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Objects. nuc explosion is ccompnied lso by tremendous output of initil nucler rdition

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By whom is the Department of the Air Force administrated and supervised? The Department of the Air Force is administrated by a civilian Secretary appointed by the President, and is supervised by the Chief of Staff, United States Air Force.

For what purposes are protective masks used? The protective masks are designed to protect the wearer's face and eyes and prevent the breathing of air contaminated with chemical and/or biological agents.

What agency assists the Secretary and Chief of Staff of the Air force? To assist the Secretary and the CSUSAF, the Air Staff functions in the Pentagon at Washington. The Air Staff employs more than 2, 000 Air Force officers and civilian personnel in managing the Air Force.

What are the principal effects produced by a nuclear explosion? The blast can cause damage  either through direct action of blast overpressure or through secondary effects caused by flying debris or by overturning and tumbling objects. A nuc explosion is accompanied also by tremendous output of initial nuclear radiation. This radiation is a form of gamma rays neutrons and alpha and beta particles.

What are the principle methods of cml agts dissemination? Chemical agents may be disseminated by bursting-type munition (artillery and mortar shells, rockets, bombs, grenades and land mines), generating –type equipment and munitions which employ  heat to vaporize and disseminate chemical agents, pressure-type weapons and munitions which employ industrial compressed gases to project cml agts towards the target.

What are the two basic forms of defense and how are they organized and conducted? The fundamental forms of defense are the mobile defense and the area defense. The mobile defense is that form of defense in which minimum forces are deployed forward and priority is given to use of mobile combat elements and fire concentrated in the reserve. The area defense is the form of defense in which emphasis is placed upon retention of or control over specific terrain. In this type of area, the defender plans to accept decisive engagement and to accomplish his mission primarily by engaging the attacker along the FEBA (Forward Edge of the Battle Area) with a large volume and variety of firees.

What are three types of explosions? There are three types of explosions classified according to height of burst: the air burst when the fireball does not touch the ground the surface burst when the fireball touches the ground and the subsurface burst when the weapon is exploded beneath the surface of the ground or water

What colors are used to represent terrain features? Red-brown. The colors red and brown are combined to identify cultural features, all relief features, non-surveyed spot elevations, and elevation, such as contour lines on red-light readable maps.

What do airborne operations involve? Abn ops involve the mov and delivery by air of cbt forces and their log spt into en obj area for the execution of a tac or a strat msn.

What do current CW preparations in the USA and NATO countries include? There is in storage about 100 million lethal doses of nerve gases at Rocky mounting arsenal and Tooele army depot alone. The chemical and biological wpns programme is one of the US most closely guarded military plans.

What do you know about the ADC? The Aerospace Defense Command (ADC), with a primary mission of strategic warning, became a specified Command on July 1, 1975 assuming Continental Air Defense (CONAD) responsibilities for controlling AF and Army defense forces.

What do you know about the responsibilities of the QMC? Quartermaster Corps has a supply responsibility associated with the welfare of the individual soldier, the clothes he wears and the food he eats. The QMC commands all general depots and is responsible for their management to include programming, budgeting, and funding. The QMC supplies: clothing and equipage, general supplies, furniture and office supplies, laundry dry cleaning, kitchen and special purpose equipment, special vehicles, subsistence, POL, live animals such as horses, mules and dogs, musical instruments and printing equipment. The services the QMC renders troops concern everything mentioned above.

What does the term “administrative support” mean? According to the US field manuals administrative support is the management and operation of all military matters not included in tactics and strategy.

What does the term thermal radiation mean?  A fairly large proportion of the energy in a nuc explosion is emitted in the form of light and heat generally referred to as thermal radiation Thermal radiation is capable of causing physiological damage due to burns in human beings and animals as well as fires in combustible structures directly exposed to the heat rays.

What electronic equipment is used in ADC? Computers, incorporating data storage units are designed to collect and sift the raw radar info, and display reference and tabular data on display boards and indicator consoles to various operators and to others in the long chain of command. The computers also work out certain other details. They can recommend the best wpn to use, display the intercept flight path info for the benefit of the appropriate wpn, hold the characteristics of the various types of fighters used in US Air Force and scramble them on demand, recommend the tracks to be taken by acft to get back to base.

What is a chain reaction? When a free neutron enters the nucleus of fissionable atom it causes the nucleus to split into two smaller parts. This is fission process, accompanied by the release of large amount of energy. But if the quantity of uranium or plutonium is small the chain reaction will not take place and the production of an explosion will not be possible.

What is a critical mass? For a nuclear explosion to take place, the weapon must thus contain a sufficient amount of uranium or plutonium to exceed the critical mass in the existing circumstances. To bring about a nuclear explosion two or more pieces of fissionable material, each less than a critical mass are brought together very rapidly in order to form one piece that exceeds the critical mass.

What is a topographic map? Topographic map are representation of the earth`s features in three dimensions. They show the same features as a planimetric map and in addition indicate relief, usually by means of contours.

