What is time? What is man in this time? How we create our time?

The answer you will find in our “Space of Time” project.  


The most short road to heaven, the most free-minded people, the most fresh projects with SK-records and Audioburo are to help you understand our best judge – TIME.


Art as life

1 We are to present you our project ‘Art as life’. “Art as life’ depicts life in all its forms and directions in art, design, cinema, music, style. We are glad to perform you the bright masterpieces of installations, new creative points of design, paintings, theatrical shows, future shorts production, fashion, music.

Our project includes differnent parts of the whole universe of art. You could kindly find various forms of works, perfomances, fashion shows, musical evenings in accordance with “Art as life” project.

First of all we want to invite you on “Vernissage Evenimng” that we will have on Winzavod on the 3rd of March 2014. In the frames of this project you will see the Fashion Show of one of the most talented and well-known designers of our country. Hayek will present his new collections of wear so you will be gently pleased to see this show.

The second part of the project will be up to other theme “Music as art”. This part will follow all the forms of music. We will organize festival where we will be unusual sides of new musical movements, bands, singers, composers which is to take place on Winzavod.


  1.  Installation, musical instruments, Hayek collection, Julia Brusencova Collection, graffic effects (Carma Bar)

Urban Future

1 ‘Urban Future’ is our second project which is to open unknown dreams, thoughts and new creatives ideas of urban future. This project is about futuristic concept of view, future in its shapes, movements and points. We expereince all different ways of film-making, installations, design, paitings, music, performances, arts.

Urban future is the most fresh high-tech innovations, programming, sound-recording, light. We perform only new concepts of our urban civilization, its future.

You will find here the best free-minded creators, artists, film directors and theatrical proffessionals. We want to open you new world of future, the planet  full of mystery and secrets.

You will meet  new civilizations, cities of future, space. One part of Urban Future is ‘Universe of Future’. The most straight-forward and high-standard project that is to depict the galaxies of future knowledge.

2 Installations, design, fashion, Kiril Serebryannikov, Winzavod, Art Play, Mahadelica, TV, Futureshorts Festival, Festivals of cinema, Theatre of Stas Namin( Katia Rigikova)

Space of time


Space of time

1 ‘Space of Time’ is our third project, the most exciting and inriguing. Space is time, time is our deseny. In this project we would like to explicit the sense of time in our humankind, in our universe and soul. Here you can change your experience with our specialists in time rendering in the range of bright pieces of this great project.

‘Space of time’  is experiment with your understanding of the main phycological problems and themes of our days.

The concept of this project is up to question of time in film-making, electronic technologies of sound and web-art. Various stages of space, eternity, galaxies open its unique sides in our project. We allways try to use the most progressive ways of reaching our aims and ideas.

“Space trip” is the part of ‘Space of Time”. Here you find ethnic, psycodelic, trance and meditation trips with our talents and participants that will take you for unforgetable adventure through all times (ancien, present, future), spaces and frames.

Another part of our project is ‘Island’. It will be island of future, where you see our civilization in 8888. We are sure it would be unforgetable time of so brilliant space.

We are to perform all our projects on well-known cinema Festivals and events. Follow us on www.soundguru.ru

2 Installation, graffics, lasers, decorаtions, psycodelic costumes, Alexey Chulansky, Island project, www.goa-freaks.com

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