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TYPHOID MRY Mry Mllon 18691938 ws n Irish immigrnt who ws the first known helthy crrier of typhoid in the US.

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11 Typhoid Mary

1  Read the text and complete it using words from below.

co-operate   disease   cured quarantine forcibly  samples confirmed  examples   freely transmitted discuss   sent developed  infection    causes provided infected  helped investigation   isolated

2  Decide if these sentences are true

(T) orfalse (F).

1  Mary Mallon was born in the

United States.  

2   Mary was often ill.  

3   George Soper discovered that

Mary was a typhoid carrier.

4   Mary wanted to help the authorities.  

5   After 1910, Mary did not work with food again. __

6  Mary was kept in hospital for a totalof26years.  

7   Mary died of typhoid.



 Mary Mallon  (1869-1938) was an Irish immigrant who was the first known healthy carrier of typhoid  in the USA. She probably  contracted a mild case of typhoid, although  she may not have been aware of it, and was never  1•  In this way, she became a carrier, and sprea d the disease.

Typhoid is an infection  of the digestive system caused  by a bacterium, Salmonella typhi. Among other sy mptoms, it weakness, high fever, a rash of red spots, chills, sweating, and in serious cases inflammation of the spleen and bones, delirium, and erosion of the intestinal wall leading to haemorrhage. It is----­ through  contaminated food or drinking  water.

Mary was the cause of several

outbreaks oftyphoid in the New

York City area between 1900 and

1907. She worked as a cook in a number of different households, and on each occasion, members of the family or other servants

----- typhoid. 22 people

became ill, and one died. At the

time, typhoid  was a serious problem, especially in cities, and killed around

10% of sufferers.

In the summer of 1906, NewYork banker Charles Henry Warren hired Mary  to be a cook for his family at

their rented summer house. When six of the eleven members of the household  became ill with typhoid, the owners of the house employed George Soper, a sanitary  engineer with experience in typhoid outbreaks, to look for the source.

After some months  of careful

 s into Mary's

background and her previous  jobs, George  Soper was certain that she was the cause of the outbreak, and

so he asked her for blood, urine, and stool •. She did not believe him -in fact, she resisted violently and attacked  him with a

l arge fork. At that time, the idea that

a person  could spread  a disease and still remain healthy was not widely known.

Mary  resisted two other visits

from health officials, shouting and swearing at them and running away. Mary  was a strong-minded woman, but it must also have been very frightening for her to be confronted in this way. Eventually  the NewYork City Health Department sent five police officers and an ambulance and 7 took her to hospital.

The  NewYork City health inspector carried  out some tests and that Mary was a carrier. In 1910 she was transferred to an island near NewYork City, where she lived in isolation for three years. She was then released but told that s he should not work with food again. However, in 1915 she took a job as a cook in a hospital and

----- 25 doctors, nurses,

and other hospital staff - two of them died. Mary  was then seized again and kept in  10 for

23 years, living alone in a one-room


In December 1932, Mary suffered a massive stroke, which left her paralysed.  She died in 1938 of pneumonia.

Today 'Typhoid Mar y' is a term used to d escribe a carrier  of a dangerous  11 who refuses to take precautions or

-----"with the authorities.



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