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Note tht the only difference between the two mcro files is tht IDOS

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DESCRIPTION: This file documents the macros implemented in the files IDOS.MAC

and MDOS.MAC. Note that the only difference between the two macro files is that

IDOS.MAC uses TASM's Ideal mode while MDOS.MAC uses TASM's Masm mode.



Function: Terminate a program without returning an errorlevel to DOS.

DOS Function: 00h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   cs - segment address of Program Segment Prefix(PSP)



Registers modified: ah, flags

Syntax: Terminate10Program



Function: Reads a character from the keyboard or standard input device and

         echoes it to the display. If a character isn't immediately available,

         the DOS function waits for one.

DOS Function: 01h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3




   al - character Registers modified: , flags

Syntax: ReadKBDEcho



Function: Outputs a character to the standard output device or to the active

         video display.

DOS Function: 02h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Character - byte value representing character to display



Registers modified: ah, dl, flags

Syntax: CharacterOutput Character



Function: Reads the next character from the auxiliary input device.

DOS Function: 03h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3




   al - byte value representing the character received

Registers modified: ax, flags

Syntax: AuxiliaryInput



Function: Displays a character to the auxiliary output device.

DOS Function: 04h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Character - byte value representing character to display



Registers modified: ax, dl, flags

Syntax: AuxiliaryOutput



Function: Sends a character to the printer device.

DOS Function: 05h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Character - value to send to the printer.



Registers modified: ah, dl, flags

Syntax: PrinterOutput   Character



Function: Performs input/output from/to the console device.

DOS Function: 06h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Function - Desired operation as defined below

   Value       Behavior


   0-0FEh      Display the character represented by Value

   FFh         Read a character


   Value = FF

       A character is available

           zero flag = clear

           al - character

       A character is not available

           zero flag set

Registers modified: ax, dl, flags

Syntax: ConsoleIO   Value



Function: Performs character input without checking for CTRL_BREAK. The

         character input is not written to the display device.

DOS Function: 07h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3




   al - The character read.

Registers modified: ax, flags

Syntax: UnfilteredCharInput



Function: Reads a character without echoing it to the screen.

DOS Function: 08h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3




   al - character read

Registers modified: ax, flags

Syntax: CharInputNoEcho



Function: Displays a $ terminated string to the string using.

DOS Function: 09h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   StringSeg - segment address of the string

   StringOfs - offset address of string in StringSeg



Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: WriteString StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Reads a line from the standard input device and stores it in the

         indicated buffer.

DOS Function: 0Ah

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   StringSeg - segment address of the buffer

   StringOfs - offset of the storage buffer



Registers modified: ah, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: BufferedInput   StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Determines if a character is ready to be input.

DOS Function: 0Bh

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3




   al - 0 = no character available, FFh = character available

Registers modified: ax, flags

Syntax: GetInputStatus



Function: Resets the input buffer(i.e. clears its contents) and then waits for

         a character. Note that if Function <> 0Ah, you do not need to provide

         the StringSeg:StringOfs parameters.

DOS Function: 0Ch

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Function - number of the input function to invoke.

   StringSeg - If Function = 0Ah, segment address of the buffer

   StringOfs - offset of storage buffer


   Function = 0Ah


   al - character read

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: ResetInputBuffer    Function, StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Resets a disk. All buffers are flushed to the disk.

DOS Function: 0Dh

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3





Registers modified: ah, flags

Syntax: ResetDisk



Function: Changes the default disk drive.

DOS Function: 0Eh

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Drive - Drive to change to


   al - number of logical drives in system

Registers modified: al, dl, Flags

Syntax: ChangeDrive Drive



Function: Opens a file using an FCB and prepares it for I/O.

DOS Function: 0Fh

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = operation successful, FFh = operation failed

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: OpenFCBFile FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Closes a file using an FCB.

DOS Function: 10h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = operation successful, FFh = operation failed

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: CloseFCBFile    FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Finds the first file in a directory that matches a given file

         specification. File operations are performed using FCB's.

DOS Function: 11h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = operation successful, FFh = operation failed

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: FindFirstFCB    FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Finds the next entry in a directory matching the last file

         specification given to FindFirstFCB.

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = operation successful, FFh = operation failed

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: FindNextFCB    FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Deletes a file defined in an FCB.

DOS Function: 13h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = operation successful, FFh = operation failed

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: DeleteFCBFile    FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Performs a sequential read from a file opened using an FCB.