What is the classification of maps by scale? By scale all maps are classified as large-scale maps (1:75 000 or larger), medium-scale maps (scales larger than 1: 600 000) and small-scale maps (scales 1: 600 000 or smaller)

What is the composition of the US Navy Operating Forces? The OF of the Navy, which comprise the several fleets, seagoing forces, sea frontier forces, the Military Sea Transportation Service and such shore activities of the Navy and other forces as may be assigned to the OF of the Navy by the President or the SECNAV.

What is the difference between chemical explosion and nuclear explosion? An explosion result from the very rapid release of a large amount of energy within a limited space. This is true for a conventional explosion, the energy arises from chemical reactions (rearrangement among the atoms of hydrogen, carbon, oxygen and nitrogen), while in a nuclear explosion, the energy is produced as a result of the formation of different atomic nuclei. It is for this reason, that atomic weapons are preferably called “nuclear weapons”. Two kinds of nuclear interactions are known “fission” and “fusion”. The materials used to produce nuclear explosion by fission are certain isotopes of the uranium and plutonium.

What is the difference between individual and collective protection against nuclear and chemical weapons?  Protection against CW agents can be arranged for individuals by means of a protective mask and special clothing. Collective protection is used for group protection of personnel in a nuclear, biological or chemical event In many cases, a group of people can use collective protection, e.g., vehicles or special shelters. People under a roof, e.g., indoors or in covered vehicles, are not only protected against CW agents in liquid form but also receive a certain degree of protection against aerosols and gases .

What is the general classifications of chemical agents? Chemical agents may be classified by physical state (solid liquids gases) by tactical use (Casualty gas, training and riot control gases, screening smokes, signaling smokes, incendiaries) and by physiological action (nerve gas, blood gas, blister gas, choking gas, vomiting gas, tear gas, irritant chemical agent, smoke gas, v-gas) Another classification of chemical agents: toxic irritant smoke and incendiary

What is the nature of the blast wave? The sudden liberation of energy causes a considerable increase of temperature and pressure, so that all materials present are converted into hot, compressed gases. These gases rapidly expand and initiate a shock wave in the surrounding medium – air, water or earth. This shock wave is called a blast wave because it resembles and is accompanied by a very strong wind. In water or in the ground, however, the term “shock” is used, because the effect is like that of sudden impact.

What is the organization of a combatant vessel? A combatant vessel is a naval ship designed primarily to go "into harm's way." A combatant ship is armed with offensive weaponry, although the ship and its weapons may be employed in offensive or defensive roles. Combatant ships and auxiliary ships form the two primary groups of naval vessels. Combatant ship operations include: anti-ship warfare, also known as surface warfare; air warfare; anti-air warfare; anti-submarine warfare; amphibious assault; and land attack.

What is the organization of the US Naval Establishment? The term "Department of the Navy" is synonymous with the term "Naval Establishment. The DN consists of the principal parts as follows: The Operating forces of the Navy, which comprise the several fleets, seagoing forces, sea frontier forces, the Military Sea Transportation Service and such shore activities of the Navy and other forces as may be assigned to the Operating forces of the Navy by the President or the SECNAV. The US Navy consists of the Regular Navy and the Naval Reserve. The Regular Navy consists of offs and enlisted pers who have elected to make the naval svc a lifetime career. The Naval Reserve is to provide qualified individuals and trained units to be available for active duty in time of war or national emergency.

What is the primary mission of the Air Force?  The primary msn of the Air Force  is to provide aerospace forces capable of supporting the Nation's objectives in peace and war. The Air Force does this by providing strat acft and msl forces to flight a general war, land-based tactical air forces to support ground forces in cbt, primary aerospace forces for the def of the United States against air and missile atk, and primary airlift capability for use by all the US Military Services.

What is the purpose of defense and how does the defender act to achieve it? The purposes of defense are preventing, resistance, repulsing, or destroying enemy attack. The defender takes every opportunity to seize the initiative and destroy the enemy. He seizes the initiative by selecting the battle area, forcing the enemy to react in conformity with the defensive plan, exploiting enemy weakness and errors by offensive operations and counterattacking enemy successes.

What units may airborne forces consist of? These forces may consist of abn, inf, and mech inf divs and air transportable units with spting arty. Abn ops may be a joint effort, using US Air Force, Navy, and Army transport acft.

What weapons are designed to provide the necessary protective cover for the division? To provide the necessary protective cover for the div, the Army has developed a spectrum of wpns designed to engage en acft at all altitudes. High-to-medium-altitude AD (HIMAD) is currently provided by the Nike-Hercules msl sys. The HIMAD sys are normally located in the rr areas or in the CZ and are deployed to cover a large area. The HAWK msl sys is normally deployed in the fwd areas and is designed to provide low-to-medium-alti'tude AD (LOMAD). There are several wpn systems available to provide low-altitude, short-range AD (SHORAD) throughout the CZ. These are the Chaparral/Vulcan systems and the man-portable Redeye wpn.

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