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Topic 1. Selecting relevnt reserch topic.

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TFL 313                                                                      LESSON 3






Stage 1

1. Choosing the research topic

1. Selecting a relevant research topic.

2. Statement of the research problem.

3. Official registration of the topic at the department / chair

Week 1 - 3

September 5-20

2. Setting up a tentative research plan

1. Review of possible research methods

2. Identifying the research question

3. Identifying the research plan with the academic advisor

Week 2 - 3

September 9-20

Stage 2

1. Selecting appropriate research tools

1. Starting a research diary; arranging sections for each sub question according to the research plan

2. Identifying literature and resources for each question; writing references (authors, title, publisher, year, and page references)

3. Writing significant ideas, facts and figures on the topic

Week 3 - 4


2. Writing the introductory chapter

1. Significance of the research topic

2. Statement of the research problem and related field of science

3. Research goals and tasks

Week 4 - 5

Sept 23 -Oct 4

3. Determining the research methodology

Reading and selecting the methods of research in relation to the chosen topic

Week 5 - 6

October 1-11

4. Prepare an intermediary report to academic supervisor

Demonstrate an intermediary report to academic supervisor

Week 6

October 7-11

Stage 3

1. Prepare for data collection

Conduct the research, collect data

Week 5 - 8

October 1-24

2. Write the first chapter of the study

Show all resources to the advisor, get consultation

Week 8

October 21-24

3. Analyze the written part with the academic advisor

Consult the academic advisor

Week 9 -10

November 8

1.Complete writing the first chapter and edit it

1. Make changes according to the remarks of the academic advisor.

2.  Edit for grammatical and stylistic accuracy

Week 9 -10

November 8

2. Produce the research results

1. Use statistical information on the results

2. Set up tables, graphs, pictures

Week 9 -11

November 15

Stage 4

3. Write the main body of the study

1. Use factual information appropriately

2. Determine the place of illustrations

3. Define factual information and summarize the evidence

4. Analyze the research results (data analysis)

Week 10 -12

November 4-22

4. Determining the conclusion and recommendations for further study

Prepare for recommendations

Week 11 -12


5. Analyzing and completing the conclusion part of the study

Revise and complete the paper

Week 12


Stage 5

1. Final revision and edition of all chapters of the study

1. Complete the paper according to the advisor remarks

2. Place illustrations in the paper

3. A final check for grammatical and stylistic accuracy

Week 13-14

Nov25-Dec 5

2. Writing the “references” section

Set up a ‘references’ section

Week 13-14

Nov25-Dec 5

3. Prepare the title page

Write the research plan

Week 13-14

Nov25-Dec 5

4. Typesetting and page design

1. Use page design standards: Line space – 1.5 - 2

2. Remember to start each chapter on a new page

3. Highlight and underline each point separately

Week 13-14

Nov25-Dec 5

5. Read the printed version of the study

Prepare the checked text of the study

Week 13-14

Nov25-Dec 5

6. Submit the final printed paper to the chair and reviewers

Final printed paper of the study

Week 13-14

Nov25-Dec 5

7. Prepare for the presentation in front of the commission of the chair/faculty

PowerPoint presentation

Week 15

December 9-13

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8. ВВЕДЕНИЕ Оборотный капитал составляет значительную часть всего имущества активов предприятия
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14. і. Творчі амплуа ведучого в телепрограмах різного типу
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19. Бюджетное планирование на предприятии
20. возбуждение и возбудимость