DOS Function: 14h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = read successful

        1 = end of file

        2 = segment wrap

        3 = partial record read at eof

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: SequentialFCBRead   FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Performs a sequential write to a file opened using an FCB.

DOS Function: 15h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = write successful

        1 = disk full

        2 = segment wrap

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: SequentialFCBWrite  FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Creates a new file or truncates an existing file using an FCB.

DOS Function: 16h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = operation successful, FFh = operation failed

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: CreateFCBFile   FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Renames a file(s) defined in an FCB.

DOS Function: 17h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = operation successful, FFh = operation failed

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: RenameFCBFile   FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Returns the default disk drive.

DOS Function: 19h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3




   al - drive code(0 = A, 1 = B, etc.)

Registers modified: al, Flags

Syntax: GetDrive



Function: Sets the current DTA address.

DOS Function: 1Ah

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   StringSeg - segment address of new DTA

   DTAOfs - offset in StringSeg of new DTA



Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: SetDTA  DTASeg, DTAOfs



Function: Gets the allocation information for the default disk drive.

DOS Function: 1Bh

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3




   al - sectors per cluster

   ds:bx - address of the FAT id byte

   cx - # of bytes per physical sector

   dx - number of clusters on default drive

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: DefaultDiskAllocation



Function: Gets the allocation information for a specific disk drive.

DOS Function: 1Ch

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   dl - drive id(0 = default, 1 = A, etc.)


   al - sectors per cluster

   ds:bx - address of the FAT id byte

   cx - # of bytes per physical sector

   dx - number of clusters on default drive

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: DiskAllocation  Drive



Function: Reads the indicated record from a file opened using an FCB.

DOS Function: 21h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = read successful

        1 = end of file

        2 = segment wrap

        3 = partial record read at eof

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: RandomFCBRead   FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Writes a record to the indicated position in a file opened using an


DOS Function: 22h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = write successful

        1 = disk full

        2 = segment wrap

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: RandomFCBWrite  FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Gets the number of records in a file opened using an FCB.

DOS Function: 23h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


   al - 0 = operation successful, FFh = operation failed

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: GetFCBFileSize  FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Updates the record pointer field in the FCB to the current file

         pointer position.

DOS Function: 24h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB


Registers modified: ah, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: SetFCBFileRecord    FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Changes the indicated interrupt vector to the new vector defined in


DOS Function: 25h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Vector - Interrupt vector to modify

   VectorSeg - Segment address of new interrupt handler

   VectorOfs - Offset from VectorSeg of new handler



Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: SetVector   Vector, VectorSeg, VectorOfs



Function: Creates a new Program Segment Prefix(PSP)

DOS Function: 26h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   PSPSeg - Segment address of new PSP



Registers modified: ah, dx, flags

Syntax: CreatePSP   PSPSeg



Function: Does a random read of one or more records from a file opened using an


DOS Function: 27h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB

   Count  - Number of records to read


   al - 0 = read successful

        1 = end of file

        2 = segment wrap

        3 = partial record read at eof

   cx - actual # of records read from the file

Registers modified: ax, cx, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: RandomFCBBlockRead  FCBSeg, FCBOfs, Count



Function: Performs a random write of the specified number of records to a file

         opened using an FCB.

DOS Function: 28h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   FCBSeg - segment address of the File Control Block(FCB)

   FCBOfs - offset of FCB

   Count  - Number of records to read


   al - 0 = write successful

        1 = disk full

        2 = segment wrap

   cx - actual # of records written to the file

Registers modified: ax, cx, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: RandomFCBBlockWrite FCBSeg, FCBOfs, Count



Function: Parses a string representing a filename and fills in the appropriate

         fields of an FCB.

DOS Function: 29h

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Flags - Flags that control parsing as defined below



   Bit 3  = 1  Only if an extension is given in the indicated file spec

               will the extension in the FCB will be modified.

          = 0  Replace the FCB's current extension with the one in the

               file spec or initialize the FCB to blanks.

   Bit 2  = 1  Only if a filename is given in the indicated file spec

               will the filename in the FCB will be modified.

          = 0  Replace the FCB's current filename with the one in the

               file spec or initialize the FCB to blanks.

   Bit 1  = 1  Only if a drive is given in the indicated file spec will

               the drive in the FCB will be modified.

          = 0  Replace the FCB's current drive with the one in the file

               spec or initialize the FCB to blanks.

