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Level engineers end up performing the more routine tsks of nlysis or design

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In the United States, there is no one typical career path for

Civil Engineers. Most engineering graduates start with jobs of low

responsibility, and as they prove their competence, are given more and

more responsible tasks, but within each subfield of civil engineering,

and even within different segments of the market within each branch, the

details of a career path can vary. In some fields and in some firms, entry level engineers are put to work primarily monitoring construction in the

field, serving as the “eyes and ears” of more senior design engineers;

while in other areas, entry-level engineers end up performing the more

routine tasks of analysis or design. More senior engineers can move

into doing more complex analysis or design work, or management of

more complex design projects, or management of other engineers, or

into specialized consulting, including forensic engineering.

Salaries for Civil Engineers in the United States have typically been

lower than those for other fields of engineering, but entry-level salaries

are higher than those in most non-engineering fields outside IT.

                       Education and Licensure

Prior to becoming a practicing engineer, civil engineers generally

complete tertiary (college or higher) educational requirements, followed

by several years of practical experience. Each country, state, or province

individually regulates civil engineering practice.

In the U.S., one must become a licensed Professional Engineer

to do any civil engineering work affecting the public or to legally

represent oneself as a civil engineer. Licensure requirements vary

slightly by state, but in all cases entail passing two licensure exams,

the Fundamentals of Engineering exam and the Principles and Practice

exam, and completing a state-mandated number of years of work

under the supervision of a licensed Professional Engineer. In addition,

an educational requirement must often be met. All states accept a four

year Bachelor of Science (BS) or Bachelor of Engineering (BEng)

degree in Civil Engineering. The acceptability of degrees in other field

varies by state; some states allow a person to substitute additional

years of supervised work experience for the degree requirement.

Although the American Society of Civil Engineers encourages states

to raise the educational requirement to a graduate degree, advanced

degrees are currently optional for civil engineers in the United States.

Graduate study may lead either to a Master of Engineering, which

is a Professional Master’s degree, or to a Master of Science degree

followed by a PhD in civil engineering or a sub-discipline.

Construction engineering

Construction engineering concerns the planning and management

of the construction of structures such as highways, bridges, airports,

railroads, buildings, dams, and reservoirs. Construction of such projects

requires knowledge of engineering and management principles and

business procedures, economics, and human behavior. Construction

engineers engage in the design of structures temporary, cost estimating,

planning and scheduling, materials procurement, selection of equipment,

and cost control.

Construction Engineering is differentiated from Construction

Management from the standpoint of the use of math, science, and

engineering to analyze problems and design a construction process.

Construction engineers build many of the things that people use every day.

Construction engineering involves many aspects of construction

including: commercial, residential, bridges, airports, tunnels, and

dams. It is an extremely large industry that provides jobs to many and

continues to grow. Currently there are nearly 6 million people working

on construction in the United States

Construction engineers are in high demand so it is easy for a CE to

get a job in any part of the country.


Construction is the largest industry in the United States. It provides

jobs to millions ranging in all types of education. Construction engineers

follow the plans of architects and sometimes design the actual structure.

After the structure has been designed the engineers make sure it has

been built correctly by testing and overseeing the construction.

Tasks – Construction engineers have a lot of responsibilities in their

job. Certain tasks have to be completed everyday in order to get the job

done correctly. Analyzing reports is a main part of their job description.

They must analyze maps, drawings, blueprints, aerial photography and

other topographical information. Construction engineers also have to

use computer software to design hydraulic systems and structures while

following construction codes. They have to calculate load and grade

requirements, liquid flow rates and material stress points to ensure

that the structure can withstand stress. Keeping a safe workplace is

key to having a successful construction company. It is the construction

engineer’s job to make sure that everything is conducted correctly. In

addition to safety, the construction engineer has to make sure that the site

stays clean and sanitary. Surveying the land before construction begins

is also a job of the construction engineer. They have to make sure that

there are no impediments in the way of where the structure will be built

and if there are any they must move them. They also must estimate costs

and keep the project under budget. Construction engineers have to test

the soils and materials used for adequate strength. Finally, construction

engineers have to provide construction information, including repairs

and cost changes, to the managers.

Construction engineers

Construction engineers build structures that are used by people

everyday so they have to be safe and be able to withstand the elements.

To complete the job properly construction engineers have to have the

knowledge of many different aspects. Those aspects include engineering,

technology, design, math, construction, English, customer service,

management, transportation, public safety, and computers. They use the

engineering, technology, and math aspects to make sure they build the

structure to the set standards. They use English, customer service, and

management knowledge to deal with the people that could possibly buy

the structure. They also use this knowledge to inform the management

on how the project is coming along and if any changes are needed.

Most construction engineers have a love for math and science. In

addition to these abilities there are many other skills needed to be a

construction engineer. Critical thinking, listening, learning, problem

solving, monitoring, and decision making are all very important in

construction engineering. Construction engineers have to be able to

think about all aspects of a problem and listen to other’s ideas so that

they can learn everything about a project before it begins. After they

have begun a project they must solve the problems that they encounter

using math and science. They also have to monitor the workers on

the job site for safety and to make sure that the project is on time and

done correctly. Whenever a problem occurs it is up to the construction

engineer to make the decision on how to fix it.

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