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Subject- Teching Reding nd Writing Code- FLED 312 Finl Exm pproved by the Hed of Two Foreign Lnguges Deprtment PhD Kurmn.

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FACULTY OF PHILOLOGY, 050119  Foreign Languages;

2010-2011 Fall Semester

Group: TFL 3A / TFL 3B

Subject: Teaching Reading and Writing

Code: FLED 312

Final Exam

Approved by

the Head of Two Foreign Languages

Department PhD Kurmanali A.


as of 25.11.2010

Protocol № 4

Teacher's name & surname

Arman Argynbayev

Student's name & surname

Date of Exam





  1.  Fill in the gaps using the words in the box. There are two extra words that you don’t need. (7 points)

exposure                              authenticity                  content                     acquisition               

springboard              topic                  appropriacy             models                    discussion              

  1.  Good reading texts can introduce interesting topics, stimulate discussion, excite imaginative responses and be the_SPRINGBOARD_ for well-rounded, fascinating lessons.
  2.  Reading texts also provide good __MODELS__ for English writing.
  3.  Good teachers integrate the reading text into interesting class sequences, using the topic for __DISCUSSION__ and further tasks, using the language for study and later activation.
  4.  Reading is useful because any __EXPOSURE__ to English (provided students understand it more or less) is a good thing for language students.
  5.  When using reading texts in the language classroom teachers should match the task to the __TOPIC__.
  6.  If the reading text is especially interesting and engaging, __ACQUISIOTION__ is likely to be even more successful.
  7.  Students should be encouraged to respond to the __CONTENT__ of a reading text, not just to the language.

  1.  Are the following statements true or false? Write T or F clearly. (23 points)

  1.  __T___ Extensive reading is beneficial for increasing students’ reading speed.
  2.  __T___The advantage of the controlled writing is that it is either right or wrong so it can be easily corrected.
  3.  __F___Experienced writers never plan what they are going to write.
  4.  __T___As the writing process proceeds into editing, a number of drafts may be produced on the way to the final version.
  5.  _____It is easier for students to take speaking tests than writing tests.
  6.  __F___When evaluating writing teachers should respond to the mechanics first, then on content.
  7.  __F___When evaluating writing teachers should respond positively but not personally.
  8.  __T___To make evaluation of the writing process a less painful procedure for students, the teacher can focus on one aspect only, e.g. spelling mistakes or mistakes on tenses.
  9.  __F___ Teachers should never use any authentic materials with beginner learners because they are too difficult to understand.
  10.  __T___ When teaching reading teachers should focus students’ attention on vocabulary development skills.
  11.  __F___ Teachers shouldn’t give a chance to their students to choose which text(s) to read.
  12.  __T___Audience in writing is only the teacher who evaluates the writing piece.
  13.  __T___When editing students’ work, the teacher should edit only a page or two not the whole paper.
  14.  __F___In Reading Log you usually write about the plot of the book and do not include your own opinion about it.
  15.  __F___Experienced writers do not use several drafts, they write the final version immediately.
  16.  __T___Writing is controlled when the outcome is totally predictable.
  17.  __F___The main disadvantage of guided writing is that it lacks original expression.
  18.  __F___Jigsaw sentences technique is used in guided writing.
  19.  __T___Reducing and copying with corrections are controlled writing techniques.
  20.  __F___Teachers shouldn’t introduce students to sources of help for writing because students should find their own way of writing which develops creative writing.
  21.  __T___Picture sequence essay is a guided writing technique.
  22.  __F___Academic writing is the kind of writing that you are required to do at school.
  23.  __T___Whenever we write we should consider our specific audience.

  1.  Fill in the gaps with appropriate words. (8 points)

  1.  Students need to be able to __SKIM__ a text, to read a text quickly in order to get a general idea of what it is about.
  2.  __INTENSIVE__ reading involves learners reading in detail with specific learning aims and tasks. For example, the learners read the text and put the events from it into chronological order.
  3.  Unlike old coursebooks, the main advantage of _____________ is that they are up-to-date and consequently current issues are discussed. In addition, they are authentic and provide language learners with invaluable exposure to the real language in the real context.
  4.  A learner's __ACTIVE__ vocabulary is the words that they understand and use in speaking or writing.
  5.  Reading is fun if students know __98__% of the vocabulary in the text.
  6.  Reading is challenging if students know __95__%  of the vocabulary in the text.
  7.  Reading is frustrating if students know __90__% of the vocabulary in the text.
  8.  __METAPHOR___ is a figure of speech in which a word or phrase literally denoting one kind of object or idea is used in place of another to suggest a likeness or analogy between them. For example, “George is a sheep”. (a follower, not a leader)

1. Затверджую Директор інституту психологопедагогічної освіти та мистецтв проф
2. У роділлі яка знаходиться в ІІ періоді пологів після народження сідниць плоду розвинулась слабкість родов
3. Реферат- Одномерная оптимизация функций методом золотого сечения
4. Тема- Дослідження ізотермічного процесу Мета- Експериментально перевірити закон БойляМаріотта для кіл
5. тема Морфо функциональная характеристика
6. Реферат Исследование толерантности
7. Реферат- Великая Отечественная война- начало, характер, цели, основные периоды и события
8. ВВЕДЕНИЕ Оптовая торговля оказывает услуги производителям товаров и розничной торговле
9. Армения Историческая справка
10. Анализ опасности поражения электрическим током в электрических сетях Цель работы- проанализирова
11. Ранние утописты
12. Тема ставлення людини до смерті має загальнолюдське значення
13. Аэрофлот объявила о новой акции по распродаже авиабилетов в период с 3 по 9 марта 2014 года
14. 2 Алексей Пехов Елена Бычкова Наталья Турчанинова Они те кто живет под землей
16. Хранителе на каждый день месяца по изданию 1890 г
17. ГорноАлтайский государственный университет Юридический факультет Кафедра уголовного административн
18. Бюджет денежных средств
19. задержка психического развития 1
20. Использование экологического аспекта в оздоровительной работе с детьми старшего дошкольного возраста