   Bit 0  = 1  Leading separators will be ignored.

          = 0  Leading separators will not be ignored.


   FilenameSeg - Segment address of the string containing the filename

   FilenameOfs - Offset of filename string

   FCBSeg - Segment address of FCB

   FCBOfs - Offset of FCB


   al - 0 = No wildcard characters

        1 = Wildcard characters exist in the filename

      FFh = Specified drive doesn't exist

   ds:si - pointer to first byte position after the filename string

   es:di - pointer to FCB

Registers modified: ax, di, si, ds, es, flags

Syntax: ParseFCBFilename    Flags, FilenameSeg, FilenameOfs, FCBSeg, FCBOfs



Function: Gets the system date.

DOS Function: 2Ah

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3




   cx - year(1980 - 2099)

   dh - month(1 - 12)

   dl - day(1 - 31)

   al - day of week(0 = Sunday, 1 = Monday, etc.) - Only on DOS 1.1

        or later

Registers modified: ax, cx, dx, flags

Syntax: GetDate



Function: Sets the system date.

DOS Function: 2Bh

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Year - year(1980 - 2099)

   Month - month(1 - 12)

   Day - day(1 - 31)


   al - 0 = success, 0FFh = invalid date

Registers modified: ax, cx, dx, flags

Syntax: SetDate Year, Month, Day



Function: Gets the system time.

DOS Function: 2Ch

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3




   ch - hour(0 - 23)

   cl - minutes(0 - 59)

   dh - seconds(0 - 59)

   dl - hundredths of a second(0 - 99)

Registers modified: ah, cx, dx, flags

Syntax: GetTime



Function: Sets the system time.

DOS Function: 2Dh

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Hour - hour(0 - 23)

   Minute - minutes(0 - 59)

   Second - seconds(0 - 59)

   Hundredth - hundredths of a second(0 - 99)


   al - 0 = success, 0FFh - invalid time

Registers modified: ah, cx, dx, flags

Syntax: SetTime Hour, Minute, Second, Hundredth



Function: Sets the system verify flag to on or off.

DOS Function: 2Eh

DOS Versions: 1, 2, 3


   Flag - 0 = Turn off verify flag

        - 1 = Turn the verify flag on



Registers modified: ax, dl, flags

Syntax: SetVerifyFlag   Flag



Function: Returns the address of the current DTA.

DOS Function: 2Fh

DOS Versions: 2, 3




   es:bx - Far pointer to DTA

Registers modified: ah, bx, es, Flags

Syntax: GetDTA



Function: Returns the DOS version.

DOS Function: 30h

DOS Services: 2, 3




   ax - DOS version

Registers modified: ax, Flags

Syntax: GetDOSVersion



Function: Terminates a program but leaves it resident in memory.

DOS Function: 31h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Result - return code

   Paragraphs - # of paragraphs to reserve for the program



Registers modified: ax, dx, flags

Syntax: TSR Result, Paragraphs



Functioni: Sets the CTR_BREAK checking flag. Note that if Mode = 0, you do not

          need to provide the Value parameter.

DOS Function: 33h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Mode - 0 = Getting status of the flag

        - 1 = Setting the status of the flag

   Value - 0 = Turn CTRL-BREAK checking off

         - 1 = Turn CTRL-BREAK checking on


   dl - 0 = if CTRL-BREAK checking off

      - 1 = if CTRL-BREAK checking on

Registers modified: ax, dl, flags

Syntax: GetSetBREAK Mode, Value



Function: Returns the vector for a specified interrupt.

DOS Function: 35h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Interrupt - Which interrupt to return the vector of.


   es:bx - vector for the indicated interrupt

Registers modified: ax, bx, es, flags

Syntax: GetVector   Interrupt



Function: Returns the amount of space available on the specified disk.

DOS Function: 36h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Disk - Which disk to check(0 = default, 1 = A, etc.)


   ax - sectors per cluster

      FFFFh - if specified drive doesn't exist

   bx - # of available clusters

   cx - bytes per sector

   dx - clusters per drive

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, dx, flags

Syntax: GetDiskSpace    Disk



Function: Gets or sets the current country information. Note that you can only

         set the country information if running on DOS version 3.0 or later.

         Note that if ShortCode < 255, then you do not need to provide the

         LongCode parameter. If the LongCode parameter is provided, it will be

         loaded into the apprpriate register regardless of the value of


DOS Function: 38h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   BufferSeg - Segment address of the buffer to store the info in.

