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Ensure the bility of the Erth to nurture life in ll its diversit

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          Greenpeace is a non-governmental environmental organization with offices in over 40 countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Greenpeace states its goal is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to nurture life in all its diversity" and focuses its work on world wide issues such as global warming, deforestation, overfishing, commercial whaling and anti-nuclear issues. Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying and research to achieve its goals. The global organization does not accept funding from governments, corporations or political parties, relying on more than 2.8 million individual supporters and foundation grants.

         Greenpeace evolved from the peace movement and anti-nuclear protests in Vancouver, British Columbia in the early 1970s. On September 15, 1971, the newly founded Don't Make a Wave     Committee sent a chartered ship, Phyllis Cormack, renamed Greenpeace for the protest, from Vancouver to oppose United States testing of nuclear devices in Amchitka, Alaska. The Don't Make a Wave Committee subsequently (=впоследствии) adopted the name Greenpeace.

         In a few years Greenpeace spread to several countries and started to campaign on other environmental issues such as commercial whaling and toxic waste. In the late 1970s the different regional Greenpeace groups formed Greenpeace International to oversee (=наблюдать, контролировать) the goals and operations of the regional organizations globally. Greenpeace received international attention during the 80s when the French intelligence agency bombed the Rainbow Warrior in Auckland's Waitemata Harbour, one of the most well-known vessels operated by Greenpeace, killing one. In the following years Greenpeace evolved into one of the largest environmental organizations in the world.

          Greenpeace is known for its direct actions and has been described as the most visible environmental organization in the world. Greenpeace has raised environmental issues to public knowledge, influenced both the private and the public sector. Greenpeace has also been a source of controversy (= спор, полемика); its motives and methods have received criticism and the organization's direct actions have sparked(= вызывать, побуждать) legal actions against Greenpeace activists.


  1.  environment – окружающая среда
  2.  environmental organization – природоохранная организация
  3.  environmentalist – ученый, занимающийся защитой окружающей среды
  4.  goal – цель
  5.  to nurture – выращивать, питать, поддерживать
  6.  diversityразнообразие
  7.  to focus on – фокусироваться на
  8.  world wide issues – мировые проблемы
  9.  global warmingвсемирное потепление
  10.  deforestationвырубка лесов
  11.  overfishingчрезмерный лов рыбы
  12.  commercial whalingвылов китов 
  13.  anti-nuclearантиядерный
  14.  to accept – принимать
  15.  to rely onполагаться на
  16.  to support – поддерживать
  17.  supporter – сторонник
  18.  to evolve – развиваться
  19.  movement – движение
  20.  anti-nuclear protests – антиядерные протесты
  21.  to campaign – проводить кампанию !!! Do not confuse with company -   
  22.  компания
  23.  toxic waste – токсические отходы
  24.  vessel – судно
  25.  to be known for – быть известным
  26.  to raise – поднимать (вопрос)
  27.  to influence smb/smth – влиять на
  28.  Greenpeace activists – активисты «Гринпис»

Exercise 1 Complete the sentences according to the text

  1.  Greenpeace is a non-governmental …. organization.
  2.  Greenpeace states its …. is to "ensure the ability of the Earth to … life in all its .. " and focuses its work … world wide issues such as … warming, deforestation, over…, commercial whaling and …-nuclear issues.
  3.  Greenpeace uses …  action, lobbying and research to achieve its… .
  4.  Greenpeace … from the peace … and anti-nuclear … in Vancouver, British Columbia in the early 1970s.
  5.  In a few years Greenpeace spread to several countries and started to … on … issues such as commercial whaling and … waste.
  6.  In the following years Greenpeace … into one of the largest … organizations in the world.
  7.  Greenpeace has … environmental … to public knowledge …  both the private and the public sector.

Exercise 2 Are the statements TRUE or FALSE?

  1.  Greenpeace is a governmental environmental organization with offices in over 40 countries and with an international coordinating body in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
  2.  Greenpeace uses direct action, lobbying and research to achieve its goals.
  3.  The global organization accepts funding from governments, corporations and political parties.
  4.  Greenpeace evolved from the peace movement and anti-nuclear protests in Vancouver, British Columbia in the early 1940s.
  5.  The organization’s  motives and methods have never received criticism.

Exercise 3 Put 6 types of the questions to the text

Exercise 4 Explain the meaning in English

environmentalist –

world wide issues –


global warming


to campaign

Exercise 5 Read the programme of Greenpeace and comment on, what is the most important issue in your opinion? If you were a Greenpeace activist what issue would you like to deal with? Make your programme

Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organization that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment and to promote peace by:

  1.  Catalysing an energy revolution to address the number one threat facing our planet: climate change.
  2.  Defending our oceans by challenging wasteful and destructive fishing, and creating a global network of marine reserves.
  3.  Protecting the world’s remaining ancient forests which are depended on by many animals, plants and people.
  4.  Working for disarmament and peace by reducing dependence on finite resources and calling for the elimination of all nuclear weapons.
  5.  Creating a toxic free future with safer alternatives to hazardous chemicals in today's products and manufacturing.
  6.  Campaigning for sustainable agriculture by encouraging socially and ecologically responsible farming practices.

If I were a Greenpeace activist

  1.   ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  4.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5.   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6.      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

1. Формальная логика как наука
2.  Формы и методы профилактики преступности в РФ Из рассмотрения объектов предупреждения преступлений можн
3. Академик Скочинский А.html
4. а 2 2метилпропен гидратациясында т~зілетін зат-e 2метилпропанол2 2хлорпропан натрий гидроксидіні~ сулы
5. Азиатская идея в планах и идеях политиков государств Азии
6. Проблемы посттравматической стрессовой дезадаптации участников боевых действий
7. Проблемы гражданского воспитания школьников в современных условиях для допуска к зачёту студентов 3 курс
8. це темні гумінові кислоти що в момент утворення розчиняються у воді а при взаємодії з катіонами водню двох
9. Бюджетний процес в Україні
10. Чемпіонат міста на лижах