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I. Founded in 1755 the university ws renmed in honor of its founder Mikhil Lomonosov in 1940

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             Moscow State University.

Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russian: Московский государственный университет имени М. В. Ломоносова,Moskóvskiy gosudárstvennyy universitét ímeni M. V. Lomonósova), previously known as Lomonosov University or MSU (Russian:университет Ломоносова, Universitét Lomonósova; Russian: МГУ, MGU), is the oldest and largest university in Russia. Founded in 1755, the university was renamed in honor of its founder, Mikhail Lomonosov, in 1940. It also claims to have the tallest educational building in the world. Its current rector is Viktor Sadovnichiy.
A few more narrowly specialized Moscow colleges, including the
 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology and the Moscow State Institute of International Relations were split off from MSU at one time or another and have since established strong reputations of their own, arguably even surpassing their parent in terms of prestige and quality of education.

The main Building in winter

The university has well-established contacts with the most distinguished universities in the world, exchanging students and lecturers with the leading international institutions of higher education. It houses the UNESCO International Demography Courses, the UNESCO Hydrology Courses, the International Biotechnology Center, the International LASER Center, courses or seminars on Russian as a foreign language. In 1991 the French University College, the Russian-American University and the Institute of German Science and Culture were opened. The university has awarded honorary degrees to more than 60 scientists, statesmen and politicians from abroad. Many prominent university scholars and scientists in return hold honorary degrees from foreign academies and universities.

Moscow State University is one of Russia's most prestigious institutions of higher learning, and has demanding entry requirements for prospective students. Nonetheless, it performs inconsistently in international rankings. While it was placed 77th overall[1] by theAcademic Ranking of World Universities and 112th[2] by QS World University Rankings, it was not included among the top 200 universities[3] by recent Times Higher World University Rankings and came in at 296th (based on the full THE World University Rankings in their iPhone application). On a highly cited and consistent ranking, Moscow State University ranked 43rd in 2008, 44th in 2009-2011, and 45th among 300 Best World Universities in 2012 compiled by Human Resources & Labor Review (HRLR) on Measurements of World's Top 300 Universities Graduates' Performance.[4] Despite its large number of faculties, Moscow State University seems to be strong mostly in natural sciences and mathematics (currently placed between 38th[2] and 75th[5] in the world) but considerably weaker in other disciplines. Despite the fact that it is still the highest ranked Russian university according to the three international rankings mentioned above (with the nearest Russian competitor being Saint Petersburg State University that scored 300-400th), the university was consistently placed outside top 5 nationally in 2010-2011 by Forbes[6] and Ria Novosti / HSE.,[7] with both ratings based on data set collected by GU VSHE from Russian Unified State Exam scores averaged per all students and faculties of university.

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2. Учет затрат по видам и назначению
3. Пасха в Библии Воскресший Христос наша Пасха и спасение
4. Принципы безопасности труда при производстве земляных работ В гидротехническом строительстве земляные р
5. і Економічний зміст та організація фінансів підприємств
6. Экологический туризм
8. Разработка функциональной цифровой ячейки от функциональной логической схемы проектируемого узла до печатной платы узла
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10. Реферат Корнеплоды
11. Контрольная работа- Основные правила составления документов
12. Повесть временных лет б Русская правда в былины
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15. Функции информации в обществе
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18. Електронні видання
19. Показатели 2009 2010 2011
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