   BufferOfs - offset of the storage buffer.

   ShortCode - < 255 = Specific country code < 255

               0FFh = Country code >= 255 so use LongCode

   LongCode - Country code >= 255


   bx - country code

   ds:dx - pointer to the information buffer

Registers modified: ax, bx, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: GetSetCountryInfo   BufferSeg, BufferOfs, ShortCode, LongCode



Function: Creates a directory using the name pointed to by StringSeg:StringOfs.

DOS Function: 39h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   StringSeg - Segment address of string containing directory name

   StringOfs - Offset from StringSeg of directory name


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           3 - Path not found

           5 - Access denied

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: CreateDir   StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Macro deletes the indicated directory.

DOS Function: 3Ah

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   StringSeg - Segment address of string containing directory name

   StringOfs - Offset from StringSeg of directory name


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           3 - Path not found

           5 - Access denied

           6 - Current directory

         16d - Current directory

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: RemoveDir   StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Sets the current directory to the directory pointed to by


DOS Function: 3Bh

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   StringSeg - segment address of ASCIIZ string

   StringOfs - offset within StringSeg of directory name


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax = error code:

           3 - Path not found

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: ChangeDirectory StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Creates a new file or truncates an existing file to 0 bytes. A file

         associated with the file is returned.

DOS Function: 3Ch

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Attributes - File's attributes

   StringSeg - Segment address of ASCIIZ file spec.

   StringOfs - Offset within StringSeg of file spec.


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

       ax - file handle

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           3 - Path not found

           4 - No handle available

           5 - Access denied

Registers modified: ax, cx, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: CreateFile  Attributes, StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Opens an exiting file and returns a file handle associated with the


DOS Function: 3Dh

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   AccessMode - File access mode as defined below

   BITS    VALUE       FUNCTION                        DOS VERSION

   ----    -----       ----------------------------    -----------

    0-2     000        Read Access                      2.0 & 3.0

            001        Write Access                     2.0 & 3.0

            010        Read/Write Access                2.0 & 3.0

      3       0        Reserved

    4-6     000        Sharing mode, compatability mode       3.0

            001        Sharing mode, read/write access        3.0


            010        Sharing mode, Write access denied      3.0

            011        Sharing mode, Read access denied       3.0

            100        Sharing mode, Full access permitted    3.0

      7       0        Inheritance flag, File inherited       3.0

                       by child processes

              1        Inheritance flag, File private to      3.0

                       current process


   StringSeg - Segment address of ASCIIZ file spec.

   StringOfs - Offset within StringSeg of file spec.


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

       ax - file handle

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           1 - Function number invalid

           2 - File not found

           3 - Path not found or file doesn't exist

           4 - No handle available

           5 - Access denied

         OCH - File access code invalid

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: OpenFile  AccessMode, StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Closes a file associated with a file handle.

DOS Function: 3Eh

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Handle - File handle of file to close


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

   If function failed:

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           6 - handle invalid or not open

Registers modified: ax, bx, Flags

Syntax: CloseFile   Handle



Function: Reads Count bytes from the file referenced by the file handle.

DOS Function: 3Fh

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Handle - DOS file handle of file to read from

   Count - # of bytes to read

   StringSeg - Segment address of buffer to store data in

   StringOfs - offset within StringSeg of storage buffer


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

       ax - # of bytes read(0 if EOF)

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           5 - Access denied

           6 - Invalid handle or file not open

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, ds, Flags

Syntax: ReadFile    Handle, Count, StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Writes Count bytes to the file referenced by the file handle.

DOS Function: 40h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Handle - DOS file handle of file to write to

   Count - # of bytes to write

   StringSeg - Segment address of buffer storing data

   StringOfs - offset within StringSeg of storage buffer


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

       ax - # of bytes read(0 if disk full)

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           5 - Access denied

           6 - Invalid handle or file not open

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, ds, Flags

Syntax: WriteFile    Handle, Count, StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Deletes the file pointed to by StringSeg:StringOfs.

DOS Function: 41h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   StringSeg - segment address of the filename

   StringOfs - offset from StringSeg of the filename


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           2 - File not found

           5 - Access denied

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: DeleteFile  StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Positions the file pointer in the file referenced by Handle.

