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по теме ldquo;Wht Helps You to Enjoy yourselfrdquo; Преподаватель- Алхимова Валентина Никифоровна Techer- Who will strike the first blo

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Открытый урок по английскому языку по теме What Helps You to Enjoy yourself?”

Преподаватель: Алхимова Валентина Никифоровна

Teacher: Who will strike the first blow?

Pupil 1: I shall. There is not so much in the way of entertainment in my native place, that’s why some people find it in drinking alcohol. To my regret there are a lot of heavy drinkers in Kalashnikovo. It’s a pity.

T. – You have struck home, indeed. Such a dark page has been opened to start our lesson with. But the fact takes place, nothing to do. Though I picture most of the dwellers as hard-working people. And the topic of the lesson is, nevertheless, what helps you to enjoy yourselves?

P.2 – As for me I prefer dancing; that sort of my hobby helps me to enjoy myself, indeed.

T. – Can you show us something fragmentary?

P.2 – Why not. (The girl and her partner switch on the mobile with Michael Buble’s Sway and are dancing.

T. – It’s really fragrant. Made in good taste and with great professional skill. Magic technique, splendid. Thank you. Well, what else helps you to enjoy life as it is?

P.3 – I like fine arts, fine literature, verses, and lyrics exactly. I have prepared copies of my favorite verse “Weather Forecast” for everybody in the class. Let’s enjoy it together ( the pupil is reciting the verse).

Tomorrow if it rains

I will dance in the rain with you

If it snows

We will make snow pancakes

And eat them together

If it is cold

I will warm myself

With your smile

If it is hot

I will cool myself

With your slow clear voice

If there is fog

I will be happy

To lose myself for a time

But, please, come and find me

Won’t you?

T. – And I’ve turned the verse into Russian. I’d like you to listen to.

Дождь обещают на завтра опять,

Что же – свидание не назначать?

Брызги капель на наших лицах,

Напитаны влагой твои ресницы,

И скрип дождя о мокрый асфальт

Рождает звук, похожий на альт.

А мы танцуем и пьем дождинки

В промытом воздухе – ни пылинки!

… Потом ляжет снег на круги своя,

А ты всё та же, любимая.

Я угощу тебя горстью снега,

Нырнем в сугроб – такая нега!

Тепло от рук и щек, и глаз…

Народ улыбается, глядя на нас!

…Туманная оттепель наст пригвоздила,

А нашим чувствам совсем нестыло.

Не потеряю тебя я, родной,

Даже если туманстеной!

T. – Well, let it be your hometask: give your own poetical verses of “Weather Forecast”, or you learn the poem by heart as it is, try to explain grammar, concerning future  tenses in the principal clause and present tenses in the subordinate one, if it is a conditional clause. Translate it, please.

P.4 – (turns it into Russian)

P.5 – I’ve got to recite somewhat. May I?

T. – Never mind.

P.5 –

It's wondrous what a hug can do.

It can cheer you up when you are feeling blue.

A hug can say, «I love you so».

And «How I hate to see you go».

A hug means «Welcome back with cheer! »

It seems you have been gone a year.

A hug can soothe a small child's pain

And bring a rainbow after rain.

About a hug there is no doubt,

It’s something you can’t live without.

Kittens crave hugging, puppies love them

A hug makes the dullest day far merrier.

A hug delights and warms and charms

It must be why God gave us arms.

So stretch those arms without delay

And give someone a hug today.

T. – You are a judge of art. To be honest, I’ve turned it into Russian as well. It’s my private version of the idea.

Раскрой свои объятия

Ребенку, другу, матери.

Птенец, котенок, верный пес,

Лицо любимой – в списке грёз…

Объятье – радуга-дуга,

Объятье – слаще, чем нуга!

Бог дал нам руки – не от скуки,

Объятье – нежность и восторг,

Это не плата и не торг.

Естественное рук движенье –

К разлуке, боли, наслажденью…

T. – Well, are there any ideas about what else helps you to enjoy yourself?

P. – There are a lot of things that help me to enjoy life as it is. Firstly, my motto is: “Take it easy”. Secondly, my steps to happiness are:

  •  Work hard at what you like.
  •  Be helpful to others.
  •  Discover what makes you happy and make time to do it.
  •  Be mobile, dance to keep fit.
  •  Make plans. Be organized.
  •  Remember: We all have rights and laws.

T. – Thank you. Come on with your ideas concerning the topic. What helps you to enjoy yourself?

P.7 (a girl) – My male classmates do. They are handsome guys, indeed; what’s more they are clever. They always do subjects in a proper way. They behave! They are gentlemen! And it makes me happy, truly! Nowadays we are told: the world is becoming a very scary place. Violence, teen pregnancy, and AIDS cases are increasing. More and more teens are turning to drugs and alcohol. But when I enter my classroom and see Igor, Artyom, and Styopa I can’t help exclaiming “It’s not so bad! It’s not so bad! Life is grant, indeed. I believe in fortune!”

T. – Well, let me share the recollections of my childhood that make me happy now, make me worship each and every moment of the life. How long ago it seems! Coming back to the past I see myself a bread – and butter miss with, wavy short red hair and youthful unpainted face in freckles dressed in all-fitted coat and skirt and a jumper, trailing behind my father like a little hoarse. The experience takes place in Moscow my father and me are regularly leaving for, each time my father gets his month’s salary to buy baranki (dry pastry circles), some bread-stuffs and once a year boots black in colour, the same in style and shape for all the six male and female children of the family. That was it! I often find myself recalling that sort of events again and again and each time remembering brings curious warm pleasure, indeed!

( Note: I ask to translate the story sentence by sentence)

T. – Well, let’s, make happy end. What other powerful instrument makes our spirits bright? Of course, songs do. Let’s sing what we’ve learned by heart lately. (Maybe Eminem, Linkin Park or ABBA).

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