DOS Function: 42h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Mode - Offset method as defined below


   ----    -----------------------------------------------------------

     0     absolute byte offset from beginning of file(always unsigned

           long integer)

     1     byte offset from current location(signed long integer)

     2     byte offset from end of file(signed long integer)


   Handle - File handle

   OffsetHigh - Most significant word of offset

   OffsetLow  - Least significant word of offset


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

       dx - most significant word of new pointer

       ax - least significant word of new pointer

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           1 - Function number invalid

           6 - Handle invalid or not open

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, dx, Flags

Syntax: MoveFilePtr Mode, Handle, OffsetHigh, OffsetLow



Function: Gets or sets the file attributes.

DOS Function: 43h

DOS Versions: 2, 3



       0 - Get file attributes

       1 - Set file attributes

   Attributes - New attributes or location to store file's current


   StringSeg - Segment address of the filename to check/modify

   StringOfs - Offset within StringSeg of the filename


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

       If al = 0 on call

           cx - attribute

   If function failed:

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           1 - Function code invalid

           2 - File not found

           3 - Path not found or file doesn't exist

           5 - Attribute can't be changed

Registers modified: ax, cx, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: GetSetAttributes    Mode, Attributes, StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Passes control information to a device driver. Note that you must

         provide either the buffer address parameters or the device

         information parameter but not both.

DOS Function: 44h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Function - What to do as defined below:



       00h     Get device information

       01h     Set device information

       02h     Read from character device control channel to a buffer

       03h     Write to a character device control channel from a buffer

       04h     Read from block device control channel to a buffer

       05h     Write to a block device control channel from a buffer

       06h     Get the input status

       07h     Get output status

       08h     Check whether a block device is changable(DOS 3.0)

       09h     Check whether a drive is local or remote(DOS 3.1 &

               Microsoft Networks)

       0Ah     Check whether a handle is local or remote(DOS 3.1 &

               Microsoft Networks)

       0Bh     Change the sharing retry count


   HandleDrive - Handle(functions 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 0Ah)

               - Drive(0 = default, 1 = A, etc.)

   Count - # of bytes to read/write

   BufSegDevInfo - Represents Segment address of the input/output

                   buffer(functions 2-5)

                 - Represents device information(function 1).

   BufferOfs - offset of the storage buffer(functions 2-5)


   Carry flag = clear  - operation successful

       ax - # of bytes read/written(functions 2-5)

       al - 0 = not ready(functions 6-7)

          - 1 = ready

       ax - 0 = removable(function 8)

          - 1 = fixed

       dx - Device information(function 0)

   Carry flag = set

       ax - error code

          1 = Invalid function number

          4 = No handle available

          5 = Access denied

          6 = Invalid handle or device not open

        0Dh = Invalid data

        0Fh = Invalid drive number

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: IOCTL   Function, HandleDrive, Count, BufSegDevInfo, BufferOfs



Function: Duplicates a file handle that is associated with an open file or


DOS Function: 45h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Handle - the handle to duplicate


   carry flag = clear

       ax - new file handle

   carry flag = set

       ax - error code

          4 = No more file handles available

          6 = Invalid handle or file not open

Registers modified: ax, bx, flags

Syntax: DuplicateHandle Handle



Function: Takes two file handles and makes the second one equal to the first.

DOS Function: 46h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Original - Original file handle

   Copy     - Copy of the file handle


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

   carry flag = set

       ax - error code

          4 = No more file handles available

          6 = Invalid handle or file not open

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, flags

Syntax: ForceDupHandle  OriginalHandle, HandleCopy



Function: Returns the current DOS directory on the indicated disk drive.

DOS Function: 47h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Drive - Disk drive(0 = default, 1 = A, etc.)

   StringSeg - Segment address of 64-byte buffer to store directory

               name in

   StringOfs - Offset within StringSeg of the 64-byte buffer


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

       The buffer is filled with the full path

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

         0Fh - Invalid drive specification

Registers modified: ax, dl, si, ds, Flags

Syntax: GetCurrentDir   Drive, StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Allocates Paragraphs paragraphs of memory.

DOS Function: 48h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Paragraphs - # of paragraphs to allocate


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

       ax - initial segment of allocated block

   If function failed:

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           7 - If memory control blocks destroyed

           8 - If insufficient memory

       bx - size of largest block available

Registers modified: ax, bx, Flags

Syntax: AllocateMemory  Paragraphs



Function: Frees a DOS memory block.

DOS Function: 49h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   BlockAddress - segment address of the memory block


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

   If function failed:

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           7 - If memory control blocks destroyed

           8 - If insufficient memory

       bx - size of largest block available

Registers modified: ax, es, Flags

Syntax: FreeMemory  BlockAddress



Function: Modifies A DOS memory blocks size.

DOS Function: 4Ah

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Size - New block size in paragraphs

   MemoryBlock - Segment address of current DOS memory block


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           7 - Memory control blocks destroyed

           8 - Insufficient memory

           9 - Incorrect segment in es

       bx - maximum block size available

Registers modified: ax, bx, es, Flags

Syntax: ModifyMemory    Size, MemoryBlock



Function: Runs another program or loads an overlay into memory.

DOS Function: 4Bh

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   Type - Indicates if the macro is running an application or loading an


   ParmSeg - Segment address of parameter block

   ParmOfs - Offset of parameter block

   ProgramSeg - Segment address of program specification

   ProgramOfs - Offset of program specification


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

       all registers except cs and ip are destroyed

   carry flag = set - operation not successful

       ax - error code

          1 = Invalid function

          2 = Program not found

          5 = Access denied

          8 = Insufficient memory to run the program

        0Ah = Invalid environment

        0Bh = Invalid format

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, bp, sp, es, ds, ss, flags

Syntax: Exec    Type, ParmSeg, ParmOfs, ProgramSeg, ProgramOfs



Function: Terminates the program. If running on DOS 1.0 or 1.1, use


DOS Function: 4Ch

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   ErrorLevel - ErrorLevel to return to DOS



Register modified



   TerminateProgram    ErrorLevel



Function: Gets the return code after an Exec.

DOS Function: 4Dh

DOS Versions: 2, 3




   ah  - exit type

       0 = normal program termination

       1 = program was terminated by a CTRL-C

       2 = A critical device error terminated the program

       3 = Function 31h terminated the program

   al - return code of child process

Registers modified: ax, flags

Syntax: GetReturnCode



Function: Finds the first entry in a directory that matches the given file

         specification. The information about the file is then stored in the

         current DTA.

DOS Function: 4Eh

DOS Services: 2, 3


   Attributes - Attributes to use in search for file

   StringSeg - segment address of the filename

   StringOfs - offset from StringSeg of the filename


   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

       DTA is initialized with file information

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

           2 - Invalid path

         12h - No matching entry found

Registers modified: ax, cx, dx, ds, Flags

Syntax: FindFirst   Attributes, StringSeg, StringOfs



Function: Finds the next entry in a directory that matches the file

         specification last given to FindNext. The information about the file

         is then stored in the current DTA.

DOS Function: 4Fh

DOS Services: 2, 3




   If function successful:

       Carry flag - clear

       DTA is initialized with file information

   If function failed

       Carry flag - set

       ax - error code:

         12h - No matching entry found

Registers modified: ax, Flags

Syntax: FindNext



Function: Gets the current value of the system's verify flag.

DOS Function: 54h

DOS Versions: 2, 3




   al  - current value

       0 = verify off

       1 = verify on

Registers modified: ax, flags

Syntax: GetVerifyFlag



Function: Renames a file.

DOS Function: 56h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   OrigSeg - Segment address of the string containing the original filename

   OrigOfs - Offset of the string

   NewSeg  - Segment address of the new filename

   NewOfs  - Offset of the new filename string


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           2 = File not found

           3 = File couldn't be found

           5 = Access denied

         11h = A different device

Registers modified: ax, dx, di, ds, es, flags

Syntax: RenameFile  OrigSeg, OrigOfs, NewSeg, NewOfs



Function: Will get or set a file's date and time. Note that you only need to

         provide the Time and Date parameters when setting the file's Date and


DOS Function: 57h

DOS Versions: 2, 3


   GetSet - 0 = Get the file's date & time, 1 = Set them

   Handle - File handle

   Time - New time(GetSet = 1)

   Date - New date(GetSet = 1)


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           1 - Invalid function

           6 - Invalid file handle

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, dx, flags

Syntax: GetSetFileDateTime  GetSet, Handle, Time, Date



Function: Gets or sets DOS's memory allocation strategy.

DOS Function: 58h

DOS Versions: 3


   GetSet - 0 = get, 1 = set

   Strategy - Code as defined below(GetSet = 1)



       0           First fit

       1           Best fit

       2           Last fit


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           1 = Invalid function

Registers modified: ax, bx, flags

Syntax: GetSetAllocationStrategy



Function: Returns extended error information about a DOS error that just


DOS Function: 59h

DOS Versions: 3




   ax - extended error code as defined below



    1      Invalid function #

    2      File not found

    3      Path not found

    4      Too many open files

    5      Access denied

    6      Invalid handle

    7      Memory control blocks destroyed

    8      Insufficient memory

    9      Memory block address invalid

   0Ah     Environment invalid

   0Bh     Invalid format

   0Ch     Invalid access code

   0Dh     Invalid data

   0Fh     Invalid disk drive

   10h     Attempted to delete the current directory

   11h     Not the same device

   12h     No more files

   13h     Disk is write-protected

   14h     Unit unknown

   15h     Drive not ready

   16h     Unknown command

   17h     Data error(CRC value)

   18h     Bad request structure length

   19h     Seek error

   1Ah     Unknown medium type

   1Bh     Sector not found

   1Ch     Printer out of paper

   1Dh     Write fault

   1Eh     Read fault

   1Fh     General failure

   20h     Sharing violation

   21h     Lock violation

   22h     Disk change invalid

   23h     FCB unavailable

   50h     File already exists

   52h     Cannot create the directory

   53h     Int-24(critical error) failed


bh - error class as defined below



   1       Out of a resource

   2       A temporary situation like a locked record

   3       Authorization error

   4       Internal system error

   5       Hardware failure

   6       System software failure

   7       Application software error

   8       File or item not found

   9       Invalid format or type for file or item

   0Ah     File or item is interlocked

   0Bh     Wrong disk or bad disk

   0Ch     Any other error


bl - recommended action as defined below



   1       Retry the operation a few times then prompt the user

   2       Retry the operation with a small delay between retries,

           then prompt the user.

   3       Get input from user

   4       Abort the application gracefully

   5       Abort immediately

   6       Ignore the error

   7       Retry the operation after the user corrects the problem


ch - location of the error as defined below



       1       Unknown

       2       A block device like a disk or ram disk

       3       Network related error

       4       Serial device error

       5       Memory related error


Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, flags

Syntax: GetExtendedErrors



Function: Creates a temporary file.

DOS Function: 5Ah

DOS Versions: 3


   Attribute - File attribute as defined below



       0       Normal file

       1       Read-only

       2       Hidden

       4       System


   FilenameSeg - Segment address of filename string

   FilenameOfs - Offset of filename string


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

       ax - file handle

       ds:dx - address of the filename string

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           3 = Path not found

           5 = Access denied

Registers modified: ax, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: CreateTemporaryFile Attribute, FilenameSeg, FilenameOfs



Function: Creates a new file. If the specified file already exists, an error is


DOS Function: 5Bh

DOS Versions: 3


   Attribute - File attribute as defined below



       0       Normal file

       1       Read-only

       2       Hidden

       4       System


   FilenameSeg - Segment address of filename string

   FilenameOfs - Offset of filename string


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

       ax - file handle

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           3 = Path not found

           4 = No more file handles

           5 = Access denied

         50h = File already exists

Registers modified: ax, cx, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: CreateNewFile   Attribute, FilenameSeg, FilenameOfs



Function: Locks or unlocks a record in a file on a networked system.

DOS Function: 5Ch

DOS Versions: 3


   LockUnlock  - 0 = lock, 1 = unlock

   Handle - File handle

   OffsetHigh - High word of record offset

   OffsetLow - Low word of record offset

   LengthHigh - High word of record length

   LengthLow - Low word of record length


   carry flag = cleared - operation successful

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           1 = Invalid function

           6 = Invalid file handle

         21h = All or part of the record is already locked

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, flags

Syntax: ControlFileAccess   LockUnlock, Handle, OffsetHigh, OffsetLow, LengthHigh, LengthLow



Function: Returns the local machine name on a network.

DOS Function: 5Eh   Sub-Function: 00h

DOS Versions: 3


   BufferSeg - Segment address of the string buffer

   BufferOfs - Offset of the buffer


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

       ch = 0 - name not defined

           > 0 - name defined

       cl - NETBIOS name number(ch <> 0)

       ds:dx - address of identifier(ch <> 0)

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           1 - Invalid function code

Registers modified: ax, cx, dx, ds, flags

Syntax: GetMachineName  BufferSeg, BufferOfs



Function: Sets up a printer attached to the network.

DOS Function: 5Eh   Sub-Function: 02h

DOS Versions: 3


   BufferSeg - Segment address of the setup string

   BufferOfs - Offset of the buffer

   ListIndex - Redirection list index

   StrLength - Length of the setup string


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           1 - Invalid function code

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, si, ds, flags

Syntax: SetupPrinter    BufferSeg, BufferOfs, ListIndex, StrLength



Function: Returns the local machine name on a network.

DOS Function: 5Eh   Sub-Function: 03h

DOS Versions: 3


   BufferSeg - Segment address of the string buffer

   BufferOfs - Offset of the buffer

   Listindex - Redirection list index(Function = 2-3)


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

       cx - length of the printer setup string

       es:di - address of the buffer holding the setup string

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           1 - Invalid function code

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, di, es, flags

Syntax: GetPrinterSetup BufferSeg, BufferOfs, ListIndex



Function: Gets a redirection list entry from the network system.

DOS Function: 5Fh       Sub-function: 02h

DOS Versions: 3


   ListIndex - Redirection list index

   DeviceSeg - Segment address of buffer to hold the device name

   DeviceOfs - Offset of buffer

   NetworkSeg - Segment address of buffer to hold the network's name

   NetworkOfs - Offset of buffer


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

       bh - device status flag(0 = valid device, 1 = invalid device)

       bl - Device type(3 = printer, 4 = drive)

       cx - Stored parameter

       ds:si - address of device name

       es:di - address of the network's name

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           1 = Invalid function

         12h = No more files

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, dx, bp, si, di, es, ds, flags

Syntax: GetListEntry    ListIndex, DeviceSeg, DeviceOfs, NetworkSeg, NetworkOfs



Function: Redirects a device on a network.

DOS Function: 5Fh       Sub-function: 03h

DOS Versions: 3


   Type - The device type as defined below



   3       Printer

   4       Disk drive


   Save - A parameter that needs to be saved for the caller

   DeviceSeg - Segment address of buffer to hold the device name

   DeviceOfs - Offset of buffer

   NetworkSeg - Segment address of buffer to hold the network's name

   NetworkOfs - Offset of buffer


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           1 = Invalid function

           3 = Path not found

           5 = Access denied

           8 - Insufficient memory

Registers modified: ax, bx, cx, si, di, es, ds, flags

Syntax: GetListEntry    Type, Save, DeviceSeg, DeviceOfs, NetworkSeg, NetworkOfs



Function: Redirects a device on a network.

DOS Function: 5Fh       Sub-function: 04h

DOS Versions: 3


   DeviceSeg - Segment address of buffer to hold the device name

   DeviceOfs - Offset of buffer


   carry flag = clear - operation successful

   carry flag = set - operation unsuccessful

       ax - error code

           1 = Invalid function

         0Fh - Redirection paused on server

Registers modified: ax, si, ds, flags

Syntax: GetListEntry    DeviceSeg, DeviceOfs



Function: Returns the address of the current PSP.

DOS Function: 62h

DOS Versions: 3




   bx - Segment address of the Program Segment Prefix(PSP)

Registers modified: ah, bx, flags

Syntax: GetPSPAddress



Function: Returns the address of the system table of legal lead bytes or

         gets/sets the value of the interim console flag.

DOS Function: 63h

DOS Versions: 2.25


   Function - The sub-function as defined below:



       0       Get the address of the system lead byte table

       1       Setting the value of the console flag

       2       Getting the value of the console flag


   Console - Indicate if setting/getting the console flag(Function = 1)


   ds:si - Address of the lead byte table(Function = 0)

   dl - Value of the console flag(Function = 2)

Registers modified: ax, dl, flags

Syntax: LeadByteTable   Function, Console

1. . Ж~мысты~ ма~саты- магнетрон ~дісімен электронны~ меншікті зарядын аны~тау
2. за этими пределами оперировать с противоположностью материи и духа физического и психического как с абсол
3. Тематичний модуль Тема заняття Диференційна діагностика синдром
4. Мысль Москва 1990
5. правові документи гетьманату
6. варианты формулировки заданий
7. переходная экономика1
8. на тему- Гистофизиология надпочечников
9. тема Скелет Нервная с
10. ЛАБОРАТОРНАЯ РАБОТА 1 Цель работы- ознакомиться с работой СУБД ccess и основами разработки простых приложений